"Why don't you come closer? I promise I won't bite... much."
Akane Kibe
Killing Edge
Standing at 5'6, Akane is around the average height for a woman her age. If one were to describe her in one word, it would be voluptuous; her body is not lithe or lean, but curvy and sexually attractive. Her legs are long and toned due to being put through hard labor and her arms seem strong enough to carry a sword or two. Her long, silky hair is tied up in a taut ponytail most of the time, and so, not many have seen it loose. Akane's eyes appear to be a dull amber color in bright light and pale brown in dim light. Her outfit consists of little cloth and armor due to the fact that she prefers to stay light on her feet rather than being dragged down by her clothing. However, her choice of attire is not so scant as to make her appear ridiculous.
Akane bears several scars ranging in size beneath her garbs. She takes great care as to not let them be seen by the public, as she feels as they are hideous to look at.
Akane can be considered a proud individual; she is someone who will most likely never hang in shame or defeat. This may be because she is one of the few swordswomen in Ostaria, especially in Sariwon. She is often the one to strike the first blow and be the last one to retreat from the battlefield. It is difficult to get her to back down from a heated argument or change her opinion about a topic. There are some that dislike her due to her stubborn and fiery personality. She prefers to ignore such people and does not confront them unless they get on her nerves. Despite her pride and stubbornness, Akane greatly dislikes when she does not understand something.
As a flirtatious woman, Akane delights herself by making the most stoic of men fluster and falter in her presence. Some of her targets have sought to pursue something more with her, but she rarely stays interested about one man for longer than a month.
Short Biography:
Akane did not have a cheerful childhood, as all innocent children should have. Her father had wished for a son before she was born, and so he did not treat her well in any way. He was cold-hearted towards her, barely caring if she hurt herself while playing or disappeared for hours within their small home. While her mother disagreed with his choice to be insensitive and uncaring towards the small girl, there was little she could do. Their arguments would be loud and heated and yet her husband would not change his mind about their daughter. To him, she was a disgrace, someone who would always disappoint.
When Akane was ten, her father shoved a makeshift sword in her hands and forced her to spar with him. He would not hold back as they trained, and often, she would return with large bruises and scratches on her body. Her mother was shocked that he would do such a thing; she abhorred the fact that he would hurt their own child, no matter the gender. Yet, she did not dare to confront her husband, who had turned bitter and violent due to his wish gone ungranted. She simply tended to Akane's wounds when she came back home and avoided her father whenever she could.
As the years passed, Akane became more and more familiar with how to handle and use a blade. At the same time, her father became more and more brutal with their training, eventually switching out the makeshift swords for real ones. Her deeper wounds, which were once scarce, became more frequent. It was obvious that her father took out his frustrations on her during their sparring matches, and frankly, she had enough of it. When Akane was seventeen, her father and her underwent a severe confrontation. Their argument became extremely heated, and her mother quickly tried to extinguish the disagreement. In his rage, her father struck her mother, and it was then that Akane became enraged herself. She pulled an ornamental blade from its display piece in the corner of the room and slashed her father's arm open.
Both of her parents were shocked that Akane's anger had reached such a fever pitch. Soon after the argument dissolved and her father's arm was tended to, he quickly disowned her as his daughter and cast her out onto the streets. All she had was the blade that she had harmed her father with and the clothes on her back. She roamed Sariwon in search of work, wondering where fate would take her. Eventually, she became a sellsword, becoming somewhat popular due to the fact she was a female swordswoman. Though, she would not stay in one place for long; she disliked working with the same employer for more than a couple of years, and her adventurous heart would then take her elsewhere.
When she received word about House Tosen and House Aseryo seeking recruits for their cause, Akane set out towards the closest one.