@Twilights CurseI was btw wondering, is the first night direct the night of the full moon ? Or is it like, the second or third night? I was personally thinking about making it the first night ?
And, now that is close to happening, also the new meeting between the friends will be happening soon... How are we gonna do that? I had thought of several senario's...
First of all to make clear: Vanessa and Lesly will be living together in a nice regular apartment in New york... The next senario's I had thought of:
1: Xaven has a job a pizza deliverer, Lesly opens the door and sees his name, she pays him and tells Vanessa that the pizza deliverer had the same name as her diary and Vanessa rushes outside but is too late by like, five second and Xaven just turned around a corner.
2: They meet when Vanessa and Lesley are passing out flyers for a 50% off coupon on a photo shoot for pet and owner.
3: Vanessa is doing a 'skaters' shoot with Lesley and Xaven is with Drake and Ralphie at that skating park and Lesley falls for Drake and go's try to grab his attention by acting like she falls. She does actually fall and Vanessa runs to her friend and Xaven and she kinda bump their heads to each other when they both wanna help Lesley up.