Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Dragon Ball: Leviathan

Leviathan Special Operations | Alpha Squadron


Leviathan Special Operations | Omega Squadron


Leviathan Special Operations | Unassigned
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


25 Galactic Standard Years


Combat Support, Ki Technician, and Intelligence. To elaborate, Tsubaki is experienced in playing a support role amongst squads and with those squads she has been noted as an “organic library” due to her extensive knowledge of galactic history, culture, and politics. Whilst not an android, she yields a eidetic memory which allows her total recall of what she has seen and heard thus allowing such an extensive “database” of information. Her analytic nature also lends well to naturally knowing how ki works and being able to make the most out of her ki compared to others who do not—basically whilst her squadmates exhaust their ki by not using it properly, she has no such exhaustion: others use 75% of their ki, Tsubaki can use 85-95%.

Personality & Appearance
Standing at 5’6”, Tsubaki is average for a female Zunian of her age. Her hair much like most Zunians is a faded gray and is paired with faded brown eyes. Due to her physical requirements as a member of the Interstellar Security Force as well as the physical conditioning that comes with ki techniques she is particularly fit for her physique. Her posture is not inherently intimidating due to her mentality and personality traits however, being more of a reserved type of stance when it comes to it. Her hair is worn mid-length and is a bit rough.

Tsubaki is a bookish individual which is something cemented by her habits such as enjoying going through the ISF’s information database as a whole, reading new holo-books released on the galactic market, and preferring the slower more atmospheric electronic music to the harder hitting and fast-paced alternatives. Despite this she is not new to fighting or conflict and is capable enough to be noteworthy enough to be recommended dangerous missions. She is also admittedly snarky in her humor and dry in her anger, at times it is hard to discern her tone. She also has a disdain and personal hatred for the PTO for usurping her homeworld and selling it off to the Litt.

Weaponry & Equipment
  • Ion & Pulse Grenades
  • Rebreather
  • Scouter
  • Toolkit
  • Utility Belt
  • Zunian Plainclothes

Abilities & Techniques
Zunian Physiology - Tsubaki as a member of the Zunian species functions with a physiology that is in a form of a sort of photosynthesis. With exposure to the natural ki energy of a sun it affords Tsubaki with an augmented physical form that recovers faster, moves faster, and hits harder but only when she uses the contained solar ki energy that has been absorbed and built up. On planets with multiple suns the effects are increased substantially.

Shining Blossom – Using reserves of solar ki energy, Tsubaki channels it into a sort of transformative state where she can attack and defend faster and harder. If there is a “transformation” within the Zunian people, this technique is the ability that proves it and whilst not a technique unique to Tsubaki, it is not one that every member of her race is taught due to the dangerous life-threatening risk present to those who do not use it properly or those who use it too much. But with the influence and threat the Planet Trade Organization wields as of late it is one trained out of necessity.

Solar Ray – Directly manipulating solar ki energy for a limited amount of time until to a point of volatile limitation before it is channeled into a devastating ki blast and released into an enemy for devastating damage.

Solar Grenade – Using reserves of solar ki energy, Tsubaki lifts a finger and expels three small volatile spheres of energy that levitate around her finger until she throws them at an enemy in which they explode on whichever surface they touch causing powerful explosions that burn through material quickly. Takes up more energy and are more dangerous than Solar Ray.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 1 mo ago


20 Galactic Standard Years


Infiltration, Science and Mechanics. In short, Paple ensures the ship doesn't blow an engine in the middle of dark space, or that a dip in the medical pod doesn't cause a spontaneous growth of extra limbs and ensuring that the planetary scanner doesn't malfunction so spectacularly that the team ends up landing on a toxic badland. In other words, the lone Tuffle of the team is responsible for general upkeep of equipment and core systems. Engines, life support, and autopilot are a few of what Paple will be worrying about incessantly over the course of the assignment.

While a capable hand to hand combatant after a lifetime of Interstellar Security Force training, Paple's true expertise comes at infiltration and sabotage by making use of a number of gadgets he pioneered alongside his fellow ISF Tuffle cohorts. From breaching an enemy base with an invisibility generator and hacking into their systems to 'securing items of interest' before a planetary garrison even knows there's been a security breach, Paple is a very useful young man to have on a suicide mission.

Personality & Appearance
Paple, like the majority of his race, stands at a rather diminutive height of 5'2". His hair is a rather unkempt mess of black accompanied with a pair of hazel gray eyes that almost glow whenever his scientific curiosity is peaked. While Paple retains a physically fit physique from his years of training in the Interstellar Security Force, he is far from a domineering or intimidating presence on a battlefield. That's just not his style.

Paple is a genueniely goodhearted and inquisitive young man who follows orders when given. Paple will almost always deferr to those of higher rank or stronger motivation in a time of crisis, seeing as he's mostly in over his head. The only hint of contempt in Paple seems to be a rather routine disdain for the Planet Trade Organization. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Paple holds no inherent disdain for the Saiyan Race, seeing as he wasn't alive during the Saiyan-Tuffle War and he currently believes the conquerors of his ancestors' home world to be extinct in a cruel case of karma.

Weaponry & Equipment
  • Black bodysuit
  • White gloves and boots
  • "Invisibility Belt"
  • Custom made Scouter
  • Tuffle made rebreather device
  • Self-made hacking device referred to as "Plant"

Abilities & Techniques
Due to the physical limitations of his race, Paple is rarely able to dominate any given confrontation, but he has an advantage in that his less than ideal strength forces him to think on his feet and outside the box. Something Tuffles excel at. This has manifested itself in Paple's creative manipulation of ki into elemental techniques.

Electrostatic Symphony - Paple's signature technique where he charges his fist with concentrated ki in the form of electric energy that he quickly discharges into the opponent via common attacks such as a punch or kick. If direct skin contact is made or the opponent's armor is not insulated the effects of this attack can range from simple spasms like that a person feels after being hit by a police tazer, to a complete frying of internal systems causing permanent damage or even death if enough ki is poured into the attack.

Acicidic Cantabile - Paple is capable of imbueing his own stomach acid with ki and spewing it out of his mouth at any given notice. The energized bile is highly corrosive and is generally used by Paple to melt through walls, and occasionally, body armor and an adversary's skin. The technique is especially dangerous in enclosed spaces, as the vapors left behind still withhold their acidity, affecting any number of opponents in the specified area, although any allies of Paple caught in the vapors will obviously suffer the same fate.

Hell blaze Sonata - A simple energy beam of pure fire. The flame has a tendency of changing colors the more energy is poured into it, ranging from typical orange and yellow to pure white.

Born to an Interstellar Security Force Scientist named Lenom and his wife, Nabana, a mechanic, Paple is one of the few hundred remaining Tuffles who managed to avoid subjugation by escaping planet Plant in the waning years of the Saiyan-Tuffle War. While adrift in the North Galaxy, the Tuffles were approached by an ISF envoy. The Tuffles went into an odd form of protective custody under the ISF until the two sides reached an agreement; the ISF would offer safe haven to the Tuffles in exchange for their service as scientists, mechanics and doctors.

Paple was one of the first Tuffles to be born after their evacuation of Planet Plant, and he has spent the majority of his life studying under his parents and scouring the galaxy for a suitable planet for his kinsmen to settle on due to their home world's destruction at the hands of Frieza.

Paple was always considered more adventurous than the majority of his race, training practically since the age of five to become an officer in the ISF, though he spent an equal amount of time scratching his scientific curiosity by tinkering with a few gadgets here and there, managing to make his own handheld hacking device during his years in the ISF Academy.

Though he had only just earned his badge, Paple was recommended for the operation, presumably by one of his former instructors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Javier
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 3 days ago


Adult, though compared to many other species it isn't all that old.



Living Tank, Pillar of Morality. Atlas is there to essentially take a beating and act as a distraction for his allies to work around or escape. And thanks to his near-pacifism and upstanding moral code, he helps keep everyone in the line of justice! Perhaps he could take a command role, so as to guide his 'clutch'

Personality & Appearance
Atlas is a rather large and buff, as far as humanoid insects can become muscular, Arlian. Standing at about 7'6" this mountain of physical might may just also be the most tranquil soul on the force. While most simply see the creature as a dumb over-sized cockroach, Atlas is a gentle giant. With a deep respect for all life, no matter how decrepit or vile, he has dedicated his life to peace. A warm smile (?) and a warmer heart can always be found resting in the insectoid.

Many people have said that all Arlians appear exactly the same, this is not all that inaccurate, after all, their genetic diversity is not all that great. One female Arlian is chosen to be queen and must only mate with a king, the birth of any other larva during this period is immediately vanquished for treason. With that said, there are those who evade capture and eventually there are families with noticeable difference from the majority.

Due to such, Atlas's features are far more angular than many other Arlians, as well as the colour of his exoskeleton differs from the numerous pale blues and purples in its crimson red. Atlas also has a thorax that is far more spiny and cover's much more of his upper body in a protective manner. He will wear robes or other rags so as to facilitate the society that he has become ingrained in.

Weaponry & Equipment

Abilities & Techniques
- Arlian physiology
Due to his species Atlas's yummy insides are sheathed in a thick plate of armour known as an exoskeleton. Most Arlians also have a spiny shell like formation that extends around much of their backs that further protects them from harm as well as to deter attackers. Their physical abilities besides hardiness are of no particular note.

- Arlian Gladiatorial Martial Arts
Even as a larval young Atlas was taught to face his opponent backwards. This is the main stay for all Arlian gladiators, as one of their most powerful weapons is their natural spiny shell. While Atlas cannot directly see, his antennae aid tremendously in locating his opponent. The incredible toughness of the shell reduces physical trauma by a great deal is the main advantage of this style, while using powerful charging attacks in hopes to impale or maim a target is the secondary focus.

- Shell Spears
Atlas faces his spiny thorax at a target and directs the flow of ki towards the tips of his barbs. Energy begins to gather until eventually he decides to let it loose. Numerous lances of energy erupt from his shell, the amount of spears fired will depend on how long he gathers his ki for. These pointed spikes of energy can pierce incredibly tough hides.

- Ultimate Defense
Atlas's barbed thorax begins to grow until it fully encompasses his body, at which point not only does the unbridled hardiness of an Arlian shell protect him, but infusing it with his ki ensures that only the most powerful of attacks can break such a guard. Atlas may also propel himself with ki or by using his spines as traction can roll across most surfaces at a much quicker pace than his already glacial speed. Due to the drain from constant ki use, this technique will likely be a last resort.

- Tachyon Minefield
Atlas gathers his ki into a large spherical shape. After an amount of time has passed that he desires, the giant insect will split this energy ball into many much smaller parts. Afterwards littering them around an opponent or area. Once a source of energy nears the proximity of a mine they will attract and chase the target's ki until detonation upon contact.

Upon the world of Arlia there is little time for mercy. The dynasty of tyrannical kings is expansive and unending. Thanks to the short life span of the aver Arlian, many throngs and facets of society are rushed and there is little care for other in such a harsh world. While the population upon the planet is vast, there are actually very few differing families. This is thanks to the policy that there can only be one birth mother, a queen. All other females that produce offspring during a queen's reign are immediately considered traitors and treacherous. Thus, many Arlians do not hold values of family or many bonds, their society is built around a sort of hive mind ideology.

However, there are those who resist, those who would seek the community and bonds of the individual. Such was the way for the parents of Atlas, part of an insurgent faction to tyrannical rule. As a young larva Atlas was thought their ways, the ideas that he was not part of some bigger machine, that he should have goals and ideas of his own. That one day he would live in a world where all beings are of their own kind, that all are unique and special.

Of course, life would throw Atlas a poor hand, the rebel group was swiftly eradicated through betrayal and subterfuge. And many a young Arlian were taken into the personal Colosseum of their 'true' king. Ironically, it was there that the moral philosophies of his parents were strengthened. Bonds were built between individual gladiator's as they strove to fight for a better tomorrow. But of course, they were still simple prisoners of no consequence.

The tyrant king would reveal a prize for the gladiator that could survive his gauntlet, freedom. Little did Atlas know that this had meant freedom from their entire planet. It was here that the crimson beetle began to hone his skills as well as his moral code. Never would he slay an opponent, for all things had deserved life, to see their dreams realized. And for Atlas, this was freedom to begin a life of peace.

Eventually the gentle giant had attained this freedom and was forcibly placed upon a ship in very poor condition. With random coordinates set the insectoid was flung off of his homeworld, never to see it again. The hive mind would always win in the end, yet perhaps, someday his race could be truly freed. Eventually his pod to nowhere was picked up by Interstellar Security Force, where he has been ever since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

hider=Violin, Squad healer and doctor]
Name: Violin

Age: Adult

Species: Namekian


Healing and Ki Manipulation-while his healing abilities make him one of the team’s primary field medics, Violin trains himself in ki manipulation and martial arts constantly in order to better protect himself and his allies.

Personality & Appearance

The most noticeable thing about Violin's appearance-at least to anyone who might be able to recognize it-is his striking similarity to his creator and father, the planetary conqueror known as Lord Slug. While the resemblance is not absolute, Violin is similar enough to easily pass for a younger version of Lord Slug unless under extremely close scrutiny.

While he’ll change clothes to suit the situation, Violin often wears a dark green hooded and face-concealing cloak mainly to hide his resemblance to the often hated and feared Lord Slug although he also wears it because he likes the look of it though he would never admit it. Apart from the hooded cloak he wears the brown pointed shoes common to most Namekians and a weighted belt or waistwrap worn mainly for training purposes.

Personality-wise Violin considers himself a healer and guardian of the innocent first and a warrior second despite his skill at fighting. In fact as a deserter from Lord Slug’s forces, he detests having to take up violence and much prefers his role as a doctor to his fellow ISF members though, he still trains to retain his skills. Since he lost his only other 'family' when he abandoned the psychotic Slug, Violin considers the ISF to be a substitute family of sorts and primarily volunteered to try to ensure that the so-called suicide mission had a slightly higher survival rate than it otherwise would. His other motivations have more to do with preventing the sort of large-scale destruction that the PTO and Freeza’s organization are capable of wreaking, having served under a tyrannical planet conqueror himself and learned firsthand of the atrocities such men are capable of committing.

Weaponry & Equipment

Violin does not have much in the way of equipment, though as part of his training his cloak and a belt wrapped around his waist are both extremely heavy so that even his everyday activities are a part of strengthening himself. Other than that, he’s familiar enough with various kinds of medical equipment and medical/surgical treatments requiring them throughout the galaxy though he usually carries a more portable field surgery and treatment kit instead.

Abilities & Techniques

Healing powers-Violin can heal living beings of even things that would otherwise be fatal wounds though the more severe the wounds the more time and energy it takes for him to heal the being in question. He needs to be able to touch the being he wants to effect in order to heal them and due to the concentration required for healing he is often vulnerable to attack during this time.

Namekian Physiology-As a Namekian, Violin’s body has a number of unusual physical properties. Noticeably he is capable of regenerating his body so long as his head is intact and he has enough energy and focus to do so. His limbs are also capable of stretching to extreme lengths and with enough focus he can even grow to giant size. His hearing is also incredibly sensitive to an almost supernatural degree, and he can sense the nature of the hearts or intentions of others if he focuses on them.

Scalpel Overdrive-A technique Violin often uses if a scalpel isn't at hand involving solidifying a small blade out of ki. However in combat he is capable of extending it much farther out into a sort of energy sword enveloping his arm and extending further outward. The flaw is of course that the technique is primarily one for close combat.

Energy Shield-A shield of ki capable of blocking smaller energy attacks, though if Violin pours more ki into it it can hold up against larger and larger techniques and/or increase in size to protect people nearby him. Because of his generally nonviolent nature this is one of the techniques he's trained with most heavily since leaving Lord Slug's service.

'ssault Cannon-Violin's Ultimate technique when he was in service to Lord Slug, he presses both palms together until they almost touch and then charges energy between them, condensing it more and more before firing it out in a single beam of white energy. The longer he's able to charge and condense the energy the stronger the resulting beam will be.


Violin was once a top soldier in the service of Lord Slug, the Namekian planetary conqueror. In fact he was specifically created by Lord Slug to help lead and maintain the well-being of his troops. Though Violin was a competent warrior, the cruelty his service to the Super Namekian required of him began to sicken him as the years passed. It seemed that there was no end to his master’s desire for conquest, that they would turn world after world into Planet Cruisers more out of a blind lust for destruction than for any truly useful purpose. As he slowly came to the realization that Lord Slug was more than likely just insane and his brothers-in-arms were too blind to see it, he began planning his eventual escape.

It wasn’t easy for Violin to find opportunities to break free, as his combination of personal strength and healing powers meant that he was doubly valuable for the planet-conquering soldiers of Lord Slug’s crew and was rarely kept far from the frontline fighting at any time. However, fate or luck eventually intervened and during one attempt at planetary conquest Slug’s forces were successfully violently repulsed. As a result Violin was able to stay behind during Lord Slug’s second attempt at a Planet Cruiser-making foray under the guise of healing the wounds his fellow soldiers had sustained during their last failed attack. Seizing on the moment, he stole a smaller ship and deserted from Lord Slug’s army, and at first just to keep from being killed, pleaded with the ISF for asylum in exchange for his full cooperation and all of the information he had on Lord Slug’s operations.

Gradually Violin became trusted enough to begin using his healing abilities to aid the ISF. He found that though he no longer had the desire to fight, he still enjoyed healing others and made it his mission to serve as a medic for the ISF to make up for some of the evil he had caused in his past. Over time he came to terms with his past and moved back into the field on occasion, though he remained primarily a member of the Green Sector of the ISF.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Sonatan(unnamed in show)

Engineering, data manipulation, tech development

Personality & Appearance

He is dedicated to protecting others. Originally this was his own people, children who managed to escape the enslavement of their homeworld, but now it is anyone who is is threatened by evil. He has a personal vendetta against the WTO for enslaving his people, and has been studying them and their clients in his free time.

Weaponry & Equipment
Blaster, Battle Armor, artificial gravity chamber for gravity training in his home (can reproduce on other ships if need be.

Abilities & Techniques
He, like many of his people, has telekinetic abilities and an almost innate understanding of machines. He has practiced with his telekinesis much more than most of his people, however, and has gained superior abilities to them because of it.
Flight: Moving his entire body through telekinesis. Due to his practice in 10 times normal gravity, he can fly at almost the speed of sound.
Strength: By moving his arms with his power, he can lift up to 2.5 tons. Without his defenses, however, this would destroy his arms or legs.
Defense: Hard to gauge, but he can get shot by his own blaster and not be affected. He can punch steel and not get hurt. He also isn't hurt when he uses his powers to lift things with his arms, kick, or hit.
Speed: Can run faster than anyone who doesn't have powers, and sometimes races people that do have powers for practice. Significantly slower than flying, so useless for long distance unless stealth is required.
Push: Pushes a person, usually at a distance, instead of his arms or legs. Drains him mentally, but is much more powerful than his standard attack. Can move up to seven ton rocks in normal gravity with it.(compare to tri-beam)
Hold: By wrapping a telekinetic "hand" around them, he holds a person in place, though if they are stronger than him it will merely slow them down.

His world was attacked by the WTO and enslaved. As the oldest child to make it onto the escape ship, he found himself in charge of the group. He kept children of all ages calm and got them to work together as the mirror ship escaped their homeworld. Eventually they made it to the world of a trade partner, who contacted the ISF and helped the orphans find homes. Zeshin was old enough that he didn't need to be adopted, so he applied for the ISF. They turned him down, though, as he didn't have the skills to become a recruit, so he got a menial job and started studying technology at a local school. Eventually he used what he knew to hack the computers of some of the WTO's customers and allies, though he got little from them, and turned over records of other criminal activities to whoever would have a problem with them, including business contacts and security forces. He even blackmailed a few of the non-violent ones, getting a bit of their ill-gotten gains and using the money to build his own mirror ship. He also built tiny insect-like robots to follow WTO sympathizers and relay information about them back to his computer.
Much of the information was turned over to the ISF and, knowing that his intelligence network could help them, they treated him as an informant, ignoring his vigilante activities in exchange for the information he gave them. Eventually he joined them as a white-hat hacker for the paycheck and turned over his system. He helped them take down a smuggling ring and, when they started looking for agents for a special mission, they asked him to join.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago




Combat Support Officer (?)

Personality & Appearance

Taroga has long, tall, and spiky black hair. He stands at 6'3 with hair being included in the measurement. He wears a black gi like outfit with a red undershirt with red and black shoes. When going into official combat he wears his shoulder pad free armor, but will remove it in cases where he gets really excited. He has a dark brown and thick monkey tail sticking out of his rear. He usually hid it, but will be wrapping it around his waist outside of his clothes by the time this Rp begins.

Taroga's personality is typical of a Saiyan. Combat and training is usually what's on his mind and doesn't care about much else. He has an aggressive attitude and chooses to speak only when he needs to or boasts about himself in battle. He thinks it's a way to distract and taunt his opponent, but it's really just him boosting his ego. He tries to care about people, but at the moment finds it not so much in his nature. The only times he showed care and concern were with his typical mission squad and when he witnessed the destruction of Planet Vegeta. He cared about the latter mostly because he lost an entire planet worth of warriors who could push him to his limits. Because of that he has built up anger and hatred for Frieza and plans to be the one to end him.

Weaponry & Equipment
Planet Trade Organization Scouter: This is a scouter that he took with him before leaving Planet Vegeta. It does have a limit of power that it's able to read and that's up until forty thousand.

Planet Trade Organization Armor: This armor provides Taroga with some protection and was worn by him before he left Planet Vegeta. He hasn't worn it in the years since landing on the new planet so it's not damaged from battle or anything like that. A powerful enough beam can pierce through the armor and a powerful enough blast could destroy it. The armor can expand to fit his growing body or Great Ape Form.

Planet Trade Organization Space Pod: This is the same space pod that he used to leave Planet Vegeta.

Abilities & Techniques

Saiyan Physiology: The Saiyan physiology is much like that of a human's, but there are some distinct differences. Their bodies are usually attuned and made for warriors. They age at a slower rate than humans and keep their youthful appearance longer so they can keep on fighting. Saiyans are born with tails and this tail helps them transform into their Oozaru form when it comes in contacts with a full moon or their retinas absorb seventeen million zenos. It causes their body to respond to a body chemical reaction produced in their tails causing them to transform into Giant Apes.

The Glow: Taroga has the ability to cover his hands with his ki to enhance his strength and durability in his hands. He believes that with enough training he'd be able to use this on his feet and eventually cover his entire body in ki to add to his defenses. At the moment this tends to drain more energy from him so he uses it for at the max two minutes at a time. It's possible the time will increase with more training as well.

Warrior's Blood Moon: This is a move Taroga created himself where he creates a ball of red ki the size of a Power Ball before it expands in size. He launches it at his opponent to deal crucial damage.

Demon's Scream: This is move that Taroga also named himself. He opens his mouth and charges the ki within his body and screams out a powerful red beam at the enemy.

Crimson Wave: This is just a beam that he shoots out of his hands while mostly using both his hands to produce it. He also named this.

Blood Parade: This is something he usually uses for multiple enemies or a fun way to destroy an area. He sends a charged up blast in the air that stops at a certain point and splits into multiple blasts to rain down on the ground and his opponents. Named this as well. He has a lot of similar themes for his attack names.

Ki Sense: Taroga can sense ki.


Taroga remembers his life as if it happened all in one day. He grew up on Planet Vegeta training with other members of his race. His father was a mid-class level Saiyan while his mother was a low-class level Saiyan. He ended up being born the latter. Despite being a low-class Saiyan warrior training came so easily to him. He got into a lot of fights with the other kids and after each fight instinctively grew as a warrior. Most of his missions were with other Saiyans. Sometimes it was around those his age, but most of the time it was with more experienced adults.

He was thirteen when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. He was coincidentally also being sent out on a solo mission to secure a planet for Frieza. His pod was sent off right after Kakorot's and witnessed Frieza destroying the planet. He wanted so much to turn back and face him himself, but he knew that he'd be just as easily annihilated. His anger in the pod got to the point where he came to a point of being calm enough to change the destination of his pod to send it off to a different planet. He didn't know where he'd be going, but he knew that he had to be out of Frieza's reach.

It took a while, but he eventually landed on the planet that he'd temporarily called home. It was a planet of humanoids who lived a rather nice life compared to that of Saiyans. He spent most of his time training in a cave or hunting to get food. He needed to survive and build himself up. He even made sure not to look at a full moon. It wasn't until a year later when he finally cave into his warrior instincts to find someone to fight. He hid his tail and went out searching for someone to fight. He came across others who were sparring in an abandoned area. He went up to talk to them and found out that this was the only way they could fight anymore. There was a war on their planet ten years prior and the resulting proclamation outlawed all forms of martial arts and ki manipulation.

This intrigued Taroga as he really didn't like following rules. He talked them into forming an underground fighting club. It was there that he discovered more about ki and different fighting techniques. After a brutal loss to their world champion he started training under a woman who had a lot to teach him.

Many years later he had his second rematch against the world champion and his fight was discovered during the fight. At the time he didn't realize it due to his primal instincts acting up during the full moon. He didn't usually fight during one, but he couldn't say no to this fight. He ended up killing his opponent and turned to the crowd to see how they responded to it. After looking at their horrified faces he escaped into the night returning to the cave where it all began.

He was prepared to leave the planet and find a new place to settle feeling that the ISF wouldn't hesitate to arrest him for genocide and war crimes. He was a Saiyan after all and despite them not being able to stop Frieza he was sure they'd be happy to take in the last of the Saiyans. At least that's what he believed he was. He moved his pod outside the cave and started to prepare it for departure, but that was when he saw a ship coming into the planet's atmosphere. Had this been the ISF already? No, it was too soon to be them.

Suddenly the frequency in his scouter and every transmitter on the planet was hacked by the ones on the ship. They revealed themselves to be Space Pirates who planned to raid this planet for anything that they could. If anyone was to stand in there way they'd be quickly killed. He was obligated to believe them, but that was before he saw one of the pirates exiting the ship while it was still in the sky and destroyed a city. He didn't know what happened in that short time, but he wasn't going to let this stand. He also knew that he wouldn't be able to leave until after they did and that could ruin his chances of escaping before the ISF arrived.

With this motivation he decides to confront the pirates. He confronts them without using his scouter or his armor. He feels like he doesn't need to use either and especially not the former since learning how to sense the ki within others. It had been a tool that helped him in the arena. He could tell the difference in power between him and others, but couldn't exactly pinpoint where their power stood like he could with a scouter. He knew that some of these pirates were strong and some of them were weak. He'd just have to finish this as quickly as possible.

He aimed for the weak ones first to get a feel of their fighting style and form of combat. They were taken down rather quickly and he didn't even feel like it was a warm up. He needed more. Fortunately there was only three of them that were considered fodder to him. There were five more that would actually prove to be a challenge. He started facing the first one who was about equal in power to him. At first they were exchanging blow after blow after blow until another one used a sneak attack from behind sending a blast towards his back. The attack allowed his opponent to gain the advantage. He was sent crashing to the ground sending up smoke and debris in his wake. This was it. This was how he was going to die, wasn't it? He'll never get to kill Frieza now.

Just as he was about to be blasted to bits he heard a few more yells coming from the West. He recognized them as some of the fighters from the underground as well as his instructor. They may have been weak, but they could still fight. The ensuing battle raged on and he ended up knocking out his equal and heading to help the others. He defeated the one with surprise attacks just as he heard his sensei yelping in pain. She received a powerful blast at point blank range straight to her gut. She fell to the ground grasping on for life. He had one of the other fighters get her out of there so he could finish this off.

He felt it was time to use what he had been taught. He charged up the ki in his hands and caused red ki energy to surround both of his hands. It was a way to increase the power he put out with his attacks and made the difference in the fight. He charged at the remaining pirates and started sending quick and numerous attacks to their faces and bodies before sending them crashing to the ground.

When the last one fell unconscious the energy faded from his hands and he headed over to his master. He stood over her with his arms crossed giving her a look of pure acknowledgement. She had earned his respect despite this being her last moments. The ISF finally arrived as she eased into the next world. They came for him and got more than they bargained for with the pirates. They were going to arrest him too, but the other fighters vouched for him and told them that he had saved them and their planet from being ransacked.

Given his heroic actions the ISF offered him an official pardon and offered him the opportunity to join their ranks in the ISF Academy if he wished to join them defeating other planetary and interstellar threats like the men he had defeated. He decided to take the offer in the hopes that this could further his training and get him one step closer to his ultimate goal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 22 days ago


Young Adult



Personality & Appearance
Borea is a fairly standard Arcosian; short and lithe in stature, with a sleek, streamlined appearance. He has yellow eyes, his flesh is various shades of purple, orange and black, and he wears a white and black bio-suit.

Borea has many qualities that are similar to, as well as put him at odds with, the majority of his race. As with many Arcosians, Borea is essentially a sociopath, and has a complete lack of empathy. He sees people as either tools or annoyances, with very little in-between. Even so, he is generally polite and amiable among his allies, as he can emulate emotions that he does not feel with relative ease. He is something of a sadist, taking pleasure in crushing his enemies cruelly, and is completely ruthless in the pursuit of his ambitions. However, Borea finds value in order, and considers law enforcement to be a worthwhile endeavor. He sees the galactic conquest of his race as something undesirable, as it unbalances the galaxy and throws it into chaos. Though he truly doesn't care about anyone other than himself, he wishes to protect people on a conceptual level, and is not wantonly destructive nor homicidal. Borea despises those that look down on him, and absolutely refuses to be pitied; he is determined to achieve his ambitions with his own strength and will, though he is not above using others to fulfill his goals.

Weaponry & Equipment
Borea wears a bio-suit, a biological armor system "grown" on his home planet. This provides him with moderate protection from energy and concussive attacks, and allows him to interface with Arcosian bio-technology. His tail is also augmented with a blade, allowing it to be used as a last-resort weapon.

Abilities & Techniques

  • Arcosian Physiology: A naturally powerful race, Arcosians have a number of biological advantages over other races. They are quite physically strong, about on par with most trained warriors of other races, and are far faster than the galactic average. They can survive in the vacuum of space for weeks on end, and are capable of withstanding extremes of temperature and pressure. Arcosians are usually so naturally powerful that they "downgrade" themselves into less powerful forms out of necessity. Borea is relatively weak in terms of pure power compared to most Arcosians, and though he can transform, he has no need to, and usually stays in his true, "final" form. Borea himself is incredibly intelligent, with a near-perfect memory and calculative power nearing a supercomputer.
  • Telekinesis: Borea is a talented psion, and can move far more mass with his mind than he can with his body. However, the more force he exerts on something, the less fine control he has over the force. He also needs to be able to see something in order to delicately manipulate it. Meaning essentially, while he can throw boulders, or even write with a pen using telekinesis, he can't disassemble a ship into its component parts, or pinch a blood vessel in someone's brain. Though it is well within his abilities to crush a person using telekinesis, or rip them apart, many warriors have enough physical durability to withstand the force he can exert.
  • Telepathy: This is Borea's most favored, and powerful, technique. As a very powerful telepath, Borea can assault his enemies where they are most vulnerable: their minds. He can read minds and communicate telepathically as easily as he can fly, but more advanced techniques require concentration. With enough time to concentrate, he can plumb the depths of an enemy's memories, and even manipulate or remove them. He can subtly insert thoughts and ideas into an enemy's mind, and have them think that they are their own. Borea may even simply tear apart an enemy's mind with the sheer power of his own, leaving them a drooling, mindless wreck. If given time to establish a strong psychic link, Borea can even control the mind of his enemies, turning them into his puppets. Though Borea is mentally powerful, his telepathic techniques leave him open to counterattack by a sufficiently powerful mind, though those with minds powerful enough are usually other psions.
  • ESP: Borea can use residual psychic energy to sense things that others cannot. He has an acute sense for detecting ki, removing his need for a scouter, and can generally tell the intentions of someone at a glance. With retrocognition and psychometry, Borea can sense the recent history of a place of object merely by touching it. Borea also has a minor sense of precognition, giving him vague glimpses and sensations of the near future, though not enough to reliably predict it.
  • Illusions: A simple, but surprisingly effective skill, Borea can generate psychic illusions: purely sensory constructs that resemble holograms or mirages. His illusions can fool any of the five senses, but can't exert and actual force, nor do they possess detectable energy. Meaning, his illusions cannot directly attack anyone, and they can easily be seen through with the use of scouters or ki sense.
  • Psionic Blast: Borea's ki attacks are augmented by his psychic abilities. While his ki blasts are usually quite weak, by using psionic blasts they become incredibly precise, if still somewhat lacking in power. Death Beams, Death Balls and Death Discs are within Borea's capabilities to use with incredible precision, even redirecting his own attacks in midair.

Born to an inherently mighty race, Borea has been an outcast for the majority of his life due to his usual power among his people. His abilities did not lend to the traditional Arcosian ideal of a mighty conqueror, and his power level has always registered as being low for a member of his race. Feeling that he did not belong among the vicious Arcosians, Borea traveled the galaxy for years, trying to find his purpose, and practicing his psionic abilities. Driven by the desire to prove his detractors wrong, he has refused to train to increase his low power level (something that Arcosians almost never do anyway), and relies almost solely on his psychic abilities.

Borea came into contact with the ISF some years ago, and has found their ideals to his liking. He sees working with them as an opportunity to bring down the most powerful member of his race, Frieza, and prove to every Arcosian in the galaxy that he was not only as mighty as they, but indeed superior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 14 days ago



Bio-Organic Android

Onyx, the complete opposite to his sister, was designed for combat purposes and to uphold the law of the Galatic Force. Due to his unique perspective, Onyx is considered a Special Officer. Onyx was implanted with several different fighting styles, strategies, ki usage, and the ability to learn at an accelerated rate. It is noted that he shares the ability of total recall with his sister, displaying back to him anything dating all the way back to his toddler years with perfect clarity.

Personality & Appearance
Onyx maintains a handsome disposition. Unlike the other Androids, his appearance is less rough and far more on the elegant, secretive side. His almost innocent appearance, in fact, allows him to go on missions with absolute secrecy. In particular, his facial features are sharp and highly defined, such as his thin lips, angular jawline and thin nose. Furthermore, he has surprisingly teal eyes. While not having any properties of their own, they are quite alluring to the common populace. This is accentuated through his somewhat shaggy and messy black hair. In addition to this, Onyx possesses a lean, but highly muscular figure that is a result of his training within physically oriented magical arts. He, in fact, is a practitioner of several different martial arts and has mastered them to the extent that, when his muscularity is revealed, it is impossible to tell that Onyx is the same person.

As a child, Onyx was an overactive kid who wanted nothing more than to play for hours at a time even to the point of falling asleep while playing. At his teenage years, his easy going personality later turned to impatient and aggressive as he was constantly trying to better not himself, but those he called his rivals. However, even with all the negative emotions, he still managed to maintain his good heart, and often helped those who needed it from time to time. At his current age, Onyx is shown to be wise beyond his years due to some horrible incidents that often occurred in his life, the life lessons he learned from the constant training he had endured, and from the friends he made over the years. He is often seen as the mentor that people can depend on when they need help fixing a problem or mistake, and he has shown to grow out of his constant need to better everyone.

Weaponry & Equipment

Abilities & Techniques
Bio-Android Physiology - Onyx is similar to other Bio- Organic Androids as he has the ability to read ki and power levels without a scouter, Age slowly, and hide his ki to elude pursuits. Due to being a naturally born organic android, Onyx body is stronger then a normal man.

Android Barrier - Like his standard Energy Barrier, this technique is used primarily to shield against an oncoming attack. To use it, Onyx places both hands out from his sides, fingers apart, which causes a large sphere of ki to form around him. It is hollow on the inside. However, this technique has one difference from the standard barrier. If it takes too much damage, the sphere will overload and convert into an explosive wave, which will knock back and damage anything nearby. A good deal of this attack's power comes from its surprise - most opponents would not expect the barrier to suddenly explode into a separate attack, so they may let their guard down a bit while standing outside. In addition to having it explode via direct contact, Onyx can detonate the barrier at any time. If there is no need to detonate it, the attack may be dispersed.

Shredding Blasts - There are several variants of it, but the most common is to fire them out in a sort of "rain" of continuous blasts. These ki blasts are unique among all other ki blasts in that they don't actually detonate; they simply hit the opponent and cut him or her to pieces. And while they are not a serious threat individually, these blasts can be fatal in large numbers. After 7 seconds (whether they have made contact with anything or not), these blasts fade away. The larger variants will not fade away until making contact with something.

Fiery Blazer - To perform Fiery Blazer, Onyx opens his mouth and prepares the beam. It fires out in three simultaneous shots; one forward, one to the right, one to the left. Each blast is shaped almost like a missile, and upon detonating, will coat the opponent in leftover energy matter that may burn and slow them. This technique has no cool down, but it is strenuous to use continuously. Using it more than two times in a row within a short time period may cause damage to the vocal chords.

Flare Spark - It begins with Onyx separating his arms as far as possible and then forming two distinctly different energy spheres in each hand. In one hand a fiery looking energy sphere of a small size, in the other a transparent energy sphere that is twice the size of the other sphere. Onyx brings both spheres together fusing them into one, a dual layered energy sphere with the fiery version in the center and the transparent sphere acting as an outer shell. He then throws the orb at their intended target, where-in the sphere detonates, causing a large explosion. The second sphere expands into a gaseous shock wave of sorts that leaves behind a highly volatile residual effect, that begins to burn, or melt, anything caught within.

Bio-Androids were always a goal of the Galactic Police's Science Division, only ever creating failures after failures. Such things would change once the Tuffles joined the Galactic Police and they brought upon various scientific techniques. Tuffles were known for their prowess in organic material and by blending it with the scientific breakthroughs of the Science Division, there came upon the creation of two eggs split from single egg. The dna within the eggs were manipulated heavily, one for brawn and the other for brains. A human, one of the few, took on the role of surrogate mother for the eggs, giving birth nine months later to twins, Onyx and Ebony.

Onyx bore the cells of the greatest fighters in the Galactic Police and it showed even as a young boy. He was aggressive, strong, and could learn faster then many cadets of his generation. Years passed as the boy grew becoming a quality asset to the Police, taking down criminals and keeping places safe. He was a weapon that could make his own choices and that's how the Police wanted. They were like mad scientists and such cliches that treated creations like monsters to be caged. Onyx was treated like any other man and earned his place in the Galactic Police. Once the mission to take down the PTO was established the Galactic Police and Onyx both believed this would be the ultimate test of the twins abilities. If they succeeded then it proves they were the perfect creations but if they failed then the Police would just start again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Justiczh'ara (Justin) Khaan.

Young Adult


Melee Weapon Specialist and Mystic.
Purple Department.

Personality & Appearance
Standing at 6'2, Justin is fairly tall for a humanoid species. He has a fair complexion and green eyes. His red hair is tied back into a ponytail with shaved temples, while it normally is in a mohawk-shape. He wears functional clothes from his homeland, which he has added a Konatsian Sage hood to protect his face from the sunlight, as he despises sunlight.

Justin is a disciplined guy who takes everything serious, leading the sometimes wacky world that he lives in to placing him in situations where he's rather uncomfortable. He's highly intelligent, able to learn multiple languages and take in science and magic studies and the like in relative short time. He cares about holding up the law and despite being mystical in nature, he never bends the rules and will not appreciate others doing it.

Weaponry & Equipment
Sword Of the Ark: A Broadsword crafted using Konatsian ritual smiting, allowing the blade a very sharp edge and being nigh-indestructible. It also never needs to be sharpened. It has a black leather grip with a jewel at the end of the handle.
Blade Of Thorns: A Schimitar made by the ISF's science division, while it's not as sharp, nor as durable as his broadsword, it offers higher speed and better maneuverability and is thus better against opponents who does not don armor. The blade is a shiny steel with streamlined details in the handle and a gold alloyed hand guard.
He wears both of his swords in individual sheathes on his back.

Crystal Ball: When in deep meditation he can use the crystal ball to see current events, he also uses it for his premonitions.

Dagger: He wears several daggers on him, totaling in seven blades on him.

Abilities & Techniques

He's powered by Kosnatian biology, allowing him superhuman strength and speed levels able to keep up with the 'mutated' races around the universe. This is further proved by his hard work as a warrior.
Being a excellent melee combatant when armed with his sword or a blade earned him his spot in the galactic police. Due to him favoring armed combat, he's lacking in hand to hand combat, despite knowing how to fight against pugilists. He's able to charge his ki through his blade, allowing him a multitude of different abilities.
He's a natural mystic, meaning he's able to use magic. Despite being of the mystic clan, he's still a warrior at heart, and has thus overlooked the vast majority of magical training. He relies solely on his natural talent for magic, as everything he knows is self-taught.
While his swords are powerful, their usefulness relies wholeheartedly on his own physical strength and skill.

The Deep Cut: Charging his blade with ki he sends out a crescent wave of ki that has the same slicing power as his sword. He is able to do a chain of four Deep Cuts at once.

The Warrior's Faith: Using his magical prowess he's able to give himself a boost to physical strength and speed. The technique relies on intense meditation.

Kosnats Pride: He creates a big sphere of energy that he then hurls at his opponent aiming to crush them. The sphere can be triggered to explode with the use of his Deep Cut technique.

Visions of the Present: When meditating he can see current events through his crystal ball. These visions are always relevant to what's on his mind while he's meditating.

Visions of the Future: Premonitions he gets when unconscious, he can not control when he sees them, but he can channel them through the crystal ball for others to see them.

Hero's Shield:
Getting his Crystal ball out, he's able to use it as a conduit to channel his magical energy and his ki into forming a protective barrier around himself. Same technique as his fellow kinsman uses with a ocarina.

Flight: Using his ki he's able to fly at high speeds.

Justiczh'ara Khaan was born on Konats to two mystics, both of which were highly religious. As such, he was raised in a religious household, always praising the gods, the Kaioshins. The Konats were always very religious to the 'gods' of the galaxy, and while they had no contact with the 'gods', they still believed the Kaioshins watched over them and blessed them with prosperity. Justin never did like the idea of being a spiritual leader, like his parents wanted for him.

Instead, he wanted to be a warrior, a swordsman, to be specific. He quickly proved to be a prodigy with the blade and made a name for himself as a skilled warrior in his home. He was thought of as a templar, striking down those that would do evil while still preserving the holyness of the gods. He didn't think of himself as such, but as merely a warrior. Soon the ISF would come to his planet, looking for new recruits, and Justin was first in line. He wishes to stop the Planet Trade Organization for good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


35 Galactic Standard Years



Personality & Appearance

Weaponry & Equipment
  • Rebreather
  • Scouter
  • Toolkit
  • Utility Belt
  • Plainclothes

Abilities & Techniques
Saiyan Physiology -

  • Survived the Destruction of Planet Vegeta whilst she was attacking the world of Tazba, a mission she was sent on by King Vegeta following his orders to capture it for the PTO.
  • Instead of working for Freiza, joined with Turles and his Crusher Corps.
  • Had a change of heart with her loyalty when she believed Turles to be weak and attempted to kill him— was left for dead.
  • Participated as a willful bodyguard, bounty hunter, and mercenary until she got pulled into a war against slavers on Namchinno. Was recruited by the ISF due to her feats on Namchinno and her Saiyan efficiency despite having questionable morals she did cooperate with orders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

E-VI-M “Evim” (EH-vim)

Young Adult


Reconnaissance, Mechanical Engineering

Personality & Appearance

Evim was programmed to display a wide range of emotions based on her situation, and the company she keeps. That being said, she was programmed primarily with public relations in mind, so she is generally cheerful, kind, and friendly. When on-duty, she’ll typically follow “The Book”, and rarely deviates, although she is programmed with knowledge of deception tactics in case she would ever have to go undercover. She is also curious about the universe and loves learning new things, giving her an air of naiveté. She will do her best to stay empathetic and friendly, even in the face of danger; her main concern in a fight is protecting her allies.

Weaponry & Equipment
Evim’s ocular sensors are capable of detecting energy signatures, as long as they are over a certain threshold. However, she can’t measure power levels. Her left hand detaches to reveal a number of different tools, including basic cutting tools, sockets, drivers, and even wires with which to interface with computer systems. Her feet contain small thrusters which she can use to fly, and theoretically, she could also use them as weapons if she overcharges them. Both of her hands contain small power cores that are capable of firing beams of energy that one might compare to a Ki blast.

Abilities & Techniques
Evim is skilled enough to handle a variety of different weapons, if the data for them is in her database. She can fly under her own power with the aid of thrusters in her feet. She is a skilled in hand-to-hand combat as she was preloaded with data for several different fighting styles, her favorite styles involve being up close and personal with her foe.
She is capable of Overclocking her systems in order to gain a boost in speed and power, if only for a limited time, and when things get desperate, she can Overcharge her reactor core and release the energy contained all at once, creating a powerful explosion in her vicinity, similar to Recoome’s Ultra Fighting Bomber. While neither of these techniques cause any serious damage to her or her systems, they prevent her from using her blaster attacks for a period of time.

Dr. Andop Zadra is one of the many Research Engineers in the ISF’s Blue Department. He is a kindly old Tuffle who, in all honesty, could’ve retired from the force, but he loves his work and fears that he’ll be bored to death without something to do. For all intents and purposes, he lives at the ISF’s Headquarters. In fact, he is old enough to have seen the ISF’s first combat-ready androids roll off the assembly line. Androids and A.I. have always been his field of expertise, and he was instrumental in creating a number of basic “meter maid” level androids for the ISF over the years, but he always sought to push himself and create the “perfect” android: something that could travel to the farthest reaches of unknown space to uphold Intergalactic law without constant monitoring from its superiors. Something that could think, feel, and make its own decisions. He believes that he’s finally achieved that with the creation of E-VI-M. (The fact that it appears female was entirely his preference.) When he caught wind of the impending operation against the Planet Trade Organization, he saw it as the perfect opportunity to give his beautiful creation the trial by fire that it deserved. “Make your father proud, Evim.”
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