"Sometimes the bad guys are the only good guys."
In a world of heroes, of never ending marvels, there are villains. Those with greedy, and ill intentions that use their abiities, their talents for their own gain. But, evil never wins does it? So what do we do with these individuals? Do we lock them away for ever, only for them to make their escape, and return to their rampage? Do we simply execute them, and flush all their wasted potential down the drain? Or do we use that raw, untapped power to better the world?
Gentlemen, that's what I'm proposing we do. My group has been tasked with the rehabilitation of these super-criminals. We can, and will make them serve the greater good, to serve their country. Now, of course our subjects have some suffer mental issues given their choosen lifestyle. So we can't expect them to do this out of th kindest of their hearts. So instead we force them to. We've developed nanobots, tiny bombs to be injected into their blood stream. With this they'll do what they do best, look out for their best interests.
With these super-villains under control we'll be able to do things normal black op teams cannot. All with plausible deniability. For your consideration, Project Rehab.
- Dr. Marcus Fisher
Project Lead
Project Lead
Hello, hello, hello! So yeah, it's basically a Suicide Squad rp. Cept it not based in the DC universe. No, the way I thought of it, it's more closer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In where it's more Sci-Fi, with some lighter notes of Fantasy. Hope that makes sense.
For the plot I was thinking that the US government has green lighted the project, and has assigned a young rookie agent to supervise the team. Anyways I'm not sure if I'll make it or not. Let me know if you'd be interested in it, and want to unleash your inner psycho.