Avatar of Xyanthra
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Xyanthra
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 26 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Xyanthra 11 yrs ago


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I'm still here :) Waiting for a DM post or some other post to continue the plot, since my character doesn't have much to go off of right now.
I'm here. There just hasn't been much posting since my last post!
Ignoring the annoyed glance, Ada smiled at Delilah as she finally took her earbuds off. Eventually the smile flipped into a frown as the other girl was taking her sweet time doing it. Ada began to drum her fingers impatiently, but eventually Delilah said, “It's not like we have to do everything together, Ada. If you wanna get out there's plenty of opportunity.”

Ada rolled her eyes, since the other girl wasn't looking at her. She put on a smile when Delilah finally decided to look at her, despite being a little annoyed about how difficult it was just to have a small conversation with her. Delilah continued, saying “Listen, I know work's been slow, but I've been working on something. Vito might have a job for us soon. I know he's not exactly given us the safest jobs but hey, they pay well, right? After one of his crazy schemes I'm sure we'll have plenty of surplus cash to pay for all your fancy clothes.”

Keith walked in at that moment, and Delilah waved to him. Ada looked in his direction, and nodded. The two of them tended to have an amiable friendship, considering that together they provided the protection for their fellow Scroungers. His methods differed from hers, to be sure, but that only made them more formidable as bodyguards when they worked together. Beyond that, she didn't delve too deeply into his past--she didn't delve into anyone's past, really, because she didn't want to have to explain her own. She discovered long ago that most people in the Undercity tended to be extremely bitter toward her when they discovered she lived in New Denver for much of her life, regardless of the actual difficulty of that life. To the people down here, life was better in New Denver, no matter what.

After Keith entered the room, she turned back to Delilah, and put a smile back on her face. She always tried to maintain friendships with all of her fellow Scroungers, even if their personalities didn't always make it easy. Of course, she never considered that her own personality might be annoying--that was inconceivable to her.

The news of the job did brighten her spirits. "That's good to hear, Delilah. You know I'm not worried about safety... Keith and I can handle any danger. Makes it more fun, anyway, don't you think? A little more... exciting. This place can get so very dull, you know. And, of course, I always love the extra cash--I am definitely in need of a new outfit, the ones I have are starting to fall apart. Man, I wish the tailors down here could get their hands on some better fabric..." She continued to ramble for a bit, and stopped herself when she noticed Delilah spacing out.

Clearing her throat, she added, "Anyway, when do you think you'll hear from Vito--" Just then, Sander walked into the room and also asked about the job. She turned to Delilah, waiting for more details.
Why does it have to be new vegas or capital wasteland....? It could be anywhere in the world!
This place is such a mess... thought Ada as she scanned the rooms she and her Scrounger friends called home. She glanced at her corner, which was near a broken window that opened up to a half-lit neon sign, orange-red flickering occasionally. She had a small cabinet, and a big plush chair that she slept in--she preferred it to a bed, and it took up less space besides. Her belongings were meager, but she was fine with it. The more you own, the more you owe, a wise street-woman told her once. Her only prized possessions were a few fashionable outfits, and the cleaning supplies she needed to keep herself looking presentable.

Her corner was clean, as always. She sighed, and thought, I am living with a bunch of teenagers, afterall. What can I expect? The rest of the rooms were slightly cluttered and in disarray, which only ever seemed to bother Ada. Grumbling, she crossed over to the other room and found Delilah sitting on her bed, and put her hands on her hips as she watched her. She began making faces of exaggerated depression, and slumped herself dramatically against the wall, sighing audibly. Delilah did not seem to notice, too engrossed in what she was doing. Ada wondered what she was listening to, but knew that Delilah didn't like to talk about those things. Bored, and annoyed with the clutter of their living space, Ada decided to be disruptive and plopped down next to the young woman. She waved her hand in front of her face, and asked, "What're we doing tonight? Do we have work? Are we gonna go have fun? I'm getting sick of this place... I need to get out, ya know? We all need to get out."
Posted the collab between me and @mattmanganon! (that's why it's so long... haha)
Vishara Aashtii showed no visible concern as Master Varrik was whisked away by the Dark Jedi woman that seemed to radiate power. She could have attempted to stop the Pull, but she was interested in what information Master Varrik might learn of their enemy in their encounter. One could learn much about a person while in single combat with them. Instead, she was more focused on the Neo-Crusaders that were rushing toward the nearby defense turret, and the Dark Jedi that were heading toward her and Master Kiana.

Knowing that she and Master Kiana wouldn’t make it to the turret before defeating the black-robed figures, she reached out to Padawan Lenik through the link she had established earlier, saying, Young Lenik, you must do whatever you can to stop those Neo-Crusaders from destroying that defense turret. The safety of the Temple rests in your hands. She felt a response of acknowledgement, and turned her attention to the approaching danger.

Kiana watched Varrik get forcefully pulled toward the mysterious Dark Jedi woman. She could not sit idly by whilst the Seperatists moved further towards the temple... But the two of them could not take them all on alone. "Any good idea's?" she asked. She then noticed a few of them slowly moving to surround the two of them "At this point, a stupid one will do..." she mumbled.

Vishara kept her eyes focused on the five black-robed individuals surrounding them, red lightsabers flashing on. With slight movements, she adopted the graceful poise of a Consular ready for combat, and reached out to the other woman with her mind.

Master Kiana, we will have a difficult time fighting these five. I suggest you allow us to link together using Battle Meditation--with it, we can become as one in our movements and our thought. It will give us an extreme advantage, and will perhaps catch them off-guard.

I will warn you, in all of my years, that's one technique that's mastery has eluded me... But I see little choice.
she replied

Their telepathic conversation only took an instant, and as that instant passed, the Dark Jedi pounced. Vishara stood still, calculating their movements, and engaging the Battle Meditation . Mistaking her stillness for fear, one launched herself at Vishara, her double-bladed lightsaber arcing from above in a downward-strike intended to slice the Togruta in two--but the woman was unprepared for the onslaught of the Force that coursed between the two Jedi. Vishara raised her left hand and sent a powerful blast at her, sending her careening backward through the air. She let out a blood-curtling scream filled with rage before she was crushed into a wall, her body falling lifeless to the ground.

The other four Dark Jedi were already pressing their attack, enraged even further by the weakness of their ally. Vishara grasped her lightsaber and activated it in one motion, the silver light quivering into existence in a brief instant. She moved closer to Kiana’s side, adopting the Soresu defensive posture just in time to deflect two of their enemies’ attacks. She could sense Kiana’s movements and reactions, as well as her battle emotions--these were inevitable in any Jedi during combat. Kiana was moving to react to the other Dark Jedi, her own senses enhanced by the Battle Meditation.

Kiana slowly moved forwards into a dueling posture with a Sith, she could identify him as Zabrak under his cloak "Why do you side with them?" she asked him. "Zabrak are one with Dathomir, and yet you throw your life away for the sake of those who destroyed so much." she seethed. The feelings of intense pain that she felt, when the droid armies destroyed the Nightsisters, bubbled deep within her. "HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELVES SITH!!!" She screamed, launching herself at him, locking lightsabers with him, before turning to face another that was attempting to flank her. She quickly pushed him away with a force-push, before turning back to the Zabrak and clashing sabers with him several times, she quickly planted her knee in his chest before seeing one vault over the Zabrak to strike at her, she quickly deflected the blow and rolled backwards, throwing her lightsabers away, behind her, towards the first Sith she had thrown, before raising her hands... For a moment, the universe seemed to stand still... She knew it was the Battle Meditation, Vishara was filtering out her non-essential thoughts to keep her brain focused 100% on the fight. She knew exactly what she wanted to do at this moment, what Mother had taught her... Make them suffer. But she wasn't like that, not for 200 years had she ever attacked out of hatred. A calm seemed to engulf her face as she raised both hands and golden streams of lightning flew out, towards the two of them.

Electric Judgement, a technique developed by Master Plo-Kuun and passed down to many of his students, her included. The Sith attempted to block with their Lightsabers, and though one was fast, the Zabrak was not quick enough on the draw and was thrown against the pavement, writhing in agony. The Sith she had thrown her lightsabers at was now laying in two halves on the ground, before she relented with the Judgement and caught her Lightsabers, rushing forwards and locking Lightsabers with the Sith. "TURN AWAY FROM THEIR LIES!!!" She pleaded to the Sith. "ANGER LEADS TO NOTHING BY DESTRUCTION, THE DESTRUCTION OF YOURSELF AND ALL THAT YOU HOLD DEAR! There is a better way." She rasped a little.

The final Sith began to advance on her, although she could sense it, she decided to leave it to Vishara.

Locked in a ferocious duel, Kiana was not reacting to the approaching Dark Jedi wielding two lightsabers. Vishara marveled at how quickly the Master Jedi defeated two of their enemies, but made note of the level of emotion Kiana displayed while fighting. She could sense a complex variety of emotions emanating from her ally, and did the best she could to level those chaotic sensations using her Battle Meditation techniques. Vishara had never linked with Master Kiana before, and felt somewhat troubled by the tumultuous feelings she expressed--it did not seem proper for a Jedi of her power. Knowing that she had trained under Master Plo-Kuun, it did not surprise her when Kiana used Electric Judgement, but it did contribute to Vishara’s concern regarding Kiana’s stability. However, despite this, Kiana seemed completely in control of herself, as if she had already faced certain trials in her past and overcame them. She decided that it would be best to question her about this when the threat against the Jedi Temple passed, and stowed away her thoughts for the time being.

Presently, there was the approaching enemy to consider. While Kiana focused on her own combatant, Vishara moved quickly to intercept the dual-wielding Dark Jedi attempting to strike the other woman from behind. Her own silver lightsaber flashing upward, she swiftly blocked two strikes using Soresu techniques, and leveled an unreadable stare at her new opponent. The man grinned, flashing sharpened teeth at her, and twirled his lightsabers as he circled her in an attempt to intimidate.

Vishara held her lightsaber steady, waiting for him to provide an opening. He lunged at her, his lightsabers pummeling her own in an unrelenting onslaught of power, leaving Vishara breathless as she focused all effort in deflecting his attacks.

Her instinct for survival began to blossom, driving her parrying strikes into counter-attacks, pushing the Dark Jedi backward. Kiana was engaged in her own dance of death, her double-bladed lightsaber whirling at a blinding speed. Vishara felt her own techniques syncing with Kiana’s, and let the Force bond between them guide her hand as she fought the sharp-toothed man, her own emotions becoming more present. Kiana’s feelings were beginning to impact her due to their link, and Vishara’s attacks became more aggressive. Each strike the Dark Jedi made was countered with two of her own, forcing him into a defensive stance. She could see his confidence begin to transform into anger, and knew that a prolonged battle would end in her defeat.


Canderous saw the explosion ring out as one of the defense batteries exploded. "Dammit, what is the defense squad doing over there?" he yelled. He then saw the Mandalorians flying in with their Jetpacks. "Bogies at 4, out of range..." he said, "4319, you keep an eye on them." he said to the sniper. He then walked over to their equipment crate containing their weapons and other equipment and hauled a jetpack out of it, donning it. "General Kiana could need backup at a moments notice, until then, we hold." He saw the Dark Jedi advancing on them "COVERING FIRE!" he ordered before opening fire into the Dark Jedi, most of them were able to deflect the bolts, sending the bolts in random directions, attempting to return them to their origin, but the distance was too great to make it easy.


In that moment, she felt the ripple of death across the Force as Kiana severed the head of her opponent, and as if controlled by an echo of her ally’s actions, Vishara’s lightsaber sliced into the enemy Jedi’s torso, and finally her opponent lay dead at her feet.

Adrenaline rushed through her body, and Vishara took a moment to regain her composure. Just as she was beginning to calm down, an explosion filled her vision, and she sensed the death of Padawan Lenik. She realized that he had failed to defend the turret, but knew that he fought bravely until the end. She rushed toward the remaining Neo-Crusaders with Kiana following closely behind, together dispatching them easily compared to their previous opponents. The turret in ruins, they could do nothing but wait for the enemy’s reaction, as well as figure out what happened between Master Varrik and the unknown Dark Jedi woman.
Ohh, I guess I didn't see that, sorry!! Well good thing I made the mistake first, so others wont now ;D
Posted a character, let me know if I need to change anything. :)
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