This story will take place in Prospect NC. I have a map available to download here

I will be playing NPCs and the environment in classic GM style. I am doing this to keep the story moving and to create a sandbox enviroment wherein you can do what you want, within the limits of Prospect, NC (For now).
This will be two days into the apocalypse. Considering the volatile nature of these zombies at night I feel that's plenty enough time for things to go to hell. You can start grouped up as you wish. I don't care if you're together, but getting together should be your goal. To that end, if you wish to be grouped together from the start then feel free to pick a structure to start in and perhaps start a base (I'll let you guys pick, but there are several large or small buildings from which to choose)
Buildings are numbered and zones are labeled. If you wish to visit a house use it's designation so I know where you are i.e. Building A,1. That building would be located in Zone A and its numerical tag would be 1. (It's really self explanatory, but PM me if you have issues) If my Imgur link isn't working let me know and I can E-mail you a copy of the Map as most of the writing is quite small and would need to be magnified to view. (Its a big map)
I look forward to this. I have been GMing for several years now and I love to throw emotional curve balls.
Just a warning ^.^
1. No Godmodding or Meta-gaming
2. Be polite to other players
3. If you are going to be away let me know
4. I reserve the right to kill off YC, but I won't do so without contacting you first and if it's a big deal then we can at least discuss why I shouldn't. ^.^ I'm not a jerk and if you aren't having fun then I have failed as GM.

I will be playing NPCs and the environment in classic GM style. I am doing this to keep the story moving and to create a sandbox enviroment wherein you can do what you want, within the limits of Prospect, NC (For now).
This will be two days into the apocalypse. Considering the volatile nature of these zombies at night I feel that's plenty enough time for things to go to hell. You can start grouped up as you wish. I don't care if you're together, but getting together should be your goal. To that end, if you wish to be grouped together from the start then feel free to pick a structure to start in and perhaps start a base (I'll let you guys pick, but there are several large or small buildings from which to choose)
Buildings are numbered and zones are labeled. If you wish to visit a house use it's designation so I know where you are i.e. Building A,1. That building would be located in Zone A and its numerical tag would be 1. (It's really self explanatory, but PM me if you have issues) If my Imgur link isn't working let me know and I can E-mail you a copy of the Map as most of the writing is quite small and would need to be magnified to view. (Its a big map)
I look forward to this. I have been GMing for several years now and I love to throw emotional curve balls.
Just a warning ^.^
1. No Godmodding or Meta-gaming
2. Be polite to other players
3. If you are going to be away let me know
4. I reserve the right to kill off YC, but I won't do so without contacting you first and if it's a big deal then we can at least discuss why I shouldn't. ^.^ I'm not a jerk and if you aren't having fun then I have failed as GM.