Miller Anderson
He mother and father are called, Anna Anderson and James Anderson respectively.
He has a big sister who is abroad for work, named Samantha Anderson.
Miller's disposition is lazy and lackadaisical, he only exerts the needed amount of energy to get by the day and only ever overuses energy on things he has a massive interest in. He calls this 'energy saving', others just call him lethargic and lazier than a sloth. He likes to banter and tease with his friends, as getting a reaction is always funny to Miller. In times of stress and worry, he will temporarily dispose of his lazy nature and exerts all energy.
His family, well known as the best Forensic scientists in the city. Their parents had always tried to raise their children well and seek out their own paths in lives. Growing up their parents were never really strict, only that they needed to do well in school. This had cause Miller to be relatively lazy in things he is not interested in, but he does look up to his parents and he took the same path of learning Forensics. His sister had instead had more of a penchant of being a Lawyer, and excelled at it. She was so popular that she was hired abroad to be a lawyer for some rich family.
At a particular incident during his childhood, he was on a trip with his parents in Philippines, where they were staying at the countryside. He was busy playing around with his sister and her friends, when he suddenly just dropped into a hole. The hole was dark, and he was stuck in there for more than a few hours. This event had somewhat traumatized Miller growing up and it would take a few therapeutic lessons to fix, but the fear remained.
In university, Miller was the top of his class in Forensics, earning the top seat at the subject. On his other subjects, he does above average but nothing too special as Miller never really took special interest in most of the other subjects at hand. He had an oddball roommate named 'James Williams' who he thought was just some bookworm but was relatively cool and Miller could get along with him well enough.
Job Before The Outbreak:
University student, majoring in Forensics\Part-time waiter at a some big name french resturant
Irrational fear of the dark, stems from an incident in his childhood.
Weapon of Choice:
A firm and strong metal bat is what he uses the most. He also tends to use a machete or any sharp weapons he can grasp.
Basic necessities, like water, food and the like. He has found a few medicinal supplies.
Owns a beat down rucksack where he keeps his supplies and weapons.