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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(OOC: Oh god, it's been so long, let's see if I can pull this back up. ^^' Also, I'm trying out a new writing style too.)

Before any of them could think up of going somewhere else to probably search around or even maybe train a bit more, another letter happened to pop out of nowhere, but it would whack Sora from behind the head, as if someone had threw it at him. Where it came from? It did come out of nowhere, and it was even hard for the other Witches present to realize who it came from possibly. Though, it was safe to assume that it came from the same person that sent Sora that scroll.

"A-Another letter? ... After we read that scroll..." Virgilia was probably the most confused out of the three Witches here, considering that this wasn't something that your average Witch from the Metaworld would ever do. Eva didn't seem to be bothered by it much, as if this happens a lot and often.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Sora, let's open up that letter!!" Maria only seemed excited to figure out what this letter had to say, and even if she were a powerful Witch, she still acted like the little girl she is.

It didn't make much sense though... was this really a well-timed letter from the same person that sent him the scroll moments earlier?

It must've been real fortunate for Sephiroth (and real unfortunate for this individual), as there happened to be someone walking down the hallway that he stepped into. Not only was this person a detective, but she was also a Witch like the majority of the Metaworld residency.

"Stupid stupid stupid... like Lady Bernkastel would get anything good out of stupid Lambda..." Erika growled in frustration as she was practically stomping her way down the hallway. She was probably so frustrated that she didn't even notice Sephiroth in the same hallway as she was. Plus, the hallway seemed... too quiet and empty for it to be really just the two of them present in it. The Witch of Truth couldn't be alone like this...

"... O-Oh... well, we'll see once she wakes up. T-Thanks..." Sota gave a sigh once he heard the news, and it was hard to tell if that was a sigh of relief or worry. Kaika was going to be okay, but it was unclear on what exactly was taken from her... Though, if it did take something from Kaika, it made Riku wonder if it would allow that entity to have a physical form in the Metaworld, which could possibly mean that they would have that entity to take down before it began to do any damage...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(Kay, sounds cool. Lol.)
"Well, okay then." Sora opened it up and began to read it, though thinking this was a bit odd.

Sephiroth smirked and walked up to Erika, standing in her way. "Tell me something. If there was one thing in this world that you couldn't live without, what would that be?"

"..Riku, try to go join up with Sora. I'll stay back here with Sota and Kaika until he wakes up." Mickey said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Even if the manner of how this was written appeared differently than the scroll that they received earlier, this letter was already giving off the impression that this was from the same writer of the scroll.

Well, this was interesting... So a certain "Witch of Time" wanted to see Sora personally. What was so important about this anyways? It was all too sudden, and it further made that uncertainty and confusion grow in Virgilia's thought process. What was else was there to accomplish from doing this? Other than to assist Sora with the predicament that he became involved in? Virgilia couldn't think on why this was a certain Witch's own doing...

"Pfftt... so what? It's just some random ol' Witch. Not anything too big. ... well, now that I think about it, I don't remember there being a "Witch of Time" in the first place..." Eva didn't seem to be that concerned, excited, or surprised by the letter, but she did question on the existence of a "Witch of Time." There were Witches of Truth, Resurrection, Origins, Miracles, Certainty, and Observance... even the Endless Witch and Sorcerer being around... but yet, she never heard of a Witch of Time before. It wasn't impossible, but it wasn't something that she's heard in a while. Past Witches were either dwindled down to the power of mere demons, to become Furniture of much more powerful Witches... or worse, Witches that weren't around anymore were rendered non-existent due to the denial of humans that refused their concept. It was unclear if this was a Witch that has been under and away from the radar for this long... or that this was someone that recently became a Witch through some type of method.

"Well, whoever this is, they want to see Sora! I don't see any reason why he shouldn't go. He or she could be really nice!" Maria didn't seem to have that much insight into the matter as Eva and Virgilia had, seeing little to no problem with Sora meeting with this unknown Witch. It made one wonder on how she hasn't gotten herself in big trouble yet with the possibility of being denied existence by a human.

"... I feel as if someone should go along with him, if he really wants to see for himself. I don't particularly... trust the sender of the letter and possibly the scroll if it's from the same author. Just like Eva had stated, even I don't recall a title of a Witch of Time being heard about in the Metaworld at all..." Virgilia gave off that tinge of worry and concern, considering that now Sora was a known presence in the Metaworld as an Outsider at this point..."But of course, it's your choice... so the choice to go or not is up to you."

The detective immediately stopped in her tracks as the foreigner had forced himself onto her path. The nerve of some people... It was one thing to get in the way of the Great Detective, but it was also another thing to start questioning her with topics that were almost cryptic... Erika wasn't exactly one to fall for the bait that easily, considering the events of recent games in the Metaworld.

"... how about no? I simply don't have the time to waste with outsiders like you in my way. Besides, what kind of authority do you have to question the detective all of a sudden? I swear..." Erika sounded annoyed right away, and it was clear that she was trying to keep her "proper" image afloat at the same time. Not like she'll ever talk about her master to someone that's only been in the Metaworld for a few seconds. Well, Erika was going to go along with her usual routine since a certain someone was spending time with her master... but she had a feeling that Sephiroth wasn't exactly going to leave her alone.

"Right. It shouldn't take long, hoping that Sora hasn't gone off too far from here..." Riku knew that this was a perfect change to catch up to his friend finally after all of the mishaps and encounters that this world had to offer. Going off from what Sota had mentioned to them earlier, Sora had gone off with some Witches to train in some way. Maybe outside had something to offer? Running out of the room that Mickey and the others were in, Riku set off to finish up the search and figure out their next move in this world afterwards.

(Putting this portion of the RP on hold until a certain event's gone through. :P)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well, this is a witch related event. And if this one has some way to help me achieve my goals, I've got no choice, really. Even if it is a trap I could get something out of it." Sora explained.

"This is all just a gamble at this point. I've learned people can be sneaky, and liars. But to get what you need you have to swallow a raw deal sometimes, because I'll triumph over my struggles in the end."

Sephiroth merely chuckled in a semi-creepy manner. "How pathetic. To place so much pride in an utterly futile position. You humans have such pitifully short lifespans, why should anyone care whether or not you die anyway?" Sephiroth paused for effect.

"You're just another sad little human, hanging onto the last threads of relevance her empty and meaningless life holds. You cannot hope to claim that such a position is needed. The detective can be questioned because the detective is not needed." Sephiroth concluded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I understand. In that case... are you sure you want to head alone? I know the Game Room is not far from this location... but in the very case that this Witch has more up and under their sleeve..." Virgilia still carried that same worry, even if she were going with what Sora was going to do by heading to meet this unknown Witch.

"W-What... ?" the detective seemed all taken back by this, as if he had struck a very specific nerve in this girl's system. He was probably correct on calling her a human... considering that's how she started her existence as a Witch's Piece. However... she was different in a way, concerning after a result of a certain game.

"The nerve of some people... news flash, you outsider. I'm not just some stupid incompetent human! I'm a detective that surpassed her limits, a Witch of Truth to be precise! Now, if you only cut the crap, I'll leave you alone and we don't have to speak of this again. Got it?" Erika was just that close from snapping at this point. Sephiroth had already triggered the very things that get her the most worked up and upset: getting in her way and belitting her pride as a detective.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"...Well, the letter doesn't mention to bring anyone along. So I'll honor that. Thank you for your concern." Sora said with a nod. He took off towards that location.

"But how much did you have to struggle for such a title? do you remember? you do recall your old life, right? think hard now. What about your life has changed? couldn't you have been a detective as a normal person?" Sephiroth pointed out, continuing right along, unfettered.

"But no, you couldn't settle for just normal. So you just hoped for something greater. And so you were granted the utterly superfluous title of "Witch of Truth", and were told you're special now, that you didn't waste your life, and you've ascended to a higher level. I think you're lying to yourself. And I think all the utterly superfluous, nonsensical changes you make will not make you any different then the person you were before." Sephiroth kept his same calm demeanor, but took pleasure in getting a rise out of Erika.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

As Sora made his way towards the location that the letter had mentioned, the empty hallways were still as they were when he first got here. The door to the Game Room was already in sight after a few twists and turns... and for some reason, the door was opened. Someone was already there?

It was expected that Erika was nearing her point to snap, in which she would lose all of her properness and drift more to an aggressive emotional state. However, while it was certainly how she appeared as he continued to purposefully work this kind of reaction out of her... this frustration and anger suddenly faded away... as if she were realizing something. Sephiroth could've sworn that her blank expression on her face was smiling... when she definitely wasn't smiling at all yet.

"This talk has no objective what-so-ever... I have been the focus of it, when it should had been towards you, outsider. To think that you almost made me lose a sense of my formalities... things wouldn't be so pleasant from that point onwards. And besides... how could I forget to introduce myself?"

"Hi, pleased to meet you! My name is Erika Furudo, the detective and the Witch of Truth!! I'll never lie, because with this Truth, the Red does not lie!" As Erika did a little curtsy as if she were properly greeting herself to Sephiroth with that smile of hers, she spoke her introduction with a mysterious power... where her words were projected with the Red. It was strange that she would use such a power without much warning, but wanting to make it clear that she wasn't someone to take with little seriousness, this Red Truth formed itself into a sharp stake that sped itself towards Sephiroth at lightning speeds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sora hesitantly opened the door very slowly and went inside. "Hello, who's there?"

Sephiroth shut his eyes. The stake stabbed into him, and it was lodged in his stomach. He opened his eyes, and smiled.

"How interesting, to be stabbed by the truth. Unfortunately you'll find I've no use for the truth. I am the ruler of the planet, superior to all and my power is absolute. Those are the only truths that matter to me." Sephiroth seemed unaffected.

"Do you know how I got here? I willed myself into this place. Can you defeat a being of pure, unending will? I don't think so. But, this should be amusing for awhile." Sephiroth rose his humongous nodachi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Entering the supposed Game Room, it had a simple structure. It was a small room with a table in the center of it, and all of the surrounding walls except for the wall of the door were windows that showed nothing but blankness at the moment. At the center table, there were two chairs facing opposite directions of it each other... and on the table itself, there was something that resembled a chessboard by the looks of it. Someone was already sitting on one of the seats, and it was like this person was possibly younger than Sora by her appearance alone.

"... are you... Sora?" the Witch asked, her face showing little to no emotion at the moment.

"... are you serious right now? What makes you think I'll believe that? Huuuuhh? I don't even think you're speaking of the truth, but like I'll ever let outsiders use the Truths here and now. You may be able to say that only because of Knox's 9th, but it's only subjective. Oh, and I've faced worse. The Endless Witch spoke of the same thing, being undefeatable. Too bad for her that it didn't last..." Erika kept that same smile on her face, but from a viewer's standpoint, it wasn't an innocent smile anymore. It was like she was drifting out of her proper facade anyways.

As if she were taking a bow, Erika closed her eyes as she smiled ever so in her mocking innocence, and held out her hand to the thin air that was in front of her. With a simple thought in her head, a scythe made out of blue-purple energy appeared in her grasp.

"Hehehee... you're really going along with this, aren't you? Good! Very good! I'll enjoy every second of this greatly then! Erika giggled a bit as she exclaimed this, readying herself with her scythe. If she was this confident that she could take down someone of "pure, unending will," then what else did the detective have up her sleeve that she hasn't revealed up until this point in time?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yeah, I'm Sora. And you're the Witch of Time or something like that?" Sora asked.

Sephiroth wasted no time, and with his superhuman speed, went to try to immediately end the fight with a zantetsuken slice through Erika. All the while the stake stayed lodged in him, yet did not inhibit his fighting ability.

Though he knew he couldn't remove it, it was as if he simply ignored it's effects. Was Sephiroth right in saying he was a being of pure will at this stage? could he truly ignore a manifestation of truth? depending on your view, this was probably due to how differently things were in his reality as compared to this one.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"... yes, that's me. You can call me by the name "Crona" if you'd like," the Witch, Crona, introduced herself with a gentle smile on her face. Would anything go wrong with what this Witch had planned? She appeared all innocent like she is now...

"Many of the other Witches in the Metaworld have been interested in you since you've arrived. There are others that wander here that aren't familiar here, but it seems as if you draw the most interest out of them all," Crona explained, ushering him to sit at the table in the room,"I hope you don't mind a simple game. I just want to see for myself..."

What kind of game was she getting to here?

BGM - Dive To Emergency

If one were to watch this fight with the naked eye, they probably wouldn't be able to follow with the fight so well by the unrealistic traits that both combatants had. While Sephiroth was aiming to end it right there, Erika had the thought of nullifying that attempt immediately. Flashes of purple obscured the actions that followed after his zantetsuken had come close to her, these flashes almost resembling drawn ribbons that would extend out and disperse after a certain distance. Once their first exchange had concluded, Erika still stood where she was, holding her scythe at an angle. She remained unharmed after it all...

"Is that the best you've got? Hahhhh? I'll tear you apart to where there won't be a trace of you left!! It won't even be a death! Nor an execution! It's only like a mere illusion that never truly existed!" the detective laughed maniacally right before charging towards Sephiroth, the Blue Truth embedding itself into her scythe as the Red Truth formed itself into a stake that went to stab into him once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Good, I'm glad we're getting on the same page here. We kind of need to clear up this misunderstanding." Sora said, sitting down. "So what's up, Crona?"

"Illusions are some of the strongest things you'll ever face, even if they never existed. Realize the futility in your own existence, and accept total oblivion." Sephiroth pointed his nodachi at Erika, then teleported away, dodging the red stake. He swung his blade and whipped up razor sharp air projectiles to cut her body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"... I hope that I don't bother you too much with this... in the case that you need this type of foresight if the other Witches decide to do things to you... do you prefer to take action yourself right away or think it out carefully when it comes any situation?" Crona gave this simple question, wondering if she would be able to help Sora in a way, if she really was someone on his side.

A distinct laugh came from Erika as her smile widened to almost impossible portions... Even if it seemed impossible for her to avoid these next set of attacks aimed for her, the detective was still ever-confident of her own victory. Standing back up on full height, she held her scythe with one hand, placing the end of it's handle onto the ground that she stood upon. It was like she was allowing him this one hit, to prove that she was much greater than him in this battle.

"Ashes to ashes. Dusts to dusts. Illusions to illusions. I've been through oblivion, and returned from it. If I know one thing for sure, a damned illusion like you shouldn't be able to re-enact that same oblivion that I've seen before!!" Erika exclaimed, not even using the Truths this time around to provide any protection to herself. If she was willing to die, this would be an obvious move on her part. However, that was never her intention in the first place. A distinct flash could be seen coming from the ceiling, even if there was no other indication of there being a second force at work here.

At the last possible millisecond... a sudden flash of red appeared around her form, and it was gone as soon as the harm had been endured by that red flash.

"... nice save, Dlanor. However, I felt that I could've done well on my own, either way," Erika sounded both surprised and annoyed to see a familiar face appear out of all times...

"..." This new individual, who Erika called Dlanor, didn't seem much of a talker as she appeared through a flash of red light. She didn't seem armed yet, but considering the way that Erika had called in her her scythe, Dlanor was probably going to do the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well, I do like to just face things head on, but thinking things out is helpful. After all, I came to you right? I had no reason to trust you but I did this on a gamble because I needed to here from someone. After all, if you're the witch of time you probably have a high status as a witch, so you've probably talked to Bernkastel before." Sora explained.

"Ah, I see now. This girl, you treasure her don't you? looks like I have my answer. Please, give me the pleasure of taking her away from you." Sephiroth said, raising his blade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"... Yes, I do know Bernkastel personally, but at this point in time, we aren't on good terms..." Crona seemed to be bothered by the thought of Bernkastel, having a feeling that the Witch that was higher than her in power could come in at any moment. Though, she took in the fact that Sora felt like he would do both anyways, she figured that she would test him on this.

"I hope you don't mind this. It shouldn't take long... time doesn't exist in the Metaworld, so in a way, we have all of the time in the world and this would conclude before anything dire is at risk. ... I want you to hold out your hands so I can hold onto them... and close your eyes. Don't open them until I say so..."

"Dlanor. I give you the order to carry out an execution. We won't let an outsider meddle with the activity of the Metaworld and the catbox," Erika grinned as she let her Furniture do the job, holding her scythe with one hand as she decided to spectate the following events of this.

"...UNDERSTOOD," Dlanor said as she began to approach Sephiroth, and yet she was still unarmed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Okay, then. I trust you." Sora held out his hands, then closed his eyes.

"Begone with you." A bunch of feathers trailed behind Sephiroth as he sped at Dlanor. He swung his blade at her, trying to use one of his signature attacks against her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

As his eyes were closed, that action alone obscured on what Crona was begin to do. Of course, it was sometimes necessary for this kind of action to be taken in order for her magic to work, as it being seen by other non-Witches would nullify the magic almost immediately. All that Sora could feel was a cold air beginning to blow around him. Then it all came to a stop, and he couldn't even feel himself holding hands with Crona for this anymore.

"Alright... open your eyes. Take in your surroundings."

Crona's voice seemed to echo from all directions, and once Sora would open his eyes, he would see that he wasn't in the Game Room anymore or anywhere near the Witch of Time. His new surroundings were that of a chapel interior, and there were a few individuals in this area that he could see from his location. Being located near the entrance doors while the rest of the visible others were near the altar of the chapel, it was unusual that he hasn't been spotted yet. However, that was only because of the fact that time was at a stand-still, possibly from Crona's magic.

"I cannot assist you much in this closed off Kakera other than to pull you out of it. There happened to be this one Kakera that was different from the others, as if it broke away from the original timeline. All you have to do... is set this Kakera back to it's original timeline. It won't change anything, but this gives way for a test to see if you can do much when put into a battle like this. Since you aren't familiar with some of the people seen in this closed off Kakera, I can only give you this much information as well. ... good luck, Sora."

Once she had stopped talking to Sora through this telepathic mean, Sora would start to feel certain pieces of information flood into his mind. Who were the key people in this room? He found the names, Battler Ushiromiya, Beatrice, Erika Furudo, Dlanor A. Knox, Bernkastel, and Lambdadelta coming to his thoughts. What was happening? This was the last event concerning the Metaworld's fifth game... that was all he knew... Everything else that would explain what was supposed to be happening here was unclear, as Crona couldn't give him the information about it. Though, there was one objective that came to him probably from Crona's help: ensure that Battler makes this game's result into a draw. For some reason, this game's result in this closed-off Kakera was different to the original, resulting in an alternate timeline. So, it was certain that he had to stop the catalyst to that divergence in the timeline.

Once he got his thoughts all together, time resumed, and it still seemed as if the people further down the chapel were unaware of his presence.

"As you can see, this mystery was easily solved without having to resolve to that stupid legend on the witch Beatrice. Our culprit for this game was no other than Natsuhi Ushiromiya, who purposefully hid Kinzo's death from the others and used that confusion to commit the murders. Such reasoning allowed us to achieve this win, and put an end to the Golden Witch for the further games ahead of us, my master," Erika was the first to speak again after that period of stopped time, declaring that she had the solution to solve this game. Bernkastel only smiled in response, holding out her hands to create a special scythe.

"Well done, Erika. I knew that you would come to a solution for this game, and ease me from my boredom... In reward for that... you shall become the Witch of Truth... Bernkastel held out the scythe for Erika to take, and clearly this must be a big occasion for Erika, considering that she was hesitant and shocked by this generousity of her 'master.'

"M-Master... I don't think I'm... worthy for this reward... give me a bit more time... maybe another victory... a-and..." Erika stammered all over the place, but it seemed like she wouldn't get the chance to talk a bit more...

"Go on and accept what I have out for you. You earned it, my cute daughter."

It was with those words, Erika was sure to take the reward now, carefully taking the scythe into her hands.

"As the new Gamemaster, I'll be sure to write up a game that won't leave you and Lady Lambdadelta bored! I even got the title set in stone already! 'Checkmate of the Golden Witch.' How does that sound, everyone?!" Erika exclaimed as she held the scythe in a victory-like manner. It seemed as if nothing would pop out and ruin this victory for the peculiar detective, but Sora was in the perfect position to notice something off...

The person that he was informed from Crona's help to be Battler... he seemed as if he was beginning to awaken and trying to free himself from the blade of Red Truth that was impaled through his body. However, the second anomaly wasn't anything that Sora was informed about... a man with a purple hooded cloak happened to step out of the shadows, his target appearing to be the downed Battler. Whoever this was, it was clear that this hooded man was not supposed to be here.

(This is going to be interesting, considering that this little bit came from a different RP where I used Umineko characters. xD)

Dlanor simply stared towards Sephiroth's direction. Once it was close enough, another flash of red appeared around Dlanor, forcing the foe away. She was still unarmed... but that won't be for long.

"Permission to use the Red KEY," Dlanor spoke in a monotonous voice, but it seemed like the "Red Key" was a powerful weapon that it had to be given permission to be used.

"Permission granted. You know what to do from here, Dlanor," Erika had a small smile on her face, as if she were being smug about the fact that she had given Dlanor the permission to use this type of weapon against Sephiroth.

"... UNDERSTOOD," the girl continued to speak in that emotionless voice, holding this blade out. So this was the Red Key? It was unclear on what it was capable of, but it held an intimidating amount of power, both physical and magical. Maybe even conceptual? Charging forwards, Dlanor swung the Red Key several times at Sephiroth, having the objective to eliminate him on the spot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(I see, lol)
Sora stood there for a moment in a daze, trying to process everything that he had just been told. He snapped out of it, recognising everyone he knew the names of, especially Bernkastel and Lambdadelta. He wasn't really sure what they were talking about, as they all spoke about things he had no context to.

One thing he noticed was not good, though. Someone in a purple cloak, heading towards that Battler guy. He knew that people in cloaks were people that were out of place, so he ran over and stood in that person's way.

He summoned his keyblade. "Going somewhere? well, you aren't now. I've had enough experience with guys in hoods to know you're out of place, or are up to no good." Sora stared the person down.

Sephiroth quickly dodged her slices as he felt that weapon was too dangerous to him. He swung his blade and it produced an energy beam that went right towards Dlanor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

The hooded figure stopped once Sora got in the way. While Sora was certain that this person wasn't supposed to be here, the figure had the same idea, that Sora wasn't supposed to be here. Shaking his head in annoyance, the man drew out what happened to be a tome in one hand, and a peculiar looking sword with the other.

"... I suggest you get out of the way, boy. My business isn't aimed towards you," the man spoke, clearly not drifting away from his apparent goal.

Plus, it looks like their encounter was finally noticed by the other Witches that weren't too far away from them.

"What the... ? Where did you people come from?" All kinds of confusion could be seen in Erika while it was somewhat interesting for both Bern and Lambda. As if this didn't get confusing enough, it seemed that Battler was finally recovering, managing to pull out the Red Truth blade from his body.

"... Sorry to keep... you guys waiting..." Battler appeared to be in pain, but he tried his best to ignore it,"... now it's time... for my truth."

"Okay! Request for retrial granted~" Lambdadelta sounded as if this was nothing to worry about, while Bernkastel wasn't exactly pleased with this.

"Objection! Battler's been already eliminated from this game and he doesn't even have the title of a Witch. He has no say to this!"

"Well, he's not just some human now. Let me introduce you to the new Endless Witch... actually, the Endless Sorcerer!"

As the situation seemed to escalate to the point that Battler was now a Sorcerer, and thus able to combat the other Witches in this area, the hooded man happened to send off a fire spell of a sort towards Sora.

Despite Sephiroth avoiding Dlanor's swings, he would feel the pain of slashes all over him... as if her swings never missed at all even if they were a distance away from each other due to his attempted evasion.

"... USELESS. Evasion is USELESS. Blocking is USELESS. Countering is USELESS." Dlanor was able to use the Red Truth too, it seemed. With that power of that Truth embedded to her weapon, she went forward to swing at the beam he sent towards her, cutting through it to the point where it seemed like she was cutting through the concept of the beam. Was the stuff she was saying about the Red Key actually true if it was in Red?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"No way!" Sora dodge rolled away from the fireball. "This is a task someone has entrusted to me! I won't fail her! get outta this timeline!" Sora ran at the cloaked person, jumped into the air and went for a downward slice at the person.

Sephiroth kept his calm demeanor but knew he was in danger. What to do? looking down at his stomach he saw the red colored stake still lodged into him. "You shouldn't underestimate me." The stake flew out of him and sped at Dlanor. The best thing to do for it was to try and cancel her weapon out with the stake that looked like her weapon, the attack her from behind.

So, Sephiroth quickly teleported away and behind Dlanor, slashing at her backside as the stake still flew at her.

@Gummi Bunnies
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