At this point in the history Britain was already declined due to indias push for independance (gained in 1947 or 1950, cant remember) and various America deals that ultimately saved Britain, albeit at the cost of their empire. If we are keeping some semblance of history, by 1941 Britain is in no position to do much in regards of expansion just due to the epic pounding they have received time and time again.
On the flip side, Britain really proved itself as a strong nation that wouldn't be taken easily as with France and many others. Battle of Britain is just such an incredible feat.
I love American history during ww2 because it was just incredible how a nation with a military less than 200,000 strong grew to be the worlds strongest but if you really study how much of a beating Britain took and still came out as one of the leaders of the modern world is just incredible.
However neither country could compare to the 25 million that Russia lost.
Aside from history I'm really excited to see where you take Britain after ww2, assuming the rp lasts that long.
Also, once I get a verdict on japan ill start an intro post.
I know Britain is in no condition to seek expansion of the Empire. I plan to try to take the UK through the war much as we did in our time line, but expending more resources on defending the homeland's infrastructure and rebuilding it to avoid relying so heavily on whatever equivalent of the Dawes Plan (if any) comes to pass.
Basically, I will try to make Britain less dependant on the USA and preserve the Empire's integrity to a greater extent. If the RP lasts until the close of the war, Britain will be more assertive in relations with the US and the rest of the world - for example, demanding the data on atomic weapons mostly denied to the British in our history, despite the close cooperation of the USA, Canada and Britain in nuclear research.
Also, Britain will probably grant India far greater autonomy rather than total independence. Perhaps even a Dominion. But it's not like Ghandi's going to raise an armed rebellion, now, is it?
Hopefully, you as the USA would then regard the British as a partner in whatever Cold War would inevitably result from the war, rather than what amounts to little more than a vassal even today in our timeline.
Oh, and any equivalent of the Suez Crisis in the RP, should it go on that long, will be treated differently than how it was in our history. It is my opinion that the US would never have devalued the Pound Sterling even in our time for fear of scaring other nations into the Soviet camp.
I love Second World War history as well :) I particularly like the British aspects of the conflict, as Brit, but also because it is interesting how the greatest Empire on earth was brought low by someone trying to 'save European civilisation', Hitler. I doubt he would have favoured the USA's rise to power, surpassing Europe.
Obviously, Britain has a powerful and privileged place in the modern world. But to us, so dwarfed by the USA, Russia, China and even India, to a extent, it is a long way from the 'good ol' days' of the Empire. We even accept the truth of the fact that we are a pawn wielded by the US President ('cough, Bush/Blair, cough...').
In short, as I've already said, my goal is to bring Britain through the war in an even better position than it was in real life.
Of course, in real life, it is my opinion that there was little reason for Britain to become involved in WWI and thus lose its Empire. But that's a discussion for another time.
Wow, that was long winded. Sorry!