“I never was good at givin' up.”Warren Wyk was once a physically stern figure, standing 5'11 and weighing 190 lbs. He sported a well-built, stout, athletic body build, with thick black hair and dark blue eyes. Unfortunately, Warren's health is deteriorating with each passing day. He now walks with a hunch, is noticeably thinner than he once was, and his brushed-back hair contains strings of grey hair.
Warren has obvious wrinkles of a man of his age, but noticeably more from his years spent outdoors. He has a small scar on the corner of his right eye, and a large scar on the left side of his abdomen.【
Full Name】
Warren Wyk of Rochwin
Devil of the Desert; the Redsand Butcher
Monarchism, if you ask, but only to avoid an argument. He prefers to place his faith in himself and his allies.
The Wyk family is a noble house living in Rochwin in the service of lord Jachsen. His father was killed during the Restwaerd-Broacien war. His mother died of old age in the year 120 P.B. He has a younger brother, Villas Wyk, who currently lives in Rochwin. His sister, Talia, has married a noble in Hoffburgt, where she currently lives.
Rochwin village, of the Barren Flats
Societal standing】
The Wyk family is a highborn family in Rochwin, having served the lords of Barren Hall for many generations.
Former employment】
Squire while serving at Barren Hall, sellsword in the service of the Blackblades, a soldier during Cherwin's invasion of Broacien, a soldier during Gregar's fight against the sultanate, and a mercenary leader in and around Redsand.
Rank and role】
At his core, Warren is a soldier, and a damn good swordsman. He has extensive knowledge of the Barren Flats, and nearly as much knowledge of Redsand.
Warren is a stern and just man, emphasizing loyalty, respect, and discipline. He holds 'good men' in high regard, and treats them with the utmost respect, regardless of title or rank. He despises greed, corruption, and selfishness. Warren sees the world in black and white: you're either good, or you're evil. In that sense, you're either with him, or against him. When Warren finds someone of like mind, he considers them a staunch ally, and feels a lot more comfortable working with them. Loyalty is especially important to him; you can rest easy knowing Warren will never stab you in the back, and will never let anyone stab you in the back - even if you're his enemy. He believes you should settle things as a man, face to face. The only exception to this rule is when fighting the sultan's men.
Warren also believes in harsh justice. He offers very little to no mercy for his enemies. But he's also hypocritical, refusing to hurt women and children - regardless of their actions. In fact, Warren may very well defend a thieving scoundrel than let authorities accost and execute them, so long as they're a woman. This is partly why Warren supported Queen Ella when Gregar Barin came to take the throne.
Warren looks upon soldiers with high regard, respecting their bravery, even though many are frightened peasants. He also holds men who earn titles in higher regard than those who were given them. A general who became a general for his actions on the field, for example, is likely to find a loyal ally within Warren Wyk.
Warren harbors a cold hatred against the ibn-Wahad sultanate. Man, woman, child; soldier, thief, peasant; armed, unarmed; aware, unaware... it doesn't matter to Warren. The only good desert-crawlers are dead desert-crawlers.
Warren Wyk was born in the town of Rochwin in the year of 92 P.B. The noble Wyk family are natives of the Barren Flats and have served the lords of Barren Hall for as long as it has stood. Warren is the oldest of three children, with a younger brother named Villas, and a sister named Talia.
As nobles, Warren and Villas were to be trained as swordsmen at Barren Hall, who would one day be knighted by the king of Broacien himself. When Warren was twelve years old his father fought against the armies of Restwaerd in the service of the Broacien king for four years, until his death in the year 109 P.B., at the battle of Restwaerd's capital. A seventeen year old Warren became the patriarch of the Wyk family and confessed his loyalty to the lord of Barren Hall.
Warren was already a notable swordsman, showing great potential in his training, and decided to join a band of mercenaries in the Barren Flats known as the Blackblades. Villas then became the head of the Wyk family. The Blackblades were a small but noteworthy band of warriors that mostly roamed and operated in the Barren Flats. They wielded 'dark steel', which was just like ordinary steel, but forged in a way so that the steel took on a dark color, and Warren has wielded his own dark steel longsword ever since his joining. The Blackblades served the lords of Barren Hall, escorting caravans and suppressing bandits. Some of the men in the Blackblades were knights who trained the younger members, and Warren's expertise with the sword continued to soar.
Warren was 24 years old by the year 116 P.B. He marched with the Blackblades into Grosswick to support the King Tristan in his fight against Cherwin. While in his presence, King Tristan knighted Warren Wyk. Warren and his allies helped to repel the invaders, but the Cherwin king slew Tristan in single combat soon after. Feeling defeated, the Blackblades operated within Grosswick afterwards, helping to sedate the region after the invasion.
The Blackblades supported Queen Ella when she ascended to the throne and vowed to serve her. Warren was further trained in the capital. When Gregar Barin came to Hoffburgt, and demanded he be king, the Blackblades began to turn on each other. Some wanted to support Queen Ella, while others wanted to leave and join the large mercenary army of Gregar Barin. The Blackblades split up and dissolved into other groups. Warren wanted to support Queen Ella, but knew Gregar's victory would be inevitable. Fortunately, Gregar was betrothed to Ella's daughter, so Warren could settle for that. The Blackblades, however, never reformed.
Warren was 29 years old by 121 P.B. When the ibn-Wahad sultanate invaded Broacien's southern region of Redsand, he marched with King Gregar's army and fought at the battle in the Gulley of Caprin. Warren cut down dozens of the Sultan's men, earning him fame and recognition amongst the soldiers. He was slightly injured during the battle when a sword's point sliced open the skin along his right eye. Warren relocated to Coedwin the following year, wanting to work against the Sultan's men.
By age 30, Warren's health began to decline. He fell ill with fever, sweat profusely, could hardly breath and at times couldn't stand. When his health returned he'd venture out into the Redsand wilds and even south into the Sultan's lands, working against their patrols, protecting caravans, and butchering the desert lords' men. Every time he returned to Coedwin, however, he would fall ill again, and each time it was progressively worse.
Other mercenaries flocked to Warren's side, and many called them 'Wyk's Raiders'. Even when he fell ill, Wyk's Raiders carried out his orders. Warren carried out morally questionable acts against the sultan's men. He was brutal, relentless, and fierc, as he and Wyk's Raiders left bloody and gruesome carcasses strewn across the desert. He fell ill during one such operation and suffered a grievous injury when he was struck by a javelin. He was tended to back at Coedwin, but it nearly cost him his life. Even after the incident, he continued his operations. Warren became known as 'the Redsand Butcher', and even 'the Devil of the Desert' for his actions against the ibn-Wahad sultanate and local bandits.
The year is 127 P.B., and Warren is a thirty-five year old veteran whose health has never been worse. But he is determined to join the Black Shields and has made his way to Rot Donar. But how long will his health keep him?
Dreams, short term goals, and fears.】
Warren just wants to make the world a better place, but even he knows that such a task is impossible. Nevertheless, Warren will do everything in his power to protect and help as many people as he can. Warren's greatest fear is a world where tyrants rule unopposed.
Warren has extensive knowledge of the Barren Flats and nearly as much knowledge of Redsand; he knows the ins and outs of both regions. He's also fought and slaughtered enough of the Sultan's soldiers that he knows how to deal with them quickly and efficiently. Because of his highborn birth, service at Barren Hall, and to former Queen Ella, current King Gregar, and his operations against the sultanate, he's well-respected and liked by the Broacien nobles.
Martial prowess】
An excellent swordsman, something his former comrades cannot stress enough. Those who have seen a healthy Warren fight would tell you he's one of the greatest swordsmen in Broacien, and perhaps the known world. His prowess during the battle at the Gulley of Caprin caused many of the infantry to spin legends about him, as he single-handedly cut down dozens of the sultanate's men.
Combat style】
When dueling against high-born individuals or knights, he's fair and reserved, favoring defense over offense. Against thieves and scoundrels, Warren uses a non-lethal, quick method of swordsmanship to disable or disarm his opponents. Against bandits, vagabonds, and the sultanat's men, he's a ruthless and capable warrior, paying them no mercy; he's especially brutal to the sultanate's men.
A dark steel longsword given to him by the Blackblades. He has been using it ever since, and has grown attached to it.
Warren is adept at archery, but certainly not the best. He can hunt with it, and hit a few targets at range, but prefers his sword. He carries a basic shortbow and a quiver of arrows.
Image Warren will change his attire when necessary, especially when he roams the regions below Redsand, where it gets incresingly hot, and when a disguise is required.