Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

I have my angry feminist pilot planes that drop weed over the area so the male orcs get distracted and smoke it instead of attacking and they convert somehow convert to Rastafarianism. (even though they only just now discovered weed and are devout believers in old orcish customs.)
(OOC: how do you do the color text KingTip? that looks cool, and I wanna use it in my future roleplays,IF ANYONE WOULD EVEN JOIN THEM.)

((You use the code as below:

[color=(color name or hex)]text[/color]

So for this:

[color=darkgray((You use the code as below:[/color]

That would be how to set up the top line.

Feel free to PM if ya want me to get more into formatting for ya.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I am absolutely mortified that I am not allowed to join the orc army just because I'm not an orc. I find the best lawyer in all the land and sue the orc army for everything they have on the grounds of racial discrimination. In addition, I post my heart-wrenching tale on the anti-orc website #humandiscrimination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManiacMaestro
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ManiacMaestro Best of the west

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(okay thank you for the advice)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pripovednik
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Pripovednik ☞NO HANDS☜

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I search for a handsome young lady to have tonight surrounded by the furs of my successful hunts
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlosingRanger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

attempt to take CUSTOMARY BLACK HOLE 'PARADOX CLEANSER' power for myself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hiddenleafguy
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hiddenleafguy Resident necromancer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I send a portion of my great and POWERFUL army to sneak into the orcish trade capital in a trading barge and to capture the city and put our great flag (still looking for good design) on top of there city hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

I send a portion of my great and POWERFUL army to sneak into the orcish trade capital in a trading barge and to capture the city and put our great flag (still looking for good design) on top of there city hall.

((Suppose we both roll 5, and I become king of your capital and you king of mine?))
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManiacMaestro
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ManiacMaestro Best of the west

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I Decide to commit suicide by jumping into the black hole and ironically become a prophet that will bring humans and orcs together in peace
(oh yeah if I'm successful, I want to build a waterproof automaton.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfWar
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GodOfWar Originally Bloodied

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I summon all the hardcore nerds of the world and make everyone's arguments invalid
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManiacMaestro
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ManiacMaestro Best of the west

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If I don't become the prophet, then I will try to be a hipster with a flying train with Sheogorath as the conductor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KingTip
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KingTip That King of 'Some Realm'

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

very sorry I was swept away with important things one after another, but Roll to Dodge shall continue!

@GodOfWar You roll a: 3! You muster up a great army of carrots, but when you enfore healthy eating most of them leave but that means they become partial cannibals. You have a weak carrot army.

@ArenaSnow You roll a: 3! The blog is taken down, but a smaller fan site pops up to continue the job.
For the attack on Humania, Wait until the end of the post for the first battle of the war.

@ManiacMaestro Same goes for you

@Takashi You roll a: 3! Your lawyer is only sub-par and only manages to get the orcs(Every single one of them) to apologize.
For your story, You roll a: 1! It largely goes unnoticed due to the new site and only a few people on it right now. As the site starts to heat up again you get a few hateful comments about the fact the you'd even apply for the orc army. You post then is pushed off the first page to be lost forever.

@Pripovednik You roll a: 2! There seems to be no handsome young ladies on this entire planet.

@UnlosingRanger You roll a: 1! You are about to start wrestling with the CUSTOMARY BLACK HOLE 'PARADOX CLEANSER' when it disappears and you fall face first into the mud of this strange world. Gross.

@hiddenleafguyJust wait a sec

@GodOfWarYou roll a: 2! You summoning powers are too weak.

(Before we start the battle, ManiacMaestro You roll a: 6!You become a great prophet, and amass a very large religion following you, this largely stops the battle about to happen. But you also amass a large amount of enemies (who happen to be atheists) and they come at you ready to kill!
You must ROLL TO DODGE! You roll a: 4! You manage to keep the atheists at bay and not be killed.)

This battle is now purely about the clash of kingdoms, with racism banned by the new religion, Humania and (ArenaSnow needs to name their kingdom). This also means each kingdom has a multiracial army.
Seige of the Capital!
For this battle Arena is the attackers, and Hidden is the defenders. (also sorry I sort of mixed medieval and modern here, mentions planes and tanks, but also boiling pitch being poured off a castle.) (All modifiers to rolls are already added in. For example if you had a +1 and rolled a 4, I put down a 5)

First minibattle(If you are not part of the battle and wish to know how wars work, look in the OCC):
Attackers (+1 for having larger army than the garrison) roll a: 5!
Defenders roll a: 2!
The (unnamed kingdom) army advances with unknown speed and demolishes the outer defenses, then starts moving inward and slaughters nearly all of the garrison, with no mercy!
Attackers call for reinforcement: 5! Bombers and tanks pull up ready for the next assault(+2 next minibattle)
Defenders call for reinforcement: 6! The army arrives, albeit a little late, With an absolutely INSANE amount of force including boiling pitch and your finest warriors, the only problem is that it is all across the (Just a random name I made) Tarkel Sea. You must ROLL TO TRANSPORT! You roll a: 4! Your reinforcements make it over safely.(+3 next minibattle)

Second minibattle:
Attackers roll a: 4!
Defender roll a: 4!
The fight is brutal as the pitch pours down on the front of the attackers and the defending army has to make up for lost ground. Eventually, with many, many losses, the defenders manage to push back the attackers slightly closer to what used to be the city walls.
Attackers call for reinforcement: 1! You support is far away and cannot make it this MB(minibattle). And on top of that some of your army has died of disease! (-1 next MB)
Defenders call in reinforcement: 6! Another wave of troops are ready to be ferried across, along with some bombers already on their way. You must ROLL TO TRANSPORT! You roll a: 3! Most troops make it over. (+2 next MB)

Third MB:
Attackers roll a: 3!
Defenders roll a: 8!
The defenders roll out and completely SHRED the opponent to the ground. The defending army pushes out until they kill every single living person in the attacking army. They then send out their bombers to scout for any reinforcements and bomb them all to hell. (-2 next battle for ArenaSnow)

The defenders win the battle with only 2 won MBs due to completely wrecking the attacking army with no mercy.
Hiddenleafguy: 1 Arenasnow: 0

Seige of the Trade Port
Arena will be the defender, Hidden will be the attacker.

First MB:
Attackers roll a: 4!
Defenders roll a: 2!
The attackers do an amphibious landing taking minor casualties pushing up to the trade city. The defenders are still low on morale since the last fight, but then someone shouts out "Remember what they did to us! Remember their merciless ways! Avenge your fallen brethren!" This seems to have a 'Remember the Alamo' affect on the defenders, giving the a permanent +1 to all fighting.
Attackers call in reinforcement: 1! It seems reinforcement is running late and the look on the defenders' face are scaring your men!(-1 next MB)
Defenders call in reinforcement: 5! A very large amount of troops come in from far and wide in your kingdom, ready for battle and prepared for the worst. (+2 next battle)

Second MB:
Attackers roll a: 3!
Defenders roll a: 4!
The attackers succumb to intimidation by the enemy and lose a bit of ground, but win on the fight side killing only a few troops. The defenders tried a new tactic but couldn't pull it off and ended up relying solely on morale damage.
Attackers call for reinforcement: 1! Where are they? Celebrating over a victory instead of helping in another battle going on right now? Ridiculous. (-1)
Defenders call for reinforcement: 1! You start to lose a bit of troops due to, what they think, is an incompetent army, which negates your remember the alamo bonus next MB.

Third MB:
Attackers roll a: 5! (The -1 actually helped here, avoiding a 6)
Defenders roll a: 1!
With both armies losing manpower, the attackers take advantage and plan a sneak attack, decimating defending numbers.
Attackers call for reinforcement: 2! With still no more reinforcement, your army seems to be doing fine after the recent success.
Defenders call for reinforcement: 3! You get a few more reinforcements, but nothing notable.

Fourth MB:
Attackers roll a: 1!
Defenders roll a: 6!
The defenders start to reconquer their territory, whilst taking many enemies prisoner, not wanting to be the very thing they're fighting. Unfortunately, they push the attackers back and get themselves into a position where the enemy boats can fire upon them, so they must ROLL TO DODGE! They roll a: 3! They suffer minor casualties.
Attackers call for reinforcement: 5! Finally the support arrives, bloodthirsty for the final clash. (+2 next MB)
Defenders call for reinforcement: 6! It seems the entire kingdom arrives for the final fight, the only problem is that city is too crowded to efficiently fight, so you must ROLL TO PROVIDE BOATS! Your roll a: 1! You can not provide boats so you fight less efficiently. (+1)

Final MB:
Attackers roll a: 8!
Defenders roll a: 3!
The attackers pull out their final trick up their sleeves and murder all of ArenaSnow's army, then torch the trade center and call in that they can start building their new planned trade city here.

Hiddenleafguy: 2 ArenaSnow: 0

(If you think the battle process is a little tedious we can change it, but if it's fine we can keep it.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManiacMaestro
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ManiacMaestro Best of the west

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

With my new found wealth and resources I construct a WATERPROOF automaton.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfWar
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GodOfWar Originally Bloodied

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I, failing to make a civilized army, send the small amount of carrot tribesmen I have to blow up and conquer the great city of Dinkleberg with their primitive heat seeking missiles.

EDIT; I also wish to sabotage Mainac Maestro's WATERPROOF automatonTM, and instead change it to a WATTPROOF automatonTM.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlosingRanger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

But you also amass a large amount of enemies (who happen to be atheists)

Actually that would be anti-theists
>roll to create blackhole gun
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hiddenleafguy
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hiddenleafguy Resident necromancer

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Before pushing further I order my army to repair the defenses, I then personally visit the port city and make it so that one has to take a certain route to not hit some traps and sink. Also find an assistant, preferably a tiefling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seeing all the armies and stuff I pull out my dragon whistle and call all the dragons in the realm to me. I bribe them with shiny rocks to serve me as my personal legion of terror.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManiacMaestro
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ManiacMaestro Best of the west

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I use a Forcefield to protect my automaton from alterations as I command it to defend itself.
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