Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 10 days ago

Grant opened his mouth to say something, then shut it again. He ignored the buzzing of his phone in his pocket, focused on Adelisa. There were a million things Grant wanted to say. Part of him was furious, another part depressed, but largely he just felt confused. He wanted to make things right with her, but he didn't want to say or do anything that would mess up the situation further. After a few moment of silence, his lips cracked into a weak and minuscule smile. "Hi." He managed to croak out, his voice strained and the sound only aggravating his headache. He hated getting drunk, and decided then and there to never do it again, even if he only did it rarely to begin with. This wasn't the first time he'd made the promise to himself, but right now the hangover hurt enough to make him believe it. Not knowing what to say to Adelisa next, he added awkwardly, "Are you okay?" He bit back the other questions on the tip of his tongue- how did kissing Hunter feel? What did Addie want, what did Grant to wrong to fuck all of last night up? But he kept quiet and waited for her response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa nodded and said "I'm fine. I just… we were talking the night before and you made me feel like I was a princess again. Then the next thing I know, you're getting some blondes number. I… I honestly don't think we can go back to the way things were before." She smiled sadly and leaned against the wall of the balcony, her eyes on the ground. She knew she had to get this out. Maybe this would work out better than them trying whatever it was they were trying before. Adelisa added "not that we can't be friends, but I just can't stop feeling like you lawyer talk me all the time. Even when we're just friends. What do you think?"

She looked back up at him, her blue eyes filled with anxiousness and bottom lip went in between her teeth nervously, the habit rearing its ugly head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As she was getting dressed, she heard Jareth say with a level of spite that equaled her own: “Same to you, sugar. Today was a mistake.” Lila was so blown away, heartbroken and caught off guard by his comment that she lost her ability to speak for a while. Instead, she waited until she was fully clothed and at the door until she dramatically turned around to face him, her eyes like brown daggers. If looks could kill, there was no doubt that Jareth would be six feet underground by then. "The only mistake I ever made was wasting eight months of my life with you," Lila paused for a moment, then added with tears on her eyes and a slight break to her voice. "You know what? As much as it kills me to even think about it, I'm glad my baby and I didn't have to spend the rest of our lives tied to you. He or she is better off in Heaven than here feeling the pain of a father that didn't want them in the first place." And with that, Lila stormed out of Jar's room, out of the guys' condo and into her own, unable to contain the sobs that were making her whole body shake with so many feelings.

She fell backwards on the bed, sobbing loudly, her mind racing with thoughts about Jareth, their relationship, their angel baby, the future that would never happen. A few hours ago, she had been celebrating getting the love of her life back, but things had gone back to their usual turbulence faster than expected. The old issues were still present, and old habits die hard no matter how much you try. But if she and Jareth were so toxic for each other, why did it hurt so much to let go? Why did it feel like her heart had been ripped off her chest, to be replaced with a painful hollowness? Why had they been blessed with a baby, the angel that now watched over them from Heaven, even if its only life had been eight weeks in her womb? Lila didn't know how many hours she cried into the night, or when it was that her body finally shut off from the exhaustion of the overwhelming feelings or thoughts. The only thing she knew was that her heart would never be whole again.

The rays of sunlight seeping from the window fell warm and bright onto Lila's face. Begrudgingly, she opened her puffy eyes: the whites were very red, and the dark, baggy circles resembled those of a vampire. The feeling of the sun bothered her, but she was too weak to do anything besides stare blankly at them. Though she'd slept the whole night without interruptions (more accurately, she'd blacked out from crying), she felt restless, tired and beat-up; no doubt a sure sign that all her emotional baggage was reflecting on her body. Slowly, the events of the past night came to her, but before they could cause her to do more than let the tears quietly stream down her cheeks, she locked the painful memories away and stored them in the darkest, furthest corner of her mind. She wanted nothing more than to remain numb to everything. And so she did, simply laying on her bed, staring blankly into space, ears closed off to any sound, refusing to do anything else.

It seemed like a long time before Lila gathered up the strength to slowly get off the bed, throw some new clothes on and trudge out of her room; no bath taken, no teeth brushed, not even a glance at the mirror. She saw out of the corner of her eye Adelisa and Grant in the middle of a conversation, but the only sign of acknowledgement she gave them was a blank stare of three seconds before turning around and heading out of her condo.

She was making her way to the elevators when she stopped short at the sight of a wet, bloody and passed-out Hunter. Lila's brown eyes grew wide, and she was unable to control the shriek of surprise that ripped off her throat. She ran the short distance to where he was and checked his pulse and breathing. Both were present, which was a good sign, but judging from the wound in his stomach that looked suspiciously like a gun shot and the blood around him things were looking bad. Instinctively, she ran to the guys' condo and banged on the door with a closed fist. "Jar! Grant! Hunter's hurt! I think he's been shot! Help me, please!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 10 days ago

Grant felt prepared to snap, and he ran a hand through his dreads with a sigh. "I got her number, Addie, it doesn't mean anything. She was nice, but she wasn't you. I'm doing it again aren't I? Lawyer talking." He chuckled quietly, taking another deep breath to subdue the headache. "I care about you, Addie. I was a shitty boyfriend, and I apparently still can't get anything right. But you're amazing, and you're just the right amount of crazy to make me an interesting person. If you want to be friends, I can live with that." He finished, looking at her. The sentence was bitter on his tongue, but whatever it took to prevent another suicide attempt was good enough for him.

He opened his mouth to say something else when Delilah's frantic screams filled the air. Turning with a grimace he ran out of the girls' condo to find Addie's friend banging on their door. "Delilah? What's-" He began before seeing Hunter's body. He whipped out his phone to call for an ambulance, walking over to Hunter. He kneeled down beside his friend, giving him a once over. Fucking Hunter. He was pretty roughed up, with a goddamn bullet wound in his side. He relayed the details to the ambulance, before looking at Delilah. "Do you know what happened?" He asked, not waiting for an answer before he focused once more on Hunter's comatose body. He checked his pulse, which thankfully was still there and not too weak. Hopefully they'd get him to a hospital in time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Neither of the guys responded to his text. Sipping the steaming hot coffee, Jar had just about lost faith in both women and his friends as a whole, when Delilah’s frantic screaming cut through the air. Jar jumped a little and spilled the coffee on his hand. “Shit!” he exclaimed as the liquid burned his hand and he attempted to wipe it off with a towel. “I’m coming! I’m coming, hold on!” Jar yelled from inside the condo. Once cleaned up, Jareth took a deep breath and faced whatever she had to say next out in the hallway. When he opened the door, his eyes went straight from Delilah to a passed out Hunter. Thankfully Grant was there too, and already on the phone with an ambulance, because Jar would have probably stared in dumbfounded shock for a few moments before thinking to do the responsible thing.

“Jesus! What the hell?” Jar said once he finally recovered his ability to speak. “Will there be a day in this so-called vacation when Hunter doesn’t wind up hospitalized?” He asked, using sarcasm to mask his worry about his friend and his discomfort at being so close to his now-recent ex that had just spat some serious venom at him the night before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa heard the screaming and followed Grant out, her heart pounding in her chest. She saw Delilah screaming her head off. Then she looked down at Hunter and her eyes widened. She knelt down in front of him and saw the bleeding. They needed to do something or Hunter wouldn't make it to the ambulance. She said "we need to slow the bleeding down! Someone get some cloth or towels or something." She stayed calm, she needed too. If she were to panick then she wouldn't be able to see the situation as she should.

Adelisa looked up at Jareth, who was by his door and the only one who could probably hear her, and said "go get towels. Now." She then looked back at Hunter and examined his other wounds. She shook her head and mumbled "you just had to do this, didn't you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Well Hunter was awake now, he was actually enjoying being passed out until all the screaming woke him up. He saw everyone reacting, no police yet. "Ow. Can't a guy get a little sleep with out yelling going off ever second." Then he remembered, he wasn't sleeping, he was losing blood. "Don't... Don't call the police." He was winded but he needed time to make up a story about what had happened.

He attempted to stand, laying down he may pass out again. Then he collapsed. "You guys... Have you seen Amelia? I can't find her..." He was trying to distract himself from the pain, he also needed to know that everything was still okay. Considering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lila was still banging on the guys' condo when Grant rushed out of hers at the same time she heard Jareth yell “I’m coming! I’m coming, hold on!” from inside. "Delilah? What's-" he started to say before seeing Hunter's body.

"It's Hunter! I think he's been shot!" Lila shrieked in a nervous, high-pitched voice. Her own pulse was quickening, and she felt her body tensing up with fear of the unknown. Lila watched as Grant whipped out his phone while walking over to Hunter. He knelt down beside him, giving him a quiet once over. Even though Lila didn't know Grant that well, she could tell from his expression he was displeased with Hunter and his constant reckless actions. She saw him relay the details of Hunter's condition and their location to the ambulance before looking at her again. "Do you know what happened?" he asked, not waiting for her answer before he focused once more on Hunter's comatose body and checked his pulse.

"The fuck do I know!" Lila spat at him roughly; she often turned into a bitch under tense situations, and the fact that she was still carrying the baggage of last night's events didn't help the case. "I just came out of my room hoping to get away from all the shit that's been happening lately when the first thing I see is Hunter like that!"

Just as she was finished speaking, out came Jareth. Their eyes met, and the hole in her chest where her heart should be was suddenly raw with pain, but she was determined not to show any signs of it. To Lila, feeling pain was a sign of weakness, and she'd shown him enough of that last night. It was time to put her insensitive and unnerved facade back, even if it meant spending the rest of the day holed up in her room, curled up into a ball to stop the hollowness inside her to consume the rest of her.

Thankfully, his eyes went straight from her to Hunter. When he finally regained his ability to speak after a few seconds of staring in dumbfounded shock, his first words were “Jesus! What the hell? Will there be a day in this so-called vacation when Hunter doesn’t wind up hospitalized?” At any other moment, Lila would have laughed at Jar's sarcasm (she found it somewhat endearing when it wasn't directed at her), but with the gravity of the situation and the last night's events all she could do was give him a dark scowl, even though she knew that was his way of masking his worry.

Adelisa, having heard the commotion, stepped out of the condo, her eyes widening at the sight of Hunter. She too knelt down in front of him, and barked directions at them in a calm voice. "We need to slow the bleeding down! Someone get some cloth or towels or something. Her eyes fell on Jareth, the one closest to the condo's door. "Go get towels. Now.", she commanded before turning her attention back to Hunter. While she examined the rest of his wounds, Adelisa shook her head and mumbled "You just had to do this, didn't you?"

All the while, Lila had been anxiously watching the scene play out, too worked up and nervous to actually do anything besides pick at the dry patches of skin on her bottom lip and repeatedly tap her foot on the carpeted hallway floor. To her surprise, she saw Hunter slowly wake up and mumble "Ow. Can't a guy get a little sleep with out yelling going off every second?"

Lila's mouth fell open. "Sleep? Sleep?!" she hissed, her eyes slits of outrage. And then she pretty much lost it in a fit of rage, and it took all of her self control to not grab Hunter by the throat and suffocate him. "You fucker! You mean to tell me that while we're all worried for your goddamn life because you have a hole in your stomach and are bleeding all over the damn place, you're taking a nap?! God, I should fucking murder you!" Lila shrieked, her hands balled up into fists beside her. It was a scary sight. She'd never been this angry before in her life; the biggest fights with Jareth seemed like child's play compared to this.

"Don't... Don't call the police," was the only thing Hunter managed to get out before attempting to stand and collapsing on the floor again. Not even that sight brought out Lila's sympathy, but his next words brought her anger down and her fear back up a few notches. "You guys... Have you seen Amelia? I can't find her..."

Lila's face instantly went from enraged to stunned. "Umm... I haven't seen her since I went to you guys' condo last night, and I was too fucked over with some other shit to think about it until right now." she told Hunter, not failing to take the opportunity to take a little dig at Jareth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Hunter woke up in the local hospital. "Dammit..." He knew his situation was bad, He had brought his own fire arms to a gun fight, had to explain that, he also realized that he had no way to pay off a hospital bill. Didn't help the situation that he appeared to be handcuffed to the bed. "Well dammit again."

He was patched up, felt sore, bit sick, but he felt worse, like that morning. That was worse. Two police officers walked into his room. "Good morning officers, you mind explaining the cuffs?" The first officer went up to Hunter and started asking him questions. "Where did you get shot?"

Hunter wasn't the most... creative of people. But he did have a plan for this. "I was taking a walk, I got mugged, I don't know where I was to be honest. Just blowing off some steam, Been a stressful few days to be honest." The officer went through his notes. "You were seen leaving a mechanics shop with a rifle bag, and a case that resembled that for a handgun. Care to explain?"

Well... Now things got harder. "I was looking for a decent range to also blow off steam, I didn't find one so I put my things away, got mugged on the walk after." The officer closed his note book, Hunter was sweating like crazy now. "So, if we go back to your Vehicle we will find the guns you claimed to have taken out?" The answer to this was no, He needed to bullshit his way through this just a bit longer, just so he wouldn't go to jail for the rest of his life. "You'll find the shotgun, my other gun was on me when I was mugged, I have all the paper work for it, though that may have been taken as well, didn't check."

The officer went through his notes again. "What the hell can you ask me on now?!" Hunter thought to himself. "Why didn't you call for help after you were shot? Instead you limped your way back to your hotel?" This was something he didn't need to make up. "Can't afford a cell phone, college is expensive as hell, add my truck onto it and things just get that much harder. Phone didn't seem worth it. Though I knew my friends had some so I went there." The officer kept going through papers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dela shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The last time she was in a hospital room was when her mother died, so to say that she was a bit on edge was an understatement. The annoying officer wasn't helping her relax either. As he questioned Hunter, she sighed and stood up from the love seat in the hospital room. "Officer, is this really necessary? He just woke up for goodness sake." The officer turned to her and said in a very serious manner "we take these sort of things very seriously, ma'am. It would be wise of you to calm down so we may finish." Dela's eyebrow rose.

Did he just tell her to calm down? She said louder "Excuse you?! Did you just tell me to CALM DOWN?! My friend is in the damn hospital because he almost bled to death in front of my door and you're going to tell me to CALM DOWN?! HOW ABOUT THIS MR. PIG! How about you CALM DOWN and GET OUT so we can tend to our friend who, MIGHT I ADD, just woke up after losing a serious amount of blood!" Her eyes burned with anger and anxiety, her heart racing with the rush of adrenaline, and her hands fisting at her sides. She was about ready to beat the officer with all her might. Even if she got arrested, this fool didn't tell her to calm down.

The officer took a slight step back and grumbled out an annoyed sigh. "I have to look at the medical reports, so if you get that woman to calm down by the time I get back, I will finish" he said to Hunter before exitting the room. Adelisa growled slightly at the comment towards her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Everything about this situation was uncomfortable. The hospital room was tiny, and here Jareth sat with his very recent ex just feet away, trapped like animals in a cage. The scent of disinfectant hung thick in the air, making him feel even more nauseous. And then there were the cops. Jar might not deal much anymore, but as a recreational drug user, cops naturally made him a bit squirrely. At least he didn’t have anything on him at the time of Hunter’s incident.

Apparently Jar wasn’t the only one on edge, as Addy’s lid flew off when the pigs started grilling Hunter. Jar could understand why they were doing so, as even he didn’t believe a word Hunter was saying about what happened to him. Even still, Adelisa’s reaction wasn’t making him seem any more innocent. And then the cop made the big mistake. No matter what, you should never tell an upset woman to calm down. Never. Jareth’s eyes flicked over to Delilah, if only briefly. Oh yeah, he’d made that mistake before. Lesson learned.

When the cop finally left the room, Jar let out a deep sigh of relief. He rubbed his calloused hands along his cheeks and then raked them through his hair in discomfort. Some vacation this turned out to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

To everyone's surprise given her state of hysteria earlier, Lila was sitting quietly on the hospital chair next to Adelisa, trying to keep her distance from Jareth. There wasn't an ounce of stress on her; in fact, she'd arrived at the hospital sipping a Venti White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks. She'd watched the cops interrogate Hunter without feeling sorry or sympathetic; after all, the guy had brought it onto himself. What made her startle and almost jump out of her seat was when Adelisa shot off and began to shout at the officer. Lila knew better than to say something while her friend was so altered (hell, if it were her and anyone tried to tell her to calm down... They could ask Jareth about the consequences), so instead she remained seated until Dela had come back to her senses.

When the officer finally left the room, Lila took her chance to explain to the group the reason for her unnerving calm. "So, I'm going back home tonight," she told the others, her empty eyes focused straight ahead. Even though she didn't feel guilty about what she had decided, she couldn't bear to look at the others' faces. She'd thought about leaving long and hard, and the reasons to go were much more than the ones to stay. Lila took a long sip of her drink before continuing. "In the few days I've been here, I've witnessed betrayals, lies, accidents and had my heart be crushed into pieces again. This vacation is turning out to be a real nightmare, and I don't want to be a part of it anymore. As soon as we're done here, I'll be going straight to my room, pack my bags and be gone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa almost had whiplash from the sudden motion of her neck as she looked at Delilah. Her eyes widened and she felt her heart break into a million little peices all over again. "Lila…" she said softly. She was going to leave her? They were supposed to have fun on this trip and now she was leaving? Adelisa looked at Jareth and noticed they were seperated. She gritted her teeth and said "I knew it. I knew it was going to happen again! Everything is happening all over again!" She stood up and walked over to Jareth with a dangerously calm expression.

"Let's have a little talk outside" she said, her voice dripping with a cautiously soft demeanor. This was not the vacation she wanted and she wasn't going to stay here without her sisters. She wasn't going to leave and waste the money she worked so hard for either. Yet she may have too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Of course it couldn’t have ended there, oh no, now it was Delilah’s turn. Jar could hardly raise his eyes to look at her when she spoke. Their little hook up had undone all of the healing they had gone through, and now they were both fucked up. Again. Their relationship was like alcohol: full of delicious temptation, addictive, fun for a time, but poisonous in the end. And now they were left to nurse their wounded livers, stuck stogether in a small hospital-shaped cage.

“So, I’m going back home tonight,” she began, immediately explaining how she was so unnervingly calm. Jar looked up now, bracing himself for whatever razors she was about to chuck in his general direction. She mentioned her heart being crushed into pieces, again, and Jar couldn’t help but left out a ‘pfft’ of air before shaking his head slightly. Of course she had to make this all about her, drama queen that she was. Now was where she’d try to turn everyone against him, again. Jareth crossed his arms defensively in front of himself, as if the self-hug could give him any kind of comfort.

Adelisa turned her attention to Jar now, greeaaattt... “I knew it. I knew it was going to happen again! Everything is happening all over again!” she said as she marched over towards him. What was that supposed to mean? Jar tried his best to look calm by pursing his lips in a straight line but, to a keen eye, one could see that his tongue was toying with his lip ring; It was a nervous habit he fell into whenver he was uncomfortable with a situation. “Let’s have a little talk outside” she said without giving him a chance to reply before she walked out of the hospital room. He didn’t really want to talk about it, especially not when she was so poised to attack him for something that she had no first-hand experience with. Regardless, Jar got up and followed her out, at least it would get him out of the claustrophobic room, and away from her. Just before he walked through the door, Jareth didn’t miss the chance to cast a lingering glare at Delilah behind Adelisa’s back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

So Hunter could definitely feel the tension in the room. Adelisa had screamed at a cop, Delilah was done and stated that she was leaving, Jareth was being brought out for talking, though Hunter could tell Jareth was mad. With reason, Hunter has successfully done everything he could do wrong this week. It wasn't even half over yet!

After Adelisa and Jareth left the room Hunter attempted to sit up, not to get up but laying down the way he was he was going to lose it. He winched in pain, then looked down on his stomach where a large bandage was now in place. "Well damn. That looks like it was pretty bad." He wasn't really talking to anyone specifically, just talking.

Hunter looked around the room, still no Amelia? "Uhm? Where's Amelia?" Oh no. Did she know what Hunter did? Did he just make things that much worse? Dammit! What else was he going to screw up with his rash thinking?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa waited for him to shut the door before sighing and saying "I'm not going to blame you this time around." She took a slight breath and ran a hand through her hair. "I understand that sometimes, when you try again, it goes awry. I love Delilah. She's my sister, but even I know not everyone is perfect nor are they perfect for eachother." She smiled softly at Jareth, but her words cut into her just as deeply. She felt like she was talking to a reflection. Everything she was saying to Jareth was what she needed to realize with Grant. They weren't good for eachother, maybe just as toxic as Jareth and Delilah (to a much less theatrical point that is).

"I wanted to thank you for the other night by the way. You are much more than just a band rival and my best friend's ex. I just… I wanted to bring you out here because this toxicity needs to stop. It's clear you two don't trust one another and whenever you guys get together neither of you are bettering yourselves. Delilah wants to be on this trip. I'm not saying you should leave because we all need to get over whatever is going on between all of us. You two need to work this out and be civil, atleast, until the end of this trip. Getting back together though? That would not be the best idea."

She talked to him civilly because she wanted this to end. She wanted this vacation to be fun. She wanted to forgive rather than to forget. Forgetting and running away didn't help her before, so maybe forgiving would be easier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lila watched Jareth leave with Adelisa, but not before giving her a lingering glare she caught out of the corner of her eye. The only response he got was her flipping him off, without even bother to look at him. Even though Adelisa was almost like a sister to her and she seemed really pissed at Jar, there was still a lagging sensation that she couldn't be trusted with other people's ex-boyfriends. It made Lila feel instantly guilty about distrusting one of her best friends like that, but after having witnessed Dela kissing Hunter... Well, Lila's suspicion was more than justified. Then again, what should it matter to her what Jareth did, anyway? He was nothing to her, and it was once again time to let everything related to him go.

After Adelisa and Jareth left the room, Lila watched as Hunter attempting to sit up, but was unsuccessful. He'd winched in pain, then looked down on his stomach where a large bandage was now in place. "Well damn. That looks like it was pretty bad." he said nonchalantly to no one in particular.

Lila rolled her eyes. "No shit, Sherlock," she said in an annoyed voice, still simmering from what he'd done earlier. "You lost a shit ton of blood and had a hole in your chest. To any normal person, that would be considered more than 'pretty bad'."

It didn't seem like Hunter was even listening to her, and if he was, he pointedly ignored her by looking around the room. "Uhm? Where's Amelia?" he asked.

Lila shrugged. "I honestly have no idea. I haven't seen her since last night at our condo. Hopefully she also realized how stupid this 'vacation' turned out to be with having our exes in the room across ours and decided to leave without anyone." She gave a deep sigh. "I wish I had done that. I don't want anyone trying to convince me to stay here another damn minute more than necessary."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Jareth leaned up against the wall for support and braced himself for whatever she had to say. At least it was easier to breathe out here but, ironically enough, he’d kill for a smoke right about then. ”I’m not going to blame you this time around.” she began, which caused him to raise an eyebrow and look up at her. Little Adelisa was just full of surprises, wasn’t she? She went on to talk about how some people aren’t right for each other, how they shouldn’t try getting back together, and he couldn’t help but think that the words were more for herself than for him.

Jar nodded his head “Yeah, I know, that’s why I --- we? Uhh…” Jar struggled for words and looked down at the ground awkwardly. Suddenly the tiled floor had become so fascinating, but not really. He looked back up “That’s why things ended between us, before it went too far. We didn’t even sleep together.” The wide-eyed look of shock she gave him made him back-pedal a little. “Oh, sorry, TMI probably.” He gave her a nervous smile and ran his fingers through his hair. Why was she making him so nervous? It was probably because the topic was uncomfortable… and definitely not because of the way her dark eyeliner contrasted her brilliant blue eyes, or because of how easy it was to see himself in her. No, definitely not that.

“I still want to be civil with her but, she can be hard to deal with if you’re on her bad side. Hell, she was hard to deal with when I was on her good side.” Jar let out soft sigh before looking up at her with sadness in his eyes. “I’ll do my best to steer clear of her if she does stay, I promise. But I don’t think you will be able to convince her to stay if she has her head set on leaving.” His look turned thoughtful, yet still stricken with grief. “When you talk to her, can you tell her that I didn’t mean it when I said it was a mistake. It wasn’t a mistake, being with her taught me a lot about the world, about myself, even. It was a learning experience, but I think we both know, deep down, that we weren’t meant to be. That we both deserve someone better,” his eyes met hers once more “someone more like ourselves.” His gaze lingered a bit longer than it probably should have, but perhaps not enough for her to notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa knew he was expecting her to shout her lungs out, but her fight left her. No one listens to someone who screams in their face. Yet, as he talked to her about talking to Lila, she noticed his lingering gaze and his comment about finding someone similar to themselves hit her like a cold wave. He was right. She always tried to find guys that were nothing like her so to diversify herself; but they went all the same: them not having anything in common and ending up just being physical. Until Grant, who hid her from the world in, what she thought was, shame.

Maybe finding someone similar would be a different experience for her. Adelisa nodded and smiled and him, saying "I'll make sure to let her know." someone more like ourselves. Those words seeped into her core. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair nervously. She said "maybe you're right though. Maybe finding someone similar would be easier for everyone." Her blue eyes landed on his and she shrugged slightly. "But hey, you guys just broke up… again… even though you guys didn't… do the deed… it's still a break up. Just take it easy, okay?"

She smiled softly before reaching for the doorknob to Hunter's room. Before opening it, she looked up at Jareth and said "now, don't use my beauty for picking up girls okay?" Adelisa gave him a playful wink before opening the door and walking in. She looked at Lila and noticed the look in her eyes. Of course she didn't trust Adelisa with Jareth. Her heart sank and she sighed. She was that girl and she wasn't going to get rid of that title anytime soon. She soon realized just how Jareth must have felt. Her guilt filled her soul and her heart became lead.

She sat down next to Lila and said "can I talk to you outside later?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 10 days ago

Grant sat quietly in the corner of the room. He didn't think he had anything to say to anyone, he sat quietly through Hunter's questioning, at Delilah's statement that she was going to leave, through all the discussions everyone had. The one time he almost said something was upon watching Addie and Jareth walk back into the room. He could see the look in Jareth's eyes, the look on Addie's face, and Grant was certain they were never getting back together. Not least because it looked like his 'best friend' Jareth had decided his next conquest was going to be Addie. How fucked up could this vacation get? Now both his friends had betrayed him to some extent. Addie seemed intent on hurting Grant as much as he must have hurt her. At least, for some twisted reason, he hoped that was the case. It was better than her forgetting him completely, somehow. He looked round at the room. Hunter with his gunshot, everybody in stages of some sort of pain. So much for a getaway.

He was wasting his time, he realized. There was nothing, no one for him here. What was he even doing on a vacation? He should have been working, studying, interning somewhere, anything. God knew he couldn't afford this kind of thing ordinarily. It was obvious this place had only messed him up more, when he needed to be at the top of his game all the time. Time to go home. He didn't waste the time Delilah had on announcing to the room. It was unlikely they would care. He stood up and walked out casually, as if nothing was amiss.
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