The Intergalactic Collision of Entities
You have finally reached the stars. Your civilization have since expanded across them, searching for worlds that are either habitable, or have enough resources to make them worthy of colonization. You may have terraforming technology; you may not. You may be sending out colony ships, or you may be sending mighty warfleets to conquer your interstellar neighbor. But then you stumble onto something- a beacon, broadcasting a code that automatically adapted itself to your ship, your language, your culture, and immediately declared itself to be the distress beacon of an ancient ship, which required help in a distant sector- one that indeed had a derelict, advanced ship.
Your people's response ship, fleet, or drone detected this ship, with countless centuries of research and development integrated into it, hopelessly advanced compared to your own civilization. Here, the ship is in orbit around an unusually large planet, with an unusually low gravitational pull. Liquid water can be seen on the surface, as well as numerous cities (though not nearly as much as to be expected of a spacefaring civilization). Outside the fifth, and last, planet's orbit, there is a large, equally advanced station that appears to still be running. It shows more similarity to a station that uses rotation to create artificial gravity- except that it's so large that the inside of it is entirely empty, and easily large enough to fit the biggest ship you could think of building. In it, there was nothing- stars all around you, but pure blackness through the center of the station.
Your people have stumbled upon a race's home planet, before something wiped them all out. Visuals of the surface show all the living creatures of the planet, two-armed four-legged salamander-like creatures in all the cities, all dead. And yet, something kept the planet's atmosphere exactly right for your species- and even a drastically different species would say the same. Powerful technology kept the entire planet stable for habitation by any race that came across it- including the multiple races suddenly appearing all across the system. A race that evolved in a magma-laden land would have no problem breathing and talking to a race that lived in a completely oceanic world- such was the nature of the ancient technology.
Here, your races meet. Here, you decide if you with to try and make this strange planet, with its strange derelict and its unbeknownst-to-you warpgate station to Andromeda, yours. You could try to make it a planet entirely for you and yours, and claim the system as yours- or you can try to make it a sort of diplomatic and economic center, working with other nations to make it that one planet that everyone knows, that everyone goes to. The derelict, too, has countless opportunities surrounding it, but until you've advanced on your own enough, its self-defense shield and point defense might be enough to keep you away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pure Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In case I wasn't that clear with my little prologue thing (which I admit, I did get carried away with), here's your basics:
- A) You are a fledgling FTL-worthy empire, nation, whatever. You've finally discovered your secrets of faster-than-light, and made somewhat efficient engines to use for interstellar travel
- B) You send a ship, fleet, or drone to find the source of an ancient beacon laying just outside the outermost planet's orbit. Its message- help required at these coordinates. Your first interstellar team in response to 'aliens' is to find the source of the beacon, just as many other nations.
- C) Certain weapons will have certain advantages and disadvantages. If its specialized, its good against JUST armor, shields, whatever, and nothing much besides, or you can have it generalized, with moderate damage to everything. All your weapons must have this included. Some things I will allow, some exceptions- just ask or post an app, and I'll let you know.
- D) Ships, fleets, whatever, are limited. As in- no thousands of ships, No several hundred ships, even. Smaller ships can be numerous but are much more limited, of course. Make it realistic with battle- every ship lost, especially every FTL-capable ship lost, is got to be a costly replacement. A large fleet would be several dozen ships- seventy ships would be very large indeed, for a fledgling empire.
- E) Habitable planets are rare. Every now and then, I will say that a certain planet is found to be one like the Prologue's planet, where any race finds it to be perfect to their needs. That being said, I will also enforce more realistic restrictions on planets. Asteroids have large amounts of raw resources, like iron, gold, etc. Meanwhile, moons might have solid ice cores, and ice, being water, is likely to be a must-have for many races. Planets are likely to have any mix- some planets may have absolutely nothing, some may have only silicon or somesuch, while others may have a hodgepodge of everything, and other, rarer planets have everything in very, very large amounts. That being said, many planets won't have large amounts of any kind of gas- rather, gas giants, of course, have that. Any type of gas can likely be found in gas giants, as well as lighter crystallized minerals.
- F) THIS IS SCIENCE FICTION, BUT IT HAS FANTASY ELEMENTS TOO. Go ahead and have your people super religious with a god- fine by me. But that God will not speak for your people or have a major influence in their actual doings- you can't freeze everyone in a room and speak to them with your godly voice. That being said, you can also occasionally perform 'miracles' of some sort. If you have a race that refuses to learn any other languages, nor teach anyone else yours, then you can have that god of yours perform a 'miracle' to allow your to-be ambassadors to understand and speak with other races in their native language- which will be perfectly [weirdly] understandable. I'll get more into the sciencey part of this later, when people get to dissecting the ancient ship.
- G) Last of all (for now), this is science fiction. If you have a problem with me being unrealistic, PM me. And ONLY PM me. If you post it into the OOC, then I will ignore it and it will not exist for me. This is not going to be superrealistic. This is not going to be theoreticallyrealistic. This is going to be realistic in concept and idea, but not perfect, and not completely to according to science. This doesn't mean if you say, "This article by these reallysmart guys says that there's no possible way otherwise," then sure, I will change it or at least see if it'll work inthe roleplay. But really- this is a fictional environment with influence from both fantasy and science.
A) Be respectful
B) I am God-of-this-Roleplay. What I say goes, in the end. You can try to convince me otherwise in PM
C) If you think I am a fool and I am wrong about everything- criticize me in PM.
D) No metagaming- you know what you know, and nothing more or less.
E) No powergaming- your opponent decides if your shots hit- not you. If you have really really accurate snipers who train 120 years of their 150 year lifespans, then it's likely it'll hit- but you'll still not say you hit. The guy you're shooting at will.
F) No Godmoding- this is reserved for Gods and very occasional, small miracles only. Say "Baaaa!" in Other in your app for confirmation.
G) Realistic limits- you cannot insta-FTL and have all weapons and sensors online immediately, and then fire off everything and insta-FTL. There must be a cooldown somewhere, FTL drives are likely to take up a great deal of power, leaving many things unpowered immediately after a warp. Also- your FTL drives should have an effective range, not a it-goes-this-lightyears-per-hour. You should be able to jump to any spot in, say, 30 lightyears in less than 5 minutes, but that's as far as you can go. Farther and you'll start getting damage in your drive. Likewise, Kinetic weapons can be dodged but can have more force behind them, while energy weapons are less likely to be dodged but probably won't have as much force. The only way to go to Andromeda is the warpgate in the Prologue star system.
Also- only two human nations right now. One based on Earth, and another nearby that was a colony ship that went independent or something.
Also- only one nation without FTL travel, or without spaceworthy vessels. The nation that has this gets a FREE ancient station on the outskirts of their system, so that there'll be something to attract visitors. Signal from this station will go to the warpgate station.
Also- the amount of information per ship is for a purpose. That way you can keep making new ships with whatever, but it'll be a PITA for you to do it each time. ALL ships you use MUST have an application for it before hand.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Application (NATION)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
((Please PM apps to me, and when I approve, go post them in the App, k?))
Nation Name: ["United Federation of Gerbalson"]
Nation TAG: ["UFG", warship name prefix: "FGS" Gerbalspaceship]
Nation Race: ["Gerbalmen"]
Nation Government: [Democracy? Theocracy? Oligarchy?]
Nation Inclination: [Is your peoples more interested in moneys? Guns? Land? Making everything? Owning everyone?]
Nation History: [Whats the backstory, eh?]
Nation Culture: [They love enchiladas? Celebrate everything? Nothing? Love the people? Got a new-year day?]
Nation Military Spacetypes: [Whatchu got? Gauss guns, laser guns, plasma guns, kinetic guns? How many spaceships with big guns? Carriers? Fighters? Defense Stations?]
Nation Civilian Spacetypes: [You got cargo ships, private yachts, shuttles, whatever, here it goes. Stations used for trade, shipping, whatever, anything of importance]
Nation VIPs:
-Race: (Just in case)
-Age: (Biological age, percentage of lifespan - [50 years old, 33% of his 150 year lifespan])
-Role: (Government leader? President? Major revolutionary? General?)
-Appearance: (Just a description of what he looks like is fine. Pictures are okay too, in a hider or something.)
-Known-for: {Known to be angry, mean, what? Give what he's known to be. Not who he actually is- just who he is to everyone else)
Small suggestions: (Big suggestions should be PMed)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Application (WARSHIP)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Owner Nation: (If it's a combined-force or an inter-species/nation ship, just include the organization and its member nations in paranthesis)
Weight: (Is it a big heavy ship, meant to be a bullet sponge? Or a light ship, to be fast and manuervable but somewhat fragile in armor? Types are: Heavy, Medium-heavy, Medium, Medium-light, Light)
Role: (Destroyer, with special secondaries for heavy damaging? Cruiser, for general combat or electronic warfare or orbital bombardment? Carrier, which allows fighters or other ships to dock with it for repairs, rearming, and refueling? Or battleships/dreadnoughts, which just have a lot of heavy weapons and such, for blowing everything up? Or is it a frigate, small and light that's meant for electronic warfare, or scouting? Frigates can also be armed similar to Destroyers, but Frigates MUST be smaller ships under Light weight)
Appearance: (Description is fine)