Liam Hanway

“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.”
― Shannon L. Alder
Sexual/Romantic PreferenceHomosexual
School Year2nd year
Neutral Match
(This can change if more pro or anti's are needed)
-Coloring (like books and attempting to draw)
-Soft things
Dislikes-Being proven wrong
-Being put on the spot
-Rping/meeting people online
Fears-Spiders, snakes, bugs of any kind
-Public Speaking
PersonalityFrom the outside Liam would seem to fit perfectly in to the athletic, popular crowd. He may not actually be popular, but he's always been well liked by everyone around him. It's all about fading in to the group, not causing waves and being the quite one that everyone knows and likes. He tries to keep that show up on the outside, but he truly would prefer to just sit in his room on his computer. Life is usually all about keeping up appearances and he can't have people knowing he truly would rather meet people online. It's much easier to talk to his friends on there because he never has to worry about feeling awkward. With people in real life he has to worry about everything he says and if they will find it rude or silly. He's always been worried about what people will think of the true him, so he's fit himself in to the life he thought would get him the farthest and he's grown in that role. He's gotten much better at talking to people, more outgoing with meeting new potential friends, but it's all usually an act and he's wondering when he can get back to his room and in to his bed.
BiographyLiam's had a rather simple life, he's lived with his mother, stepfather, and older sister. He hardly remembers his father and considers his stepdad to be more of a father then his real dad ever has been. He's sister, Rachel, had actually gone through getting matched before him and she just loves it, which has definitely made it all easier for Liam. He hadn't liked the idea of being told who his soulmate was before Rachel came home talking about how much she loved it. His mother thought it was the greatest thing after the oldest child went through and she pushed Liam in to going, not that he could truly say no to her. Of course his family has their fights, and they can get very heated, but he thinks he was really blessed getting the family he did. Life could have been much harder for him.
ExtrasLiam truly just wants to be taken care of, especially when he's sick. He hates feeling needy, but he will feel like he needs to be around good friends sometimes. It makes him feel clingy and annoying to try and hang out with friends after he may have pushed them away for a few days.