Delilah Sutton
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Delilah is shy and rather soft spoken, and she doesn’t like talking about herself when she can avoid it. In contrast she loves learning about other people, and will listen intently if someone tells her a story about themself. She exhibits a sort of innocence and naivete that often causes others to want to protect her despite being quite able to fend for herself, and she isn’t above capitalizing on it. While she dislikes violence and prefers not to employ it if it can be avoided, she knows the reality of the situation and is perfectly capable of using both the stun gun and shock baton she keeps with her. She grew up seeing everyone around her in situations of desperation, and believes that people who have more than what they need should give it to those who don’t. She doesn’t force this belief on others in her group, but extra money she has usually finds its way into the hands of those worse-off than her, and she sometimes likes to consider herself a modern Robin Hood.
Delilah was born to parents who couldn’t really afford a child, and as soon as she was old enough she was fending for herself. She rarely ever saw her parents and for all intents and purposes was a street urchin for most of her young life, during which she learned how to pickpocket, how to hide, and when necessary, how to defend herself. At the age of 13 she was taken in by the person who would become her mentor, and who she considered her big brother. He was a member of a notorious anti-authority hacking group, and taught her how to slice security systems. She’s not a master hacker by any means, but she’s able to get into most standardized systems and find exploits to use, making her an invaluable asset to a group of Scroungers. Ultimately her adoptive brother disappeared, and she still doesn’t know what happened to him. Part of her goal as a Scrounger is to find out.
Other details:
Tends to keep her face hidden behind welding goggles and a gas mask when in public, has an old music player that she takes wherever she goes and can usually be found listening to when she’s alone. She's also openly gay.