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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Okay - Posting order -

Jeremiah - Ailen

(The rest can reply to the start of the day but have no knowledge of the accident in the mines until Ailen makes a public broadcast, if he does.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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@Afina Ashala never send the request for more people. FYI. =)
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Day Two - Cave In

Day started around 8 am
Cave in happened a little after 10 am
Current time from the end my last post - Roughly 1 pm
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Okay, we are roughly at 3 pm Tower Time right now

Jeremiah - Get your ass out of there, lol
Srath - Craig is waiting on contact from you when you can. He has a mission
Ailen - Dealing with Twins and going Gollum
Jun'Krama - Dude, time to be He-man, lol
Gaia - Prep yourself, you might have crap hit the fan in the infirmary soon
Ashala - Docks are running well, things are calm in your department right now

Over all - Storm is beginning to roll in over the Mines - so that means a sonic event in the mines is beginning. It will not effect those in the Tower. (For now)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Okay, we are roughly at 3 pm Tower Time right now

Srath - Craig is waiting on contact from you when you can. He has a mission

Over all - Storm is beginning to roll in over the Mines - so that means a sonic event in the mines is beginning. It will not effect those in the Tower. (For now)

Wouldn't it make more sense for Craig to contact Srath with a job? Bugging the head of security for work constantly seems like a bad idea.

PS: Is the site being glitchy for anyone else?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh, sorry, a few posts back in there somewhere Craig left a message for Srath to contact him, that he needed to talk to him. Was just reputting it out there.

As far as the site goes, the glitchness comes and goes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Okay, at end of my last post we are roughly at 4 pm Altenia Time

Gaia - Infirmary as minor injuries and one body to process for the morgue.
Srath - Craig is awaiting contact from Srath once he reaches his personal quarters, overrides for entrance have been granted.
Ailen - Say hello to a new T-1
Jeremiah - you are back at the Tower now - engineering won't be needed for a little bit, so your cool to do your own thing.
Ashala - You are open to do your own thing still or if you want have the Roughnecks supply up the Miners and Singers for when the storm passes - They are going to be in the docks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay, at end of my last post we are roughly at 4 pm Altenia Time

Gaia - Infirmary as minor injuries and one body to process for the morgue.
Srath - Craig is awaiting contact from Srath once he reaches his personal quarters, overrides for entrance have been granted.
Ailen - Say hello to a new T-1
Jeremiah - you are back at the Tower now - engineering won't be needed for a little bit, so your cool to do your own thing.
Ashala - You are open to do your own thing still or if you want have the Roughnecks supply up the Miners and Singers for when the storm passes - They are going to be in the docks.

Score, hello improve. =)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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@Markofkri Just to let you know, Silvia is kind of trapped in a mine shaft right now, but if you want to have Ashala go to the Mor and leave it with Gwen, who is running the Tower right now, feel free.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Markofkri Just to let you know, Silvia is kind of trapped in a mine shaft right now, but if you want to have Ashala go to the Mor and leave it with Gwen, who is running the Tower right now, feel free.

I didn't want to meta game. =)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Markofkri it wouldn't be at this point, alarms went off, announcments were made, people in the tower gossiping, chatting about it, etc. Sorry if it got clouded in the posts, they've been coming kind of fast. No worries though, hold any edit, I'll just have her filled in personally my next post.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Not sure what was like worthy about that post but ok.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Fatal Error 1337 The added detail, like food, headache and such. I love posts like that whether they are short or ten pages long. It gives me a better glimpse into the character, their mood, their outlook and more I can possibly reply to or ideas. Those little details mean a lot to me when I read them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ok then, like accepted. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Dog

Blue Dog

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Still intending to make some CS for this, but I had forgotten the amount of time that went into it, couple that with the fact that I'm writing between obligations. I'll have something up as soon as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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K - Gaia, Ashala and Jeremiah are still in free posting.

Srath is up and then Ailen

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Dog

Blue Dog

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


( understand that the image was just a base to get me inspired)

Name: Samantha *Sam* Feldon ( anyone who uses her full name, aside from her sister, is deadmeat)

Race: Human/ Earth Born

Age: 20

Appearance: Sam has vibrant red hair that reaches to the middle of her back which, if it isn't held back in a ponytail tends to fall rather messily since she has no patience to comb it. She also has pale skin, and dark green eyes that usually hold a serious expression. She prefers clothes that offer function over form, never seeing the point in high fashion, a set of clothes either serves it's purpose for her or it does not. She stands at 6'2 tall, and takes pride in her taller than average status.

Possessions: Sam, having been the oldest out of a set of orphans has very little in the way of possessions for herself, preferring instead to provide the best she can for what she considers to be her little sister. She does have some sparse belongings, however. A denim jacket that she had gotten from a girl 'friend' that had spent some time on the streets with her and her sister, a present given just before Sam left for training. An old gutair Sam had acquired from a pawn shop on the cheap being that it was unusable at the time. Sam decided to rebuild it herself, thinking that if she could get it working and learn how to play it would earn her and her sister some easy bucks, but regretted the situation somewhat when she realized how miserly the well to dos actually were. She would have gotten rid of the old thing, but Sarah begged her not too as she thought Sam was actually really talented, and liked to listen to her play. Plus, all the hours put into it had made her somewhat sentimental of the old thing. Her only other possession was the one she cherished the most, the small yellow crystal that hung around her neck, handed down by her parents. One of a set of twins, like her. Since moving to the tower her list of possessions has grown to include what was provided by the GTC, but only those things that she had pre training have any sentimental value for her.

Skills/Abilities: telepathy and telekinesis that is much stronger while around her sister, hand to hand fighting, street smart and able to easily see through most lies, hard negotiation tactics, ability with music especially but not limited to the gutair

Personality: Sam is, and has always been, what she thinks the world demands of her. She is tough and hard nosed because she knows that if she isn't the world will crush her. More importantly , to her at least, she is afraid that if she relents and allows any softness to shine through something bad will happen while she isn't on her toes and Sarah could be hurt. Being only an hour older than Sarah does not prevent Sam from feeling responsible for her twin. She sees Sarah, happy, open, and trusting which makes Sam happy but it is the latter that causes her no end of worry. Always being on her toes has made for a sharp mind. She almost always knows when someone is trying to pull the wool over her eyes, and the few times she doesn't catch it she is strong enough to handle what comes. This makes her incredibly good at both negotiations and haggling, in that very few will get one over on her. Her sometimes abrasive attitude, however, causes her to rub most people the wrong way. This is why Sarah is such a good balance for her, always keeping her attitude under control and her hostility pointed in the right direction

Sam is particularly hostile towards certain women at times, because she is covering up the fact that she secretly likes them. Sam hasn't ever thought she would have time to develop those feelings for anyone, but she has been wrong before. On the streets for example a girl by the name of Alex got under her skin in a bad way. She hid these feelings for a number of reasons under the facade that she was just a friend, and one she rarely got along with at that. However the fact that she would often go out of her way to spend time with Alex, despite the fact that things would often come to blows between the two made her feelings obvious to anyone who was watching. The fact that even now she kept the jacket Alex had given her, confirmed those feelings. That dosent mean that she was willing to bring out those feelings,however.

Crystal: small, yellow, diamond shaped, passed down to her and her sister when they were 8 shortly before their parents death, one of a set of twins, warm to the touch perhaps because of Sam's love of the thing.

Name: Sarah Feldon

Sarah has much more subdued red hair that, while the same length as her sister's, is much better kept as she actually enjoys spending time combing it. She has the same pale skin as her sister, but much more vibrant green eyes. Unlike her sister you will rarely see an unkind, or serious look on Sarah's face. Also unlike her sister, Sarah loves everything about fashion and glamor. If she could she would dress to make the elitists themselves jealous. Being of low class, however, she has to make due with thumbing through old magazines. She has some fashionable clothes, that Sam has managed to acquire for her, or that she has gotten on her own. Sarah stands at 6'0 tall, a few inches shorter than her sister, but still tall enough to make her self conscious at times.

Possessions:Sarah, though having more in the way of possessions than her sister, still travels light. She had the clothes on her back, as well as two changes of clothes, one formal and fashion forward, one not so much. A cheap comb which she used to straighten her hair as well as, when her sister would allow it, comb Sam's hair as well. She also owned a small slightly cracked hand mirror that Sam had managed to get for her. There was a mirror her room in the tower, so there was little use of the small thing anymore, but she kept it because it had been a gift from her sister.She used to keep her possessions in the lean to she had helped Sam build, but moved them into her new room in the tower with her sister. She also, like her sister, had a small crystal dangling from around her neck from a chain. Unlike her sister, however, she hated the thing. She never trusted crystals, she had heard stories of how they drove some to madness. In fact the only reason she kept it was that it had been a gift from her parents. Since moving into the tower her list of possessions has grown to include the things provided by the GNC. While she enjoys the formal wear, like her sister her sentiments go only to her possessions pre training.

Skills/Abilities: first aid, telepathy and telekinesis that is stronger while around her twin, good in negotiations because of her compassionate side that assists in calming others, good with animals and young children, skilled in speaking with others and making friends

Personality: Sarah is the exact opposite of her sister. While Sam is tough and serious, Sarah tends to be softer and kinder. She loves it when those around her are happy, and will go out of her way to help anyone find a reason to smile. While Sam says she's foolish to do so, she prefers to face the world with openness and optimism. This makes her the perfect balance to her sister in that while Sarah can afford to be open and kind, because Sam will always be there to reign her in when she gets too trusting, Sarah can speak to people a lot better and win over many friends and allies for the twins. Sarah can also be a bit on the ditzy side sometimes too, however. Also, her optimistic nature usually inhibits her from knowing when others are trying to take advantage of her.

Crystal: small, yellow, diamond shaped, passed down to her and her sister when they were 8 shortly before their parents death, one of a set of twins, largely inert perhaps because of Sarah's fear of crystals in general

Sam/Sarah combined history: ( Since they've rarely been apart)

Sam and Sarah were born to a family of no particular importance. Both of their parents were in the military and Sarah, and Sam rarely got to see them. They were expected to look after each other from an early age. When they did see them, however, they were a happy family. Sam's father would teach his daughter how to fight, Sam loving every moment of it. Sarah's mother, the more subdued but no less dangerous parent, would teach her daughter how to cook and hunt. The latter lesson may not have stuck with Sarah, seeing as how the girl would weep inconsolably whenever her mother would shoot something, she did love the time spent with her mom in the kitchen. All too soon, however, they would both have to leave again.

Then one day one of their parents' friends came, with both of the twins' parents' crystals in hand. The GTC had wanted to reclaim them, but he had promised their parents that if anything were to happen to them he would make sure the girls got them. He told them that their parents had been killed while together on an assignment, though he hadn't said which one. The twins were now well and truly on their own.

Never having been particularly wealthy they had at least always been fed, and a roof had been provided, but with the money gone so too were those things. The streets were a dangerous place for anyone, let alone a couple of kids, but they soon realized they weren't completely alone. They had their powers. They discovered this when a man, intent on robbing them approached their lean too one night. Knife in hand, he approached them threatening awful things. Sam being the braver of the two stepped forward and made a hand gesture while talking that launched the man half a block and instantly killed him. This also alerted the GTC to their whereabouts. A decision was reached, that they wouldn't be taken in just yet, but that these talents did at least warrant an eye kept over them just to ensure these assets wouldn't come to too much harm.

On the streets they developed the beginning of their power, realized that their powers were greater while together, as well and learned the rest of the life skills they would use in the future. Sam and Sarah soon built for themselves a new, and not uncomfortable life. Their powers played no small part in their fortune, but each girl also developed skills that helped tremendously. Sam's hard nosed no nonsense approach, as well as her telekinesis, allowed her to get the best prices on things, not be taken lightly by her fellow bums, and also secretly win more than a little money while gambling. Sarah's telepathy, as well as her compassion and kind spirit, won most around her as friends. She also learned basic first aid out of necessity so she could bandage Sam up after one of her fights.

After many, hard but overall good, days on the street they had reached their 16th birthdays. Not long after, the GTC came for them. While originally reluctant to go, as they didn't want to leave behind everything they had built for themselves, they realized that it was the smarter idea to go. Not only would things be easier, but someone with skills similar to theirs would be able to train them in controlling their powers instead of having just the school of hard knocks. On arrival, they immediately excelled at their training. They had already been using their powers on a near daily basis for their very survival. Most other trainees hated them on sight, despite Sarah's best efforts to win the other students over, but between being some of their teachers favorite students and Sam's well developed menace they found it difficult to make the Twin's lives miserable like they wanted. After a time of beating every training exercise the teachers could come up with, they were moved to Basti Tower for more extreme training.

( I didn't understand a couple of thing, so it's very possible I may have made a mistake or two. Feel free to let me know)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This works, I am going to go ahead and assign them the rank of T3 - they will be assigned together as Emergency Opts in Earth Tower to start. They will work as a paired crew that helps daily with minor injuries on site in the Mines and where ever needed, as well as information gathers and interrogators if needed. They will work in tandem with security and the infirmary when the crap hits the fan. Live together in shared quarters. My next world post I will bring them in with more detail but this will give you an idea.feel free to add rank t3 and job Emergency Ops to their cs and transfer it to the cs page.

Right now I am just waiting on a couple of posts for my next big post that will bring them in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Posted, love writing interrogation scenes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nice, I will post Tristans response once E posts for Ailen, E, do me a fav, don't move him yet, lol once I respond then you guys can carry him away
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