Serena watched the green lantern with unmoving cold eyes, "Why is it you green lanterns can never seem to mind your own business?" She herself was also covered in a shield but it was shaped around her body and wouldn't be able to be seen unless damaged. When he spoke about the diner she looked down at the building and realized that he thought she was taking the place hostage, "I haven't taken them I cant release something I don't have..." She pointed one gun at him and kept one ready for an attack from behind, "Oh yes...that's very much like you Green Lanterns...bring you and your friends to beat one woman to a pulp...well no ones going to give me any backup...I am a deserter of the Sinestro corp." She stood unflinching and ready to fight, "I am alone Green if you are set on arresting it...but I'm warning ring is all I have...I will die before surrendering it to you."