Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Riza looked to Wolf as she tried to raise her spirits. She seemed glad that someone was being optumistic. Upon smiling herself when she turned her attention to Wolf, however smile disappeared when Wolf started hurting. Unsure as to what to do but tried to help her balance herself. Riza hoped that she could help.Wolf survive these energy surges. Riza walked in when Batman let them in. She hoped.things doesnt turn worse than better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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RObin went over to Wolf and helpped Riza get her to a chair. Fate went to stand by her chair, looking at her and only her. Batman turned on the smart table and said "Looks like that the energy surges we have been detecting at making worm holes. From what Dr. Fate and Wolf and Jon have been sensing, these are happening more and more" Jon said "This is not the first time these have come up. We will be looking into them." Batman nodded and looked at Riza. "Would you mind telling us what exactly happened to you before you landed on the Joker"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza had stayed standing, not sitting down with the suit behind her. She stood by a chair.though as she listened to the bat looking man and the other man of which spoke next. It was rather odd to hear about worm holes developing on or near the planets surface. Almost soumded.like the story she heard when she was younger. But this wasmt like those. This was different. And as far as she knew, this didnt involve an artifact as far as she knew. Riza perked her head when she saw the back looking man was talking to her. She thoufhr for a moment, remembering bits of it but she was going to respond. "I was assigned to scout some e.t activity that my teammates and i kept hearing about. So i was scouting to see if said rumors were true. Before i could confirmed, i was attacked by some unknown being. After that, i told my teammates about what happened, telling me to stay put i found what looked like a type of portal. I was trying to figure out the readings when i got pushed in. My armor shut down and landed on the freaky clown you call the Joker." Riza explained to everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin nodded and said "Makes sense, that was right when Wolf had her second attack" Batman looked at him and said "When was the first one?" Wolf said quietly as she held her head "BEfore we left the base...when the first surge happened..." Batman nodded and rubbed his chin with his hand. He looked at Riza and said "You might be here a while...but I promise we will get you home. I am Batman, the green guy is Jon Jonzz. The kids can go over names with you. Jon, we better go let the others know what's going on" Jon nodded and Dr. Fate said "I will go see what I can learn" He vanished in another flash. Batman looked at Riza and said "You can stay here if you wish. You will be safe here and the other side kicks can keep you that way"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Listening to the conversation and the introduction the one named Batman made as well as offering her a place here. The young Stark bowed her head to Batman. "Thank you for you hositality. I'm in your debt." She told them as she raised her head. She was truly grateful for it. It would take some time, hopefully she wouldnt feel like such a stranger. She was truely surprised however that they didnt interrogate her, thinking that she was an enemy. Riza looked to Jarvis and smiled briefly before turning back to the, supposed sidekicks. Meg'an had floated over to Riza, smiling happily as took the young Stark's hand. "It is good that you can stay. My name is Meg'an ma'oores. Then there is Superboy, also known as Conner Kent, as well as Kid Flash, aka: Walley." She introduced while pointing to them, helping Riza match name with faces. Superboy walked over as did Walley. "Pleassure to meet you Riza." Walley greeted who offered his hand. She shook it in return.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Batman nodded and him and Jon left, Jon pasuing by Meg'an. "Let me know if Wolf has another attack or if she gets worse..." Then the pair was gone. Robin rubbed his hands together and said "I say we make dinner before we get another call in. I'm starving" Wolf was still sitting, looking at the screens on the energy reouts. Soemthing about all of this seem...so familiar...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Meg'an nodded in response to what her uncle said. Her head turned to hear Robin's suggestion and smiled, looking to Riza again. "That's my calling. I'm sure you would like to know where you will be sleeping." She looked over to Wolf. "Wolf? Do we have any spare rooms? I believe we do but I am not sure."
Riza felt like she was in the central spotlight and wanted to shrink. She had no idea what she was going to do but as least she wasn't being asked to help with dinner. She wasn't exactly the best person to cook.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf didn't answer until robin said "wolf?" She jerked and said "what? Oh, ya, my room has another bed in it. She can stay with me till we get a room set up" robin nodded and said "perfect, I can show you to the rooms riza, while the others get dinner ready" wolf went back to looking at the read outs, her eyes narrowed. Robin lead Riza out of the room. He looked at her and said "we have a few more members that are out right now. Aqua lad should be back by dinner and Artemis should be back later tonight. In the mean time, do you have any questions? I bet this is really hard to take in" he lead her towards the living area
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Mag'an smiled before departing to the kitchen where Superboy follows and Wally notices Wolf's expression. With everyone filing out, Riza and her suit followed Robin, listening to him about other members and that they werent here. As well as if she had any questions. Riza had questions, only thing was that she wanted to be careful. This was new, too new for her that she didnt know what would happen if you ended up in another dimension. Hopefully she would be fine asking some standard questions that also shouldn't raise any alarms. "Yeah...Kinda is actually. It was as if I was suppose to come here for something. Ive seen so many things but i have never seen a portal that could lead to another dimension. Seemed impossible till I realized that I wasn't dreaming." She told Robin, looking at him with a concerned expression on her face. "Batman said sidekicks before they left. I'm guessing he was referring to all of you here?" She started, being careful where she stepped when asking.

Wally walked over to Wolf as she was looking at the images. "You alright there? You seem concentrated on these worm holes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin nodded and said "ya, we are the second wave of justice. All of use were trained my the justice league, that's the super hero team here. On that team is batman, Wonder Woman, green lantern, hawk girl, the flash, Jon and superman. You can read up on them in wolf's room. She likes to keep records of everything" he paused at a door and hit the button and the door opened. The room looked like a training room mixed with a Asian temple. Martial arts gear was all set up and there was a pad for medtTing. Robin said "wolf's room. The ladder over there leads to the spare room. There's a work table in there I think. By her room you would no idea she was British. Or that she was raised by a lord" he looked at riza and said "you see wolf was found by Jon and dr. Fate about 15 years ago. I don't know the details only that she has no parents and her powers are all natural to her DNA. Odd I know" he pointed to a desk with a new computer set up and said "you can learn what you can on there. Should help. Anything else you want to know?"

Wolf didn't look up as she said "something about all of this seems so....familiar. Like I've done this before you know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Listening to said intel that would be highly useful later when she looks any of this up later as Robin has mentioned doing, the young Stark had continued following Robin through the place, stopping to a door. When opened, Riza looked around and felt the urge to shrink. Listening and taking instructions and directions to heart. What caught her interest was the information that Robin knew about Wolf. It was odd but she was not one to judge. "No. Not at the moment. Thank you, Robin. I will uh...try to get settled before making my way to the living area." She said as she tried to smile. A small one formed but that was all she could manage.

Wally rose a eyebrow as if confused with her own slight confusion. "I wouldn't know. I'm sure that something will make it clear. Right now we're just understanding what's going on around here." He proclaimed. "So you think this Riza chick may have any ties to this or just a victim to what's going on?" He asked curiously, pulling a candy bar out of his pocket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Robin paused then said "I promise we will get you home...to your family. I know what it's like to lose them for good....and I don't want to happen to you" he left her to get settled.

Wolf shook her head and said "I only sensed a little magic in her....so I doubt she pulled this off. And she is homesick already. She wasn't behind this..." She sighed and said "and she has a family that is looking for her....we have to get her home..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza watched as Robin left. She let the his words sink in before she looked over toward the ladder and sighed softly. She climbed up the ladder to go inside the spare room. The suit followed her up. She turned on the light and took a look around the room. It wasn't home. But it would do for now. She could probably try and make it a temporary work space. Riza tried to tough it out, missing her mom and dad, the Avengers and their little families. "I don't want to be such a little kid...but...Jarvis?"
"Yes ma'am?" Jarvis asked as the suit tilted its head.
"I wanna go home...I miss mom and dad..." She told him as she tried not to cry. She had been strong until now. Where it was only her and Jarvis. She knelt to the ground and covered her face with her hands.

"Yeah...guess something that is so familiar can be a stranger to you and nothing you know is where you are. Sucks. I'm sure we can think of something. There has to be some way. right?" Wally kinda felt bad now for saying what he said. But he wasnt trying to make it sound all bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf nodded and stood up. "I want to help her. I never really had a family...not like the others. But I miss the family I could have had...so I'm going to do what I can to get her home" she looked at Wally and said "I'm going to go talk to her then we will be at dinner" she left and headed to her room. When she walked into her room she heard riza crying. She paused, not sure what should do. But then she climbed up the ladder quietly and knelt down by riza and pulled her to her, hugging her. She knew none of this could be easy. Being ripped from your home and not sure if you could ever get back. A whole new place that isn't your own. Wolf stroaked her hair, letting her cry into her shoulder. She hummed lightly a song that she had always known, from a time she barely remembered. It would sound familiar to riza.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza had been crying for however long she had been up there. Jarvis could not help for he was mainly her assistance with the suit, not having the programming to help comfort anyone. She felt herself leaning against someone, but unsure as to who. She continued to cry though, her instincts not telling her to stop and get away. She stays, listening to the humming of a song that seemed familiar to her. She couldnt place where. This song however calmed her down. Her cries turned to sniffles and the tears slowly fell. Slowly pulling away, Riza wiped het tears with the back of her hands, her eyes soon laying upon Wolf. "Im...so sorry. I dont know what came over me..." the young Stark apologized as she tried calm down. "Did you need me?" She asked her, sitting on her butt with her arms criss crossed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf smiled and shook her head. "No...I jsut wanted to check on you. ANd don't say sorry...I would be more worried if this didn't upset you..." She leaned forward an wiped a tear away. "You don't have to hide how you feel around me or the others. We are all human...well, basically, and we understand. And I'm here if you need someone to talk to..or just lean on" Wolf smiled again and looked around. "I know its not much, but hopefully you can use this space." Awolf looked at her and said "I will say this...I dweat I will get you home, and in one piece. You have my word on that"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza listened to Wolf, smiling a little as she felt the reassurance from the girl in front of her. She felt better knowing that just from all that happened so far that she could call this place a second home. That maybe she could survive this all and be able and return home. "Its alright. I appriciate what you all have done. Thank you though. I hope to be of help while im here." Riza felt much better but would be a bit shy while in a big group which was considered big and with others she didnt know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf nodded and smiled. She got up and said " come on , dinner should be ready..." As they left the room there were a set of dog tags hanging by the door, which wolf touched then headed out of the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Nodding, Riza followed Wolf to where ever they were heading when she noticed the dog tags. Taking a quick glance, she takes a quick peek to at least see the name. before walking off to catch up. The Iron Maiden suit didn't follow for there was no need to now and Jarvis knew. But now realizing this, she would now have to remake some of her suits and tech that would be able to help herself and others. Requiring some of this would be hard and she didnt want to sound needy or demanding. Of course she would require getting a job of which, she would have to forge her own papers that would most likely not work here for she didnt know the year, month or day. This was going to be one hell of time.

Whenever Wolf and Riza would come toward the kitchen, Superboy and Meg'an were finishing up dinner as Wally was chatting with them while snacking on a few things there that were edible and tasted good. What seemed to be for dinner was tater tot casserole with corn. Riza had decided to keep her hood down but have her hands in her jacket pockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Wolf sighed and sat down at the table, robin sitting on the counter. Robin tossed her a water bottle and she took a drink from it. She tapped the bottle, still thinking about everything happening. Robin looked at her and asked "you good?" She nodded her eyes lost in thought. Robin nodded, looking at riza. "You get all settled?"
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