Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
Avatar of Stern Algorithm

Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Blue Harbor Nuclear Power Plant, located on the coast equidistant from the two major metropolises, Valle Dorado and Angel City, in an effort to maximize the distance to either city in the event of an accident. Considered a state-of-the-art facility, Blue Harbor provides energy to both cities, and is the home of advanced nuclear power research.

"Breaking news, an explosion rocked Blue Harbor Nuclear Power Plant 10 minutes ago at 3PM, we are getting a news chopper on the scene; Steve, are you there?"

"Hi, Janet, we've arrived on the scene. Authorities are issuing a radioactive hazard warning, we are unsure of one of the reactors is going critical or not. There's a lot of smoke in the air, so we can't see much from the chopper, but what seems most unusual is there appears to be a path of destruction leading away from the plant; Harry, can you zoom in for a closer look?"

As the shot magnifies, a lone, bearded, white male figure in nothing but underwear seems to be swatting at nothing, looking around in a daze. Suddenly, the figure looks up at the helicopter and bellows, "SHUT UP!!!", before the image is replaced by static. Janet, the news anchor has a look of shock on her face. Turning to her assistant anchor she asks, "W-was that?"

"I-I think so...the supercriminal, Meltdown," he replied, gulping.

Janet looked back at the camera, "Well, you heard it here first," turning back to her assistant, "I hope Steve and harry are OK."

The assistant looks back, "Yeah, I hope some heroes show up at the scene soon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

A nice warm sun, a little breeze and nice scenery where all the ingredients that made riding a motorcycle a pleasant experience. It was a nice day with just the right ingredients for Max to take out his bike and enjoy the countryside between Angel city and Valle Dorado. As the young man steered his vintage Royal Enfield motorcycle through the narrow countryside streets he though about how serene the countryside was compared to Angel City. Where the city was a violent place full of filth, scum, noise and exhaust gasses the natural environment offered peace and quietness. You could drive here for hours and not meet a single person. At times Maximilian enjoyed to be out on his own. To be far away from the City, his club and all the darkness that looms in the streets.

As Max rode across a small village he pulled his bike over next to a small pub. As he entered to only partial light bar some of the locals greeted him with a look of distrust. Apparently they weren't used to having strangers entering the establishment. After all, the place was pretty remote. As Maximilian approached the bar to order a drink the barkeep just put on the telly to watch the news. Max turned to the middle aged man behind the bar and nodded “ A beer please”. Before the man had filled the glass the few people in the place suddenly watched in awe to the screen. The news anchor was telling full of shock about a disaster at the Blue Harbor Nuclear power-plant.

For a moment Max stood nailed to the floor, watching the news. Then he realized that Blue Harbor wasn't that far away from his current position. As the bartender put the beer in front of his unknown customer Max suddenly turned around and ran off. “ Keep the beer old man, I got to go”. He quickly jumped on his bike and rode off. As he left the village Maximilian pushed the gas in deeper and made his way towards the nuclear power plant.

For some reason Max had taken his superhero outfit with him. He wasn't sure why he did it. Maybe it was some sense of duty or something but right now he was happy that he'd taken his gear with him. After about 20 minutes of driving he parked his bike in some small Forrest and put on his suit. With some quick gestures of his hands he used his telekinetic powers in order grab a few fallen tree branches in order to camouflage his motorcycle. After covering up Max used his powers on himself, lifting his body off the ground and flew towards the power-plant.

As he crossed the area he could see the thick black smoke coming from one of the buildings. Buildings next to it also seemed damaged. As Max looked closer he could see a trail of destruction with at the end of it a person in his underwear. He turned and started to decent. Landing some five meters in front of the guy in his underwear. For a moment Maximilian stared at this rather odd character from behind his sunglasses. The man looked rather confused and angry. “Yo, why do I get this feeling that you are responsible for the mess” Spoke Max slightly annoyed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yo, Erin, have you heard?" Whoever was on the other end of the door began knocking violently.

Erin groaned. With her lifestyle, sleep was hard to come by. She appreciated what little she got for reasons just like this one. As the knocking continued, she shouted at the door, "I haven't heard shit, but if that's you, Mateo, I'm about to hear your fuckin' screams if you don't shut the fuck up!" The knocking promptly stopped. With a scowl, Erin picked up the pack of cigarettes she kept next to her mattress and took out a cigarette. She had eleven left; that'd maybe last her two days. She took one and lit it, opening the front door to her apartment.

As she expected, it was Mateo. That Colombian fuck. "What the hell am I supposed to have heard, Mateo?" she growled, pulling the cigarette from her mouth.

Mateo was unimpressed by her attempted intimidation. Sure, he had stopped knocking, but he had been close to Erin long enough to know that she wouldn't actually hurt anyone she didn't really have to. "Turn on your damn TV. It's all over the news," Mateo pushed his way through Erin and into the apartment. He turned on the TV for her, flipping to one of the dozens of news channels.

Erin walked over slowly, paying close attention to the reporters on screen. As she processed what was going on, her bitterness over being woken up turned into that familiar feeling of intense anger that seemed to run in the family. She was about to open her mouth to speak, when another figure appeared in her doorway. Erin would've been upset had that figure not been her best friend, Amelia. Hell, sometimes Erin had to remind herself that basically all of her closest friends lived in the same damn building as her.

Amelia glanced at the TV and nodded at Mateo. "So, you're going, right? Erin, you have to go."

Erin threw the remains of her cigarette butt at the wall, adding to the many stains of ash resulting from many thrown cigarette butts. "Blue Harbor is almost two hundred fuckin' miles away, Amy. If I could figure out how to fly I could be there pretty quick but I can barely keep myself afloat for a few minutes."

Amelia began to speak, but the ring of Erin's phone cut her off. Erin grit her teeth when she checked the Caller ID: Robert. That asshole. She answered the phone.

"Oh, good, you picked up. I wasn't sure if you would or not," Robert seemed to hiss into her ear. Erin gripped her phone tightly.

"What the fuck do you want now, Robert?"

"Well, I heard the news about Blue Harbor and thought you might want to head over there. Only one of us can fly, if I recall correctly."

Erin began to shake. She knew where this was going. "I don't need your help. I can get there myself."

"You can get there yourself in two hours. I can get you there twenty minutes from now."

"Yeah, but you can also get back just as quickly. I don't get that luxury." Erin looked at Amy - the look the French girl was giving her seemed to insist that Erin take whatever offer Robert had in mind. Erin was split; she wanted to get to Blue Harbor and help deal with Meltdown, but she knew Robert would take full advantage of the absence of any heroes in Angel City. Why he was so intent on breaking everything as a result of his rage was lost on her, but Erin knew that leaving him unchecked in the city would cause a lot of damage. On the other hand, who knew how much damage Meltdown would cause at Blue Harbor?

Erin knew she didn't have much of a choice. A nuclear meltdown at Blue Harbor would be catastrophic for both Angel City and Valle Dorado. "I'm gonna kick your ass for this, Robert."

"That's what you think. Now hurry up and get your ass on the roof." Erin knew Robert was grinning through the phone, and it took all her effort to not smash her phone there and then. The phone beeped as Robert hung up. Erin put it in her pocket.

Erin threw on a brown leather jacket and zipped it up, heading towards her window. She looked at Mateo and Amy as she climbed out to the fire escape. "I'll call you when I'm wrapped up at Blue Harbor. Robert will be coming back first, so text me a play-by-play of what he's up to if you can." Mateo and Amy nodded, and Erin launched herself off the fire escape and to the roof.

There was Robert, standing all proud and mighty. Erin wanted to hit him, but she needed him first. "Grab my hands, sis. Just like when we were kids," Robert smiled darkly, knowing the kind of advantage he would have with Erin out of the city. It had been too long since he was last active, and the Blue Harbor development was perfect for him. He'd be free to make as much noise as possible, and maybe steal a bit of cash along the way.

Erin grabbed Robert, and the two departed for Blue Harbor.

As they neared Blue Harbor, Erin spotted Meltdown, being confronted by someone else in what looked like a ninja outfit. "Drop me there. And don't think I'm not coming back for you, you fucking dick."

"Man, if you weren't my sister, I might just drop you from up here," Robert faked being insulted, beginning his descent towards the pair of metahumans on the ground. Robert dropped Erin ten feet from the ground, Erin slowing her descent using her own powers. She glanced back up at him, and he gave a mock salute at her. "See you later, Erin. I've got some mayhem of my own to cause," Robert grinned, flying off back towards Angel City.

"Bastard," Erin muttered, turning back around towards Meltdown and the other metahuman. She opened her fists, preparing to launch herself into the air. "So, whose ass am I kicking first, huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Albert had just finished serving a cappuccino and was washing some cups when the news showed up on the overhead flat screen.

"Hey manager, I have some friends who are in Blue Harbor. I need to go make some calls, see if they're all right. Be back in a bit."

Grabbing his bag and leaving out the rear exit into the back alley, Albert Weiss activated his light powers and began to glow a faint white. With super speed he changed into his makeshift outfit consisting of a white motorcycle helmet, jacket and pants.
"I've been at this a year already. I really need to upgrade my costume... Sigh..."

With a Poom!, Prism made his way towards Blue Harbor. Prism, so far, could run at a top speed of Mach 10, but to do so in the crowded winding streets of Valle Dorado, with its multi-colored historical buildings and cultural districts, would be very destructive. He usually alternated between 130 mph while in the city, and between 300 mpg while there were cars and Mach 3 when there were no cars nearby on the highway.
Doing this, it took Prism around 15 minutes to get there. He saw and then ignored Meltdown, instead running straight to the plant itself. He split into his 7 colors, and began to expeditiously save civilians and injured from the wreckage, working with the rescue operation already underway. They were his first priority. Prism didn't want them sustaining too much radiation poisoning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
Avatar of Stern Algorithm

Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"TURN OFF YOUR GODDAMN CELLPHONES!" Meltdown raged as Phenomenon and Vigil approached. He grabbed his head as his body started glowing; any part of Phenomenon and Vigil's body that wasn't covered would probably have a tan the next day at best, a sunburn at worst. Meltdown ignored them and continued shambling toward the forest to the east. Bullet fire rained out of the forest, intentionally avoiding Meltdown, and attempting to hit Phenomenon and Vigil. Men with hazmat suits stepped out of the trees holding assault rifles to survey the damage. A few more men in the back were wheeling over a large cage made of steel mesh labeled with, "Faraday Cage", and, "The Silence you seek". Seeing the words, Meltdown began running full-force towards the cage.

Prism received many thanks, and although very few people recognized him, they could tell from his powers and his actions that he was a metahuman, and that he was here to help. Someone mentioned something along the lines of "aren't you that guy who stopped the Stable Boys robbing that bank?" that a few people nearby seemed to confirm. One scientist tried to flag down Prism and get his attention, "Please, I need to get to one of the reactors to make sure it's still stable!"

On one of Alexander Lorne's many dummy email accounts for his shady dealings as The Watcher, a message was received:

Thank you for your help with determining the whereabouts of Meltdown. We have physically verified his location, demonstrating to us that your information is trustworthy and, given the nature of the information, deserving of applause. As payment was sent beforehand, this concludes our business transaction. However, due to your exemplary work in this matter, consider yourself more than just an 'information consultant' to us; consider yourself a partner. We look forward to the opportunity to one day return the favor and we hope for the continued success of our partnership.

- Dissonance
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ouch, that was hot. Erin had to thank her heritage for giving her skin that tanned faster than it burned, but still, that hurt. She shook it off, almost taking a moment to register what Meltdown had screamed before instinctively launching herself up into the air when the bullets started flying. It was a conditioned response after years of running from gangs that wanted her and her brother dead: Erin hears a gunshot, Erin goes up. Robert had once said that most people expect evasive movement within the two dimensional plane most people were limited to, so being able to go up really threw people off.

As Erin reached the apex of her vertical launch, she kicked herself backwards and to her left, hoping to get out of range of whoever the hell was shooting at her and get a moment to breathe. During her fell, she finally realized what Meltdown had said; cellphones? What did they have to do with anything? Erin was lost, but ignored Meltdown's order. She needed that to keep tabs on Robert.

Upon hitting the ground, Erin glanced around for Meltdown and the other metahuman that was hanging around. Meltdown was making a break for the forest, and Erin could hear some screams in the distance. "Ah, shit," Erin muttered. From what it looked like, the rainbow-looking guy had the rescue deal under control. Meltdown and his apparent army of hazmat goons was the unaddressed issue. Fighting Meltdown would be impossible if Erin was getting shot at; she launched herself upwards into the air once more, followed quickly by a series of rapid air blasts towards the men in hazmat suits. As she launched herself down towards the unfortunate soul that was about to feel her heel to his chest, she caught a glimpse of the "Faraday Cage." What the fuck was a Faraday Cage? It was times like these Erin regretted not going to school.

As the force of her aerial drop knocked out the attacker Erin had landed on, Erin launched herself towards the next one without missing a beat. She was on course to connect with him, but he took a carefully timed step back and she continued on, struggling to redirect before stumbling right before yet another hazmat wearing attacker. She braced herself as his arm extended and connected with her face, sending her sliding down to the ground. She quickly recovered and launched herself up once more, evading further attacks.

For once, Robert Hernandez had a plan. Before, his escapades had been fueled by just rage, but this time, he was fueled by both rage and the confidence that this plan would work out without Erin interfering. And maybe at the end of the day, he'd be just a little bit richer. Robert grinned as he sent the doors to the Angel City Regional Bank flying in a shower of splinters, immediately triggering the alarms in the building. This was a hit that he had always dreamed of when he was with the gangs, and now he was finally capable of pulling it off.

He launched himself to the first civilian within the building, a middle-aged businesswoman. Robert grabbed her in a headlock and placed one hand over her mouth, slowly compressing the air in her lungs and refusing her body access to it. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen! The Wrecker is back! You have about two minutes to give me, well, just about every fucking thing worth shit in here. Otherwise, this poor lady dies a pretty gruesome death, and I start breaking shit and killing more people. How does that sound?" He removed his hand from the woman's mouth, still holding her in the headlock. For emphasis, he lifted his free hand at the nearest wall-mounted security camera and sent an air blast at it, the wall of force tearing a hole in the wall and sending the camera into the sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Max was a bit surprised by the sudden appearance of this young lady. Judging on her accent and attitude she was decently from south-American decent. Such temperament. Even before he could respond to her appearance meltdown started to rage around about cellphones and started to glow brightly. Almost instantly Max could feel the heat rising. He counted himself lucky that he was wearing sunglasses and his body was covered in clothing. If not, he would have gotten an unwanted color change to red.

As Meltdown started to run towards the forest the sound of machine-gun fire filled the air. It came much to Phenomenon's surprise. The first shots missed him and as he turned around he raised his hand. Like a policeman that orders a car to stop. As the next salvo was launched towards him the bullets simply stopped about two feet away from max. Hanging completely silent in mid-air. He turned towards the men at the edge of the forest and shouted. “Guys, shooting at me is not going to work. Better surrender now before that lady kicks you into the hospital”

With the motion of his finger Max made the bullets turn towards the man in the back next to the Faraday cage. Suddenly one of the bullets accelerated towards one of the men in the hazmat suits who stood next to the cage. It passed the person in the hazmat suit head only by a few inch before it dug itself into one of the trees. “ It seems like I missed” Shouted phenomenon into their direction. “I am pretty sure the next one will hit your head. And even if I miss again. All your shooting gave me plenty of ammunition. Not to mention I am in the mood for a little target practise. But I'll cut you a deal. Why don't you guys start explaining what the hell this mess is and you just might live to see another day!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

All at once, the earth before Meltdown cracked and split. From it sprouted great, thick, thorny vines, coiling into the air and winding around each other. It wasn't a perfect wall to say the least, and it could be jumped over or gotten around. But it would at least slow the supercriminal.

Or so the Blackmoon Witch assumed. Really, anything that bought her a moment would help. A magic circle beneath her feet guiding her gently to the ground, the young-looking girl landed gently in front of the Bramble Wall. A dark haze surrounded her, a basic spell intended to protect her from the passive light the supercriminal could emit. Naturally, it wasn't as if she had time to put on her sunscreen or something like that. Who wanted to come out of this with sunburn? It would be incredibly unpleasant. She trusted rescue operations were occurring inside the building, and those would likely be all for naught if Meltdown wasn't stopped. Adjusting the witch hat slightly as she cocked her head to one side, Charlotte gave a small smile.

"Meltdown, was it?" she said, gently putting the knife she had used to sacrifice a few strands of hair away in one of the numerous pouches lining her costume. It was rather lovely, so much storage while simultaneously looking quite adorable. It was only a logical choice for her outfit. "Now what could possibly be causing this little tantrum? My my, at such a dangerous place as well. Whatever could be going on?"


The chunk of debris was struck with a sound like thunder. The blast tore it apart, sending smaller and much more harmless pieces scattering across the ground. The important part was making sure everyone inside was okay. Then she could join the fight against Meltdown outside. With so many heroes working together, there's no way they couldn't take him down!

But for now, Blast Girl had to focus. The tanned girl pulled aside a smaller piece of debris as she moved further. The explosion had hit pretty hard here, ruined chunks of building were everywhere. That meant that she had to act quickly to keep anyone else from being hurt. That was, truly, the most important thing she could be doing. That was the point of being a hero or heroine, to save people. Beating up the bad guy was just part of saving people.

In this case, the bad guy could wait as she cleared out debris, trying to find survivors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 16 days ago

"Yeah, I hope some heroes show up at the scene soon."

Mr. Springer's United States History II class was startled by the television suddenly shutting off. Mr. Springer, a balding, portly man in a sweat-stained suit, held the television remote, as well as an unpleasant expression. This little divergence had distracted the class for long enough, and he had a lesson to teach. The class moaned in disappointment, but gradually returned their attention to the lesson. The fact that all of their lives were in danger by the threat of the plant melting down did not seem to bother them; catastrophes such as these were a weekly occurrence, and if one stressed about them too much, they were likely to go as bald as Mr. Springer.

Casey Nakamura, however, was rather stressed. From his seat in the back of the class, he jittered nervously, tapping his pencil against his desk erratically. He needed to get to that plant as soon as he could, but he had to devise a convincing lie to get out of class, first. The more time he wasted arguing with his teacher, the more lives that were put at risk. Eventually he settled on an excuse, and his hand shot up.

Mr. Springer sighed deeply before calling on him, "Yes, Casey?"

"Uh, Mr. Springer, my stomach hurts, can I go to the nurse?"

"Again? Didn't you have this same problem last week?"

Casey inwardly cursed. He forgot that he kept reusing the same excuse. Lying really wasn't his strong suit. "Well, uh, I guess. Must be Taco Tuesday disagreeing with me."

Mr. Springer ignored Casey's flimsy explanation. "Casey, just because your mother is the school nurse, that doesn't give you an excuse to skip out on class whenever you please."

"Of course not sir, I just need to go lie down for a minute." Casey was getting impatient.

Another sigh and a lengthy stare later, Mr. Springer signed a hall pass, and Casey shot off down the hallway toward the nurse's office. After flinging the door open and skidding into the office, Casey found his mother, Kitty Nakamura, at her desk, typing an email to whomever. While surprised by the intrusion, she didn't seem that surprised to see her son. Casey assumed that she had already heard the news about the power plant. She quirked her head at him, a few locks of bright red hair falling loosed out of her messy bun.

"Got somewhere to be?" She asked casually.

"Yep, you know how it is." Casey replied, slightly out of breath.

"Alright, hon, I'll take care of everything over here. You go do your thing." Mrs. Nakamura said calmly, typing up a sick note for her son.

"Thanks, mom." He said, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

Casey left the building through the door in his mother's office, and after ensuring the area around him was free of passerby, began his transformation. By harnessing the energy within him, and awakening the latent power in his body, Casey activated the Mark. His chest began to glow with brilliant radiance, which then overtook his entire body. Blinding light filled the area immediately around him, and as it subsided, it revealed Casey encased in brilliantly-shining armor. His hair had taken on a shimmering, golden streak, and his eyes glowed with overflowing radiance. He took off sprinting away from the school, and leaped into the air. Beneath him, his ether board materialized, and the helmet formed over his head to signify the completion of his transformation into Pollux. With that, Casey shot off in the direction of the power plant, leaving a streak of starlight in his wake.


Casey arrived in the middle of a battle, it seemed. He spotted Meltdown, surrounded by persons whose affiliation he couldn't place. Opposed to them were several heroes that Casey only vaguely recognized. As far as he could tell, that situation was under control, and he continued to fly into the power plant. The outermost areas were surprisingly clear of debris and survivors, and he assumed that he was not the first person to attempt a rescue. Deeper into the plant, Casey found more destruction, and summoned his sword to help him cut through debris. He was very careful to only cut anything that had already fallen out of place, as he didn't wish to damage the plant any further. His armor would protect him from low-level radiation, but anything more than that would still harm him.

Any survivors he found he piled under him, laying them on his ether board. Though he was slower as Pollux, his ether board could hold more weight than Casey could with only arms and wings, and he needed his hands free to clear away debris. As he plunged further into the plant, Casey caught glimpses of multicolored humanoids running about; he assumed this was the other rescuer.

Casey called out into the plant, hoping to rouse survivors, or anyone that needed his assistance. "Hello? Is anyone there? I'm here to help!" His voice was somewhat modulated by his helmet, giving it a deeper, metallic resonance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Please, I need to get to one of the reactors to make sure it's still stable!"

One of Prism's copies (the orange one) heard the scientist, ran off and brought back a hazmat suit back to her.
"I hope your favorite color is orange. Here put this on, and I'll help you get to where you need to go."

Simultaneously, Yellow Prism approaches Blast Girl, and Indigo Prism runs up to Galaxion, and at the same time:
"Miss! I'm not strong enough to break through the rubble. Can you do that? If you can, concentrate on that, then I can relocate survivors to safety." @VitaVitaAR
"Galaxy Boy! I'm not strong enough to break through the rubble. If you can concentrate on that, then I can relocate survivors to safety." @Dead Cruiser
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
Avatar of Stern Algorithm

Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@baskets @Milkman @VitaVitaAR

As Vigil attacked the group of goons in hazmat suits, they stopped firing for risk of shooting each other and engaged in hand to hand combat. One goon managed to land a punch on Erin, spurring the others on, while some of them took out stun batons, trying to take swings at her. Some attempted to grab her and pin her down to prevent her from flying away.

The ones on the front, who were more scared of Phenomenon riddling them with holes than they were of the chaos Vigil was causing in their backlines put down their rifles and raised their hands in surrender. One came to the front, seeming to hold some sort of leadership position, and addressed Phenomenon, "This doesn't concern you! We're taking Meltdown somewhere where he can be controlled!" The man made to activate something on his arm, but stopped as a wall of brambles rose up between his hazmat crew, and Phenomenon and Meltdown. Feeling at least temporarily safe from Phenomenon firing their own bullets back at them because of the plant wall that now stood in the way, the man ordered, "Focus on the girl, then we get Meltdown!"

Meltdown, in a frenzy, failed to notice the bramble wall come up and ran headlong into it, getting stopped. He shook his head, noticing the barrier, and hearing a voice address him, looked over his shoulder to see the witch and Phenomenon. he wanted to hurt them, melt their flesh from their bones and watch them crisp in the heat of a sun, but he looked back, seeing the Faraday cage through the holes in the bramble wall. Meltdown knew what a Faraday cage was, it was a cage that was capable of blocking radio signals, and being inside would free him from the continual buzzing he heard that human digital civilization had created. He was so close. he put his arms forward, his hands glowing, and released a powerful stream of microwaves at the wall. The microwaves agitated the water molecules in the plants to boil, causing bits and pieces of the wall to explode with steam. It wasn't the most efficient method, but he was slowly making a hole big enough for himself to walk through. "Your wall can't stop me! And I'll boil you just as easily if you come any closer!" He'd call their bluff and see if they would really dare to engage him.

A reporter, cameraman, and helicopter pilot slowly sneaked towards the forest. Though disheveled from their helicopter crashing after Meltdown sent an EMP their way, they made it out in one piece, and felt good enough to attempt to continue reporting.

@Tricheus @VitaVitaAR @Dead Cruiser

The scientist quickly put on the suit that Prism handed her, having done so many times in the past, "Thank you, the failsafe should have activated, but I just need to make sure. It's that way," she pointed toward the epicenter of the destruction. The scientist cursed under her breath, "We knew it wasn't a good idea!"

One plant worker approached Blast Girl, "You're...Blast Girl, right? Thank you so much for being here. We have evacuation specialists keeping tabs on all the people that have been saved, there are still eleven..." he heard some mumbling coming over the walkie talkie and put it to his ear, "ten, we have only ten employees unaccounted for." He however, backed off when Yellow Prism approached, deciding to let the metas discuss their plan of action.

"Galaxy Boy!" came a muffled yell. A nuclear engineer had followed protocol and hidden under the earthquake-proof lab benches, but the rubble piled in front of him prevented his escape. "I'm not hurt, but I'm trapped!" He was able to see out and had recognized a younger, male version of Galaxion, that the news had recently started calling 'Galaxy Boy'.

@baskets @Rin

Everyone got on their hands and knees when Wrecker made his entrance into the bank. Many were sliding their purses and wallets in his direction to comply with his demands. Those who were reluctant to part with their valuables were pressured by the others to relinquish their possessions due to Wrecker having a hostage.

One of the bankers raised her hands in surrender saying, "Of course, we'll do everything you say." This type of situation had happened enough times in the past, yet it was terrifying every time. Still, she reached one hand down to access the pop-out shelf containing dollar bills and in one swift motion, deftly pressed the silent emergency signal that was placed strategically next to the money shelf. Pulling out the shelf, she handed it through the slot in the grating. Other tellers also pulled out their shelves and did the same thing. "Since you'll only be here for two minutes," the first teller asked professionally, and not without a little sarcasm, "I suppose you don't want anything in the vault?" If he did, it would keep him here longer, which was good for the authorities, but if he didn't it was better for the victims. Those who weren't professional bank robbers would probably spend undue time waffling on a decision. "Maybe it was better if Wrecker just left," the teller thought to herself. Though the signal she had pressed went to the American Dream Corps. HQ as well as the Angel City Police Department, she had seen on the news that the Dream Corps. was away on a mission overseas, and wasn't sure the ACPD was equipped to deal with a threat like this. What she didn't know was that the ACPD branch that had been part of the Zeta project routed all such emergency signals to a robot superhero.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Avatar of VitaVitaAR

VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Charlotte Dyer

Charlotte tilted her head to the side, hearing the voices of the hazmat-suited men from over her wall of brambles. That was funny. If their motivations were pure, what was with all the gunfire and hostility going on?

"Hey, hey," she began, glancing back towards the wall of brambles, "If you were just going to lock him up so he has some quiet time to himself, that'd be grand. But I don't like all this 'control him' stuff. Not one bit."

She heard an ugly hissing sound from her wall of brambles, and the acrid smell of burning plant matter, diving away as boiling fluids exploded from her slowly-deteriorating wall of thorns. Well, that was that, wasn't it? She hadn't expected it to last, though, and it was slowing down his progress. A dark, purple magic circle materialized in the palm of her right hand, the lines interconnecting to form various designs in mana as she pointed her palm towards Meltdown.

It wouldn't do much damage, but...

The bolt of dark magic hurtled towards the superhuman.

Blast Girl

Blast Girl smiled proudly, jerking her thumb towards her chest as the worker correctly identified her. There was a moment to be a bit proud now, wasn't there? She'd get right on helping everyone else out, though! That was the really important part. "That's me! I'm gonna help everyone out, so don't you worry, okay?"

Her smile grew into the most reassuring grin she could manage, before she turned to focus on what Prism had said. She vaguely recognized her fellow hero, and gave a firm nod.

"Yeah, I'll help out with that," she replied, ejecting shells from her gauntlets so new ones could be loaded. "I've got this!"

With that, she hurried over to the next pile of rumble, slamming her fists down to blast it away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

While Blast Girl and Yellow Prism worked together to free the remaining victims, Orange Prism took the Scientist to the reactor she pointed out and let her do her work. Thinking to himself,
"I wonder how much longer this will take... I don't know at what point it will become unsafe for me to be here. Don't want to get radiation poisoning. It would be hard to explain..."

Meanwhile, seeing as how the rescue operation looked to be going well, Green Prism ran over towards Meltdown to see if he could do anything about him. When he got there, he saw the mess of Meltdown fighting a witch (Blackmoon Witch), and an intimidating looking masked man (Phenomenon) and a normal looking girl in a hoodie (Vigil) dealing with a bunch of hazmat suits with assault weapons.

Green Prism didn't didn't know the situation and was frozen with indecision. He stood there, looking frantically trying to figure out who to help.
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