Idea: Narrated by a Rod Sterling replica. "The date, is some point in the near future. Meet very unluck people, who awakes in a very unusual place. Directly above you 249 miles in the air is a lage steel cage. This cage was built by humans for humans. But this is no ordinary cage. People would normally train their whole lives to be chosen for this very special cage. This is the space station Chronos. Over five thousand square feet of metal living space. These people don't know it yet but they just took the first step, into the twilight. You awake on the floor of an orbiting space station. You are not alone. How did you get there? Probably the most important question may be this; Who are you?" This is a RP mystery. The only answers are the ones you find. You have amnesia so there are no character backgrounds.
PM me if interested
PM me if interested