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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The region of Hoenn has undergone many changes over 100 years, as would any. Still, gym leaders act as a precursor (though there are 18, one for every type) to the Pokemon league for the Trainers who want to become the best. Several Contest Halls host events to judge brilliant Pokemon and their trainers in the hopes to become the best coordinators. Many day-cares and breeders throughout the region help Prof. Evergreen of Littleroot Town to learn and hone their skills in healing and growth. Trainers generally train with other trainers, with their Gauntlets, or by themselves. The use of wild Pokemon for training is seen as unnecessary and harmful to the ecosystem and environment.

Technology has improved, but in no way as to interfere with nature and wild Pokemon. But there is a small group of 12, naming themselves Team Zodiac, that disagree and believe the technological growth of the region has bastardized the natural relationship between Humans and Pokemon. Though they remain underground and nameless, they continue to try to convince the trainers of Hoenn that their dependencies on technology and their cultural influences have poisoned their minds and their bonds with their Pokemon. As they know their efforts, thus far, have been in vain, they know of means that can reach them to their Utopian end.

The laws and regulations are quite liberal in Hoenn. Of course, technologies are pursued with passion, but the conservation of nature is also held in high regard. Topics such as sexuality, religion, and politics can be conversed with little consequence when they are idealistic for the population and not the individual. Radical ideas would not be shunned but, instead, considered and pondered. If someone wants to explore the politics of this region further, you are more than welcome.

The cities are the same as the game, but major buildings, landmarks, and Gym types and locations have changed. Also note that Routes normally take about 2 hours to walk through and uninhabitable areas and other areas blocked off in the games are accessible in this RP. These changes are ultimately up to all players, including the GM. Before the start of the IC, these specifics will be hashed out and added into this section. I want this to be a collective effort and something in which all players feel some kind of investment.

The beginning will be a sandbox setting, all PC's doing their own thing. The first post should include enough character development to where you understand your character's personality and introduce any potential NPCs you might wish to create. They will be introduced into the main plot when I introduce them. This will be on an individual basis.

Beginning PC's may be advanced Trainers (well-trained or fully-trained teams), beginning Trainers, or anything between. You can be a researcher, scientist, Gym Leader, or anything else you wish. You may also reserve to play a member of Team Zodiac. A list will be created below.

The Elite Four is a precursor to the Championship (of which may only be challenged after obtaining all 18 badges). Trainers who wish to compete in the Championship must first challenge the Elite Four and previous Champion and be deemed competent to compete in the Championship.

For Gym Leaders, I like the idea of there being no "first" Gym Leader and that all Gym Leaders are capable of discerning one's skill and understanding what each Badge level means. They may be located on Routes or in places outside of Cities and Towns. (Designated Gym Locations in Map Notes are not definite.)

Mega Evolution is either a lost ability or has not be discovered yet, it is up to everyone involved. However, it will be (re)introduced in the RP proper. Either way, no one can start with Mega Evolution.

Noteable Technologies

Hoenn Map Notes

Team Zodiac

  • Standard RPing rules (no god-modding, power-playing, meta-gaming, etc.)
  • There is no posting order. (Post only once after my own posts)
  • Stats and typing and fainting Pokemon are largely irrelevant. Skill is required to "win."
  • All CSs are to be PMed to me where further direction will be given.
  • Do not post CSs in the Characters Tab of this RP (reiteration of the former)
  • You may make more than one character, but please do not make more than you can handle.
  • Do not make more than one post for multiple characters. Condense them into one post, please.
  • If your character is denied, I will give reason. You are allowed to argue or otherwise defend your choices.
  • 4 consecutive days of inactivity in the OOC without notice will result in your characters becoming an NPC and any reserved spots being re-opened.
  • Ask me questions. Provide criticism. Any and all feedback is welcome.
  • Changes, additions, and removal of rules are up to the discretion of the GM.

Character Sheet:
Name: First and Last (Middle is optional, aliases, etc.)
Age: >15
History: About 3 paragraphs (3-5 sentences). Hometown, parents, siblings, education, brief overview of adventure.
Personality: (Optional) Only fill out if you do not know the character's personality after writing the History.
Items: (Optional) Personal items and equipment (tools, books, clothing, etc.). I don't care about Pokeballs, Potions, Berries, etc.
Appearance: (Optional) Text is preferred over stock photos. Personal drawings or commissions are okay (but provide appropriate credit).
Party: Standard size limit of 6, minimum of 1. There is no maximum. Legendaries are illegal and Pseudo-Legendaries are restricted.
Pokemon Name || Ability (mostly unrestricted to anything within reason)
Type (if you believe a Pokemon should be an additional or single typed, designate. This is based off species and physiology. Can be no more than 3 types)
Height|Weight (Optional)
Brief explanation of where, when, and how it was obtained. You may add its relationship with trainer and other Pokemon. Describe how they battle, what attributes they utilize or rely on, and typical strategies.
Move Pool
-Pokemon can know any number of moves.
-Pokemon cannot know moves outside of the their typing, species, and characteristics. A wild Buneary (or any Buneary) will not know Ice Beam. Starmie cannot know Thunderbolt. Hawlucha cannot know Grass Knot, etc. Also, take into account the Pokemon's personality and strategy.
-TMs are not in this RP. Pokemon can learn moves by practicing them either on their own, with a tutor, or with their trainer.
-Moves are performed and look different by each Pokemon, even of the same species.
-If you believe a Pokemon should know a move it can't learn in the games, add it in the CS and if I seem to disagree, debate the point. A good enough argument (outside of "it won't be strong") will usually be accepted.
-Indicate in some way the moves a Pokemon utilizes most or the manner in which they would use them. (Use my CS as an example).

Battling Mechanics:
-Real-time combat rules apply.
-Stats and levels are ambiguous and intangible.
-Combining moves takes up time and energy but may be done with any type of move (Physical, Special, Status) and in any combination.
-Typical weaknesses in game can be trained to be resisted (but this sacrifices other areas of combat for the Pokemon).
-The Pokemon has autonomy and independence from the trainer. They have their own fighting style, and not necessarily the one you want for it.
-Creative strategy beats strategic strength.

Approved Character List:
Forrest Archer Johnson [Phoenix]
William Laurence [Will Laurence]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So this is like super super cool, I'm totally invested but I dont see many others showing interest
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

I didn't make the interest check until today. But feel free to brainstorm anything you'd like to add to the world. Nothing is set in stone. You can think of the Map Notes, Technologies, and other stuff as suggestions or ideas.

But I'm glad you think it's interesting. It's not often I get interest for Pokemon in Advanced.

In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions or state any concerns you might have. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Do we have to have a full team, also I could I possibly play like kinda a helping hand type char? Almost like a traveling professor lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

You don't have to have a full team, no.
And you can be any type of character you wish. :)

Also, ignore the IC post. I'm writing another one. ;P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Prof. Chihiro Arami
(Nickname: Prof. Chi)


Chihiro has come from a line of professors and trainers, even a gym leader, her great grandfather in fact. From the time she raised, she had always been around tons of different pokemon. Of course as a child, she was allowed to play with many of the pokemon, but she had never found her love until she was around the age of 9 almost, being out with her mother and father on a trip to another town. However she ended up getting separated in a giant storm and found safe haven in a cave of sorts. Shaking with fear and soaked from the rain, she attempted to make fire, to no avail. And like any lost young kid, she cried, but in silence out of fear in the cave. And then...she saw it, a light in the distance, eyes. She cowered in fear and held her head in her knees, but she was quickly met with a furry warmth against her.

To both her surprise and joy, an Arcanine sat next to her and nuzzled her softly. It looked into Chihiro's eyes and it almost gave a smile, and from that point on the two were inseparable. After the storm passed, Chihiro went to leave, but the Arcanine refused to leave her side. Slowly but surely, she made her way back to the path, and with the help of Arcanine entertaining her, she found her way to the next town, where her parents had sent rangers to go look for her. However her parent saw a new girl inside the girl, a girl who was determined, who was now adventurous. She started her own journey after that with her now Arcanine and it started off interestingly.

As she got older, she wasn't interested in gym battling, in fact, she was completely opposed to being the champion. All she wanted, was to help younger trainers and pokemon alike. Further more she wanted to know about the personality and natures that pokemon like her Arcanine were capable of, versus the more aggressive pokemon. When she turned around 18, she started under her mother and slowly learned to be a professor but soon found that was only so fulfilling. After studying for years under her mom and helping many trainers start, she moved away from being just a professor and know she is a traveling professor being more hands on and helping out the good. Typically she tends to just leave trainers to fight their own battles but if they are need of help, she will then intervene.

15x Great Balls
3x Ultra Balls
Trainer Guide
Map of the region
Custom Trainer Gauntlet
2x Revives
8x Potions
4x Full Heal

Arcanine || Flash Fire
6'03"/341.7 lbs
Much like how her history says, Arcanine came to Chihiro as her savior almost when she was lost in the woods at the age of 9. When she was found, Arcanine wouldn't leave her side, and from then on he was Chihiro's first pokemon ever. After she moved to the Hoenn region, he pretty much is never inside of his pokeball, and is typically found out and about next to Chihiro or playing around with her other pokemon, despite his "Age" and the fact his personality is almost like that of an old father, he is quite young and spry still. He battles with the intent to win like his life depends on it. Chihiro thinks it's because he sees Chihiro as if she were his child and he is battling to protect not only her, but her other pokemon.

Metagross || Clear Body
Steel / Psychic
5'03"/1,212.5 lbs
Metagross was more of an accident but was an inherited pokemon from her father, before he moved away. The thing was that this Metagross wasn't supposed to go to Chihiro, but instead her mother to be taken care of. However in a mix up on the day she left, she not only took the pokeball containing her Milotic and Dratini, now Dragonite. He was the last to listen compared to all of her pokemon and is certainly the most hard headed. He fights with regard to how big his body is and uses that to his advantage to try and intimidate others into making dumb moves.

Milotic || Marvel Scale
20'04"/357.1 lbs
Much like stated in Metagross's history, she was acquired as a gift from her mother. Much more gentle with how she acts, Milotic Chihiro's more gentle pokemon. She fights with beauty and emotion and Milotic is one of Arcanine's favorites that Chihiro owns.

Dragonite || Inner Focus
Dragon / Flying
7'03"/463.0 lbs
Obtaining a Dratini like she did her Milotic, she raised this one from an egg and because of that he has a special bond with Chihiro. He fights much like Arcanine does and fights to protect his trainer. Because of this, Dragonite is almost brutal and very fast to end the battle. Between Arcanine and Dragonite, you're gunna wanna face Arcanine, as he is much more wanting a battle compared to Dragonite, who only wants to end the battle fast.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

A good CS, overall. However, there were a few things that were overlooked or misinterpreted. In no particular order, I'll just go from top to bottom.

From which region does she originate? If it's not canon, you are free to create your region. Exactly when did they move to Hoenn? Did they immediately go to Littleroot Town or did they begin elsewhere? Regardless, I believe the Johnson's and Arami's would be quite familiar with each other. I'd be more than happy to flesh that out with you.

I wanted to see unique/personal items in the "Items" sections. The number of Pokeballs, potions, etc. is largely irrelevant, unless you were going to keep close track of it and use it throughout the story. The Gauntlet has a Pokedex and Map built in, making them superfluous to own alongside a Gauntlet. The "Standard Applications" are applications that comes with the Gauntlet.

The moves are pretty strict but can seem inclusive when I say "Pokemon can know an unlimited amount of moves." I want Pokemon to stay true to their typing and physiology. You can branch out with moves that go with their personality and characteristics, but it can't go into changing the "natural" chemistry of the Pokemon or adding or subtracting to their inherent typing. I know it's vague and contrite in the OP, but I didn't want to write a short story on the mechanics of movesets for this RP. But I'm not against working with you to sort it out into something with which we both can work.

I don't see how Arcanine can make its tail like iron since it's not rock, ground, or steel type.

Metagross is not a Ghost or undead which makes it illogical/impossible that it can use Shadow Ball.

Milotic isn't an Ice type so I don't understand where it gets it's ability to freeze its water.

Dragonite is neither a Ground, Electric, Ice, or Fire type. It's not really heavy enough to perform Earthquake without being a Ground type. Dragon's have plenty of moves to utilize without needing to go into other types.

Also, the height/weight sections was so you could make them smaller, bigger, skinnier, or fatter than the "average," which is what Bulbapedia lists. So there was no need to put them if you weren't changing their physicality since it was an optional section.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Do you wanna PM? since I have no problem working with you, I mist understood with the whole moveset thing so that is my fault for mis understanding
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by innertt
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I will probably make an application soontimes if its alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@innertt'tis very right. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'd like to submit a character sheet:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Very nice CS.
I would only suggest adding to some move pools.

Drexel: To go with the nimble/agile nature, Quick Attack, Agility, Double Team, and even Extremespeed. Also, I understand she's more water, but Ice Shard would be a good move as well as Aqua Jet.
Also, is "Wave" an original move? I don't need to know details, I was just curious. But going along with that, you could make a move that compliments a Vaporeon's ability to make itself look like water and become invisible.

Zoe: I think adding Quick Attack, Agility, and even Double Team would work well for her.

Also, you can give them any other Ability you think would work for their personality/fighting style/type/etc. You're not constricted to game canon. But there are restrictions on said personality/fighting style/type/etc.

But feel free to post this in the CS tab. Again, very nice CS. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

All good suggestions :) I will add those and post it in the CS tab.

I was thinking Waterfall and somehow wave came out haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'm trying to figure out how to end my first post. I have 7,000+ words and it's probably going to reach 8,000, but I'm only saying this to tell you that 3 paragraphs is your minimum and not to feel the need to write so much. Most of it was written during the hiatus, anyway, so most of the post is going to be in a spoiler.

I also was wondering if you wanted me to work on filling out that template on the doc you made.

But I'm going to try to get my post up tomorrow. You can start writing yours since nothing in mine dictates what you would be doing. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alright, the first post is up! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Will Laurence

Will Laurence

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My post is forthcoming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Looking forward to it! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

How much are you writing?! xP
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