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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyoshi followed Aya's lead into the city, hoping that her little soul tracking trait was as good as she claimed! Thankfully it seemed she was right on the money and they found a soul, but she also seemed to have been right about it being a rather rude soul as it flipped Aya off. Leaping into action Koyoshi grabbed Aya around her waist, attempting to stop her from drawing her sword "W-wait we still need to ask him! You can't do that yet" She said, knowing that her small frame would have done little to stop her if she really wanted to draw her sword...

"Just let me I am sure he ent all that bad..." She said letting go of Aya, hoping that she would not just go and cut the ghost in half. "Excuse me-," The ghost turned around, he was clearly a former delinquent from when he was alive with his mohawk and all. "I though I told you two to fuck off? What, do I have to spell it out for ya?" Koyoshi looked down to the ground at this point "Whats the matter little girl? Aww, did I make you- eh? WHA!" Suddenly Koyoshi had reached out, grabbing the thug ghosts collar before slamming him into the ground as hard as she could.

The first thing that came down was her blade, it stabbing into the ground beside the ghosts head while the shinigami also twisted his arm behind him back so she had control. "Now listen here 'good' sir~" Peering back the ghost could see a rather dark and threatening glare staring down at him "We are after a rather scary looking monster, and if it continues to hurt people because you were too rude to us, then I will have to make sure to punish you~"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya was halted by Koyoshi from cutting the ghost man in half and sending him to hell where he belonged..... Okay it was more so she tried and Aya was distracted by the cuteness of it. But she said she couldn't do it.... yet. So Aya took her hand off her zanpakuto and eyed the punk ghost as Koyoshi tried talking to him. The host was pretty harsh to the sweet innocent Koyoshi so when Aya was about to step in, her eyes widened as the tiny female slammed the ghost to the ground and then held her blade out to intimidate him. Aya rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't imagining this.

Stepping closer to the ghost she shook her head. "You never suspect the innocent ones. So Mr. Ghosty, you tell us where this acid creature might be and well send you off to the good place. Or ya know, I can drag ya to hell myself. Or hell she might." Aya said pointing at Koyoshi, which the ghost then pointed in a direction. "I-it left a t-trail of s-s-sorts over there..... please don't hurt me...."

Aya then held up a finger shunpoing off and a minute later returned. "Yep he is clear." Aya said pulling out her sword, but instead of killing the man and sending him to suffer in hell.... forever. She politely sent him to the Soul Society, and when he was gone she looked at Koyoshi and smiled. "Ya got some spunk. You remind me of Chie a bit. Was timid as a child but man that spunk came as she matured. Anyway it left a bit of a trail, not a lot but enough to figure out that it went further into the city."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyoshi made sure to twist the mans arm just a little more when Aya directed his attention towards her, making sure that the point they were trying to make got across nice and well. Of course after his information was confirmed and the ghost was sent off to the Soul Society for his good deed, Koyo got back to her normal self, just noticing she kinda lost her temper with the guy...

"I ah... Sorry, I don't know what came over me..." She was pretty embarassed by the whole thing, even blushing and lowering her head to stare at the floor for a moment "Oh! We have a trail to follow, right!" She remembered the reason they were here before turning around in a rushed she almost tripped, but despite her clumsy ways she still shunpoed off to the start of the trail where she waited for Aya. "It doesn't look all that old, maybe a day?" She waited for Aya to show up next to her "Did you want to take the lead?" She asked, looking up to the other women.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya made a pfft sound as she waved her hand at her. "Its cool, ya gotta give some tude back to those giving tude to you. Ya know what I mean? And sure thing little rabbit, I'm like a natural at taking the lead." Aya said as she took off running following the tiny trail until she came to what looked like an office building. "And this is where the trail ends. So it's somewhere around here ma-" Aya was caught off by a hollow with green liquid dripping from its mouth rammed into to her, sending her right into the office building. The hollow would then look at Koyoshi as Aya sat up looking at her burned skin. "Resist... tearing.... it.... in.... half."

As the Hollow, which resembled a bull of sorts started digging its hoof against the ground, Aya came out of the building and hopped on its back only to hop back off. "Fucking asshole! That burned!" Aya said although she should have known better considering its acidic touch. So as the bull charged at them which made shove Koyoshi out of the way, as Aya's skin turned steel like and held her arm out to halt the bull like hollow and hold it in place. Aya looked at Koyoshi, and with her head pointed at the hollow, in a way to say. Your turn rabbit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Nairin set off to travel to the location she as given. She didn't know the human world much but did know the names of the more popular and spoke about areas which were generally cities within Japan. She may not of seemed to pay much attention while in class at the academy but she knew that she had to complete her homework to a good enough standard to graduate and so she did study in her spare time. Ironically she learned more on her own than in class. With that aside, Nairin absent-mindedly lead Shizuka. She assumed the girl wouldn't follow her at first but after hearing the sounds of steps behind her Nairin negated that assumption.

Reaching the location, Nairin scanned her eyes across a network of bustling streets within the city of Kofu. Clearly invisible to the humans around her, Nairin took to walking along the pathways, dodging the oncoming humans reflexively. After about a minute, Nairin shunpo'ed on top of a nearby building, the realisation of the fact that she had no damn idea what she was looking around for rose to the forefront of her mind. "Well this is going to take longer than I thought... since any hollow that may be hanging around could be our target." Voicing her concerns, whether or not Shizuka was listening, Nairin kissed her teeth with a sudden scowl. 'Dammit Squad Twelve Captain. How do you have nothing on this hollow, I thought you smart people were supposed to know everything about everyone or something. For fucks sake.' Closing her eyes Nairin tried to focus on sensing hollows instead. Since sensing was definitely not one of Nairin's strong points, she paired sensing with the use of her ears to pick up on any particularly unusual noises as she was more capable at finding her targets through sound more than with her mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago


Staying rather quiet, he nodded back at Ike after the captain briefed them on their objective. Clutching his sword tightly, he marched out of the captain's office. Going on a mission. He has heard many stories from his elders about how these things can turn out. Marching into some sort of forbidden place just to claim a legendary sword. Running all the way from the Gotei Thirteen proper into the mountains just because the captain wanted to train their speed and endurance. Going into Hueco Mundo, swords drawn and not a care in the world. Simple, mindless slaughter. Needless to say, these things can take on many different forms.

Walking besides Ike, Kyoichi felt the need to introduce himself first. "Well, since we're going to be working together, I figured we should get the introduction out of the way. My name is Kuroda Kyoichi. I don't care which one you use to address me..." He said, walking forward and holding out a hand for a handshake. "I don't have a squad yet, which begs the question why and how the captain found me to partake in this mission...I blame my family members, you see, they were all shinigami before me...Couple of captains of the olden days, no big deal.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyoshi followed Aya's lead as they started to follow the trail of acid marks that were left behind by the hollow, not a very subtle creature it seemed but at least that gave Koyo a hint as to what they were going to be facing. After reaching the end of the trail Koyo gave off a sigh "Strange, maybe it went up?" She commented right before Aya started talking, her eyes peering up to the sky just as the large bull like hollow smashed Aya through the wall!

Turning to each other the hollow and Koyoshi faced off, however the being normally driven by a single desire stopped dead in its tracks then the girl glared towards him, her hand reaching for the hilt of her blade as she gripped it in anger. "huh?" Koyo's eyes and aura softened as she saw Aya jump off the things back, causing the hollow to start charging! Though before Koyoshi had any time to react Aya pushed her out of the way and stopped the bull with a strange ability. "I-I throught you were kidding about the skin of steel thing?" She said standing up as fast as she could, wondering just what the heck made her lose a arm now...

Seeing her chance Koyoshi drew her blade with almost godly speed and lept into the air, pointing the tip straight towards the things spine, aiming to drive it straight trough and pin it to the ground with her weapons sheer length.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ike Tsugi

As the two males walked, Kuroda began to speak up about introduction and pulled ahead and held his hand out for an introduction. He spoke about wondering how he got on this mission when he didn't have a squad then blamed his parents saying they were all shinigami, some of which used to be captains a long time ago. This really just sounded like the guy wanted to do some bragging. Ike rolled his eyes as he shook Kuroda's hand, before releasing his grip. "Ike Tsugi, I was in squad ten before hand, but my clan are known for raising hakuda masters each time, so they may have favored that a bit." Ike said as he walked past Kuroda and continued on his way.

Ike arrived at the portal and told the guards where he and Kuroda were going, looking back he smirked. "Keep up if you can KK." Ike said as he took off into the portal and ran until he found Mito's entrance and ran through it. As soon as he was in the human world he looked down at the city and tilted his head. "A normal hollow that spawn mini ones. Well guess I'll just keep kicking every hollows ass until it does something." Ike decided and waited for Kuroda to appear and when he did, he took off once more looking for hollows. Yet when looking became boring, he started to release some of his spiritual energy to draw some towards him.

Aya Oda

Aya gritted her teeth as she dug her feet into the ground while the bull hollow tried to gore her into the ground. Koyoshi marveled at her steel skin assuming it was a joke to which Aya giggled while being pushed back. "Nope, all true. Even my hair becomes steel." Aya said smiling at Koyoshi showing even her teeth became sharper, when the bull then lifted its head, sending Aya Into the air only for Koyoshi to pierce through its spin, this made it snarl as it started bucking around the area. Even though the blade was long, the strength of this bull hollow was much too incredible to be pinned in one spot long enough.

It then started charging at a house and then tried to ram its back into the building in an attempt to shake Koyoshi off it. Aya landed on the ground a little bit away and growled as she drew her sword and said her shikai release which transformed the tiny sword into a massive sword which was much bigger, than both Aya and Koyoshi. And while the bull was busy, she quickly set up a Fushibi in front of her and hoped when the bull set its sights on Aya, that the bakudo would hold it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Is it finished?"

Koyoshi questioned herself as the blade was hilted within the beast, its movements slowing for all but a moment before going into a rage! She held on tightly though wobbled in a clumsy manner, as she used her sword as a lever to try and keep footing beast but despite her swords size the things unearthly will drove it on to try and ram her into a building. "Tch" The girl clicked her tongue, before pulling on the wrapping around her swords hilt and jumping right towards the wall!


The wall gave way to the intense palm strike, though the sheer force that was used to ram her into ti did not leave her unharmed. Standing from the floor she reached up with one hand to feel a small stream of blood dripping down the side of her face. "Oooo, that looks bad~ By the way, would you mind NOT leaving me behind like that?" Koyoshi ignored the voice for a moment, her hand removing the bandaid from her nose to place it on her head. "I didn't" Gripping tightly the clothe wrapping in her other hand she started to make her way towards the hole int he wall she made, feeling the clothe tugg and pull as the battle continued outside...

"Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden"

Suddenly as Auya was fighting the bull a bolt of lightning traveled down the clothe wrapping, channeling it to the sword still wedged in the things back to deliver a massive shock! Stunning the thing, but it seemed that Koyoshi was getting a little out of hand"Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden... Hadō #11. Tsuzuri Raiden..." The thing survived shock after shock before Koyoshi pulled the wrapping, drawing the sword from the beasts back and to her feet, which she almost collapsed to get.. Seemed like casting that many Hado over and over was the most energy efficent plans, but it was now open for Aya to finish the job!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago


"Ah. Hakuda. Thats the hand to hand combat art of the Shinigami, right? I have heard stories from my elders of old masters, two in particular, that literally went into a cave, loaded it up with reiatsu-infused balls and trained in there. Their methods were brutal but the results were exceptional. My great grandfather wanted to master hakuda first before he was pulled away from it...The events were never really told to me, but I'm sure it was epic..." He said, chuckling. In truth, whatever Kyoichi was saying was just old stories told to him. He recited them matter-of-factly. However, it can most definitely come off sounding like he was bragging...

"Eh. Oh, yeah. I can keep up..." He said as the pair reached the gate they needed to take to reach their destination. He had missed the fact that Ike called him KK, something he has not heard of before. Upon reaching the human world, Kyoichi stood next to Ike, commenting "Yeah, this sounds a bit tricky since if we don't deal the precise strike, it can just keep spawning smaller hollows to overwhelm us. Yet the captain wanted us to take the hollow back alive as a specimen...so we can't really kill it either.."

As Ike took off once again, Kyoichi followed. Moving about, he kept his head on a swivel, looking for potential targets. When Ike started releasing his spirit energy in order to draw in the hollow, Kyoichi commented "I don't know if that is a good idea....I don't want us to bite off more than we can chew..." He said as he kept his own spirit energy in check...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya Oda

As Aya observed Koyoshi shocked the beast over and over again, she was almost tempted to help the beast out but decided against it since she felt Koyoshi wouldn't mess it up. Since if anything Aya would have messed it up. But with Koyoshi's hado attack finished, the beast staggered a bit as Aya walked forward giving Koyoshi a thumbs up. She then slammed her sword in the ground so she could pick up a rock and throw it hard enough to anger the bull hollow. And as it mustered up another charge she picked her sword up and stood in front of her fushibi. So when it got close to her, she bent down while swinging her shikai and cleaved through all four of its legs sending it flying to be stuck in the fushibi.

Sealing the zanpkauto she walked close to it as it made its roaring sounds. "Ya know I'm not allowed to break your mask when killing you. However crushing your heart is always an option!" Aya said sheathing her sword, and with her metal like arm she pierced her arm through its chest as the hollow roared even more. Aya then made a shush sound as she gripped its heart in her hand and crushed it from within, the bull then stopped roaring and just remained silent. Ripping her arm out she threw something black on the ground and reverted back to her pasty white skin. She then pulled the red button thingy out and pressed the button to signal that they achieved their objective. Aya looked over at Koyoshi and smiled at her. "Are you okay Rabbit?" Aya asked her although being asked this after you just witnessed someone crush and rip out a heart is probably what you wouldn't expect from said person.

Ike Tsugi

Ike couldn't help but look back at Kuroda as he suggested not taking on more hollows than they could handle, and laugh at this idea. Didn't this man just get through bragging about what his clan did and what they had in the past and such? This mighty clan that had former captains and members that did highly dangerous training and here was a man saying a few hollows might be too much. "Well if were going to fight a hollow that can just keep spawning smaller versions of itself. Then we might as well get use to it, besides I'm not scared. The more challenging the better!"

Ike stated as he continued to raise his power until he spotted a hollow on the roof and grinned at Kuroda. "Well if you are that worried then you can just watch me kick ass! I'll make sure you get sent to whatever squad you want." Ike said as he descended onto the roof and looked at the hollow, as it turned around to face him. It then began a charge to which Ike got into a boxing stance and when it got close he side stepped to the left and rammed his fist into its chest and pushed the hollow back. The hollow again charged but with Ike this time sliding under its legs and drop kicking it from behind sending it falling to the ground. So when it charged again Ike's joy like face turned into a bored one as he arced his fist back palm showing and upon getting close Ike slammed his palm into the hollows face and shattered its mask causing it to vanish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago


"I'm not scared. I'm just saying... attracting unwanted attention is probably a bad idea... But you do have a point..." He said, grinned. It is true. His clan was one of warriors. Smart ones, brutish ones, shy ones, brave ones. All the same. They were all held to a very high standard. Regardless of their craft, they became masters of. It is still true with Kyoichi. Sure, he is the freshest of fresh when it comes to new recruits to the Gotei Thirteen. But, having trained with his family, he can at the very least use his unreleased sword to some moderate proficiency.

Then there is the other point of the 'Tainted Blood'... The condition that has affected his family for generations. He was raised with special care, for it has been told that he will be one that carries the trait. He has been taught to avoid conflict, to minimize bloodshed. However, his caution was thrown aside when Ike called him out as if he was scared to fight off a few measly hollows...

Drawing his sword, he let his spiritual energy flow freely for the first time in what seems to be forever. Ripples of bluish energy with orange outlines can be seen around him. The color of his eyes seems to have changed along with his expressions. Gone was the genuine smile, being replaced by a stern, serious look. "Ike, you're such a brute, smashing in there like that. If one is to kill, one should kill with grace..." He said, as he dashed towards another charging hollow, drawn in by the influx of spiritual energy. With his sword held to his right side, Kyoichi executed a clean cut to the neck of the hollow, hurting it. However, he did not cut all the way through, so the hollow reared it's head with a screech. "So noisy. You clumsy beast..." Kyoichi said as he dashed towards the front legs of the beast, cutting through it this time. "Learn to bow your head..." He said, his voice as cold as the steel he held. Without its front legs, the hollow crumbled. Seizing the opportunity, Kyoichi dashed once more and stood on top of the hollow's head. Without another word, he drove his sword through the mask of the beast, causing it to scatter as ash.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyoshi peered upand readied herself just in case the hollow got out of control again, but with Aya's overwhelming strength and toughness she was able to put the thing down for the count. With the battle concluded she stood up from the ground, her hand starting to wrap the cloth around the hilt of her blade as Aya walks over. "Yeah, I am fine, I got a small cut on my head from the impact before but nothing that wont heal soon." Thankfully she always wore that band aid on her nose so it stopped the bleeding, though for why she even wore it was something she was embarrassed to say.

"By the way, you are really strong Aya!" She said looking up to the other woman in amazement and almost sparkling eyes. "By the way that metal skin thing is really cool! Is it apart of your zanpakuto? Or-or a unique Kido?" She was very excited about it, even bouncing on her toes and causing her pony tail to sway back and forth like a puppies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Time Skip

A Decade had passed in the Soul Society and although peace was at it's highest the majority of the older generation of the Gotei 13 had either retired or been killed. The Squad 8 Captain was murdered by a Shinigami that is now on the run and the former Kenpachi brutally murdered as a new one took his place. Now that a new generation has taken their places at the top, new enemies emerge, peace now threatened by everything from former Shinigami to the thought to be extinct Quincy are now breathing down the Gotei 13's necks...the real question is...who will be the first enemy the Shinigami of the Gotei 13 face?

(I'm never good at these things xD)

Updated Positions etc.

(I did this from memory so if I have forgotten anyone then let me know. Also the character limit has been upped to 6...*looks at Obli* >.>)

List of Squads available to join

Squad 1 Status - Open

Squad 2 Status - Closed

Squad 3 Status - Closed

Squad 4 Status - Open

Squad 5 Status - Closed

Squad 6 Status - Open

Squad 7 Status - Closed

Squad 8 Status - Open

Squad 9 Status - Open

Squad 10 Status - Open?

Squad 11 Status - Open

Squad 12 Status - Open

Squad 13 Status - Open

List of New Captains and Lieutenants

Squad 8: Kuroda Kyoichi - Lieutenant

Squad 9: Sui Sanada - Captain, Akuseru Hitomishu - Lieutenant

Squad 11: Shinzo Harimaya - Captain, Aya Oda & Shizuka - Joint Lieutenant's

(if I missed anything let me know o3o)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shinzo Harimaya & Shizuka Harimaya

Shinzo and Shizuka walked through the Seireitei after coming back from a mission they had been assigned, in truth the mission seemed pointless as Shinzo wasn't even needed...all he did was watch Shizuka massacre this so called Captain Class enemy...if Shizuka was able to take him down then he must have been a pretty pathetic captain. However the Head Captain that had sent them on the mission wanted proof of this mans death, this thought prompted Shinzo to look over his left shoulder to see the top half of the man they just killed being dragged behind Shizuka...usually a Normal Captain would discourage such behaviour as this very sight was causing other Shinigami in the street to throw up as the body after all was in a bad state.

After some time the two arrived at the gates of Squad 1 where Shinzo looked to Shizuka who then threw the body towards the guards as Shinzo spoke "Our mission is done. You can give that to your Captain as proof of our success..." Shinzo then turned and began walking away with Shizuka following until they heard the voice of one of the guards "Hey!! Who the hell do you think we are? We don't have to take orders from you! How about you go give it to him yourself...and show some respect...The Head Captain is your Captain to!" Hearing this Shizuka went to take action yet was stopped when Shinzo placed his right hand on her left shoulder before turning to look at the guards.

"Sorry...let me rephrase what I said. You take that to that pathetic excuse of a Captain you serve and you tell him how good of a job we did or I will personally fucking crush you...Now Kneel you fucking dog!" At that point Shinzo exerted his Spiritual pressure forcing the two guards down to their knee's as Shinzo walked closer to them as they looked up "When you are in my presence you bow...you get on all fours and act like a good doggy...or I'll break your fucking legs and make you kneel! You mustn't have heard of the many Shinigami that have challenged me foolishly for my position of Kenpachi...Maybe you will become the next...Now do as I fucking ordered you dog and take that trash to your Captain..." after saying this Shinzo concealed his power once again, turning around and walking away with Shizuka as he was done talking to the trash that was now sweating and laying on the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 15 days ago

Sitting at his ancestral home, Kyoicho was making tea for his elders, Kenshin the First, Sengoku, and Kenshin the Second were all among them. "So, you finally reached Lieutenant..." Kenshin the First said. "I remember my first lieutenant...how she just left...and how I was made the lieutenant..." He continued on. "It is as if all of this had happened yesterday..." He said as he picked up his cup of tea. "And then there is that Kuchiki prick. Gold flakes in his tea...tsk." He said as he sipped the tea his great-grandson had made for him. "Well, father, when I was younger, you once said that you actually admired Kuchiki Kurisa..." Sengoku said. "I know I did. What I said is true. I admired him. However, his...dastardly methods and behavior was not acceptable. I mean, I ran Squad Six quite well..." Kenshin the First commented. "Yes, father. You were the first non-Kuchiki to be made head of that squad... I took over after you. But, its just not quite the same, not being the first..." "Yes, indeed... Master Kaien...he gave me something too...To commemorate that day...." Kenshin said...

~It was a dark, cloudless night. There was a tree, a single tree that stood on top of a hill. Several jugs of sake can be seen littering the ground. Sound of metal clashing can be heard through the wind. Flashes of movement can be seen through the moonlight. Two masters were conversing. No words were said, only sword slashes. Winds pass. Swords stop.

"I guess I was distracted, listening to the melody we made...the melody we have been making for a long time, Kuroda." He said then pulled him closer into a rough hug with one arm

"Stay strong...and remember, truly strong people are kind." He said, looking down at him and then started vanishing. "I'll be back to check on you, baka disciple...if you die or disappear somewhere, I'll be mad and nothing will save you!" He said with a grin, that turned into an honest smile a second before he disappeared completely. He nodded. "..........Baka master........" He grabbed Ladon, the sword his master made for him, and planted it firmly into the ground. "When you're back, We will draw swords again....until then, take care." He sheathed his sword, one that has been with him the longest. "......." He left the jar his master took and a bag of herbs next to the sword. "........" He grabbed his clothing, draped them over his left shoulder held by his left hand and grabbed his jar with his right and walked off, staring at the starry sky.

The master never truly returned. Only through whispers and rumors. The disciple, now an old man, is left to reminisce of all the memories...~

After a long sip of tea, Kenshin the First said "Well, Kyoichi. It seems like the right time to tell you the location of Ladon, the sword of my master..." Taking out a large scroll, he handed it over to Kyoichi. "Read it. Master it. Only then will you find the true location of Ladon and not a moment before that..." "But, grandfather...You never..." Kenshin the Second and Kyoichi's father spoke up. "Oh hush child. Even if I gave you the scroll and left you alone for a hundred hundred years, you still wouldn't be able to find Ladon. Now go get me some dried persimmons..." Kenshin the First said, bellowing with laughter. With a few grumbles, Kenshin the Second, who was not into the arts of the Sword but kido instead, stood up and walked away. "Now, Kyoichi, I must warn you. That sword was made in Hell's fires. Imbued with the soul of a togabito. It has a mind of its own. It will decide if you are worthy. Not even I can convince her otherwise. It will attack you, physically and mentally. It will draw out your darkest fears and desires. I've been through it. It is dangerous. One false step and you will die. However, I'm sure you can do it!" Kenshin the first said, laughing all the way.

Taking the scroll, Kyoichi put it away in his sleeve pockets. "Well, I don't know if Squad 8 can afford to lose the person in command right now...Not after that bastard killed our captain..." He said, looking down slightly. "Well, you can go hunt him down...Along the way, take some time to discover the secrets contained in that scroll..." Kenshin the First said. "And who knows. Maybe by the time you kill the traitor that killed your captain you'll finally be worthy of Ladon..." he continued. Giving his great-grandfather and grandfather a nod, Kyoichi stood up and exited the residence with a simple shunpo.

"That child. Who knows. Maybe he can take my title from me one day...Heh..." Kenshin the First said. "Well, if he does, wouldn't Master Kaien be mad? He gave you the title. You then let it be taken from you?" Sengoku said. "Well, who knows. That man has never truly returned. I still have a fight to settle with him... I wonder how old he looks now...Can you imagine his ponytail turned all white and a long beard has grown on his face?..." Kenshin the First said, chuckling slightly. On a shelf in the room, there was a picture of several men. One had a long black ponytail and fierce golden eyes. One had blue hair, tied into a ponytail as well. A man with silver hair and a man with black hair was laughing at another man who has blonde hair, being bullied by what seems like five little grumpkins... Kenshin the First took one glance at the photo and a warm smile glanced his face, while his first son poured his father a bit more tea...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

10 years had passed and much had changed in the Seireitei and in Yakima's life. He was no longer the Captain of Squad 10 but instead a wanted criminal for a crime he never committed. His pleas to the Central 46 were pointless and only left him with a single choice. He had to escape, fleeing with his daughter and wife. They now owned a dango and dumpling shop named D&D, obviously named by Yakima. It was a small restaurant beside a dirt road people would use to travel. They didn't have a lot of customers, but Yakima preferred that. Less customers would mean less attention.

Yakima no longer wore any shinigami garbs but instead clothes of a poor man with an apron over it and a white bandana to pull back his hair. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, preparing another batch of dumplings inside of the kitchen. His wife and daughter both worked as waitresses, taking orders and serving the customers they had. Where is that damn slacker at, he was supposed to be at work 20 minutes ago The bell rang, Yakima looking up to see his smiling wife "It'll be fine, you don't have to worry about anything" Yakima sighed, not wanting Midori to see him in such a bad mood "If one of them found me, it won't be long before another stops by. And of all people, it had to be him" Midori giggled, placing down another order slip in front of him "Trust me, we'll be fine. As long as I have you and Hanami, everything will work out." Yakima smiled and nodded, Midori returning back to her work. He let out a heavy sigh after she left, rubbing the back of his head. "Maybe we should just move to the Human World instead, I'll have to somehow get 3 gigais. But before that, I'll have to ditch the extra baggage"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike Tsugi Three years before


Ike-present day

Ike walked through the doors with his now peasant attire and a purple bandanna covering his now short hair which now only extended past the top of his neck. He grumbled to himself as he looked at the wife and child of Yakima and just walked past them and and into the back where Yakima was. "Sorry, I had to take a longer route cause some ass looked at me oddly as though he was about to figure out who I was. So what do you need me to do C?" Ike asked as he stared at his old captain with more so bloodshot eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima's eye twitched at what Ike had called him. He still wasn't used to be calling C and he wasn't used to having Ike around. Yakima threw an apron at Ike, not really caring what Ike had done to wound up here. It wasn't his business and he wouldn't get involved. However, there were rules Ike had to obey here. "While you were away, many dishes piled up since we were short staffed. So wash the dishes" He pointed to the giant stack of bowls and dishes inside of the sink "Afterwards, do the usual of taking orders and serving food WITHOUT starting fights. Also, I believe you forgot to greet Midori and Hanami. I know you don't treat me with respect but I expect you to treat the two of them better than that." Yakima had known of Ike's power growth since the moment they first met. It was obvious Ike had reached the level of a Captain, but Yakima still talked to him as if he was still a new recruit. A bell rang as a group of thuggish looking customers came in. Midori and Hanami were both busy, so Yakima turned to Ike "Do all of that after you take those four orders" He said, referring to the new customers that had just come in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike grumbled upon being lectured but nodded. "Aight I can do that." So when he mentioned not treating him with respect but he should treat his wife and daughter with more he scratched his head. "Its not that I don't treat you with respect, its that you do some dumb shit, but hey we all do dumb shit and that's why I respect you and the shit you do. Not like I ignored em on purpose, today is just the same day I did what i did three years back. So I'm a little bummed I guess." Yakima then gave him the command of taking the four thugs orders and shrug as he walked out to them and looked at them. "Hello sirs, what can I ge-" Ike was cut off when one of them spit on his shirt and was then told to get one of the females to take the order since Ike had no sex appeal. Ike stared at them, and looked at his fist which didn't have his gauntlets on them 'These lucky little shits' " How about you guys order Dumplings so I can move out of the way to let you stare?" One of then just nodded and waved him off which made him crack his neck as he walked back to Yakima. Ike placed the order down and simply got to work on the dishes, all the while the memories of what he had done played through his head like a movie. How many people did he kill exactly? Yet when he heard one of the thugs throwing profanity at one of Yakimas family, Ike just sighed and walked back out this time not giving a fuck as he grabbed one by the head and slammed it down on the table four times before tossing him aside, so when the other three stood up a simple jab to the stomach of each pretty much took them all down. Ike crouched over and looked at them. "Please be respectful of others. If you dont I can always go get the dad, he will be much less lenient than I was." Ike said to them going back to the kitchen and resumed his cleaning of the dishes.
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