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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Irodien Empire

Technology: Much of Irodien technology can be described as simple and rugged. Most of the empires technology progress has be shaped by the 35 year long civil war. There ships have FTL drives and powerful sub-sunlight engines. The empire has the ability to colonize most environments and planets. .

Military Structure:
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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SgtEasy S'algood bro

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Name of nation:
Fay'Ran Jik Democracies


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Durandal
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Durandal Lord Commissar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Unity of C'ran

Technology: The Unity is a nation of machine and flesh, the two concepts having long ago melded into a new concept of life, one that seeks to reach the perfection of transcendence. As such, many of their technologies mimic and supplement biological functions while others are purely robotic in nature. Time and gravity manipulation is a common feature within the Unity, accomplished through the use of non-baryonic substances (dark matter and energy) to create areas of gravitational compression or expansion, which in turn is utilized to accelerate or decelerate time within a certain area. No true shielding technology exists within the Unity, instead relying on the Non-Baryonic Field Emitters' faint interactions with particles and "hard-light" structures' natural strength to survive enemy attacks.

Military Structure: There exists three distinct parts to the military of the Unity of C'ran, although each is inextricably connected to the other. First is the Unity Military, what would be considered a "normal force" in early-21st century Earth terms. Composed entirely of Sakari and Grecians, the UM is tasked with protecting the inner territories of the Unity and providing peace keeping and police actions in any areas they are required to do so. Maintaining their own fleets and terrestrial forces, the UM is by far the smallest of the three branches and often relies on the assistance of the other two branches to conduct large operations. UM units are divided into thirty naval complements, thirty terrestrial complements, and twenty combined complements, each with approximately 250,000 active personnel. The primary non-military function is civil service.

Largest and most complex of the parts of the military is the Combined Pacification/Reactionary Force. Drones, Sakari, and Grecians all mingle in this branch, the biological members maintaining a healthy respect for their robotic, and often highly effective, counterparts. Most often, CP/RF units are seen patrolling the outer and middle areas of Unity space, the primary bulwark against any possible outside invaders. In addition, it is these many that maintain vigil over systems marked as future points of expansion for the Unity and are tasked with reacting swiftly and often brutally to interlopers, although no such situation has ever occurred before due to the lack of other interstellar civilizations in the pre-Collapse galaxy inhabited by the Sakari. Divided into five-hundred combined-arms divisions, the various groups frequently merge and separate, leaving no true super-organization to the CRPF.

The final branch of the military forces of the Unity of C'ran, although legally separate, is the Fifth Battalion of Observance. Composed entirely of Drones and no more than two dozen Grecians, termed Eidolons by their brethren, the Observance rarely sees action in any form, although the extremely rare actions where they have been deployed are regarded as outstanding successes, as near to perfect as can be achieved.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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Valeth Unified Republic

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Meiyuuhi
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Meiyuuhi Her Divine Grace

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Noviran Socialist Union

Technology: The Noviran Socialist Union is highly advanced, with most aspects of normal life being automated and scarcity for its residents being virtually eliminated. There is more than enough resources for everyone in the Union to maintain a reasonable standard of living, except for those who choose not to work and are not disabled in any way. Genetic engineering ensures a stable food supply, and power is provided entirely through nuclear fusion. Militarily, the NSU maintains five large fleets with weapons such large magnetic accelerator cannons, plasma pulse launchers, and nuclear lasers. Their ships are armored with "neosteel" titanium-diamond armor plating and electromagnetic shields, and some of their vehicles as well. Their infantry use armored exosuits or "power armor" except for the very lightest, and even some infantry possess light energy shields.

Military Structure: The vast majority of the military is Karteriean, Dromo and Catopian with a few Tokans. The Karterieans due to their superior physical ability and almost from birth training in the ways of conflict and war serve as the majority of the Noviran Army, as invaluable shock troopers who take charge and lead the front lines. Their culture has had a great influence on the military's rules and regulations, holding its members to strict and honorable codes. The Dromo run many of the greatest officer schools in the Union and so are highly represented in the officer corps across all divisions. The Catopians serve in a mix in both officers and army, but predominantly serve in the Noviran fleets as pilots, technicians and engineers. The Toka are minimally represented as engineers both in space and on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nilesapa
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Nilesapa A Mind Planemo

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The Verdant Sanctum

Technology: They use biotech and like to use all sorts of lasers.

Military Structure: Patrons lead while the commoners get levied in defense situations and drones/various forms of buzzer deployment are used as cannon fodder.

Liliate/Buzzer are just terms. Their more alien name is Vznvvnuuvuu. Vznvuvu?
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Ascendant No One In Particular

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The Arms of the All-Mother

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grisette
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Grisette counter-revolutionary terrorist

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The United Valaran Empire

Technology: The Empire possesses what can be described as 'adequate' technology. They are particularly important exporters of life-enhancing and prolonging technologies. Their inter-galactic level space travel is also well developed, as promoted by the Kirr.

Military Structure: The military is led ultimately by the High-General, a position traditionally dominated by the Kirr. The High-General oversees three Grand-Generals, one from each race, who themselves are in charge of organising the race's defence forces.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollo26
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Nation Name- The Septonium Concordant

Capital Planet-
The Capital of the Septonium Concordant is Taoshe, it is a lush green planet with a temperate climate. The planet is a mixture of lush multicolored grass like expanses, Alpine territories topped with snow and large rough oceans. The coastal territories and the oceans are a big contrast from the beautiful expanses of the inner regions. Storms are frequent along the coast and it rains most of the 24 month year, making the seas extremely rough. This is due to the gravity of the binary star Shao XI and the planets 3 moons. Taoshe is the Executive center of the concordant and is also home to the central military headquarters.

The core four planets in the empire lie within the binary star system of Shao XI are Taoshe, Haloh, Icarus and Jalag other worlds are named based the date at which they were found, allied or conquered. The concordant does maintain large space stations in the large expanses between planets.

Taoshe- Center of government, seat of military and political power. Three moons ( Tao 1-3) are frozen methane balls.

Haloh- The agricultural center of the Concordant and home to the top architectural and engineering academies. Haloh is the heartland of the concordant 50% of its surface is farmland. Haloh is also the trading capital of the Concordant and home to many of the private corporations. It has two moons, Gaia and Janus. Both are lush jungle planets with exotic wildlife and plants.

Icarus- The most desolate planet in the system, made up of large deserts and giant gorges, canyons and mountains. The lower hemisphere is a weapons testing ground for the military while the upper hemisphere is home to the diplomatic academies of the Concordant. Icarus is actually the largest moon of the gas giant Kaalmeet, which has seven moons. The rest of the moons are desolate rocks also used for military testing. For 6 months a year, the planet moves behind the gas giant receiving no sunlight, Temperatures drop to -195 degrees fahrenheit or lower. During the remainder of the six months days can reach a comfortable 70 degrees.

Jalag- A large manufacturing world, is protected by the other core planets. Jalag is home to the biggest naval port in the Concordant, thousands of military and civilian ships travel through the port on a daily basis. The planet is also home to the majority of the weapons plants that service the military. Jalag has one moon, Sahel. A moon with large deposits of uranium, used to fuel reactors.

Leader-The current chairman of the Concordant is Valag Timonus

Government- The Septonium Concordant is a Republic with a large senatorial body, laws and other decisions of the state are governed by this body. Senators are chosen from the ranks of the military, selection is based on merit and honor in combat. The Septonium Concordant is a military state, the military funds, directs and oversees all actions made by the state. Non-military assets and military assets share a nice relationship and cooperate readily, helping in anyway they can in non military matters. It is not uncommon for military transports to transport building materials for civilians builders and it is common to see the military pull in civilian help for humanitarian missions. The Concordant's second largest body is the diplomatic corps which handles all foreign relations and non-combat missions. Because of the slow recruitment and training time for recruits the concordant cannot sustain large military campaigns. Peace and Diplomacy have become paramount for the concordant and military action is seen as a very last resort.

Population- The radiation given off by the binary star makes most of the planets in the system inhospitable. With the exception os the Aradites, there are savage feral beings that inhabit other worlds in the system. The total population of the Concordant is 55 billion.

Species-The Aradites are the only species in the Septonium Concordant, they are a odd humanoid like species that have adapted to their radiation rich environment. The binary system Shao XI is home to 12 worlds, four of which are inhabited by the Aradites. The Aradites have evolved with their environment and are very attuned to the nature around them. Aradite physiology is not to distant from human, they exhibit all the same reproductive organs and have all of the standard circulatory organs. Aradite skin is hard and leathery but appears smooth, slightly changing hue based on their mood. The Aradites have complex eyes that have a bright yellow color, their evolution as nomadic hunters has sharpened their eyesight and has given them a small amount of natural night vision.

Culture- Aradites are an honorable people who share a strong nationalist bond. Aradites seem militaristic from the outside but are fierce pacifists, preferring to flex their military arm only when they must. Septonian culture is very liberal and open, citizens are generally nice and extremely hospitable. Guests are honored and are often treated to large feasts and gifts by the host.

Currency- Septonian Dari

Other Traits- The Septonium Concordant has beautiful planets and is great at terraforming, they have a very open building style resembling the style of ancient Rome and Greece. Most core planets distill there own alcohol , it is very strong and said to cause hallucinations and euphoria due to the ingredients. The ingredients are a closely guarded secrets among the families. The core worlds are home to a variety of smokeable herbs that have different reactions, these are cultivated and make up a large portion of the Septonian economy.

Noteworthy Tech-
-Septonian Magnetic Acceleration technology is excellent, commonly used in both civilian and military settings. Light rail and space station high-ways use the technology to move quickly around the station. Aradite weapons use the same technology to accelerate rounds to frightening speeds with extreme accuracy.

- Holographic displays and controls are common in military and civilian sectors.C ommunication units can be as big as a room, broadcasting the holographic images of 10+ people in their full form and in real time. Or they can be as small as an apple, only broadcasting the face and shoulders of an individual.

History- When the Aradites evolved into a humanoid being they immediately began hunting and gathering, quickly becoming nomads. These nomad groups eventually met each other and created small settlements and attracted more people into these settlements. As time progressed Governments formed and nations were established around these former nomadic tribes, as the nations grew conflict between these nations became inevitable. A bloody period of war started, including three world wars and countless small conflicts over land and resources on the planet. The victor of these conflicts and the superpower on the planet was the Septonious family a strong a charismatic house known for their ruthless military and wealth. The family began to conquer the planet and by the end of the late modern age, the entire planet was under Septonian control. The Septonian leadership installed the senate into the government and removed all the power from the noble families and placed it in the hands of the senate, Most of the senators were old veterans from the different campaigns of conquest and a few scholars and international figures. As the Aradites began space traveling the need for a single point of power was needed and an chairman was re-introduced to work alongside the senate to pass bills quickly. The Septonium Concordant has since expanded to the current reaches of the empire and is still fighting ancient colonial battles with separatists.

Military- The military is broken into three separate branches:

Operations Branch: The Operations branch consists of the Navy, Army and Marine forces, these forces encompass the armed wing of the Concordant and preform three separate duties. The Navy serves in an offensive role and a transport/ exploration role as well as being the primary deployment platform for the Marine battalions. The marine battalions are the primary shock troops of the concordant, their primary duties are lightning fast raids and specialized offensives. They lack the ability to hold and occupy terrain however and deploy with limited resources. Occupation of territories is the army's primary duty, they deploy with a regiment of combat engineers to quickly build fortifications and other defensive structures. They are trained as military policemen to combat civilian threats along with military targets. Against specialized forces however the army lacks the same operational capability. The Septonian military is a Light Infantry and Naval force only. They do not have tanks, Infantry Fighting vehicles/ LAVs, or any mechanized units.

Diplomatic Branch: The diplomatic branch is the main voice of the concordant, some of the best minds in Foreign policy and galactic relations make up the Diplomatic corps staff. The Diplomatic Branch maintains a small fleet of specialized diplomatic shuttles and cruisers. Their primary duty is conflict avoidance and conflict resolution.

Agriculture/Colonial Branch: The A&C Branch is strictly a exploration and terraforming branch, their only duty is the exploration of new worlds and terraforming operations on other worlds to be colonized. They maintain a large fleet, second in size to the Operations branch. A company of marines is assigned to the A&C branch and all their vessels are unarmed.

Septonian Marines:
Joining the military is a life choice for most Aradites, choosing to attend military academies at a very young age. Once accepted the new candidates are put through an intense curriculum of military history, tactical applications and operations, galactic history, Galatic culture and daily physical training. By their 5th or 6th year in the academy candidates are given the first round of bio- enhancements, these include mitochondrial and protein stimulants for increased muscle growth and computer assisted optical implants for another 10% boost in natural night vision. The curriculum continues until their 16th year when they are given their second and final round of enhancements. Veins and arteries are widened and a second small synthetic heart is implanted allowing for a higher blood flow and clotting speed, all marines have a identical scar under their left arm pit from the procedure. After graduating from the Academy, new marines are assigned to training platoons and sent to the neighboring worlds of Falkaide XXI or Harum VI to combat the feral beings there. This serves as operational training and tempers new marines to combat, the surviving marines are then relieved by the next group of fresh marines and are assigned to operational battalions. Marines spend 18-19 years in training and devote most of their lives to the military. Marines are heavily armed aiming for shock and awe, their weapons are made up of carbines and personal defense weapons but can be seen using a wide range of weaponry. All marines carry light shields to help against energy based attacks but are very weak.

Septonian Army:
The Army follows the same pipeline as the Marine candidates but are deployed to the contested system of Gaiconda to fight the insurgency there. Surviving soldiers are assigned to operational companies and relieved by the next group of new soldiers. Soldiers carry a wide range of weapons and deploy with large surpluses of gear, they are heavily armed with main battle rifles and machine guns along with a wide range of artillery.

Septonian Navy:
Aradite vessels are built from scaled durasteel under a sloped alloy like armor. vessels are commonly narrow at either and and smoothly bubble around the scaled durasteel to help kinetic projectiles glance off. All vessels have light to medium shields, able to absorb one or two energy based strikes before failing. The navy maintains the intelligence service for the concordant.

MAT= Magnetically accelerated torpedoes

( Still need to add some things!)
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