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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 The Musical Mathmagician

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Seriously though, I don't know what to write that's even close to being interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Blubaron45 Try collabing with someone?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Blubaron45 You are welcome to join me. (Keep Reading)

Greeting and Salutations to those new and old. I am Aeon (the glorious) the creator and proprietor of Dust. Whereas Darcs and Mono, as it stands currently, are your two wonderful GM's, I am more of a spiritual guide. I understand my vision, but they may have their own. I'm currently in the process of being brought up to speed, but I am not here to assume control of Dust. I think they are doing a fine job, and whereas I will have a hand in the happenings, I am not here to reinstate myself as overlord GM of Dust.

So, onto the roleplay then. I have my character up, same as ever. She will be heading a faction called "The Seditio", a viking style social class group composed of only Immortals (planning to be numbered between 30-70 Immortals tops, though not set on anything specific quite yet.) Any and All are welcome, and if interested in a certain social position, whether it be Shaman, Advisor, Right or Left Hands, a Leg, A Jarl, A Karl (kaaaaaaarrrrrrrl, you can't do that kaaarl), or etc. Just PM me, there's always something. Though probably not Shaman, maybe a spiritual advisor hehe. Concerning the time skip, Isolone would have remained mostly quiet, excluding the few trade caravans every now again for supplies as the town is rebuild.

Current standing the town is moderate, functional, and defensible. There will be a description of the faction and the town soon-ish, and will be making a play at something soon.

Always Lurking.

P.s (edit) The Seditio were born from normals discreminating against Immortals.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

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My internet just died this morning. I'm fixing it though, so don't worry. Just want to put this here in case something go wrong and I disappear. If nothing decides to burn and explode or whatever, I will have a post up in a few hours.
PS: @Aeonumbra We have a viking faction? Where do I sign up?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

@RedDusk You must prove your worth by being the strongest and most cunning of course! Everything goes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 The Musical Mathmagician

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@AeonumbraVikings? Very interesting, I will consider.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Lightning Fast & @Monochromatic Rainbow *dies of laughter* Just finished reading the IC. Oh. My. Talos.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

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Got a post up. Not wall-of-text worthy and the story might seem a little bit confusing, but I hope it's okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

@RedDusk I think it's fine–more than fine. It is very worthy, and has me interested to know more. You hath delivered well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@RedDusk I was expecting the platinum chip.

Who else was expecting the platinum chip?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Monochromatic Rainbow XD Oh my god yes. Where do I sign the petition for this?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Aeonumbra We're gonna have to add the platinum chip in somewhere.

And Ulysses.

And the Divide.

I love the Divide.



Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Monochromatic Rainbow Speaking of map file, if you plan on doing edits can you pen in the Seditio? I would like to pronounce my claim to ownership of the plateau. Perhaps a deep gold? or a tantalizing chocolate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Aeonumbra I'll keep that in mind, atm I'm about to pass out.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Arc and I are working on a post that will probably be done on Saturday.

Later today, I'm going to update a bunch of quest/plot/rumor stuff AND I'll make a post not featuring Lucania, but NPC's! It seems like some people's actions have had an effect on the world...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 14 days ago

@Darcs Also the lore piece stating Motum Diversum's capital.. is kind of gone. It should be deleted, just that one line :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

To everyone. I'm finally putting the finishing touches on my character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 12 mos ago

I'm away today but I'll be polishing off my post tomorrow/Sunday depending on how long social commitments take.

Tl;dr I'm still here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

All shall now behold the glory of the Pope of Blood! Could not find a suitable picture, sorry about that.


Name: Pope Honorius V
Age: 387
Appeared Age: 60s
Height: The Pope stands a full 6 1/2 feet tall.
Weight: Roughly 200 pounds
Eye Color: crimson
Hair Color: Pure White
Appearance: The Holy Father of the Sanguinous Papacy is a figure that cannot help but be noticed. He is a giant of a man who towers over most others, a man with a regal bearing and mannerisms that showcase just how confident in his power he is. His white hair is worn long, falling past his shoulders and unlike many elderly his hair is as thick as it ever was. His face is surprisingly soft and rounded though the crimson orbs that are his eyes are more than a bit unsettling to behold, especially as they seem to stare right through people. He is typically clad in the vestments of his office, ornate crimson robes as a sign of his position as head of the Sanguinous and a crown that sits atop his head.

Residence: The Grand Cathedral in Asirgrad
Profession: Pope of the Sanguinous Papacy
Aligned Faction: Sanguinous Papacy
Relatives: Officially unknown, though there are rumors that he may once have had children.


  • Officer's Side Arm: The Holy Father wields a decorated six shot revolver that has been cleaned and polished till it shines brightly. It is a standard weapon but has symbolic importance.
  • Sword of God: An ornate curved sword that likely has origins as a ceremonial officers blade from many years ago the Sword of God is never out of reach of the Holy Father and as many have come to find this blade despite its extreme age and archaic designs is more than capable of slaying the unbelievers.
  • Arsenal of The Church: In addition to the weapons listed above the Holy Father as Pope of the Sanguinous Papacy has access to any and all weapons that the Papacy possesses. The weapons detailed above are merely his personal weapons and ones that he will have in almost any situation.

Armor: Like his chosen Honorious V does not require and scorns all thoughts of armor. His holy blood and the righteousness of the cause are deemed to be enough to armor him against the weapons of the unfaithful. He does however like all of the chosen observed in raids or in other conflicts wear the heavy robes which offer some degree of protection, though his case the robes are crimson as a symbol of his office rather than the standard black.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Blood
Unique Abilities:

Blessed Blood: The Holy Father by bestowing the gift of his sacred blood to another, typically through forcing the other to ingest it can infect them with his particular strain of the virus, leading to the subsequent transformation of the person in question into one of the chosen.

Enhanced Body: He possesses a significantly enhanced body as a result of his mutations, he is strong enough to lift and throw a car, fast enough to be difficult to see should he sprint, ect. The exact extent to which he can push himself is uncertain since he rarely acts himself. His blood also allows him to rapidly regenerate though doing so rapidly consumes the stores of blood in his body and requires him to have transfusions much more frequently.

It Will Not Die: The Holy Father has proven extremely difficult to kill with extreme regenerative properties seemingly sufficient to even recreate his brain after being shot through the head. His fanatical willpower seems to mimicked by the strength of his spark and neither of them plan to die.

Old World Skills: One of the few people alive who actually predates the destruction of the old world the Holy Father possesses a number of skills unknown to the wastes of dust on the whole. A prime example of this is his knowledge of piloting aircraft, something he has taught to some of his most trusted servants of the years allowing them to fly the 'shriekers.'

The Holy Father: He is the Pope of the Sanguinous Papacy and worshiped and obeyed by the chosen. He has great resources and great power at his command.

Everything Fears Fire: Fire is one of the few things that is difficult for the Pope to regenerate from. Wounds made by the flames will eventually heal completely but it takes time more similar to a regular human to do so rather than the extremely accelerated pace.

The Light, It Burns: As the progenitor of the chosen he possesses their vulnerability to ultraviolet light in increased quantities, he swiftly burns in sunlight and other sources cause great discomfort quickly as well. He is also easily blinded temporarily by bright lights of any kind if he has not taken appropriate precautions.

A God Am I: After so many long years of acting in his role and being venerated as the only true conduit between the heavens of the maker above and the masses on earth below the man has begun to believe it himself and that can lead to problems. His former pragmatism has slowly been eroded by his own belief in his divinity and this can lead him to making rash decisions.

Weaknesses Of The Chosen: He has the affiliated issues of the chosen, requiring further blood to sustain himself, ect.

Awakened State

Spark Name: Avarael (The Angel of Blood)

Awakening Conditions: The Holy Father can reach a holy state of awakening where he communes directly with the voices of the Divine and can speak to God directly. This state is reached through the total immersion in blood. This ritual has been performed only a small handful of times and involves the sacrifice of several hundred slaves to produce the necessary amount of blood to trigger the transformation.

Innate Awakened Abilities:
  • Armor of the Spark: Every spark surrounds their host in a black, chitin like shell, or armor. Their host resides within the armor, typically in the fetal position as they do not control their armored state through direct physical movement. Rather, the spark intercepts the neural commands for movement, and manipulates the armor that way. The spark or the host may be in control, but not both. If a spark is only partially awakened, the host will be stuck in whatever partial state they enter, until they are able to fully awaken. Only then may they revert back to their normal self at will. Additionally, heavy damage to the armor will cause it to break and fall off, reverting back to the normal state of the host.
  • Voice of the Spark: Once awakened, the host and the spark may converse mentally. The Spark can share its knowledge, though since the phenomena is not innate to the spark itself, it can only give ideas and tips for power useage; The spark cannot teach its host mastery over their abilities. The spark can retain memories gathered from their host, recalling things they forget, or even noticing things the host themselves failed to, but only through the host's eyes. Many sparks may know each other, and may recognize other awakened forms. The awakened armor is unique to the spark, which is how sparks may recognize each other, even if the differences between two armor sets are very subtle.

Additional Abilities:
  • Blood Angel: In his awakened form he is capable of venting the blood that he absorbed during the awakening process in a number of ways, the most common of which is the formation of wings. The wings emerge from the back of the chitinous armor and are notably made from a different material, a strangely spongy tissue that an analysis would reveal was comprised entirely of blood. These wings grant flight and while they paint a picture more like a demon than an angel in old mythology, the church maintains that this form is angelic. He can also use the blood for other purposes, creating weapons from it, or discharging it as a powerful spray.
  • Blood Sense: In his awakened form he is capable of sensing all blood around him for several miles and is capable of distinguishing the different flavors of it. The chosen appear differently from normal humans, and each immortal appears different from everything else. Due to a specific resonance with the Chosen in particular he is capable of projecting his will through them and acting as a controlling force. However doing so makes his own abilities to coordinate and take actions to suffer due to overextending.

Additional Strengths:
  • Even More Enhanced Attributes: The already impressive physical state of the Holy Father is only enhanced further when he enters into his awakened state.
Additional Weaknesses:
  • Blood Depletion: Every action taken during his time awakened drains the blood supply that allowed him to make the transformation in the first place and as a result he is always on a time limit in the form. The more strenuous the action the faster the reserves of blood burn off and the faster he is forced to revert. Further should he be drained to the point that the form fails him he will require almost immediate transfusions to not immediately fall into a coma and likely die.
  • The Hunger: A corollary to the previous weakness, the need for further blood is driven to an extreme and it takes a great deal of effort to not attempt to feast constantly and replenish the blood supply. Theoretically if he was capable of consuming blood quickly enough to sustain the state he would never be forced from it but there likely is not enough blood in the world.
  • A God Am I 2.0: The arrogance and pride that is one of the greatest downfalls prior to awakening is only enhanced as he enters what he believes to be an angelic form gifted to him by his connection to the heavens and the blessed blood. He does not believe he can be defeated and with the direct communion with Avarael he believes he is directly interfacing with the heavens as an arbiter of the divine.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lightning Fast
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Lightning Fast Aspiring Lawyerguy

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Oh deary me Count Popeula has come to reap our souls.

Whatever shall we do?
2x Laugh Laugh
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