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    1. Madani 10 yrs ago


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Match between Weiss and Ria ended in a draw. A pretty unexpected result for Rouka as he expected Ria to win. Regardless, the two shake hands without an issue. Rouka, as asked, recorded the whole race with the handycam.

"What am I doing here..." he mumbles. Just earlier today he came to the office like any other day, but somehow he end up in Ria's school while crossdressing and taking videos of girls in their swimsuit. All of those in spam of merely two hours. Rouka take a look at this wristwatch as it shows the time is now 4 PM in the afternoon.

Rouka glances to his side where Hazel and Chloe was, but they both are no longer there. With towels on their hands, Hazel and Chloe already went off to the competitors handing out towels to them. Hazel hands hers to Ria, and Chloe hands hers to Weiss. The relationships Ria has with Hazel is very similar to that of Chloe and Weiss. It is amusing to see such pairing to exist side-by-side like this.
“Lieber nicht” the white girl replied shortly as she walk off to grab a towel from a pile of it at the side of the pool.

Other middle school girls appear to be looking a bit troubled. Being one of the fastest swimmer on the team, Tsurara Maria is a figure of admiration for them. Refusing an invitation from such person like that is unthinkable, but there stood Weiss Kristallglas who did just that without even a second thought. That is very like her, everyone thought, but no one expected it to happen in such way.

While everyone watches Weiss in awe, a sound of footsteps echos. Wiess something approaches the swimming poothout long, a small figure enter the area. “Yahho, is everyone doing okay~?” a cheerful voice belonging to the intruder brings a new air to the atmosphere. Black short hair with a white hairpin on her bang, a little girl wearing the school uniform of Navy Hill enters the area with a smile on her face. As expected, she quickly notice that awkwardness from the face of the surrounding.

“…Did something happen?” she ask one of the girl nearby. After a quick whisper, the girl nodded and approached Weiss. “Geez, you don’t have to act like that. I told you to be nice with everyone right? Hurry and be prepared!” the girl suddenly start yelling to Weiss.

Rouka could not believe what he just saw. Judging from how Weiss behave so far, he had expected her to be a person who will not listen to anyone, but there she is being yelled by a girl who is smaller than herself. What is more surprising is that Weiss actually listen to the girl and start preparing as she was told. After she put her goggles back on, Weiss returned to where Ria is.

“I’m sorry for what I just say. Please let me swim with you”

Weiss bowed a little before she walk ahead to the starting platform. On other hand, the girl approaches Coach Ko and asked her to organize the match. So efficient, Rouka thought. Then after that, that girl looked at Rouka before setting her target to Hazel Lim.


The two cheerfully greeted each other. It took Rouka quite a while to notice. This new girl is none other than Chloe Lim, Ria’s protection target and Hazel Lim’s little sister.

“……” Rouka just quietly look at Chloe. According to the report he got, Chloe had suffered an injury on her left leg and temporarily left the swimming club, so why she is here?

“Ah, I believe you notice it already, but she’s my little sister”
“Nice to meet you, my name is Chloe Lim”

Chloe politely bowed as she introduce himself to Rouka. Naturally, the three then move on to a light talk as they wait for Ria and Weiss match to commence. So just like what the report said, Chloe really did was injured in the school trip incident and had to leave the swimming club as result. The reason why she is here right now is none other than Weiss.

“I don’t have to keep my bandage on anymore, but swimming will put too much strain to my leg so I still can’t rejoin.” She said dejectedly, but she quickly turn that frown upside down. “I came here to check on Weiss. As you see, she is a pretty awkward girl. It is my duty as her friend to support her!” So apparently, the one who invited Weiss to the swimming club is none other than Chloe herself.

“She saved me when we got stuck in the wood. She is really cool!” she excitedly talk about the moment during school trip incident. Chloe got injured when school bus fell from the cliff, and the one who take care of her during that time was Weiss. They become friend quickly, and soon after they return to their school activity, Chloe learn that Weiss have not join any club so Chloe suggested her to join the swimming club. Weiss was a fast learner and quickly become the middle school division ace, but because of her bulky and distant attitude, she is not exactly blend in with other club member. To help her with it, Chloe would occasionally visit the club like this to lighten up the mood so Weiss can hang out with everyone else easily.

“Just like your older sister, you’re really nice” Rouka honestly thought so. “You really think so? Ehehe” smiled Chloe so innocently. Hazel Lim and Chloe Lim. It seems both has a caring personality. Sister alike. They are the type of person who would bring smile to everyone they meet. In that aspect, both Weiss and Ria is quite alike.

“Ah, look, they’re starting!” cheered Hazel as she points at Weiss and Ria who is now ready to start their match.
Rouka just stand there watching it all happen. Just like what she told him, Rouka have the handycam on his hand and records the whole thing. Rouka himself still not sure why Ria asked him to do this for her. After all this time, he still can’t read what is going on inside her head. For all he knows, Ria is a pretty awkward person who can’t really convey her feelings directly. Maybe this just her attempt to get closer with Rouka, but who knows.

“But still, she sure is amazing”

Rouka murmured to himself, but a reply suddenly came. It was Hazel, Ria’s friend and Chloe’s older sister.

“Ehehe, sorry to surprise you. Not sure if Maria talk about me, but my name is Hazel Lim. Her classmate.”
“Ah, yeah. I have heard about you. Pleased to meet you, I’m Rou-… Lucy”
“Pleased to meet you too, Lucy.”

Rouka almost spurted out his real name, but luckily, he managed to change it. Though, he feel a slight guilt as in truth Ria never actually say anything about Hazel, and he only know about her through the data he receive for Chloe’s case.

“Say, are you really Maria’s girlfriend?” asked Hazel mischievously.
“O-Of course not!”
“Ahaha, is that so~ She is a fun girl after all. So what is your relationship with her?”
“Aaaah, colleague I guess.”

Rouka himself still not really sure what kind of relationship he have with Ria. Just what Ria thinks of him, a teammate? Friend? Who knows.

“Colleague…?” asked Hazel dubiously.

Ah, crap! Thought Rouka. He accidentally slip his tongue there. No one should know they are working together.

“I mean friend! She and I once classmates and we met each other recently, so she invited me here to look at her!”
“Classmate? You mean in her previous school?”
“Yes, yes!”

Hazel still appear to be doubting something. However, going any further in this direction is certainly dangerous, so Rouka decides to change the topic.

“How about you, Hazel? How did you become friend with Ri-, I mean Maria?”
“Do we look like that? If so, then I’m glad.”
“Well, you see, no matter how much I push myself into her, she never really open up to me.” Hazel answer with slightly dejected tone.
“Ah, your question right. It is simple actually. When Maria first transfer in, our teacher ask me to be her guide. So naturally, I become the closest with her in class”

Without doubt, it must be the work of COIN, to make sure Ria can get close with Hazel. However, hearing from what Hazel says, it seems Ria herself is not really up to it and simply take the minimum approach to her.

“She never actually listen to me, but when I invited her to the swimming club, she agreed. So I figured we can be friend. I will be happy if she thinks the same way about me”

Hazel then continues to talk about Ria cheerfully, about how she is in class and other stuff. As Rouka thought, be it in school or in office, Ria still act the same. Cold, bossy, and egoistic. Rouka couldn’t help but to let out a sigh.


All of the sudden, a loud cheer can be heard from the neighbor pool.

“…What is that?”
“Ah, it’s the middle school division. The middle school division don’t have swimming pool, so they goes here for practice. I believe they’re cheering for Weiss.”
“Look, it is that girl.” says Hazel as she points at one girl.

Naturally, Rouka move his eyes to the direction where Hazel is pointing. There, he sees a white semi-long haired girl with a stern face. With collective manner, she climb out of the pool and quickly sit down to regulate her breathing. Right away, a girl come to approach her and try to hand her a towel, but the white girl didn’t take it and just walk away.

“Hm, is there something wrong over there?”
“Well, she is a pretty troubling girl after all.” answered Hazel with a dry laugh.
“Ouch” He screams when Ria hit his head with the magazine she pull out from the magazine rack that is right on her side of the seat. In respond, Rouka stand up and about to yell at her, but before he could he stopped and return to his seat. After letting out a small sigh, he let Ria to continue. Right away, Rouka’s phone rang notifying Ria’s message so he opens it.
The content of the mail itself is straightforward, it’s array of pictures depicting a very bloody scene. Instantly Rouka recalled back the news he heard earlier today. Saika… and because the Tsurara, the COIN is getting hold of this, then it means… the dots finally connects. Just as he thought, it is nothing good at all.

"I know a European legend that by bathing in the blood of virgins help one retrain youth."

European, bloodbath, virgins, Rouka knows this tale. The infamous Elizabeth Bathory. A girl born in the one of the noble families of Hungary, the Bathory family. One of the models for the vampire Carmilla. A wicked woman who bathed in the living blood of more than 600 women in order to preserve her own beauty. Many reports that in addition to having their blood drawn, the victim would have hot irons thrust into their mouths, their entire bodies stabbed with pins, and other kinds of tortures. She easily makes the most prolific serial killer in existence. Rouka knows that Ria aren't saying that this 'Saika' is her, but it does suggests that this 'Saika' could be a person like her. A person who would kill hundreds for whatever goal it aim for.

"Whoever this 'Saika' is, this person is certainly aiming for something by targeting 'us'. Of course whatever this bastard is up to, it must be stopped. So what did you think I was gonna say shorty pants?"

Us... that means the Esper. There are many saying for it. The evolved, inhuman, super-powered, mutant, monster, and much more. The term Rouka most familiar with is Kaii (怪異), or the strange. Basically, those who possess some short of supernatural power. The unknown part of this world that the mass don't know. Majority of COIN agents are one, and of course.... Rouka and Ria included. Lastly, the victims of Saika are none other than the Esper too. But the revelation aside, Rouka knows one thing for sure.
Saika... this person is dangerous. Rouka's senses are tingling. Chasing after this person is suicide move. But looking at Ria's eyes he know very well what she's going for here. Once again, letting out a sigh, he look straight into Ria's eyes and open his mouth.

"I'm sorry but, I believe we should not dip our hand into this. I know you want to do some actual job by now, but this is not for us. I can't help you with this." he said as he stares Ria with the most serious face he never made in front of her.

"...I suggest you just forget about it. You're going to attend your swimming club after this right? Okay, I will go take your picture." He added after a brief pause. He figures maybe it is better for her to literally cool down her head right now.
““Hey Rouka. How effective do you think a bloodbath works? One with blood of a virgin like me perhaps."
".........! UGhh, ugh, *cough*. Now look what have you done. F*ck.”
It came without warning; Rouka almost spilled his cup of iced tea. To think that it is the question Ria been holding back all this time makes it even more ridiculous. No matter how long it has passed, Rouka still could not read what is going on this mischievous girl’s mind. After taking some solid second off, Rouka wiped his mouth and put down his tea.
“Aaaaaaaaaaa, what is it again? Bloodbath? What are you talking about?” he asked irritably. Although he can't guess what is inside the girl's mind, he know one thing for sure, 'it definitely can't be good'.

EPISODE 1: [Crystal Clear]
Release Date: October 21


After the death of his father, Rouka set his foot to new environment. An unknown unit formerly known as the "Elites", a team led by the daughter of Tsurara family. Total member, two!? A hardheaded thorny princess and a lost boy, will this new team works out?
On other hand comes Saika, a mysterious phenomenon that start to surface and caused panic across the country. Cause, unknown. All victims were found lie on the ground with the pool of their own blood with their corpse appear to be sucked dry like a mummy. Little do the world know the impact it will have to the world.

Story so far:
Few months have passed since Rouka joined Ria's team. Not everything works out, but regardless they start to get used with each other company. As they figuring out their footing as a team, fall another victim to Saika phenomenon.
As Ria’s stomach suddenly start growling, Rouka quickly cover his mouth with his hand, all to hide any possible weird face he might be making. What a busy girl, he thought. Quickly after that, a familiar tone from Ria’s cellphone fills the quiet room, notifying her of incoming mail. While Ria writing respond to the said message, Rouka noticed a small vibration on his pants pocket.
Without even checking his phone, Rouka simply put his hand into his pocket and press the button to make it stop. What a worrywart, he thought to himself.
"Oi...shorty pants. Shall we go?"
While Rouka was lost in thought, Ria's voice pulled him back into reality. After giving her a nod, Rouka opens the door and the two descend to the first floor.


"Inspector Ouka, is there something wrong?"
"Ah, sorry, it is nothing. I was just checking an acquaintance."
"Is it that boy you've been talking about in the office?"
"You sure have good memory. Yes, it is him. But we can talk about it later, tell me the situation."
The seventh victim of Saika incident. An odd case where the victim had their blood overflowing from their own body. Just like the previous one, the victim's body are practically uninjured, but due to extreme amount of blood lost, the body looked like it had been sucked dry. The woman known as Inspector Ouka then crouch down to give the corpse a closer look. This is going nowhere, Ouka thought inside her head. During the course of several month, this sight is slowly turning into a common sight, and it's definitely not something to be celebrated.
"You got the victim data right?"
"Yes. Our Intel just finished it few hours ago" said her assistance as he showed her a tablet containing the requested data. Ouka give it a quick read and pay focus on one particular part of it.
".........Another Esper, huh. The unregistered one up to boot"
The unregistered, as the name imply it is data of Esper that not yet been registered in the COIN Esper database. Whatever it wants there is a reasoning behind it, Ouka thought as she clench her fist.
"We're done here. Whatever we're facing here is definitely not ordinary. I'm still not sure how come it manage to grab hold information we have not yet obtained, but that precisely why we must end this fast, or else the public will eventually connect the dots together."
"Ah, y-yes!"
Hides under the normality of the world, lies an unknown entity. No one yet to know what it wants nor what it seeks. But it is undoubtedly moving towards something. Comes with it are those one who supports it, opening the curtain to another side of the world that is yet to be explored.


The first floor of Katz cafe is the main hall, where the majority the costumer gathers. On the left side are lines of nicely tidied tables where the costumers enjoy their food and drink. Table and chair are made of fine high quality wood and the store's generally grey aesthetics gives up an antique feels to it and makes a really relaxing atmosphere.
It is slightly after the rush hour, so the number of costumer had already decreased a bit, but there still quite amount of costumer remains. Most of the remaining costumers are ones waiting in line at the counter, seemingly ordering the store famous shortcake for take-out. Without further ado, Rouka and Ria heads up to one of the empty table and press the table bell. Soon after, a young waitress come to their table.
"Ah, isn't it Rouka and Milady. Going to eat here today? or do you want me to call the Master?"
The waitress who approaches them is the floor chief of this Katz cafe, "Christine" is her stage name for the store. Meanwhile, the Master she is talking about is the de facto Manager of Katz cafe. While on-paper it is Ria who is the manager, the one who actually run the place is none other but Master himself. Rouka have only met him several times, but he gives up a gentle kind vibes. Master says that he's a former COIN agent but quit after he enters his sixties. No one ever mentioned said his real name, but as everyone simply call him Master, Rouka follows along. As people working here are people from Tsurara, all of them call Ria as milady. Which is a really fitting name for her, Rouka thought.
"No thanks, we're just here for extra lunch. Can you get me a pancake and a iced tea?" so he said stating his order. Ria herself said she have something to talk about, but decides so just hold it on till they finish eating. Therefore, Rouka decides to wait till Ria herself talk about it.

Rouka raised his eyebrow as he responded to Ria’s calling. He let out a brief sigh, and direct his head to his behind where source of the voice comes from.
(Not again…)
Rouka feels to face palm himself in his heart as he quickly look down. Tsurara Maria who was wearing her school uniform not long ago is now standing barely naked as she slowly putting on her casual clothes. Another sight that Rouka feel ashamed getting used to, to be honest. So instead of immediately answer her question, he gives a very quick “Yeah” and continue to wait for her to finish changing.
After the sound of her changing stopped, Rouka once again look at her. A long sleeves grey shirt, black stocking, and a pair of brown boots. Paired with her beautiful look, one would expect her to be a model for a fashion magazine. Rouka make sure he is not making any weird faces and proceed to answer her question.
“It’s Chloe Lim. Please don’t forget about it, geez.”
Chloe Lim, a 15 years old girl who just awaken to a power to turn herself invisible after a traffic accident during her school trip event several months ago. Because her house just happen to be within the area, Ria is tasked to watch over her. Rouka never met her before, but judging from the picture on her document, she seems to be a kind-looking girl. Ria took this job before Rouka joins in, so he wasn’t part of the initial plan. The school Chloe Lim enrolls Navy Hills middle school division, an all-girl school. To be in perfect condition to watch over her, Ria goes all the way to transfer school there and even befriended with Chloe Lim’s older sister, Hazel Lim. So Rouka is left with nothing to do.
(But even after all that hassle, the person herself is not that up for it)
Ria clearly shows her dissatisfaction for the job, however she can't afford letting go of any job that comes to her. Meanwhile, Rouka himself don’t really have much to do. Five times a week after school, Rouka would come to this office as part of his duty as a team member. Due to lack of activity, He tried to clean up the place at first, but only to see it reverting to previous state the next day.
".........I'm not ordering you or anything, you really should just focus on what's in front of you."
The reason why this place is so full of mess is because Ria been reading all kinds of documents she can get her hand on. Looking through previous cases searching for loopholes so that she can fix it by herself. All in order to show the people in the HQ she's capable of taking a full case just like other team. To be honest, Rouka himself also want to get his hand on proper job by now, but the given his current condition, he doubt it will work out well.
After letting out a brief sigh, Rouka stood up from the sofa and heads to the exit.
"I'm going to go downstairs to get something to eat, do you want anything?"
The clock shows the time to be 2 PM, a little bit after lunch time but given light lunch he had today, his body starts to demand more.

(Yeah, ignore that headless dude behind her)

Name: Kisaki Airi

Age: 18

Occupation: High School Student, Senior (3rd year).

Bio: A high school Senior girl who lack of dream nor goal in life. She spend most of time playing around, trying to make the best of her teenage year. When she was still a sophomore, her ex-boyfriend, a Senior broke up with her. As result of their break up, Airi began to question herself, what will she do in the future. As the time for graduation is drawing near, her friends became busy and play with her less. It was then Airi set her foot at Weiße Katze, trying to fresh her mind, and probably, finding what she's missing all these year.

Personality: Airi is a typical sarcastic yet playful high school girl. She enjoy basically anything new to her, especially things that are trending right now. She's considerably a bit tomboyish compared to her other friends and also she enjoy physical activity more that most girl. She tent to hide her embarrassment by yelling and scolding others, not allowing them to notice her blush.

Extra: Her phone is noticeably packed with a lot straps and is bright pink colored.
Fate? Probably.

Pure coincidence? Maybe.

It never occurred to the man known as Adam Steven that his single decision to drag his feet to that certain strangely named cafe would change his entire life. Under the star of fate, as one may call it that, Adam met a girl named Yuri Mikazuki. To him she's one hell of a weird girl, completely carefree of the world and everything else. After short period of time he spend with her, that image of her still don't change, and it might never will.

"I shouldn't have open that door"

The biggest mistake he ever made. Once you enter, you wouldn't know what will happen. Being caught in the chaos it has to offer, Adam felt unspoken sensation around his body. As if being sucked into strange mysterious void wasn't enough, his body transform into the shape and size he himself wouldn't even imagine. A lion, will be the most accurate way to describe his current form. As for why he turned into one is a mystery to him. However, that's not all. Right under his two legs, or four as it is now, was the head of the enemy the supposed to defeat.


Adam had heard of the name before, a famous legend. One of the three sisters in Greek mythology(?) with the power to turn people into stone, she was slain by the great hero Hercules and use her power to defeat the mighty Minotaur. Just few hours ago, Adam was scratching his head in front of the computer trying to write a story and moments later he got caught up in this mess. What are the odds?

Standing right next to him was Yuri Mikazuki, a girl who supposedly just as confused as him. But no, much less than that, it seemed she's enjoying all of this. As if this stage was made for her. No, it's them.

(That door... is a Pandora box)

Once open, all disaster within shall eat the whole world. Their battle had just begun, but this is the end of their story. This is...

Just another ordinary day in Weiße Katze.

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