Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This will take place in the “Undercity” A huge city underneath New Denver, which was built on top of the original city with synthetic ground, resulting in the original city becoming a huge network of caverns underneath it. As population continued to swell, poorer residents of New Denver were forced underground into the slums of the Undercity, and in this day and age most residents haven’t even seen the sun or sky. The air is stale from constant air-recycler use, and a cloud of smog, created from a mix of various types of smoke, permeates the air, making gas masks and rebreathers a valuable commodity.
The huge skyscrapers have been turned into living complexes, with tiny cubicles separated by a thin sheet of cloth acting as homes for most residents. The lucky ones might have a real apartment, or even a house, but most such buildings have been taken over by competing storefronts or gangs. Bright neon lights flash at every turn, each one vying for attention in the hopes of attracting a potential customer, and seedy bars and nightclubs can be found practically at every turn.
The main profit for those unlucky enough to not have wares to sell is dangerous factory work, as much of the undercity is devoted to cheaply producing the various items that those living on the surface use in daily life.
As far as fashion goes, most people simply wear whatever they have, but those who are able to afford a bit more tend to try and emulate the sleek look common on surface residents.
Cybernetic enhancement is common on the surface, but due to the expensive medical procedures required proper cybernetics are rarely used by any but the most wealthy Undercity Dwellers, and most cybernetics are applied by “hacks”; so-called medical professionals who have “misplaced” their medical license. Hack-jobs are hit-or-miss, as they can be as good as the real thing, or you might end up missing your limb and your kidney, but they are also significantly cheaper than acquiring cybernetics through the proper channels.
The police force has an Undercity branch, which is almost a completely separate force from the polite, safety-first NDPD. The “UCPD” as they’re sometimes referred to, are trigger-happy, corrupt, and as dangerous as the violent gangs that all-but rule the Undercity, and are only too happy to resort to deadly force on people who aren’t able to pay their bribes. Robots are a fairly common sight in the Undercity, but primarily the utilitarian ones used in factory work or the military-grade robots often employed by the UCPD. Certain large-scale businesses that operate in the Undercity employ androids to work the front desk, as they are even cheaper than human labor, but beyond that androids are rarely if ever seen.
We will be playing as a group of “Scroungers”; tightly knit groups of people trying to survive. Scroungers live by their own rules, often selling items they steal to store owners, taking odd jobs, and doing what they can to survive. Scroungers live on the belief of safety in numbers, and that while they might not always get along with eachother, if they want to survive being in a group with multiple talents is much better than being on your own

I will be playing as a member of our group of Scroungers, as well as various NPC’s. There will be a list of important NPC’s who we may or may not encounter but who will effect the undercity whether we see them directly or not. Including myself, there will be six slots available.

Our group of scroungers has taken up residence in a small building that nay have once been an apartment or a small house. There's very little space in the home, with the residents sharing two bedrooms and one bathroom. The remaining rooms are used as storage or entertainment. Outside leads onto the neon lit, haze-filled streets, with several shop owners and fences willing to buy stolen goods from scroungers. The other main hangout is Sandy's, a bar/nightclub nearby. The neighborhood is ruled by a large gang, and contacts for both this gang and some of their enemies can be found for jobs. The police presence is lesser here as they've been adequately bribed by the ruling gang, but they occasionally stop through for "surprise inspections".

Posting will work like this: When your character is accepted you can make an intro post. Once all intro posts have been made or an unreasonably long time period passes before a new character is made I'll make another GM post, and post order will be the same as the order of intro posts. Each full post order is a round, and I will make a GM post every certain number of rounds, which will be stated on the previous GM post.

Character sheet: (Feel free to fancy it up however you like)
Age: (Most Scroungers are below the age of 28, though some are older.)
Gender: (don't feel limited to cis male/cis female with this)
Appearance: (Images preferable, but a very detailed written description is acceptable)
Personality: (Doesn't have to be long, just write up personality traits)
Other details: (anything else you want to include about your character. Things like sexuality, objects of importance, ect can go here if you like)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xyanthra
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Posted a character, let me know if I need to change anything. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character looks good, although I had asked for characters to be posted in the OOC before the character thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xyanthra
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ohh, I guess I didn't see that, sorry!! Well good thing I made the mistake first, so others wont now ;D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dirge
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Dirge Scrappy Rascal

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Placeholder<3 should have it up by tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Letixia "Leti" Wasinski
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Leti is thin, athletic, but still thin. This is from giving the majority of her food to the other scroungers, and lying that she has enough. Her dark hair is usually in a pony tail, but when untied it tumbles in waves past her shoulders. If she'd lived in New Denver, her dark skin would be much darker, courtesy of her parents' heritage, but the lack of sun has made her a bit pale, and even a bit sickly looking at times. She is usually wearing loose, baggy pants, a multipocketed vest, and boots, all of which are severely worn.

Leti has never seen the skies over New Denver. She was born and raised in Undercity. Her father operated one of the scummier bars, while her mother was a prostitute that worked therein. Her parents were not married, nor did they live with one another. They were simply business partners. They took turns housing and feeding Leti, teaching her skills that were necessary to surviving the Undercity. When Leti began running around with others as a young teen, her mother started to teach her how to seduce men into doing things for her. Her dad on the other hand, taught her the ways of brawling, of using your surroundings as weapons, distractions, and escapes.

She recently joined a new group of Scroungers, and she was often the Bait. Her main purpose was to try and lure unsuspecting men and women into being mugged, or distracting them while her friends committed the real thievery. She rarely visits' her parents' bar, if only out of paranoia of bringing trouble down on their heads.

Other details: Leti's biggest goal in life is to simply feel the sun on her skin. To reach New Denver and actually belong there. But she knows that she needs a lot of money in order to even think about that. And while she's often seducing men and women, she's never gone all the way, and often finds herself from ever expressing any sort of interest in people who aren't targets. This is because she's learned that everyone either dies, turns on you, or becomes a target. She'd never admit it, but she hopes that when she finally reaches the sunshine, she'll have a partner with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Looks good, but you're missing the personality tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Posted CS in the CS Section, with the personality section added (though I keep it small, that particular bit I like to write out IC.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dirge
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Dirge Scrappy Rascal

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Age: 24
Gender: Male

Background and Personality: Kieth was 5 years old when the apartment that his parents had spent their life savings on was burned to the ground. During the fire, he woke to a smoke-filled room and no parents in sight. The door was too hot for the child to push open on his own, and he was trapped in the blaze, soon to pass out from a lack of oxygen. The biggest gang in the area was running a weapons shop out of the apartment below his, and rushed to put the fire out and protect their asset when they found Kieth. Normally, the group that found him would have put the fire out and left the kid for dead, but the group's leader was stricken by Kieth's resemblance to his own dead brother, and was unable to leave him to die from his burns. Jarrod, the leader, took Kieth to the gang's doctor to patch him up. However, he suffered major burns on his face, and has covered it for most of his life since.

After the fire, Kieth was told by Jarrod that his parents had died in the fire, and that the gang was his new family. Before long, Kieth forgot his last name, and the gang truly did become his family. Jarrod took Kieth under his wing and taught him how to survive in the dangerous Undercity while under the protection of a large gang.

As Kieth grew older, he began to resent the Undercity and its residents. The questions about his parents' death haunted him as he had never fully accepted that the fire had been an accident. When he was 8, he began running errands for the gang and quickly became acquaintances with many local gang-affiliated businessman and businesswomen. When he was 12, he was allowed to go on scavving missions and began to experience the dark underbelly of the Undercity's criminal world. Kieth witnessed people killed over things as small as an unpaid meal, and as serious as a missing drug shipment. Kieth was always larger for his age, though, and eventually became the muscle of the groups that he was a part of, being told to beat people in the name of the gang, and eventually gained a reputation for his ability to beat anyone into submission in three hits or less.

When Kieth was 19, the gang he belonged to was absorbed by the largest gang in the Undercity, the leader of which Kieth knew only as The Queen. This bode well for Kieth's gang, meaning more protection and that their actions carried heavier weight, backed up by more manpower than anyone else. The first assignment that Jarrod was sent on was to retrieve payment from a local pawn shop owner who hadn't payed his protection fees. Jarrod took Kieth, being that he was at that point the strongest member of their original gang. The group, however, was ambushed when inside the pawn shop. The owner had recruited help from a rival gang for a lower protection fee. In the scrap that followed, Kieth took three down, but not before Jarrod was shot in the chest and died before Kieth could say goodbye.

Stricken by the loss of the only person that Kieth had ever relied on, he gave up speech almost entirely and began to take jobs that were more and more violent, grunting his acceptance of his missions at his superiors. Kieth went on like this for about four years, taking jobs that would allow him to take his frustrations with the Undercity out through violence. Eventually, the violence gave no satisfaction to Kieth any longer, and without Jarrod there to lead him, he felt disconnected. The gang no longer felt like his family, and he sought out something that might fill a similar role.

This is how he came to the Scroungers. His gang affiliation gave him connections that would be invaluable to a group like theirs, and everyone in the Undercity could use protection. He still refrains from speech more often than not, rarely giving his input on anything, but is working on improving his communication to become a more valuable asset to the group.

Other details: Wears a mask that covers his whole head to hide his burns, as well as Jarrod's old gas mask. One full sleeve of gang-related tattoos.

((Also sorry for the wait))
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sorry for the disappearance, had a busy couple of days.

Character looks good, I'll get an IC post up soon and we can get started. The last two slots will remain open for late joiners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Xyanthra @RedDusk @Twhirtley @Dirge

Alright, we're good to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Are we to assume we're all in the group already? or are we forming it IC?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Dog

Blue Dog

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Actually I have something rather unique ( at least by the standards of what I usually play as) in mind for this. If it is still open?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

We're all in the group to begin with. And yes, it's still open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, I'll have a post up shortly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fair enough, I will have a post up later today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dirge
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Dirge Scrappy Rascal

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Just saying, but I don't think anyone would know about his past at this point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hmm, you did mention that the characters share two bedrooms and a bathroom? So should we decide who's romming with who? Or we can just put two guys in one room and three girls in the other?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twhirtley
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Twhirtley The Appalachian

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Where's the fun in that? ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dirge
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Dirge Scrappy Rascal

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Oh I kind of threw Kieth in the room with the first two girls so... Haha
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