(Yeah, ignore that headless dude behind her)
Name: Kisaki Airi
Age: 18
Occupation: High School Student, Senior (3rd year).
Bio: A high school Senior girl who lack of dream nor goal in life. She spend most of time playing around, trying to make the best of her teenage year. When she was still a sophomore, her ex-boyfriend, a Senior broke up with her. As result of their break up, Airi began to question herself, what will she do in the future. As the time for graduation is drawing near, her friends became busy and play with her less. It was then Airi set her foot at Weiße Katze, trying to fresh her mind, and probably, finding what she's missing all these year.
Personality: Airi is a typical sarcastic yet playful high school girl. She enjoy basically anything new to her, especially things that are trending right now. She's considerably a bit tomboyish compared to her other friends and also she enjoy physical activity more that most girl. She tent to hide her embarrassment by yelling and scolding others, not allowing them to notice her blush.
Extra: Her phone is noticeably packed with a lot straps and is bright pink colored.