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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh deary me Count Popeula has come to reap our souls.

Whatever shall we do?

You shall pray that he decides you are worthy of salvation and bestows the gift of his blessed blood upon you. ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

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@Raptorman But I'm already a charismatic, prideful, regenerating pyrophobe with a weirdly specific set of long-forgotten old-world skills!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

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@DarcsAaaaand now you've got me listening to Hellfire.

God damn it, Darcs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

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Just wanted to let you guys know, I'm not dead, and I am working on a post. It's taking longer than I'd like, but I'm still pretty lethargic about, like, everything. I'm sure that pales in comparison to actual problems, like time constraints, but still. I'm pretty much free on time next week, so hopefully I will have my post up before Friday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

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What time of day are we in? Morning I assume? Gonna be writing another post here soon. Anybody who wants is welcome to join in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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@TheMadAsshatterIt's cool, bruh.

Right now I'm working on a kind of response post to all the posts so far, just kind of a few NPCs reacting to things people may have done that has had some effect on the world, and the introduction to our faceless radio persona, who I'm really enjoying writing as and may make a CS for...

Also, I updated the first few posts, we now have our full cast of characters, as well as a bunch of quests/rumor/news to see. Expect faction information for Aqueon Protectarate, Sedito, Hedons, and Wintergold soon.

@Aeonumbra It's kind of a casual thing, just specify which time it is in your post-- like Mono and Lightning went from morning to evening in two posts, Reddusk started Kreig out in the afternoon, Radio post # 1 starts early morning and will just kind of skip all over, and my collab with Arc is starting in the late morning.

EDIT: Actually I'm totally gonna do a thing, lemme PM you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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I wanted something a little more exciting but putting a battle into the first post for a pacifist educator would be a tad out of character so I kept it short instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arcanaut
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Arcanaut when you lose your 500 word post

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>MFW when a shitty battery made me lose half my work before I got to save

Oh well. At least I'll have Darcs to compensate for my subpar writing skills.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

>subpar writing skills.
Man I love this website why does everyone here pretend I'm competent it's great. Your writing skills are above par as fuck, bruh.

Also you found a perfect picture for Roberta

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Also you found a perfect picture for Roberta

My thoughts exactly.

EDIT: Also I forgot to mention your writing is the shit. Seriously it's waaay up there.

"Vodka?" The boy perked up, bright and happy, smiling between the two, "Don't you mean lick... lick... liqui... uh, don't you mean water Russians?"

I'm dying help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

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@Darcs I can see tomorrow's headlines now:

Bladed Devil drives elusive 'giant corrupt sandworm' species to extinction

Bladed Devil kills leader of underground crime syndicate, puts local law enforcement out of business

Bladed Devil mercilessly beats developmentally-stunted child, responds to allegations with: "Child?! He was as big as me! And trying to kill me!"

Bladed Devil says: "The 'devil' thing is [NOT] just a gimmick, I mean it's not like I'm [NOT] the antichrist or anything ridiculous like that."

I'm genuinely frightened to find out what Daniella's power is. Though knowing Archie, he'll probably just ask. More than anything, I'm just excited my characters are actually doing something this time around :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

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Welp, now Joe had done it and got the Moscow Echo after their collective asses. Krieg would not be pleased.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

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@Lightning Fast I love Archie, he's so gods damn suave-- even when he's not. I just want to give him a big ol' mustache smooch. O-of course, senpai would never look at someone as lowly as me...

That being said-- you never know! Maybe Daniella's a cool guy or something, maybe she's 1000x worse than Long John, who knows? I mean she can't be doing that well, did you happen to catch that 3,000 word description of her tiny apartment? It's really important to me that you took note of how much effort I put into writing her apartment that may never appear again. Anyway, what you do when they come for you is up to you, boo. It's like we're really playing Fallout New Vegas, and the game is buffering so bad that it takes entire days for new things to load, and your computer can only handle text files.

But yeah, I'm going to try and introduce stuff like that for everyone, so that we're all doing stuff and the world is reacting to the stuff that we're doing ad infinitum. I'm already working on a thing where some assassins come after that Wolfwater watch, plus any of you can try and get it too, since it's being blasted on the news some of you mercenaries might see it as your chance--- and @RedDusk--- did Kreig make sure Joe's daughter died? I mean, did he really? You know being almost dead is a hell of a way to become an immortal... Doing something with Aeon's faction to, and, @Raptorman, when the Pope gets his first post up he might get an opportunity to strike at the heart (and bathe in the blood) of the dying Motum Diversum.

Bladed Devil kills leader of underground crime syndicate, puts local law enforcement out of business

This is super important though, because I don't think I said this in my half-assed description before and I still haven't gotten an official description up because I'm a lazy nerd. But Wintergold doesn't actually have any centralized law enforcement-- they rely entirely on PMCs, mercenaries, and bounty hunters. Which prevents the corruption of the Wings, which Immortals and people who make livings doing unsavory things love-- but it does allow for a whole new type of corruption. Like Daniella is mad at Archie, but Archie is just another cog in a system that needs to be fixed. Lucania says fixing the system is as simple as inspiring honor among thieves and a respect for the gold standard, but shes an illegalist idealist-- the problem arises in this system when anyone can put a hit on anyone else if they've got enough money to push their claim past court. Daniella should be attacking the judges to find out who put a hit on Long John if she thinks its unjust, not Archie-- but they're both just PAWNS and VICTIMS of s system that is supposed to allow them FREEDOM.


1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

And with such issues plaguing them, and an endless war with the forsaken, the time may be ripe for the rise of a new superpower. A rise paved in blood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

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@DarcsWell now, he didn't. Not really, when he was actively trying to save her. That's a pretty good idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

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@Darcs I'm glad Stabby McMustache is doing what I wrote him out to do. And Mustache-senpai cannot love you if you will not love yourself, Mafia-chan!

That apartment description was goddamned amazing, and made me realize that I should probably put more detail into the post I'm currently working on.

>3000 words describing one-off character's apartment
>forgets to mention that the Wintergold Conglomerate has no centralized law enforcement

... Our DM, ladies and gentlemen.

I love what you're doing with the political aspects of Dust. It opens up the gates for some player v. player conflict without being outright hostile, and just makes the whole setting a lot more interesting; a battle of ideologies as much as people. I haven't really delved into it yet, but both of the Maryson Brothers have somewhat of a vendetta against Lucia and her associates. They were fairly pro-Diversum, and they blame her for eliminating the only relatively safe faction with the territorial security to properly run trade or live any sort of nomadic lifestyle. Probably nothing violent, but expect little cooperation if either of them gains any significant political power.

I'll try to write characters awesome enough to match the world you're all building. I can tell that these quest lines character-specific events are going to be one of the most interesting parts of this RP, but they must take a significant amount of effort from the GM. So good on ya.

Personally, though, I'm especially eager to see the actions of Count Popeula. Heck, @Raptorman could write a 10,000 word post about him cooking an egg, and I'd probably still read it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Lightning Fast Probably because he'd sauté it in the blood of innocent children and sprinkle lightly with crushed dreams, with a bit of powdered agony to taste.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

And with such issues plaguing them, and an endless war with the forsaken, the time may be ripe for the rise of a new superpower. A rise paved in blood.


Darcs and Mono are doing a fantastic job of fulfilling all the ideas of grandeur I had for this world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Lightning Fast Probably because he'd sauté it in the blood of innocent children and sprinkle lightly with crushed dreams, with a bit of powdered agony to taste.

"Ah... just like they used to make in the Forsaken!"
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