Maria Hallins
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Height and Weight: 5'7 and 152lbs
Brief Personality: The one word which describes Maria best begins with a B and ends with -itch. She couldn't really care less for others unless they are actually helping. If they have a use, then Maria will like them and only if they have a use. Maria's moral compass doesn't quite point north nor south so she is willing to do what she needs to to survive just short of killing an unarmed person. That is, unless said unarmed person attacked first. In that case, they are as good as dead after getting the shit punched out of them.
Background: Maria was born into a world which she spent only a third of her life in. she was ten when the bombs fell and her entire World was torn apart like paper in a shredder. She survived out of the millions, nay billions of people who died. One can only imagine what it must have been like for the young Maria to be thrown into a world where laws didn't exist anymore, where murder was normal, and where her parents were nothing more than a burden, an anachronism to a time when morals mattered. Maria was lucky to have survived even a year in the care of her parents who trusted everybody they came across unfaultingly only for them to rob them blind every time. Eventually the three came across a group of survivors who put an end to Maria's foolish parents.
For nearly a year Maria hated the people who saved her. They called themselves 'The Mountaineers' and took Maria out of the mostly abandoned New England further south following the Appalachian Mountains. She was like a pet to them, a creature they could raise to do whatever they wanted. Nobody would expect the tiny waif of a child having stolen your food and water after sitting in an abandoned building crying for her parents ya know. And so, the Mountaineers raised Maria to be bait for those who still had the morality to help a sad child. They taught her how to use a bow, skin an animal, and hunt prey silently. Eventually Maria came to realize that the Mountaineers were, twisted though their morals were, possibly the best case scenario of meeting survivors. Eventually Maria outgrew being a crying waif and became a fawningly beautiful woman who would travel with the poor lonely man who had wondered through the city for 'protection'.
Maria eventually fell in love with Marcus, a roughshod man compared to the gentler men in the mountaineers. Marcus couldn't care less for survivors who wondered the street hoping for a kind soul to help. He knew there was no such thing in this new world and he made no exceptions. But, he had always had a soft spot for Maria, the girl he had saved from an almost certain death with her parents. He was twenty-one when the bombs fell and took to drinking early after but was rescued from a pit of dispair by his friends and formed the Mountaineers. Not too long after they met Maria and rescued her as well for Marcus knew he couldn't leave her with parents who weren't willing to give up on foolish morals. But Maria loved him anyway for he had been the most amazing person she knew.
Their love didn't last long though. The Mountaineers finally got further south only to encounter raiders who attacked them. Many of both groups were injured including Maria who had gotten grazed by a bullet striking across her left shoulder. Marcus and six of the thirteen members of the Mountaineers were fatally wounded and buried in shallow graves marked only by a pile of stones over them. The Mountaineers fell apart without Marcus and eventually Maria took to traveling alone for a long time. Maria traveled for a good year before coming back to what one could consider a sort of civilization. It was a trading post of a sorts in Northern Florida that Maria had stopped at where she traded some pelts and a few damaged books for supplies. On her way in Maria met Joy, a young woman who had been born into the New World unlike Maria.
Maria easily realized how useful a girl like Joy was especially for somebody like Maria who hunted for her food rather than take supplies from others. A steady supply of food and drinking water meant that, so long as she pulled her own weight, Joy was a use to Maria. Joy happened to be on her way out when Maria met her and just happened to need somebody who was capable of teaching her how to hunt and cook food properly. Maria happend to fit the bill so Joy came with her and left the trading post for the wilderness. A year later, Maria and Joy were once again near civilization. Particularly a place only thirty miles away, a trading post often called Knight's Hold. Few people ever really speak of what the name could possibly mean but it could relate to a couple of bandits who call themselves Knights in the area.
Nomadic or Sedentary?: Nomadic
Alone or With Someone?: With Someone
Any Unsusual Traits? Does it Show Physically?: Maria has sharp growths of bones on the top of her head which extend about two inches out of her hair. She has similar growths on her elbows and knuckles but the growths on her knuckles are more thicker bones rather than growths. Her knuckles have a more limited degree of movement due to the thicker bones but she haas grown use to them.
Weapons: A Simple hunting knife with a blade length of 6 inches, a well maintained hunting bow, and a pocket knife with a four inch blade which is double edged.
Skills: In her thirty years of life, Maria has learned quite a bit about cooking and preparing food. She can tell the difference between meat that is still slightly raw and meat that is cooked edible enough to eat. She can also start a fire easily enough and set up a wind blocker to keep the fire from blowing out. If you bring Maria any small animal, rabbits and smaller, she is capable of skining it. Maria prefers to hunt silently and when she does hunt she uses a well maintained hunting bow. She can hit a target that is moving slowly but can't actually hit a quick target or one which is moving about suddenly. Maria is also a thief from her many years with the Mountaineers.
Other Maria is traveling with Joy Carter.