Something I've been working on. It's half done, but I thought I'd start gathering feedback early, so that I might shape the RP accordingly before I release the finished product.
To members of my other RP, NO, I haven't abandoned you. I usually run 2-3 RPs, and am very capable of doing so, so do not worry. Also, if you like the look of this, then come on in ;)

Ah... my beautiful Fenstone.
Such a wonderful place. A place where a man can arrive as a serf, and become a king. A place where a whore can earn herself enough gold to buy her clients into poverty. It is a both a gem and a blight on the Kingdom of Erva, but none can doubt the economic advantages of such a place existing within one's borders.
Mercenaries and foreign merchants present Fenstone's legal face, but it stops there. For underneath my city's beautiful, murky exterior, there is much darkness in her even murkier interior. Assassin guilds make backroom deals with disgruntled nobles, felling blue blooders left and right with their night time artistry. Thieves guilds operate in plain sight of the town guard, but hidden by their continuous bribes, as they pass on their ill-gained goods to ignorant (or maybe not) customers. Rogue guilds, a dastardly lot, cause trouble where they think it's needed. Then there are other, lesser known entities. Together, they all represent a trade that supplies the Crown with more gold than the city's taxes ever will.
That was, until Prince Gallowheart arrived with his "ideals" and "passions" regarding the notion of law and order. The man is wicked, as cold as iron, and as unfeeling as an arachnid digesting its prey. He brought with him many hundreds of soldiers, dismantled the town guard, and laid down his own form of security. His own form of justice.
The price of stealing a loaf of bread, is now the loss of a head. The price of murdering your neighbour? The loss of a head. The price of conspiring with shadow guilds? The loss of the heads of all of those you love, though you are spared to live in misery. Yes, Prince Gallowheart is a ruthless individual, and under his year-long stewardship of Fenstone, he has systematically destroyed our much beloved underworld.
The Thieves guilds can no longer operate as freely as they once did, having lost over a half of their number to double-crosses and Crown-subsidised informants. The assassins guilds have all but been purged, the blood trails of their trade leading back to them in many circumstances; the price to be paid for complacency. The rogues? Well, they don't make much trouble any more, not where it can be seen in any case.
Though if Prince Gallowheart thinks he can extinguish the shadow guilds so easily, he must be mad. He has humiliated them, hurt them, but he has not destroyed them. They burn with vengeance, and many of them have existed longer than he has lived. Each assassin, thief and rogue slain is a brother or sister lost. The shadow guilds are riled for confrontation, and in the shadows of Fenstone's shrinking underbelly, they are regrouping.
Though their comeback is not guaranteed. The Prince has the streets patrolled often, and his men are by now experienced lawmen. They know what to look for in an individual, what questions to ask, and what to do once they have the slightest suspicion. Perhaps then, the Prince needs his strength cut from under him? Soldiers wont fight for a man who struggles to get his payments to them on time, and nobles wont support a Prince who stands idly by as they are murdered one by one.
And what of the common man? He has been brutalised by the law, perhaps more so than the Shadow guilds. The streets are lined with the hanging corpses of wrong doers; adulterers, bankers, petty thieves and the wrongly accused. He seethes for revenge, but what can he do? With a population of just a few thousand, standing up to the Prince's soldiers with axes and rolling pins is a quick way to die.
But if the Shadow guilds showed them that the Prince's men were fallible and flawed, perhaps they could stir them into action?
Time will tell, but this story will only end in one way...
... With Prince Gallowheart's head hanging from the turrets of his blasted castle.
Guild Name:
Guild Mark: A body marking all of its members have, and its location. This is optional.
Guild Type: Asassin Guild, Thief Guild, Rogue Guild, Spy's Guild, Pirate Guild.
Guild's Location: Choose a district that house's your guild. The location will be hidden from the Prince, initially, and known only to you and the other players.
Guild's Aims: What your guild is trying to gain from the situation.
Guild Master: The name of the Guild Master.
Physical Description:
Psychological Profile:
To members of my other RP, NO, I haven't abandoned you. I usually run 2-3 RPs, and am very capable of doing so, so do not worry. Also, if you like the look of this, then come on in ;)

Authored by Dungeon Blaster
RP Summary
- Set in a fictional medieval town of Fenstone.
- No magic, but fantasy races allowed.
- Medieval/early gunpowder tech.
- Players are assassins, rogues and thieves.
- They can either play as a Guild master, recruiting other characters to their cause.
- OR, they can play as a free lance contractor.
- Fenstone has recently been occupied by a particularly terrible benefactor, Prince Gallowheart, who is a zealot of law and order.
- The Shadow Guilds, guilds of rogues, assassins and thieves, have suffered under his crack down on their activities.
- Naturally, they all very much wish to see the end of his reign, before he manages to find and kill them all.
- Therefore the RP's aim is to bring down Prince Gallowheart, through any means necessary.
- The GM plays the living, breathing world, throwing challenges and death at the players as they attempt to track down the Prince, ambush his soldiers, steal his goods and murder his peers.
- Outside of this, the world is very much sandbox in style, with players free to do what they wish, but with the GM's watchful eye awaiting them to make a mistake worthy of killing off their character.
A Prince Comes to Town
Ah... my beautiful Fenstone.
Such a wonderful place. A place where a man can arrive as a serf, and become a king. A place where a whore can earn herself enough gold to buy her clients into poverty. It is a both a gem and a blight on the Kingdom of Erva, but none can doubt the economic advantages of such a place existing within one's borders.
Mercenaries and foreign merchants present Fenstone's legal face, but it stops there. For underneath my city's beautiful, murky exterior, there is much darkness in her even murkier interior. Assassin guilds make backroom deals with disgruntled nobles, felling blue blooders left and right with their night time artistry. Thieves guilds operate in plain sight of the town guard, but hidden by their continuous bribes, as they pass on their ill-gained goods to ignorant (or maybe not) customers. Rogue guilds, a dastardly lot, cause trouble where they think it's needed. Then there are other, lesser known entities. Together, they all represent a trade that supplies the Crown with more gold than the city's taxes ever will.
That was, until Prince Gallowheart arrived with his "ideals" and "passions" regarding the notion of law and order. The man is wicked, as cold as iron, and as unfeeling as an arachnid digesting its prey. He brought with him many hundreds of soldiers, dismantled the town guard, and laid down his own form of security. His own form of justice.
The price of stealing a loaf of bread, is now the loss of a head. The price of murdering your neighbour? The loss of a head. The price of conspiring with shadow guilds? The loss of the heads of all of those you love, though you are spared to live in misery. Yes, Prince Gallowheart is a ruthless individual, and under his year-long stewardship of Fenstone, he has systematically destroyed our much beloved underworld.
The Thieves guilds can no longer operate as freely as they once did, having lost over a half of their number to double-crosses and Crown-subsidised informants. The assassins guilds have all but been purged, the blood trails of their trade leading back to them in many circumstances; the price to be paid for complacency. The rogues? Well, they don't make much trouble any more, not where it can be seen in any case.
Though if Prince Gallowheart thinks he can extinguish the shadow guilds so easily, he must be mad. He has humiliated them, hurt them, but he has not destroyed them. They burn with vengeance, and many of them have existed longer than he has lived. Each assassin, thief and rogue slain is a brother or sister lost. The shadow guilds are riled for confrontation, and in the shadows of Fenstone's shrinking underbelly, they are regrouping.
Though their comeback is not guaranteed. The Prince has the streets patrolled often, and his men are by now experienced lawmen. They know what to look for in an individual, what questions to ask, and what to do once they have the slightest suspicion. Perhaps then, the Prince needs his strength cut from under him? Soldiers wont fight for a man who struggles to get his payments to them on time, and nobles wont support a Prince who stands idly by as they are murdered one by one.
And what of the common man? He has been brutalised by the law, perhaps more so than the Shadow guilds. The streets are lined with the hanging corpses of wrong doers; adulterers, bankers, petty thieves and the wrongly accused. He seethes for revenge, but what can he do? With a population of just a few thousand, standing up to the Prince's soldiers with axes and rolling pins is a quick way to die.
But if the Shadow guilds showed them that the Prince's men were fallible and flawed, perhaps they could stir them into action?
Time will tell, but this story will only end in one way...
... With Prince Gallowheart's head hanging from the turrets of his blasted castle.
City Layout
Character Fatality
Guild Sheet
Guild Name:
Guild Mark: A body marking all of its members have, and its location. This is optional.
Guild Type: Asassin Guild, Thief Guild, Rogue Guild, Spy's Guild, Pirate Guild.
Guild's Location: Choose a district that house's your guild. The location will be hidden from the Prince, initially, and known only to you and the other players.
Guild's Aims: What your guild is trying to gain from the situation.
Guild Master: The name of the Guild Master.
Character Sheet
Physical Description:
Talents one has either naturally or through education or training of some sort.
Psychological Profile:
An idea of how the character thinks and so forth; should be linked to the history.