Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eva sat on the crate as she watched Besaid island fade away into darkness. Gippal started to tell them what happened to them. She heard part of this story before, of when they were imprisoned before her. Gippal always hesitated when he brought up experiments...always rubbing his scar on his chest when he thought no one was looking, or when he brought it up. He never spoke of what happened to him...but she heard his screams at night in his nightmares. She frowned, Gippal always put on a strong face even though he had been through a lot more than he was saying.

She reached out and touched his hand and gave a comforting smile before he continued speaking, she pulled away just as quickly as he didn't seem to notice. She didn't mind though he had a lot on his mind at the moment. It was at this moment she noticed a man plop down and start listening to them. She had seen him talking to Urick before but she was too busy to talk to him. She raised an eyebrow at the man, who seemed in his own little world.

Gippal continued for a bit and after he was finished Alex seemed to get really mad as she glared at him. This made her frown, Alex continued on with how Thane could have done things. She shook her head as Alex finished and said, "From what I gathered from Gippal and Urick is that he didn't really know who they were, he never asked for their last names...at least asked as a insane man would. He also seems stuck in the past, not caring for the news of the current world, as it will be 'Washed away by the cleansing power of Sin and bring the world back to simplicity and order.'"

She folded her hands in her lap. "Obviously he is not well, and he is obviously insane. No one can understand how an Insane man mind works. But there is a reason he didn't just go for you guys in the first place. It was as if he WANTED Gippal and Urick to be here when he did it." She sighed. "Also I didn't know I was a Summoner...REALLY a Summoner till yesterday... I didn't know who I even was, I only knew my First name and that Thane wanted to sacrifice me for one of his experiments. Gippal and Urick promised to help me find my family...and later turned into keeping me safe from Thane's henchmen who were chasing us. "

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saina didn't watch the island as they pulled away from it, her gaze instead focusing on the open sea ahead as the sun sank below the horizon. She didn't really notice where Urick had parked himself, so to speak, and let her mind clear as the ocean breeze played with her tied-up hair. Then Gippal began to speak, causing her to turn her head slightly to where he was speaking. She listened, facing the sea and leaning with her arms propped against the boat's railing. As Gippal talked, her gloved fingers gently traced the unsightly scar running down the side of her abdomen, her expression neutral right up till when he finished, a shadow falling over her eyes. Rather than letting the silence settle in, the red head began to talk. As she did, the pale woman remained frozen as she was, her fingertips surrounding the mark on her abdomen.

"...From a sadistive point of view, it be a nice way to torment you. Choose between your childhood friend or your summoner you swore to protect. Suppose sadistic people like him always have some sick twisted plan. And your old man is still a dumbass. I'm going to kill that.... Sick, twisted.... Monster."

Her fingers clenched down, pinching the folds of skin surrounding the offending area. Her lips parted a little. Emotion filled her and caused her to clench down harder on her own abdomen as she turned her head to stare down, focusing on the waves. She was concentrating quite a bit but managed to hear Eva when she started to speak.

"From what I gathered from Gippal and Urick is that he didn't really know who they were, he never asked for their last names...at least asked as a insane man would." Saina bit her lip. "He also seems stuck in the past, not caring for the news of the current world, as it will be 'Washed away by the cleansing power of Sin and bring the world back to simplicity and order.' Obviously he is not well, and he is obviously insane. No one can understand how..."

She stopped listening when she realized that she was gritting her teeth and gasped silently, blinking. Saina felt the urge to speak and inhaled as though she were about to, turning to look at everyone. Though it went unnoticed, people focusing on the summoner as she was wrapping up whatever she was saying. Her expression relaxed, hopefully before anyone could see, and her grip on her stomach relaxed, her hand dropping to her side. She waited until Eva was finished talking before going to her and placing a gloved hand on her back, speaking softly to her.

"Perhaps we should let them make amends alone. This doesn't really concern us, m'lady-... Eva." She corrected herself at the last part. "Shall we go find your quarters? You must be exhausted."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Despite being quite tired and very sleepy at the moment, Naisha listened to everything both Gippal and Eva had to say. The mage didn't say a single word despite the fact that Alex, swore to kill Thane... One part of the reason why the mage was quiet was because of her fatigue and the fact she was struggling to stay awake, the other was that she was deep in thought. Thoughts of the scary variety... despite being half asleep already, some things were extremely clear in her mind. One of those was the complete desire to obliterate Thane for everything he did... she wanted to kill him for what he did to her, she even wanted to kill him for what that man did to Eva and all other people, but more than everything she wanted to kill him for what he did to Gippal. If one was to look in Nai's eyes at this moment, he would notice a very strange glint in them. Somehow she caught herself as she gripped the stuffed down that was in her lap.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she looked at the others.” Obviously that man has magic in one form or other at his disposal. Last night he was with us at the beach when I went with my berserk Flare barage. He didn't bat an eye... Also while I'm not expert on the matter when it comes to aeons, I'm pretty sure you can't just create them without some knowledge of how that works. There is also the matter with the fact you couldn't find the entrance to his place... well those things are a child's play to hide with magic.” The black mage stated with sleepy voice. As she calmed herself down, the last thing that kept her awake faded.”...I will help...you with... finding...ZZzzzZZzzz...” Her speech ended as her body relaxed in her chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Urick had noticed Saina off in her own world as they talked about thane...She was acting...strange. He ignored it for now, it's not like he can ask her what's on her mind. He rarely talks as it is. He didn't think he would be able to talk again that night with that stunt he pulled earlier on the docks.

He had noticed the man from earlier sit down telling them he was ready. as Gippal started speaking. He knew he said to follow them but this was just plain weird as he seemed not to even notice Nai and her horn... though sadly it did stick out like a sore thumb. Especially he didn't introduce himself to the rest of the group.

Urick shook his head as he thought about it just around the time Alex spoke up trying to figure out why he didn't do it a certain way, which didn't make any sense to do as it already had happened. But Eva brought up the point and as quickly as she finished Saina came in to explain that perhaps they should leave, as it didn't concern them... He tilted his head to the side as she said that. Of course it did, any information would help with dealing with that man. Before Eva could speak Nai did, Explaining he is good with magic obviously. Gippal and he knew that already.

Gippal was about to say something but Nai fell asleep before he could. He sighed and smiled slightly that she had fallen asleep mid sentence. He and Urick had agreed with Nai that it was probably why they couldn't find it, yet they couldn't point any one in the way to find the place. Because they them selves had looked for so long they didn't really know where to look anymore.

Maximus spoke up and said, "From what I saw of his fighting, it would seem he was trained somewhat as a Warrior monk, Able to use magic, swordplay and Martial arts. I've known Warrior monks that have become Summoners... so the idea is not to far fetched. I would say he trained as a Summoner longer than as a warrior Monk though, as he was able to summon two Aeons at one time. Not Even High Summoner Yuna could do that. It means he's been doing this for a LONG time."

Gippal Nodded, "Yes, you are spot on Maximus. He is well enough to keep up with Urick, but in past battles with him We've seen him pretty handy with a blade as well. And His magic is Powerful. He looks young but he has raw talent for everything and has been practicing them for a long time." He looked to Nai and at Saina as she had brought up Eva getting rest.

"I Think we should all get some rest. we should be in Luca my noon tomorrow." He hopped down and after everyone left he and Urick looekd to Kahl. After Gippal had looked to Urick and got that he was trying to come with them he asked "Why do you want to Go after Thane. We have our reasons, even Maximus who used to be apart of Yevon, not wanting Thane to use the teachings for his benefit. But whats your reason? For all we know you could be one of Thane's men trying to tag along."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Kahl just sat in the back of the ship zoning out as he obsessively focused his attentions to the art of whittling to preemptively kill time during the period that would be spent on the sea. He momentarily stopped his woodworking as he responded to this one guy asking his motivations. "He's a wanted man. With each passing day and action he commits his value goes up. You take of your vendetta with him and I keep and bring back his head." He responded nonchalantly almost to the point of being cavalier about it.

He then returned to his woodworking as he deftly wielded the tiny blade. A blizzard of wooden flakes and chunks fell around his general area as the featureless chunk of wood became decorated and shaped into something. He absentmindedly mumbled to no one in particular to call on him when needed. But other than his mind was focused on the blade and wood and all intermediaries that this mental venn diagram would hold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex listened to Eva explain which made her roll her eyes. "Well than he's just a idiot. A crazy murdering idiot." she grumbled. What was the saying? Knowledge was power? If one was going to have a opponent it was best to study ones opponent and use it against them. That included the world. Even if he wanted to wipe out the world they knew, isn't it better to know it and then use it against people? For a good fighter, he was no tactician. A good warrior takes every playing card they can handle to their advantage. Overconfidence tends to be their downfall. Then again, Alex's temper usually gets in the way of any tactics. Still, it was best to figure out how he exactly thinks for future encounters. Even if it's little to go on or if what they saw was all there is. Better to be safe than sorry.

Glancing to the ice wizard as she spoke, seeming.. A bit off. "This kind of conerns her too." she said softly, but the kept the thoughts on how to herself, not wishing to upset Eva with bad memories or something before huffing a little.

"But alright. But if we do the same thing you two do, I expect understanding." Alex said toward the two cousins before looking to Naisha as she spoke before dozing off. Rolling her blue eyes, the tall woman gingerly poked Naisha's sleeping cheek.

"You know Nai, you're starting to make me think I'm your personal butler or something." Alex said teasingly with a slightly amused grin before glancing toward seeing Gippal speak to the man that sat near them.

"We're turning in then. Night. Call if you need me. Sleep well." Alex said to them before pushing Naisha along and down below deck. Going to the sleeping quarters.

Setting Naisha's chair beside her bed, Alex scooped Naisha in her arms before setting the black mage into bed, tucking her in under the blankets. Glancing to the obvious differences in her friend, Alex frowned a little, reaching and gingerly touching the horn.

Her head hurt again.

Shaking her head, the red head pulled her hand away and patted the top of her friend's head. "Hopefully you have sweet dreams." Alex said before lying down on the next empty bed. Lying on her back with her hands behind her head. Losing her eyes but was still awake and listening. It was hard to sleep. Sleep led to nightmares.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gippal sighed at the mans answer. Great a bounty hunter. Just what he had to deal with. He couldn't say much as that was what Gippal did a few times with Urick while traveling. But Bounty hunters were wild cards, some would stop at nothing to get their money even hurting innocents along the way. Wouldn't do him any good to say no. One, not his place as it was Eva's Decision. Two, the guy would follow them anyway. " I doubt we will need the help of bounty hunter, but I'll point you to Eva in the morning

Urick noted the mans whittling, it was something he did as well to pass the time. But unlike Kahl his strokes were always slow and define each stroke was a calculated one. Art took time and it relaxed him. He was not like others who quickly did it to sell it as trinkets.

They both left the man to his devices while Gippal and Urick moved to Front the boat, there they would sit for a while, not saying anything for a bit as Urick decided to work on his whittling project. The massive hands gripped the small piece of wood as he took the knife from his gauntlet and began working on it.

Silence held out for a while longer, till Urick finally spoke up. " You want to tell me what happened to you three years ago?" Gippal was the only one he could talk to normally, not that he did it often, but when he wanted to stress a point he would.

Gippal raised an eyebrow and said"What's up with you speaking more now? You finally gotten over your fears?" He smiled at Urick who only gave him a look that easily said in itself 'your ignoring The question.' Gippal stared at him for a moment before looking away. "No."

Urick sighed as if saying 'Fine' at which Gippal quickly said "Don't get snippy with me." Which caused Urick to only Shrug.

A few hours passed, with nothing happening. The seas were calm and the stars were bright. Urick stopped and slipped his unfinished project in his pouch and stood up to leave Gippal had just left before him to go to bed. Urick had looked up to See Saina still outside and on the top part of the boats deck.

Suddenly the boat shook violently wood groaning as if it ran a ground. Urick is was almost caught unbalanced but he managed to stay on his feet. Looking around into the darkness he saw nothing but open water.

The ships crew had sprung into action though they didn't know what happened they were looking into all the possibilities. Then someone screamed "FIEND!"

Coming up out of the water large tentacles rose up and started wrapping itself around the boat. The sailors started grabbing their weapons and started to hack at the tentacles but things became worse as fish like lizards flew out of the water and landed on the deck, attacking the sailors. Urick quickly assisted and knocked a few out of the air that flew by him, catching one by its neck as it tried to attack him. Squeezing it till it bursted into pyreflies.

Gippal had been lying in his bunk when the fiend attack. Knocking. Him from the bed onto the ground he quickly threw his boots on and his gear he ran past other passengers while he buckled his knife belts and slipped on his crystal bracer. He heard Fiend being yelled and the passengers started to yell. At which he yelled even louder "DONT PANIC! WE HAVE EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL!" last thing he needed was some idiot passenger getting in the way and putting him in further danger.

He made it up the last steps to see the tentacles and lizard fish attacking. "A squid attack?? Really?!?" He pulled two of his knifes out and gripped them blades facing away. He stayed near the door to keep any from coming inside the ship, Moving and dodging attacks he would counter attack as they jumped by. Spinning in circles to make sure he wasn't focused too much in one direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When everyone began to disperse, Saina had sighed, waited for everyone to clear out and then headed below deck. As she navigated her way through the slightly maze-y halls, she finally found what she was looking for. In the engine room, some of the engineers gave her the stink eye as she came down the stairs. However, as they realized that the blue chocobo amid their small handful of golden ones belonged to her, they seemed to relax and go back to what they were doing.

Poking his head above the throng of chocobos, Mercury gave a happy 'WAAARK!' upon seeing her and wiggled his way through the other sleepy chocobos to get to her. When they met at the railing that kept the chocobos from escaping, he nuzzled his massive beak to her chest. She chuckled and stroked his soft feathered neck, eliciting a high pitched chirp from the massive bird. Then, scowling a little, she hugged Mercury--or at least, what she could. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she leaned her head against his warm body until she felt those dark feelings from what she had heard within her disappear. The chocobo, who was surprisingly patient in this matter, allowed her to do what she needed to do. At last she relaxed, finding her center, and let him go. Mercury pulled his head back, his head tilting back and forth as he studied her. Saina smiled at the bird and scratched his cheek before heading back up the stairs. Mercury tried to follow her, his long head twisting around the corner to look at her and let out another 'WAAAAARK!' Saina looked back and smiled at him before continuing up the steps, leaving some of the engineers scratching their heads at the weird display they had just seen.
She made her way above deck and started to make her way to the front of the ship, her face expressionless as ever. She was about to round the corner when she heard:

"You want to tell me what happened to you three years ago?"

She stopped as she heard voices coming from the front of the deck. She tilted her head to the side. Urick's voice, to be exact. The sound of him talking so eloquently once more brought back the same sensation of wanting to hear more of it back on the docks, but she felt it would be bad to interrupt right now. Saina turned her body to press up against the cabin's wall, tilting her head to the side as she listened.

"What's up with you speaking more now? You finally gotten over your fears?" Gippal was with him? Made sense. They were brothers after all so Urick talking to him should naturally be easier. There was a pause, causing Saina to wonder if she had missed something when Gippal spoke up again. "No." And then more silence. Saina was just about to walk away when Gippal once again spoke up, snapping this time. "Don't get snippy with me."

Her head looked over her shoulder as she turned away with an eyebrow raised as she contemplated how one could be snippy if they didn't say anything. It was... amusing to imagine what could have happened. She turned away, chuckling under her breath as she decided to have a cat nap in her room below deck. Besides, the most beautiful stars came out at around midnight. As she made her way below deck again, she couldn't help but wonder the same thing Urick had asked. What had happened when Gippal was with Thane? She opened the door to her room and sat at her bed after removing her cloak and attaching it through the belt loops of her shorts, her back on the wall rather than laying down. She moved her hands up, removing the ponytail holder from her hair and allowing it to fall down past her shoulders to midback, moving in its surreal way as it always did. As she knelt her head down to rest a little more, she allowed her thoughts to drift away into sleep.


A few hours later, she blinked awake. She hadn't really slept very deeply anyways, drifting in and out of sleep as time wore on so when she woke up she felt rather rested and ready to go. And even more perfect, midnight was approaching. Climbing out of the bed which she hadn't even laid down properly on, she walked above deck and made her way to the upper parts of it, hoping to get a better view of the stars. She left her ponytail holder around her wrist and her cloak attached to her hip, not expecting anyone else up at this hour. She went to the front most part of the upper deck she stood on and gripped the railings as she tilted her head back, allowing the sea breeze to go through her weightless hair. She exhaled, her breath visible as she stared up at the stars in the sky, their brilliance slightly reflected in her glassy eyes. This moment was perfect... except... her hand let go of the railing and touched her cloak, right where the sphere was being kept. She looked down at where it was located in the cloak before fishing it out and holding it cupped in her gloved hands. Saina looked it over, her thumb stroking the mechanism gently as she examined it. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a familiar man with white hair approaching.

Her head started to turn so that she could look to Urick in surprise when the boat suddenly violently shook and came to a stop like they had hit land. The impact was so sudden that Saina clotheslined herself on the railing she was in front of, her body being bent over the safeguard. She would have fallen over completely if one of her hands hadn't found itself gripping the metal she had nearly toppled over. The hand holding the sphere however, extended as she nearly fell, the sphere escaping from her fingers and skittering across the deck.

She gasped, both her hands gripping the railing as she looked over to where it landed. Everything was happening so fast. Someone shouted fiend as she jumped over the railing and drew her katana from her hip. Urick was somewhere amid the mass confusion fighting the fish-monsters that landed on deck, workers hacking at the tentacles that had landed on board. This was bad, the ship could go down with everyone on it if they didn't act fast. She ran for the sphere at the front of the ship, her katana slicing through the small fiends on her way, which in turn, burst into pyreflies. Just as she was about to grab the sphere, a tentacle near the back of the ship slapped and latched on, sending anyone at the front like her flat on their backs. The sphere, however, slingshotted into the air and landed in the ocean where it began to sink, a few of the crew members doing the same. Her eyes wide, she forced herself back on her feet with a grunt and ran to the side of the ship, diving into the murky depths below. She swam down, grabbing the sphere mid-fall as well as waking up a nearby crew member that had fallen unconscious in the water. Beneath the waves, she pointed out the other crew members in the water, giving him a nod. He seemed to understand and went to collect his crew mates. Then she heard a loud rumbling under water, turning her head towards it. There, below the ship, was what could only be described as a Kraken. She had heard of them before, but never seen them. Her hair looking more at home here under water, she swam up to it and drew her blade once more, ready to fight.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 24 min ago

For a time despite being asleep, Naisha felt in complete security. That lasted while her friend was pushing her down below deck and put her on the bed. After Alex went to her own bed next to Nai’s one, the black mage’s dreams began to shift to a more disturbing nature.

Her dreams once again shifted towards the day she fell ill. That day was like a curse for her, she couldn’t remember what exactly happened then, but whenever she barely thought about it, shivers would run down her spine to the point her knees would get weak. All she could see in her nightmares were 3 terrifying purple glowing eyes.

Nai began breathing heavily as the nightmares progressed to a state she could no longer make sense of or even properly understand what was going on. Suddenly she was torn away from the nightmare as the ship shook violently and she basically fell of the bed.

The mage screamed from pain as she fell on her transformed arm. Since it was made from some wood like material it hurt a lot to fell on it. Moments later she heard one very distinct shout” FIEND!” Because the ship was shaking violently every few moments, it was obvious something was trying to probably sink them. The mage felt it was probably just a few hours since she fell asleep cause she felt barely rested. The pain from earlier was nowhere near gone and she still fell great pain in her chest and her limbs were still weak so she couldn’t even raise on her own from the floor.

“Float!’ She quickly casted a magic on herself. As she began floating in the air next to her own hovering chair, she somehow managed to pull herself onto the chair before dispelling the magic on herself. Good thing the hovering things as herself and the chair weren’t much affected by the shaking ship. ”Alex?!” Naisha quickly called to see if her friend was in the room. The mage was planning to help dealing with the fiends naturally, but her friend was more important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Although his concentration was focused on one thing only he wasn't foolish enough to let himself become unaware of things happening around him. He'd occasionally gaze around to see if anything of note was happening. He caught Urick and Gippal giving him the stink eye. He couldn't tell why nor did he particular care. His guess being that perhaps it was some feelings of insecurity. A feeling that seemed to have subtly confirmed itself the moment Urick began to whittle himself. Still he gave them both a friendly wave and continued on his work. His pace changing as he focused on carving in details and textures.

Hours later he would remain in the same old spot into the evening. While the peaceful monotony of the unchanging landscape made it seem safe. One could never be sure and as such it wouldn't hurt to remain vigilante. He didn't mind the solace or being exposed to the elements. His only company for the time would be a ball of light to allow him to continue into the night. That is until some girl came out on deck to gawk at scenery. It seemed like things would continue to be ho-hum until there was a violent rocking of the boat and cries of "FIENDS!" filled the air with sailors mobilizing to attack the beasties.

There was a look of disappointment on his face that if seen amidst the darkness was readily obvious. He let out a discontented sigh as he watched three people already engaged the fighting. It was all just such a damn shame. A damn that it was a fiend and not some naturally occurring creature of the deep as Kahl was craving calamari! Walking at a deliberate pace he made his way to the sprawling mass of tentacles, spite, and more tentacles. Spotting its great big beady eye shimmering in the moonlight he hurled a half unfinished art figure pointy end forward to it. Where upon contact a magically charged explosion causing wooden shrapnel to embed itself.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eva was surprised when Saina tried to pull her to get some rest. As much as she wanted to she agreed that this did have to do with her as well. But not that it mattered Gippal said to to get some rest as well, before he turned with urick to talk to another man who she remembered from the potion shop. Frowning slightly in thought she slowly stood up and made her way down to her room. She wondered where Sifen ran off too. Hopefully he was not doing anything bad.

Maximus was extremely quiet as well. Hopefully he wasn't as stoic as he looked and would open up. He seemed pretty off as he found out Saina.

She quickly made it to her room and signed, falling into the bunk she grunted, "ow...." It was not as comfortable as she thought it would. It being a thin layer of bedding and wood.

Like Nai she despite the uncomfortable bed she soon knocked out before she knew it. Her dreams were of that long haired blonde headed man again, she looked around and she was in Kilika. She smiled at the man all she knew was he was really important to her. Her best friend. Yet she couldn't remember his name. They were sitting on a long near the temple. Laughing at some joke he has said. Suddenly muffled yelling caused both of them to look around. Something was wrong. She stood up to run but suddenly she tripped.

BAM! Eva groaned at her face hitting the wood floor. She whimpered as she pushed herself up. She heard people yelling and fighting on the deck above her. She perked up, her grogginess gone. She ran into the hall and people were shoving to get somewhere, she didn't understand why it was safer down here.

As she thought that a massive tentacle crashed through the hull of the boat, not ten feet from her. She let out a scream, along with everyone else there. She had in her hands her staff but it would be useless, she couldn't even summon Valfore here. It was too cramped.

All she could do was help people move away from it. She yelled out, "GIPPAL, URICK! WHERE ARE YOU!" they were probably on deck they were always the first to the fight. But on the off chance they were here...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Silence. All there was... Was the cold silence. This world was completly white, it was so white and empty that one would end up craving for the darkness. No smell could be detected, nor was there anything within sight but the vast color of white. A little crimson haired girl, perhaps about eight years old but looked twelve or so thanks to the odd tallness she carried, stood in the empty world of white. Her face having a large scar going from cheekbone to cheekbone, crossing the bridge of her nose. Blue eyes soft, trembling ever so slightly as she looked around for any signs of life. Yet there was nothing. Wearing nothing but a raggedy old grey tank top and black pants, bare footed and the collar that forever remained around her throat.. She held a Blitzball between her hands. Giving up for looking for something else in this solitude, the girl gingerly released the ball. Allowing the sphere to fall from her grasp and smack against the floor, causing what seemed like a booming sound to echo within the white world before she caught it again as it bounced up to return to its previous position.

She had to ponder, if she preferred the silence over the lonely sound the ball made but discovered that some sound was perhaps better than none. It meant she was alive at least. Perhaps the ball could be companion? A friend? It was silly and foolish, but what else was there? There was no one here. But perhaps that made her desperate or even insane.

Walking... And walking... There was nothing. Just the sound of her footsteps. Stopping her strides suddenly, her eyelids lowered as she blankly gazed down at the Blitzball in her hands. Wondering why this place was so empty. And why the inside of her felt just as empty other than that bitter taste of lonliness.

"Are you lost? Such a poor sense of direction."

A gentle voice spoke up, forcing the child to snap her gaze up to suddenly see a beautiful woman standing before her. Skin as smooth and pale as silk, wearing a string strapped white summer dress that fluttered ever so gently in the ends. Long wavy blonde hair that reached to the mid of her back and shining emerald green eyes. She was so beautiful, like a untouchable piece of the sky. A star perhaps.

Despite opening her mouth to speak, the little girl couldn't seem to speak, her words catching in her throat. Giving a frustrated glower toward the ball, as if blaming it, she blinked as she looked up to see the woman holding out her right hand. Coaxing the child to take it. Expression glowing a little, the child reached a hand out, reaching... Full of need. A need to fill this emptiness. Yet another sound broke the silence that caught her attention.

Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw a group of children. She recongized them as her friends. Gippal, Urick, Naisha...... Everyone. Slowly she lowered her hand and turned her body halfway around to get a better look at them. When she blinked, they were no longer children but adults. The girl fully turned toward them and started walking toward them but paused as the beautiful woman spoke again.

"Don't go that way." The red head could hear her say, but she kept going as her friends called her. Yet it seemed no matter how far she went, they kept getting further away.

A odd wetness hit her nose then, and she reached up her left hand to rub against a thick liquid. Pulling her hand back to give it a once over. Red. Looking up, she noticed streams of red liquid veins seem to crack the ceiling. Looking behind her, she noticed whatever lay behind her, was no longer white. The world behind her was completely black, red liquid veins covering the blackness. It almost looked like lava trying to crack to the surface, but this was a darker red instead of the magma orange.

The woman was still there, seeming to go bright like a candlelight in the middle of the darkness. Watching with the same soft mile, but her emerald eyes were sad. The little girl turned away before breaking into a run, running after her friends. She ran and ran, each step she took poisoned the white ground beneath her with blackness. The Crimson liquid following, dripping from the ceiling and leaking around the around until she could effectively make proper splashing sounds as if she was running through water. She reached... She tried to scream, but no sound came and when it felt like she was almost able to reach her hand out to them, red whips of veins suddenly appeared from the ground before connecting to the ceiling, barring her from going further.

From having no scent, now the world smelled heavily of blood. So much blood. The odd blood bars were solid now and no matter how she grasped them, pulled them, pushed them... They would not move. Only staining her palms with a Crimson red color. The world of white just on the other side. Yet... Like this world of blackness, it was also getting painted. Painted lashed of green and blue, red, orange, purple... All sorts of colors until she saw the world painted around her friends. They were in the village, talking... Not seeming to see her. Reaching her right hand through the bars, she waved her arm around, desperately trying to reach this pleasant world her friends were in but the red bars kept her caged.

The stench of blood, this emptiness... She didn't want this.

"Please...! Please...!! Don't leave! Don't leave me behind please!"

She cried. And cried. But no one heard her. They just kept going happily.

It was then, the blood bars in front of her face formed together, blocking any sight she had on her friends and the beautiful world they were in with the color of blood. In place, it formed a muzzle. Ferocious fangs gleaming as it lunged at her face, giving a vicious snarl.

And she prepared to die.. Feeling the crushing maw against her face.

It was then the boat rocked, Alex gasping loudly as she was ripped away from her world of dreams and shoved back into reality. She grunted as she fell out of her bed and loudly cursed as she landed face first to the floor. Shaking the aftermath of her nightmare away, she quickly shot up and looked around, breathing heavily with shaky breaths. Already, she was sweating. Though no thanks to reality. Quickly memories came crashing in her mind and she immiedietly turned to see Naisha, sighing in relief to see her relatively alright. Listening to the people above, she grumbled irritably.

"I'm here Nai! Well. At least we won't be bored. What a wake up call." Alex said, unsheathing her sword. Unlike she one she usually used, this time, she had brought a golden cased one. The hilt was gold and was decorated in jewels, the sheathe being similar. It was a sword she's had for awhile, but hardly used. It was a sword she meant to save for a special occassion. Like Guardianship. It just felt like that kind of sword.

Over the roars of the commotion going on, Alex barely heard Eva but still the red head caught it. She was alone?! Damn it. "Come on Nai, let's go crack some skulls." the tall woman said, taking a moment to glance at her friend before moving out. A few fish like lizards were already roaming the halls. Tsking, Alex slashed her sword into one's side, causing it to disperse into pyreflies before slashing another. Clearing the way for the black Mage before burting into Eva's room.

"Sorry I'm not one of your manly Knights in shining armor, but I'll have to do!" Alex said with a nonchalant grin before grabbing Eva by the wrist, pulling her behind the taller woman.

Glaring at the tentacle writhing around from within the room, Alex launched out, spinning her body to slam her sword against the massive limb. Bringing as much strength her powerful body could muster. The tentacle whipped out in pain, the tall woman having to jump backwards to avoid a hit but quickly went for another stab. Piercing the flesh and causing the tentacle to retreat out of the ship. Though it wasn't long until more lizard fish came from the opening. Alex quickly moved a foot under a bed and kicked it, smashing it against a group of fiends that tried getting in.

Tsking, Alex glanced toward the two fellow girls. Trying to think the best course of action. Staying here would get them cornered, but going up on top risked Eva and Naisha with more tentacles and fish lizard people. But with the tentacles keeping this up, they could sink the ship. Anymore holes and water could come in, and being trapped down here could case them to drown. The others were most likely up top as well. "Stay close to me. We're going to check the others up top." she said to them, cutting away a fiend from the door before heading up top.

Making sure to check corners and check the others to make sure there wasn't some sneak attack on any one of them. A part of her wanted to charge right up there like a madwoman, but the protective part of her stuck with Eva and Naisha. Having to trust the others were alright.

Managing to reach above deck after cutting her way through fiends and pushing her way through panicked people, she saw the chaos. Fiends crawling about the ship and tentacles waving about. Gippal, Urick, that guy already in battle. Alex didn't see the ice witch. Tsking, she readied her sword, glaring as another lizardfish fiend charged. Alex raised twisted her body, driving the point of her right boot into its face and knocking it overboard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Glad that her friend was alright, Naisha quickly followed behind Alex. The black mage didn’t even have time to cover her hand or grab something from their room. All she had on her when she left the room was the small plush doll of Ifrit.

As Alex burst into Eva’s room to protect her, the mage stood near the door. She was still not recovered nowhere near enough to bring her full power, but she still held considerable power. Considering the monsters were water based and due fact she couldn’t exactly use lighting in such close quarters, Naisha went with the ice route. Quickly locking onto few lizardfish, she let her magic flow into the object she had in hand in this case the doll for focusing point. She was going to use the staff, but she had no idea where it was when they ran out of the room. It must have rolled somewhere when the ship shook.” Flash freeze…” Naisha muttered as the focused magic power exploded towards a cluster of lizardfish. They immediately were covered by ice and fell on the floor, the impact of which caused them to shatter to pieces which turned into pyreflies. At that moment Alex pulled Eva out of the room and behind her as the tall redhead urged them to get up on the deck.

Once they were up on the deck, the chaos that was going on there was well expected. People and fiends running all around, Gippal and the rest fighting the creatures and then there were those huge tentacles all around the ship. The mage quickly proceeded with focusing her magic power once again as much as she can, normally she was able to unleash a barrage of Flares, but at the moment she felt it was impossible to channel as much energy as before. Even the ‘Flash freeze’ from earlier was already pushing it, but she had no choice. Gathering as much magic as possible, she used triple protection magic on herself, Alex and Eva. Had she not have been still weakened, she most likely was going to be able to cast in on the whole ship. It seemed she still had a way to go before recovering completely.” Eva, summon Valefor… I will protect you in the meantime.” Naisha told to the summoner with weak voice. Truth was she wasn’t going to be able to keep up with too long of a fight in her current condition, but she still had enough left in her to protect the summoner for now.” Frozen walls…” She muttered as 3 slanted perfectly clear walls of ice appeared around the summoner protecting her from 3 different directions. In front of the last direction was Naisha herself. Breathing heavily, she still was throwing around lightings around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 15 days ago

The waters slowly rocked the young child of Tidus and Yuna from his slumber. It had been several hours since he had fallen asleep and several of his teammates were staring at him as if he was a dead body. Suddenly one of the members of the team decided to slap Braska across the face. Hand meeting face caused a loud thud to ring out throughout the cabin. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Braska yelled out at his teammate, "Why'd ya do that for?" The biggest teammate, Ner, stood up and pointed at the one of the Guado's sitting across the room. "They put you to sleep to try and sabotage the team. You've missed a lot. You need to be brought up to speed. We're on the boat to Kilika currently."

Braska lifted his right hand to wave Ner away. "Sigh. Please don't right now. I just woke up. I don't need anymore bad news." The whole of the Zanarkand Abes all looked at each other before giving a collected sigh. Braska face turned to fear as their shadows loomed over his body. BLAM! They struck Braska at the same time with a team slap. It was a needed thing at times, one could say it was a family thing by now. Braska rubbed his jaw with little tears running down his cheek. "You'd think you guy----" Screams of fiend filled the air as the ship violently rocked back and forth. "HOLY CRAP!" Braska yelled bumping his head against the ship's hull. They all sat there in shock for a few minutes before the hull ripped open with the presence of a fiend. A scream erupted as the fiend pierced one of team member's shoulder.

Within the blink of an eye Braska was on his feet with his blade deep in the fiend's chest. Pyreflies fluttered in the air all around Braska. "What's going on here?" Braska peeked out into the hall to see fiends had entered from another part of the ship. "You guys patch him up and keep this room safe. I'm heading to the top to help out." Braska bolted out the room holding Caladbolg in his right hand. His movements looked almost unrealistic as he ran on the walls, spinning and cutting through fiends in his way. Soon it became glorious flips demonstrating Braska's great acrobatic abilities. His last flip situated him at the steps leading to the deck and pryeflies filled the hallway.

"What a mighty fine job."

Braska reached the top deck to see many people were already fighting off the fiends and the tentacles. "Hmmm if they are handling things above then I'll go below." Braska ran to the edge of the ship and dove into the water like a dolphin. The cold waters rushed over him as he swam the easily identifiable Kraken. From view he could see a small black haired female swimming to engage in combat with the Kraken so Braska decided to swim over to her. He reached his hand, poking her to get her attention and waved to show he was a friendly. It was time for the hero Braska to save the ship with help of-course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The squid squealed as the wood thing exploded, only causing it to grow more angry, It's tentacles were flailing more violently now. Smashing the ship even harder. All of the attacks on it only made it seem even worse. Wood splinting everywhere as everyone turned to dodging instead of attacking. This was where Gippal excelled, weaving dodging and hurtling over sweeping tentacles, he attacked where he could, but his knifes were not that effective. As if thinking that a Blade slammed into the wood right in front of him, the owner screaming as he was flung into the water. He wont need it anymore. He sheathed his daggers and pulled the sword out.

He had trained with a sword growing up so he wasn't untrained. He just preferred the knifes now. Running past the girls of the group he didn't say anything, they seemed to be holding their own as Nai was protecting Eva and Eva was calling upon Valefore. Running past Kahl he jumped onto the rail and jumped again, narrowly dodging a flailing tentacle. Landing on one of the bigger ones he ran up as the Squid slowly went back underwater. Dodging two more attacks he used the last one to vault him onto the squids head and slammed his sword into the squids Eye. Causing it further damage from the explosion earlier.

He then gripped for dear life as the beast squirmed and rocked, quickly retreating underwater, but not before Crushing Gippal with a massive blow sending him flying into the water. This caused the Squid to cinch it's body even more to the boat The hull groaned from the pressure of it's squeeze. The boat was going to cave, as if it's final act was to take the ship with it. It's body now underwater it sensed the two in the water with it. Though it was blinded it started flailing it's tentacles at them.

One tentacle flailed and crashed into the mast, causing half of it to fall directly over top Alex, Eva, And Nai. Urick saw this and ran towards them. He knew he wouldn't have time to push them all out of the way, "ALEX! LOOK OUT!" He yelled He slid to a stop next to Alex, pushing her out of the way, who was infront of Eva and Nai, He let out a large breath of air quickly as he lowered his stance. Raising his arms he caught the mast into his shoulder, Grunting it would stop just above Eva's and Nai's heads. If He didn't push Alex out of the way, she would have been hit by the mast still.

He held the mast for a moment growling softly as he used his arm strength to lift the mast overhead and toss it to where no one was standing, the top part of it still stuck on the upper deck, but the bottom part which he caught crashed into the side of the railing. He looked to the three girls and moved over to Alex, offering a hand to help her up. "Are you three alright?" He said in a strangely calm voice. Looking Alex in the eyes. She would probably be pissed of...as usual, but he didn't care, rather her be mad at him than dead. She was strong he knew that but she was busy with other fiends at the moment of it falling. His breath deep and forcibly slow as he tried to calm himself from lifting all that weight.

The groaning of the boat continued and he then said, "We need to get everyone off this ship. There is no way that this will sail even if we defeat the Fiend." Looking into the distance for a moment he then added, "We are near Kilika, Alex Get Nai and Eva onto the life boats, hold off the fiends till you do!" After a moment of looking Alex in the eye, "Please don't even begin to argue with me on this one. Nai is looking like she is going to fall over any second. Better that she is on a life boat when she does." he added before she could say anything. He caught one of the remaining Lizard fishes with one hand coming at him from the side and crushed it with his massive palms.

Gippal shook himself when he was under water after falling into it. His body screamed in pain, he must've broken a few bones with that hit, Taking a quick potion he pushed himself through the remaining pain of bones snapping back together as he swam back to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saina turned her head and nodded to the man that had swam up to her. The beast was already being taken care of mostly from above but the tentacles were being lashed out at the two underwater. Saina shoved aside the man beside her to help them both dodge the tentacle that speard straight through where they had been a a moment ago and swam up closer to the beast. She used her black katana, twirling it once in hand as she raised it above her head and slashed down a meter or two away from the base of the krakens tentacle. The area covered in ice and she slammed her heel down on it hard. The tentacle came off entirely and fell into the abyss, and in turn the tentacle that was slashed let go of the boat as it fell, buying more time for those above the water.
She was quickly smacked away and a tentacle was launched at her, her body being too in its momentum to stop and fight back

The kraken would be no more with Braska on the case and the black haired female. In his head he continuously muttered how he was the star player of the Zanarkand Abes and no squid would stop that. Using the top notch swimming ability he honed from playing Blitzball, the sandy brown/silver haired hero swam low to dodge another tentacle. A quick counter left his jabbing his blade all the way through the tentacle. A big monster but such a squishy body. A grin formed on his face and he taunted the past he could underwater. The Kraken roared as another tentacle was sweeped across the water but not at him, at the female. "PROTECT!" Braska yelled in his mind, his left hand rose, palm pointed at her. A blue light enveloped the female's body creating a shield of octagons all around her. The tentacle would hit but it's damage would cut in half if it even hurt her at all. It was a good thing he atleast learned protect from his mom besides the multiple attacks that Kimarhi taught him.

He pointed at the Kraken and chuckled. This was far too easy of a beast to stop. That was until the kraken unwrapped it's tentacles from around the ship, the rest of them, and focused it's attention on Braska and Saina. They were in his domain and he was ready to kill them for thinking they could enter and win. The Kraken's tentacles flared out and it roared causing the water to shake and ripple all around them.


Saina eventually stopped spinning away and looked up, now at a bit of a distance from the beast to see everything more clearly. She was surprised, the tentacle hadn't even touched her. She squinted up at the beast, looking at all the tentacles... when she got an idea. Sliding her katana away, her gloved hands went out in front of her. 5 small alchemic blue circles formed in front of her in a spinning motion and she pulled her hands inward, focusing... before slamming her hands against the circles. In response, all of the bases on the tentacles froze, leaving them open to be easily sliced, and thus leaving the squid harmless and, well, limbless. She swam back up to the man helping her and pointed to the frozen parts of the beast, gesturing with a slicing motion what they should do.

The beast was only infuriated by this, thrashing about more and more... when Saina noticed the boat starting to sink due to all the damage. Her expression calm, she turned her attention to the boat, her hands outstretched in front of her in focus as the water pouring into the hulls made a frozen wall, stopping any more water from coming in.

Braska nodded to Saina as she pointed to the Kraken's tentacles, and Braska could feel his body pulsing. He brought his forearm close with his elbow by his side, fist closed and a grin wide on his face. Blue Energy seemed to gather all around him, fueling his body with the power needed to preform his most powerful of techniques. "LIMIT BREAK!" Braska yelled in his mind with the intensity of a raging inferno.

With a huge burst of speed, Braska shot upward through the water like a dolphin. His body flew out of the water and high into the air till he was basically visible to everyone. Lifting his sword in air the caused the energy coagulate around the blade coating it in the energy. "TAKE THIS! ENERGY RAIN!" Braska swung forward sending small energy balls from the tip of the blade, tons of them to be exact as Jecht yet to master such a limit break. The Kraken was pelted with the energy balls, slamming, bashing and tearing through some tentacles and parts of its body.

Braska unfortunately could not fly so, his body dropped right back into the ocean below. Saina turned from her task at the boat, feeling that it was safe from sinking into the abyss now, and faced the Kraken herself. She drew her katana once more and spun it through the water, erecting another, single, large alchemic blue circle that spun erratically with mana. She raised her heel up high and slammed it against the circle which in turn ejected a large ice spike which went soaring through the water and into the Kraken, dealing some heavy damage but not killing it overall. It roared in protest as Saina's lungs burned for oxygen and she looked to the surface. She made a break for it, striving to go above water to get some air. However one of the undamaged tentacles wrapped around her foot and dragged her back down into the depths, much to her bubbling protests.

Braska didn't get much of a break himself against the Kraken. They had been under for so long that he needed air as well. His head popped up above the water just long enough to see Saina get pulled back under in the deep blue. That's when he felt a slimy tentacle wrap around his torso. "..........................Awwwwwww Crapbaskets." Those were the last words Braska mustered before the water washed over his face and his body was pulled back under.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Many things were happening so fast, Alex concentrating on protecting the two mages. Fiends poured around them, trying to launch themselves at the three. Unlike when Alex had to use her fists to fight, her technique with the sword was superb as she almost elegantly and powerfully slashed her sword against her opponents. Moving so quickly that she was not allowing any fiend to get too close to Naisha or Eva. Thankfully, Naisha casted protective spells to assist. The red head had lost so many, she had plunged her blade in so many fiends, so many pyreflies were bursting around her. Instinctevly making her nervous at their close proximity.

Shaking it off, she avoided touching the glowing orbs of light as she continued hacking away, always moving and keeping on her toes. Bouncing off the ground ever so slightly in order to keep momentum. Her blue eyes caught glimpses of her other friends. She saw... Was that Braska?! Dive into the water to take on the source of the tentacle monster. Gippal getting smashed and knocked into the water as tentacles to flail in their unseemingly ending wrath.

Part of her wanted to instantly bolt and dive in the water, but she couldn't leave Naisha and Eva. If she left them with this many fiends around, they probably couldn't handle it. Both were probably still fairly tired and Naisha still hadn't fully recovered. She'd have to trust Gippal and Braska would be alright.

As two lizardfish came lunging toward Naisha, another one coming from Alex's other side, the red head cursed before quickly stabbing her sword, skewering the two fiends near her friend while lifting her left leg. Balancing on one leg as her body went flat as she kicked the other away. Before she can regain full posture, a fiend bit down on her left arm and she hissed. Taking her blade and stabbing the creature through the skull, just as she heard a loud smashing sound and Urick yelling at her.

Turning just in time to see the falling mast and Urick beside her before she was shoved by the muscular man. Grunting as she stumbled before falling on her side, landing on her damaged arm, causing her to hiss painfully. Anger boiled as she turned her glare on Urick as he caught the mast before pushing it and tossing it aside. As he held his hand out, she grabbed it and stood up but still glared at him.

"What the **** Urick?! I could of handled it! I wouldn't let them get smashed!" Alex snapped angrily. Sure, she herself probably would of came out of that a bit harsher than if she wasn't just then being distracted. She could of caught it and tossed it just as much as Urick. But she definetly wouldn't let it fall on Naisha and/or Eva. The tall woman never really held that much concern over herself in these situations and seemed oblivious if Urick actually cared if she got smashed or not.

Alex's glare intensified as he basically ordered her around. It pissed her off. Not because she disagreed Eva and Naisha had to retreat, though a raft would just risk them further. Alex could pull it and was a fast swimmer, but she doubted she could outswim fish lizard people and giant tentacles while pulling a raft. She was mad that the only time he said this much to her, is when he was like this. Yet he seemed fine talking normally with that ice witch. It just irritated her.

She huffed before turning to Eva. "Eva, can you have Valefor carry you and Naisha to Kilka. You'll be safer in the sky if possible." Alex said while twirling her sword to point towards herself before stabbing just under the arm in order to plunge a blade into a fiend behind her. She knew Valefor could carry Yuna, possibly another passenger. Both Eva and Naisha looked pretty light and if it came to it, the Aeon could probably carry one in a claw. If trouble should arise, Valefor still has attacks to protect them. Still, if the two didn't agree, she would follow Urick's idea, though she knew she'd be fighting tooth and nail. And she felt bad if she left the rest of her friends, the rest of the passengers, and the chocobos to a sinking ship.

Her eyes darted to the water, feeling the ship beneath her stabilize a little. Maybe the ice witch, before seeing tentacles just drag the ice witch and Braska down underwater. Alex cursed a little again, resisting the urge to charge before turning her gaze on the two mages. "What do you two think? Quickly." she said as she slayed another fiend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 24 min ago

Naisha was in a state of a daze already. Her eyes couldn’t focus properly on the lizardfishes she was throwing lightnings at. The mage was already only acting on body reflexes, she just targeted everything looking like fish that approached.” Triple lighting!!!” She shouted finally as 3 enemies approached. After the spell was activated and the enemies destroyed, she couldn’t breath properly already. “Haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa…” Taking deep breaths she just continued to channel her energy.

Her condition was already so bad that she didn’t even notice the mast falling down on them. She blinked in surprised as Urick appeared and stopped the falling piece of wood and threw it to the side. In that moment, Naisha finally stopped and looked around. All her fatigue she desperately fought to keep away so she can fight, caught up with her and she became unable to move.” We are fine…” She uttered when Urick asked if they were alright. Though it was obvious she was struggling to continue to fight.

Taking even more deep breaths, Naishe looked at Alex.” That could work… It’s not my choice though…” Naisha uttered and looked at Alex. She sensed the red head wanted to stay behind and fight and not evacuate with them right away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sifen sat in silence, feeling the boat rock back and forth and watching a level tilt back and forth. Luca wasn't too far a trip, and the weather didn't seem like there'd be any chance of delays. What if he found his parents after all these years. Would they recognize him? He didn't want to think about it, so he hopped out of bed and grabbed his guns. Maybe a little polishing and cleaning could do the old things good. He grabbed the rifle, checked and saw it was fully loaded and ready. He studied the device, silently wishing he made it more than a single shot device. It was his first, after all. He polished his old engraving where his name was carved crudely into the metal. He made sure everything was in order and looked down the sites, checking if it were straight. Of course it was, he built it after all. But he checked it constantly, just to have an excuse to modify it some more.

He had to get below deck to assist with some things, his job on the ship wasn't over after just loading things and he had to be up all night making sure nothing went wrong. Sifen rested the scrappy looking gun near the door of his room and headed to the engine room, making it about halfway there when a strange and sudden rocking happened out of rhythm with the sea. Something was happening above deck but he was needed downstairs for pay. Money or Honor were being weighed in his mind as several more rocks and bashing sounds were heard and Honor won the war this time after water began pouring in from the direction he was heading. He sprinted back to his room with a wave crashing behind him, occasionally being tossed into a wall or tripping over his own feet in the swaying boat's core before he grabbed his gear and narrowly avoided drowning as the water seemed to stop rising and get strangely cold. All of it was loaded and ready and he made his way above deck, not even pretending he knew what he would see

He raced up to the deck and what greeted him was a salty spray of water and a scene out of a bad horror movie. Tentacles gripped the ship and some still flying around and the Guardians defending the summoner at all costs. He looked around, he had fought fiends before, but nothing like this, nothing this big either. He saw his teammates taking on multiple fiends at once and joined in. A few shots narrowly avoided the guardians protecting the summoner with the ice wall and some magic, a sword and one man hoisting a mast. The shots all landed cleanly into the skulls of some lizard fish and luckily none of his new found team's flesh. He in fact, had no idea the bullets would avoid the group but he knew they wouldn't hit the summoner, who was apparently the only thing that was supposed to matter to him. A tentacle was about to fall on him, swinging randomly as if the body below were being attacked. A swift slide on the metal pads on his armor allowed a clean getaway and time for a weapon switch.

The big guns came out as a loud THUMP was heard followed by a blaze of fire and a falling mangled tentacle. The weapon switch from before was reverse. Explosives weren't the best way to deal with the little fiends on the deck. He continued his dash to the summoner and company. "Sorry, had some inner fiends of my own to battle, where's Saina? Also can the summoner breathe in there?!" He asked, putting his back to the summoner and took aim at more of the fiends on the deck, awaiting clear shots. No way was he getting any more lucky shots like his first three. At least not until he shows up late to a fight again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The entire time on deck...Eva Froze. She had shrunken back against the wall of the ice barrior Nai had put up but she didn't hear anything they said. She was horrified at the squid's tentacles above her. She didn't know why it was now she froze but perhaps it was seeing how massive it was to the ship which was what got her.

Suddenly one of the tentacles swung and smashed the mast, causing it to fall towards them. Her eyes wide in terror as her short life (that she could remember) flashed before her eyes. She put up her hands in a vain attempt to some how stop it. squeezing her eyes shut she waited for the inevitable.

She heard a Grunt and after that a crash. Peaking her head out of the 3 way barrier Nai put up she saw Urick With the Mast on his shoulder. The mast was just above her head. Alex was on the ground, and it looked like Urick saved her, all of them. The fact he managed to even catch the mast was an amazing feat in it's self, but he managed to lift it and throw it to the side.

She was surprised on how Alex reacted at Urick. The man just saved their lives and she was yelling at him? Why now of all times. She realized now she was out of her frozen state and heard Urick's plans, Shaking her head Violently she didn't want to leave either of them, or Anyone else on the ship for that matter. She started her summons before even Alex asked her if they could fly.

Once the aeon came down it immediately began to attack the remaining enemies nearby, giving them time to think. Not much. She saw a man fly into the air and perform a limit break, an explosion of multiple balls crashing down on teh squid, then another explosion as she noticed Sifen running up behind her, asking her a weird question, The barrier was open to the air.

She had pointed to the water for him at the mention of Saina, but suddenly both her and the man were pulled under. Suddenly Alex was asking them what they thought! What ABOUT WHAT! Her hands came up to her head, she wasn't a great swimmer and Alex was the only one. That she knew of right here.

"We are not leaving!" She said stubbornly.

(Ending for Aer's plan)
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