Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex glanced to Naisha as she shouted as well, fingers gingerly tightening around the Mage before glancing to the Captain. The red head's glare turned to Braska as he tried scolding them. "Why? Can you actually say anything I said was a lie? Yes I went overboard, but not enough to hospitalize him. She probably abuses her own men way more seeing how they are all acting like neutered dogs around her. She just wants a excuse to abuse people. Well fine. Doesn't mean I'm going to roll over like these morons just cause she can beat the shit out of me when they are doing something just as wrong, or worse then I did. They're arresting two innocent people who did nothing and treating them like garbage and probably don't give a shit with the rest of innocent people unless it damages their reputation. In the most cowardly way possible. She's just a coward and honorless." Alex snapped before watching the captain's gloves glow with electricity. Urick stepped in front of the first blow and her blue eyes flared with rage.

It was then the captain appeared in front of her, but Alex showed no fear and simply glared back. Electricity, probably something the red head wouldn't be able to handle as well. Anything elemental, even if it wasn't technically magic, always bloody hurt. The red head could hardly defend herself with her cuffs on and carrying Naisha. Why did it always have to be elemental magic shit? So with a feral snarl she twisted her upper body right to swing and shield Naisha as the red head felt the electrifying blow.

Electricity coursing through her veins and blood, Alex stumbled, her blue eyes flashing red for a moment and her collar seeking to vibrate, feeling hot against her skin before she twisted herself as she collapsed to land on her shoulder and not crush the Mage. Her vision going completely black, knocked out. Which meant the nightmares began again.

Instantly she woke up in the pitch darkness. Her eyes glanced around as she looked herself over. Still present age. Blue eyes darting through the blackness, she watched as blood seeped from the ceiling and floor, covering the darkness in what looked like a endless battlefield. Bodies littering the area. She had to wonder why even when knocked out, these dreams never seem to end.

Hopefully, she woke to reality soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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‘CURSE YOU AND ALL OF THIS CORRUPTED TOWN!!!’ Nai though in anger when the first punch connected, just before she lost consciousness. She did indeed threaten all the town with destruction, but look at her, she was an weak and injured still girl. Her magic power had yet to recover to any significant degree.” NAISHA!!!” Four different voices shouted in surprise and horror inside her mind, but all faded to black pretty much instantly.

Undefined time later~~~

‘It hurts…’ Nai thought as she began feeling the pain caused by the impacts by the injury that that guard caused her. Her stomach hurt so much that she couldn’t help but silently cry while trying to wake up completely. She felt something on her human hand and eventually after a few minutes of silent cries and attempts to open her eyes up, she managed to do so. She laying on the floor and had handcuffs on her wrists. She tried to stand up, but her weak body barely managed to move. Then she tried plan b and attempted to focus her magic, but that pretty much failed immediately also. Those handcuffs were disrupting her magic…” Damn… you all…” She muttered, as she slowly began crawling towards the wall. Her stomach hurt just from the moving… and the monster arm that basically she couldn’t move didn’t help any.

Finally she managed to reach the wall and after a series of tiring and difficult for her attempts she finally managed to sit and lean next to it.” I’m so going to blow this prison… and going to teach that perverted sadistic maniac a thing or two too…“ She muttered to herself while throwing evil angry glares around, trying to find something interesting about the place she was held at.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 13 days ago

Braska could barely contain himself at the events unfolding before him. He figured he would be able to reason with them but no one cared for his words. Logic has thoroughly went out the window and his "appeal" didn't work against the female authoritative figure. They had gathered up his friends and left, leaving the young blitzball star with Sifen, the last person he wanted to see. His right hand shook violently and his eyes flushed green for a moment. In that moment he turned around quicker the a lightning bolt and threw his fist at Sifen's right cheek. His face contained a look that could terrify a fiend.

Sifen stared at the scene he had jsut caused with a look of awe. He had no idea what just happened or why he had to be the catalyst of the event, but there was NO way he could easily repay this debt. He stood staring where everyone once was and barely notice Braska coming before a fist caught him in the face with no time to dodge or anything. Sifen had been hit before, hit by bigger guys than braska, but braska was faster and his hit stung before it hurt it was so fast. He fell onto the chair that stayed afloat by whatever it was that did it. Some magic thing. "I...I didn't know." He grunted out, grabbing his jaw that luckily didn't dislocate or break. "I had no idea... who are you?" He asked. He saw the man on this ship and with the group but they never met. he got the same type of first impression as all the other guardians though, thankfully.

"I'm son of Tidus and Yuna, Braska. Those same friends you just got sent to jail, I grew up with. Now WE and mean we have to get to Gippal so we can save them." Braska's eyes had returned to their normal color and his mind was clear of all negative thoughts. This was a very terrible situation and it complicated things further. To think all Braska wanted to do today was play some Blitzball, visit his folks, and enjoy a good day in Luca. To think he'd meet a summoner and her guardians who happened to be his friends. "Yo...let's get moving. You stay in front of me. I'd hate for you to go telling again."

"I... I'm busy. I can't just go back right now I have to..." Sifen glanced at his stub of an arm and then gestured to the chair. "I have work and Gippal gave me money and I don't want to return until it's spent. I can't, it'd be too much I need... I don't know. Ruhun un cusadrehk" He leaned into the chair to push it toward the shop a bit.

"I don't give a shit. I really don't. Its either go with me or deal with me. Lyfi ud, yh cymi dzy ehlm."

"I don't want to fight you.. Braska was it?" Sifen pulled his hand off of the chair and faced Braska. "I don't think I'd win but I can't go right now, I'm sorry." He didn't clench a fist or look like he was ready for a fight at all. More scared than anything. Sifen didn't want to be here, not in this city, not in the guardians not on this island. He wasn't a fan of people, he wasn't good with them and he was fine before they came back in his life. He just wanted to be alone.

Braska sighed and placed his left hand on his hip, fist closed. "Ya know I was a rather happy man until today. But currently I'm in the mood for a good ol' rage. Ugh." He turned his head a bit to stare at the path that laid before him. "I don't have time to argue with you."

"Then let's not." Sifen said, leaning back into the chair, pushing it with his right arm and leaning his left shoulder into it as well. "They are at the temple. Please don't tell them it was my fault." He begged, nearing the exit of the hotel.

"I'll think about it." Braska gave Sifen the only words he cared to shove out at this point. Without another word the middle child was off to meet with Gippal. It would take some time to get there but Braska was quick on his feet. "What a guy. Get's Nai and the others locked up, doesn't want me to tell Gippal it was his fault. Jackass." Atleast thirty minutes passed before he finally arrived the temple, eyes scanning the inside of the temple. Priests turned to stare at the panting man almost instantly recognizing his face. He did look like his parents so it was a dead giveaway.

"Now is not the time. Man. Silver Hair with a younger female." The priests pointed to the nearest room and Braska bolted faster then a wolf hunting a rabbit, or whatever fiends hunted. "GIPPAL!" Braska burst through the door, "We got problems. Some jackass name Si...Saf...Sifan....you know him..welp "accidently" brought the authorities to Nai, Alex, Urick, and Maximus. They are now currently residing in a jail cell. So ya know.......we gotta save'em."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I consider us even, and have already put such events behind."

Maximus sighed, glad that she did, though he knew why, since he had seen her trapped up in the net. Quite adorable it was. Adding in the blush as well he smiled but said nothing. He then noticed Eva moving on her own.

Gippal had looked into Eva's eyes as she stared into his just inches from his face. He couldn't say anything, but he noticed her hesitation as she quickly moved off his lap next to him. He didn't notice how warm he was feeling at the moment. She then asked what happened and he was still silent for a moment when Saina took advantage and told her.

"You dozed off for a moment when we came into the temple, and were been offered a room to stay in for you to come to." She nodded to Gippal. "He has stayed with you the whole time..."

"Now that you're awake, I think I'll take a moment to freshen up... Excuse me."

Maximus nodded and moved out of the way that she could walk past. He then looked over to Gippal and Eva, who were both still sitting on the bed. Eva looking quite embarrassed. Maximus cleared his throat, "You've said this happened before...do you know why?"

Gippal looked up and shook his head, while Eva did the same. "I... I don't know...It's just that...when ever I'm here...just can't handle it." She answered softly as she lowered her voice and wring her hands together.

Gippal glanced at her, and at the room. "But you are managing fine now. You didn't peep a word the last time we were here." He spun a forefinger around with out moving his hand, indicating the room. "Maybe this place was familiar to you."

Eva looked at him and nodded, " I...I do feel comfortable in here. But...no new memories." She started to rub her arms again. As she did Gippal took off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders. She smiled and pulled it over herself more. She knew Kilika was important to her. She had a life here before. She just...couldn't stand to be here. But somehow the temple grounds was different. It felt... like home. Yet... it felt so different, something...some one was missing. A flash of the blond haired boy came to her mind. Was it him? She jumped as the door slammed open. She wrapped her arms around Gippals. While Gippal reached for his knife, and Maximus glanced at the door.

"GIPPAL!" Braska burst through the door, "We got problems. Some jackass name Si...Saf...Sifan....you know him..welp "accidently" brought the authorities to Nai, Alex, Urick, and Maximus. They are now currently residing in a jail cell. So ya know.......we gotta save'em."

Maximus raised an eyebrow. "How did the authorities get to me?" He asked very calmly. Though a little confused.

Gippal stood up, Eva let go of his arm as he did. "What?" He took a few steps to braska. "What the hell happened? Why were they arrested?" He didn't believe Sifen would actually send the authority's after them, he didn't know him that well, but seems he's not one to back stab them.

Before Braska could say anything Gippal sighed, "The last thing I wanted do today is to play politics..."

He glanced to Eva and said, "Please wait here... you need some rest."

Eva sat up as to protest but she stopped herself, he did need to take care of his friends. She nodded and said, "Go on.. Ill be fine."

Maximus then added in, "I know some higher up's in the youth league, perhaps I can get some unpaid favors to help us."

Gippal nodded, "Good, we need everything we could use." He pushed both Maximus and Braska out of the room. "Tell me exactly what happened, "

Leaving Eva to herself, as the door shut behind her. She laid down on the bed and pulled the jacket closer to her, breathing in Gippals smell, She closed her eyes, curling into a fetal position.

Urick now sat in a cell a crossed form Alex and Nai, all three in different cells. Nai had woken up and started muttering as she dragged herself to the wall.

Looking over to her he asked softly..."Are...you..Ok...Nai?" He stood up and moved to the bars. placing his hands on them. Rubbing them slightly, they had taken his gauntlets from him... and he felt quite naked with out them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Down the hall, Saina shut off the water in the large bathroom she'd found and stepped out of it, her skin bare. She quietly found some cloth to dry her frigid body, dark and blue hair plastering against her face as it was heavy with water. She'd managed to shake off the sand from her clothing, much to her own pleasure, and had rested them on a seat on the opposite end of the room with the sphere on top of it.

She gave a heavy sigh as she squeezed the water from her hair into the sink, her breath visible. Honestly, this had to be her favorite part of the trip so far. It was easy to get caught up adventuring and not focus on personal hygiene. Officially salt-and-sand-free, she pulled first her shorts back on, looking at herself in the foggy mirror as she buckled the belt around her hips. The way she had felt when Eva clung to Gippal had washed away, spiraled down the drain with all her worries and refreshed her mind. She met her own expressionless demeanor and slowly pulled her lips into a smile.

A warm sensation spread into her heart, and she had to chuckle to herself. Perhaps things would work out...

Saina turned away from her reflection and worked to tie her bikini top against her breast, making certain that the strings were pulled tight and wouldn't move. She picked up her cloak and hesitated. Her hair was still pretty wet... She set the cloak down and moved to the sink. She lifted a hand, pulling the water from the hair and freezing it away, she plucked the formed ice sickles from her hair to leave behind in the sink. Satisfied, she used her hair tie to pull her hair into it's usual spiky high ponytail before pulling on the rest of her gear; her (thankfully fresh from the temple) socks and boots, cloak, and black gloves. After securing her katana against her hip she hesitantly reached down and picked up the sphere she had left for last.

Her lips pursed as she looked down on it before putting it in her pocket. With a stretch and another quick glance in the mirror, she left the large bathroom behind. She closed the door behind her and looked up as she heard Gippal's voice down the hall. Maximus and Braska were also exiting the room they had been in with no sign of Eva. Her eyebrows raised and she approached them, looking quite fresh and ready to handle anything.

"Gippal? What's going on?"

She glanced to the room Eva had been in and decided that the summoner was probably napping. She didn't give it another thought as she looked to Braska and Maximus curiously. What was Braska doing here...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Naisha heard Urick’s voice and focused on the source of it. She quickly noticed the huge man after her sight cleared and got used to the lighting in the prison.” The place that stone hit me hurts, my chest hurts from that ice spear thing, my stomach hurts so much I can barely move and my magic is sealed… aside all that, yeah I’m fine.” The mage replied with grim voice… “ Alex?! Are you here? She is somewhere here right?!” She finally asked the tall man. She remembered the tall girl took a major blows too in combination with that electricity.

“Damn…I’ve never been so humiliated in my whole life...” The mage hissed through her teeth.” Her, I won’t forgive…” She continued and there was a certain very dangerous determination in her eyes. For first the mutated hand moved almost as normal as she scratched the stone floor with it’s claws without realizing it.” One day everything will be paid in full. May not be today or in the upcoming few days, but eventually I will repay her and everyone involved in this in full…”

“Nothing will stop me… when the time comes.” She mumbled as she began already planning what she will do to that guard captain. Despite the weak body, Nai had a very strong personality, which usually boded bad for anyone she gets angry at. There was a reason why no one dared to stand in her way when angry in Besaid. Right now her abilities were weakened, but her body was bound to recover with time. Even now despite her magic sealed, she could actually feel that the damaged energy channels in her body were healing faster when they weren’t overloaded with magic energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

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Sifen watched Braska disappear from his view and sighed. He was in too deep to dig out and he'd rather be buried alive at the moment as opposed to seeing who was waiting for him on the surface. He pushed through the crowd, people made room for him now that he was very obviously missing an arm and trying to push something, people felt bad but not bad enough to help it seemed. He made it to the shop, but the man wasn't there, just a sign on the door written in Al Bhed detailing where the keys were and where Sifen should put the money. That man put some joy into Sifen's life, trusting him not only to pay but to hold the key to his business. Sifen wouldn't mess up twice in one day, that was for certain.

he pushed the chair off into a corner of the workshop, it wasn't gonna take too long to fix and he needed more time for his new project first. He had a basic understanding of a lot of different types of Al Bhed tech, and recalled a man named Raphael Siegfried, who went by the name Raven at the time, asking for a custom order from one of his many mentors. He had helped build a machina prosthetic that also had the ability to be weaponized in multiple ways. However the ways Sifen had planned for weren't the same as this Raven man had wanted. He searched the shop for a multitude of vices, files, drills, saws and sandpaper. A few wires and some scrap metal and he was set.

8 hours later

Sifen, using the vices as a second hand and the various tools, had managed to make a functional arm. He had a bit of help from a stranger who wandered in at the three hour mark, but he was just dropping off some supplies and didn't do anything other help map out nerves and veins in his arm that he couldn't do without a mirror. The worst part of the whole thing was wiring the thing into his arm, it hurt more than anything but once the connections were made they felt good as new. Sure, he couldn't feel with his new left hand, but he could store more bullets and other things in it's hidden compartments. He even had plans for some weapons he could build into it, but he didn't want to spend all his time on that and forget the chair. Ok, he really did want to, but he couldn't do it from an honor standpoint.

And so he did some tests and it worked perfectly after the last few tweaks he made to it. He felt almost whole again. He tested out carrying heavier things and he still relied on muscles in his upper arm and shoulder for that so he wasn't any stronger, but he could take hits with it he couldn't before. It'd take a lot more to cut this one off. With that done, he moved to the chair. This mysterious floating chair. The crystals on the bottom seemed dimmer for some reason, but Sifen was already fairly tired and was sure Nai could deal with it.

He attempted putting the chair on it's side far too many times before giving up and sliding underneath it. He separated the piece holding the crystals from the chair and let that just sit in the corner hovering more... wildly than before, it must have been used to the chair's weight and was now adjusting for the lack of it as it danced on the ceiling. Machina could've adjusted by then but magic must have been different. He scoffed at it. What a useless thing magic was. He pulled out all the parts int he chair and put the shell over by a wall and got to work on the rest of it.

The engine was gutted and rebuilt, cleaned and greased. Something it looked like nobody had done in a while. The hum he heard when he first encountered it was substantially lower, but the rest of the pieces needed work and a new power source was needed for sure. it seemed that the magic was what did it before but Sifen couldn't have that nonono! He walked over to the crystals and put them on the table before him and stared at them. He poked them and even tried to chip a piece off with a screwdriver and a hammer but nothing happened. He hooked a few wires up to his arm and felt a surge of energy go through it, a new energy he had never felt before and he immediately felt sick. He had no idea but that was the first time Mana had ever moved through his body and it was a worse feeling than any he had felt before. He was light headed and dropped plopped his metal hand on the table and began dry heaving almost immediately. He ripped the wires off of his arm and staggered back, wiping sweat from his forehead. He noticed he had ripped a crystal out and flung it across the room, bouncing off a saw blade and hitting concrete hard twice after bouncing off of a wall. Sure enough it was undamaged and a new challenge presented itself. He used a shovel and a pair of grips to put the crystal back in place and managed a little tweaking in to make the crystals not fall out again, not that they did before Sifen got to them, but he fixed it so that it wouldn't happen should he need to check it out again.

11 hours and 45 minutes had passed and Sifen was finished, or so he thought. He had to test it and hopped into the chair, which instantly adjusted to his weight. He turned the thing on and it was much quieter (although most people probably wouldn't notice. It was a very well made machine and was quiet to begin with.). He pushed forward and the device moved. He continued running speed tests and at the exact 12 hour mark since he had received the chair he got the idea to make an overclock function to make it go faster when the chair just dropped. Everything inside was running fine but it just wouldn't float. He looked and the crystals were no longer bright, they were near black and had a much less saturated color. He clicked the whole chair off and the owner of the shop was approaching. His time was up and he had no more money so he hurried out the back before the man would notice he stayed a few extra minutes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Gippal? What's going on?"

Gippal looked back to Saina, seeing that she had freshen herself up pretty quickly. He glanced at Braska and then said, "Apparently Urick, Alex, and Nai have been arrested by the Youth League. Braska was just about to explain why." He looked at Braska with a nod, indicating for him to continue.

He looked down at himself, he was filthy, his white shirt had dirt stains on it and his hair a rats nes, Sand everywhere. Not the best way to act all political, but it couldn't be helped. He pushed his way out of the temple doors, pushing the door hard enough for the others to simply walk through with out having to hold it open. Listening to Braska as he led the way to the place where they were being held.

When Urick was asked if Alex was here he nodded, then realized she wasn't looking at him he said softly, "Yes..."

Urick then looked down at his cuffed hands as she spoke, grumbling and swearing oaths under her breath, he knew she could get angry, but holding such anger like that didn't befit her. He closed his eyes and stayed silent for a moment "Not....forgiving...only hurts..."he swallowed. "...You in the...end." Personally he hated that Nai and Alex, was hurt. He knew things would have been taken care of, if they were just to follow the woman in the first place he was sure they would have been just fine. He knew Alex was a hot head, he could have stopped her. It was his fault he allowed this to get so out of hand. But he didn't expect Nai to be so as well.

He fiddled with his hands, he wished he had his knife and some wood to pass the time. It wouldn't take long, he knew Braska and Gippal will be there as soon as Braska got a hold of Gippal. As soon as he was here things will be handled. His thoughts then moved on to that Gauntlet the captain was using, a bit flimsy compared to the metal of his gauntlet, but... if he had managed to integrate that into his. It would only be a useful tool that complemented his style.

He noticed a man in another just next to him wake up, yawning. His face was covered in darkness but he could tell the man was shirtless, wearing black jeans and boots. The man turned to face him, his face still covered by the darkness. "Urick?!" The man sounded shocked and surprised.

Urick raised an eyebrow as the man said his name, and hearing the voice he knew exactly who it was.

"What are you doing here? You in prison? Never would have seen that!" The man stood up and walked into the light, revealing his short messy green hair and his charismatic smile. "I was just about to call you and Gippal. But heh heh...you know, got sidetracked."

Urick frowned and asked, "What...did you do Hector..."

Hector smirked and scratched the back of his head. "Relax! I didn't get snagged doing something illegal or anything. Just.... miss read some conflicting signs.... and now I'm here...been here for a couple of days." He pulled up a chair and sat in it backwards, folding his arms on the back of it and gave a satisfied smile. "But oooooo it was worth it." He gave a warm smile as his eyes got lost in his imagination. "What. A . Woman!" He paused for a moment and added, "She definitely has one of the best great right hooks I've felt." He pursed his lips and nodded a few times.

Urick sighed and shook his head, his hands covering his face. He should have known. Hector was known for his love of women, normally could be seen with three or four where ever they went. Didn't matter what town or city. He seemed to know women from every where.

Hector looked across the way and saw Nai and Alex. "Hello!" He said as he stood up. He noticed the redhead was out still and the frail looking black haired one huddled against the wall. "Well well I go to sleep and now I have three new neighbors. Busy day for the Youth league." He said mostly to himself.

Urick pointed to Nai and said, "Her...name is...Nai. And the other...is Alex."

"Friends of yours?" Hector asked as he glanced at Urick, who nodded in answer. Hector then Looked at Nai and said, "Well hello there Miss! My name is Hector Langlois...well Captain Hector Langlois. It's a pleasure to meet you!" He said with his most dashing smile. Positioning his arms just so as he leaned against the metal bars to reveal his very tone and muscular body with out being obvious he was. Many years of practice.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he noticed the Horn and and arm. really weird, definitely not half ronso... he met a few. Really weird looking people. And they never looked the same. But he held his smile ignoring the weird horn and arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Don’t start preaching me, Urick.” Naisha replied and threw a glare at him.” You should know better than do that. That guard was lucky I’m still recovering, otherwise things would have turned very different.” She replied in annoyance. A thought occurred to her, the so called limit breaks. Depending on the circumstances there were cases for them to occur in the most bad of situations. She had heard from her teacher, that she was able to utilize incredible amounts of magic despite her own mana being nearly depleted when the limit break occurred. She hoped that it also worked when your mana is cut off too, because if those corrupted bastards tried something extreme, that may have been her only way to deal with it.” Besides I cannot forgive this… I will never be able to forgive this humiliation. You know I hate people like those.” She said and looked at the ground.

“Huh…” Was all she said when the new person appeared and presented himself as a captain. “Likewise…” She replied to his greetings. This one was one more person who may not get on her nerves right away. At least he didn’t seem to react to her fiendish appearance.” Yes considering an insane psycho nearly killed me a few hours ago…” She replied, remembering that crazy woman, and her eye twitched. Still the man probably meant for the horns and the arm.” Those are aftereffects from a fiendish creature that possessed me a while back.” She said and looked at the horn and arms.

“You said you are a captain… So tell me captain how fast is your ship?” She asked and took a better look at the handcuffs, looking for some kind of locking mechanism. In the past she had opened some kinds of handcuffs with the metal piece from the belt of her clothes. Maybe her luck would smile for once and have the chance to do so again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gippal walked into the room, slamming the door open. After hearing the story of what happened to his friends and how they were treated he was not happy. Not at all. He stopped in front of Lenora as she sat at her desk, her receptionist running in after him saying, "I'm so so sorry miss Lenora, he just ignored me." She squeaked, as she moved to her side.

"Where are my friends?" He said bluntly, as Braska walked in behind him and Maximus coming in last. Gippal was a mess, with his tight white shirt covered in sand and sweat. Rips in the fabric here and there from the wreck. The blonde haired captain had her boots set up on her desk, pushed back in her leather seat with a newspaper in hand and small reading glasses perched at the end of her nose. She looked up at the group that had just come in with a mix of disinterest and reluctance. After a moment of silence, she looked back at her newspaper and flicked a page over.

'"Sorry, can't say I know anybody going by the name of 'Friends,' you'll have to be more specific." Her voice was rather lethargic, a sign of someone relaxing after a good day's work. Gippal looked at the woman and sighed, she reminded him of the world he left behind long ago. He folded his arms and said,
"The ones you arrested today. Tall red headed woman, massive guy with white hair and a frail black haired woman in a chair." He leaned slightly down towards her, "Does that ring a bell?" Lenora peered over her glasses at him and began rolling up her newspaper as she formed a response.

"As a matter of fact, they do. And I must say, you keep some very interesting company, Mister...?"

"Gippal." He said simply as he kept eye contact with her, as the one guard with the massive sword on his back walked in and saw what was going on. He knew of Braska, he thought the man standing back with the katana seemed familiar, but one he definitely recognized was Gippal. He perked up, having missed the tone of the conversation beforehand. He smiled and couldn't help himself.

"Oh WOW! Mr. Gippal!" He rushed up and gripped his hand, shaking it with both of his own hands. "Big fan, ever since you started playing Blitzball!" Looking over to his captain he stood amazed, "I didn't know you knew two famous Blitzball players miss Lenora." Mentioning Braska as well behind him. Lenora looked at the guard.

"Professionalism, please..." She sat at the desk, properly, placing her elbows onto it while resting her chin against her folded fingers as she looked at the group. "Ah, Now I do recognize you... you were the star for the Zanarkand Abe's once upon a time..." She paused to grab a stack of papers on her desk and straighten them out by tapping them against the wood.

"Once upon a time..." He murmured as she paused. Lenora glanced at him before resuming organizing her paperwork.

"Back to the point however, your friends have gotten themselves into quite the mess." The guard looked to his captain and realized what he was doing and let Gippal's hand go, mouthing 'sorry' as he backed up to the wall and assumed his position. Gippal had given the man a small smile before looking back to Lenora, he listened to her once again as she said they got into a mess. Alex, he believed. Nai? maybe. Urick? Definitely not. He shifted his folded arms to behind his back, gripping his right wrist with his left hand.

"What sort of mess...Miss?" He asked, his blunt attitude from before quickly going away to a more...civilized tone. Lenora responded well to this, rewarding Gippal with a smug smile as she slid her reading spectacles off her nose to lay on the dark wood of the desk.

"Lenora. Captain Lenora... of the Kilika Youth League division." She sat back in her chair, drumming pale fingers against her desk as she answered thoughtfully, "To make things clear, my orders were to arrest all parties involved with the assault of the mayors son after he was significantly injured by your red-headed friend. Upon going to apprehend the suspects with the help of an eyewitness, we experienced resistance and had to take necessary protocols. The redhead proved to be most dangerous, and she will have to be punished for her actions... the others..." She took pause to glance up at them, pursing her lips as to how to word her next statement. At last, her lips parted, her eyes distant. "To quote the mage-girl... 'shall I remind this town what happened before the last eternal calm' and... 'There shall be no one left alive in this place that shall regret hurting my friends...' Yes, something like that." She glared at Gippal, her body tensing. "I won't need to apprehend all of you as well under suspicion of high treason... will I?"

Gippal's expression remained calm as Lenora explained the situation, his head did tilt to the side as he heard a quote Nai, may or may not have said. She did have a temper but he had never heard anything like that before. When Lenora asked if if she wouldn't need to apprehend them, he smiled. "Rest assured miss Lenora, that won't be necessary." He answered with a slight chuckle. He was surprised on how even his own attitude and how his anger was being quelled. All those lessons he got from his father about speaking properly and tactfully in these situations came back to him as if he had never lost it.

He lifted his chin, indicating he had a question to ask, his eyes narrowing as if he was trying to formulate the words. "May I ask who was the eye witness was?" Suddenly, the rolled up newspaper found itself being slapped across Gippals face, the captain having stood up with spitfire in her voice and flames in her eyes. Gippal pulled his head back as he was slapped, his eyes narrowed in a confused look. The guard on the other hand, went wide eyed in shock and utter fear. What did she just do!?

"Listen here you little shit, you don't question a Captain of the Youth League!" She stood over him behind the desk in her heels as she glowered down at him, her lips curling up to a snarl. "There were multiple witnesses accounting exactly to the words I have spoken here!" As she spoke, she reached into her cleavage--quite suddenly--and slammed a surveillance sphere onto the desk. As it hit the wood, a holographic mini projection popped up with the faces of both her guards, Braska, and Sifen all there. On top of it all, a play-by-play of the scene that unfolded back when everyone was arrested played from Lenora's point of view.

After watching the sphere Gippal closed his eyes, why did they have to go and get all pissy with the local authorities?! He did feel sympathy for Urick though as he got kicked in his jewels. It almost made him chuckle, but with how Lenora handled the situation and hurting Nai so unnecessarily with the kick to the gut it quickly died before it could even hint at his lips. Opening his eyes he looked to Lenora, taking a breath to calm himself down and keep up the diplomatic tone, much to his displeasure.

"You misunderstood my question Captain Lenora, I was referring to the witness of the crime that Alex may, or may not have had committed to the mayor's son. I did not mean or ever ment to imply that I doubted your testimony. Forgive me for the miss communication." He said with a slight bow of the head.

Maximus was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, watching the scene unfold. He was very displeased with the sphere and how Captain Lenora and the guards behaved. He cleared his throat after Gippal had apologized, impressed with how Gippal was handling it but had to say something about what he saw. "Captain Lenora... I do understand were you were coming from with taking Naisha, the mage, words as a threat, I would have done the same...but to me, the way you and your men handled yourselves..." He waved to the sphere. "...was barbaric." He said with dissapointment. A shadow fell over Lenora's face as a thick layer of atmosphere settled into the room.

"Hey, Old Man..." Lenora's eyes glinted beneath the shadows of her face as she locked her eyes with the eldest guardian present. "Don't think you're better than us just because you don't run with the Youth League anymore. It was protocol. If you question it, then I may just have to show you the true meaning of the word 'barbaric.'" Her words dripped with acid and a pleasantness that could melt through thick steel like liquid iron through thin paper. The tension was so thick that it could be sliced with one of Gippals simple knives. The two remained locked in that stasis, glaring at each other through the shadows of their own eyes. Did they know each other...?

Gippal looked at Maximus, who in turn only flicked his eyes to meet Gippals for a second, then back to Lenora. "I don't think I am better than any of you." he said slowly, meeting Lenora's glare with a casual one. He then continued. "Protocol calls for putting the subject down quickly, a simple touch of your gauntlet would have sufficed, but the added kick to the gut to a frail woman, despite the threat, was overboard." He pointed to the sphere as it was playing through again silently. "I would have just expected better from you."

The silence that filled the room this time wasn't the thick tension from before, but an airy, rather melancholic flavor. Captain Lenora said nothing before swiveling her chair away from the group behind her. Only the guards behind her would have caught the distant look in her eye, and she slight tremble of her bottom lip... She closed her eyes lightly, her voice both wistful and tired as she spoke to those behind her.

"Your friends are being detained for the moment. After they've been placed under their proper arrest attire, they can be outfitted to leave. I'm afraid there will be a fine imposed over them..." Her hand with the remaining functioning gauntlet drummed on the arm rest of her chair as she fought for composure, moomentarily squeezing her eyes tightly shut before relaxing them again. "I will need all three of your signatures on the proper documents before we can proceed."

"I am not signing anything till I know more of what happened. Back to my question, What of the witness who saw Alex hurt the mayor's son? Did he know why she attacked him?" Gippal said as he stared at the back of her chair. He didn't know what just happened between Lenora and Maximus, something he would ask him later. But wait....she said three...? Where was Saina!? Hadn't she been with them when they walked in...? Lenora's eyes glinted from behind the chair and she threw a decorative glass ball from her desk at the wall, ricocheting it off to hit Gippal square in the forehead causing him to crumple to the ground as she swiveled around, her fist hitting the desk as she shouted with a furrowed brow;

"Learn to respect your elders, you fucking brat!"

As soon as the group had entered the Youth League hall, Saina had decided to stop behind them as the went ahead. In the decorative hallways, she looked around and sighed. Oddly, she felt quite at home in these very expensive-looking interiors... Glancing back at the others, she quietly stepped away from them to explore the Youth League halls.

Not too far in, she found a set of stairs leading down. The pale woman stopped briefly atop them, taking a glance behind her before making her way slowly to the lower levels of the Youth League center. As she hit the cold flooring, her heels clicked against the ground, causing an ominous echo down the long corridors. She passed up several bunk rooms, no doubt where the guards would stay as she caught a glimpse of some of them napping while others sat at their respective tables having a conversation or gambling. Despite her surreal appearance, it seemed she was able to slip in this far undetected... a trait she rather appreciated in herself... However, as she rounded the corner, she was met with a large locked gate with two guards standing beside the entrance, looking at attention. Her eyebrows lifted.

"Intrigueing..." She whispered, her breath visible as she stepped up towards the two attentive men.

"Hold!" One of the guards said as they both raised their guns into a ready position, not aimed at her, but at her feet. "Who are you? You are not allowed down here." He said gruffly, looking her up and down. Saina looked him up and down right back, her slightly glowing blue gaze flicking between the two of them, her lips parting. She averted her gaze as she thought of a response, a 'hmmm' escaping like a purr from her throat. Looking back, she pushed the hair out of her face as she spoke.

"Inspections..." She murmured softly, twirling an ebony and blue lock out of her hair. "Were they not scheduled for today?" She didn't particularly care for lying, but by the looks of things the jails lay beyond these two obstacles and she felt the urge to get in ahead of the others by her own terms.

The two guards lowered their guns slightly as they stood up straighter and gave each other with a queer look. The one who spoke up first whispered to the other, "Inspections? I never heard of that. Did you?" The other guard shrugged in answer as they both looked to Saina again. They glanced at her as she spoke up again.

"Yes... Inspections..." Saina sighed, her fingers working to undo the tie of her cloak, allowing it to slide off her shoulders and expose even more of her pearlescent white skin in a show of being ready to do some dirty work. "Gentlemen, I've had a long day's journey from Bevelle and have had quite a day securing lodging for tonight, so unless either of you intend to invite me to dinner, I ask that you let me get to work. It's your raise on the line, after all..." She spoke softly, but matter of factly. Saina made a show of stretching her legs out as though she'd been resting on an airship for a long time.

Both guards looked at each other again, one having a slight smile at her giving the hint that maybe just maybe she would accept if he asked her to dinner, but the other seemed to know what he was thinking as he nudged him with an elbow. though he couldn't tear his eyes away from her as she took off her cloak. Saina stepped a little closer to the both of them, looking between the two as she gestured to the gate.

"If you wouldn't mind...?

The first one shifted back and forth very slightly between each foot, looking to her and the other guard as he thought... his fingers stretching and resting back on the gun as he tried to think if he should let her in. She seemed confident enough though... After a moment he allowed his gun to go down and hang from the strap it was attached to. "S-sorry miss." He fiddled around for his key on his belt loop and unlocked the door, opening it for her. "We didn't get the message." Saina looked at the guard that opened the door and gave him a very small smile. As she walked by him, she gave a soft, airy chuckle.

"No harm done... farewell, for the moment..." And she was in. As she made her way away from the guards, she exhaled and began to relax. It had worked... and so easily as well! She looped her cloak through the belt loop of her shorts and hurried on ahead down the long rows of prison cells. Where could they be? How many cells could even be inside the Youth League? Evidently, not too many. As she got to the end of the long hall, far away enough that shouting wouldn't alert the guards on duty, she heard voices speaking amongst each other... they sounded like...

"Naisha... Alex?" Saina stepped between the cells, even in the dim lighting of them, her bright white skin shown like a ghost. She glanced between all the holding cells before noticing Urick, his white hair showing much like her skin, and going to his cell first and foremost. She was surprised by the extreme relief that made its way into her heart as she saw him. Her gloved fingers wrapped around the bars, not noticing the shadowy figure of the captain behind him. "Urick... are you alright?"

Urick glanced away from Hector as he heard a familiar voice and saw Saina standing in the middle of the hall. His eyes widened for a moment, he then stood up quickly from his chair and moved to the bars as well. His hands just barely far enough apart to grip the two closest bars. He looked down at her, resting his head on the metal as he did. "Saina! ...What..." He cleared his throat as he felt a wave a heat rush over him. His cheeks reddened at the sight of her exposed body. "Are you...doing here?" He managed to push out.

Hector pressed his face against the metal bars to get a better look at Saina, whispering, "He-llllooo..." His eyes began trailing from the heels of her boots that accentuated her pale legs all the way up to her rump, which had just enough meat on it to give it a petite curve which gave way to her backside. Hector's gaze trailed from the scar running down her abdomen, which only accentuated the subtle wave her waist gave before conforming upwards to her perky, supple breasts, barely covered by black triangles of fabric--something he both loathed and applauded. He felt his face grow hot as at last the lines of her neck gave way to a face accentuated by a subtle, pouty lip and wide, glowing blue eyes. As if the exotic aura of her pale skin wasn't intoxicating enough, the shock of her black and blue hair made her an absolute beauty only written about in fairy tales. 'Damn...' he thought to himself, He moved over to the bars that separated him and Urick, reaching his arms high to grab the highest part of the prison bars as if it helped him get a better look at the both of them He made eye contact with Saina and gave a dashing smile.

Saina glanced over as she saw movement, blinking furiously in surprise that there would be someone else down here. As he smiled at her as he met her eyes she felt herself blush a little before shyly turning her face away to focus back up at Urick. As she blushed looking at Hector, Urick frowned slightly and narrowed his eyes at the captain, who had looked at him at the same time and saw the narrowed eyes. At which he shrugged with a silent 'What?' on his face. Urick simply looked back to Saina before moving just slightly between her and Hector, blocking his view of her.
"I-um..." She'd been a bit forced out of her element with the sudden appearance of the other man, but quickly attempted to brush it off and focus on answering Urick's question. "Gippal and the others, aside from Eva, are all upstairs looking to get you out... I came down here to make certain that you, Naisha, and Alex were unharmed." Though, perhaps she should leave out the part that she really didn't care for the redhead. From her point of view, both Naisha and Urick had nothing to do with whatever could have gotten them locked up in here.

Nodding, as Urick had thought, Gippal was handling it. He then said to her. "We... are fine...bruised...but fine..." He struggled to say, as if mentioning bruising caused him more pain. Saina looked up at him, surprised to feel concerned at the notes of his response. Her eyes studied his face and her grip on the bars tightened. Why did her chest feel tight...?

"If there's..." She began, but stopped. Urick was strong... if he said he was alright, then he was alright. She sighed, starting again. Her shoulders fell as she began to relax. It was only now that she realized that she'd been worried. "...You weren't hurt then... I'm glad."

Hector watched the little exchange between the two. As he noticed a moment to slip in, he took it. "Yeah Urick is like a rock, takes a lot to hurt him!" He pulled himself up slightly to the left to get a better view of Saina, also to use it to show off his biceps, as they flexed, holding his weight up. As she looked at him he would smile again. "Hi. Captain Hector Langlois at your service...Saina was it? Beautiful name by the way."

Saina felt herself looking at the mans biceps, just as he had wanted her to, and look away while scratching her cheek and blushing dark red. Flustered wasn't exactly an emotion that anyone wore well. "T...Thank you... Captain..." Was that steam coming off of her frigid skin?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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It was dark again though it was a little different. It was almost a dark fog that clouded her vision and surrounded her. She tried searching, saving the foggy vapors away until she heard voices. Whispers. She tried making them out but to no avail. So she kept searching, trying to find the source of the sound. She started to hear the faintest of words, yet she saw no one but cloudy figures that she seemed to never get close to no matter how much she walked.

"....Treason...... Valor.... Mothers.... Death." Alex could hear someone say but didn't understand what they were talking about.

It was then she felt a strong pressure around her throat and she found she could hardly breathe, desperately gasping for air. Or was she? Was she struggling or was she accepting it? She was unsure. She didn't feel afraid, despite being choked to death. Why was that? No anger. No fear. Just regret and acceptance.

Blue eyes snapped open as she returned to the waking world, gasping out as she found her own hands had been around her throat and was attempting to cut off her windpipe. The act of dying forcing her awake as instincts kicked in for a shred to save herself. Coughing and hacking as she gasped for air, her hands released their death grip on her throat as her conscious mind returned and allowed them to lax. Grumbling irritably as she rubbed her throat, feeling it would probably bruise.

It had been awhile since she had a dream like that one. She was bloody tired. Groggily, she sat up as memories slowly came inching their way to the forefront of her mind. Rubbing her eyes a little, she felt the heavy chains on her wrists and ankles, but ignored them as she examined her surroundings. Before looking to groggily see a woman and Urick. Alex, being Alex, said the first thing that came to mind.

"Since when did we get a wench?" Alex muttered, before rubbing her eyes to get a better vision, then saw that it was just the ice witch with a slightly skimpier look.

"Oh. Never mind it's the ice witch." Alex said, almost sounding disappointed before she forced herself to stand. Wincing in pain as her stomach throbbed.

"**** dishonorable bastards. Ya know if Sin or Thane come here and destroys this town again, definitely won't be so willing to help their sorry ***." she grumbled irritably before looking toward Urick, slightly glaring at him but still managed to say the first thing that came to mind.

"You okay Urick?" she asked before looking around.

"Nai? You here? You okay?" Alex called before cracking her knuckles and rolling her shoulders. She was exhausted. Even when knocked out on her ass she couldn't get decent sleep. Tired and injured, she probably didn't have much chance in breaking out. But that didn't mean she was going to sit around either when her friends were in here.

Grabbing the chains, Alex pulled and tugged at them, making them rattle loudly and groan at the stress she was giving them before she used her good shoulder to bash against the walls. They took away her gloves, so it would hurt a bit more if she started punching things, and they took her sword so she couldn't cut anything.


"Ow! ****!" Alex growled, rubbing her shoulder before continuing her assault.

Alex continually slammed her tall muscular figure against the walls, the bars, just about everything in the cell. They groaned and creaked and rattled at the sudden pressure they were under, but so far no breakage. Alex cursed, confident if she was in full condition she could at least do more damage. But despite that, she kept going, grunting painfully as her good shoulder was now swore. But her stubbornness kept charging and slamming herself against her cell. Looking quite a bit like a caged animal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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As they talked, the mage heard a very familiar voice, one that she by no means expected to hear any time soon at this place.” Saina…?” Nai asked looking up from the handcuffs and at the pale girl standing in the corridor by the cells.” Well, can’t say I was expecting you to appear.” She said with a smile, the mage would love it, if the ice girl went ahead and flash froze her handcuffs so she can break them and deal some chaos, but she had to control herself for now. Especially since Gippal, Braska and… Maximus was it, were at the building.

“Yeah… we are fine enough, Alex took the worst of it, but I believe she should also wake sometime soon.” The mage explained when Saina asked if they were harmed.” Actually here is a question, if all of you are here, who is protecting the summoner? Shouldn't at least one of you have stood behind to guard her?” Nai asked, without mentioning the name, she had enough things to get angry about right now, without having to remind herself that Eva was also after Gippal.

“Ahhh… talking about the devil…” Nai stated when Alex began raising some hell of a noise in her waking confusion.” Yes, I’m here and I’m better than you at least. I only got a kick to the gut, not electicity...” She said with a smile. Then Nai’s eye twitched as apparently Alex began to bash herself at the wall, which probably was a battle she wasn’t going to win easily.

“Alex, stop it!” Nai exclaimed as she didn’t want her friend to injure herself like this.” Gippal and the rest seem to be here to get us out of this place by the legal routes. Just stop injuring yourself like this, there will be time for justice… It seems it just will not be today.” She said to her friend, making clear she herself wasn’t going to let this thing slide, but the time to act wasn’t now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Saina turned back to Naisha, her arms crossing as she listened to the mage speak up.

”Well, can’t say I was expecting you to appear.”

The pale girl shrugged gently, allowing a hint of a smile to cross her pouty lips.

"I have a tendency to get myself into places most wouldn't expect to see me in," She admitted this with a note of playfulness in her voice.

“Yeah… we are fine enough, Alex took the worst of it, but I believe she should also wake sometime soon. Actually here is a question, if all of you are here, who is protecting the summoner? Shouldn't at least one of you have stood behind to guard her?”

"Eva's resting in the Kilika Temple. I did consider that when we left," She rubbed her chin with her gloved thumb and forefinger. Saina attempted to address both Urick in on this too, giving him a glance. "I feel she will be alright nonetheless." It was at that moment that the redheaded woman began to wake up.

"Since when did we get a wench? Oh. Never mind it's the ice witch."

Saina slowly closed her eyes and sighed deeply. She kept her arms crossed and leaned back against the bars that withheld Urick, watching as the amazonian proceeded to throw herself against the bars in an attempt to escape with the mage in the cell beside her pleading for her to stop. She watched the woman continually throw herself against the bars without a protest. Closing her eyes and frowning, Saina unfolded her arms after a few more moments of the loud crashing sounds that the redhead was making in her attempt to escape. Ringing her hands in a circular motion, she mumbled something under her breath.

A blue line shot across the ground as she softly pressed her heel down and lazily made it's way toward Alex's cell. Unlike when she'd given Eva her own alchemic "storm cloud" of snow, this line moved slowly. Saina even had time to refold her arms and lay back against the bars with barely cracked open eyes as the line entered the redhead's cell and watched as the ground within her cell became covered in a thin, very slippery sheet of ice. Saina turned her head away and let out a soft sigh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

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Twi couldn't keep quiet anymore. She was in AGONIZING pain and sweating. There was puke down her body and she had snot running down her face. She kept grabbing different parts of her body and rubbing them. "aaaAAAH" She screamed. "I ne-nee-NUHEED you to just please SHUT the FUCK UP and stop RUNNING INTO THIS GOD DAMN WALL" She screamed as her symptoms continued. She was shaking and rocking and rubbing her skin. Her eyes looked hollow and empty. She couldn't even think enough to stand or look at the outside of her cell. She recognized two of the people in the room that now appeared. Two that she kidnapped. Greeaaat. Not only was she in withdrawal, she had to deal with possibly being found out for being a kidnapper, murderer or a poacher. Not a good day. The girl in the cell next to her kept running into the walls and it was making her head hurt even more and so she stood up and ran to the bars. "IF you don't get me OUT of here soon.... I. Am. Going. TO DIE. AND SHE" She pointed to the wall separating her and Alex. "IS COMING WITH ME." She shouted before puking all over the bars and collapsing onto her ass with a sneeze.

She was arrested only a few hours before in the city trying to sell some drugs for money, while also on said drugs. She was at the tail end of the high when she was arrested and now it was gone and she was in withdrawal and not enjoying her time at all. She had no Idea where Durza nor Treba were and at this moment didn't care. She just wanted everything to stop and she had an easy way to do just that, sitting over in her confiscated items was everything that could take the pain away. And maybe something to break out of here. And now she sat, covered in puke, snot and sweat. Face paint running down her cheeks and her skin rivaling the paleness of that girl she kidnapped. She was beyond crying at this point, the pain was too much for that. Her insides and outsides throbbed. She could feel her pulse in her eyes and Alex Banging around wasn't helping. nor was the fight going on outside her cell. Something shattered on the talkative one's forehead and she lost it. Tears came back and she rolled over and spat on the ground and crawled her way, dragging her legs behind her, avoiding the puke on the floor as she got to the bars. "Just Let Me Out!" She pleaded. "You guys are guardians right? You can get me out right? You wouldn't leave me like this in this cell...DYING and all.. please, be heroes?" She pleaded, still crying. She gagged but there wasn't even stomach acid left in her system. "Please please please...please... please..." She said, slowly fading her voice out until her head hit the ground and she began rubbing her arms together again.

"I wanna get better..." she said. 'Tomorrow.' She thought. Her back was covered in bruises, as she was another victim of the less than gentle youth league. To be fair, she had put up a fight, and the bruises she had were well deserved and probably necessary to take her in. Juxtaposed with the whole brutality situation, maybe it was just enough to look even more pitiful. Maybe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

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Urick watched as Saina as she blushed and looked away from Hector. He let his hands fall from the bars as he looked to Hector with a slight frown. Hector missed the look from Urick entirely as he looked to the tall redhead waking up now. Urick also had looked over, he also heard what she had called Saina. This had caused Urick to look at the back of Saina, his shoulders dropping. He remembered the days he was picked on growing up. Being abnormally large since he was a kid. He was often called names, and ganged up on while living in Zanarkand, and mostly in Bevelle while at school. He hated it. Loathed it. And to hear his friend doing it made him sad.

He looked at Saina as she leaned against the bars and muttered a few words that he could just barely make out. He reached out and placed his massive hand on her shoulder, feeling the sheer coldness of her skin with his bare hands, (His gauntlets being confiscated once in the building.) But he didn't pull back. He wanted to let her feel and know that he didn't think the same as Alex did. He understood why Alex hated Saina... she had hurt Nai yesterday with the ice crystal that had exploded from her chest. But as much as he didn't agree with the tactic, or the fact his friend almost died. He saw that it had stopped a major situation in it's tracks. And with Gippal unwilling to hit Nai, and Alex almost hitting her temple and killing her surely, Saina actually saved Nai in a weird and roundabout way. But with the questions that she asked him and the way she thought (To the best of his knowledge) there was much more under the surface to Saina Cross.

Alex then asked if he was OK. After a second of realizing it was to his physical well being he nodded. He didn't need to elaborate on it. She then turned to her surroundings after asking for Nai and if she was alright as well. Almost right after Nai's answer, she started ramming the bars and walls of her cell with her shoulders. Nai instantly telling her to stop, and Saina did something as a blue line lazily went from her foot towards Alex's and suddenly Ice formed below her.

At seeing this and seeing Saina look away and sigh, he let out a low grunt. When she would look at him he would shake his head as if telling her to stop. It will only make things worse between them. Though it was clear that Saina didn't care.

All the while Hector leaned against the bars with his forehead and his arms above, clinging to the bars and somewhat holding him up. Watching as the huge woman...like seriously huge woman started smashing against the walls and bars. He was more in awe and confused, the tall woman seemed to be like a female ronso pissed off. But he instantly recognized her as Alex, the Besaid Auroch's star defender. She was much bigger than he thought she was in person. He also did NOT expect her to be acting like this. He respected women who could handle herself. But he expected....more...

As Nai was telling her stop and he was going to add his two cents as well. He heard another person, the girl who was thrown in hear before the other three, start to yell, very angrily at Alex telling her to stop. Suddenly rushing up to the bars Hector got a good look at her. She was a pretty girl....if not for the puke and snot and...yeah.

After swearing to take Alex with her she puked over the bars and Hector literally jumped back, being across from her cell. "WOAH WOAH WOAH!" He said he moved to the corner of the cell that was the corner shared with Urick's cell. Trying to get to the farthest point away from the sick girl. He started to Gag at seeing the puke, but nothing came up. "Come on! use the toilet girl! No need to be a hazard to the rest of us!"

He paused as he sniffed twice. Then went over to his cot and slammed a pillow in his face. His muffled voice came from under the pillow as a scowl could be seen on his face. "Grwait...dust grwait." As he sat on his bed.

The two guards came in at all the racket, the first one who stopped Saina first yelled. "OI! Keep it quite in here!"He slammed a small baton against Alex's cell. "Stop it! Or I will knock you out." He looked to Saina, "You ok miss? I'm sorry I'm gunna have to ask you to leave, inspection or not, We have to deal with all..." He looked to the puke on the floor and then back to her. "This."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex grumbled as she slammed against the wall, breathing a little harder as she continued to charge and tackle assaults. Though she did pause as Naisha spoke out, stopping in place as the Mage ordered her to stop. Her body reeled to continue but it didn't move either and she grumbled irritably, starting to pace but stopping her assault at Naisha's command.

Alex cursed and grumbled until she felt her foot slip and fell flat on her back with a loud bam and crack. Glaring toward Saina, the red had sat up, double flipped her off before angrily smashing her fists against the layer of ice. This hurt quite a bit more without the gauntlets. But the red head didn't really care, it was almost numbingly comforting. Smashing her fists repeatedly against the ice, making cracks and smashin it into shards, several piecing the flesh of her bare hands. Blood trickling from the cuts and staining the blue crystals red.

As someone yelled, Alex irritably stood up, raising her hands and licking them. She didn't have a potion, so she'd just lick at them. Yuna and Lulu would always scold her not to, but it was almost just instinct to lick at injuries. Blood didn't taste so bad either.

"**** off I don't have to listen to you, you rotten...!" Alex shouted back at the voice, the person she couldn't really see. Before pausing at the sound of vomiting. The red head blinked slowly and groaned irritably, feeling a sense to somewhat give the apparent sickly prisoner what they wanted, before continuing licking her hands before glaring at the guard that hit his baton against the cell, in which she kicked the bars with a hard blow, making another loud bam sound as she glared.

"Go ahead. Do it. I dare you. Come in here and try it you bastard." Alex said almost nonchalantly, kicking bars again before resuming licking her now bruised and bloody calloused hands. In a way, she just wanted to be knocked back out anyway. Apparently one of the easier ways to go to sleep and so she didn't have to listen to bullshit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Saina looked over her shoulder and noticed Urick shake his head at her. Her lips parted and her eyebrows raised as she noted his concern, but by the time that she looked back, the ice had already set off. The redhead had proceeded to slip onto her backside before growling and punching at the ice. Meanwhile, a pale haired girl across from them caught her eye.

Was that...? She squinted through the dim lighting, somehow not very surprised that the girl from before that was with the group that had kidnapped Sifen, Maximus and herself had gotten herself locked up in here since they'd last seen each other. Even worse, she seemed very sick. Saina lifted her boot as the poor girl sneezed and puked at the same time, narrowly avoiding a mess on her neatly polished high heel shoes. The pale girl briefly glanced at Hector, but was distracted when the guards from earlier came tromping down the aisle of the prison. Of course... She had tried to stop the racket that Alex was making by forcing the amazonian down via her ice, not doing it out of maliciousness. Yet, again, it seemed she had been misinterpreted and now she had lost her chance to speak with all of them about what had happened before the legalities got in the way.

As much as the guards wanted to knock Alex out, they didn't with the 'inspection' going on. They didn't want to get into any trouble if they did. They just hit the bars again and spat, "Just shut up and stay quiet. If you knew what was good for you, you would do so. You are already in deep chocoboo shit with the captain."

Urick's teeth clenched as Alex just started to get more furious by the second, as she taunted the guards to come in after her. He was growing tired of her attitude, for one that got them into this situtation, and how she was hurting herself for no reason. She was like a child throwing a tantrum. It finally got to the point where Urick was so irritated because of the constant anger flowing around him chipped away at his inner peace. Also how she licked her hands like a wounded animal just... was undignified. He tried to ignore it all but slowly started to shake with anger as his grip on Saina's shoulder tightened, with out him realzing he was doing so. Saina was pulled from her thoughts and looked over her shoulder at Urick, her lips parting curiously. Noticeing his distress, she looked into his eyes and gingerly placed a hand over his where it was on her shoulder, giving him a small, half smile briefly... At which Urick looked down to see her hand on his and realized that he was gripping her shoulder roughly. He loosened his grip and looked down, away from her eyes. As if apologizing if he did hurt her. Though it was clear that he had not.

It was then her other hand slipped under his as well, grabbing the off-guard man's wrist and tugging forward hard. The result was Urick's body slamming up against the bars and at the very least being hit square in the forehead with a metal bar. Urick, surprised, grunted at the sharp pain in his head as Saina stepped away, his body sliding down the bars as she placed her hands on her hips and looked at the guards. Once more, she had effectively shown her authority to them. Urick placed his hand to his head to check for bleeding, relieved to find there was none. A sharp breath and a muffled "Ooooooo..." Could be heard from Hector's cell as he saw how harsh Saina was to Urick.

"I'm fine... And, that's understandable." Saina sighed to them, rubbing her eyes. She took a quick, sidelong glance at the pale haired girl, her eyes trying not to betray her urges to look between Naisha, Alex and Urick. While this pale haired girl had been in the group that had kidnapped herself and the others that had been with her, it wasn't as though she cared to watch someone get sick all over themselves. It reminded her of an old friend... "I'm quite concerned however. This girl seems to be in quite a bit of pain. Do you run your prisons this way? By allowing the convicts to suffer?" She tilted her head towards the guards, her gaze a little more stony than before.

The guards stood up straighter as she glared at them, they hesitated as they glanced at each other. After a moment one of them spoke up, "She had only been here for a few hours, she wasn't acting like this at the time." He nodded to the other guard, clearly to get the healer. As the other guard quickly left, not to be near the woman who just slammed the guy three times her size against the metal bars.

"Well then, if that's out of the way, I'll have to see you gentlemen later." Saina began to make her way out of the prison. As she walked, her heels clicked against the pavement and she looked over her shoulder to Urick's cell. She mouthed the word 'Sorry,' appearing to cringe a bit at having to do that to the pale haired man.

The guard nodded and followed her out, but didn't notice her mouth to Urick sorry as he was looking at Nai and her...deformities. As they reached the door he closed it with a bang and waited for the other guard to return.

Hector had stood up when they left and with the pillow still on his face he moved over to the bars. "How bout we all calm down then?" He proposed with a cheerful voice. "No use hurting yourself to try and get out when Gippal's on the case. He is very good at making deals, I should know."

He looked at Urick and said, "Damn Urick you found yourself a mighty fine woman." he glanced at the other girls who seemed to know him. "Or women?" He pressed hesitantly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Alex, don’t…” Nai began, but reconsidered.” Actually no, if he does get in do grab him, do whatever you want then. I’m with you on this 100 percent!” The mage stated with a smirk. She also disliked the guards here and the whole town now. There was lots of justice to be dealt around here once they deal with Thane. Yes, Nai was certainly going to return to Kilika once her body recovers completely along with her magic.

“Calm down a little, captain.” Nai said to Hector as she stated about the sick sounding girl.” If she is indeed sick we have long ago caught it as well. That doesn’t sound as a real sickness though… My bet would be some kind of food poisoning or whatever.” She shrugged, there were many possible causes for such symptoms, but most were nothing that a good remedy potion couldn’t deal with. Too bad she lost all her belonging in that shipwreck or that her magic was currently sealed a scan would have helped determine what the girl was suffering from.

“Want something from me?” Nai asked the guard who was staring at her monster arm and her horn.” Will you try the same let’s throw a rock at the monster as did that damned mayor’s son?” Nai asked the guard with annoyance. She still couldn’t get over the fact that the bastard who threw the rock was going off free while they were suffering for something he started… she was never going to let this go.

“I’m just a friend.” Nai stated at Hector’s statement about Urick and his ‘women’. She had nothing against him, but she saw him as a big brother almost. Having said that, she relaxed her body a little to try to meditate until Gippal comes to get them out of here. Even a little bit of meditation in this situation was going to help a lot. Additionally, maybe a little bit of mediation was going to be good for Alex too. The mage knew that if she asks it from Alex, the redhead will quickly agree to it. “Hey Alex, won’t you meditate for a little while with me? I will help you get into the state… it’s very good for plotting revenge…” She smirked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

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[Sifen at this point has tested the arm and the wrist has no motion, the machine is loud and clunky, not smooth at all. But it can bend at the elbow on his own neurological command, so that's good.]

Twi watched as the girl she kidnapped left. Good, now nobody could turn her in. Too bad she was still in pain and dry heaving. A man told her to use the toilet provided to her and she just stared the man down. The look she shot his way pierced very air itself as well as the bars and had they not been steel they might have shattered from the freezing temperature the emotions carried outward from her pupils. "Do you... have ANY idea. What I-" another gag and a nose wipe. "AM GOING THROUGH?" She staggered to her feet and took a few steps to the sink in her cell. It was dirtier than a normal sink but cleaner than she was used to. She turned it on and pulled her hair behind her head and leaned down to drink from the faucet, as well as cleaning off her face. It was half painted with blue (strangely similarly to Sifen's own face paint) and the bottom half was now clean. The paint didn't cover and scars and let her fair skin show through the now lacking coating of vomit. She proceeded to splash it down her body, easily rinsing her leather underwear-shaped "armor" and skin between dry heaves and shivers. She only collapsed 4 times during the ordeal, but swore a lot to herself. While still splashing the water on herself, she remembered the girl talking of poor treatment of prisoners. This was a good chance.

She collapsed to her knees and loudly slapped the floors and puked the water she had just drank and cried out. "They lie! I've been like this for two days now, and they won't give me any help. Please help me.. I don't want to die here. You don't have to take me with just-" A cough and a few sneezes. "Uhnnnnn" she groaned holding her stomach. She was luckily skinny before being taken in, and could easily suck in her gut and show her ribs more prominently. Which of course she did. "I don't know how long I can wait...I puke up everything I try to eat, I'm starving to death in here. Please Guardians... do the right thing.." She coughed and gagged, spitting onto the floor as well as wiping very real tears from her eyes. She was in fact in immense pain. after all. "pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease" she chanted in a pitiful whisper. her eyes shut tight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Alex rolled her eyes at the guard, kicking the bars again as he smacked at the bars with the baton. "Like I give a flying **** what that ***** thinks! How about you go up there and all of you go **** yourselves?! Oh wait, she probably neutered the lot of you, you ******* worthless cowardly idiots!" she shouted back at him and gave another feral snarl before stopping as she heard Naisha spoke up in which she gave a amused laugh and cracked her knuckles, the blood at least stopping.

"Gladly." The red head smirk but her blue eyes glanced to Urick, sensing his rising anger. She could feel and see it and it just irritated her yet said nothing on it. Like Urick or Gippal could ever understand. They may pretend to, but perhaps they were just like everyone else. She would admit she was wrong in a lot of things, but she also had doubts on them just as they did on her.

As Saina was escorted out and she saw a guard staring at Naisha, Alex growled at him as she moved closer to the bars. "Ain't polite to stare buddy. Keep walking." Alex snapped, grumbling a bit as Naisha spoke as well.

At the stranger male of the prisoners spoke, Alex glared toward them. "Naisha and I are just his friends." she stated firmly, unwilling to accept a relationship like that as of yet with her best friend.

Pacing once again, Alex paused as Naisha spoke up about meditation, in which case the red head gave a "Alright." before she immiedietly obeyed and sat down on the floor cross legged and leaning her back against the wall that blocked her from seeing the black Mage. Alex was never exactly good at this... Meditating jumbo but she always did it with Naisha whenever she wanted or was doing it during Lulu's lessons. Course Lady Lulu often scolded her for getting distracted during it but that's besides the point.

"Hey, I thought meditation was about clearing the mind? Lady Lulu would surely scold you Ya know?" Alex said teasingly with a cocky smirk before taking a deep breath in and a breath out. Closing her eyes before twitching as that puking woman made a racket.

Blinking her eyes open as she mentioned Guardians. "How the **** do you know... Ugh." Alex growled irritably, running a palm over her face. "No Ya know what? Ask bloody Cottenhead whenever he gets down here. Convince him and the one we are guarding. We can't exactly help right about now in this predictiment." Alex said before shutting her eyes, trying to block out the others besides Naisha.

She was already getting restless though, always feeling she had to be moving or doing something. But still, the red managed to stay in that position, taking deep breaths.
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