Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The City

It was a land that was real and yet illusory, solid and yet containing a phantasmal feeling to it. Said land was as though someone enlarged a giant map many times over until it covered an expanse so large that one couldn't see the horizon easily. Even worse, it looked decidedly nonsensical given that the place looked like some giant child had cut up pieces from various sources and pasted them together into a giant patchwork blanket. Here there seemed to be rural villages with lots of farmlands. Over there were long towers of glass and stone that dwarfed the surrounding landscape. The north was a frigid land of ice and snow, though it seemed bounded somehow- like a giant snow globe. The Great Wall of China itself encircled the nameless City, and beyond its borders was a Void, pure Nothingness that was devoid of anything that could be seen with eye or any sort of other sense. Just looking at the featureless plain for too long would be uncomfortable at best, like staring too long at the sun. The City... it was nameless due to it having so much pieces of other dimensions that no one could call it anything but. A sprawling metropolis that was the size of a country, a rather grand scale.

No one knew when exactly this place had sprung up, or how long it had existed. The very center was dominated by a giant spiraling tower of burnished ebony that seemed to pierce the clouds itself, as though it was piercing the very heavens. From that focal point, patchwork terrain and features patterned themselves about the City's core area. The various inhabitants brought along with the ride ranged anywhere from regular humans to mechanical beings to fantasy races, a little bit of everything. A giant melting pot of hundreds if not thousands of cultures, all contained within the confines of the City. Needless to say, everything was dynamic given that the City continued to grow a little every day, constantly expanding its borders and bringing in something new to stir up trouble. Wars, alliances, peace, armistices, ceasefires. The clashing ideals continued to turn the wheels of conflict between neighbors and inciting trouble of various kind.

Over this world resided its maker, a being that was the personification of "Wishes". Only known as the Viewer, he was the undisputed master of the City whose very whims changed the landscape. Residing in the gargantuan spiraling tower that was unbreachable to this very day, he continues to watch the lives of the beings he brought into his world... What the enigmatic being wanted, no one ever knew. And yet it could be the Viewer was waiting for something. For on a particular day, a loud cry of jubilation could be heard by every denizen of the City, an ecstatic roar that shook the skies and churned the sea of Nothingness itself. From the dappled skies, a multitude of shooting stars fell down upon the landscape, mainly concentrated about two locations- one in the East and the other in the West. It was like God foretelling the coming of his Messenger... And thus the story begins...

The Hive of Scum and Villainy

Those brought in as shooting stars who were of darker base qualities and certain evil mentalities would find themselves startling awake inside a crater, a little bit dirtied but overall unharmed. Upon making their way out from the slightly lower impacted grounds, our villains would find that they were in what appeared to be a rather rough neighborhood. The bay side locale seemed to be during the nocturnal hours, and yet the bright glare from the various buildings' yellow lights shined out, illuminating the dark with a gilded shine that only served to make the shadows darker. Fishing boats could be seen bobbing in the harbor's dark waters, as well as a large rock sculpture of a desecrated Buddha missing its head. Screams and gunfire were a semi regular background noise, and the very smell of the place was polluted with smog and sometimes the scent of various bodily fluids, especially the musty iron tang of spilled blood. The specific area which our transported baddies were currently in seemed to be a three storied bar dubbed the Yellow Flag, in a most brightly lit neon hue. If anything, such a place was rather convenient for information gathering, though various means could be done to obtain said intel...

Abandoned Yet Stupidly Huge School Town

For those newly arrived characters who weren't outright evil or immoral, they would have arrived in another territory much the same way the other group did. The main difference was though, their place of meeting seemed quite a bit more... relaxed and safe. In the distance, a rather large tree could be seen dwarfing its lesser brethren as well as various buildings that seemed to denote the place was a campus of some sort. Besides the main school buildings, various dormitories and a small town's worth of local businesses could be seen on surrounding the main academic portion. In other words, the place was indeed stupidly huge and rather fancy.

Despite its size though, the surroundings seemed a bit too quiet and on closer inspection, there seemed to not be anyone living in the school, which a nearby directory named as Mahora. Maybe there were other people besides the newcomers, though a bit of exploring would have to be done in order to make sure of such. One of said shooting stars then flipped to his feet in a practiced and smoothed motion, dusting his body off idly as he glanced around with the ease of someone who's done this sort of things a hundred times at the very least. "Hum, place I dunno. Which is weird since I know I haven't been punted recently..." Muttering while trying to figure out what the heck was going on, one Ranma Saotome glanced at the other impact craters for a bit before staring back at the rich kid's school with an eyebrow quirked. "...Aw man, I hope I don't meet some millionaire nutjob..." The pigtailed teen garbed in Chinese silks griped, already prepared for the worst after all the experiences so far in his rather hectic life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"Kino, Kino!"

"Mmn... huh...?"

The ground beneath her was no longer a soft bed at remarkably cheap pricing. Beside her lay her jacket, her coat, her equipment, and, of course, the Cannon and the Woodsman, both in their holsters... But this was not the room she had purchased. This was not, in fact, a room at all. Rubbing one eye, the dark-haired girl slowly sat up. She was quick, snatching her jacket and coat up, putting them on swiftly as she grasped both of her guns, the Woodsman going behind her as the Cannon was quickly placed on her hip. Her surroundings had dramatically changed, and this did not feel like any kind of dream to her. Her eyes quickly snapped around to take in her surroundings. It was some kind of... schoolgrounds? This was nothing like the country she had gone to sleep in...

"Kino, do you think this could be some kind of custom that the country has?" asked Hermes. The motorrad sat nearby, his voice sounding more curious than frightened.

"I don't think any country could have a custom like this, Hermes," she replied, her hand hovering near her hip for a moment as she looked around. Surely, if someone had tried to move her while she slept, she would have noticed... and as she took in her surroundings, Kino began to realize that she was not alone in this place. She stood in silence for a moment, unsure of what to do. Even as a traveler, this was not something she was prepared for. What could take a person so quickly to someplace else, without their awareness, along with everything they owned?

There was one pressing question on Kino's mind, above all else.

Where was she?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Filia - Mahora Grounds


Slowly, blearily, the schoolgirl began to sit up. Her head swam with the muddle of sleep and the remnants of crazy yet unidentifiable thoughts, as if she'd awakened from a the whirling depths of a bad dream. The world was not so kind as to come into focus immediately; her sight returned bit by bit. Her body was, after all, playing host to two consciousnesses, and just as Filia's lucidity returned, a voice projected from the back of her head, ”Whoa! Hell of a hangover! I must have drunk way too much.”

Filia rubbed her eyes with her fists before running her fingers through her thick, black hair, making sure it was all still there. The sensation of having a face on the back of her head, and one with a personality vastly divergent from her own at that, remained novel to her. Privacy, comfort, security—all went out the window when one had a constant companion literally attached to them. “Samson,” Filia moaned, “I hate it when you drink. It might taste good to you, but it gets me drunk too. Same goes for everything you eat. Whatever you snarf down I have to deal with.” She glanced at her sizable thighs. “I'm gonna get fat.”

Her hair began to move of its own accord, forming its nebulous lengths into a pair of muscular arms and shoulders, all in order to deliver a shrug. ”Whatever. I know how to handle a host. Jus' tryin' to see what you can take.” Burning yellow eyes, devoid of pupils and aglow with an inner rage, regarded the environment. ”Where are we, anyway? Just a moment ago we were in Little Innsmouth.”

Suddenly curious, and no less confused than her parasite, Filia climbed out of her crater. Barring the other smoking indentations littering the ground, this place appeared to be the grounds of an ordinary high school, though a few seconds' worth of glancing into the distance turned up several fundamental oddities that quickly dissolved any possible application of the word 'ordinary.' Filia glanced this way and that, trying to ascertain her location. “School? I...huh. I know that I used to go to school before the amnesia, but I actually haven't been to one since I met you. Kinda...weird.” She wandered around in a dreamlike fascination, peering into whatever craters she came across and more often than not being unable to fully comprehend their contents.

It was Samson that spotted another person nearby. After taking in the sight of a tomboy in military garb nonsensically speaking to her motorcycle, Samson opened wide his mouth and pulled out with a tentacle of hair a hat, which he then used to conceal himself. Now appearing to be no more than an ordinary sixteen-year-old, Filia cautiously approached Kino, one tentative step at a time. Odd...this stranger seemed, somehow, familiar. “Do...do I know you?”

DIO -The Hive

So absorbed was he in his reading of the book of mythologies that DIO at first failed to perceive that the world around him had altered, in fact ignoring it completely for the sake of focusing on the font of knowledge before him. Gradually, however, the vampire's senses, full of unfamiliar sounds and smells, tore his attention away from the tome and to his surroundings. An impassive look framed DIO's face as he surveyed his immediate vicinity: a crater of some sort, which he shared with other beings totally unknown to him. These men, women, and monsters were a unique bunch, but they inspired DIO little. His keen senses could feel the ever-so-subtle differences in the air and ground, along with the more temperate climate telling him that he no longer in Egypt.


DIO rose to his feet, a severe from on his face. None of the others had yet made a move, but it mattered little what they did. It did not take his sharp intellect long to piece together that whatever had brought him here had deigned to transport this bizarre myriad of beings as well, and none of them emanated with the presence of a Joestar. What exactly had ferried the vampire to this remote location was, as of yet, unknown. “Kore ha tekisutando no sagyou wo suru hitsuyouga ari masu...”this must be the work of an enemy Stand. But how? He'd played his cards so carefully, amassing and taking control of any Stand users he found. None, of course, were able to resist his charisma. And yet this unknown threat remained, a trick impossible for anything but a Stand. DIO's plan for dealing with the situation, at least, was simple: seek out whoever had brought him here, and force it to return him. Nothing else mattered.

Holding his hands by his sides, DIO serenely and stiffly made his way from the crater, and began to walk. He discovered before him a pitiful urban scrawl, fraught with darkness, rank with corruption, and fetid with evil. Before him lay a dingy bustle, a combination of criminality, cruelty, and chaos enough to deeply impact nearly any individual so foolish as to wade into the mire. Watching the odious buildings and disreputable citizens, however, DIO felt only disinterest and a slight revulsion. [color=yellow]”Kono DIO Obutsu no dore mowatashiwo kyoumi shimasu”[/color – none of this filth interests me, DIO. Still, the predecessor of pleasing results is intelligent action, and before such action could be taken the vampire needed to at least understand his situation. In his search for answers, however, he would be brooking no nonsense from anyone whatsoever. Around him scuttled the feeble and doomed members of a race of insects, and a superior being needed not trifle with insects.

As he strode forth toward a likely-looking building, he encountered some slight trouble with locomotion. This prompted from DIO a brief scowl and a muttered, ”Kono DIO karadani mada teikou suru watashi.”this body still resists me. At a comfortable and unconcerned pace he approached the tavern, clothed in a vibrant yellow that the searing lamplights illuminated well. When the door loomed on his left, DIO did not deviate from his intended path, and instead continued forward. In order to learn all he could about this strange realm, he needed to scour the pathetic mind of a human or two, and such delicate work was best performed in the shadows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Overlord - Outside Yellow Flag

The Overlord opened his eyes, glowing slits of bright yellow stared at the sky for just a few seconds, and the metal man arose from the crater that his frame had created. Suddenly, the rest of his senses re-activated causing him to look both ways at his surroundings. This place smelled just as bad as the understeets of the Empire City, but his sense of smell has never found an equal to the scent of the Green Hive. Strange noises were heard, loud bangs were echoing through his helmets, and the screams were different from his regular labor camps... The Overlord found this suspicious.

He quickly climbed out of his crater to get a clearer sense of his surroundings, and soon he realized that he wasn't the only crater in this strange place. There seemed to be strange looking people dotting the area, these surrounding were so much different than any city he had even seen in his life as the Overlord. However, it wasn't really much of a problem, it seemed that he had missed this place in his conquest, this area would soon be under the rule of the mighty Overlord. The menacing man's sight soon focused on the building in front of him, it was bright and it reeked of alcohol, a tavern of the poor. The Overlord looked at the other craters once again, glimpsing at the others before making his way over to the bar, passing the strange man that spoke a foreign language.

Once he entered the stinky place, the architecture was strange compared to the stuff he had seen all around the world. It was either poorly built huts or homes, towering trees that were being used as homes, or giant constructs of stone and marble. The patrons dressed differently as well, they weren't dressed in leather garbs like the ordinary citizen, were was he? The Overlord, in his odd and intimidating presence tried to contact his adviser, Gnarl, for help. However, there seemed to be only static when he tried to contact him through his regular magically means... Strange, Gnarl must be trying to find the right connection to reach him, well, it was the Everlight Jungle all over again.

The Overlord was straight to the point, he needed to know his surroundings and the best way was to dominate someone. He walked over to some random patron of the bar, and he raised his hand to the person as it sparked in electricity. He has done this over three-hundred times to make people his loyal slaves, this wouldn't be any different. A sudden constant stream of lightning spewed from his hand, the attack went straight to the brain of the random patron, and it was enough to cause so much pain for the peasant, that the Overlord could easily bend them to his will, but not enough to kill or disable for future use.

Krieg - Outside Mahora

Dust seemed to settle around the shooting stars, everyone was most likely dazed and confused at the moment, but Krieg didn't have any sense left inside of his mind to experience the new situations surrounding him. First, he noticed his surroundings, his eyes saw that this was too clean to be anywhere near Pandora, the smells were too pure as well, the air didn't taste of gunpowder and dust, and there was no gunshots in the distance!? The Psycho looked around, this wasn't the beautiful playground of death and destruction, this was hell! "THE MIND FLAYERS ARE AT IT AGAIN! THE PUZZLING PAIN!" Krieg screamed out. Suddenly, the annoying man's voice resounded through his head.

"Calm down."

"Stack the frenzy!"

"Calm down, and remember the girl on Hera."

"I can't see her anymore... She was so clear and bright... but the blood is in my eyes, and now I can only watch the ocean of blood... Its waves crash against my forehead again and again, AND I JUST NEED TO LEARN HOW TO SURF!" Krieg screamed out once again, the phrase seeming to calm the muscular man down.

"Good enough." The voice uttered out, checking to see what his dominant personality would do next. Krieg soon noticed that the dust was settling off other places, figures were under the clouds of dust. Meat. Krieg reached for his buzz-axe, ready to slice off some heads, but the voice rang through his head once again. "They haven't shot us yet, they might be innocent."

"Nnnnngh, get out of my head!" Krieg said to himself, knocking at his head. The figures were starting to become clearer, some were looked human and the others not so much. Krieg's eye twitched, so much fresh bits of meat that he can make out into glorious works of art! However, that couldn't be possible, with the little voice inside of his head. The Psycho soon grunted in frustration, and he took a panaromic view of the all the new charecters in front of him, he soon pointed at all the creatures before him, and screamed out to the world, "Why aren't you stabbing me!?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donkey Kong


Not the most graceful of landings; then again, Donkey Kong was a gorilla, and gorillas aren't exactly known for their ballet or interpretive dance.

Upon slamming into the ground unhurt, Donkey Kong hopped to his feet, before realizing that the fur on his rear end had a couple of glowing embers. DK patted them out, gritting his teeth in a little panic. When his butt was safely not on fire, Donkey Kong figured that there were certain other things to take care of now that his little free-fall had finished.

Donkey Kong rubbed his head, grunting once before opening his dollop-like eyes and looking around. He blinked a couple of times; this place was certainly brighter and less full of trees than Donkey Kong Island was. The ape placed his fists on the ground and swiveled a bit, peeking left and right. DK stepped back a bit, surveying the large red classroom building before him. He pulled his fists off the pavement and stood in a somewhat-hunched upright position, before accidentally falling down the stairs. DK yelped and grunted as he rolled down each step and slammed into the grass in the planter at the base of the stairs. Little bananas with wings fluttered about his head, as his eyes rolled in opposite directions. He rattled his head and looked up at the building again.

Donkey Kong thought it was quite the idyllic setting, but he was an ape that needed answers, and so he clambered back up the stairs and, on all fours, sprinted to the front of the building. He screeched to a halt and looked for a route to climb up; he noted the protruding details on the building and decided to climb in to get a better peek at the world around him. Because for certain, Donkey Kong wasn't in the Mushroom World anymore.

DK swung from windowsill to windowsill, making agile leaps and bounds across the wall. Each windowsill met Donkey Kong with the satisfying tug of opposite force, letting his palms know that they are on solid ground and in good hands, in the figurative sense. Donkey Kong's brown fur rustled in the wind as he ascended, with tufts sticking here or there. Surprisingly, not a soul noticed Donkey Kong's swift commute across the front of the building. Up and up Donkey Kong climbed, agilely making his way up the bricks and the windowframes, before finally coming to rest at the roof's gutter. DK lifted his left leg onto the roof and pulled his heavy body up, before clumping his way across the roof to get a good look at the campus. The Kong put a palm up to his face and squinted to get a better view, placing the side of his palm on his round, thick brow.

Donkey Kong saw in the distance a large tree; it looked to be a massive oak standing proudly atop the hill. (DK wasn't sure; he was pretty far away from it.) Other school buildings dotted the beautiful campus, and Donkey Kong made a mental note to explore a bit more; after all, he was an adventurous ape, and he needed to have that sated. But here, on this rooftop, seemed like a good place to stop and have a little smackerel. And so, Donkey Kong adjusted his signature red tie emblazoned with his initials, then pulled out a banana bunch, wiggled his fingers, tore a banana off, and peeled it open. He took a bite and grunted in approval. A Kong properly equipped with a banana is a happy Kong.

DK licked his fingers when he finished the banana and threw the peel over his shoulder; it tumbled off the roof of the school building and landed in the back field. Donkey Kong, on the other hand, clambered down from whence he came, carefully descending the windowsills, and reaching the courtyard once more. He hopped down from the first-floor windows and with a heavy thud, returned his palms and feet to the pavement.

Donkey Kong heard the faint, but familiar, rumble of an engine nearby. He turned his head towards the source of the noise. Mario Kart? he thought. Curious, the ape sauntered across the courtyard, running into a planter and ducking behind a tree, comically disappearing behind it before sticking his large head out to watch a young woman talking to a motorcycle. DK cocked his head, somewhat confused. She's talking to a bike, he thought. Or, that's the closest approximation to what he thought in our terms; Kongs speak somewhat differently from the tongue of humans.

Donkey Kong paced out from behind the tree, before simply walking up to Kino and Hermes. Donkey Kong sniffed Hermes twice, before gently, with his right palm, shaking Hermes's upholstered seat. The gorilla circled around the young woman and the sentient motorcycle, wondering if the motorcycle was in fact sentient. (With the number of things that have eyes in Mario's world, Donkey Kong wasn't sure what had a consciousness. The hills have eyes.)

Donkey Kong then turned towards the young schoolgirl with the purple hair. The gorilla stepped back from the motorcycle and sized up both of the young women before him. He then grunted, before grinning and raising a palm.

After a tense and somewhat confused moment, Filia cracked a smile. It wasn't everyday a girl got to meet a gorilla, and while his size made him a little intimidating, this rather goofy-looking ape seemed to be friendly. Before turning back to Kino, Filia reached up and gave Donkey Kong a delighted and enthusiastic high-five. Evidently the strangeness of the situation hadn't fully sunk in on her; that, or the events in the world Fila had left behind were weird enough to make greeting a gregarious gorilla a positively mundane experience.

Donkey Kong grinned wider, his brow raising in amusement and giddiness. He winked at Filia and gave her a "right-back-atcha" with two finger-guns.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sir Screwloose
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Sir Screwloose

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You... the mustaches... with... why... fury... whenever... Fawful... just wanted... some kingdom conquering... Fawful tried... Fawful gave the 110 percents... Fawful worked the overtime... Fawful was the team player... Fawful put in the hours... Fawful got the hands dirty... But every time... Always... the mustaches... arrive... Always in Fawfuls way... Alwaysalwaysalways...

A pair of beady eyes opened - unseen beneath their owner's practically opaque glasses - as wakefulness percolated through the mighty mind of the magnificent Fawful. He got up slowly, still disoriented and groggy. This was far from the first time he'd woken up in a crater, but usually he had some idea of how he had made the crater. He dusted off his glasses to see an aggressively unfamiliar landscape surrounding him, and a collection of strange beings, each in their own crater.

"I... have confusion."

Where in the world was he!? He would find out soon enough, but for now shelter seemed like a priority if the noises he was hearing were any indication. He made his way to the nearest building, the Yellow Flag tavern, pushing his way past some blonde human to get inside... to see someone in an intimidatingly spiky suit of armor electrifying one of the patrons.

Ah, now here was somebody who might be useful. For now though, Fawful hung around the edge of the room, taking in his surroundings and keeping an eye on the Overlord.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The first person to approach her appeared to be an ordinary girl, though Kino swore she saw... something unusual happening with her hair for a very brief moment as she was approaching. Of course, hair didn't act on its own, but this place was strange already... She turned fully away from Hermes, who fell silent for a moment at the approach of the girl. Kino was about to open her mouth when the girl spoke first, asking if she knew her. For a few moments, Kino was silent. No, she didn't recall ever meeting a girl who looked like this, not in any of the countries she had visited nor on the road. She shook her head, wordlessly, before finally speaking.

"I think you may have mistaken me for someone else," she said. Kino wasn't certain who, precisely, but it was the only possibility that she could figure out.

"Kino! There's a huge hairy man!" declared Hermes. Kino, of course, had heard another figure approaching, but as her eyes fell on him she was quite certain he was not a huge hairy man. Pausing for a moment in disbelief, Kino stared up at the massive gorilla for a few moments. She didn't exactly expect one, here, to simply stroll up like that. Then again, she didn't expect to wake up outside of a school when she had been sleeping in a nice, warm, cheap bed.

"... That's... a gorilla, Hermes," said Kino. She had never seen one before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Twilight Sparkle - Mahora


Not good... this was not good... notgoodnotgoodnotgood!... That's exactly what this was, anything 'but' good!... What... is... HAPPENING?!'

There she had been, just enjoying her morning coffee which was typically a requirement of energizing her enough to make the day go well, when the world had just vanished from around her and left her plummeting what would surely have been a fatal distance to the ground well beyond terminal velocity. Yet aside from being a rough landing it hadn't seemed to really injure anything, which she wasn't sure if it was supposed to be that way or if she should attribute it to earth pony qualities at play.

Now here she was laying in a crater with her hair an unbrushed mess and a bruised backside, staring up at an unfamiliar sky as well as foreign buildings around her, more buildings farther in the distance, and even a tall black thing far enough away that she couldn't make out details on it. She was also vaguely aware of her coffee cup sitting next to her in the dirt, still half full, but she now possessed a vastly more invigorating problem than morning drowsiness and was unfortunately teetering on the edge of an episode.

That was about when her brain sortof 'clicked' and she took a deeeep breath, pressing a hoof to her chest and exhaling while pulling it away... Rinse... and Repeat... Ahhh, glorious breathing exercises, they might be mostly symbolic but if it works then works!

In the next moment she rolled over, beat her wings, and took to the air with her partial coffee in tow, already taking a sip from it as she slowed to a hover high enough to get a view of the environment... It only took a few moments both to drain her coffee 'ahhh, glorious coffee' and to notice the seemingly patchwork nature of the land around her which gave her a single glaring idea for how this happened that simultaneously annoyed and calmed her. She banished her coffee cup to somewhere and proceeded to shout "DIIISSSCOOORRRD!!!" It wouldn't be the first time she'd done it, she'd noted some voices nearby in passing but had ignored them in favor of her 'favorite' immortal annoyance.

'don't look at 'me' purplesmart. I'm going to bypass the inevitable time-wasting disbelief and pre-empt you by pointing out that I had nothing to do with this and am completely unable to bring you back. you can only hear me because of the lingering trail and that will be gone in a few seconds.'

Welp... That put her at a loss "um... I... whu?" it was weird enough to hear him in her head, but to hear him sounding 'serious' disturbed her more than anything else.

'elegant as always... I'll let your friends know you're alive and we'll all try to do what we can, but you're probably on your own since even 'I' can't slow down the narrowing trail. Good luck Sparkle Butt, You're tougher than you think you are.'

Then silence, into which she whispered as she felt the weirdness of even his 'voice' vanish completely "I... Discord?..." it was a terribly meek tone, surely nobody else would have heard it... 'That' honestly terrified her, that someone she knew to be able to warp reality with a snap of his fingers couldn't even maintain a way to talk to her. Now she really was on the verge of a proper break-down born of ignorance of her situation and panic for the sake of panic... when she heard someone shouting quite loudly and it ripped her attention aside 'YES! 'that'! Focus on something else, don't start losing control, someone else probably needs help too!.'

At least, that was the primary thought in her mind until she actually spun around to get a look at the general area of the voices below... 'wait... Humans?! well, not the ones I saw, but they're just too similar not to be humans, but I'm obviously not in 'that' world, the mirror wasn't even hooked up, and Discord wouldn't have nearly as much trouble peeking over into 'that' world.' That was enough of that, she started gliding down towards this strange creature, noting the others nearby but pegging him as the one who was shouting.

It was a taller one, and strangely built... was it male? probably, it didn't have any of the female human characteristics she was familiar with, but it was definitely bigger than the males she'd seen too, so maybe it was another type of gender... Celestia's orders be damned, she needed to study other species more when she got back, humans especially, only ever seeing the ground of a single school is not suitable for a comprehensive understanding of an entire species. That was neither here nor there, she wanted to see if this one was in trouble, but he seemed to be armed... she thought? It was hard to tell if most of those things on him were weapons, but one thing clearly resembled a sort of scrapped together axe thing.

Either way, it was enough to keep her focused on hovering several meters away, ready to fly or teleport away if he suddenly came after her and putting on an admittedly uneasy and halfhearted smile as she called out "Erm, excuse me, but are you in trouble sir? and why would anyone be trying to stab you? You seem... intimidating enough to stop ideas like that." Well that was dumb! It's rude to call people intimidating like that, now what if he takes offense and does something mean back?!

Poor Twilight was just not on her game right now.


Big Boss - Somewhere in Mahora


Another arrival's landing was far less bothersome. In-fact, He kindof just returned to focusing on the world around him, realizing that he was half-buried in settling dust and dirt with a cigar still sticking out of his mouth... "Ugh... Did I zone out and get buried? I need to rethink these cigars." funny the possibilities that open up when you smoke a cigar laced with a drug that alters your perception of time huh?

Indeed, he hadn't even noticed that he'd been dropped out of the sky, for his mind it had blitzed by so fast it was like little more than a flash of a dream, but it was time to come back to reality to get himself situated.

It only took a quick check to realize his gear was all still intact and he had not actually been captured and stripped down, he was just laying half-buried in a crater of some kind... with some voices audible somewhere nearby, something that spurred him into greater action as he suddenly rolled over and began scrambling up to the edge of the shallow crater so that he could peek over... Insufficient sight-lines.

He quickly rolled over the edge and sprinted for the nearest object of cover, being the corner of some jumbo sized red-building, which he pressed firmly against to peek around the edge... 'what the hell?... Did someone drug my cigars again? what kind of crackpot hallucination is 'this'? flying... horse things? big monkeys?... Did that girl have a monster coming out of her skull? Why do I feel like this would make Huey squeal like a school girl?... Still, it's not the weirdest thing I've seen so far.' for the moment he simply checked and readied his Riot SMG and settled in to listen to the conversation, hoping they would provide some insight into what was going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Faust walked through the interdimensional hospitals for he was on his way to meet his next patient "It was good thing that you came to see me" He said as he grabbed the door knob "For we are going to change...well everything" with that he opened the Door which in the other dimension has coincidentally appeared below a purple alicorn

'Huh?' he scratched his head before looking around Mahora and saw a man hitting his head with an axe, good doctor eyes widened at sight so he stepped out of door on the floor then walked over man "You there stop that!!" he pointed at the psycho before continuing "for if you continue this action then you will be in no condition to get out of bed" Faust said to the psycho

@Invisible Man@Shoryu
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Roxas had the strangest feeling that a freefall from the sky wasn't entirely strange to him for several reasons. He probably landed much more gracefully before, as well. At least he wasn't pasted to the ground by this strange arrival.
Slowly, the blonde young boy sat up, his mind a confusing swirl of confusion. Falling from the sky, landing without an injury... strange, but not the most immediately-questionable event to him right now. No, what was strange, was the fact that he was there at all. He pretty distinctly remembered rejoining his other half, becoming a whole being once more. So why was he here, in this strange place? Where was Sora?

Roxas rose to his feet after a moment, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings. There were strangers scattered around, who seemed to be in the same predicament as he was. And this building... Roxas had no idea what it was for. Or why a giant animal was climbing all over it. After a bemused stare, the Nobody shook his head and folded his arms, pondering.

Nothing was really adding up in his mind, which was rather troubling, to say the least. Had something gone wrong after his final battle? No... he was sure nothing had happened. Sora had defeated his former boss, Roxas was aware of that much. But after that... nothing was coming to his mind.

Roxas sighed. He certainly wasn't going to figure this out on his own. Approaching the one person that hadn't conversed with the others, Roxas cleared his throat, and spoke to the black-haired boy in red, "hey, uh... can you tell me what's going on here? Where are we, exactly?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Pridemoor - Pridemoor's Royal Abode - Edge of Mahora

"My fair queen," Beckoned the golden knight, on one knee with an uplifted arm, "How your eyes match the skies themselves. Your face, soft and gentle like a goddess." The golden clouds floated lazily by the golden staircase as his golden queen fluttered about the top step lightly. Then, with a small smile, she descended carefully towards her lover. They embraced each other lovingly. Pridemoor slipped into his lover's side, and releasing an arm forward once more, he beckoned the world as well to Pridemoor's admiration. "Come now my love," his heart swelled with strength, and her's with love for the king, "Let us be change the world, and forever be remembered as-"

The scene ended when Pridemoor went crashing into the floor. He had slipped from his futon bed during such a magical dream. As is with all mornings for the knight, Pridemoor took some time to recount the dream vividly... Oh god! He was going to forget it! Quickly Pridemoor pounced off the living room floor and searched the bed for his dream journal. Where had he put it?! Pridemoor swore that he had put it back the last time he used it. Either way, it was too late. Pridemoor's daring dream had slipped back into the crevices of his mind. Damn. It was probably about his future Queen Knight too...

Pridemoor stretched his arms back tiredly. His golden armor proceeded to creak as he did so. Usually, one would find it uncomfortable to sleep in so much armor... and yeah, it was incredibly uncomfortable. In Pridemoor's mind however, he had an image to keep. For someone to see him without his kingly armor? Forbidden! Pridemoor was a symbol of hope and prosperity! He should never be recognized as anything lesser. His eyes wandered, through the slits of his helmet, about the tiny apartment that was his Royal Abode. Pizza boxes were scattered lazily about the living room, but then again, what would the aftermath of an awesome royal party look like?... well, practice awesome royal party. The only guest of the party was Pridemoor himself. He needed to prepare his party hosting powers for when his guests came back. For the last year, it donned on Pridemoor that there weren't as many people moving about the City as his initial days there. The friends that he had made, as well as enemies, the owner of the apartment complex, had all seemed to vanish. What a shame... how was he supposed to rule without people underneath him?

Pridemoor let out a hearty yawn before moving towards the front door. He had to shuffle carefully past discarded pizza boxes and plastic cups to reach his destination. Today, as was now routine in Pridemoor's life, he would once again visit the Mahora building; it was the place he woke up in three years ago, the first day he arrived at the city. He had hoped for a year now to find new people, like himself, who have also come to the city on accident. Surely, he was bound to find newcomers to the city landing there just like he had... well, he used to think that way. Now he visits Mahora out of habit; Pridemoor had long given up the mindset of actually finding new subjects.

Pridemoor fixed the cape on his back, stretched a little more, and proceeded through his door. He left the filthy, destroyed living quarters behind, and ventured forth to the school grounds like every morning for the past two years. Little did he know, he was in for quite the surprise when he got there...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Garie Tūmān - Outside Yellow Flag

"I'm the first!"

Eyes slid open with the slightest glimmer of confusion, as Garie found herself in some strange new place. She could only assume that after all, since the last thing she remembered was being on a beach, fighting one of the Gear users of SONG. Her presence here indicated that that had ended as she had expected, yet in spite of that she felt no wounds or battle damage. Odd.

"Tch, what a nuisance," Garie said to herself as she rose from the position she had apparently landed in in side this crater, to a more standing one, though it remained a ballet pose with her arms to the sides.She couldn't complain about her survival, but it raised all sorts of questions that needed to e answered. Had she succeeded in what she had gone to do, or had she failed, and failed Carol in her goals? So long as she was here, there was no way to know.

For the moment, she checked herself over. She had her clothes, no wounds, and one of the alchemical crystals that would let her return home. But she didn't use it immediately, didn't want to waste it when by all rights she shouldn't be here. Who knew if it would even work? And that was all.

As for her surroundings, they were less than amazing. She appeared to be in some sort of alleyway in a dingy part of wherever this was, with numerous smells and debris to further reinforce that point. Less than stellar, though at least it was some place that she could recognize, as opposed to an alien landscape. Or anything made by advanced technology.

For the moment though there was something else to worry about. Specifically, the apparently drunk person standing near the edge of the crater watching her. Catching his presence, Garie thought on it before getting an idea, and a grin to go with it. Well, she needed information, and this would be a good way to get it. So why waste the time?

So she moved, joints ratcheting a bit as she moved from the crater up to the man looking at her, who backed away slowly ashe realized that he had been spotted. Still, it wouldn't let him get away, especially as he ran into the back of a wall and was pinned there by the Autoscorer.

"YOu know, watching a lady without offering your help isn't very nice," she noted aloud before diving in. It wouldn't be much, just a kiss, but it would be what she needed as she turned alchemy to work. There was the terror, the fear, the panic, but she merely feasted on it as one by one she stripped his memories away, adding them to her own mind. The man's body shuddered and aged, like he was turning into an old man in a manner of minutes as his life force was drained away.

At last there was nothing left and she let go, pulling back and letting him drop to the ground, unconscious, dead, she didn't really care. "Well now, isn't that interesting," Garie noted aloud as she wiped off her mouth with her sleeve, glancing around once more.

So, a city, large, housing creatures from all different worlds and places. Wouldn't Carol be interested in this? Of course, he hadn't known if there was a way back, but there had to be. She just needed to find it. With that decided she set off, walking about to see if she could find anyone else interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Filia – Mahora Grounds

For a moment, Filia looked crestfallen. Wrong again. At this rate, she'd never find someone who'd be able to shed some light on her past. Her attention quickly locked on the girl's motorcycle, however, when it began to speak. Though no stranger to unusual occurrences by now, she stood for a moment regardless, taken aback by the sight. A few quiet moments passed before the amnesiac found her voice, and when she did, it came out a little squeakier than usual. “A talking motorcycle!” Her expression of shock melted into one of amusement. “Wow! Cool! Is it a living weapon? Is..he, rather?”

Compared to a sentient motorbike, however, the next surprise to flutter Filia's way took the weirdness cake, hands-down. From all angles, it appeared to be a little horse, with fur a garish and freakish shade of purple and wings. Even more ludicrously, this nightmarish creature began to talk as well. Filia couldn't help but take a step back, finding small reassurance in the feeling that Samson was just as confounded as she. “My God! Um...sorry. I just...this is peculiar even for me. Didn't mean to, um, offend you.”

A moment later, a door appeared in the ground where before there had been none. It slammed open, and from it strode forth an absolutely gargantuan man, besuited and disguised by a paper bag. This time, Filia jumped, grabbing a lock of her hair reflexively. Samson grunted in annoyance, and whispered to her to take a few steps back. ”If any of these freakshows are dangerous, we might be in for a rough time.” Filia complied, moving out of scalpel range, and watched, speechless, as Faust berated a masked, axe-wielding man she'd not previously noticed for inflicting harm upon himself. What in the world was going on?

As nobody spoke, the tension and awkwardness mounted. Ultimately, despite her befuddlement and fear, Filia decided that she'd be the one to break the ice. Laughing nervously, she piped up, “Well, uh, it looks like I'm not the only one who's totally lost. I think...a round of introductions would be great! My name is Filia. I have amnesia.”

Beneath the hat, Samson snickered. ”Real smooth, kid,” he snarked, too quietly for all but the most acute listeners to hear.

DIO – The Hive

Leaving the bar in his wake, DIO continued on his search for a likely target. Though he said nothing and made no sudden movements, he nevertheless drew the attention of anyone who passed near him or happened to catch a glimpse of him. And how could he not? Every movement he made, whether slight mannerism or normal action, was charged with power. The race, sex, species, or personality of the bystanders didn't matter, for DIO's presence radiated magnetically, washing over all like a wave of power and majesty. One did not have to analyze DIO to find him mighty, beautiful, and superior; those traits could simply be felt. Like glory from the skin of some divine being they shone from him, a beacon of profound strength and grace amid the squalor and sin of this slum. The vampire did not so much as have to speak to accumulate a small but fascinated contingency of pedestrians following him, utterly enthralled by his splendor but not yet able to approach too closely. For now, these trail of people went ignored by DIO, who continued his stately stroll until he'd left the worst part of the slum behind. Such deplorable conditions, after all, were truly unworthy of the existence of DIO.

A building on the corner, nestled between two streets and two tenements: a hotel. Compared to the abject rot of the place he'd been not so long ago, this edifice was satisfactory. DIO approached the doors with absolute ease, displaying the careful grace of a divine being holding back his strength to avoid cracking the ground with every step. With a grip almost teasingly light, DIO twisted the brass knob, pushed the door open, and sauntered in. The crowd behind him, now almost twenty people, grew indecisive. Some remained outside, terrified of intruding on this incredible man's no-doubt important business, but some intrepid men and women followed DIO inside. The vampire was leaning on the front desk, a terrific smile on his features. In front of him, the lady couldn't keep herself from blushing, and found herself unable to speak. By now, the general hubbub of hotel patrons had died completely, but enough of it had crossed DIO's years while he was coming in to inform him that the primary language here was English. Slowly, tantalizingly, DIO began to speak. ”I'm looking for a room,” said he. ”Would you be a darling for me and show me to the penthouse suite?”

Giggling, the lady walked out from behind the counter and began toward the elevator. Now, DIO cast a glance at his inexplicable retinue. ”It would be my pleasure to invite all of you up to the suite with me. I have gifts I wish to share, you see, and you all seem very deserving.” Most of the people that had followed him from the slums needed no further invitation. A few of the hotel guests, entranced by the generosity and kindness of this stranger, even left what they were doing, abandoning coffee, newspapers, and even family members, to follow DIO.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Hermes' attention was briefly pulled from the Gorilla when the girl commented on him, saying he was cool and asking if he was a living weapon. After a moment's pause, the vehicle made his response, the perfect explanation that summed up everything and certainly fully explained why he could talk.

"I'm a motorrad," he said, simply. No-one else ever had asked for more explanation, after all.

Kino, however, was more distracted by the arrival of all the different... things. People would be the usual term, but not all of them were human or even human-like. The Gorilla, for one, was an animal, but it had the vague shape of a human and was in a way somewhat more identifiable then creatures that had less of a human-like appearance. The... small... pastel horse, on the other hand, was a strange, strange being that she had never quite seen anything like. For a moment she wondered if she had somehow eaten something that had caused her to have an incredibly unusual dream, but certainly this did not feel like a dream. Therefore, it was best to treat it as reality until proven otherwise. Taking a moment to collect herself in the face of all the perplexing individuals around her, she felt her right hand twitch slightly at the sight of an armed, masked man. She had heard him before, asking about getting stabbed. Did he perhaps come from a country where such a thing was customary?

For the moment there was nothing to be done about that.

Instead, Kino would introduce herself.

"My name is Kino," she began, before gesturing to her motorrad, "And this is Hermes."

"Hello!" added Hermes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong grinned hugely at Filia, Kino, and Hermes. He grunted each of their names as best as he could, pointing at each entity before gesturing proudly to himself. "Donkey Kong!" he crowed. "Oo-hoo-hoo!" He beat his chest with his fists and howled into the air, before crashing back down and giving a quaint smile to his companions.

DK then turned back towards Hermes, wholly interested in the living contraption. He held up a hand and tapped gently on Hermes's headlamps with a couple of tinks, before crawling around the motorrad and sniffing his engine and pipes. Donkey Kong's nose wrinkled and he stepped back. Freshly-spent gasoline; an acrid, pungent odor. He decided not to do any more sniffing of motors, and instead stepped back, stood up, and patted Kino's head.

Donkey Kong then turned to the psychotic fellow who was now screaming in their direction. DK held up a finger to the young women as if to say "Just a moment," before galloping over to Krieg and grabbing his shoulders.

The gorilla gave Krieg a light slap and pointed a finger at his face, raising an eyebrow and pursing his lips. He then turned around, adjusted his tie, and strode back to his companions on all fours.

He stopped to stare at the alicorn hovering in the air. His eyes widened; the mushroom world was devoid of either unicorns or pegasi, as both were mythological creatures. (There were Snailicorns, though; they live in the colder regions of World 5.) Donkey Kong gazed at Twilight Sparkle for a few seconds, before grinning and galloping back to Kino and Filia.

He screeched to a halt, his fingers outstretched, before rummaging about and pulling up the banana bunch that he had previously taken a banana from. He ripped off three bananas and placed one on Hermes's seat, while offering the other two to Kino and Filia. He smiled amicably.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Faust Looked over to where gorilla named Donkey Kong had wandered off and dragged his patient way, only to stop and offer the Girls Bananas. Faust having heard the girl's introduction and her Condition the mad doctor crawled over to them and stopped just in-front of the girl named Filia and asked "Amnesia you say? Its a shame" he said all the while unconsciously stretching his head upward "I wish there was something i could do" Faust shook his head in shame of the fact while he was considered the greatest healer back in his world he still couldn't heal something so simple as amnesia

"For you see am a physician" he held a hand to his heart for he could almost physically feel her sorrow "also I am called Faust" he then shifted from his crawl to much more comfortable kneeling position which still made him a head taller then the girls, he then held out his hand in greeting "Its a pleasure to meet you all"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Krieg - Outside Mahora

Continuing to slam the handle of his buzz axe against his head, things started to get crazy, and not the fun kind of crazy. "Did you think you could get rid of me that easily?" questioned his voice, scorning him for the futile attempt of removing the voice from his brain. However, he wasn't listening at all. There was something flying in the air, it wasn't some type of new Rakk was it? The colorful rainbow meat, it looked so disgusting. He instinctively growled at the thing, his other hand reaching for his SMG, but it was stopped by the voice once again. "Dude, I don't care if that was the Eye of Helios in front of us, if we don't know it is deserving, then we can't kill them."

"Don't worry...it's a good touch..." Krieg said out in the open. His fingers twitched for his holstered gun, it wouldn't take too many bullets to kill the thing, just needed to get the rainbow meat. Soon enough, the thing started to speak to him, Krieg growled in frustration, the urge to salt wounds were so high, but there were nothing to kill that the voice would allow! The Psycho started to mutter incoherently to himself, this place was already getting to him, and he was only here for at least a minute. "Nggghhhh! MY COCKTIELS ARE READY FOR THE RIBCAGE SLAUGHTER!" As he continued to mutter to himself, trying to push down the urges with a knife, but that only made him more eager to murder. He soon turned his face to the flying rainbow meat, and shook his fist at the pony while screaming, "FRIENDSHIP IS HATE!" As Krieg continued to angrily scream at the flying object, he didn't notice something appearing right before him.

"Stop yelling at the thing, there is something else that wants your attention." the voice blandly said. Krieg glanced over to find some ginormous bagged man, it was saying something to him, but all he could think was shoving his fingers into the hole of the bag. His attention soon shifted over to Faust, and Krieg yelled at the man.

"This is my favorite song! Dance to the drum beat of the ballistic, fetishistic, sadistic piss-stick! Let the bullets scrape me clean and never, ever, ever flash a sassy eye at the good doctor!" It was random, and not even the voice could understand what he was saying most of the time, he was just the passenger in this horrible body. Krieg flashed his buzz axe at the doctor, this patient had clearly lost it too long ago, nothing would be able to help him, Hyperion had done too much damage. The Psycho giggled frenziedly as he continued to look at the doctor, he looked strong, like a badass, something he loved to kill. However, something seemed to gain his full attention.

Something slapped him, it was some stinky, over-grown, hairy thing, and it only had two arms. What was this thing? Some sort of horribly disfigured Bullymong!? The voice was hesitant on this one, he didn't know if this was just some random animal, or something more. However, that was all the time that Krieg needed to act on his own will. "HE'S WAITING TO SUCKLE AT THE TEAT OF EXPLOSION CHIVALRY!" Krieg pulled out his shotgun, and the voice realized that it was a moment too late to stop the finger from firing.

"NO! THERE ARE OTHERS NEAR THE THING! IDIOT!" Krieg's eyes widened at the realization, he would get the razor again if he hurt another innocent. With quick reflexes, he barely raised his barrel to the sky before his finger pulled the trigger, firing the shotgun. Right on queue, several rockets hurled out of the barrel, the explosives could blast even the most hardened badass into meaty chunky bits if taken without a sheild. The rockets zoomed over the heads of the three, now four with Faust, missing them by only a few feet and as it reached further into the sky, the rockets blew up in mid-air. Krieg looked at the group, and shook his shotgun over his head.


The Overlord - Yellow Flag

Screams of terror splurged out of the bar, everyone near the Overlord had quickly backed away from the magic. Continuing, the lightning pierced into the mind of the stranger, both terror and pain were fused into one horrifying scream as everyone looked upon in horror. The Overlord stared blankly at the meat puppet, the screams were phasing through the man, it looked as if he was watering his lawn at the moment. The yellow slits for eyes glanced both ways at his surroundings, it didn't seem that anyone wanted to be the hero in this situation. No one wanted to be the hero when the Overlord was around. The lightning soon stopped from his hand, the patron falling to his knees, groveled in front of him, predictable peasants. Blue sparks come out his eye, it was the sign that the Overlord had dominated someone and it was just a warning to the people he was coming for next. "Oh! My lord! My glorious master! What do you wish of me! Name anything, and I will follow your commands!" Everyone in Yellow Flag was shocked to find someone say that to another person, what was this? The Overlord eyes squinted at his slave, and the action seemed to understood by his lord.

"Oh! Lord! We live in the place called The City! An ever expanding plot of land that houses over hundreds of cultures! We are contained by the walls, guarded by the nothingness that surrounds us! Please! Spread your evil to this place! Liberate us with your evil! Will you do us this, my lord?"

The Overlord stared at the groveling peasant, they always spoke like that, it might feel good the first dozen times, but it gets really annoying in the long-run. The spiked man nodded to his slave, the man burst in joy as he hugged the Overlord's leg, and polished his armor with his shirt. The Overlord soon looked up at the other patrons, his hand glowing in the same blue sparks as before, that would indicate something. However, it seemed to move through the crowd, and the sparking hand stopped at some green dwarf. It was one of the crater people, he squinted his eyes at the creature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sir Screwloose
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Sir Screwloose

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This was even better than expected! The spiky one had some kind of instant brainwashing power, much faster than Fawful's own methods. On the other hand, what the victim had said sounded like the babbling of a loon, especially "the nothingness that surrounds us." Still, these magic types never limited themselves to one spell, so Spiky could have even more tricks up his sleeves.

And... now he was approaching Fawful. Who now noticed that he was somewhat intimidating up close - er, that is, would be intimidating to someone not as great as Fawful! He put on his most charming grin and looked the Overlord straight in the eyes.

"A greeting to you, oh spiky man of nastiness! My name is being called Lord Fawful, ruler of the Kingdoms Mushroom and Koopa. I am thinking you are also being a newcomer to this city of strangeness, yes?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Finally. After much pleading and appealing to the fans, Saburo Hatte finally allowed for the continued existence of Akibaranger!"

Nobuo Akagi strode towards the school in the most badass way possible.

"Although, I'm not really sure where I am... One minute I was in Akibahara, and the next I was here. I guess I'm going to do something awesome... Hopefully with the Super Sentai!!! Maybe... Maybe it's...

As he thought that, Nobuo held his hands to his mouth. He stretched out his arms and ran forth while screaming out: "IT'S SUPER HERO TAISEN TIIIIIME!!!!" As he ran, he tripped over a rock and fell into the pavement outside the school.

"Itetetetetete!" Nobuo quickly got up and held his injured forehead. When he noticed that he didn't scrape his head, Nobuo looked at the mishmash of cities and buildings. "Huh, wonder what role I'll play... Oh! Maybe I'll be like with the Goseigers in Shinkenger Vs. Go-Onger and appear in a battl-"

Then he sees where he was. A multitude of random assorted characters, none of which seemed to scream Tokusatsu whatsoever, except maybe for the Big Boss. He looked around. Most Tokusatsu crossovers tend to take place in a quarry, not a school... Except for Superhero Taisen, but that was because Captain Marvelous attacked Amanogawa... And this doesn't look like Amanogawa.

His mind began to connect the pieces that wherever he is, he's not in the newest Super Hero Taisen movie, let alone anything involving Sentai or Hatte. So, he just decided to shout out:


{Cue Theme Song}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Over the school grounds, a meteor flared. It streaked in from the upper atmosphere, catching fire from the friction of reentry. Its shape was impossible to distinguish at a distance, particularly as it was engulfed in flame, but it was closing in on the ground quickly. Like a dropped bomb, it gave a peculiar whistle as it descended. It soon became obvious that it was going to hit the school grounds, by anyone that could see it well enough to judge its trajectory. However, as it closed within seconds of impact, something quite strange happened: a sound like a whirring dynamo roared from the meteor, and the flames enshrouding it suddenly took on a green hue. Not fifty feet from the ground, a burst of emerald fire erupted from the meteor, forcing it back up into the air. It did not fly far, nor well, as it now spun wildly, clipping the corner of a rooftop, and then smacking into the ground.

The impact was considerable, but not as cataclysmic as it would have been without that final burst to slow it. The ground rumbled from the force of the meteor, and it now sat in a smoking crater. Upon closer inspection, the meteor was clearly a metal machine of some sort. It was black in color, even without the soot and dirt that covered it, with a huge, grey face that resembled some sort of idol. A dome-shaped canopy, dark red in color and patterned like a human brain, covered what could potentially be an opening in the machine, potentially for someone or something to enter it.

In the cockpit of the Lazengann, Lordgenome rubbed his head gingerly. His mecha's systems were nominal (shocking, after his emergency landing), but he was sore as hell from hitting the ground that hard. For now, he was content to sit in the darkened cockpit and rest his shell-shocked body before trying to figure out where he was.


The Black Rose stalked through the city streets. This really wasn't her preferred locale; she left the prowling of slums and such to her underlings. Even so, this was a peculiar situation, and it demanded special actions. For the time being, she was on reconnaisance. She needed to know where she was and what the best course of action was at the present moment. From what she could tell, this was a piratical port of some variety. She was out of her element, but this was not unsalvageable.

She had arrived in the ornate dress that she had been wearing when she was last, well, conscious. The quality of her location made it clear that this would not suffice. As to blend in better, she composed a glamour to alter her appearance; simple yet effective. Fine dresses appeared more worn and out of style, priceless gems became costume earrings, and her subtle makeup became a full, plaster-like mask. It bothered her some that she had to resort to disguising herself as a harlot, but there was little that could be done about that.

There was strength in numbers, and she needed underlings promptly. Or at the very least, allies. She had happened upon a tavern of some sort that caught her attention. Magic and power were concentrated in this place, she could tell. Even so, something supremely dark and twisted lurked there. Marchesa prowled the perimeter, eavesdropping where she could, and continuously feeling for the mana of whatever lurked within the tavern.
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