Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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"Well...if I'm not chosen, I dont care...I already have power..." He said grabbing the bucket of chicken "thats how I survived up to now..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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@King Tai
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015

"Good , we will need it." He willed a connection to a friend of his on OA giving her a short hand version of events and requested them to Zuy's planet before giving a thanks and severing the connection."I will do all I can to help you get home but it may take time so please be patient." He said as he looked to Zuy."It has it's downside I just returned not to long ago from a Week long patrol through the entire sector,Finish the chicken then we will go to a good diner I know."he said as he rose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

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I looked down at the girl "that bad, huh? well that's no fun" noting that all the super heroes were leaving. "well it looks like the fun is over and i have a show to run" saying, bowing at the young girl. "if your ever bored, come and see my show. 'lrig dnuora wolf tekcit'" saying, the ticket started to glow a light green, flying around the girl, before teleporting.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Zuy gave a nod to what Zack told him about helping him get home. Zuy sighed but started to chow down what was left. After finishing he stood up "what is this diner? And what were you scouting?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Max listened to the voice carefully and quickly. He located her within seconds and held his palms out towards the captains chair. "Brace yourself!!" Max shouted not fully knowing if the pilot could hear him or not. With a quick movement he swung his arms up towards the sky hopefully ripping the captains chair from were it rested and send it shattering through the roof of the sinking aircraft. Max used a lot of force so the chair will probably he launched pretty far into the air. He continued to fly towards the chair just to make sure the pilot was safe.

Serena held tight and put a bright yellow bubble around herself and the chair, she knew that her only weakness was cold temperatures, she gripped tight to the chair as it went skyrocketing through the flight deck and through the water and out into the sky, the moment she was a good twenty feet up above the water she blasted a wave of energy outward throwing the chair into the water and floating on her own power her yellow lantern suit glowing softly, she turned to the man who had obviously been her savior, "Hello...you must be my savior? What should I call you human?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Seconds before Max reached the the descending pilot and chair he noticed a wave of energy sending the chair quickly back into the deeps of the water. "Woah..." He flew a bit faster towards to floating glowing sphere and stopped when he came in what you can call communication range. Max was quickly greeted by the mysterious woman and strangly enough he understood what she said. "Well..." Max wasn't sure if he was gonna tell her his identity or his hero name. "The name's Screw!" He happily shouted hopefully making her forget his long previous pause. "So what do I call you...Ms yellow lanteren?" Max asked hoping she was good and he didn't just save a villain. Its not that she looks evil its just yellow is not a friendly lanteren color thanks to Sinestro.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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@King Tai
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015

"I was looking for trouble in a sense."He said as he pulled open drawers you can take some of my clothing to dress more to earth standards."They make more food fresh you'll love it, Green Lanterns go on periodic patrols through their sectors looking to stop evil and help those in need throughout their sector."He said as he was pulled out clothing that he thought would fit Zuy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Serena looked down at herself with knowing eyes, "Please don't freak out..." She held up her hands, "I'm not like the other yellow lanterns..." She smiled softly when he introduced himself quite happily albeit a bit nervously, "You already know my name...but that's right...you human heroes have special names..." She thought for a few moments and the snapped her fingers, "Well Screw...you can call me Panic." She looked at him with a smile and he would notice she was holding her charging lantern under her left arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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grabbing the clothes that was handed to him, Zuy nodded to what Zack was telling him when it came to periodic patrolling. "Tch....all we do is fight where I come from...tribal wars...there is no......help." Zuy went ahead and changed in front of Zach, without a care in the world. "Then I shall try this diner..." as Zuy finished, he headed straight for the door, leaving Zach behind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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@King Tai
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“I appreciate your candor but how are you going to go somewhere when you don’t know the way.” He said as he jogged to catch up with Zuy.” It’s called the B.B.G.L. Diner it’s a bit of a walk. ”He said as he walked alongside him. Zack walked trying to keep on a planned path to avoid a collision with people and to avoid an incident within the street. “This place is different there are wars that span whole countries and some that involve many but luckily since you arrived here it’s calm compared to some places.” He announced as he walked putting his hands into his pockets well watching surroundings as he walked. “So your people have never been visited by green lanterns, what about lanterns from other corps?” He asked well they came around a corner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Okay.....Panic..." Max said eyeing her due to suspicion. He respected what she said about not being hostile but lanterens are tough and one slight mistake could lead to his demise. "Welcome to Earth..." He laughed scratching his back. "I have to prepare myself because I'm meeting a 'friend' later so have fun!" He said slowly floating backwards. Max didn't fully know if she had a place to stay but he didn't want to come off as a weirdo. I mean asking a woman you just met could she come and stay with you sounds really suspicious and weird so to avoid that he didn't ask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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"I don't but that's just me telling you to hurry up..." he said with a straight face "and what does B.B.G.L stand for?" He asked. They were now walking together and just walked along the direction that Zack was going. "Wars huh? that's my element. that's all we've had on my planet." A few people stared at Zuy as they passed they two guys. Zuy did not pay the people any mind, continuing their casual conversation. "I don't know...the only thing I've witnessed were the Varks, a race that comes to our planet to enslave us and some red energy man." thinking about any visitors they've had in the past.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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Serena nodded seeing that the young man had to leave, "I am new to earth...thank you for your kindness...you are a testament to your species." She waved her hand, "I hope to see you again Screw of earth." Serena turned and looked to the city, this was a good place to hide for now at least. She took off flying into the city and when she found a good place to set down, some diner B.B.G.L. whatever that meant, she placed her charging lantern in front of her and in a blast of yellow light that could be seen quite a way away from the building, recharged her ring. "Much Better."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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@King Tai @makarov
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“It’s just up the street on the right; it’s named after a teen super hero.” He said as he pointed to the diner just up the street.” It’s a good place to grab a bit and hopefully fill you up, I…”He stopped mid-sentence as yellow light emanated from diner. ”Stay here.” He ordered as his uniform enveloped him in a flash of green light. He launched himself into the air and flew straight towards the diner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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@King Tai @makarov
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“It’s just up the street on the right; it’s named after a teen super hero.” He said as he pointed to the diner just up the street.” It’s a good place to grab a bit and hopefully fill you up, I…”He stopped mid-sentence as yellow light emanated from diner. ”Stay here.” He ordered as his uniform enveloped him in a flash of green light. He launched himself into the air and flew straight towards the diner.

Serena touched her lantern with her left hand sending it into a pocket dimension to keep it safe. After that she suited up in her bright yellow lantern suit, "Damn I'm starving..." She turned and floated into the air and that's when she spotted the green lantern flying towards her location, Serena knew this story very well, this green lantern would arrest her and take her ring...imprison her on Oa...Serena summoned her two alien SMGs with her ring and waited for him to get close enough to see that she had her weapons trained on him so they could talk...if he didn't slow down she would unleash hell on the lantern.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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@mrambo90 @makarov

Just looking Zack's direction when telling him that the diner was named after a teen super hero, Zuy noticed a yellow flash of light, similar to Zach green light energy. When Zack rushed to the diner in full suit mode, Zuy had his arms crossed when he was told to stay "Stay here....tch, you gotta be shitting me...I'm not missing out on this...this....lantern will probably need my help." as Zuy rushed behind and headed to the door from the outside to see what was happening and if he needed to assist.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Erin/Kathren walked through the doors of B.B.G.L. with mirrored sunglasses over her eyes as to not give it away that she was blind "ok stop we're right infront of the seat just sit down and when the lady comes by say you want a B.B.L.T. with aN orange juice." Kathren said through the glasses "well it's a good thing we changes back this time" Erin said before ordering her food when the lady came by though had spilled her orange juice the first time when she wasn't paying attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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@King Tai @makarov
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015

Zack saw the diner window and threw up a barrier around him as he came to a hover twenty feet away as he thought the disaster that could take place within the diner. “Why is a member of the Sinestro Corps here.” he thought to himself as he trained his ring on the yellow lantern. “What are you doing here and what do you want?” He asked watching the yellow lantern with weary eyes. “Release the people in the diner and make this easy before I get more of my buddies here!” He ordered as thought of other lanterns he had met on OA.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Serena watched the green lantern with unmoving cold eyes, "Why is it you green lanterns can never seem to mind your own business?" She herself was also covered in a shield but it was shaped around her body and wouldn't be able to be seen unless damaged. When he spoke about the diner she looked down at the building and realized that he thought she was taking the place hostage, "I haven't taken them prisoner...so I cant release something I don't have..." She pointed one gun at him and kept one ready for an attack from behind, "Oh yes...that's very much like you Green Lanterns...bring you and your friends to beat one woman to a pulp...well no ones going to give me any backup...I am a deserter of the Sinestro corp." She stood unflinching and ready to fight, "I am alone Green Lantern...so if you are set on arresting me...do it...but I'm warning you...my ring is all I have...I will die before surrendering it to you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Zuy came up from behind and rushed into the diner ready to fight. he looked around noticing a few people looking on. "So this is the 'other lanterns' you talk about huh? what are you going to do?" he asked Zack. He looked at the girl for a moment taking in her appearance. She did not look that threatening but he could tell that she willing to defend herself to the end.
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