@Shohmyoh I'm totally cool with that too. :)
I've also finished my character, heya!

Approximate Age Range: Late 30s
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dio is a man age is now beginning to catch up with. He stands at 6'1" with a posture that's evidently imperfect, his upper body leaning forward as if from a result of bending forward for long periods of time. His hair is short, far from straight and a dark brown, nearly black, colour that comes away as white at some of the roots. His arms are a slightly darker shade of tan than his face and his neck, and the natural colour to his skin betrays his Latin American roots along with his hardened, dusky hazel gaze. His facial hair is well kept though in the same salt-and-pepper state as the hair on his head.
His presence can be described as smart, encompassing and authoritative on first glance.
Attire: He seems to be wearing what can be classed as a moderately expensive black suit jacket and trousers atop a crisp white shirt. At his wrists, along with a proud, if slightly worn, Rolex on his right one, glitter small, silver cufflinks of a particular logo you can almost place, before realising it's a stylised caduceus. He wears two rings - and two rings only - one of them being a simple silver wedding band on his left ring finger (the skin underneath it is at least two shades lighter than the rest of his hand's and arms) and another ring on his right middle finger that's by comparison more delicate but houses a topaz that glows warm and orange like honey, or the sun.
Under the dark brown leather of his belt, pockets show the outlines of some typical belongings, a modern enough touch-phone, car-keys, a wallet, some coins in change.
The inside pockets on his suit jacket hold more ambiguous looking, solid items. The arm of a pair of sunglasses can be seen poking out from the top.
He wears formal shoes in the same shade of brown as his belt and his tie is loosened as it hangs around his neck.
If you met this person on the street and didn’t know them, what would be your first impression of them?You would assume Dio to be a businessmen like them all, dressed slick and ready to talk anybody into anything. Or you might think he was some hotshot in a company, flaunting their wealth above the others'. On further inspection, his eyes and mannerisms would betray a more serious man, with a deep voice like silk from the big-screens carrying forward his words, though with the definite hints of a hispanic accent as well as the address "señor" or "señorita".
He looks to be a man who can hold his own in a fist fight, and might be more than big talk. If he did talk big, that is.