Rozalia Éathliel

"You’re my brother, and I love you. But you are a great big bag of dicks." -
Gabriel; Supernatural
Name:Rozalia Anael Éathliel
Nickname:Roze, Roza, Rozie. Whatever people come up with.
Birth Date: 4th November
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, although 3 times out of 5 is more attracted to men over women.
In Depth Appearance:Rozalia stands at a height of about 5’3, with a slim body, yet curvaceous build. An hourglass figure leaves her with a slim waistline and a medium sized bust; she’s quite well developed in her body for her young age, having only just turned 16. She has fairly tanned skin, probably stemming from her Italian background and a Mother that was forever craving the sun. Although fairly unmarred, she has a few scars here and there, from accidents and misdemeanours in the past, minor surgeries, and more... personal injuries.
As for Roze’s face, it is heart-shaped and petite, with a dimple on each cheek and a button nose, bow-shaped lips, and even teeth. Her eyes are a sparkling cerulean, although it is curious to notice how they either become warm or cold depending on her mood. Atop her head she has a mess of onyx coloured curls, reaching her mid-back and often trailing in her eyes when she hasn’t pinned it up. Overall, she is quite an attractive girl, although some remains of her childish sweetness remain, working both in her advantage and disadvantage.
Clothing Style: When it comes to clothes, Roze is quite indecisive. Depending on her mood for the day (or the weather) she changes her wardrobe choices quite readily. She has a love for oversized sweaters, turtlenecks and jackets, and also enjoys wearing t-shirts and vest tops. Overall, one would probably name her style as casual. Unless it’s for an event, it is rare to see her in a dress or skirt, preferring instead to wear trousers or the like for a regular day. She prefers dark colours over light, and the only jewellery she wears casually is usually related to one of her many fandoms. As for shoes, she owns practically every colour of converse imaginable, although does own boots; either for winter, or for dressing up. However, one item she holds dear over any other is her leather jacket – she’ll wear it anywhere, with anything. In addition to this, she owns a simple pair of rectangular, black framed glasses, due to her short-sightedness. Although she does wear contacts, some days she cannot be bothered with the hassle, and wears these instead.
Likes:- Anything vaguely geeky (Seriously, I’d be here all day naming the fandoms)
- Most animals, especially dogs and horses
- Pepsi Max
- Sleepovers with pals
- Swimming/Surfing
- Singing
- Spending time with friends, either loudly or just quietly enjoying each other’s company
- Reading and writing stories
- Sass, puns, and pranks
Dislikes:- Her nightmares
- Spiders mainly, and various other creepy crawlies
- Herself, some days
- Bullies
- Close-minded and ignorant people
- Tiredness and exhaustion (i.e. not being able to sleep)
Fears:- Her depression returning
- Someone finding out about her past
- Being powerless and/or helpless
- Monsters
Habits:- Humming under her breath, or fiddling with something in her hands. (Usually a pen; clicking it, tapping it, twirling it, etc)
- Day-dreaming or losing track of a conversation mid-sentence
- Biting her lips
- Cracking absolutely atrocious puns
- Sleeping in weird places; mainly ones that are high above the ground
Personality:♦ Vulnerable ♦ Opinionated ♦ Sassy ♦ Bright
On the outside, Rozalia portrays an energetic and cheeky child. She loves to be happy; and in doing so, attempts to find happiness in the darkest of places. Puns, jibes and jokes will come to her often, and she will like to turn to those first in a dire situation. However, if it comes to it, she will tone back the humour, and would be more than happy to give a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on to those who need it. Because she is quite familiar with sorrow, and if she lets her own sorrows get to her, she will be in need of help herself.
As for her more aggressive nature, it can surface depending on her mood in most days. As mentioned, she is rather opinionated, and will defend many opinions of hers against other people’s. She prefers to leave these things to friendly debates, but when it develops into arguments, she can lose her temper. Her anger can be calm and cold, or can be as frightening and sudden as an earthquake. However, it is rare for it surface.
If Rozalia is to lose her temper, sadness always follows, at which points she will retreat into herself. She hates to ask others of help, or comfort, or advice, as she is so unused to having it in her life. It is hard for her to trust people. On the outside, she can laugh and hang out with a friend, but for her to truly trust someone is a rarity.
Background:Rozalia’s first happy memory is one of warm smiles, a loving embrace, and a complete family scene, as she was sandwiched in a hug between her mother and her father at their beach house in Naples. As a young child, she was blissfully unaware of who her Father truly was, just happy to spend her days in the Italian sun with her parents. Because of this, she was both confused and angry when her Father left when she six years old. She wasn’t given an explanation by anyone, nor was she happy at the fact her Mother decided to move only a month after he left. So, the pair moved to Washington, a fairly depressing place to be after the constant sun and heat of Naples. The mountains and endless forests seemed suffocating on the best of days, and the perpetual drizzle over their new home was enough to make her lose a bit of her sunny disposition.
Despite the loss of her great love and life-changing move, Rozalia’s mother tried to make the best of it. She got a job, got Rozalia enrolled in the new school, helped her learn English and whatnot. Once she picked up the language and settled more, life seemed to get a bit better.
But after a few years of peace, the monsters started showing up.
Roze could hear them tapping at her window on a night-time. She’d be sat in class and happen to glance out of the window, and see a shadow in the bushes. When she quickly looked back, the shadow had gone. But she always felt eyes on her. Her teachers and classmates said she just had an over reactive imagination, and that she had to stop day dreaming if she wanted to get anywhere in life. But her Mother knew better. She knew who Roze’s father was, and she knew the risks that went with being a Demi Goddess. So, she decided to finally tell Roze the true identity of her Father.
At first, Roze was ecstatic. She’d always been interested in Greek myths, and to find out that one of the most powerful ones was her Father was amazing. She no longer felt scared of the monsters; if she had a God for a Father, then he could easily protect her and her mother. But after that night, the visits got more frequent, and more aggressive. When she turned 13, they finally got into the house. She couldn’t tell you what they were, or what they looked like – only that they emitted the most nightmare-inducing shrieks someone could imagine. Her Mother hid her in the basement and locked the door, making sure that she wouldn’t be caught by whatever it was that had attacked. As Roze hid beneath the basement stairs, she had no way of blocking out the shrieks of the creatures, or the screams of her mother as they found her. As her fear increased, a rumbling began shaking the house and the ground, collapsing everything around her.
When rescue workers found her in the morning, she was astonished to see destruction all around her. She had assumed the monsters had taken down the house, but it seemed their town had been rocked by a 7.0 earthquake. Other than a few minor cuts and bruises, Roze was quite unscathed; but any sign of her mother – or the monsters – were gone. She didn’t bother telling anyone about it; nor did she bother telling anyone that she had been the one to cause the earthquake. She had done it subconsciously, but she just knew that she had been the one that had killed people and ruined homes. This – along with the fact she was now motherless, and was being shipped off to a foster home – triggered a self-loathing depression within her, eventually leading to self-harm. After a couple of years in a foster home, her foster parents and the rest of the children in the home found out; rather than help her, they shamed her, making her feel disgusting and even more shameful. At 15 she ran away, heading back to the one place that reminded her of home; the beach.
Although the Washington beach she retreated to was cold, rocky and wet, the smell and the sound of the waves gave her a sense of home, and closing her eyes, she could almost have been back in Naples with her Mother and Father. Opening her eyes, she was stunned to see a man coming out of the sea froth. Tall, muscular, and with a familiar dark beard and sea-green eyes. This was Poseidon; King of the Oceans, and her Father.
Despite the fact she had wrestled with a hatred of him for abandoning her and her Mother when they most needed him, she couldn’t help but run to him in desperation, finally letting go of all the sadness and guilt that had been resting on her shoulders since she was 13. She remained with him for a while, until she turned 16. At this point, he sent her to go Olympus Academy, where she could truly feel at home once again.
Extra: Her favourite Goddess is probably Artemis – she admires her strength. Favourite God is probably Hades – she knows what it’s like to be given a unlucky draw in life, and to be judged before even knowing someone.
Godly Parent: Poseidon
Relationship With Godly Parent: It changes like the Ocean. Some days, Rozalia couldn’t be happier to have a big, strong and awesome God as her Father. Other days, she hates him for not looking after her in the worst moments of her life.
Godly Abilities:Equine Persuasion: From a young age, Rozalia has always enjoyed the company of horses. She was always able to tell what they were thinking, and they seemed to heed her commands whenever she rode them. After discovering who her Father truly was, and what possible powers she could have as a Demi-God, she developed this one to find out she could communicate quite fluently with horses – and Bulls, but she doesn’t really like to talk to them too much.
Water Bender: Being a daughter of Poseidon, she has always loved the water. Once her powers made themselves known, she had some great fun bending water to her will, helping her with surfing and deep-sea diving. Although she can’t actually breathe underwater, every time she submerges herself, her power seems to act unconsciously in creating a miniscule air bubble around her, allowing her to breathe quite comfortably.
Earth Shaker: After the events that unfolded the night the monsters attacked, Roze hasn’t dared to use this power again on the off-chance she causes another total catastrophe. But the power is still there; she will occasionally cause a small rumble if she has a particularly bad fright or nightmare.