Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

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@NekoJordan uhm. kind sir I have never actually joined your crew yet. I'm pretty sure that means you can tell me what to do. Oliver told the captain in a fancy tone Oliver was trying his best not to anger the captain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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@Hipster @NekoJordan Steadman nodded. "I agree with him!" He said pointing to Oliver. "You can't order him around." He whispered to Mar. "Listen Captin I can get him to join us if you want. But I don't think he looks up to it." He pulled out and said. "Honestly, I agree with him on the respect for the crew (ideally me) part. And yes I was threatening you. But, if you say so." He turned to Olvier. "C'mon. I've gotta get you your stuff."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Simona walked away from the pirate ship. Betting with herself that the captain will more of adopt the stowaway into the crew than letting him go. To have the skill to hide on their shi, to begin to actually board the ship with out anyone noticing...well drunk Angelo didnt count. It had to be some skill, she only worried if this man was a marine spy. She heard rumors of those.

The girl pushed her glasses up step after step, she was wandering down the port, and having no idea about the city or the placement of shop she decide to do what everyone with some brain would. Ask for direction and gossip. '' Ah forgive me.'' Simona approached a really tired looking worker with a cup of coffee and a young woman. ''You dont happen to know of a really good and quality food supply shop on this island...and about a butcher? ''She added in thought. Smiling at the two. ''I need a bit of directions.''
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hipster
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Hipster Why did I name myself this?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(haha you expected a post. but instead you got nothing)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leda


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Sia finished her coffee just as someone had approached them. She appeared to be lost "Izumi you help her, I have to get back to work" the girl said as she got up from the table, and headed back into the shop. "Please don't overdo it. Now you said you needed directions to the market. If you take this road up, it should take you there. You should also run into the butcher."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Steadman took a deep breath then smiled at Mar and put his hand on his back. "You know what? Go on with you childish game, but know this. You should have let people bet on this." He turned to Oliver "Hey if you lose, glad to have you here." He marched off the ship and into a tavern. "Hey! I'll have a-" he couldn't finish his sentance. A large man in an apron was standing behind him, and caught Steadman's eye. He knew who this man was. That butcher he mentioned. "Oh, hi there Adam." Without thinking he ran and Adam chased him. Shouts of "Come back here punk!" He stopped at a dock, where Simona and a shipwright happened to be talking. He spinned around and drew his dagger. "Come get me!" He taunted. Adam charged and he jumped out of the way then jumped on his back. "Come on bronco!" He got him in a choke hold and jumped of his back. Steadman held his dagger to Adam's neck "move along now!" Adam ran away. "He'll be back." He laughed and sat on a barrel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Conan too tired and too bored to follow whatever the situation with stowaway and the high stakes game of arm wrestling simple followed Simona. He woke up the more he walked finally. He stopped behind her when she asked the two women for directions. He prepared to walk on ahead until Steadman arrived on the back of the butcher the girl had just mentioned riding him like some kind of horse before scaring the man off. Conan groaned and rubbed his temple in annoyance. "Why are you always causing problems? I swear I'm not awake enough to deal with this..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Simona didnt noticed Conan until the Doc came running by and she turned around. She simply smiled at the first mate, as she determined the doctor of the crew had the situation under control. ''Conan was it too loud for you on the ship to have a nap?''

Pushing her glasses up placing one of her hands in her pockets she added. ''Oh Sorry you two, for my friend. You already look overworked and as if you will fall asleep on your legs, I can imagine having a angry butcher hunting down my friend is not a relaxing thing to see. '' She spoke to the shipwright and her female friend. While she herself idly watched how Steadman won the fight and happily shoo away the bigger man, choosing a barrel to sit on.

''I am Simona, and this are Conan and Steadman respectively. Thank you for the direction too.''
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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"It's always too loud on the ship for me to take a nap." Conan complained before rolling his eyes and returning his attention to the women. "Nice to meet you, I apologize for our idiot doctor as well. Unfortunately, he's always causing us problems so don't take it personally." Turning to Steadman with a very upset look. "You have any more friends in town that might cause us problems?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Steadman chuckled. "Hey he started it! Plus I did nothing wrong! I only had an x-rated evening with his wife! No biggie." He turned to Simona "I cant say you were any help dear. You were naughty and now for the consequences." He got up, slid his arm around her waist and kissed her. "Can't say I didn't enjoy that, love." He whispered to her. He actually didn't just enjoy it. He loved it. He had a huge crush on her, and was waiting for his moment to go all yandere. "As I say bad girls get punished." He pulled away and took Sia's hand and kissed it. He did the same to her friend "My name is Steadman. Delighted I'm sure." @TalijaKey@Leda
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leda


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Before the girl could return ro her work, she was caught by surprise when what seemed like another one of the girl's companions had shown up, took her by the hand and kissed it. He seemed to be in trouble with the local butcher, and from what she overheard this man had been fooling around with his wife. She quickly snatched her hand away from the man who had just introduced himself as she gave him her name as a sign of common courtesy "Sia" She said in a very unpleasant tone "And I'm fine" She said to the other two

@Erklings25 @TalijaKey @Drakeonis
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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"That may be so but let me get him out of your way all the same." Conan replied before he moved behind Steadman and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar, pulling him away from Sia and her friend. "No, no, none of that." The annoyed tone still in his voice. "Honestly what part of stop causing headaches do I have to keep stressing to you? Your lecherous ways already have a crazed butcher out there still looking for your head, and here you are still pulling the same foolishness." He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "I hate having to responsible. I'm too tired for this. Still.." tightening his grip on Steadman's collar. "As much as I hate babysitting you are staying in my sight for the rest of the time we're in port."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Steadman held up his hands and chuckled. "Peace, sir, peace! Any more of this conversation shall posin my brain!" Smiled at Conan. "If that's what you wish, mind you, you are just baby sitting a stubborn mule. You don't have a stick or a carrot." He reached into his pocket and scribbled down the bit about the mule. "Plus, I never knew she was married! I swear! I swear on my little notebook of wisdom!" Suddenly his head turned and he smiled. "Be right back, lad." He tugged his collar away and sprinted off into the streets yelling. "Hey! Hey you! It's me! Remember me?" He stopped at the back of a florists. "Clara! Remember me?" He hugged her, but remained weary. I think you can guess why, who she is married to. "Good lord I haven't seen you in ages. Now, onto business. Is your black butcher of a husband around here. I don't think he should see what will happen next."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Simona never minded the hugs from anyone, and she counted the arm around her waist as hug too, party if its friends it was nice and if its from a foe, they just came closer to her making it easier to stab them with her poison. She chuckled at the Docs accusation of her lack of help. '' I had fate in your abilities.'' She teased, but it was cut short when the man placed a kiss and swiftly, went to another target. Leaving the cook wonder if she is allowing him too much or not. Pushing her glasses up partly to hide the hints of a blush that soon enough went away, she commented. '' I do hope Sia you arent married to a crazy killing happy muscle man? ''

It was such a normal thing to see Steadman going after anything that had a sand clock shape, it was pretty much his air. At least thats how she saw it. ''Someone said poison?'' She peeked up from her thoughts having a happy childish smile. '' Are we poisoning the butcher with something? If we want something harmless I want to test my new receipt for diarrhea causing poison.''

That Simona was now clapping her hands in glee and bouncing softly in place looking at the first mate as a puppy, was a normal thing too for this crew. She wanted a okay from the first mate before she went poisoning peps. @Erklings25@Drakeonis@Leda
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Steadman was listening to the little conversation the rest were having and gasped. "Posing? Butcher? They're going to poison Adam?" Clara was shocked at Simona's glee of poisoning her husband. "Hey if it makes you feel any better I can deal with this." Said Steadman determinedly. He marched over to Simona, and balled his fists. "Nobody is poisoning anybody! Have a problem with that? File it to the complaints department." He gestured to an open gutter. "Yeah, I said poison. I said 'anymore of this conversation will poison my brain.'" He pointed at her, his eyes full of false authority. "Don't get any idea's, or next time you break a limb, I'll break the other ones for you. Clear on the sweetheart?" He smiled, his wicked smile. @TalijaKey
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Conan rolled his eyes at both of them. "Why would you even mention poison? You know how she gets." Man he needed a nap after dealing with this. With another annoyed grunt he decided on a plan to hopefully bring the situation to a satisfying end. Turning to the woman named Clara his voice took on its ever rare authoritative tone. "Unfortunately ma'am your husband poses a threat to one of our crew and as long as he's out there plotting to kill said member I can't very well continue to let him cause problems for us." He pointed to Simona. "So next time he shows his face, I'm going to let Simmy here poison him, or I'll eat him." Transforming his teeth into fangs to accentuate the point." Whichever happens to come first. So I offer you one alternative: you cease messing around with our fool of doctor; which is what started this whole situation in the first place, and go tell your husband to give up on his quest for vengeance because if he crosses our path again he dies regardless of what our doctor says."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leda


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Sia scoffed at the girl's comment about her being married "Me? Married? Never." The thought of Sia being married to someone was enough to make the other girl laugh even if she would love to see her happy for once. As the conversation shifted, she overheard them talking about poisoning the butcher, and they even went so far as to warn the wife. The girl had never liked the wife due to her promiscuous nature of shacking up with everyone behind the butcher's back, but she was on good terms with the butcher, which is she had no problem coming to his defense. "Hey, hey, hey, no one is poisoning or eating anyone" She said was she walked over to the wife and Conan.

@Drakeonis @Talijakey
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Steadman glared as Conan said that they would kill him. "Why you little! He was only after me!" He muttered, wishing he had tonnes TNT, so he could blow up everything. Then he heard Sia say "Hey, hey, hey, no one is poisoning or eating anyone." He grinned and mouthed "Cheers m'dear." He turned to Conan and said. "Listen, I know you're tired and whatnot, but hear me out. It's my battle, and don't worry we're just friends. Plus I can handle that guy. No need to sweat! The only one on the same page as me is her," he pointed to Sia "and I just met her. We've known each other for quite a bit and we aren't even in the same book! So, peace?" He held out his and and furrowed his brow. @Drakeonis
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Simona claimed down, it was just a misused word nothing more. But she did nodded at the first mate order or promise of the next meeting they would have. It was amusing to Simona how the Doc tried to lecture her, she planned to kill the guy just make him lock himself in the bathroom for a week. She grinned at the lecturing Doctor but felt she had to point something out.

''My darling, what kind of pirate would we be if we do not make it clear that attempting to kill a crew member and friend of us will draw the whole pirate group wrath on the responsible. In this situation our friend the butcher. I think knowing that is essential. Our captain would not be pleased if someone cuts you up. So you better make sure you can handle it~ '' Simona hummed looking at the butchers wife. ''And she is still checking out your rear Steadman.''@Erklings25@Leda@Drakeonis
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Steadman laughed and put his arm around Clara. "No sweat! I know one way to deal with him." He smiled darkly, and turned his head. "Speak of the devil. Here comes our good friend Adam the butcher." As it seems he had come looking for his wife. He smoothly let go of Clara and spun her around to face him. "No, no no! I told you once, I told you twice! I will not make you cheat on your husband!" This was his plan all along, make it seem like she was trying to date him, in front of Adam. "Oh Lord, it's you! She's at it again Adam she is a seductress, and I fell under her spell! I never want to see her again!" He said running over to Adam, who grabbed Clara by the wrists and dragged her away, smiling at Steadman. As soon as her was gone he turned back to the rest of the group. "How to deal with a crazy butcher 101." He said triumphantly. He walked over to Simona and asked quietly "Was she really looking at my, you know, behind?" @TalijaKey
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