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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 14 days ago

Gippal's comment tackled the anger within Braska. It wasn't a usual thing to catch him mad but Gippal knew how to do it. He knew how to bring braska down a notch into an emotion he hated to show. Braska lifted his right leg and stomped it into the rock while simultaneously throwing his arm to the side, looking his father when he did it. "HEY!" Braska yelled at Gippal with a little ferocity in his voice. He hated being treated as Gippal's second. It was asinine. Braska was known as Jecht's second coming. One of the best players to touch the ball and yet Gippal wanted to brag he was the best. No Braska wouldn't allow it. This was his life and he'd be sure this story ended with him as the best Blitzball Player. "We can go one on one anytime." The last Braska muttered to Gippla before they all began the hour long walk to Kilika.

As they walked, Gippal told Braska all about the five years that he had disappeared. It was a very engaging tale and all Braska could do was stare. Not only was he placing himself higher in Blitzball but now he had some exciting five years. Braska just smiled and was happy Gippal was alive. The Thane situation and Eve being a summoner brought some light to the situation and why Braska was now with them. It almost destiny that his family would either protect a summoner or be one. Maybe this was his story or maybe this was Gippal's story and Braska was just part of the stand in. It only pissed him more thinking about it. Suddenly Eve began to have a breakdown. She clutched on to Gippal. Braska watched intently. His eyes moved from Gippal to Eve and then caught Nai staring. "What the hell is going on here?" Braska thought to himself almost angrily. Was it that the girls were gravitating to him. It was true that Gippal had spent more time with them but Braska felt overwhelmed. It was just like back then as well. As much as Braska was the adorable young one of the team, Gippal had all the women falling over him. Nai's question jogged Braska's mind from the jealousy.

"I had a little bout with the Guado and well." Braska paused, "They put me under a sleep spell. But how have you been? Sorry I haven't been around Besaid much."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gippal glanced at Braska as he stomped his foot and only smiled more. Even at the challenge Braska offered. Perhaps, but he said nothing in accepting or not.

As he looked up to the temple his eyes widened. Oh wait... He looked at Eva as she started to Hyperventilate. She grabbed onto him and he wrapped his arms around her. As she started to say why here that she didn't want to be here, She placed her face into his shoulder and neck, getting as close as she could, sobbing into his jacket.

With one arm around her waist and his other hand resting on the back of her head he shushed her gently, "Eva...it's ok, you are fine I'm here." Holding her tightly to him. Last time they were here she didn't utter a word the whole time, only opening up when they left. They never even reached the temple. He wondered why it was so hard on her...She had to be connected with this place but the last time they were hear no one knew of her.

Saina walked up to them and spoke to Eva directly, Saying that they needed to get to the temple but they would wait till she was ready to plan. But before he could explain she would stay like this the entire time, Saina made a distinctive step and motioned with her fingers. A circle appeared above them and snow started to fall, instantly he felt the coolness of the snow, lowering the temperature it felt like 20 degrees. If felt great. He let out a sigh. "Thank you Saina... I'm sure that is going to help. She acted like this the last time we were in Kilika. Didn't speak a word to us the entire time. It was like she was living a nightmare the entire time. And it wasn't just the temple she Didn't want to step foot on the docks even."

It was then Alex came over and tried to comfort Eva in her way. It was always like this, when ever someone started to cry she started to get all awkward and try to cheer the person up by....saying the weirdest things Acting like Eva was a small child. He simply stared at her in disbelief. As she wrapped her arms around them and squeezed them. Then to finish it off she smacked herself in the face. Pretty hard as well.

After a moment's of silence and a look of slight horror on his face, she said she was off to get some rooms. And bolted before anything could be said.

The entire time Eva continued to cry, but thanks to Saina's snow he did feel her forehead and she had cooled off a bit. "please...I don't want to be in Kilika..." He looked down at her. "Not again...Not here." she said.

Urick had been looking at Nai as she saw Gippal holding Eva. She made a sour face and looked away, as if fighting internal battles. He had placed a hand on her shoulder. But it seemed to go unnoticed. He also glanced at Braska who was looking at Gippal, Eva and Nai in confusion and did he see a slight spark of Anger in his eyes? Braska and Gippal always had a competition growing up. Normally it was friendly and they would joke about it. But sometimes...sometimes he could tell it was deeper. This confirmed again when they were walking to the temple in the jungle, Gippal had managed to get Braska irritated again.

He looked at Nai as she started to talk to Braska. A clear try at ignoring Gippal and Eva. Asking him why he wasn't in the game. He simply stated that a Guado placed a sleep spell on him. As he would look at Braska he would nod at him, his way of saying it was good to see him, he didn't have a chance really on the beach.

He sighed as he turned back to Nai. He knew that there was feelings between her and Gippal from long ago. And he too noticed feelings between Gippal and Eva. One of these girls hearts will be broken...the thing was which one? It seemed a little childish for her to be jealous at the moment though...Eva wasn't doing this on purpose. Perhaps when they Got to Luca Nai would see How much he cared for her...as well as Alex and Even Braska despite their competition. That he and himself hadn't forgotten them. That they were all their close friends still and that would never change.

He looked to the Temple. Remembering that they never entered the last time they were here. It was their plan in the first place to come here to find answers. But then words popped into his head. "The aura of the temples I have visited I find... are enough to center me. I enjoy it." He stood. Looking at the temple, it made sense. It was where he would get his center back as well. But he then remembered stories of how Lady Yuna would visit the temples and relax during the years of the Eternal calm.

"Gippal..." He said not looking at him, but still looking at the temple. As he noticed out of the corner of his eye Gippal looking at him he pointed his chin to the temple and finally looked at him. His eyes connecting with him. Gippal after a moment squinted up at the temple and got what Urick was thinking.

He then said, "Come on, lets go to the temple..." He picked up Eva in his arms and began to walk. Urick pushed Nai over to Braska and said, "I'll..go check.... Alex." he said softly to both Nai and Braska, motioning the chair to Braska to push. Once he took a hold of it he turned to Go after her, but Seeing Saina. Blushing, he looked down. "Temples..." He cleared his throat. "Center our..." Pausing as he started to sweat, "Minds...and souls..." He said, wanting to convey he had thought of her words the second time she spoke to him. His ears turned bright red as his temperature rose what seemed like fifty degrees. Feeling embarrassed he walked away trying to save some composure. But when he was out of site he shook it off and while still feeling embarrassed, he started to run after Alex.

Once Gippal made it to the door he pushed it open with his hip, and walked in. Eva had squished her face even more into his shoulder and neck, but once they made it to the center of the room she relaxed somewhat as she heard the hymn of the fayth. So much so that Gippal looked to see if she had somehow instantaneously fallen asleep. But she was awake, her eyes opening just slightly. It was as if she was seeing...or remembering something other than a nightmare.

Priests came up to them and asked, "Can we help you?" As he looked at the dirty Rag tag group before him. He took noticed of Eva right away. "Is she alright?" As he moved closer to look at her.

Gippal shrugged, "It seems so, she is just extremely frightened. We came here for her to rest and to center herself. You see... She is a Summoner. My Cousin... thought it would be best if she be here to collect herself." The Priests looked at her with Awe.

"Come, use one of our rooms...you may all rest for a while." They noticed Sefin, "Also if you wish we can help you with your arm if you wish."

Urick had caught up to Alex at the inn and stopped just next to her touching her arm to get her attention. He looked her in the eyes. As he fiddled with his fingers behind his back. clearing his throat."Need....com..company?" He said, His blush returning. Oh for the love of Yevon why was it so difficult to speak to a woman?!? But he had to spend some time with Alex, he didn't really have a chance with everything going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex hummed as she went to the inn, glancing over her shoulder to look at the others before narrowing her eyes at Naisha. It had felt like the Mage had mostly, ignored the tall woman. Most likely unintentionally but still. Catching the glimpse of the look she gave Gippal and Eva, it irritated Alex even more. Yet it was more depressing then irritation. When it wasn't someone within the group of friends romancing, it was easier to be just mad and handle it. Yet when it was, it was just depressing. Especially when it was Naisha. Out of all of them why her? The Mage had a one tracked mind and started being oblivious to other things that wasn't her focus. The Mage's loss, Alex believed, would be the most devastating when it happened. She knew it would happen, but she wasn't willing to exactly let it go so easily. For now, she went into the inn to get a room.

Walking up to the counter, she smacked her hand on the counter. "Do you have any rooms available?" Alex asked the innkeeper. The man around his forties slowly turned his gaze up from his newspaper before promptly flailing and almost fallinng out of his stool as he let out a loud scream.

Giving a blank stare at the man, Alex then rolled her blue eyes. "What? Never seen a woman as tall as me before? Take a picture. It will last longer." Alex said sarcastically, watching the man stare up at her before shaking his head.

"Um... Yeah sorry. Sorry we are booked. Got quite a few refugees come in." The innkeeper managed to reply.

Alex gave a audible groan. Just her luck, guess she was sleeping somewhere in the jungle. Not like that wasn't anything new but it would have been nice to get some attempted sleep. Though she doubted she would. In which case she was thinking of basically kidnapping Naisha for assistance, but she was probably going to sleep at the temple. And as much as Alex wanted to be selfish and drag her friend away, it wouldn't be right for Naisha to miss the opportunity of the part of being a Guardian and traveling through the temple. Legally. So Alex would have to have another sleepless night and ask Naisha another time. Plus, Alex could never sleep in the temple for two reasons. One was the priests hated her, and the other was that temples always have her massive migraines and made her furious. So it's impossible and was probably just better she didn't go inside with the rest of them unless needed. She'd just guard the entrance in case Thane or his goons came by.

Alex huffed a thanks but before she could turn and head back to the group, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see it was Urick. Surprise crossed her face at the sight of the slightly shorter man. Honestly, she had not expected to see him. Or anyone really at this rate. They were drifting. Which only meant the end painfully neared. Still, she looked at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm fine. You don't need to bother with me. You should go with the others. They'll need you more. Especially since I can't go inside. But thanks for checking up on me. At least some of you hasn't changed. Still nice most of the time." Alex said, giving a slight smile along with a soft sigh as she walked outside, stretching her tall muscled body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 22 min ago

“Ehhhhhhhhhm… “ Nai wasn’t sure what to do when Sifen came around to look at her hover chair again. The man clearly wasn’t well and him being all active around here wasn’t good for his health.” Sifen, the hovering works with my magic… the engine was only for moving me around.” The mage explained to the one armed man. She vaguely wondered if there was a way for his arm to regrow. It was most likely possible with a full heal spell or an elixir.

“Well good to see you in one piece then, Braska.” Nai replied to the man.” They aren’t know for being the most forgiving opponents. You are lucky if you only ended with a sleep spell. There could have been a lot worse endings that could have gone down.” She smiled.” Seriously though, next time come home one in a while even when it’s not blitzball tournament season. You parents want to see you.” The mage stated.


Finally they were all moving in towards the temple, but Naisha encountered a slight problem with that action. The stares from the priests at her, hurt quite a bit… it was as if she was some kind of monster. She didn’t stay behind and quickly threw some angry looks back at them and even flared her magic a bit. A thought occurred in her mind that once she recovered completely, she could pretty much destroy the entire temple in a matter of minutes. “ You guys continue in without me…” She quietly said as she turned around back towards the city.

Gathering whatever magic she could muster at the moment, she changed the original float spell a little to push her forward. Now she makeshifted herself a moving mechanism and headed towards the city.


Moving through the town, Naisha attracted all sorts of terrified or angry or both glares. Everyone was reaction to her horn now and it certainly did hurt. Before people tended to look at her with pity which also made her feel bad, but this was times worse.” FIEND!” Someone shouted when he saw her, but she tried to ignore him. In the end she just accelerated as fast as possible and began moving away from the people.

Finally she saw Alex exiting from a building and stretching her body. She also saw Urick there and here movement halted to a stop. Urick liked Alex or at least that’s what Nai thought. If she went and moved to them, she was probably going to destroy his chance to get closer tonight. Nai was about to call out to them, but no voice came out of her lips and the hand she was about to reach out and wave with, quickly stopped and fell down on in her lap. She realized she was ignoring Alex for a while since the ship crashed. What sort of friend was Nai anyway? Forgetting her friend and getting frustrated over something else. The mage felt terrible at the moment.

She used her magic to turn the chair around and slowly began moving back in the direction of the temple. She didn’t even notice the people’s stares on the way back. The only thing that she noticed was the pain from a stone that someone threw at her and hit on the forehead. The pain was pretty strong and the blood from the wound was dripping down her face. Nai couldn’t do anything besides cry silently as she finally left the town and eventually reached the temple once again. This time she didn’t bother try to enter, she just moved to the right side of the gate and sat there, using a piece of cloth to try to clear the blood from her face." I'm such a bad person..." Nai muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saina nodded in understanding to Gippal and folded her arms, closing her eyes contently as she listened to Eva's sobs impatiently. The movement was small, but her index finger drummed against her arm at a steady beat. It was agonizing listening to the summoner cry and not being able to help, frustrating even.

She opened her eyes when she heard Urick's voice speak up and looked over at him, her face a blank slate. He made some motions to Gippal, who seemed to understand the silent communication, and pushed Naisha over to Braska before he turned to her with a blush on his face.

"Temples... Center our... Minds...and souls..."

Saina blinked at him with her eyes slightly widened as his blush increased and he had to walk off, presumably to go after the redhead. She watched him go, her arms still folded. It took her a moment to figure out what he was talking about, but when she remembered what she'd told him about the temples, she smiled after him. She gave a small sigh and turned back to the group, having to chuckle under her breath to stave off the sudden handful of loud heartbeats in her chest. Resisting the urge to reach her hand up and curl a lock of hair around her finger, she caught up to Gippal and matched him step for step--or what she could, with her legs being shorter than his--as they made their way into the temple. She kept her palm upward to take the alchemy circle drifting snow onto the two above them like an umbrella until they made it inside, where she snatched her hand closed and allowed the magic to fade. She looked over her shoulder through the closing doors as the black mage sped away on her broken chair. Hmph... The girl really wasn't any use to their cause anyways. She put her focus back to the crew.

Her eyes found Eva's form relaxed and at peace. Saina, too, relaxed at the sight, rather pleased that the summoner had calmed down. The priests within offered them board and to help with Sifen's arm, but a part of the conversation caught her eye in particular.


She spoke up, turning to Gippal with an eyebrow slightly raised.

"I'd thought Urick was your brother. With the way you two interact and look alike..."

She paused, looking the pale haired man up and down before noting with a note of humor in her tone,

"Excluding physique, that is."

Her lips parted, as though she'd just remembered something and let out a soft 'hmm' as she looked around the temple. She looked back at him with a palm raised, using her hands to talk in this instance. As she'd spoken up some of the priests and temple goers took notice of the group more.

"That may have come off as offensive... I apologize. Your own physique does suit you, as well as your cousins. But, I'm getting off topic,"

She turned to one of the Yevon priests and bowed her head.

"Thank you for your hospitality. We graciously accept."

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

All the others were making their way to the various spots around town, and since Sifen was new to Kilika, he tagged along with most of the group headed to the temple. Before reaching the door, however, a sign caught his eye. "Studio for rent, Fully stocked with tools of all kinds as well as metal supplies." He was drawn to it like a fly to light.

He made his way across the streets and got close to the sign and could see into the studio. It had everything Sifen ever wanted and only... 10,000 Gil an hour. And he'd need about 12 hours work time to make his side project and fix that chair. Speaking of, a nearby cry of someone yelling "DEMON" brought Sifen's attention to the girl behind him, but between them stood a man, obviously an Al Bhed, and ready to do business with sifen. "Hello, am owner of shop, you want rent for hour?" The man said in a very bastardized attempt at the common language. Sifen sighed a sigh of relief. Haggling was much easier when you could be friendly with someone. Sifen waved the man's words aside and spoke in fluent Al Bhed. "E fuimt muja du nahd ed vun dra hekrd, yldiymmo. Pid oui caa, E's vyn vnus rusa yht tuh'd ryja dra suhao vun dryd. Frana eh Pegyham tu oui ryem vnus?"

The owner of the shop smiled. "Puo oui tuh'd muug mega yh Ym Prat, frana't oui maynh uin myhkiyka yht fedr cilr y... banvald yllahd? Oui cuiht mega oui'ja mejat eh Pegyham ouin fruma meva!" The man chuckled. He was happy and far more comfortable now, just as Sifen had hoped. But a look of shock crossed his face as he saw Sifen's missing arm and he frowned a bit. Sifen saw a soft spot and went for it.

"YMsucd, E mejat drana ymuha cehla E fyc 9, eh yht uid uv dra tacand yht , yht E caa oui'ja hudelat so ir, fuiht. Ed'c hudrehk dryd cusa kuut umt vycreuhat Ym Prat sylrehy luimth'd veq. E zicd haat du veht cusafrana E lyh yvvunt E kiacc. Tu oui ghuf yhofrana?" He smirked. The shopkeeper did as well as he brought Sifen in for a hug. The man was large, almost matching up with the warriors in his new little group. He released Sifen and shook a finger at him. He saw his guns and armor and looked at the fine Al Bhed craftsmanship despite the low quality materials he had used for them.

"Ur hu hu hu! Dryd bnela ec vun uidcetanc. Yhouha cilr yc ic fedr dra dnia ihtancdyhtehkc uv sylrehy kad ed vun, cyo, y xiyndan uv dra bnela. E fuimt mad oui ryja ed vnaa pid E haat du bid vuut uh dra dypma. Cuiht kuut?" And Sifen nodded. He had done it, all he needed now was to confront the group and grab Nai's chair. Surely she could walk for a night right? The two shook on the deal and he promised the man to be back soon before saying a quick goodbye. He hurried back to the temple and on the way passed a hotel and heard a scream but brushed it off and kept his path to the temple. He slowed his pace as he entered and approached everyone, including the cowering Eva.

"E haat drendo druicyht kem." was all he said, not realizing he hadn't switched his language back. He stared at the group who did not respond at first. "Ed'c vun Nai'c lryen yht y meddma ceta bnuzald. E vuiht y fungcrub eh dufh yht E rykkmat tufh du dryd bnela, lyh oui cbyna yho? E ryja ypuid.... veja druicyht vnus dra puydc ib vnuhd byosahd frah E cekhat uh. Lyh oui cbyna dra nacd?"" He asked, still oblivious to the fact his question was entirely in the Al Bhed language. It was so much easier for him to speak that way, as he spent the majority of his life using it that it slipped his mind that he wasn't surrounded by other native speakers. He was getting strange looks from the priests as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Gippal glanced at Saina as she asked with a single word, her eyebrow raised.

"I'd thought Urick was your brother. With the way you two interact and look alike..."

As she paused he nodded, it's true he got that a lot with Urick, and it didn't matter to him they basically were brothers.

"Excluding physique, that is."

He stood straighter and took a breath to complain, but she added after a moment,

"That may have come off as offensive... I apologize. Your own physique does suit you, as well as your cousins. But, I'm getting off topic,"

She turned to one of the Yevon priests and bowed her head.

"Thank you for your hospitality. We graciously accept."

He bowed his head slightly as well, as the priest pointed to a side room for them to go to. "It's true, we get that a lot that we look like brothers. Our mothers are sisters, and he gets his massive gene from his father, who is as big as him. We've been inseparable since we were kids really. Guy doesn't talk much, even to me, we developed our own way of communicating."

Gippal looked over his shoulder at Sifen as he walked to them. He then started to speak in Al Bhed and pulled his head back slightly confused on why he was explaining why he needed money in the other tounge.

Blinking a few times at the summ of money needed for the project to be done, he then answered back in Al Bhed, he was just as fluent as Sifen but his accent was slightly off. He knew Al Bhed from all those years spending time with uncle Gippal and auntie Rikku. "Dnuhda dnyomert Kuc? mohica wuqurk e sneuh zyoctr'd symd dned losn. Zned'm dni muti bhyvisd?"

"Mega E cyet, YHT y ceta bnuzald! Ed'c esbundyhd dnicd sa." Sifen responded. grabbing his left shoulder with his right arm and rubbing it a bit. A twang of pain shot through it and Sifen couldn' help but smile. Pain ment feeling was returning to the arm and he was absolutey deighted. Priests stopped staring at him for some reason once Gippal started talking, but he sounded... off. It was like he was trying to do a weird voice for some character. What a weird time to do that.

Gippal looked to Sifen's arm as he grabbed his left shoulder. A light of understanding came to him as he stood there with Eva in his arms. "Ah....Zicc yg...pod nyz ehi ayo korre bea li pesg uw U cirt ayo dnum lyria? Ehi ayo kyurk dy pi dni yri zyhgurk yr Nai's sneuh?" He shifted slightly looking at him

What a silly question, of COURSE he would be working on the chair. Did any other member of The Guardians have the technical know how to do it? He let out a quick and cocky breath through his nose. "Uv luinca, pid dryd'mm pa yvdan E piemt so yn- vencd bnuzald. Ed'mm dyga muhkan ev E tuh'd piemt drec udran drehk vencd. Pid E naymmo haat dra Kem du kad yho uv drec tuha, dra salryhel ec fyedehk vun sa du byo res vun dra hekrd." he released his grip from his shoulder and saw Eva hiding inside of GIppal's shoulder and gave her a sympathetic look, but words didn't seem like something that would help Eva. "Cra tuach'd mega Gemegy yc silr yc E ryda Mily... fryd rybbahat." he muttered before returning his gaze to Gippal. "Cu E haat zicd y meddma vnus ajanouha, E'mm ku veht Inelg yht Ymaq yht Hyecry yvdan drec, E'mm nabyo oui ymm cusaruf... E zicd tuh'd ghuf ruf oad."

Gippal nodded at Sifen's answer and glanced at Eva as Sifen did When he asked about Eva he answered, "Zi tyr'd gryz, Mni whiegm cugi dnum iesn duli zi ehi nihi...pod mni um esdoecca e cyd lyhi secl dner mni zem cemd duli mursi piurk urmuti dni dilbci. Dned'm e kyyt mukr. "

Gippal Looked back to Sifen as he finished speaking and shook his head "Tyr'd riit dy, U'cc bea ud. U Mnyoct erazea wyh lummurk nih puhdnteam... Pod uw ayo degi ud ayo zyhg wyh li dy bea ud yww. U nefi er Euhmnub dned'm kiddurk hibeuhm ryz ur .... U tyr'd nefi e Lisnerus pod uw ayo nefi ry xoehhicm..."

Sifen quirked up at the mention of airship mechanic. That was his last job before landing in Besaid, and by landing he means being tossed out of a moving airship after attempting in flight upgrades to moving parts (successfully might I add!) He was in a strange sort of shock. He was happy, confused and concerned all at once. "E ir, oac. Pid frana... ruf... E zicd. Dryhg oui? DRENDO DRUICYHT. Eh ouin bulgad nekrd huf. Yencreb. Taym."

Gippal smiled at Sifen. He then shifted Eva slowly not to disturb her from her hiding spot on his neck. Shifting her so his left arm held her thighs as his right hand quickly went to his back pocket, grabbing the wallet and expertly pulled out some cash, with two fingers he pulled Three ten thousand bills and handed it to Sifen. "Nihi, degi ud. Ecmy...ayo ty hiecuji zi'fi piir mbiegurk ur Ec Pnit wyh myli hiemyr... Did you mean to do that?"

Sifen blushed a bit. He hadn't even noticed he had been speaking in a different language since he spoke to the man at the studio he was going to rent. He took the money slowly and put it in one of his many pockets. "I... Had no idea." His voice had a certain accent in it that was now far less subtle as he came out of the language and back into common. "I'll uh, go find Nai and grab that chair now unless I'm needed here. Am I?" He asked already backing up slowly toward the door. Gippal didn't realize he had just given Sifen more money than he had ever had at once and didn't want to risk anything happening on his way to nai and to the shop. He looked anxious to get it out of his hands, despite the joy of having such money.

"No go ahead and take care of that...special project." He said as he glanced to everyone still in the temple. And started for the room once Sifen left. Once inside he went to one of the beds and tried to lay Eva down But she only freaked and tightened her arms around Gippals neck even more. Gippal let out an, "Erk..." As she was starting to choke him.

"It's ok..." he said hoarsely "I'm not leaving you." She loosened the death grip as he spun around and sat on the bed instead. He could tell though the temple was working, He was nearly killed the last time that happened about a year ago.

He looked to those still in the room "It's a step but I think Urick was right on, coming to the temple. She is way more calm than she was before."

The priest, came back in and asked if they needed anything else, Gippal spoke up. "Do you know when the next ship is arriving?"

The Priest gave a small smile, "In four days Sir."

At which Gippal nodded slowly, working it in his head, That wasn't going to work. "Do you have a comms Sphere?"

The priest nodded, "Yes, it's just outside of the temple. You can't miss it."

"Thank you." He said as the Priest nodded again.


"I'm fine. You don't need to bother with me. You should go with the others. They'll need you more. Especially since I can't go inside. But thanks for checking up on me. At least some of you hasn't changed. Still nice most of the time." Alex said, giving a slight smile along with a soft sigh as she walked outside, stretching.

Urick turned as she walked outside and followed, His head down as he pushed his two forefingers together. Before looking at Alex as she stretched. He looked away as his ears burned and swallowed. "I..." He stopped thinking of something better to say. "They...'re fine." He said, scratching the back of his head. "Can't... I." He looked to her. "Just spend time...with a friend?" He forced himself through it. He was freaking out on the inside still. "Sorry..." He said thinking to when she thought he was being unkind. "Just...worried bout you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex stretched her muscles, working any knots out as her fists kneaded at her muscular arms before she glanced her blue eyes toward Urick. She saw him seeming to shuffle about and turn red. Yes, she remembered this Urick quite well. So he wasn't completely gone she supposed. She wasn't sure why he acted that way around her. Then again he's always been shy, especially around women. Poor big lug didn't seem to know what to do with himself when around them and having to interact with one.

As the big muscular man managed to stammer out a few words, she lightly smiled. Glad to hear some positive words, even if they were hesitaint and shakey. "Ya know if I can survive to five years of living among fiends, I'm sure I'm nothing to worry about." she chuckled before saying. "But yeah, it's nice spending time with friends. It's been awhile since we've hung out." she said before thinkin for a moment as she glanced toward the sky.

"Hey Uri. Would you have been sad if I had disappeared when you came back?" she said softly.

She was about to say something else until something caught her attention. Whether it be a gut feeling or sixth sense, she glanced around and spotted what looked like the back of Naisha, disappearing into the crowd. "Nai?" Alex questioned before her eyes narrowed at the sight of the people. Why were they looking at her like that? Instinctevly she started walking after the Mage, pondering why she had left everyone else. It was then in the distance, she saw someone throw a rock at the Mage. The tall woman's curious gaze turned into a full on look of absolute fury.

Before she could even process what happened, Naisha had left for the temple. Body shaking and fists clenched, Alex couldn't control her temper as she suddenly bolted right for the person who threw it. Grabbing them by the neck and fighting her fists around it, almost looking like she was going to snap it as the man gasped and wheezed for air.

Alex snarled and glared, having a hard time even making audible words. It was then she realized the reason. The red head totally forgot Naisha was considered... Different. Because of the fiendish features. "You want to go attacking monsters? Try me buddy. Try it. So I can beat your face out from the back of your skull!" she shouted, watching the stone thrower try to work out of her grasp, desperate for air before she finally dropped him and let him run away. Glaring at other people around, making them jump a bit. She turned her gaze to Urick.

"Come on, let's add her to our play date." She said before storming over to the temple. Oddly, when she was just at the gates, her head started pounding but she ignored it and focused on finding the Mage. Seeing her, Alex sighed in relief, walking over and instantly grabbing Naisha's face and looking it over.

"Nai, you okay? Sorry, I forgot people were dumb with these kind of things. Especially dumb priests. Hey, how about me, you and Urick hang together okay?" Alex asked, lightly touching the wound and muttered about needing to get a potion. Leaning in close to examine it before fumbling in her pockets but to no avail. We had lost her supplies in the crash and now it was somewhere in sea and she had used he last potion to heal her shoulder. Grumbling in irritation, she shook it off and deemed the injury was at least not too bad. So instead, she took the cloth Nai was using and used it to press against the wound and wiping any blood and the access tears.

"Doesn't look too bad. That's good. Theeeere! All pretty again." Alex grinned brightly, trying to cheer her friend up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saina nodded as Gippal finished talking. She had observed their means of communication before after all, she had to admire their connection truly. Her head turned as Sifen approached and the two began to talk in fluent Al Bhed. She blinked, looking between the two of them before finding herself zoning out and walking away from them. She really didn't understand what they were saying, other than one word being 'signed,' something she'd picked up in the many books she read when she was younger.

She looked around the temple, breathing in the thick tropical air deeply as she approached one of the many stone tablets covered in inscriptions and runes. Bowing her head, she clasped her hands together and let the feeling of peace well within her. She tuned out their conversation, focusing on the hymn of the fayth and allowing it to infect her state of mind. A few memories ran through her mind, causing her gloved fingers to clasp together tightly.

Saina lifted her head to quietly peer over her shoulder at Eva clinging to Gippal, betraying no emotions. She stared at her like that, her eyes slightly narrowed before turning her head back to the tablets, her lips slightly parted. Her shoulders fell as though a weight was slowly placed upon them and her hands dropped to her sides. After a moment, her fingers traced the sphere in her pocket... and she clenched that hand into a fist.

Her focus returned to reality as she tuned back in to Gippal and Sifen's conversation when they switched over to speaking spiran once more. Saina's hand relaxed and she turned back to them before stepping slowly to be beside Gippal. She followed him as he went to the rooms and leaned on the wall across from him with her arms folded and one leg propped up against the wall. She observed Eva clinging to him with dull eyes and a spark of something rather... spiteful in her stomach. When he spoke up about how calm Eva was though, her eyes lightened up some and she nodded in agreeance. As he spoke to the priest, she looked around the room and took a deep breath before closing her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 22 min ago

The mage was still crying quietly and wiping the blood dripping from her face, when she saw Alex appear next to her. Nai realized she was so consumed by her own thoughts that she totally didn’t see when her friend appeared, followed by Urick a few moments later.

“I… I…I’m sorry!” Nai cried, feeling ashamed from herself. Alex helped Nai wipe the blood and tears from her face, but Nai still felt so bad for what she did to her friend.” I… I’m sorry, I ignored you today!” Nai cried still.” I’m just so stupid… and now I even destroyed your chance of having a good fun night together… uwaaaaaaaaa…” She cried, her eyes dancing between Urick and Alex.” It’s just that the priests looked at me with those eyes, as if I was disgusting, I just couldn’t enter with the rest… so I tried to find both of you, but… I’m sorry… I didn’t want to interrupt you… uwaaaaaaa!“

Nai certainly had her childish moments and everything that went down the last 2 days didn’t help any. Between having Gippal with that summoner, the realization of having been ignoring her best friend the entire day and now destroying Urick’s chance to have some time alone with Alex, Nai was already stressed out. She loved her friends and today she just seemed to interrupt them or just being a bother. Now with the pain from the wound on the head, she felt even a little bit dizzy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maximus stood next to Braska as they entered the temple He felt...slightly uncomfortable in the temple. It had been nearly 30 years since he left the order, just like his uncle. He knew of the corruption that was deep in the religion, he knew of the falseness of the 'truth' behind Sin and Yu Yevon. That it was only for control in a chaotic world that the religion was formed and taken deep root in the government. Yet after Sin being truly defeated by high summoner Yuna in a way totally shattered the belief system of the pilgrimage. The fact there was still believers and followers of the faith, even after all these years and as they grew once again in numbers it baffled Maximus how it could be so.

He watched as the priests accommodated for Eva and her Guardians. It was clear of their excitement of the return of the aeons, despite what had happened in Spira and in the rest of spira. Suddenly Sifen came in, starting to talk Al Bhed, he didn't know much, just a word here and there, all he got was Gil and deal. He raised his eyebrow as Gippal started speaking fluently in Al Bhed as well. He wouldn't have thought it...but he remembered who Gippal was the son of and his namesake. It made sense.

Gippal handed Sifen 30000 Gil as if it was nothing. The life of a Blitzball star/adventure/son of the leader of New Yevon. He probably never had money problems. Surprising he wasn't a spoiled brat though.

He glanced at Saina who had narrowed eyes while looking at Gippal and Eva. He wondered why she would be giving them that look. They all moved to the one room meant for Eva and he watched as She freaked out again when Gippal tried to let her go. She was definitely acting like a child now. He wondered if this was all and Act to gain Gippal's attention. He had seen similar act's while traveling.

It didn't matter though at the moment, a good night's rest in the temple was way better than one in an inn. He looked at Saina and decided to start apologizing for his actions earlier. "Forgive me... I was acting like fool earlier, having to have you drag me out of the camp. It was..." He rubbed the back of his head. "Embarrassing to say the least."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The entire time Eva was in Gippal's arms, her eyes were closed. She didn't even really hear what anyone said, but held onto Gippal with all her life. She didn't know why this happened, but the images of death and destruction, blood and gore, had frightened her to death. It replayed over and over. Like a horrible nightmare where she had no voice. All the while in a massive storm that flung everyone around with all the debris. Her reaching out to...him. The long haired blonde man in green who she knew meant something to her. He reached out to her as well but it was too late, he and she were flung apart.

She did feel much cooler though, she didn't know what it was but it was nice from the humid hot air, it seemed to help her a little. BUT it was when they reached the temple she felt the hymn of the Fayth running through her. More images...or memories flooded her mind, more of the temple...though her eyes closed, she knew what it looked like by heart, She knew it was the same temple. It just...felt right. Like...like home. more images of sitting next to the blonde haired boy, laughing... studying... practicing...holding hands...

She opened her eyes, she was still in Gippals arms...though she was sitting on her lap now. He had just finished talking to a priest asking about a comms sphere, and the priest left the room. She didn't move for a bit, taking in Gippals smell. Though he was sweaty from the jungle, and stank a little, he still had that scent that she loved. She realized though that there were others in teh room when she heard Maximus talking to Saina.

She lifted her head and looked Gippal in the eyes, only inches from his face. She blushed as she knew she was on his lap, her right hand on his chest.... she wanted so much to kiss this man. All he had done for her. He was like a white knight. But she quickly moved off his lap and sat on the bed, embarrassed that she was in his arms for how ever long infront of everyone.

Rubbing her arms, her red eyes glanced to everyone in the room. "What... what happened?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 14 days ago

Braska still stood feeling a bit left out and decided to not enter the temple of Kilika. It just wasn't his place and he knew it. Everyone had broken apart and Braska was left sorta alone. "Story of my life." The Star Player said to himself, walking away from the temple to a near by tree. He'd find something to do despite there not being much. A walk was employed to give him a moment of respite. The town was not far away and he could get a room for the rest of the day. Braska made his way back to the village, taking a little while as he took the long way. Focused on just what to do next the middle child of Tidus and Yuna nearly missed the sounds of Nai's sobs and Alex's cheerful talk. He had walked past the right place at the right time.

He took several steps around one of the buildings to see Nai with tears running down her face, a small bit of blood on her forehead while Alex seemed to be attempting to calm her. In no time he ran up to the three of them with a bright smile, Urick standing silently to the side. "Hey what's going on?" Braska asked drowned by Nai speaking on the priests and the temple, "What? Why would they do that? Eh. Never trusted priests so who cares? You are like one of the best friends I have so, ya know." Braska walked over to Nai and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Hey I'll hang out with you if you don't want to bother the others. It'll be like that day me and you hung out in Zanarkand."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex nervously watched as Naisha continued to bawl, trying her best to figure out the best course of action in order to assist. Why are girls crying tonight?! Good grief she can't handle it! She tried running through possibilities, but finally just decided on one factor she was sorta comfortable with Naisha. So the tall woman gently wrapped her arms around Naisha, pulling her close in a embrace and picking her up. Holding her closer and trying to wipe the tears away.

"Hey Hey. It's okay. It's not like that's irregular. And hey, I'm just a selfish ***** who just loves to have all of your attention. Plus it's understandable. I mean, you've been through a lot. You don't have time to fancy to everyone. Don't be so hard on yourself. No need to be sorry." The tall woman said, gently holding the Mage close and gently rubbing her back comfortly while the other was placed just behind the black hair, careful to be mindful of the horn.

As Braska came over, Alex glanced at him for a moment as he approached in his usual cheerful manner. Speaking of ignoring, he was also one who's ignored her the most. Despite her attempts to talk with him. It was just irritating though, so perhaps she wasn't in best of moods to have him in this situation. Rolling her eyes at the mention of priests she huffed.

"Ya know the priests are just a bunch of bastards." Alex grumbled before her blue eyes narrowed as Braska touched Naisha's shoulder, saying the two of them could hang out.

"We all can hang out together. It will be like old times since we were kids." Alex said before grinning. "Now come on Nai cheer up! Come on! Show me that smile! Or I'll make you!" the red head cheered before grinning mischieviously before wiggling her finger's against the mage's sides, tickling just under the rib cage before stopping and chuckling.

With a hum, Alex got a idea. "How about a little game then we hit the tavern? We can play a round of Cactuar Truth or Dare and you can go first and I'll do anything~ And I'm sure these boys can still handle it." the red head smirked with a mischievious glint in her eye. It was a old game they played a while ago. It wasn't too different from regular truth or dare, other than the fact that the questioner chooses truth or dare and the victim gets no say. They just have to pick the opposite of what the chose first for their second round.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saina looked towards Maximus as he spoke and nodded with a soft chuckle under her breath.

"Don't worry about it."

She waved her hand dismissively at the notion. She was more relieved that he hadn't noticed that the intoxicating thick purple smoke hadn't really affected her if she was being honest with herself. She folded her arms back together as she raise an eyebrow at him.

"I consider us even, and have already put such events behind."

She of course, referred to how she had been trapped in the net and trapped between Mercury and Sifen. The memory of how foolish she'd looked then alone was enough to make her grimace and cough into her closed fist with a tiny blush on her cheek. She wasn't fond of the fact that she wasn't very strong physically, trading in favor for agility, and being trapped under a full grown man clad in thick leather armor had reminded her just a little too well. Saina noticed Eva moving and looked back to Gippal and the summoner as she moved away from him, her face expressionless. For a moment, her eyes darted between the two of them on the bed before answering her question very matter-of-factly.

"You dozed off for a moment when we came into the temple, and were been offered a room to stay in for you to come to." She nodded to Gippal. "He has stayed with you the whole time..."

She trailed off when she caught her partial reflection in a shiny pillar behind Gippal. She frowned at her state. Her hair was a bit messy from washing ashore, and she could see bits of sand here and there still stuck between the folds of her clothing. Now that she thought of it, the feeling of salt had been on her skin since this morning and she was slightly sweaty from the intoxicating heat of the island. She sighed deeply, but secretly relished in the chance for a little private time. Being around others so much was quite exhausting sometimes, especially after what they had been through together. She stepped off from the wall, nodding her head to Eva with a rather unreadable expression.

"Now that you're awake, I think I'll take a moment to freshen up... Excuse me."

She left the room, closing the door behind her. She looked over her shoulder at the room she had just removed herself from and grit her teeth before making her way down the hall into an area of the temple she might be able to refresh herself in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sifen saw Saina walk into the back room, as well as Eva waking up and he smiled a bit at her well being, but his hands were shaking uncontrollably. He had the money in one of his safest pockets but just the presence of so much money was grounds to getting thieves visiting you in his mind. He'd never liked thieves, they stole for the wrong reasons. They wanted, whereas Sifen needed. At least that's how he justified everything he'd taken (which was honestly 90% food)

He continued his backing away until he hit the door and jumped a bit forward ad spun around with his fist ready. He tried to act as smooth as possible and tried to use the clenched fist to push it open, and to his dismay a sound of wood hitting more wood greeted him. He had pushed the pull doors. He scrambled for a handle and opened the door as little as possible while still being able to fit through, the sound of metal and cloth brushing the door shocked him a bit again and he was off on his way. It was a quick walk to the studio but he needed to find Nai, and knowing her she was with Alex doing... Who knows what. He saw Braska disappear into the crowd but he was an athlete and people got out of his way. Sifen was poor homeless man and people simply ignored him so he couldn't catch up to the newest member of the group. He made his way to the redhead and the defective chair at the hotel he had seen earlier.

Three people, walking down the path started grabbing people and asking them questions, unsatisfied they would continue on. Two of them where large burly men, one with a massive sword slung to his back, the other holding an automatic rifle in his hands, pointed down. Each had similar gear, but not uniform. The third was a small and very attractive woman who seemed to be oozing of authority. Though she was at least Five foot three, who was a dwarf in comparison to the men behind her. She had a simple rapier strapped to her side wearing a battle ready dress with boots. She scanned the crowed and at each person they stopped and asked they pointed in different directions.

One of the men came up to Sifen, the one with the gun, and asked. "Have you seen an abnormally large woman with red hair and a woman in a chair?"

Sifen looked up slightly at the man. He was big, not as big as Urick or Alex, but still bigger than he. He put his hand up to his forehead to block the sun and responded to his question. "Yeah, actually, I'm headed to where I last saw them now, wasn't too long ago but I'm in a rush, I actually need that chair so I guess you can just follow me. This way!" Sifen said as he walked toward the hotel, still running into the issue of nobody moving out of the way. "I'll uh, get there eventually." He said trying to step around the busy people of Kilika. He sighed and looked back at the man and smiled. "I hope."

The man lit up and looked back, straining his neck to look over the crowd to find the other tall man. Once done he placed his middle finger and thumb in his mouth and gave a sharp really loud whistle. The other man snapped his head over to see the first jerk his head, indicating he got a lead.

The second man looked down to the woman and said, "He's found a lead." He pointed in the direction of the first man and she nodded, turning and making her way in that direction. People who saw her instantly moved out of the way, causing no hesitation in her determined steps. Quickly the crowd parted around Sifen and the other man. She looked up at Sifen and placed her hands on her hips. Her stance firm. "Which way is she?" She said in a sharp commanding tone.

Sifen spun to his side where she was as if he had military training injected into him by her voice, his heels together and his posture far better than normal. "They were at the uh, hotel. Ma'am." He said. "Over that way." He pointed to where Braska had disappeared to.

She looked up at him with a scowl, the other two men looked at each other and took a half a step back she then said in a cold tone. "Do I look like a Ma'am to you? Do I really look that old?"

"Y-yes?" Sifen responded not knowing the second question was coming. "WAIT NO. Not old just... I was trying to be polite Ma-Sir uhh miss?" Sifen swallowed audibly. She gave him a cold stare for a moment, her lip turning up into small growl. She turned and her long hair whipped behind her "Better." She said as she started in the direction he pointed earlier. He too stepped aside and let her lead the way. The two other men took up a position on either side of Sifen and followed the woman. The crowd seemed to favor her. As a bonus he felt as though he was being escorted and it filled him with childish delight. He imagined himself so important that he felt like having all that money on him was normal and safe.

It only took them a short while to reach the first inn in that direction. She looked back and said, "Well?"

"I said Hotel not inn ma- ahhhh MISS!" Sifen retorted.

As he did the two other men stood straighter. Shaking their heads at Sifen and motioning him to stop by chopping their hands across their necks. The young woman narrowed her eyes at Sifen before pulling her lips back into a smirk.

"Yeah... that's what I thought." She paused to fold her arms, her lips pursing as she eyed the mechanic up and down. "Now, if you're done wasting my time, quit your daydreaming and move it."

"Geez fine. As I said that way." Sifen pointed to a building barely visible to him over the crowd. "That building there, the hotel." The young woman grit her teeth, clenching her hands into fists where they rested against her chest in her folded arms. She couldn't see a fucking thing over these people. The two men face palmed themselves silently behind her as this man was digging a bigger and bigger grave.

"I'm certain you believe yourself to be Yu Yevon? You definitely seem to be expecting the seas to part for you so I can see anything you're talking about."

Sifen looked to the two men and had a look of 'HELP ME' mixed with 'THIS IS HOW I DIE ISN'T IT' on his face. He didn't want to die young. The young woman let out a deep exhale before raising her chin up and shouting over the masses.


At first, nobody moved...


Immediately, the crowd parted straight to the inn. Down the open pathway they had made, the young woman stalked through like a pissed off tigress ready to rip apart its prey. The group made a quick move to the hotel where Sifen had directed the three. He did wonder why they were looking for Alex however, but he didn't have time before he was on the move again.

Luckily, Sifen managed to lead them to Alex, Nai, Urick and had now caught up to Braska. "See, I told you I knew where she was. Also I need that chair so..," he said walking over to Nai, the two men walking beside him.

"You'll get your chair." The woman snapped, tossing her hair over her shoulder. However, she snapped her fingers, signaling for Sifen to be pulled back by her two guards for the moment which they did by grabbing his hood and tugging the boy back.

The two guards moved up to Alex, Urick, Braska and Nai, The first loading a round into the chamber of his gun (which Sifen admired quietly, it was very well kept) while the second slid the massive sword out of his back's sheath and rested it on his shoulder. The first saying, "Alright you four are coming with us. Move it!"

Urick took a few steps in front of the men, blocking the path to them. His arms at his sides as he remained calm. "Why should we?" He said softly as he looked down at the two men, his hands tightening into fists as he felt the sense that this could turn into a fight really quickly. He didn't show it but his blood began to pump, as a small surge of adrenaline pumped into his bloodstream. He could feel his past nervousness flow away as the threat of battle came upon them.

"OH. Where do I even begin?" The woman stepped through the small space between the men, her hands on her hips and her shoulders back. She stopped just before Urick, her eyes full of a dark fire as she fearlessly looked up at the significantly taller man. "But before I do, perhaps I can ask a foreigner like you to have some fucking manners and respect the authority of Kilika. Step the fuck back... or I'll make you." Her voice both full of and dripping with venom at her last words, her eyes not leaving Urick's for a second. Sifen was slowly unraveling what he had just done in his mind. It didn't seem good.

Urick looked to the young woman in front of him. It was clear she did not fear him, it was also clear she had military training. His features didn't show any signs of breaking as he stared at her. "You are the one without respect. As you didn't answer my question."

"The answer," The young woman sneered, "Is that your friend here," She paused to glare at Alex around Urick, having to lean quite a bit to the side in order to do so. "Assaulted and put into the hospital the mayor's son. I'm taking everyone, and I mean everyone, in for questioning."

Sifen mouthed the word 'Vilg' in the background realizing what he just did. Alex didn't like him BEFORE this. And now he led the authorities STRAIGHT TO HER. And now they were threatening his other friends. He just wanted to get out as fast as possible but he needed that chair, or else Gippals gil would be for naught.

His eyes narrowed at the woman's answer. Alex did go overboard on the man, but he'd ran off on his own accord, clearly not needing to be in the hospital. Closing his eyes. He sighed. The best course of action would be to go with them. Last thing they needed was a fight with the locals. He opened his hands in relaxing. "Fine..." He said softly, though not adverting his stare at her. The woman quirked a brow at his sudden submission, but didn't question it.

"Boys, cuff 'em." She walked straight past Urick and to Alex, who she was even shorter than. She smirked up at the dark red head and pulled a set of cuffs--large ones--from her side and throwing them at Alex before folding her arms. "Not you though... You're putting those cuffs on yourself... Bitch."

Sifen stood where he was told and said nothing. He couldn't. No matter what he said or did he couldn't find a series of words to describe what he felt at this moment about what he just did. It wasn't pride though, that was certain. As one of the men lifted Nai from her chair the other pushed it toward Sifen. "As a reward for leading us to these wanted folks, you can have this." He said. But Sifen didn't move, only glanced at it and put his hand on it gently. Meanwhile the men got to work on slapping cuffs onto Urick, being a little rough with the pale haired man mostly for show for their leader. Urick simply stood there and allowed them to cuff him.

"Thanks." was all he could say. In the midst of the mans confusion and waiting for the ugly red haired girl to handle her own cuffs, she turned towards Braska as her men went to cuff him.

"Hold," At her command, the men paused in confusion but took a step back with the one bearing a sword having Naisha slung over his shoulder. She strode up to the brunette man until she stood before him. She stayed like that momentarily, sizing the athlete up and down, pursing her hips all the while. "You're Braska...?" Her eyes widened, the darkness of them disappearing in favor for a more... oddly girlish sparkle. She smirked at him and quirked a brow. "I've watched all your games, you know... I love your reenactment of the Jecht shot... It's... um... my favorite, you know?" She reached her hand up and twirled a blonde lock of hair around her finger as she spoke.

W...Was she flirting? The two other men stood wide eyed, as they never saw their captain act this at all before. The looked at each other in confusion. Meanwhile, she pressed up against Braska, mindful of how her breasts squished up against his chest as she whispered in his ear.

"I... get off at 4." She discreetly slipped a piece of paper with the address of her work (and thus the location of the cells she was transporting her new prisoners to,) in the palm of Braska's hand, her lips curling up deliciously. "I look forward to you showing me just how long you can hold your breath..." With a final wink at Braska, she turned away, sighed deeply, and glared at the guards with the dark fire returning to her eyes.

"What are you fuckers looking at? And if I look over there and those cuffs aren't on you..." She glared at Alex at that last moment. The guards snapped to attention and looked straight ahead, away from her." Nothing miss!" They both said in unison.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The minute she heard the stomping of several heavy steps, Alex set Naisha down before standing up and turned. Body stiffening and eyes narrowing in a glare, fists clenching and already ready to lay out a punch. A bunch of local guards coming up, with Sifen. In which case Alex glared at him, motioning her hands up in a 'what the hell is this' before listening to the woman speak as Urick confronted her. The red head glared and gave a huff. Irritated by such a accusation.

"What?! He's the one throwing rocks at innocent people! He actually shed blood! At most he has bruises on his pretty little neck! Oh but what, the baby has such a problem he has to run to daddy after he causes it then get the little bitch lapdog to come fight his battles? Spouting nonsense 'authority' when it's just a bunch of high status men's egos? Well, **** you too!" Alex sneered and shouted before starting to give a feral growl at the command to cuff.

"And if it's just me, why are you arresting the people who weren't involved?! What kind of sick twisted government are you running you bunch of ********?! Leave them out of this!" Alex snarled before the woman had the gall to try and force Alex to cuff herself.

She was so pissed, the red head just took the cuffs before spinning them on her index finger. "Sorry darling, but I'm not in the mood to be your little bitch for you to ride all night." Alex said sarcastically before her eyes glanced to the temple just beside them. Wondering if the others heard the commotion. Hopefully they didn't come out in case the rest of these bastards try arresting them too.

Her blue glare to a man who picked up Naisha and instantly Alex rammed him, quickly catching Naisha and holding her close in a bridal position as she snarled and growled loudly. "Hands. *******. Off. You ******* perverted ********! She's not some sack of potatoes you jerks!" she shouted.

As the woman turned toward her, as if warning if the cuffs weren't on, which they weren't, Alex glared back as the woman scowled. Unlike the other guards, didn't falter in her glare. Growling. Her temper really just wanted to beat the crap out of all of them, but they were outnumbered. Though the woman was a bitch, she did hold strength in her and probably wouldn't be a simple opponent. And most of them were too tired for a full on brawl. If it was just her in trouble, which it should, she wouldn't have much problem. But by how much jerks these people were, Alex couldn't exactly guarentee they wouldn't play dirty.

So she shuffled and put the cuffs on, but still held Naisha and her glare depend. "I'll behave like a good little ***** master if let me carry Nai." Alex said in a sickenly sweet mixed with venom voice before huffing. "Or. You can risk quite a bit of your men going to the hospital. Guarentee you'll take me down with how much you outnumber me, but I'll take quite a few with me." she said, body shifting as she glared.

Alex glanced to Sifen and flicked her eyes to the temple. Trying to silently tell him to go tell the others. Before resuming her glare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Naisha managed to show a smile between the tears as both Braska and Alex tried to cheer her up. The mage was very glad that Alex didn’t hate or dislike her because of how she acted. It’s just that with everything happening, it was so hard to keep track of everything. And difficulty to move one arm in addition to that pesky horn that was weighting on her head just made everything bloody worse.

Just as things were looking up and they were going to go have fun, everything went straight to hell… The guards appeared to arrest them in account of Alex having injured someone. After the red head explained what happened, Nai’s face paled once again.” It’s my fault…” She whispered looking at Alex. If she had just stayed put and not show herself in public, none of this was going to happen.

“…!!!” Alex gasped in surprise as someone rudely tried to put handcuffs on her hands, but found it difficult to do so with the mutated hand she had. Finally he did it and rudely took her from the chair as a sack of potatoes. In response Alex quickly gained hold of Nai.

“What did you say just now?” Nai asked as she looked at the woman from the guards, who seemed like she was calling the shots.” Did you just threaten my friends!? Because of that bastard who threw that rock?!” Nai asked her mind slowly descending into darkness. ‘Kill them!’ She heard a whisper inside the depths of her mind. “Yeah… shall I remind this town what happened before the last eternal calm!? HURT EVEN ONE OF MY FRIENDS AND THERE SHALL BE NOONE LEFT IN THIS PLACE TO REGRET IT!!!” The mage shouted to warn those guards what will be the payment in case something happens to her friends. Nai’s hands flashed as well as the small plushy doll she held in her arms. She had enough with people treating friends badly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 14 days ago

Braska was awe-struck by the authority that had arrived and were barking orders left and right. It had seemed the Nai had pissed off the mayor. Now things were getting to be a little too dangerous. With the guards looking to take them away, excluding Braska as the big boobed woman stated and Sifen who had given them away, Braska wondered how would they get themselves out of this situation. He only could stare for a bit, getting pissed at the circumstances that presented themselves. Suddenly it turned into a shouting match between Alex, Nai, and the leader female. Braska stepped forward placing half his body in front of Nai. His back was toward her but his head turned just a bit so that she could see his left eye past his hair. There was a seriousness in his eyes that many didn't get to see. Something Nai would know almost instantly.

"Nai. ENOUGH! Antagonizing will not help in this situation. Quiet yourself.....for now." Braska eyes moved toward Alex next, "Keep Nai close to you but you also need to calm down. We aren't in the best predicament." Braska turned his head back to the forces that looked to capture the group. "You listen here. You wanted me, lady. Then my friends transition to your prison smoothly. No harm whatsoever and lighten up." Braska knew this would be the only way. Once he dealt with this, he'd have to get Gippal. There friends wouldn't stay locked up for long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The guard who was rammed by Alex grunted, rolling on the ground like a rag doll till he landed on his hands and knees. Growling shoved himself back up, gripping is gun and aiming it at Alex's face. The second guard quickly gripped the barrel and gave him a cool off sign. They were in the middle of kilika, one stray bullet will be the worse scenario. They both looked to their captain as the criminal's spoke.

Urick's expression went to shock as Alex rammed the guard, he quickly had stood between the guards and them just as the second guard had gripped the gun. Urick's cuffed hands were up in a non threatening way. He sighed in disgust as he heard Alex AND Nai back talking. Things haven't changed, he felt like he was back five years ago.

"I'll behave like a good little ***** master if let me carry Nai. Or. You can risk quite a bit of your men going to the hospital. Guarantee you'll take me down with how much you outnumber me, but I'll take quite a few with me."

“What did you say just now? Did you just threaten my friends!? Because of that bastard who threw that rock?! Yeah… shall I remind this town what happened before the last eternal calm!? HURT EVEN ONE OF MY FRIENDS AND THERE SHALL BE NO ONE LEFT IN THIS PLACE TO REGRET IT!!!”

Lenora watched as the redhead blatantly grabbed Naisha from one of her men, proceeded to sass her, and watched as the mage began to threaten her. The authoritative figure only slowly smirked as she crossed her arms, tapping her finger against her appendage as her eyes flicked back and forth between the two.

Oh this was too fucking good.

The Guards smiled at seeing their captain did this. They knew what was to come, and frankly, the one with the gun was grinning even more so as he was the one assaulted by the tall redhead. "Now you are gunna get it, you stupid broad. Captain Lenora is not as forgiving as my friend here."

Urick was looking to the guards and the captain wondering what was going to happen, he took a few steps back towards Alex and Nai to calm them, but then Braska had to start shouting.

"Nai. ENOUGH! Antagonizing will not help in this situation. Quiet yourself.....for now." Braska eyes moved toward Alex next, "Keep Nai close to you but you also need to calm down. We aren't in the best predicament." Braska turned his head back to the forces that looked to capture the group. "You listen here. You wanted me, lady. Then my friends transition to your prison smoothly. No harm whatsoever and lighten up."

Lenora looked at Braska and blushed when he approached. However, she half closed her eyes as he demanded their friends be treated with respect. Urick looked at Braska like he was an idiot, why was he doing this?

"Sorry darling," She explained, her voice rather placid as she closed her eyes. "What I'm about to do next is completely protocol. With threat's against the citizens of Kilika and the attack on one of my men, I am in total justification of what I am about to do... And besides..." As she talked, she moved her hands forward, her voice surprisingly... relaxed. Both of her hands were covered in thick, iron gauntlets not unlike the one that Urick wore. The exception in their appearance dealt with an electric blue line running down the palm and digits with a myriad of buttons on the wrist, which she was pressing now whilst nodding for a guard to get Braska out of the way.

The one guard with the massive sword moved forward and pulled Braska back with an arm around his neck, quickly giving Lenora plenty of room. But he quickly let Braska go...fearing that he would suffer some sort of punishment from his captain.

The buttons being pushed now, there was a sparking sound from the gloves... and then... with a sound of thunder, lightning erupted from the iron gauntlets, crackling the air with blue zig-zagged line all around her. The amount of static given off of the weapons were so intense that it blasted the Captain's long hair back in the force. She looked up with a twisted grin at the redhead who dared oppose her as she held the dark haired mage.


Urick moved in between Lenora and his friends, Trying to raise his hands to calm the woman. "Please! Don..... GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" His hands had gotten to close and the electricity jumped from her gauntlets to his. Tensing his entire body as he fell to his knee forcing himself to grit through the pain of all the voltage coursing through him. He couldn't breath, But calming himself and gritting the pain, he closed his eyes and forced a breath of air out as he went into a semi meditative state, which caused the pain to mostly dissipate. However, it took some major concentration. Captain Lenora didn't even spare the large islander a glance as a strike of lightning from her gauntlets hit her boots. The iron boots looked similar in design to her gauntlets and upon being electrified, glowed blue.

The Captain took a single step forward... and appeared again in front of Alex, as though phasing from thin air. Her eyes were wild and wide as she swung her hand forward in a claw-shape, piercing the redhead's skin just below where the amazon's armor ended and her shorts began. Piercing the skin with the sharp, claw tips of the gauntlets, the thousands of volts of electricity shot through the red head, all around the two women the air cracked with intense electricity....

Then it was over. The electricity faded away and the redhead wound be instantly knocked out from the lightning that had just been pumped directly into her veins. As she fell, so too did the loudmouth mage that had threatened the end of the eternal calm. Lenora grinned sickly as her heel came off the ground and soared towards the mage.

"And I haven't forgotten about... YOU!" She slammed her the her iron-clad heel against the mage's gut as she fell, kicking her with such force that it punted the dark haired woman a yard away from her fallen amazon friend. Captain Lenora smirked, her hands on her hips as she let out a chuckle in her throat.

"You dangerous criminals..." The ruthless captain grinned widely as she tilted her head back. "Are under arrest by the Kilika Division of the Youth League."

Urick had managed to stay awake long enough as the electricity passed through him had ended. He had turned groggily, pulling himself out of his semi meditative state to see Alex on the ground and Nai rolling across it.

"That..." Urick grunted, "...wasn't necessary." He stood back up, and stumbled over to the unconscious Nai, placing the back of his armored hand in front of her mouth to see if she was still breathing, with the more moist air from her mouth fogging the shine on his gauntlet he sighed in relief.

He looked back to Lenora, every fiber in his body wanted to attack her right now. He force himself to calm though. He took a deep breath in as he stood back up and turned to her fully, as if defiantly. Lenora looked to him and bristled as he stood. Her teeth grit and her hand immediately went back to her button-pad, readying another charge. She held out her gauntlet without the digital pad up toward Urick quickly, ready to shock him should he come closer.

"Step back," She hissed, "Or you'll wind up just like them."

Urick took the few steps towards her before she threatened him. Once she did he stopped, then slowly raised his hands as if to show he was giving up, but gripped her hand with his right, squeezing. The metal in her gauntlets squealed in agony from the pressure and the electrical wires in the gauntlet started to spark. Causing the stored electricity to jump onto him again, but it didn't faze him as much as it did before. But he stopped, as soon as the electricity faded, having accomplished his goal of breaking the gauntlet, he lowered his hands and looked down at her. He said nothing, but his eyes showed anger, and restraint. He could have easily crushed her hands, but he didn't only enough to leave a bruise.

Lenora had stared in shock as he cracked her gauntlets in his palm... and slowly looked up at him. Her eyes slowly narrowed and the corner of her lip pulled back into a snarl.... before she reared her iron-clad foot back and struck him with a swift kick to the groin.

Urick grunted, his mouth opening in a silent yell. He reached down, covering his....manly parts and bent down slightly, but did not fall to his knees. Taking a few breaths he groaned softly lowering his head, almost into the fetal position. Soft groans could be heard from the two guards as well, both were wincing as they covered their parts as well. The unspoken pain of that area was known to all men.

After a minute he slowly stood up again. taking slow and controlled breath's he glared at the woman. "Not....Necessary..." He turned his back to her. Lenora responded with a slightly pouty lip and a raised eyebrow as she folded her arms.

"You will be paying for my weapon, foreigner." She plucked off the now broken gauntlet and flexed her hand painfully as she strode ahead of them. "You can also have the honor of carrying your... friend over there. Boys, deal with the puny one, won't you?"

Urick bent down and lifted Alex up in his arms. As the guard with the sword picked up Nai and the other aimed his gun at Urick's back. As they started walking, the man whispered, "Sorry mate." As he had great respect for the gentle giant.
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