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Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Angel Price

Alias: Equilibrium

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Speech=Silver
Mech. Synergy=Cyan

Character Alignment: Walking the Line, mostly Heroic.

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Angel, as his name would suggest, has a strong personal code of honor, and dislikes distasteful acts, but the one thing that keeps him from being truly heroic is the fact that he will kill innocents to achieve his goal. He tries to be a good person, but the road that he has traveled has taken a toll on him, diminishing his formerly happy-go-lucky persona into one that is filled with hidden pain and regret, even if he does act like he is fine.


Origin Info/Details:

Angel was always... different. Whether it was the fact that he hung around more household appliances than people, or the fact that those appliances would do his will, from birth, the Price household was in a state of constant flux, whenever Angel was there. This led to his father's eventual drinking problem, and abuse on Angel's mother, who he blamed for for giving them a freak for a son.

Angel's mother put up with this treatment until he was at the age of 11, when Angel's father had come home from a particularly nasty drinking binge, and actually struck the boy. This led to a struggle between Angel's parents, after his mother tried to stop his father. This only turned his attention to her. Sometime during the struggle, which had wrecked the kitchen, a knife was involved, and his mother came away with a knife in her chest. His father had fallen in front of the refrigerator, and Angel was so blinded by rage, that he lashed out, causing the fridge to explode, thus killing his father, by forcing it to overheat. He was thrown out the kitchen window by the blast, and landed out in the street. By the time neighbors had come to investigate, the boy was already gone.

The next few years were a blur. Angel wandered the streets, working as a hacker/repairman for several minor gangs, until one day, he thought that he was cracking into just another government database, but it was actually a covert minor server of STRIKE. While it didn't contain any important information, it changed everything. He had discovered that there was an organization meant to deal with people with abilities such as his own. And as he searched through the files, STRIKE discovered him as well.

He was extracted from his gang by a single agent, whose designation was VKTR-17, a specialist in retrieval of all things transhuman. When brought to the STRIKE facility, not the main one, but one for information gathering, he was trained in the use of his strange ability. One day, during his training, Angel poked around the STRIKE system for something interesting. It was an A.I, codenamed 'Sherlock'. It was incredibly intelligent, and it's sole purpose was to gather and process intel. It was also apparent to Angel that the A.I. was in pain from being suppressed, being withheld from his true potential. So, he downloaded Sherlock onto an external hard drive, and left the facility, covering his tracks, leaving no trace of himself. STRIKE sent VKTR-17 after him, but after years of no success, the retrieval of 'Sherlock' and Angel Price were put on the backburner.

After leaving the facility, Angel came upon an abandoned heavy industrial factory, just outside Brooksdale, and set up shop there. The machines, while in massive disrepair, were quite simple to fix up. Over the course of a year, Angel built up the factory, stealing machines from factories around Lost Haven. However, no one, including STRIKE, could find a pattern, or a trail of this 'Machine Thief'. It was if the machines got up and left the factories themselves.

And then, with the recent rise of metahumans, Angel thought it was time to act. Taking parts and refining the materials in his factory, he built the Armored Titan Defense suit, a mech. The weapons were mainly created by himself, although the ordinance he needed had to be siphoned from military bases, with the exception of the custom ordinances. After three months of constant work, the ATD was ready, and he named it Equilibrium.

Hero Type :

Technopathy/Mechanical Synergy (Angel has the ability to control machines and technology, and meld with certain machines, such as his ATD suit. This is his one meta ability.

Power Level:

City Level (Normal) / World Level (with ATD Suit)

Mechanical Synergy- His one meta ability. He can sync his mind with most man- or alien-made tech, although he has to understand the interface to control it with any semblance of competence. This allows him to directly override any coding, and replace it with his thoughts. However, most firewalls and defensive code will have to be dealt with first. Once in, he can manipulate it in almost any way he wishes.

NOTE: Most weaponry, with the exception of the ASM and 'Pegasus' Jump Jets, are retractable, and able to be hidden underneath armor plating.

DMS arm-mounted melee system- The DMS is, essentially, a giant chainsaw on the ATD's right arm, operating at 56,000 RPM, an insane speed. The blade is made of a tungsten-steel alloy, laced with industrial diamond edging, and can cut through most normal objects. However, it does come to a loss when facing metahuman subjects or material.

LAT-WS- The Laser-guided Anti-Tank Weapons System is a .50 caliber belt-fed rifle with armor-piercing rounds that is aimed by a passive tracking system, and operates almost autonomously in combat, even when Synced with Angel. It is able to identify pertinent targets, and fire at apparent vulnerable points.

HM-18 (Hellbeast Model 18) Focus Laser- The HM-18 is a shoulder-mounted cannon that fires an extremely narrow beam of light, that, even with atmospheric interference, has a range of 1 mile. This laser takes a significant amount of power, and ignites the air for a second, which could possibly explode any hazardous material.

ASM (Shiva Mg.)- The Arm-mounted Shiva Machinegun is a versatile weapon, able to switch ammo types and reload in an instant. It sits below the left fist of the ATD, and can fire four types of ammo.
-Conventional: Normal machinegun bullets.
-Explosive: Bullets that go boom, not too powerful, but in sustained fire, can chip away at harder targets.
-Rubber Bullets: For the non-lethal touch.
-Electrified Ordinance: While not able to be fired in a automatic fire mode, this ammo latches onto a target, and delivers from between 75 volts, to 750 volts of electrical energy, at Angel's discretion.

QUERY Sensor array- The ATD suit has several advanced sensor systems, which can detect most objects and track them successfully.

'Lancelot' Mechanical Intervention Shield (MIS)- The MIS is a physical shield, which is about half the height, and one third the width of the ATD. It can be held in either hand, and works as a shield of the knights of old. The MIS can hold up against most non-Icon level attacks, and can also be ejected as a projectile from it's sheath on the ATD's back.

'Merlin' Energy Disruption Field (EDF)- The EDF is an energy shield, essentially, but one that does not stop physical objects. This is his most important meta-fighting system, because it can allow him to block most energy-based attacks. It can put up with 3 minutes of direct attack from a meta such as War-Pulse, and with any lesser energy, can hold up for hours. It is projected like an invisible sheath around the ATD, and fits the form nicely, although it hovers several inches off the surface of the mech.

ATD Armor MK-XVI- The armor surrounding the ATD is made of the same material that the 'Lancelot' is, and the plating itself is generally 8 cm thick, although it is considerably thicker at the vital systems areas. Underneath the plating, however, is the kinetic evaporation system, which uses hydraulics and directive impact plating to funnel an impact to the ground.

'Pegasus' Jump Jets- While not capable of sustained flight, these rockets allow the ATD to launch itself into the air, and come back down, with minimal damage. The range varies from angle to angle. It can launch the ATD into the top floor of a skyscraper, but it can also just as easily launch the ATD horizontally, giving it extra movement speed.


Strength Level: Normal Human (outside ATD), 100+ tons (ATD suit)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30x human (normal), 50x human (w/mechanical synergy), 20x human (ATD suit, unsynergized.)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human (Normal), 2 hours (normal w/mech. synergy), and due to the merits of the ATD being a mech suit, it can remain at peak combat capacity, if out of combat, for 12 hours on end. However, the limited power, in combat, decreases to 7 straight hours of combat capacity. The ATD suit acts as an extension of his own body, so the mental strain is lessened.

Agility: Normal Human (Normal), 15x (Mechanical Synergy), 3x (ATD suit)

Intelligence: Genius (Normal), Super-Genius (Mechanical Synergy)

Fighting Skill: Untrained (Normal), Mastered (Mechanical Synergy, ATD suit)

Resources: Large (Monetary) /Extreme (Technology/Information)

Weaknesses: Angel, while able to evade combat outside his ATD, most of the time, isn't very skilled in unarmored combat, and he is quite squishy, inside the mech. Also, his willingness to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal might bring him into conflict with the other heroes. His lack of any truly overpowering offensive abilities might hurt him, when he fights with someone truly powerful, such as Icon.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Sherlock- An AI that Angel managed to steal from STRIKE, and reconfigure to support him. While mostly redundant, with his Technopathy, Angel considers Sherlock to be a friend, and is glad that the AI is watching his back.

VKTR-17 (Victor)- Victor is a covert agent from STRIKE that is tasked with retrieving Sherlock and bringing Equilibrium in for questioning.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:

The rain pounded down on the cracked asphalt leading to the abandoned factory just outside town. However, the factory was anything but abandoned. Inside, many mechanical arms were at work, drilling, prodding, and holding a mechanical hulk that was Equilibrium. Sparks flew down on the concrete floor, as the final plate was welded to the faceplate. Nearby, a young man pushed up a welder's mask, and smiled, looking it over. It was ready.

With the recent rise in Meta activity, (Angel himself notwithstanding,) the 25-year-old had decided that someone had to do something to combat it all. While there were some Metas that were benevolent, like Icon, there were twice as many that were malignant, and even more who just worked as mercenaries. STRIKE had proven itself unable to deal with this competently, and even though it was a powerful organization, there were just too many variables to control. Also, they were kinda a bunch of douches.

"Hey, Sherlock! It's done! Equilibrium is ready to reveal itself to the world!" Angel pulled the welder's outfit off, and revealed a black t-shirt and jeans underneath, by all appearances a normal college graduate. However, this man was a meta himself, able to control most forms of machinery.

On a computer monitor, sitting on a cluttered desk nearby, a line of text appeared:

Angel chuckled, and lifted himself up onto a scaffolding surrounding the mech's cockpit. "Heh, Sherlock, don't be like that. It's not nice." Angel dropped into the cockpit, thick metal encasing him with the hiss of machinery. As the helmet pressed down, protecting his head, Angel aimed a mock pout at the nearest security camera, saying, "It makes me sad."

As the systems to the mech booted up, a line of text flashed across Angel's vision. <Yeah, yeah. Anyways, that thing you asked me to do, you know, the one about The Shroud? I've got the data packet stored inside the mech's memory, so you can review it on the way.> There was a second before Sherlock spoke again, as if thinking. <Anyways, Angel, what are you going to do next?>

The man inside the suit smiled, and clenched the giant fist, synced with the suit fully, and spoke, the synthesized voice of the suit reverberating throughout the room. "Not Angel. Equilibrium."

Stepping out into the rain, Equilibrium was ready to raise hell on the scum of the city. Not literally, like D-Day, though. That was just freaky. Luckily for Angel, the only thing Sherlock and him had to deal with was a little maggot thing that tried to eat his face- anyways, time to get back to the mission at hand. Powering up the 'Pegasus' jump jets, he launched into the air, at a 45 degree angle, the thrust throwing him about a mile to the south. He hoped that the city was ready for yet another freak to change things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Athinar
Avatar of Athinar

Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Might as well use this post to store my side character. :P

Character you have created: Victor Desmond Nugyven
Alias: VKTR-17

Speech Color: Color=Sienna

Character Alignment: Hero. While some of his missions for STRIKE are usually in a grey area, he does his best to be a good person.

Identity: Secret (Known to the higher-ups in STRIKE, like Director Anderson)

Character Personality: Victor is a man who led a tough life, but managed to come through it stronger than before. He is usually taciturn and tight-lipped, but is kind, underneath the gruffness. He is especially kind and loving to his two children, and remembers his late wife fondly.


Victor usually wears a suit, sunglasses, and earpiece. When not on duty, he wears clothes like any other 40-year old man. However, he can also dress for any mission, having access to most of the STRIKE armory, and being a master of disguise.

Origin Info/Details: Victor was born an orphan, and at age two, taken from the orphanage by an elderly martial artist, black belt in 12 different styles, and inventor of two. He was raised in the dojo alongside the other students, receiving no special treatment, even if he was the sensei's legal son. However, he received all of the old man's love, and viewed his peers as his brothers and sisters, if not by blood, by fraternity. Also, he was trained as a mystic, gaining strange arcane abilities that he used masterfully.

When he was sixteen, the old man died peacefully, surrounded by his students on his deathbed. However, before he died, he whispered one single word into Victor's ear, one that would change his life forever.


The old man had been an agent, when he was younger, and it took the agency no time at all to recruit the young prodigy, promising him that he would be able to change the world for the better. And he did, for a while. Until, while in Nepal, something happened that would change him forever. STRIKE, the organization that he idolized for its ability for good, sent him to kill a child.

His target was a small, cheerful monk, who had just grown into his robes. Apparently, he had the ability to end the world, according to their sources. Victor argued that they had no way to be sure, but they sent him anyway, threatening to send in a strike force, which would, most likely, have high amounts of collateral damage to the monastery. Resigned to this fact, he went.

The mission was easy, but something changed within the man, his open, smiling self, now become a taciturn, tight-lipped agent of S.T.R.I.K.E, who now performed his missions without question, preferring to confide in a young, beautiful Operations Coordinator called Charlotte. The two quickly fell in love, and were married after a year and a half of courtship. Now, it would seem that the base of a covert organization wouldn't be the best place to raise a family, but it worked out anyways. After their first child, Zander, they weren't concerned for the safety of their child, for he was always looked after by several on-base guards, who quickly fell in love with the boy, (even if he did seem a bit distant), and was watched whenever Charlotte or Victor couldn't be there. This was the state of affairs, until Victor's greatest tragedy, and greatest victory happened all at once.

The birth of his daughter, Lydia, went smoothly, the baby born healthy. However, Charlotte only got to hold the child for three minutes before she went into shock, and died, reasons unknown, even with the medical technology that S.T.R.I.K.E had. More than ever, Victor felt responsible for his family, and cared for Lydia and Zander deeply, giving them all of his love and attention. Also, in their mother's absence, the base staff became Lydia and Zander's collective parents, whenever Victor was away.

Nowadays, VKTR-17 is being sent on even more missions than usual, and cherishes any moment he can spend with his kids. With the recent emergence of Equilibrium, however, he might be assigned to recover the young Meta that he brought to STRIKE all those years ago.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below):

B. City Level (Although he does get sent on missions around the world.)

Powers (Be Specific):
Victor is a mystic, who has had years of training, outside of STRIKE, and is a great martial artist, one of the best in the world.
Eye of Bahamut- Victor can send out an arcane eye that flies around, and look through it with his normal vision. It can also shoot a ray of fire, for a few meters, but this obscures Victor's vision.
Restrain- Victor can immobilize most human-sized beings with a ray of psychic energy.
Eternal Freedom- Victor can never be permanently restrained or imprisoned by any source, supernatural or physical. It might take days, or even weeks for this ability to take effect, but he will escape.
Arcane Sigil- Victor can summon a magical sign that sends a wave of arcane force in a cone, one direction.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Peak Normal Human (Military training)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20 MPH

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Peak Normal Human (Military, Agent, and Mystic training)

Agility: 3x Human level

Intelligence: Above Average Human

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: While pretty powerful, and extremely skilled, he is still a normal human, with normal human weaknesses. His idealism is a weakness, as well, even if he isn't naive. He goes out of his way to protect the innocent and prevent collateral damage.

Supporting Characters:
Lydia Nugyven- Victor's daughter. A cute, energetic girl, who is an aspiring artist.

Zander Nugyven- Victor's son. Seems disinterested most of the time, but is very kind to his younger sister. Is a musician, able to play the flute.

Charlotte Nugyven (Deceased)- Victor's late wife. Was a kind, gentle woman, who loved Victor deeply, before she died, giving birth to a third child, who also died, due to miscarriage.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yeh.

Sample Post:

Victor trudged up the slope of the mountain, snow whipping across his face. His hood pulled over his head, he thought quietly about what he had been sent to the monastery at the top of the mountain to do.

Director Anderson sat at his desk, and pointed at Victor, finger stabbing in his face, furiously. "Listen, Victor, if you can't do this mission, I'll be required to send in a strike force! You know what that means! While they won't mean to, they'll still have massive, unnecessary collateral! If you don't want that, you WILL save the world, at the cost of one life!"

"But sir, we can't be sure that he'll-"

"This came from ORACLE! I'm pretty damn convinced that this is legit! Now GO!"


As he approached the monastery, he looked for a way to climb the wall. This place wasn't built for defense, and there were several shingled roofs on the walls, surrounding the tight courtyard, which was generally protected from the harsh elements. As he scaled the wall, and crept stealthily along the roof, he caught sight of the target whose image would be forever burned into his mind. A young boy, about eight years old, playing with a kitten, in the courtyard, by the fire.

Tears in his eyes, and snow stinging his face, Victor raised his hands, and a flaming eye appeared in front of him. He whispered, "I'm sorry." before letting a fiery bolt loose at the child. He didn't even have the chance to scream. Incinerated immediately, Victor was glad that he could at least give him a quick death, that he didn't have to suffer.

Leaping down from the wall, Victor ran from the monastery, crying, as he heard the anguished cries of the monks, as they discovered what had become of the child. Sobbing into his mouthpiece, he said, "A-agent V-V-VKTR-17 r-report- reporting for ex-extraction."

A cool, calming voice replied, "This is Charlie Double-oght Two. Report acknowledged. Heading to exfil zone now." Out of the sky, a VTOL dropship landed in front of Victor for the briefest second before he climbed into the aircraft, and closed the bay door behind him. Slumping into the seat in the back of the plane, he held his head in his hands. What had he done?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
Avatar of NeutralNexus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey, so I got posts on the way! Cowl and War-Pulse are both coming soon. However, this has been a long time coming, and I have finally made a niche character we do not have yet!

Character you have created: Umbraxis
Aliases: Count Gloomveil(Occasionally In Avatar Form), Umbraxis the Destroyer, The Great Void, The Endless Darkness, The Dark One

Speech Color: Indigo

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Known

Character Personality: For a being of cosmic darkness, the being itself is actually quite polite. Its charming demeanor and dry wit make it actually quite a pleasure to speak to, were not so terrifying to simply be within its presence. Despite what it does, it possesses a curious streak about lesser beings. It is inquisitive and insightful, and spends most of its time wandering planets in its avatar form, taking different guises and shapes in an attempt to entertain itself in the affairs of civilization. It even goes so far as to integrate itself in a planet’s affairs and systems, taking part in their politics and inner workings as if playing one big game. Perhaps it is trying to weaken defenses of those it is intending to devour, but more than likely these pursuits are merely for its own entertainment.

However, one would always feel uncomfortable around it, as the polite tones it takes and clever banter it delivers belies its true purpose. While it does have an interest in societies, the interest only goes so far as a hobby, where destruction is its profession. To The Void, people are playthings to observe and interact with until it is hungry enough to consume them. Make no mistake, it takes extreme joy in eradication, gleefully stomping out a planet without a second thought. It shows no empathy for the countless societies it has snuffed out since the beginning of time, though it will always remember them fondly.

While its means for sustenance does not seem aimless, and it seems to view its targets as both its meal and its purpose. It seems to believe that with the potential for life, there must come the potential of overindulgence. It believes that in the same vein of Civilizations that would spread, Empires would be born across galaxies, and with those Empires would come destruction, the potential to snuff out other potential races and species in an attempt to sustain their own populations. The potential for one race to rule them all would always loom over the Universe, and forces the Universe to create its own governing equalizer, an Apex Predator with the potential to eradicate all others in the belief of Universal balance. In its mind, Umbraxis is that Predator.

Uniform/costume: True Form

Avatar Form

Origin Info/Details: In the time before time, before the Universe even existed, there was nothing. From that nothing, came the Singularity, and from that Singularity came the Universe. A singular, ever expanding spread of stars, galaxies, and nebulas. All manner of life and sentience was created, evolution took place, civilizations were born and spread.

However, that was not all that was created at the beginning of time.

In the farthest corners of the Universe, in the blackest holes of space, something had formed unlike anything else in the universe. Between the newly formed stars and nebulas, between the spaces between the newly forming galaxies, something was stirring in the black. Dark Matter and Dark Energy, whirling together around a core of Antimatter, swirling and changing in unison, moving as one amidst the emptiness. It thought and processed as a single entity, calculating its formation as it acquired more mass. Every day it grew in size, each year it became something more and more. For millennia upon millennia, eon upon eon, it drifted aimlessly, siphoning countless asteroids, planets, and other forms of matter into it’s body, the resulting gamma emissions fueling its ever growing mind and power.

And then its first encounter came to pass, an early space-faring race came across this entity within the depths of endless darkness. They were curious, inquisitive, their scanners came in close to explore this massive, sentient darkness. They saw unlimited potential for such an entity, the possibility for power to be harnessed at a scale they couldn’t even comprehend.

However, the creature they deemed “Umbraxis” did not see the same in them. It barely even noticed them at first, letting their scanners and drones study it as they pleased. For a while, they even entertained it, letting it observe their way of life, politics, and culture. However, this did not last long, as it saw something else in this space faring race. It saw materials and matter, molecules and particles, it saw the one thing that it slowly came to realize that it would need if it was going to continue to grow in strength and power.

It saw this race as sustenance.

With barely a thought, Umbraxis wiped out the scouting party, devouring their forms into itself without warning or hesitation, accumulating their matter into its nebulous form. With this attack, came knowledge, knowledge of a planet not too many light years away, filled with matter and particles that could strengthen the creature, who now gained a taste for such bloodlust. The Massive Void began to travel, consuming whatever got in its path as it neared the first Civilization, the formless black travelling at an alarming rate to the planet.

The Civlization fought back, ships and resources sacrificed to destroy the coming cosmic force, but it only delayed the inevitable. Before long, Umbraxis had consumed the planet and its people, leaving empty space in place of what was a growing Empire. However, that was only the first, as Umbraxis had found itself relishing in the destruction while it sustained itself. Before long, Umbraxis found itself destroying another Space-faring people, then another, and another, again and again dominating any who opposed its unyielding hunger.

However, there were survivors to its attacks, beings who were able to escape the entity by leaving its path of cosmic destruction. They began to spread the tale of a Void, capable of wiping out entire worlds within days, destroying Galactic Empires as if they were nothing to its might. The people of the Universe began to hear tales of such a being, before long all who heard of it began to acknowledge that this was no myth or rumor, but a true, unparalleled threat, one that could not be stopped, only hindered and avoided. Some tried to harness its power, some tried to hunt it down and kill it, none survived. It bore a name in many languages and given many titles. It was a king to some, a force of nature to others, some even built churches in its name and called it a god. Its mere mention brought shivers to even the most powerful of galactic empires. But above all else, in any nation in the galaxy, it is known by one name.

Umbraxis the Destroyer.

Hero Type:
Supernatural(Cosmic Horror)

Power Level:
Cosmic Level

Cosmic Being- Umbraxis is a creature of pure dark matter, bigger than any planet and comparable to some stars in the galaxy depending on the amount of matter it has consumed. As such, it has no solid body in its true form, nor does it have the needs of breathing or sleeping, as most creatures do. Also, not being of solid form unless it wishes to, it is highly resistant to conventional weaponry. As such a being, mental manipulation from another being is nigh-impossible due to its lack of a solid neural structure, a conglomeration of matter held together by an abstract sentience has very little chance of being altered. Even mind reading is not recommended as such a being would have thoughts hard to comprehend by other beings, which could result in insanity.

Dark Matter Manipulation-As a being of dark matter, Umbraxis has the ability to manifest and control dark matter at will, with no known limit. He can shift it from a murky, choking cloud into durable, adamantine matter. While the dark matter can take any shape, Umbraxis typically manipulates it into such things as barriers, tendrils, spikes, blades, claws, and fields to pick up and toss large objects as a form of telekinesis. Using dark matter, it has even managed to pull a small planet out of orbit by encapsulating it.

Dark Energy Projection- Similar to dark matter, Umbraxis can manipulate and expel dark energy with a thought with no known limit on its use. Typically this explosive energy is used as concussive energy beams, waves, and blasts.

Cosmic Awareness- While not necessarily omnipotent, Umbraxis does have a certain level of spatial awareness considering its size. In the depths of space, Umbraxis can pinpoint life from across galaxies and seek it out on energy traces alone. This awareness transcends reality, as it views time and space at a level we cannot comprehend, making any time manipulation relatively insubstantial against it.

Matter Consumption/Conversion- Upon touch, Umbraxis can de-construct matter on a subatomic level, converting material into its own dark matter. While the time it takes to convert matter depends on mass and density, all can be converted. With mundane inanimate objects, this is instantaneous, if it touches it, it can deconstruct it, assembling small its and peices to its overall mass. Magical or enhanced materials can take a little longer, and if used against it there can be no matter transferal until Umbraxis locks it in place. Living beings take the longest, as they have will over their own bodies, but this time-lapse is still fairly swift, albeit extremely painful. This can also be dependent on a target’s strength and power, resiliency, and superhuman components, as well as how many targets Umbraxis is trying to consume at once. Regardless, prolonged exposure to Umbraxis’ touch or grasp will result in deconstruction by Umbraxis. Notably, this is why Umbraxis tends to kill prey before consumption, as the target can no longer resist.

Acquired Memory- When consuming a living being, it's mind is inherited into the amalgamation that is Umbraxis. While this does not change Umbraxis’ personality or emotional state, it does allow the entity to tap into knowledge instantaneously, learning languages, techniques, history, and cultures by assimilation alone.

Telepathy- With no real mouth to speak of, Umbraxis typically communicates with widespread telepathy.

Regeneration- While Umbraxis to this point is considered invulnerable, there is always the chance such an entity can take damage. However, Umbraxis’ consumption powers simply allow him to convert surrounding matter into Dark Matter, replenishing its own lost materials.

Immortality- Umbraxis does not show any sign of aging, nor does it succumb to toxins or afflictions of organic life. There is no evidence as to whether Umbraxis can actually be killed, as no one who has attempted has ever come close.

Space Travel- Umbraxis is typically an aimless wanderer, with no age to speak of it has no need to rush unless it finds itself starving for matter. However, Umbraxis is a space-farer, so it can tap into its antimatter core to cause a mass reaction capable of FTL travel. This is not a reactionary power, nor is it instantaneous. FTL travel takes considerable warmup time and can be interrupted, but only with a sizeable event.

Dark Matter Constructs: A sub-power of both Dark Matter Manipulation and its Avatar Form. While these creatures are produced by Umbraxis and given purpose by its will, they are single-minded and self-reliant. Other than simple, direct commands given at creation, these creations do not think or rationalize on their own. They are given a single shape, as opposed to free forming, and follow their specific purpose until obstructed or destroyed. These shapes may occasionally resemble creatures or people it has consumed over its ageless existence


Strength Level: Incalculable

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Over 100+MPH, no Limit Known

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Nearly Unlimited

Agility: At least 20X Human level if not more.

Intelligence: Super-Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: None

Weaknesses: Despite its highly evolved intelligence, Umbraxis does not utilize its impressive intellect as often as it should. It is arrogant, fully-believing there is no entity that can match it. While this is true, this does present a plethora of opportunities to outwit and outmaneuver the lifeform. Also, while Umbraxis is incredibly powerful, its power is slightly dependant on how well it has fed recently, FTL travel and energy use can cause it to weaken slightly, possibly enough to exploit some hidden weakness of the mighty entity.

Supporting Characters:
The First Civilization- This long-dead civilization bears no known name, nor do many of its carvings or memories exist anymore. It was deemed the First Civilization not because this was the first civilization to exist, but merely the First to come across Umbraxis. While they were wiped out, they were given the most time to study and observe The Void. They were the closest to finding a weakness in the lifeform, and may have left something behind vital to stopping it...

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:

Somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy, in a system far from our own, spaceships designed for war converged in front of a single, massive planet, forming a blockade in the stratosphere above their beloved terrestrial home. The race of people, tall and slender, their red scaly skin covered in golden, glowing power armor, clearly telling of their status These were no farmers, nor were they merchants or pirates; these were conquerors. This race, whose name could not be pronounced in our tongue, is one of the most feared Galactic Empire in their sector. In an astounding rate of time, this race had conquered their system, and the systems surrounding it. One by one, planet by planet, they had established themselves as one of the most dominating and powerful Empires this side of the galaxy had ever seen.

And yet, this was the first time they truly knew fear.

Their enemy had attacked the other planets of their mighty Empire, assaulted their people. They originally paid it no mind, thinking it was rebellion of a lesser race, or marauders coming to collect on the outskirt colonies. That was before they noticed that the planets themselves were disappearing. One by one, something was carving its way up the Empire, connections being cut off, hunting parties disappearing into the blackness of space. No trace, no record, just gone. Each day passed by, and their connection to the outside systems were dwindling, they were cut off from everything.

And now, whatever was destroying them was here, to finish them once and for all.

In the flagship, the Commander of the Fleet, a male creature of what would be considered handsome for their race, adorned in the most decorated, expensive armor, stood at the helm, looking into the blackness of space. He bore a stern face, what remains of his Army hovering over what remained of their once great empire. Their weapons powered, their shields at the ready, silence among their crew as they waited for their Commander’s commands. However, on close inspection, behind the grim determination plastered on the Commander’s face, a bead of sweat trickled from his brow, his breath shaky and haggard. There was no enemy like this to his knowledge, but there was a myth among his people, a name being passed around of a Cosmic Force which only knew of one thing; destruction. He turned to his ensign, a man half his age, also bearing a stern, orderly manner as his hands waved over the scanners of the stalwart vessel. His eyes scanning the multiple screens for any sign of their invader, his shaking, sweaty hands being the only telltale sign that he shared in his Commander’s fear, a fear that only heightened as the scanners began to whirr and whistle with readings, feeding into his visual scans a being most terrifying.

It was no ship, and it was no fleet, but something much more ancient. From the blackness of space, a cloud of dust began to roll into the Fleet’s visual sensors. At first, they believed it to be a smokescreen, to hide the real enemy. However, the cloud began to shape and swirl, its starlit mantle swayed and billowed as it came into view, two glowing orbs alighting in the endless darkness. The dark cloud began to stretch and expand, widening upon its arrival, until it dwarfed the impressive, golden fleet, covering its vision in darkness. Only then did they know what they were facing, and only then were they aware of their fate.

Umbraxis the Destroyer had come to devour them. The Great Void had come to deliver their final judgement.

Upon his horrid enlightenment, the Commander screamed in his elegant tongue to open fire, pointing at the darkness as a child would terrifyingly point at his closet at night. In an instant, the sky lit up with glowing, neon lasers, beams of every color pouring out from the cannons of the warship, penetrating the darkness with firework flares, continent-sized impacts bursting inside the horrendous cloud.

And yet, Umbraxis simply advanced as if nothing was happening. A dark, murky tendril descended from space, from the stygian core the ripple began, whipping the extension in a massive, powerful wave to impact with a Warship, cracking open its hull as if it was tissue paper. With each passing second, more and more tendrils extended across the fleet, snapping and ripping at the battle cruisers as if they were mere playthings, nothing more than an obstacle in the Destroyer’s way. The Commander ordered sustained fire across all ships, there was nowhere for them to run to, they must take the manifestation down with them if they had to.

The fool, he didn’t realize that Umbraxis could hear him thorugh the emptiness of space. In front of the flagship, a single, white orb began to manifest in front of the ship. At first, the Commander thought it was a blast of energy, or an explosion triggered from one of their photon blasts. It was when the orb fixated on them that it became clear this was some form of eye on the entity. The ship began to creak and shake, the mighty Flagship being ripped from its orbit by a colossal shadowy hand, shifting the craft for Umbraxis to get a better look at them.

This was it? This was what dared to get in its way? This was paltry, for everything it heard and experienced, it figured this race would be more formidable. A wasted opportunity, wasted potential, and overall, a boring experience. With no more interest in toying with its prey, the claw clamped down on the Flagship, imploding the metallic frame in dramatic fashion, the ship’s resulting explosion visible to the terrified folk below. The fleet had failed, in a blast of Dark Energy, the remaining ships were wiped out in all but an instant, the black ichor that was Umbraxis now blocking out the twin suns this planet was prided on.

Slowly, onimously, the darkness descended upon the planet, enveloping the exalted city in a impenetrable darkness, its people seperated by murky death.

And upon its descent, Umbraxis began to feed. Slowly beginning to decay and fall apart, the planet and its people began to suffer their slow, painful death as they were what could only be described as ‘disgested’ by this great destroyer.

The process took days, possibly years of envelopment, the land frozen in time as they silently endured their destruction. Umbraxis, while feeling the rush of adding to its strength, still felt relatively underwhelmed by this experience. Where was the planning? Where was the fun? This prey did not fulfill its endless desire for destruction.

However, as it assimilated the people of this planet, a word began to pop into its mind. This was not a word that was familiar in these people’s tongues, nor was it a word uttered by the public. No, as it acquired the memories of this Galactic Civilization, this word began to poke into its mind, mostly from this Civilization’s intelligence division. It could hear this word being uttered, again and again, each time with more importance, almost as if they felt threatened by this word.

Eaf…no, that was not it...Earh...Eath...Arth….

And then it came, all as one word. Earth. The word it was hearing over and over was Earth. What was this word? Was it another entitiy? With more time, Umbraxis continued to acquire more and more information about this ‘Earth’. A planet it was, in a far off, rather uninhabited sector of the Galaxy.

And yet this Empire considered it important enough to keep tabs on. More than that, they considered the inhabitants of Earth a threat. Why? What did Earth have that this Empire did not?

More came to Umbraxis’ mind as it probed further into the memories of these people. They were bipedal and walked upright, just as this race, but what else did they have? They barely even knew space travel.

The answer came in an unusual phenomenon that Umbraxis had only experienced very rarely in a species. Mutation. There were members of the primary species known as ‘humans’, that had transcended their normal limitations. Strength, durability, manipulation of the elements, these ‘humans’ had an unusual habit of coming across power…

Unusual, Umbraxis thought to itself. Were these mutations really to be feared? Could they even pose a threat?

Perhaps this ‘Earth’ would be the next place for Umbraxis the Destroyer to visit...
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created:Alexa Winstone


Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Purple

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): Alexa is the youngest daughter of John Winstone, and an heiress to Winstone International, the large multinational conglomerate Winstone International, a company that is known the world over for its advancements in everything from weapons technologies to green energy, medical research and food production. The company has allowed her family certain advantages, and she has embraced them to the fullest. Alexa is a princess. She has been known as a party animal and a brat. However, she also does a lot of charity work and fundraising for certain causes that she feels strongly about. She also has a desire to be more than she is, and feels strongly that because of her status, she needs to do more to help those who do not have the same advantages that she enjoys.

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like

When in costume: Bodysuit, minus high heels
She also wears a black leather trenchcoat with red trim which matches her red and black bodysuit.

Origin Info/Details: Alexa was your average party girl/heiress/paparazzi darling until one fateful weekend trip to Big Bear Mountain, California. She had expected a weekend of parties, fun, and skiing. However, while she and her boyfriend Jason were taking a winter hike through the forest near Big Bear Lake, something unexpected changed her life forever. As Alexa and John made it through a clearing to get a great view of the lake, she noticed strange lights in the sky overhead. Convinced that it was nothing more than a spectacular display of a phenomenon like the Northern Lights, John urged her on to watch the spectacle. Suddenly, the sky seemed to explode, and a bolt of lightning shot out of the sky. However, this was not like any lightning either had ever seen, for there was not a cloud in the sky and it was red in color. The strange bolt of lightning hit her directly, and only glancing John, yet throwing them both a number of feet from the site of the impact. While John was relatively unhurt, while Alexa was left in grave condition. When John came to and found Alexa unresponsive, he thought that she was dead. Because his cellular phone was fried in the blast, he was forced to leave her near the shore of the lake to find help. Fortunately, he did not have to go very far as there were a number of cabins nearby. He found one that was occupied by a kindly older couple and was able to call for help. It took the rescue team nearly an hour to get to them, but finally Alexa was airlifted to Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. The doctors had little hope that she would survive, let alone make a full recovery. However, they were astonished at how fast she actually did recover. After just a few weeks, she was moved from the ICU to her own room where she could continue her remarkable recovery. No one, not even the best doctors in the world were able to figure out why she survived the accident, let alone made a near full recover in record time. Nobody could have known that the mysterious storm which had nearly killed her had also saved her life.

Hero Type (Select one):
Energy (Electricity)

Power Level (Select one below):

C. World Level

Powers (Be Specific): Electrokinesis- Alexa is able to channel electricity through her body for use as a weapon. She is also able to use electricity to protect herself from harm (ie a form of armor or more accurately, like a force field). She can drain electricity from other objects in order to "recharge" herself.
Fight- Alexa has the power of flight
Super human strength- Alexa is able to lift a maximum of 10 tons
Alexa is able to bring down a "lightning attack" which she can control. She is able to send it where she wants for as long as she wants, or until she runs out of energy. This attack is very draining and she cannot sustain it for a long period of time.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: 10 at max

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ (in flight)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5+ hours.

Agility: 5X

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Trained

Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses:As she can be injured as would a normal person, and has to recharge her powers after extreme exertion, she may find herself vulnerable during a crisis

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
Jonathan Winstone- Dad and CEO of Winstone International
Janice Winstone- Mom
Jack Winstone- Big Brother
Jason Thomas- on again, off again boyfriend
Kara Brady- BFF

What can you bring to the RPG?: A kickass character and flirtations with the GM ;)

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yeppers

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

Ever since she was a girl, Alexa Winstone has loved Big Bear Mountain. Her childhood is riddled with memories of week long vacations to the Southern California ski resort with her family. To this day, she remembers the thrill she felt the first time she strapped a pair of skis on and took the ski lift to the top of the mountain. She remembers, just as if it were yesterday the her first wipeout. And just as if it were yesterday, she remembers her first heartbreak. She had been 13, his name was Kenny. A 25 year old ski instructor with flowing golden locks who looked like he had stepped directly off of the cover of a trashy romance novel. Deep down she had known all along that their love, or at least she had imagined that it had been their love, was doomed to fail. However, the knowledge that their "relationship" was doomed, or the fact that Kenny had hardly even noticed that she was alive did little to ease the pain of that heartbreak.

However, that was years ago, and she had mostly forgotten all about Kenny. She had continued to frequent the resort over the years, both with her family, and without them. Her most recent expedition to Big Bear is a week long getaway with her boyfriend Jason, her best friend Kara and some other friends, many of whom she doesn't really know all that well, but has run into from time to time on the LA party scene. Over the last few days, Alexa has been getting tired of the drama that is a constant at the cabin, and is excited for a nice nighttime hike with Jason. Because the mountain is almost like a second home to her, Alexa knows the trails like the back of her hand, and is excited to show Jason the spectacular moonlit view of Big Bear Lake.

As Jason and Alexa traverse the trail to the lake, taking great care not to slip in the snow, they finally find themselves in a clearing, which opens up to give a picturesque view the lake, with the mountain in the background. She inches closer to Jason and embraces him in a long hug, the warmth from his broad chest gives her momentary relief from the cold, which is something that, no matter how often she visits the mountain, she is never quite able to get used to.

"This is so nice." Alexa says dreamily into Jason's coat.

"It really is." Jason responds.

As they take in the view, they notice something strange taking form in the sky. From the east, strange lights begin to dance and shimmer in the sky above them. There are beautiful green, orange, blue and red lights that almost appear to be a massive laser show of some sort. However, at the same time, it is nothing like anything that she has ever seen before.

"What is that? Maybe we should get back to the cabin." She says as she begins to pull away from Jason.

"Don't be silly, Kiddo. It's just the Northern Lights, I think." Jason says trying to comfort her.

Then suddenly, before she can respond, the sky explodes in a cascade of light, and a massive red lightening bolt crashes down just before them. Before either can move, a second red bolt crashes down, this time, directly striking Alexa. The force of the blast sends both Alexa and Jason sailing through the air, landing several yards away from each other. Alexa lays where she landed, her body engulfed in pain like nothing she had never experienced in her life, and before she knows it, she slips into darkness.

"....xa. Wake up. Alexa!" She hears the voices, but doesn't recognize them. Then, she is suddenly aware of a presence near her. She tries to open her eyes, but even that causes her pain. Finally, she does manage to open her eyes, only to find that it is now daylight, and Jason is standing over her with what seems like an army of rescue personnel. She tries to move, all she wants is to get up from the cold ground and be with Jason, however, instead she slips back into unconsciousness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created: Harvey & Laura Smith
Alias: Thunderbolt (left) Boom (Right)

Speech Color: color=6ecff6 Thunderbolt; color=f26522 Boom

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality:

Thunderbolt: Harvey was born to be a hero. He is fiercely protective of others, and dislikes bullies. Harvey believes that everyone has a duty to help their fellow man however they can, and lives his life by that philosophy. Harvey gives to the poor, became a police officer, and eventually a superhero because he simply wants to help. Harvey is loving, compassionate, and intelligent. However, he does have flaws. He can be naive, and his code of honor can get in the way of the greater good. Harvey refuses to kill, and looks to end conflicts as peacefully as he can. When Thunderbolt sets his mind to something there is little others can do to change it. Harvey works for the Lost Haven Police Department.

Boom: Unlike her brother, Laura is a fighter. She's stubborn and pigheaded, and believes she's always right. While Laura follows a code similar to Harvey's, she goes about fulfilling it differently. Boom always looks to accomplish her goals for the greater good of mankind. While Harvey might walk an old woman across the street, Laura wants to expose a politician's corruption. She's pragmatic and calculating, choosing to use her time more wisely than her brother. Laura is rebellious, bold, and cunning. Laura has always had a nose for the truth, and has always worked as a journalist since her middle school days. She writes for the Daily Watchmen, one of Lost Haven's biggest newspapers.

Uniform/costume: See above. Boom's costume covers more skin; similar to Thunderbolt's. When not in costume, the siblings dye their hair to distance themselves from the appearance they have as heroes. Harvey stands at 5'11, and Laura at 5'9. Both are extremely fit.

Origin Info/Details: Harvey and Laura are siblings, both in their early twenties. They grew up in Lost Haven, New Hampshire; specifically the Little Sicily quarter with two loving parents and a large extended family. They were the Smiths only children, and thus were a bit spoiled. They lived a fairly peaceful life, and were pretty well off for a family living in the big city. Harvey was considered a troubled child during school for his tendency to get into fights protecting total strangers from bullies and thugs. Eventually Harvey got so out of hand that the kids' parents had both Harvey and Laura join a self defense class. This started what became a favorite hobby for both kids, who eventually joined an amateur Mixed Martial Arts gym in order to continue following their newfound interest. High School marked the first time Laura worked for a newspaper (she wrote for the school paper) as well as the first time Harvey found himself in police custody for grievously harming a local bully.

These patterns continued until the two graduated High School and set out into the world to find themselves. Laura signed up with the Daily Watchmen with the end goal of becoming a Pulitzer prize winning writer. Harvey joined the Lost Haven Police Department, ironically, with no real career in mind. His only goal was dishing out punishment to people who picked on the weak and defenseless. Eventually the siblings decided to move out of their parents' apartment and moved to Sherman Square, sharing an apartment of their own until they could afford two.

Life was good. Work was stressful for both of them, but the kids enjoyed their jobs. They didn't have trouble paying rent. When the metas first appeared, their reactions were mixed. Harvey adored Icon and the other heroes for their dedication to justice. They were a godsend to the crime-ravaged city, which had suffered under the heel of the world's most powerful mob, the Shroud Syndicate. Harvey was one of the few cops not on their payroll. Laura didn't trust them: no one should have that much power. What if Icon turned bad? He could destroy entire nations and no one could stop him. And all these super villains that seemed to follow after him, like the dreaded Nightmare? Metahumans were too much trouble, and Laura hated having to put trust in people she didn't know to protect her.

Then D-Day struck.

Harvey had been among the police who were in the thick of the fighting. He'd nearly been gutted on more than one occasion by the invading monsters and demons. He'd seen too many friends die that day. Laura had intentionally put herself in the middle of the action. She recorded everything, both with her phone and a notepad. Her piece on the D-Day violence won her two whole promotions for being one of the only reporters brave enough to document the events of D-Day.

Less than a week after the attack, the siblings were walking home together. It was raining, harder than it had rained in years. Flash flood warnings were in affect as the two rushed to their apartment, having left their car home since there hadn't been any projected rain that evening. While walking through the park, the two were struck by a series of lightning bolts. When they awoke in the hospital, it seemed a miracle had occurred. The doctors reported that the two had been covered head to toe in third degree burns, yet they had healed in less than an hour. The doctors marked it up as a freak accident (and reported the incident to STRIKE) and sent the Smiths on their way.

Thus, Thunderbolt and Boom were born.

At first, Laura wanted to ignore her abilities until they could find a cure. Harvey, on the other hand, was ecstatic. He could finally be a superhero! The two argued about what to do about their new found abilities for days. Eventually Laura agreed to go along with Harvey's hair brained superhero scheme, at least for the mean time. Laura and Harvey discovered the extent of their powers over the next few months as they trained and fought, sharpening their reflexes so they could better operate at the speed of lightning. Once the two thought they had their powers under control, the Smiths started their career as superheroic siblings. They had one of their most trusted friends, Brooklyn Stone, sew them both friction proof costumes. Harvey's best friend, Eric Harrison, set the two up with magnetized ear pieces so they could communicate even while travelling faster than sound. Once they were properly equipped, Thunderbolt and Boom set out to debut themselves as Lost Haven's nearest heroic duo.

Hero Type: Speedsters

Power Level:
City level (Boom) World level (Thunderbolt)


Super Speed: Harvey and Laura's primary power is super speed, with their other abilities existing as subsidiaries of this ability. When Thunderbolt or Boom run, time and space seems to bend as everything slows down around them. They are able to perceive things in slow motion, as well as talk at super speeds to each other using their magnetized ear pieces. The siblings are capable of reaching speeds up to mach 300, faster than the speed of lightning. There are signs that the two are slowly becoming faster the more they push themselves. Thunderbolt's maximum speed is now Mach 600.

Tornado Generation: Thunderbolt and Boom can run in circles at super speed to create a vortex that they are both able to control. They can rotate their limbs at super speed to generate tornados to either send enemies flying or suck the air out of their lungs and keep them from breathing.

Healing Factor: While the Lightning Effect allows the speedsters to tank enormous damage without harm, there are still things that the Effect can't absorb. To make up for this, the Lightning Effect increases the siblings' natural healing factors to the umpth degree. With this healing factor, third degree burns heal in less than an hour. Minor cuts in minutes. Entire organs regenerate in a day. Broken Bones repair themselves in hours.

Super-Intelligence: Harvey and Laura's brains move as fast as they do, allowing them to think at extreme speeds. They are capable of reading entire books in seconds. Their brains' short term memory lasts thousands of times longer than the short term memory of a human being. The Smiths brains process information at such rates that Thunderbolt and Boom are able to perceive bullets at near stand still. Such increased reflexes allow them to experience years in the span of a second, disarm an army of their weapons before they can fire a single shot, and dismantle missile moments before they explode.

Lightning Effect: The mysterious source of Thunderbolt and Boom's powers. A blue aura surrounds each of them that absorbs kinetic energy. This aura protects them and anyone they are carrying from the effects of the speed, especially the effects of friction and airborne particulate matter. It also prevents them from sustaining injury from high-speed impacts, and affords a low-level of superhuman resistance to injury. Both of the siblings are able to expertly control the Effect, increasing their combat effectiveness drastically.


Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH [mach 600, faster than lightning]

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 1 hour

Agility: 20X Human level

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Trained [Thunderbolt and Boom are both experienced in kickboxing, having trained since they were young]

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: Molecules slow down in subzero temperatures. This applies to the speedsters as well: The colder the environment, the slower Thunderbolt and Boom are forced to move. Slick floors also mean that the speedster siblings can't get traction, and can't run at super speeds. Harvey and Laura have to consume more food than the average human to compensate for the Lightning Effect speeding up their metabolisms. The Lighting Effect can be manipulated by outside forces, stealing the Smiths speed and rending them powerless.

Supporting Characters:



Peter and Emily Smith: Harvey and Laura's parents. They don't know their children are superheroes. Loving and kind, Peter and Emily support their children whenever they can. Peter is a retired boxer, and Emily is an artist. They both live in an apartment in Little Sicily.

Brooklyn Stone: A childhood friend of Harvey and Laura. She is a skilled tailor, and created Thunderbolt and Boom's costumes, and repairs said costumes whenever they are damaged. She owns a small shop in the heart of Chinatown.

Eric Harrison: Best friend of Harvey. The two have been close since Harvey fended off a couple of bullies that were harassing young Eric. Harrison is a technology guru, and provides the team all of their gadgets and support on the field. He monitors police scanners and contacts the Smiths when there's trouble. Eric has no official job, living off his parents' fortune. Eric Harrison lost his left arm in a car accident. He eventually replaced it with a home-made prosthetic.

Commissioner Jessica Valdez: Commissioner of the Lost Haven Police Department and Harvey's boss. She doesn't know Harvey is Thunderbolt, and despises both him and his other identity for working against her. Corrupt and greedy, she serves at the pay of the Shroud Syndicate and is on the top of Thunderbolt's takedown list.

Captain Emile Hart: Harvey's direct superior, and yet another dirty cop. Hart resents Harvey for his unwavering stand against corruption, but secretly wishes he was brave enough to stand up with the kid. In his early fifties, Emile is a veteran on the force.

Captain Gerald Nehmann: One of the most corrupt officers Harvey has ever met. Nehmann is a middle aged Italian man with no family. He's only concerned about one thing: making money. That's what drove him to join up with the Syndicate when they started paying cops off.

Corporal Sal Topp: Harvey's partner, and tentative friend. While Sal might be on the Shroud's payroll, Harvey saw that there was genuine good in her.

Editor-in-Chief Gary Gold: Chief of the Daily Watchmen and Laura's boss. He has a hard nose for the truth, and only prints the facts. He's one of the few newspaper in Lost Haven not controlled by the mob. Gary doesn't know Laura is Boom, but she's one of his most trusted reporters and writers. Publicly supports superheroes and condemns the police for their corruption. The Watchmen is set up in the Financial District.

Terrance "Terry" Gibbs: A young photographer who works with Laura Smith at the Daily Watchmen. Fresh out of college, he's a bit naive. Yet he's as devoted to finding the truth as his partner, which is exactly the reason why Laura chose him.



Hi-Voltage: Secret identity confirmed as American thief Ben Kepling. Ben is in his early thirties, and has been in and out of prison his entire life. Ben received his powers when he tried breaking in to a Midas Industries laboratory. The break-in went wrong and Ben Kepling found himself in the middle of an electrical and chemical fire. Instead of killing the thief, the accident turned Ben into living plasma. Hi-Voltage now uses his powers to amass wealth. He hopes one day to find a way to control his appearance, but for now Ben is more than content to live life as a living lightning bolt. Hi-Voltage's powers include electrokinesis and superspeed.

Concrete: Secret identity confirmed as African American football player Harry Quake. Harry is in his late twenties, and before becoming a criminal was a successful linebacker on Lost Haven's football team. He was a star player, until one game he was struck with a career ending injury that would cripple the man for life. But Harry wouldn't give up on his life. Mister Quake took a highly experimental performance enhancing drug in an effort to fix his crippled leg. The drug worked, but Harry's new legs came with a price. His skin and bones had transformed into some kind of otherworldly stone. Harry was nearly invulnerable, but he looked like a monster. Harry Quake became Concrete, the super criminal brick in order to get revenge on the people who sold him that drug. Now Concrete works as a mercenary for hire, bouncing between gangs and mobs, following the money. Concrete has stone skin, and Class 100+ super strength.

El Toro: Secret identity unknown. El Toro is suspected to be a male of Hispanic descent, perhaps in his mid-thirties. El Toro's past is unknown thanks to his mysterious Luchidor mask which cannot be removed by anyone but El Toro. Because of this, information on El Toro is sketchy at best. All that is known is that El Toro seems to have no defined agenda, and authorities theorize that Toro is in it for the cash. The Bull possess a pair of unbreakable, sharp horns on the top of his head and class 100+ super strength, as well as a degree of super speed.

Gray Owl: Secret identity unknown. The Gray Owl only recently arrived in Lost Haven and has never been seen before the convoy incident. He seems to be a normal human, possessing extraordinary technology that allows him to combat superheroes like Thunderbolt and Boom. Motives are unknown. Age is unknown.


The Vanguard

Skull-Thrasher: Jeremy Mahers is an ex-marine that was honorably discharged from the military when he was mortally wounded by an IED attack. Jeremy discovered in his first year back in the states that he had the incredible ability to regenerate from any wound and had nigh-unbreakable bones. He took on the identity of Skull-Thrasher and began a personal crusade against crime within his home town of Chicago. The Vanguard recruited Jeremy a few weeks ago. Skull-Thrasher wears black fatigues under his custom-made body armor. He mainly fights using a pair of metal baseball bats, but also carries duel 9mm glocks in case things need to get heated.

Harold of Graa'tazken: Martin Peterson has always lived a life steeped in the occult. At a young age he became fascinated by the ideas of magic and monsters and mythology. When the extra-dimensional being calling itself Graa'tazken came to earth looking for a host, Martin was more than happy to accept the call to action. The Harold uses his newly found magic abilities to fight crime across the Continental United States. He was one of the founding members of the Vanguard. Harold wields a large two handed sword and a book full of spells. He protects himself using armor he received from Graa'tazken himself.

Supercell: Aban Ali Sahar was born in Damascus, Syria. He spent the early years of his life protesting against the tyranny of his own government alongside the rest of his family. When the Civil War broke out, Aban Ali Sahar was one of the first to join the Free Syrian Army in their quest to replace the dictatorship with democracy. Aban discovered his abilities when he accidentally created a hurricane and wiped out an approaching regime force. He donned the identity of Supercell and decided to travel to the western world to gather super-powered allies to help him fight for his people's freedom. Supercell recently joined the Vanguard in exchange for their eventual help in Syria. Aban wears a state of the art bullet proof vest and usually fights using a pair of brass knuckles and an AK-47.

Skyquake: May O'Reilly is the daughter of Irish immigrants that have been living in the Detroit area all their lives. May discovered her abilities at an early age, and has spent a lifetime honing her powers. The streets of Detroit have turned May into a hardened fighter; she refused to play the victim in a city full of the weak and starving. May founded the Vanguard in the hopes of bettering society by fighting organized crime with her own organization of vigilantes. Skyquake can fly faster than the speed of sound and lift over 100 tons. She dresses in casual clothes even during combat; her super-durability extends to anything she's wearing or holding.

Demolition: Gary Fieldman is a blue-collar construction worker. He has a wife and two little girls that he wants to protect and provide for. When Gary was involved in a work accident and covered in dangerous chemicals, he found that he could grow to be nearly 15 meters tall and had super strength. Gary decided to join the Vanguard when his family was kidnapped by a local metahuman villain and Skyquake showed up to help. Gary usually just wears the same clothes he was wearing during the accident; they're the only thing that grow and shrink with him.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I have no idea, pls send help

Sample Post: Harvey was bored. He'd just gotten off of work and was waiting for Laura to pick him outside the precinct. "Come on, come on, come on. Where is she?" Harvey repeated under his breathe as he tapped his foot rapidly against the sidewalk beneath his feet. He could have ran home and gotten there in a second, but this whole secret identity thing didn't allow it. People would start to wonder how Harvey moved around so fast without a car. They'd ask questions; and when all of your co-workers are detectives and police officers, acting suspicious isn't recommended. So here Harvey was, stuck sitting on a bench outside the police department, waiting for his sister. She probably stayed late again working on another story. She was always doing that. Which was fine, Harvey guessed, but Laura could have at least called. Was that so hard? Picking up her cell phone and telling her older brother 'Hey, I'm going to be working late. You should just walk home.' Sergeant Smith sighed as he slumped in his seat, nearly dozing off despite the biting cold of the February air. Couldn't it be summer already? Harvey felt so...Sluggish during winter. The speedster considered just walking home when his ear buzzed. He reached up and touched the small bluetooth device, activating it.

"Go ahead, Eric."

Finally, some action! With all the other metahumans running around, you'd think Thunderbolt would be busier. Yet, it seemed all the crime across the city was being dealt by other heroes most of the time. Harvey pulled his coat tighter around himself as his best friend started talking.

"Alright. We've got a robbery in progress on the corner of Roe and Beacon. Somebody's trying to rob Clarie's Jewelry. They've got a meta with 'em, too. A brick by the sounds of it. Bulletproof, tearing steel apart with ease. Sounds like your kind of gig." Harvey looked around. He didn't want anyone to see him race off at mach 300. Once Thunderbolt was sure the close was clear, Harvey took off. He kept his speed low, about mach 50, so that the Lightning Effect kept his clothes intact. He needed to reach his house and change into costume. He dodged around people, cars, and buildings as he reached his house in the span of a single sentence. Harvey unlocked his door and raced into his room, opening a locked chest where he kept his Thunderbolt costume. Harvey changed in a flash before disappearing out the fire escape and racing down the side of his apartment building. The speedster cranked his speed up to max and reached the site of the robbery in seconds.

"Where's my sister, by the way?" Harvey wondered as he observed the situation. Five gunmen, all armed with automatic weapons. They wouldn't be an issue. The real problem was the metahuman. The guy stood at a massive eight foot tall and was covered in stone, head to foot. Oh boy. Thunderbolt thought. He'll be trouble. "Laura's still working on a report. Something about more and more of Lost Haven's biggest companies falling under the influence of mobsters. Really interesting piece, actually." Harvey sighed as the gunmen exited the jewelry store carrying bags full of loot. "Really? What's Gold think?" Thunderbolt asked as he pursued the gunmen to their getaway vehicle. They had yet to spot the hero, who was moving too fast for the human eye to follow. "Gary? Gary's skeptical. Not enough hard facts about these mobsters to start publishing front page stories about 'em. He wants her to keep pursuing the angle, though." The metahuman hopped into the back of the car as the gunmen all filed inside with the loot and started to drive away. "You should probably-" Eric began. "Yeah, yeah. I got it." Thunderbolt disappeared in a flash of light as he reached the vehicle. Harvey began popping the tires, rapidly vibrating his fingers to turn them sharp. The vehicle swerved as the driver lost control of the car, and they crashed into the side of a building.

Thunderbolt stood atop the car, looking down at the stunned thugs. "So you should surrender, because we all know how this is going to go down." Not wanting to go down without a fight, the masked criminals opened fire. They sprayed holes through the roof of their car as they tried to kill the hero attempting to stop them in their tracks. Harvey hummed a tune as he casually grabbed the bullets out from the air. The thugs and their metahuman comrade all exited the car and spread out. Thunderbolt just smiled as they continued to fire until they were out of ammo. "My turn." He announced, launching the bullets at super speed into the thugs. The bullets were moving too slowly to pierce a human's skin, but fast enough to knock out all of the gunmen in a hail of gunfire. The metahuman growled, leaping over to the car an grabbing at the speedster. Thunderbolt jumped over his head and landed a good few yards away. "So what do they call you? Brickhead? Mister Stone?" Harvey quipped as the frustrated meta grabbed the getaway car and tossed it in the speedster's direction. "Name's Concrete!" He growled as Thunderbolt grabbed a pair of the unconscious criminals before the car could land on them. "Your name'll be Con-VICT when we're done here!" Thunderbolt joked with a smirk as he charged the metahuman. "Stop. Stop please." Eric begged over the comms as he watched the fight through the camera built in to Thunderbolt's goggles. "That physically hurt."

"Whatever, you're just jealous of my quick wit."

The speedster unleashed a barrage of punches onto Concrete's abdomen. The Hundred Speeding Fists, Harvey liked to call it. Thunderbolt dashed backwards as Concrete tried to grab his attacker. "Ow. Ow. Ow." Thunderbolt complained as he rubbed his fists together. Concrete laughed as the speedster danced around in discomfort. "Ya can't hurt me, little punk! I've fought with the big leagues! You ain't nothin'." Thunderbolt growled as he considered his options. "Any ideas on how to take this guy down, big man?" Eric asked. Harvey spent a microsecond thinking it over before he thought of another plan. "Yeah. Let's see if he has to breathe." Thunderbolt began rotating his arms at the speed of lightning, creating a vacuum around Concrete as he sucked the air out of the immediate area and the meta's lungs. Concrete fell to his knees on the street, clutching his throat as he struggled to breathe air that wasn't there. It took nearly three minutes before the guy collapsed, unconscious. "Score one for team Thunderbolt!" Harvey cheered, pumping his fist in the air.

"We are so not team Thunderbolt."

"Oh, hey! Shortstack has finally decided to pick up."

"Been busy. I assume you have it handled?"

"'Course I do. I'll have Concrete and his lackies in police custody soon as Eric gives the call."

"Already done, bud."

"Cool. How's the reportin' coming, Laura? Catch any big scoops?"

"First, nobody says scoop." Laura started. "Second, Gary shot me down. We need more information on the guys buying out the financial district before he'll even consider running the story."

"Well, where do we start?"

"All I have is a name. The Cowl."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
Avatar of Raptorman


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Character you have created: Alsia

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not):

Character Alignment: Questionable

Identity: Secret

Character Personality : Alsia has a rather focused personality and outlook. She was trained to prioritize the mission and her objectives over everything else. In short she was raised as a living weapon and has the baggage associated with such an upbringing. (Personality will develop as i write her more)

Unsuited- Due to her initial imprints having been based on humanity Alsia looks more human than the average Visisth, and as the Visisth are on the whole a moderately humanoid race this leads to her bearing a great deal of resemblance to a human female. She has high cheekbones and a nose that seems slightly thinner than a normal human. Her mouth while looking decidedly human at first glance actually can open several times wider than a human's and if closely examined it becomes apparent that the skin of her cheeks is folded over upon itself in an intricate fashion that allows it to unfold and let her mouth open so widely. It also gives her cheeks a slight wrinkled appearance and results in her mouth being naturally pulled into a slight smile. A close examination of the inside of her mouth will also note differences, she has a second set of teeth that can descend in front of her humanoid ones, these retractable teeth are sharp and clearly made for cutting. The Visisth equivalent to hair grows only from her head and hers is a faded silver blonde in color. It is allowed to behave naturally and is unbound capable of stretching down slightly past her shoulders, tendrils of it often seeming to reach out of their own accord and it frames her face. Her limbs are also slightly longer and slimmer than a humans. Alsia's eyes as mentioned previously are more oblong and set at an angle in her face as they tilt downwards on the way out from the center. Her skin is like all Visisth capable of altering coloration and pattern on command but most often holds a health is slightly pale coloration. Physically the rest of her body aside from her face also is quite similar to a humans. The presence of Vrier sites in Alsia's body is also noticeable as there are slight lumps in her skin where one of the Vrier sites lies, these lumps are firm to the touch. In terms of physical structure she is also less bulky than a human and has very little in the way of noticeable fat deposits. Alsia's eyes are covered by a transparent membrane that protects them from dust or detritus and that can function as a secondary eyelid in regards to blinking. They are slightly more oblong than a humans and distinctly set in an angle in her face, the outer edges of each eye is angled slightly downwards diagonally. The irises of her eyes are orange and Alsia's eyes appear to have no whites. The pupil functions similarly to a humans though it can grow far larger.

Armor Suit- Alsia's armor suit is fairly lightweight for a suit of powered armor and is also form fitting. The helm portion of it has the least resemblance to what lies beneath as it does not have a mold of her face but rather is blank save for two oblong portals that coincide with her eyes. These portals can alter their coloration in response to changing light levels both to protect and to aid Alsia's vision and as such range in their degree of tint depending on the situation. There are slits in the back of the helm that allow for her 'hair' to slip out and remain free despite the helmet. Her armor suit is slightly thicker in the back of the chest area then its otherwise formfitting nature would lead one to expect as the power battery for the armor is contained within that area. The limbs of the suit almost perfectly mold to Alsia's own though they notably add a slightly more pointed tip to each of her fingers. The lower limb portions of the armor are similar as the foot piece on the whole ends in a more pointed fashion than her actual feet. The armor similar to her choice of attire is white and golden in coloration. Alsia's armor suit also has weapons attached, twin plasma whip generator handles are attached at the waist and can be drawn at her discretion, further she typically carries the MI Universal Rifle VI strapped to her back, other weapons that are always present are a pair of plasma sword generators which are also attached at her waist.

Origin Info/Details: Alsia like all Visisth was born on their home-world of Lierin I. Also like all Visisth Alsia had a period of time in which her body would naturally be incredibly mutable and composed nearly entirely of Vrier cells, a time during which impressions such as environment and the appearance of other life forms determines what the base of the Visisth's body would be like. This process of imprinting was interrupted when Alsia along with several other young Visisth were taken from Lierin I by agents of the corporation Macros International. The Visisth had been marked as sentient but not yet civilized and as such their world was supposed to be off limits to everyone according to laws governing interaction with sentient alien species. Albrecht Macros, the immortal founder of the company that bears his name was far less willing to allow a race with such potential to go to waste and when the law conflicted with his agenda he simply arranged for it to be broken. The other young Visisth had already begun to differentiate and come to a set appearance which made them invalid for the plans that Macros had in mind and they were used for experiments to test just how impressive their adaptive abilities were. Alsia on the other hand had barely begun the process and as of that point had formed no comprehensive imprint. While this meant she was not fated to be poked and prodded for years it also meant that a very different experiment could be performed with her.

She was raised in the company of humans deliberately in order to force a human imprint upon her and the results were not unsuccessful as she can pass for human in a crowd unless one knows what to look for. And MI also wished to test the weaponization potential of a species with such natural abilities. As such Alsia was raised with a singular line of education, that of combat. A life of training and tests that pushed her to and beyond her limits constantly, it was a hellish existence, and also the only existence that the Visisth child knew, a fact that was carefully exploited by MI in an attempt to form complete loyalty on her part towards the company. Eventually she was deemed fit for field tests and out fitted with a suit of powered armor crafted specifically for her Alsia was unleashed on a mission in corporate warfare. She along with a squad of STG operatives were tasked with destroying a secured facility of Macros International's great corporate adversary Catalyst Co. Although the mission proved a success, an unfortunate series of events involving her being injured during the fighting led to samples of her DNA being recovered when Catalyst Co. attempted to salvage as much of their operation as they could.

Little time was wasted in broadcasting that MI had broken the law by interfering in the development of the Visisth race and the resulting scandal incited a great deal of finger pointing and brought the uneasy balance of power between the great corporations and the government of the United Worlds closer to a breaking point than had happened before. Macros rather than denying what had been done at his orders openly admitted to it, claiming that the United Worlds government had no power over him. While the crisis of power was going on Alsia was placed under guard and the fact that she was suddenly confined and the fact that news did trickle down to her about the reason for it made her abruptly realize what it was that had been done to her. It was a realization that made her very angry. Using the Vrier sites to full potential and with the element of surprise Alsia managed to deactivate the STG unit that was assigned to guard her before it could raise the alarm and using skills that MI had initially taught her hacked into it, purging the initial personality and rendering it an ally of hers. With the fire power of a heavy STG unit and the element of surprise still on her side Alsia managed to reach the armory of the research station and after donning her armor and stealing several experimental weapons, including the URVI prototype fought her way to the hanger and escaped in a Macros International ship. Before she actually left she fired the ship's weapons to destroy the other vessels in the hanger to allow her to make her escape.

Ultimately however her escape to freedom in the galaxy and time of her birth would be short lived. Due to her inexperience with space vessels, and the hasty nature of her flight from the wreckage of the station Alsia stumbled into a zone not unlike the bermuda triangle in space. This fluke of spacetime somehow transported her back to the modern era. During the time between then and now she has become established as a bounty hunter, assassin for hire. And she has recently been contracted for an assigment on earth.

Hero Type (Select one): Biological/Technological

Power Level (Select one below):
C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)

Powers (Be Specific):

Vrier Stimulation- Like all members of the Visisth race Alsia possesses Vrier sites spread throughout her body. These sites contain a unique type of cell known as Vrier cells that have similar traits to embryonic stem cells but are far quicker and have a vastly larger number of potential affects in use. Alsia can mentally stimulate the Vrier sites throughout her body to cause the release and determine the function of Vrier cells. These cells will rapidly multiply and release the necessary hormones and enzymes to aid in bringing about the desired change as well as forming the substance of the change if the change adds any physical features. For example in order to form an increased tolerance to cold Vrier cells could be released and form a highly insulating layer of tissue beneath her skin to protect her internal organs from the cold, similarly the Vrier cells can graft themselves onto existing muscle structures and augment them to increase Alsia's strength, or form a hard layer over her skin to function as a form of crude natural armor. In addition stimulation of Vrier cells can allow for rapid wound treatment, while true healing takes a long time, typically about a week to regrow a single limb the Vrier cells can be released to form a scab or to staunch bleeding rapidly after an injury is inflicted. Further they can be used to grow additional appendages or modifications to her existing ones such as claws or an additional set of arms, the time it takes for a Vrier shift of that level depends on its magnitude.

Superhuman strength/speed- Visisth are naturally faster and stronger than a human of equivalent age and build even without the stimulation of Vrier sites. Further due to the vigorous training regimes that Alsia was forced to undergo in youth and the fact that she has continued them to this day makes her as strong as naturally possible for a Visisth who is not using the Vrier shifts to gain strength. She is able to lift roughly 800 pounds without the use of a Vrier shift or her armor, with a Vrier shift designed to increase her physical strength Alsia can lift roughly 1200 pounds, when wearing her suit and employing a Vrier shift Alsia is able lift roughly 1 ton though that is the extreme upper limit. Similarly Alsia is faster than a human being able to naturally maintain a steady pace of 40 miles per hour for several hours at a time. A Vrier shift designed to give her greater speed can increase her speed to between 70 and 80 miles per hour. Her armor sadly despite being incredibly useful does not increase her speed though it also does not decrease it. Alsia also naturally has faster reflexes and a quicker reaction time than a human.

Visisth Endurance- Visisth on the whole are very resilient creatures and killing one is a matter of some difficulty. Due to their Vrier cells Visisth tend to be able to fight even after sustaining injuries that would kill a human, that is not to say that they are unkillable merely that they can take more abuse than a human. It's also very difficult to force a Visisth to bleed to death. Endurance further refers to the fact that she will take a long time to tire but as she is organic she can still become exhausted and weaken.


Calm under fire- Alsia is a veteran of many conflicts and a life of training as well as a natural apex predator. There is little that she has not seen in her time in the field and even fewer things that could phase or shock her. She is highly unlikely to suffer from fear or doubt in the course of combat even if fighting against something that seems invincible and she is difficult to distract.

Duel Wielding- While most who attempt this fail to be effective Alsia has trained extensively to be able to wield a melee weapon in each hand and to use them to devastating efficiency. She is quick to seize openings and fights with a fluid style, preferring not to resort of brute force but perfectly willing to do so if necessary. She prefers to use her twin plasma whips to the sword and is extremely skilled in their use as well.

Expert Marksman- Alsia can aim and fire her rifle in a matter of fractions of a second. She has been proven to be able to shoot accurately while falling or after having been thrown in the air on her way down. She is highly unlikely to miss even under extremely difficult circumstances such as being set on fire or suffering from serious injury. Adverse environmental conditions also do little to impair her ability to shoot accurately.

Hacking- While this is unlikely to work on any construct that is not based on traditional circuitry and modern/post modern technology she does have some level of hacking skills. Her hacking skills depend on being able to directly interface with the thing she is hacking, for example the use of a portable terminal, she can also hotwire things but that again requires actual contact.


Universal Rifle VI Prototype- The URVI is an experiment weapon that was in testing by the company. An improvement over earlier models of the Universal Rifle the VI is substantially lighter and possesses a charge function, rather than an immediate discharge the weapon can be set to a mode in which it will charge the shot, increasing power until the trigger is released. It is a surprisingly small rifle with little in the way of kick and as such can be fired rapidly and accurately, also an improvement over earlier models. The name Universal Rifle comes from the nature of its projectiles, superheated plasma bolts which have proven the most effective form of ammunition in her home level of the multiverse. Dubbed the Universal Rifle for its ability to cause damage to nearly anything it is quite powerful. However like all prototypes the URVI is far from perfect, firstly it is prone to overheating and if it is not vented regularly it is likely to overload and shut down for emergency cooling. The venting process is quite ingenious however as it does allow for the weapon to still be used offensively, coolant is flushed into the firing chamber of the rifle and then ejected as a super heated blast of steam.

Plasma sword generators- A semi circle of energy projectors mounted on a hilt which contains the power source, a plasma sword generator does not look particularly impressive when inactive. When active however the blade is a full 4 feet in length and glows with a white light. The blade consists of pure plasma held in place by sophisticated gravitic fields, it is able to cut through most non energy based or otherwise charged items with a few strikes. She has two of these.

Plasma whip generators- These look quite similar to lightsaber generators in Star Wars a comparison that never fails to make her laugh a bit. They are slightly curved however so as to be more easily held in her hands and to confirm to the contours of them for a steadier grip. The plasma whips are very difficult weapons to use as an incorrect swing could result in the wielder striking himself or herself. Despite this they are impressive weapons. By spinning rapidly with them Alsia can create an imperfect bubble of charged air around herelf that can at least in part negate most forms of energy strikes that are fired towards her and reduce the strain on her armor during the duration.

Natural weapons- Assuming the use of a Vrier shift and that she is not wearing her armor Alsia can generate claws and or other combat related alterations to her body such as spines or spikes. These are varied in terms of effectiveness but are mere weapons of flesh and bone even if that flesh and bone is strong.

Power Armor- Alsia's power armor is quite simply that, power armor and unlike many forms of power armor it does not have weapons that are built specifically into it. Alsia's armor is like much of her equipment manufactured originally by Macros International, the company which raised her and was made specifically to fit her and only her. It is fashioned from a malmetal alloy and like many malmetal constructs is capable of shifting form depending on the manner in which it is stimulated. Specifically her armor is able to retract and condense itself into a small pack which is strapped to her back beneath her clothing, and to expand to cover her on command. It will take a post for the armor to either extend or retract unless it is critically damaged in which case she can give the jettison command and it will simply slough off of her. Her armor boosts her strength and defense significantly as noted previously and provides strong amounts of resistance to energy based weapons as it is charged for that purpose. It is also effective at stopping small arms fire to a degree. Larger non energy based weapons are more quick to penetrate it as though malmetal is many things it is not able to withstand consistent physical abuse as well as heavier less energy resistant metals. It also provides a degree of insulation from extreme heat and cold as it does have internal thermal controls. These can of course be overwhelmed with continued exposure.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Read Above

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Read Above

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Read above

Agility: Read above

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered


*Vrier Stimulation is draining and multiple shifts in a short time will begin to wear heavily on the user. Further Alsia does have a limitted amount of Vrier cells stored in the sites and while they do regenerate over time it is possible to deplete them temporarily.
*Vrier stimulated abilities such as the growth of natural armor or others that significantly alter her appearance or would not fit within her armor suit cannot be used while she is wearing the suit.
*Fire control must be exercised to avoid overheating her ranged weapon
*She has no psionic capabilities and cannot gain them through Vrier stimulation
*Her armor offers less resistance to strong impacts from physical rather than energy based weapons.
*Like all Visisth she has an instinctive fear of fire, while this is not as strong due to her training the presence of large amounts of it can still be problematic. Typically the presence of large amounts of fire triggers an instinctual desire to flee as well as causing her physical discomfort. In particular she often experiences nausea and hot and cold flashes. Nausea is especially unpleasant as it is difficult to vomit inside of a suit. Alsia will also attempt to avoid fire if possible and this can occasionally inconvenience her.

Supporting Characters: Not at this time. She is largely a loner at this point.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
Avatar of Raptorman


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Character you have created: Vorian von Traupitz
Alias: The Good Doctor

Speech Color: Normal

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Very secret

Character Personality: The Good Doctor suffers from a particular personality quirk that results in his belief that there are only a handful of real people in the world and that all others are mere figments and lacking an essential piece that truly makes them human. He obviously considers himself to be one of these few real people. This is not of particular importance to the rp but it allows for a better understanding of his slaughtering of untold masses of human test subjects over the course of his 126 year long life. Vorian is also to some degree a perfectionist and this has also contributed to the extreme body count he has racked up as he wishes to make every compound or substance perfect. He is manipulative to a degree as well but also due to his personal love of his work he is not the most gifted socially despite his long life as he has devoted almost no effort to that area. He is also extremely intelligent to the point where most people cannot even begin to comprehend his formulas and quite simply are idiots intellectually compared to him.

Uniform/costume: Vorian is not a particularly impressive specimen physically. His average 5 feet 10 inch height is thin but not muscular by any means. His hair is pale brown and rather short and his face is slightly rounded with faded grey eyes and a rather thin lipped mouth. His skin is quite pale and in some places marked by old long faded scars. As the Good Doctor Vorian dons his signature mask, created to his exact specifications nearly a hundred years ago. It in truth has some resemblance to a helmet rather than a mask and covers the entirety of his head. It has a total of 6 visor slits that glow red, there are three of these visor slits in front of each of his eyes. The mask itself is matte black in color though there are a few silver lines that mar the perfection of the paint, presumably from impacts over the years. He also wears a version of the uniform that was created for him during the second world war. It has some resemblance to a dress uniform of the time and has an officers cape that reaches the floor. It is in the colors of the Nazi regime though there is no swastika emblazoned upon it. Instead there are six red slanted lines, the symbol of the Abteilung Der Vollkommenheit. He primarily stuck with it as he likes the cape like portion. The attire naturally includes boots and gloves.

Origin Info/Details: (Please note this just covers up until the end of WW2, I lost the portion from after when the site died. I'm working to rewrite it.)

Vorian von Traupitz was born in 1887 in Berlin to the von Traupitz family. He was raised primarily in the family estates some distance outside of the city. His parents were not the sort to be particularly involved in raising their son. Though they were mystified at their only child's seeming inability to become ill when illnesses frequently swept the household. As time went on his other more bizarre tendencies drew more of their limited attention. Among them were habits of dissecting animals and a fascination with how things fundamental things in life really worked. And perhaps the most revealing of his future was the way the youth had an intense interest in diseases and afflictions. When individuals on the estates took ill he would always want to examine them, though in his childhood years he did not yet do more than record what he saw.

When he reached the appropriate age, Vorian was enrolled in a rather prestigious school of higher education in Berlin. His education at his own volition focused primarily on the areas that could be referred to as natural sciences. He was easily the most gifted student in that area at his school and was the top of his classes. After completing his education and being qualified as a doctor of medicine in addition to degrees in numerous other subjects such as chemistry and biology he, funded by university grants began to work on private projects.

These projects soon attracted government attention after an accident in his lab released a toxic yellow gas that killed several assistants leaving them blistered both outside and in. Immediately seeing potential military applications for Dr. Traupitz's research the Imperial German government promptly moved to fund his research, giving him a new facility in which to perform his experiments in hopes they could use the compounds that the man had begun to work on creating. Being a nationalist as well as a scientist Vorian was more than happy to assist his nation, the generous funding and private lab facilities also had something to do with it. Within a month after the government took over funding on his research and he was relocated to a private facility there was an accident. Officially Vorian was recorded to have died when a train he was supposedly riding derailed. In reality the Imperial German government, seeing the progress and potential of his work decided that he was an asset that had to be protected and no one would go hunting for a dead man. In a moment of irony he was referred to in communications as The Good Doctor given his propensity for developing lethal substances rather than healing. This coded way of referring to the man who was officially dead became official and persisted for years through several regime changes.

Prior to the outbreak of World War 1 the majority of Vorian's research and experimentation went unused and while the government had been eager to scoop up the potentially valuable resource little funding was directed in his direction. The Kaiser's grandiose dreams of a navy that would wrest dominion of the seas from England and other projects that were given far higher importance were prioritized. In the early stages of the war as well he was largely ignored and continued his experiments within the lab facilities provided for him. However this would change with the outbreak of chemical compounds and agents in the form of weapons during the war. While the initial use of tear gas first by the French and then later Germany as well was not related to him it's ineffectiveness led to the high command looking over its resources relating to the matter at hand. The Good Doctor's early research had focused on such things and the regular reports and experiment logs filed with them by the man made it clear his talents could be of great use in the war effort.

Of course he was willing to use his skills and creations to aid his nation and if there was some enthusiasm at the chance to finally test his early compounds on humans rather than lab animals his superiors overlooked it in light of the potential value and the fact that the stalemate was dragging on with no sign of ending. The Good Doctor was not the only individual to be brought in with this decision, others included Fritz Haber, who aided in the creation of designs for the early dispersal systems for gases and later Wilhelm Lommel who provided insights allowing his early blistering agent to be stabilized and mass produced more easily. Prior to the first large scale use of any of his compounds and his first real appearance on the stage of history Vorian devised what would become his signature mask and for the first time donned it. Though this was merely the first iteration of it and without all the revisions that would later be designed in.

He first was directly employed when high command ordered a test of the dispersal system he and his by this point subordinates had designed. On January 2nd 1915 the Good Doctor oversaw the first test of his dispersal system using a more dependable and less experimental gas, chlorine. While the initial test was effective it took several more months to fully prepare for wide-scale usage. In April of that year widescale use began, first at the second battle of Ypres where the Good Doctor personally oversaw it's use again.

Following these successes he petitioned high command to grant him access to prisoners for testing as he needed to further refine his own compounds for use. Due largely to his earlier success and the increasingly negative state of the war effort they agreed. The other eminent scientists who had worked with him previously disagreed violently with his methods but he carried on and from his facility came the first samples of what came to be known as mustard gas and other less publicized compounds. The Good Doctor's star continued to rise as nothing he created did not function and more resources were allotted.

As the war began to wind down a prisoner was brought to be experimented on. Exposed to a far more potent and difficult to refine version of the earlier mustard gas compound the man appeared to expire and then reappear unharmed. Vorian was surprised by this unexpected turn of events and set about investigating what he initially believed to be cellular regeneration. This theory however was debunked when samples from the man did not regenerate, though interestingly they also did not appear to age. While investigations into the nature of the man's strange ability continued, the Good Doctor rapidly began to use him as a control test for compounds. This did eventually end when in the process of a test with a member of high command present to observe the man somehow slipped his bonds as he healed and managed to escape, impaling the Good Doctor with the high command officer's sword.

While this event might have spelled death for a lesser man the Good Doctor did recover, his own knowledge of medicine and the human body allowed him to perform self surgery in an extreme feat of will and while he would forever after be plagued by shortness of breath and constant bouts of coughing Vorian von Traupitz did survive the encounter. Due to the injuries he sustained he preformed extensive modifications to his mask and using methods only he could work and understand created a method by which the mask could constantly feed him heightened amounts of oxygen to enable him to function at his earlier levels physically.

It did however take the Good Doctor months to fully recover and in those months the Entente powers or the WWI allies had forced the capitulation of Germany and its allies. With the end of Imperial Germany and the declaration of the Wiemar Republic in its place Vorian abruptly found himself a forgotten remnant of the old regime. In the light of the extensive restrictions placed on the German military and the reparations the government was forced to pay very little funding would find it's way to the Good Doctor's facility.

Over the next 15 years he would find what little money trickled down to him drying up steadily as his work became increasingly irrelevant with the great depression sweeping across the world. No one would pay for a man to develop banned weapons of war and biological formulas in a nation that was wracked by reparations, war debt, and poverty. Vorian's funding only continued as the trickle it was due to the fact that the exact nature of his facilities was listed as a medical facility as well as military in the records and that the Imperial German high command had kept it a secret.

Unexpectedly however the Good Doctor's star was destined to rise from the ashes of obscurity a second time. After the Nazi party rose to power in 1933 all such old military facilities were inspected and evaluated so that the initially clandestine rearming of Germany could begin. His work in particular was of great interest to the Fuhrer as in the years between the end of world war 1 and the rise of the Nazi, Vorian had worked on compounds aimed more to alter humanity, to make it change, for better or worse is debatable. With Hitler's dreams of creating the perfect Aryan race, the research into altering humanity was incredibly appealing and he promptly allocated resources to the man and tasking him with creating perfection.

The increase in resources and levels of funding far beyond that provided for Vorian by the Nazi regime led to rapid advances on a level not seen before. Within a year his original facility outside of Berlin was inadequate to meet the needs of his greatly expanded operations. Fortunately that was not an issue as support was, within reason, nearly limitless, and with the funding and government support he received a new facility was created. With some pressure still remaining to keep such breaching of the treaty of Versailles from being obvious the primary complex was constructed at phenomenal expense mostly underground in the westernmost area of the Black Forest south of Stuttgart. The complex outside of Berlin still remained operational but much of the work was transferred.

With the inauguration of the simply if grandiosely named Die Zitadelle and the apparent progress the Good Doctor was making what had previously been a government funded operation became a direct part of the government with the creation of the "Abteilung der Vollkommenheit" or AV, as it came to be abbreviated, with the Good Doctor as its official head. The Abteilung der Vollkommenheit was to remain a clandestine and highly classified secret of the Nazi regime until the outbreak of the second World War.

The outbreak of the second World War proved to be a few years too early for him to have created what was requested of him. Even a man as skilled and empowered as Vorian, was hard pressed to create such things. When approached by the Fuhrer personally he explained that his creations were not yet ready and that he would require more test subjects in order to speed up progress. At this news the Fuhrer was less than pleased but he did in a rare moment of understanding grasp the fact that it was better to provide this man with the resources he needed then to rage at him. The populations of several concentration and detainment camps were swiftly transported to one of Abteilung Der Vollkommenheit's less important facilities, which was rapidly at Vorian's desire turned into a large series of test chambers.

Despite the war having come sooner than ideal for The Good Doctor and in the end Germany as well, the man did have things to offer forth from the start. While the compounds designed to create enhanced soldiers and improve them greatly had not yet been perfected, other compounds designed to be used in weaponry had been completed and in conjunction with other important members of AV who had taken Vorian's compounds and aided in devising weapons to make specific use of them. These weapons were offered up to the Fuhrer as immediate contributions to the war effort.

It took time to form the militant portion of Abteilung der Vollkommenheit, time which was conveniently provided by the halfhearted way in which France and Britain responded to the initial German invasion of Poland in September of 1939. By the time the army had finished subduing the poles and began preparation for the invasion of France in November and December of the same year, the first units of Abteilung der Vollkommenheit troops were ready to join the regular army on the field of battle. On May 10th of 1940 the invasion of France, along with, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. It was in the invasion of France that the forces of the AV were first deployed and both out of academic interest in how well his creations performed and because he was ordered to oversee this first deployment The Good Doctor himself had command over those forces. Clouds of gas that could kill with the barest touch to skin, diseases tailor made to affect only those who differed enough from the German people genetically, guns that spat compounds that would eat organic matter and leave anything inorganic untouched, among other things, these first of the Good Doctor’s promised Wunderwaffen were wielded with extreme prejudice and resistance crumbled in the face of the superior forces and terrible weapons.

Along with the many units of the French military that perished in those few weeks of conquest was a single American unit made up of volunteers who had wanted to go oversees to fight against the spread of Fascism. Vorian personally oversaw the slaughter of these men in what he cited as a purely academic test to verify that the Americans bearing such a hodgepodge of nationalities and ancestries would not prove to be immune to the currently weaponized compounds. The Americans were almost completely wiped out as a result.

These appearances in the French campaign brought the Good Doctor to the attention of people worldwide. And the use of such weapons and tactics revealed to many the horror that lurked within Nazi Germany. To the Germans themselves, the man was hailed as a hero who had given them to tools to topple the French so easily. The Fuhrer had parades held to honor the man before finally allowing him to return to work.

While his actions certainly had had a positive effect on the morale of the German people, Vorian was displeased that he had been drawn away from his labs and active work for such a long period. It and other such occasions would set back his work continually during the course of the war. The period between the capitulation of France and the invasion of the Soviet Union in June of 1941 was a time of great progress despite the months lost supervising the use of his creations in the conquest of France. But when the invasion did occur he was again called upon, and with several new compounds and weapons the Good Doctor answered.

As it had previously, his intervention led to rapid progress and by September 1941 Hitler judged that the surrender of the Soviets was imminent and after heaping several more honors upon Vorian’s head, allowed the man to return to his work, telling him to put the weapons on hold for the moment and to once again focus on the perfection of humanity. The Good Doctor obliged, after all it was this man who had given him such a volume of resources and who had funded his work so well.

The reverses in German progress in Russia after his departure from the front and the entry of the United States into the war following the attack on Pearl Harbor meant little to Vorian involved as he was in his own works. Aside from periodic frenzied rants and an annoyingly large degree of spontaneous seeming orders from Hitler to change the area of focus for his work, and the periodic parades that used him to reinforce morale Vorian Von Traupitz was largely left alone and allowed to continue his experiments for a time. A steady trickle of new compounds and toxins, along with weapons that made use of them continued to enter the German military arsenal and the first trials of humanity enhancing compounds by the Good Doctor took place within this window of time.

After the defeat of the German army in Stalingrad in 1943 Vorian was once again called upon once again and as he had before the Good Doctor answered. This time however after having been brought most of the way to the eastern front along with his newest creations, he unexpectedly found himself ordered to return to work. The lost time was greatly lamented as he was unable to see a reason why he should have been dragged halfway across Europe only to be ordered to return.

A few short months after he had returned to Die Zitadelle, the allied invasion of Italy in September of 1943 caused even him some alarm. While the fortunes of the war in the east had been declining Vorian had had no reason to doubt that they could be held at bay long enough for the even more impressive compounds that were nearly ready to be completed. The sudden existence of another front within Europe led to The Good Doctor himself requesting that his forces be deployed in Italy to aid in throwing back the Allied armies. Hitler sensing a plot where none existed denied him his request and the Fuhrer made it clear that he would not be questioned on this.

It was not until the D-Day Landings in June of 1944 that Vorian was again called upon to aid in the fight. The full force of Abteilung der Vollkommenheit under his leadership was ordered to halt Allied progress and to throw them back if possible. As they had before, the forces led by the Good Doctor, using his creations wreaked havoc upon the Allied troops, but something was different. Where before they had swept all away before them, now those they faced seemed to have elements that evened the playing field.

A single massive man in armor who seemed impervious to nearly any attack alone held off a force of several hundred Abteilung der Vollkommenheit men for hours to allow an allied force to retreat. Compounds and diseases that had decimated entire regiments and brigades earlier in the war claimed only a few casualties before dissipating, the Allied HQ somehow seemed to know half of the orders The Good Doctor gave before his men in the lines actually received them, and several thousand men who seemed to be perfectly identical continued to pop up endlessly no matter how many times they were killed off.

Despite these difficulties the forces of Abteilung der Vollkommenheit managed to hold the Allies at bay and even slowly were pushing them back slowly as the Good Doctor worked to counter these new oddities. But that would all change with the arrival of another of these oddities. The girl who came to be called Lady Liberty arrived in August of 1944. While before the assets that had caused such trouble for Abteilung der Vollkommenheit had primarily been defensive this Lady Liberty proved to be a potent offensive weapon.

When it became clear that Abteilung der Vollkommenheit was failing to hold its ground Hitler ordered Vorian to pull away and the Good Doctor did so, retreating and once more returning to his previous experiments, though now with a degree of frantic haste absent previously. With the retreat of the AV the ease of the war increased markedly for the Allied forces and they quickly swept across France in a matter of months despite fierce and determined resistance from the regular German army.

In a final attempt to turn the failing tide of the war the Good Doctor was dispatched one last time. On the 16th of December 1944 the full strength of Abteilung der Vollkommenheit, augmented by most of what remained of the regular German army and the first thousand men to have been given a hastily created super soldier formulae staged an attack in the Ardennes Forest. The attack targeted the portion of the Allied line held by the thousands of clones of Pvt X. Using genetic material from a captured clone the Good Doctor had created a toxin that would target only him and unleashed it to tear a great hole in the allied forces as the clones all rapidly succumbed to the toxin.

Following this the attack commenced and despite the efforts of the heroes of the Allied forces and the common soldiers it appeared that it might actually be a success. Then disaster struck, the men given the experimental super soldier compound began to mutate rapidly, becoming monsters that took orders from no man and turned on their former comrades. The success rapidly melted away in the chaos that followed, and while a core of Abteilung der Vollkommenheit with the Good Doctor at their head managed to escape the rest were slaughtered or captured.

In March of 1945 Allied forces augmented by Lady Liberty, Colonel Ironsides, and Doc Miracle laid siege to Die Zitadelle, the last remaining stronghold of the AV. In an attempt not to win the war, for Vorian could see that the war was long since lost, but to facilitate his own escape, the Good Doctor unleashed all that remained of his arsenal. Twisted monsters, horrific strains of plague, compounds that made his earlier ones look benign by comparison, were all unleashed upon the attacking Allies. While the battle raged above The Good Doctor made his way into the bowels of his compound, seeking a hidden escape route built when the base was constructed.

Before he could reach it however he was intercepted by Lady Liberty herself who had ignored the rest of the battle to chase after him. Within the bowels of his fortress Vorian and his adversary fought and while he put up a valiant fight, his trickery and compounds did not avail him against the foe. Lady Liberty then took his mask from his face saying she wished to see the face of the man who killed her brother, before hurling him across the chamber in disgust. He was left slumped against the wall with a metal rod driven through the side of his chest as the hero rigged his fortress to explode and then left with his mask as a prize.

Hero Type :
Gray Matter (Super-smart characters)

Power Level (Select one below):
C. World Level

Powers (Be Specific):
Super Genius- Vorian is quite simply one of the smartest individuals that the human race has ever produced. In terms of pure intellect he cannot be measured by the scale of an IQ test. He possesses an eidetic memory and has had over a hundred years to accumulate vast stores of knowledge.

Will Power- While some might not consider this a power his will is incredibly strong. His was a personality that refused to be dominated by such demagogues as Hitler and his will and ability to focus through pain is legendary. Further he has proven capable of surviving situations where he should have died and by force of will managing to go beyond what someone with a merely human body should be capable of doing.

Synthesis- Anything related to chemistry, biology, or genetics that Vorian can conceive is capable of being done through the use of a compound that he can create. Even if something should be impossible to create he is able to make it and once he has done so it can be mass produced or created again by another who could understand his incredibly complicated formulas and notes. So far no one has proven able to decipher and understand these things however. A note that many of his oldest compounds dating back to the First World War could be understood by highly gifted minds, however over time as he has delved deeper and deeper into his work and it has become more and more difficult for anyone else to even begin to comprehend what he is doing. This ability is what has allowed him to produce all the various compounds that he uses in combat as well as to create minions and do myriad other things.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: The Good Doctor's endurance is very poor, he can only maintain a battle at maximum effort physically for a few minutes before becoming exhausted without his mask. With his mask he can manage perhaps a half hour before he starts to have serious trouble.

Agility: 2 or 3 times normal human


Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: His horrible endurance levels are one of his main weaknesses. The Good Doctor has serious issues in a fair one on one fight unless the situation has been stacked in his favor.

Supporting Characters:
Einhardt Schliemann- A loyal servant who was the only one of the soldiers who did not turn into a monster following the injections prior to the battle of the bulge.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:No one had ever been willing to let one of the last of the old guard of heroes, the old heroes who had fought against the forces of tyranny and fascism during the Second World War, the ones who had once defeated the most dangerous villain the world had known up until that time, be told that he was no longer competent and no longer fit to perform actual hero work. No one would tell the old, nearly blind but virtually invulnerable hulk that was Colonel Ironsides that he was no longer needed, no there was a job found for him, a great ceremony had been held in his honor and he had been given a position that sounded suitably glorious on the surface. He was hired as the head of security for the world renown Museum of Supers, a place where both great villains and heroes were remembered and their memorabilia was sold. He would protect the museum, be a grand attraction on his own for those who visited, and most importantly there would be no sense that one of the greatest heroes of a bygone age had been put out to pasture.

But in their attempts to avoid creating a public incident the powers that be had forgotten about one critical thing, that the relics of old heroes and villains often had power and that all that stood between one seeking to claim these items and the prize were a few dozen security guards and one aging hero who could barely function. The mere name of the man who had been a member of the team that had cast down the Good Doctor so long ago was a deterrent enough for most and the few who tried to interfere with the museum were mostly lowlifes who were dealt with by the other security personnel without trouble. But it was not enough to deter all who would wish to claim, or in a certain case reclaim an item that had been entrusted to the museum and one individual in particular was happy that the man guarding the museum was one of the old guard. It would be a chance for revenge after all.

On this particular night there were only three guards other than the old Colonel, the night shift being much smaller than the day shift, and it looked to be a quiet night, at least so far. Three men who sat in a room and played cards while occasionally glancing up at the array of screens that showed the input from all of the cameras throughout the museum. There was a single brief hiss of static from the entirety of the array as all the screens briefly distorted before returning to normal, the hissing sound did draw the attention of the one of the guards but after the screens returned to normal he ignored the incident, chocking it up to a glitch in the system and returning to the card game. That was the only sign that any of the merely human guards would have been given that the building was now compromised and they had entirely ignored it.

While the camera feeds still showed the halls of the museum to be empty they were now showing data that was being looped repeatedly rather than live feeds. Several tall, well dressed men in outfits that looked very nearly military and that bore 6 red diagonal lines emblazoned as a sigil upon their uniforms moved down the previously vacant hallways, one stopping briefly outside the security room and sliding a small disk roughly an inch thick under the door. A few seconds later there was a soft hiss followed rapidly by several thumping sounds as the guards inside were knocked unconscious by the compound contained within the disk. The man who had slipped the disk under the door remained in front of the door to ward against any possibility of the guards awakening and interfering in what was to happen next as the other men took up positions around the entrances to the museum.

It was only then that the one who was far more than a mere soldier entered, walking straight in, in full view of the inactive cameras. A man who wore a uniform much like the others, but a uniform that was far more ornate and symbolic of a higher rank, a furred mantle hung from his shoulders and the hem of it brushed against the ground behind his feet as he walked forward, black boots clicked against the tiled floor and the same sigil that was emblazoned upon the uniforms of the others was emblazoned upon his own. His face was hidden in deep shadows beneath a hood that had been pulled down across most of his face and should it have been visible it was a face that would easily be forgotten within minutes, a face that never would stand out in a crowd. His breathing was an audible rasping hiss and it was clear that it took an effort for the man to take in enough air with each breath. But still he walked with a perfect step and a manner that spoke volumes of his position.

The man who had entered last walked past several of his men, most of whom were young, all of whom bore what would once have been described as Aryan features, signs of an old regime's definition of perfection. As he passed they straightened to attention and snapped off a salute that almost any student of history would recognize, though there were subtle differences that distinguished it from the gesture that the Nazi's had once used, the hand was not stretched out but rather closed in a fist. The man paid them little attention though in truth his eyes did observe every detail of each of his men's salutes and had there been a flaw he would have later commented on it.

The first that the aging Colonel who liked to stand in the central room of the museum, the room that housed such exhibits as the Mask of the Good Doctor, and reminisce on his old glory days would know of the force that had taken control of it was when the sound of boots clicking on the floor came from behind him. While Ironsides was old, and nearly blind, he still had his hearing and the reflexes of one who had been present in hundreds of conflicts over his long career. The man could also distinguish between the sounds of the footsteps that he heard and those of the normal guards. Raising a massive cannon like firearm with one hand, the armored juggernaut spun round as quickly as his aging body would allow only to find that the man who's footsteps he had heard was simply standing in the center of the room. "Do not move." The Colonel's voice sounded loudly through speakers in his armor as the gun became fixed on the man.

"Colonel," The voice that spoke from beneath the hood was breathless and wheezing, "The years have not been kind. I had seen reports but I had thought they would be fabrications." The voice tickled at the old soldier's mind, he was certain he had heard it before, and somehow he felt that it was an utter imperative to place it. "But I suppose that very few age as well as I." The man's hand opened and a vial fell from it, striking the floor and shattering in an explosion of noxious gas and smoke. The Colonel's gun spat fire as a massive slug shot forth at the spot where the man had been standing, but there was no resulting cry of pain and as the stinking cloud spread throughout the room the old warrior found his vision rapidly fading even more than it already had. The smoke had an acrid taste as he breathed it in, and a pain in his chest slowly began to grow. "How does it feel?" The wheezing voice mocked, "Being old and infirm." There was a clicking sound and the old man spun towards it, firing another of the great slugs in its direction. But again there was no sign that he had hit anything.

Another vial flew through the air to strike against his helmet and shatter, this time releasing some form of acid that rapidly ate it's way into the metal that warded the old man's head. Again he spun and again the gun fired in the direction that he thought the vial had come from. Then acid made it through the metal and he felt the burn briefly before his skin repelled the chemical compound. "Still as resilient as ever?" The mocking voice sounded again, "I should hope so, I did not spend so long relishing the plans for this moment for you to fall to the first compound."

"Show yourself!" Colonel Ironsides bellowed, firing in the direction of the voice and beginning to cough as whatever the compound in the air was irritated his chest more and more. Despite his efforts the voice still sounded, and now it seemed to be echoing from every direction at once.

"This was my mistake years ago. Your body is nigh invulnerable, but your mind, your mind is open." The voice of the man with the hood spoke softly as if the speaker was lecturing. "I tried corrosives, and they were ineffective, I tried genetic harvesters but they failed, your cells truly are remarkably impregnable. But I did find that if I saturated them with enough fuel even you could burn. I'm not even in the room, your own body provides the heat." And as the voice finished the room erupted in flames as the thick cloying gas that had filled much of it ignited and a wave of fire spread out from the Colonel.

It took only moments for the fire to fade as the fuel was consumed and the compound faded. In the wake of the fire the man in uniform walked back into the room from the alcove in which he had sheltered from the blaze. From beneath the hood his eyes watched the fallen titan to see if the man would stir again. It was merely an academic interest, though for this case there was some slight hope that the Colonel would stir again so that more pain could be inflicted upon one who had so wronged him in the past. And the Colonel did stir, despite fire that had ravaged him inside and out the man moved within his scorched metal suit. The metal clad head rose and looked up at the man in uniform. Behind what remained of the helm slate grey eyes widened as he finally realized who he faced and fire scorched lungs managed a last gasp of speech. "It's impossible. You died. It cannot--" then his voice cut out and the great warrior ceased his motion as death claimed him.

The hooded man gave his fallen enemy a series of kicks to the head, the black boots striking the metal with dull thuds as he did so repeatedly. Then apparently recovering his composure he turned away from the smoking corpse and strode with purpose over to the case that held the item he sought. It was a suitably grand exhibit though the man cared little about what his enemies thought of him. "This truly is a horrible likeness" the man wheezed softly as he examined the reconstructed uniform that vaguely resembled his own, above which a black mask, with 6 diagonal viser slits before the eyes sat. "But this," he said as his hand flipped a pistol out of the holster at his side, "Is truly mine." He pointed the gun at the box and fired, a greenish plasma emerging and melting a hole in the bulletproof glass that had warded the artifacts within.

He re-holstered the pistol and black gloved hands reached into the hole he had made and carefully, with a reverence that was clear drew forth the mask that lay within. An alarm began to shriek as he drew it close to his face and brushed back the hood before sliding the mask into place over his face. A raspy breath sounded from behind the respirator as for the first time in decades he drew a decent breath. The red slits began to glow as he activated the numerous subsystems within the mask. "I am myself again." The voice hissed out, amplified and made more audible by the mask the man now wore, and as the alarm shrilly blared forth the Good Doctor simply walked from the room and as his men joined him, from the museum, to vanish back into the world that had harbored him for so many years after his supposed demise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Athinar
Avatar of Athinar

Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Uskriss Ranore
Alias: The Wolf

Speech Color: Color=Tan

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret (Known to his family)

Character Personality: Brash, impulsive, and loud, Uskri is unafraid to speak his mind, no matter what the cost. He will always place himself in harms' way to protect others, and challenge any repression, be it of the government, villains, or even other heroes. However, he doesn't use his powers unless he absolutely has to. In addition, he loves children and the elderly, and will fly into a blind rage if they are harmed.


Origin Info/Details: Uskri was born to a family of vaguely Norse-Irish/Native American descent in the Tornegat Mountains of Newfoundland, Canada. They were the one family that lived in the woods, that everyone suspected had mystical powers. Turns out, everyone's suspicions were right. Powerful shamans in their own right, they communed with nature, helping everyone in the nearby town live a little easier. However, recently, they felt a calling to Lost Haven. To do what, they didn't know. Still, they'll do the best they can, to make everything in Lost Haven right.

Hero Type (Select one):
Muscle (Shaman)

Power Level (Select one below):

World Level

Powers (Be Specific):
Astral Vision- Uskri can see into the spirit world, and communicate with the spirits therein. He can also see the auras of people and places, able to discern the slightest detail.
Planar Manipulation- Uskri can call upon the primal forces of a plane to bind a spirit. However, he prefers to form a contract with one, rather than force it into bondage.
Ley Line Evocation- While located near a Ley Line, where the borders between the Spirit World and the Physical World fray, his spirits increase in power.
Nature Attunement- Uskri can speak with animals and the spirits of plants.
Spirits- Uskri is in a contract with five spirits, fire, water, wind, earth, and lightning.
Motega the Flamewrought- This particular spirit allows Uskri to generate fire, and manipulate it, to a degree.
Tadi the Waterborn- Tadi allows Uskri to manipulate water, and gives him regenerative powers. Said regeneration works only if Uskri focuses, however.
Taizihr Windancer- Taizihr lends Uskri his agility and flight ability.
Yarheg Rockmantle- Yarheg lends Uskri his immense strength and vitality, and the ability to shape the earth.
Nakrirlun of Thunder- Nakri allows Uskri to empower his attacks with lightning, and cause small thunderclaps when they hit.


Strength Level: 50 tons.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 1/2 hours, at best.

Agility: 15x Human Level

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: Uskri's spirits are not omnipotent, and there are things that even they cannot accomplish. In addition to this, Uskri, while extremely skilled in fighting, is still mortal. Even with the enhanced vitality, Uskri can be killed, if one is determined enough.

Supporting Characters: Uskri's family currently resides with him in their apartment in Lost Haven, and they are a tight-knit group.

Allaenna (Ally) Ranore- Uskri's spirited younger sister. With brown hair, and emerald eyes, the teenager stands at 5'1". She has bonded to only one spirit, a wind spirit named Askan.

Dathan Ranore- Uskri's younger. With black hair, the green eyes of the Ranore family, and a height of 6'2", Dathan is the perfect example of a friendly middle child. He has bonded to three spirits, one fire, one water, and one lightning.

Via Ranore- Uskri's mother. The elderly shaman is known for her kindness, but don't let this fool you. Underneath her tiny form, resonates pure power. She has black hair, with streaks of gray, and the typical green eyes of the Ranore.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yep.

Sample Post:
Uskri smiled as the children surrounded him in a circle, clamoring for another story. "C'mon, Mistah Uskri! Tell us another story!" "Yeah, tell us, tell us!"

Uskri smiled, and shook his head as if mulling it over. "I dunno, kids, wouldn't your mom want you to come home? It's almost suppertime."

With a resounding "NO!" The children all made the most pathetic faces possible. "Pleeeeease, Mista Uskri? We don't have supper for ten whole minutes!" "Yeah, we have time! And if you don't tell us another story, we'll be saaaaad!"

With a smile, Uskriss patted one of the children with his huge hand on the head, and said, "Well, alright, but if you get in trouble, tell Mother Mary that it wasn't my fault!" The children nodded emphatically, and settled in, listening to Uskri intently. Leaning forward, Uskri spun his tale.

Back when the world was young, and the Seelie and Unseelie courts hadn't begun their feuds, back when Odin hadn't sent his third crow to the New World, there was a Dog, with eyes that were like stars. In some places, it was known as Coyote, in other places, as Fox. However, names didn't matter to him, so let's just call him Dog.

Dog traveled across the world, shaping it. He created all creatures, the birds, the mammals, the fish, even the bugs. However, there was one thing that he didn't create. Mother Gaia. The earth, essence of life. This might not seem important now, but listen.

After he had created everything, Dog saw that the creatures couldn't see, and were fumbling around in the dark, helpless. So he went to Mother Gaia, and said, "Mother Gaia! My creatures can't see! It's too dark for them! Can you help?"

Mother Gaia said, "Here, have some of my flame. It burns bright."

Dog took it, and gave it to the animals, but it quickly went out of control, and the earth started to burn. Dog put it out, and then returned to Mother Gaia. "Mother Gaia, your flame is out of control! What am I to do?"

Mother Gaia said, "There is nothing I can do. You must find a way by yourself."

Dog was sad when he heard this, but then he thought long and hard, and realized something. His eyes were bright, were they not? So he took his left eye, and made the sun, and he took his right eye, and made the moon. Now, you would think that he'd be blind after this, but this was not the case. Both of his eyes could still see, and it is said that, to this day, Dog watches over us all, protecting us from That Beyond The Veil.

The children sat before Uskri, enraptured. Eventually, one spoke up.

"So he... ripped out his own eyes? To save all of his creations? That is.... SO METAL!" The oldest child stood up.

Uskri chuckled, and said, "I'm... not quite sure if that was the moral of the story... But it totally is! Gimme five, little man!" After Uskri gave Aiden a high-five, he got a glimpse of his watch, and stood up, clapping his big bear hands. Shooing the kids to the door, he said, "Now kids, it's really time for you to go home for supper! Give your mom my regards!" With various assurances and confirmations, the trio scampered out of the room, only to be waylaid by something distracting in the kitchen, most likely Mama Ranore's cookies. Oh well. At least Ms. Anderson couldn't say that they didn't eat. Whatever happened, Uskri took pride in the fact that he was able to change something in the community, beyond cracking skulls of thugs and gang toughs. It made him feel good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Theodore Roosevelt

Alias: None

Speech Color: Normal speech.

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: His identity is known, the fact that he's still alive is secret.

Character Personality: Roosevelt is very gung-ho (bully!) and considers himself a man of action. He will not hesitate to do whatever he needs to do to accomplish his goals. His willingness for combat is a front at this point. He needs to fight to feel alive. Long stretches without missions throw him into a state of melancholy. With no family and no friends, he needs something to do to give him purpose and strength. His is a man who needs a mission and without a mission he falls apart.

Uniform/costume: Picture

Origin Info/Details:

Executive Branch Backstory

In 1776, the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence and went to war with Great Britain. In early 1777 General George Washington met with John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, representatives of the Continental Congress, in Philadelphia. With Jefferson was a man from France. The young Gilbert du Motier, known as the Marquis de Lafayette, was a prominent French military office even at his very young age. With Washington was Prussian Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. Both men spoke to the three revolutionaries about an old and powerful society known as the Timekeepers. Made up of the elite thinkers, noblemen, and politicians, the Timekeepers acted as metronome for the entire world, responsible for maintaining the rhythm and natural order of things. It was the Timekeepers that declared that the time of British hegemony in the Americas would begin to end. The colonies would win the war, Lafayette and von Steuben would help them.

In a ceremony in Philadelphia Washington, Adams, and Jefferson were inducted into the Timekeepers order and shown their secrets. The ancient society possessed powerful artifacts of supernatural nature and had access to magic. Using the Timekeepers' tools, the Colonies defeated England and declared their independence. In 1787 Washington was elected president of the United States, Adams his vice-president, and Jefferson appointed secretary of state. As part of the Timekeepers, all three men had been made immortal and given a serum that gave them special abilities. All three faked their deaths at appropriate times and went into hiding in Europe in the early 1800's.

In 1830 the three men discovered the Timekeepers' long and winding plot that would see the United States expand all the way to the Pacific ocean, and then shatter into two separate nations after a long and bloody civil war. The three founding fathers could not bear to see the country they founded destroyed. Defying their society, the men fled Europe and returned to US. They used whatever means they could to stop and delay civil war, influencing politics from the shadows. In 1860 they used their hidden influence to elect a man who would keep the Union together: Abraham Lincoln. They revealed themselves to him and covertly worked with Lincoln throughout the war. The Timekeepers discovered the founding father's treachery and turned on them. Unable to stop the Union from winning the war, they had Lincoln assassinated in revenge. This did not stop the Founders, who used their magic to bring Lincoln back from the grave days after he was killed.

Europe and the powers that controlled it could no longer be trusted. The old world could never govern nor control the new. The four presidents founded the Executive Branch. It served as a clandestine organization that would protect and fight for the United States, her interest, and freedom any place and anywhere. Their ranks are made up of former American presidents and other historical figures, each of them turned immortal in the same way the three founders were. Their long war with the Timekeepers ended after the First World War, when the last remnants of the old and rotten society were swept away in the fiery cataclysm of the war.

Now in 2015, they wage clandestine wars against a variety of threats that include the Secret Soviet Union, the Fourth Reich, and the Roman Republic of Zombies. But something dark and unknown lurks on the outer reaches of the world. A darkness is setting in, and an old power is returning to take control.

Roosevelt Backstory

Theodore Roosevelt was born in 1858 to a prominent New York family. The young "Teddy" had several adventures, from becoming a boxing champion at Harvard to a historian and politician, to cowboy and sheriff's deputy in Montana, before he ventured into public service. He served as the first Commissioner of the New York Police Department and helped the expanding city's police develop into a true metropolitan police force. He served as Assistant Secretary of the Navy before the outbreak of the Spanish-American War caused him to resign his office and recruit his own cavalry regiment to the fight the war.

As Colonel Roosevelt leading the Rough Riders, Teddy accomplished military victories in Cuba that launched his political career further. He ran and was elected as Governor of New York and began a crusade for public reform. The powers that be in New York became scared of Roosevelt and out-maneuvered him by having him nominated as Vice-President under incumbent William McKinley, tossing Roosevelt out of the governor's mansion and in a meaningless post for four years. An assassin's bullet changed everything.

When McKinley died, Roosevelt became President and pushed forward with the rapid expansion of American military and industrial might, as well as reform in industry, government, and business. He finished McKinley's term and was reelected in a landslide. He decided not to seek a third term and handed the ball to his good friend William Howard Taft. Roosevelt in retirement watched Taft's presidency with a critical eye. He judged that his friend has mismanaged the cause of the Progressives and decided to run for president again in 1912 as a third party candidate in the "Bull Moose Party" the bitter election between Roosevelt and Taft caused the two men to split the Republican and Progressive vote, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to be elected.

Roosevelt watched powerlessly while Wilson guided America into the First World War, a role he believed he should have done. His failing health only worsened when he learned the devastating news that his youngest son Quentin's plane had been shot down over France. The man who had always loved the thrill of combat had the brutal truths of war brought home to him. He died less than a year later at the age of sixty.

Shortly after the war the Executive Branch exhumed his body and brought him back to life. Immortal and reinvigorated, Roosevelt tried to work his way out of the loss of his son. As an operative he participated in OPERATION: SCAR in Chicago to root out occultist bootleggers in 1924 and OPERATION: DAGGER STEADY in 1936 involving the growing mystic powers of the Nazi Thule Society. During the outbreak of the Second World War Roosevelt was active in all theaters, from stealing the German Enigma Code with Abraham Lincoln to battling a Japanese sorceress with his old rival Taft. After the collapse of the Third Reich and the retreat of the Fourth Reich, the Executive Branch dug in to support freedom during the long Cold War with the Soviet Union and their counterpart to the EB, the Heroes of Lenin.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of terrorism as the main concern of the day means that Roosevelt and his colleagues have had to change up their way of doing things to protect the world from threats.

Hero Type: Normal

Power Level: Street Level

Powers: None

Attributes: Roosevelt is an expert marksman with his fabled elephant gun as well as a skilled combatant in a variety of hand to hand fighting styles. Executive Branch training has also given him proficient espionage and spycraft abilities.

Strength Level: Normal Human.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: Roosevelt is immortal and cannot die of old age or disease, but he can be killed.

Supporting Characters:

Franklin D. Roosevelt - Theodore's cousin, director of operations for the Executive Branch
Abraham Lincoln - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
John F. Kennedy - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
Andrew Jackson - Fellow Executive Branch field agent
Fredrick II "Fredrick the Great" - Former Timekeeper grandmaster, Roosevelt nemesis
Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Soviet Sniper, Secret Soviet Union agent, Roosevelt love interest
Richard Nixon - Executive Branch's resident mage and mystic expert

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

Southern Ural Mountains
0455 Local Time

"Something's not right," Teddy Roosevelt said under his breath.

His usual three-piece suit was gone, swapped out for the khaki Rough Rider's uniform with the silver eagle of a full Colonel on the collar. He wore his slouch hat with the bill folded on the right. Slung over his shoulder was the massive elephant gun that could take out nearly any creature on the planet, clipped to his belt was a truncheon -- the proverbial big stick.

Roosevelt stood in the middle of the small camp set up on the mountain plateau. A soft flurry of snow fell from the sky and coated the ground in the powder. Andrew Jackson, a Colt 1911 in hand and his saber strapped to his belt, checked the shacks in the facility with his squad of six tactical officers, former US special forces and police officers handpicked to be part of the elite work the Executive Branch did. Halfway across the camp, Nixon shuffled through the snow with his hands making arcane gestures.

"Have you found anything, Mr. Nixon?" Teddy called to him.

"No," Nixon said too quickly. Roosevelt couldn't see it, but Nixon was sweating profusely even in the cold. His enchantments were picking up magic unlike anything he had seen before. It was old and it was powerful, very powerful. There was a hum, ever so soft, and he appeared to be the only one who could hear it. It called to him, it whispered things to him and beckoned him closer. Nixon looked towards the rest of the group before he slowly shuffled further into the camp towards the source of the hum.

“What is your science telling us, Dr. Feynman?” Roosevelt called out to their resident science expert.

Richard Feynman and two scientists in radiation suits combed the area with Geiger counters. Feynman pecked at the touchscreen tablet with glove-clad fingertips.

“There’s radiation here, Mr. Roosevelt, albeit very background. UV lights show some kind of… liquid all through the area.”

Teddy walked over to the scientist and read their displays. He furrowed his brow as he saw the invisible contrails under the UV light.

“What the devil is that, Doctor?”

“I don’t know, sir.”

Teddy beckoned Jackson and ordered him and his team to slowly follow the trails towards their source. Roosevelt and the tactical squad spread out through the camp. Teddy gripped his elephant gun tightly and prepared for anything.

“Sir,” one of the officers yelled to Jackson. “Contact left!”

The tactical officers, Jackson, and Teddy all turned towards the officer. Shuffling in front of him was a man in tattered clothing. Black, inky liquid dripped from the man’s mouth as he approached the young officer.

“Get the fuck back!” the young man yelled.

In response, the raggedy man belched loudly. A large dollop of the black liquid spewed from his mouth and coated the officer. He screamed and fell backwards. He yelled in pain as the liquid coated his chest and face.

“Open fire!” Teddy yelled.

His elephant gun roared, mingling with the automatic weapons fire of the rest of the unit as they tore into the strange assailant.
Nixon heard the sounds of gunfire across the camp, but distantly. That hum was now filling his ears. Like a siren song it guided him through the dig site towards a pit. Nixon could see strange energy pulsating from the hole. His breath quickened as he approached the source of the power. He looked down into the abyss and felt like he was staring into his soul. A voice whispered in his ear, a dead language that hadn’t been spoken for thousands of years.

“My name?" He asked whatever was in the hole. "I... I am Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States and Archmage of the Trilateral Guild…. Why am I here? I’m here because I know power when I see it. My whole life I’ve craved power, more and more and more. Maybe… maybe we can work out a deal.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

A superhero RPG? Nice. You still open?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@GamerXZ Yes we are, go post a CS on our OOC page and Nitemare Shape will look if over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Create-A-Hero VATROU's Mystical Lore and Character thread: AKA I write way too much http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/91899-create-a-hero-vatrous-mystical-lore-and-character-thread-aka-i-write-way/ooc

Character you have created: Eva ‘Mouse’ Walsh
Alias: Pendragon http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/cooltext141339446595706_zps6fzmac2f.png.html

Speech Color whatever color (00aeef) is?

Character Alignment: Hero in training

Identity: Secret/Known Will be known later, to start it’s a secret.

Character Personality: Eva is a troublemaker, who likes to party. She has dropped out of Highschool and is active on the rave scene. She shirks her chores and has an estranged relationship with her parents. Now after a tremendous weight has been placed squarely on her shoulders she begins to question her life choices which marks a turning point in her life. She will soon learn that there is more to life than partying as she searches for clues regarding the identities of the Murderers who killed her friends, while she grieves over her loss.


Origin Info/Details: After Breaking into the American Museum of Natural History, via a borrowed key card. Eva and her friends surprisingly had a easy time setting up for a Flash Rave something that would only last thirty or so minutes before the Police were able to mobilize. However the real reason the Museum was quiet was because Eva and her friends were not alone, masked thieves had already killed the guards and began stealing ancient artifacts. Eva who tried to protect herself reached for what appeared to be a fossilized relic. Upon blocking the attackers who had gotten what they came for fled, and the stone which entrapped the sword crumbled to the floor. Where a Ghostly figure revealed the sword to be the Legendary Excalibur.

Hero Type (Select one): Normal

Power Level (Select one below): It’s really a combination of the two. The sword is only as good as the wielder and although mystical the wielder is only human.

A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers (Be Specific): The Sword Excalibur is endowed with a variety of powers, It can cut any man-made object barring any alien or otherworldly materials. It will blind foes upon it being drawn from it’s sheathe. It is nigh unbreakable by any weapon forged by man, with the exception of other mystical weapons and those not from earth. Save for those as strong as Icon or Cosmic forces such as Umbraxis or Magic of the same tier. Enough World class magic should also break Excalibur if it sustains constant blows. Anything less than say someone of Thanos' might or Umbraxis should not break Excalibur in a single strike. Excalibur being a Legendary weapon, sometimes said to be created by the Lady in the Lake, or given to her after being forged by a Dragon. Which if Dragons did exist would be on par with Cosmic beings. They created a Legendary sword after all; presumably so. I could probably say the metal by which Excalibur is forged from could have come from the scales of a Dragon. Which being a cosmic creature would have properties all their own; say near Adamantium/Vibranium levels of durability but not quite there. Maybe a weaker version. You get the gist. The sword also grants enhanced speed (Olympic runner or Olympic Fencer level.)

The sheathe itself has powers as well, giving the wielder the ability of temporarily invulnerability, the wielder can be injured but will not bleed from wounds, nor can they be dismembered. And in case the wielder needs to recall the sword it, the sword will chose its owner, much like that of Mjolnir (should they be worthy) Even if Eva were to allow someone to borrow Excalibur they must meet that requirement. That's not to say the sword cannot be stolen from her, the thief just won't have any of the buffs or magical (cut anything) enhancements. That and it still can be recalled by it's owner (Eva) at anytime. Meaning one must knock her out, or use Magic! To prevent her from recalling it, or something along those lines.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Below Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained - In training

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: She’s Human, although she is immune to dismemberment and bleeding. Fire will kill her, so too will poison, drowning et cetera.

Supporting Characters Her estranged parents Reuben and Amber Walsh, and her Aunt Briley Patton. And her diseased friends Julius ‘Rave Master’ Sloan, Leon Hurst, and Shari Conway. Smiling Sampson. A Lex Luthor/Handsome Jack like character. Who hates Meta Humans, and thinks Humanity should be top dog. He's also a grade A jerkbag, who is Evil and insane even. Not madhouse insane but the world is out to get me insane and I need all the power I can get. My idea for him is that he has a anti Meta Human Riot Squad that has various talented individuals and a Mech unit. Think something like this. http://hekatoncheir.deviantart.com/art/NYPD-s-Finest-351871288 Though more Civilian friendly, and less Pacific Rim war-machine. Oh and here's a link to the artist drawing so he can get the credit.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup.

Other Notes. Those who can see ghosts.
Angel can probably detect him with his sensors on the ATD;

VKTR-17 can definitely see him, and piece together who he is.

Uskri can see him, bind him to him (if he says yes), and converse freely with him.

War-Pulse may be aware of supernatural energy surrounding Eve, but won't be able to identify it as anything other than energy.

Umbraxis can absolutely see and identify it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Marcus Richard Huxley, Jr.

The Mage



Marcus Huxley is inspired in part by characters that follow the "awkward nerd" trope and as such is a mess: he's awkward, extremely nervous, easily excitable, a little bit naive, and leaps without thinking. Adding that in, Marcus wants to do the mystical stuff and doesn't see it as a huge weight on his shoulders as he never has had a character to tout responsibility over him. Marcus is a good kid at heart with more power than he realizes he should be comprehending.

A simple hoodie with gloves at the moment.

Marcus Huxley grew up in Brooksdale, one of Grant City's many suburban midtowns in the metropolitan area. Growing up in the sprawling suburban area had a definite effect on him and he was teased or ignored by his peers depending on their gender. Marcus has been called a geek and loser for the majority of his life and his interest in urban mysteries has always sort of alienated him from others. When high school was over Marcus immediately set his sights on college, quickly quitting his steady job at the local movie theater to set his sights on the big city. With his grades set, Marcus found himself accepted into a Community College and found a second dilemma in his freshmen year: he needed a steady job. After several weeks of looking he came across an antiques shop not too far from the college he went to and decided that it would be a good place to start looking; though Marcus’ gut feeling of wanting to check out the store had been apparent before due to his taste in urban mysteries and the knacks people always seem to forget about.

This is where he began to work for an old welsh man who eventually revealed to him that he had been chosen—chosen as his apprentice. Marcus panicked but ultimately after witnessing the old man’s vigor and power realized he had either gone crazy or all of the tales and legends had been true after all of this time. Confiding in Merlin he ecstatically obeys this apprenticeship and honestly he felt like he could really use the money from working at the store as well. So the birth of Merlin’s Apprentice became so and over the next year he studied without application, until he found himself becoming inspired by crime-fighters. The debut of “The Mage” was as tacky as a name as it was; Michelle Kinney of the Grant City Informant had begun to report on the appearances of the superhero. In this time however, everything seemed to go downhill as his own nameless nemesis watched from the shadows as Marcus' relationship with Roxie begins to grow...

Character Type

Power Level
City Level - though he'll be doing Street Level stuff for the majority of the beginning.

Marcus Huxley by all accounts should be a normal kid studying the geopolitics of sixteenth century Europe, but unfortunately he’s been gifted with knowledge of the arcane stream. Unbeknownst to Marcus he is one of several people in the world with a connection to the stream, a natural connection and it is important for him to take on the responsibilities of the realm of magic. Marcus can create arcane bolts and fields, levitate, absorb and redirect other energy, and even teleport. All of which takes massive focus and strain so he's not going to be nightcrawler or anything.

Marcus is by all standings a pretty low level mage and street level hero that could become a lot more given happenstance of his life and how it is changing. His power is varied and scattered over hundreds of applications of the arcane stream and he doesn’t quite understand it.

As a mystic with a small degree of training Marcus isn't exactly Merlin-- he cannot bend magic very well and thus most of his physical defenses is very human. With that said the majority of Marcus' weaknesses comes through his personality: his nervousness, awkwardness, and pure anxiety from a situation bring a lot of mental misses and with magic that's a big no-no.

Supporting Cast
Merlin – the wizard of time and space himself; he’s the mentor of the character and the lead on to everything Marcus Huxley will be.
Roxanne “Roxie” Llywelyn – Right now Roxie is Marcus Huxley’s friend and potential love interest, but there’s a lot more to Roxie than Marcus realizes.
Michelle Kinney – A tenacious and adamant reporter for the local newspaper who intends to get ahead of her male peers as a reporter who gets the truth.
David Richards – Marcus’ best friend and his roommate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Josie Nichols
Alias: The Red Reaper

Speech Color: Red

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Sadistic, cruel, and erratic, The Red Reaper is the perfect enforcer, someone with skills to get somewhere in the world, but little ambition of her own. For some reason, she practically hero worships Bleeder Jack, and he is the only one she is enthusiastic to talk to.

Uniform/costume: Josie stands at 4'10", and wears a suit like that of an old-school mafioso, with a matching hat. The white suit is a bitch to clean, but it looks nice.

Origin Info/Details: Josie was born in Bristol, England, to a lovely family of metahumans. They were Giga King and Defender, a couple that fought crime as their day job, in service of the Queen. They were celebrities, and it was no surprise when their child was born a metahuman. However, it was a surprise to everyone, including her parents, when she went on a limited psychotic break, and killed the Prime Minister, and his entire entourage, running away, going underground. She joined up with a gang in London, and became the lead enforcer, assisting the leader of the Enigma Gang in taking over the underground in London, and forming it into a legitimate criminal organization.

Bleeder Jack, her boss, has set his sights on Lost Haven, hoping to get a profit from the conflict in the city, even though The Enigma Gang isn't really an international organization, like the Shroud. They hope that taking over Lost Haven, and driving out all other parties, even those that are entrenched in the cities' underworld.

Hero Type:
Blade Creation/Manipulation

Power Level:
B. City Level

Powers (Be Specific): Josie can generate between 1-25 blades of variable width, but the maximum dimensions she can create a blade are 5 ft length/ 4 inch width. The blades are usually shaped like kitchen knives, but they can be formed into any shape. However, once generated, their shape cannot be changed. The material composition of the blades are unknown, but they are nigh unbreakable to physical force, however, they can be corroded by strong acids and corrosion abilities. Due to the nature of the blades, their physical form cannot be changed by ferromancy/ferrokinetic control, but their direction and speed can. The blades can reach a speed of 120 MPH.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Peak Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Peak Normal Human

Agility: Peak Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Large

Weaknesses: Josie, even with her powers, can be killed by a bullet, or impaled with a sword. She is easily provoked when not under orders to not fight. She goes out of her way to be nasty and mean, if not outrageously violent, she loves to see suffering in others, even if she doesn't cause it directly.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Bleeder Jack- A wiry, sharp-faced individual with greasy hair and a sharklike smile. He is the leader of the Enigma Gang, and is safely in London, usually giving orders over the phone.

Tall Byron- A big, beefy man who looks like a brick, and seems like he would be as intelligent as one, but actually dropped out of the University in Oxford, not because of grades, but because of tuition. He is Bleeder Jack's second most trusted lieutenant, aside from Josie, and in charge of organization of the takeover, as well as negotiations.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

"You know how hard this thing is to clean?"

Josie sat on the bar counter, dusting off her suit with her white gloves, hat atop her head. The scene around her was that of destruction. The normally quiet bar was in ruins, with tables and chairs upturned, glass and plaster dust everywhere, and alcohol running freely over the floor. It might've been salvageable, if it hadn't mixed with the blood.

Behind the counter, the bartender, a young woman, cowered in fear. "Alright, so now that business is finished, I've been instructed to give a message." The black-haired woman in the white suit set a piece of paper on the counter. It was folded up, so what was inside was not visible.

"I know that you associate with the Steel Whips. Some of the people here were wearing their jacket. Tell Dave Billis that the Whips need to stay away from Lost Haven. The Enigma are in town, and we plan to play the long game."

Pushing off of the bar, Josie left the bartender cowering in the wrecked building, relishing the look of terror that she had on her face. It was magnificent.

Pity she couldn't see it more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: I-09 S1GL
Alias: Sigil

Speech Color: Orange

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Sigil might seem odd at first, even for alien beings such as himself, but he means well. If any undue harm comes from his actions, he'll do his best to rectify the situation. He never set out to be a hero, but he does his best, even if he is depressed by every little failure, reacting as if he were at fault for everything.


Origin Info/Details: Sigil came into being hundreds of years ago, part of a race that had ascended beyond reality, but still retained physical forms, allowing them to Shift beyond the fundamental principles of the universe, giving them limited reality warping abilities. These abilities were mainly focused around creation, and self alteration, allowing them to forge an empire spanning several galaxies. They were prosperous. They were enlightened. They were happy.

Then the Destroyer, the End, arrived.

Not even their reality warping, all their natural advantages would save them. The Void was unstoppable, with an insatiable thirst for nothing. But his people would not go down without a fight, and in their fight, they discovered something crucial about what some called Umbraxis.

There was no time to lose. Every warrior they had was fighting the Destroyer, so they sent the last available one of their kind, a Scholar called I-09 S1GL, to find another race that still had hope. And so he did, for hundreds of years, lying dormant until he lay on the outskirts of a solar system that rotated around a star called 'Sol', in the native's speech. Speeding down to the only inhabited planet (at least with sentient life,) S1GL would try and warn them about the threat of Umbraxis, to prevent the End from coming to another race.

Hero Type: (Alien) Gray Matter

Power Level: World Level, Cosmic after the Third Paradigm Shift upwards.

Powers :
Paradigm SHIFT- S1GL has the ability to change his form, to one that is more powerful. However, he has only unlocked the 1/2 Shift, and it only gives him moderate combat abilities.
--1st SHIFT: S1GL can change into a human, normal in every aspect, except that he is slightly more athletic, intelligent, and quicker to react than a human.

-0th SHIFT: S1GL's base Form, he is made out of a material which is not metal, yet incredibly tough. He has access to a large array of knowledge and energy, yet he is not that great at fighting. He is much faster and stronger than a normal human, and can even fly, but he also has the reaction speed of a normal human.

- 1/2 SHIFT: The 1/2 Shift gives S1GL swordsmanship and acrobatics skills, but also allows him to cloak and become invisible to all sensors. However, it is difficult to communicate in this form, and S1GL was always a fan of conversation, so he is almost never in this form.

- 1st SHIFT: LOCKED, KNOWN Sigil hasn't unlocked the 1st Shift yet, but he knows what it is capable of. With impressive combat abilities with most weaponry, and the ability to generate more weapons (within a specific set,) the Fight Form is, in addition to this, stronger, and more durable than the previous shifts. He wouldn't lose his powers of conversation, but he does lose his cloaking ability. He can move at up to 2 times the speed of sound easily, and act and react at said speeds with little impairment. He can lift up to 150 tons easily, and 200+ with some difficulty.



Object Fabrication: Sigil can create objects, if he concentrates, and if he has the necessary Blueprints, without any materials needed, too. The fabrication is limited in the fact that it is NOT in any way instantaneous, and requires a great deal of focus to use.

Energy Projection: Sigil, at all levels, can project blasts of energy, plasma, and create Hard Light bullets.

Flight: Sigil, in every level except -1st, 0th and 1/2 SHIFT, can fly at speeds exceeding Mach 2 easily, and is extremely agile while doing so.


Strength Level: 100+ tons.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: S1GL is essentially made from raw reality, so he doesn't need to stop performing at MAXIMUM effort.

Agility: 20X Human level.

Intelligence: Super-Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained (Human form, Scholar form), Trained (1/2 Shift), Mastered (1st Shift upwards.)

Resources: (Knowledge) Extreme, (Physical Resources) Nigh limitless. (Monetary?) Absolutely dirt broke. (Friends?) Complete fish out of water.

Weaknesses: While he might not have many physical weaknesses, he finds it literally impossible to bring himself to hurt an innocent. While he's okay with beating up bad guys, he can't kill them, and thus, is easily psyched out, if there is an opponent crafty enough. Also, while technically warping reality by virtue of existing, he's not as powerful as other reality warpers, such as Mercy.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?): No support whatsoever.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Duh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Character you have created: Aurelia Nirealh

Alias: NA

Speech Color: Orange

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: It's Complicated

Character Personality: Fanatical willpower, utter willingness to make any and all sacrifices to achieve the necessary goal, great devotion to the cause, these are all elements that are critical to understanding her personality. Due to experience and a vast amount of training for this mission she is extremely quick to react. Her survival of them is evidence of an ability to set aside emotions like fear or the drive for self preservation to do what must be done. At the same time, she is not an unfeeling machine. Casualties are avoided when possible, the beings of this world are considered to be people, albeit primitives, and as such efforts are taken to when possible avoid harming them. She does have a personality beyond that of the dedicated soldier, bent on accomplishing the task that has been set before her, but at this point it has been of little value in the endeavor, and she is capable of suppressing her personal desires for the good of mission.

Uniform/costume: Like all Praetorians Aurelia has a series of shards of unknown material that are at times attached to her, and at times floating in a halo of sorts around her body. Hers as befits one of her station has many components, and they are quite developed. When they are anchored to her body a pair of them anchor against the sides of her head, stretching up nearly a foot in height above her head even when attached. Two shorter ones anchor against the upper sides and top, reaching slightly higher than the longer ones below due to the higher start. Finally one at the peak of her head that extends higher than the rest. In addition to the shards that attach to her head she also has a pair that attach to the outside of her upper arms and rise up to be level with her head.

Also like all Praetorians Aurelia has sheath of sorts around her body. Rather than skin there is a hard layer of a highly resilient and durable material that has a bright white coloration, almost like fine china in most cases. This layer is form fitting and covers the entirety of her body. In its natural state her mouth, eyes, ears, and nose to some extent, have openings to allow for sight, scent, hearing, and eating, and her features are clearly visible beneath it as if it was another, if thicker layer of skin. In less natural states the covering can extend to completely block all openings and form a protective seal. The sheath can be shed at will and regrown in a short period of time, how long it takes depending on the individual.

Beneath this layer is what would be most comparable to a human layer of skin. Her skin is a pale silvery blue in color and should she be wounded a dark fluid would flow from her wounds. Her skin at this level is more fragile than a humans and is extremely porous, as well as being extremely sensitive to stimuli of all kinds.

For the actual physical structure of the Praetorians, they look oddly similar to humanity, their bodies are proportionally extremely similar and they possess analogous anatomy. As such Aurelia looks quite similar to a human, albeit one is either wearing a suit of porcelain, or who has silver blue skin, slightly glowing orange eyes, and silver hair. Her features are rather delicate and refined as well, something that is visible even when covered by the sheath.

In terms of actual clothing Aurelia will typically wear a raiment of gold and crimson that is amorphous in nature, reshaping itself as necessary and able to define itself into a number of different patterns as needed.

Origin Info: Aurelia is an agent of the Empire, an elite operative specially chosen from the most potent members of her kind for mission of utmost importance. One of the few members of her kind capable of surviving a transit across the boundaries of reality through an unsecured gateway she has been dispatched to this world to create a gateway device and allow the true linking of the worlds….

Hero Type: Technically Aurelia's powers like all of her kind are technology based. However due to the extremely advanced nature of them, the ways in which they work are not obvious and to this time period on earth they will most likely seem magical rather than technological.

Power Level (Select one below):
D. Cosmic

Powers (Be Specific):

Like all Praetorians Aurelia possesses racial abilities.

She has the ability to grow and shed her protective sheath at will and has the ability to do so within a few seconds time, extremely quickly by the standards of her people, most of whom can take up to an hour to fully generate the sheath. Aurelia also possesses the ability to interface with Praetorian technology, an ability granted by her array of shards that she like all Praetorians possesses. Further she has the ability to commune with other biological and synthetic lifeforms and to use this for a number of purposes.

Communion for the Praetorians is a part of life and normal existence. With as little as a touch of their skin to that of another lifeform they can initiate a link. These links are often used to share information, divine intentions, reveal feelings, share experiences, ect. But communion can also be much more than that. They are capable of merging, of melding with what they touch and assimilating or altering it. Often this is used for the rare medical condition that requires outside intervention, or to assess the damage to something. But it can also be used to harvest biomass from another source and directly incorporate it into the body, or other less pleasant things. On the whole the biomass harvesting is incredibly rare and used only as a last resort for survival in most cases, and typically communion is a way of reinforcing closeness or bonding.

Aurelia's unique power is her ability to interface directly with the matter around her. This ability allows her to with concentration and focus shape the world around her. Air can solidify to form walls, metal can warp and reshape, the building blocks of the universe answer to her. At least within a relatively short range and to a certain degree. Aurelia can only retain control of and alter things within approximately 100 yards of her, though something once altered or created by her will behave naturally until it has run its course or been destroyed. With her particular ability as one of the most talented shapers among the Praetorians she is uniquely suited to create the necessary components for the gateway device assuming she can amass the raw materials required. Aurelia also cannot break the laws of physics. Though considering her vastly superior understanding of physics, some of what she does may seem supernatural or magical to others.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Naturally she could pick up a car and throw it assuming she was sheathed, with technology augmenting her or some form of device quite a lot more. (Notably she is substantially stronger than the average Praetorian)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Reaction time is fast enough to allow her to process and react to the strikes of even metahumans such as Icon. How much of this is training and how much is inherent is at this point uncertain.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Aurelia can courtesy of her training and the nature of her people function at maximum efficiency for a period of 6 or 7 hours. Notably as using her technology does not drain her noticeably, should she not be forced to use her ability to interface she could function at maximum efficiency for even longer.

Agility: 5X

Intelligence: Genius, while her intelligence is moderate by the standards of her people, by the standards of this world she would be considered a genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Minimal (Currently, this is subject to change)

Weaknesses: Like all Praetorians Aurelia's core body is fragile and can be damaged more easily than a humans, further her power's limited range can often come into play as well. Aside from that she has no obvious weaknesses.

Supporting Characters:

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:

The dockside security station was filled with the scents of smoke and sweat. Technically they weren't supposed to be smoking inside, but with it still being cold, no one made an issue of it. The group of three men in rather shabby uniforms were huddled around a table in the middle of the room, not really watching the screens, instead their attention seemed to be much more focused on the game taking place in on the table.

“Alright, show the hands.” One of them said at last and dropped his own. A pair of jacks was revealed as he did so.

The man across from him however dropped his as well. “Hah.” And his dropping revealed a hand with three aces. “I win.” And he began to reach for the money.

Before he could do so though the last man put his down showing something amusing, 4 twos.
“Now that's some bull-” The second man began before he was cut off as the office began to shake and a sudden wind whipped cold air through the half open windows.

It was about to be dismissed as some strange thing, like so much of what happened in Lost Haven but before the attention could turn back to the game there was an intense cracking sound as what looked almost like a tendril of blue lightning erupted in thin air outside. All three men were drawn to the window, looking out at the sudden lightshow.

The effects did not stop, instead growing more frequent and intense as pulses of the blue energy erupted from thin air to strike the ground and in some cases began to swirl around themselves in the air. Eventually they seemed to form what was almost a pool of sparkling and crackling energy in the air. Then something, it was difficult to see what, slipped through portal, crackling energy and sparks clinging to it as it landed on the ground outside.

The swirling nexus of energy then disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving the men looking at each other.

“Was that a metahuman?” One of them asked the others

“I don't know.”

“We should call the police.” The first offered again and actually moved around the office, over to the phone.

Then the third man spoke. “Whatever it is, its moving and it doesn't look good.”

In a perhaps surprising display of decency the two men who were not on the phone left the security station and approached the site of the of the lightshow. One of them carried a flashlight and he turned it on. The light stretched out, illuminating the scorched earth where the bolt of energy had struck, and something else as well.

It was difficult for the men to be sure what they were looking at, it was horribly burned, with what seemed to be a bluish black fluid dripping from the worst of the burns. But as they approached it looked more and more humanoid. And then it raised its head and spoke, “…… …..” <Help me.> That the head didn't look quite right, with additional growths and such didn't matter so much in the face of what was clearly a voice, a quite human sounding one even if one they didn't understand

And as the men drew near and reached out the thing moved suddenly in a way that belied how damaged it looked to be. A hand closed around the arm of each of the two men and there was an instant of warmth as the touch seemed to burn their skin and meld with it. And then there was only oblivion for them.

It would be a moment later that the man who had stayed inside to call the police emerged, both to inform his fellows that the call was finished and to investigate for himself, and he was to find an unexpected sight. His two fellows slumped upon the ground withered looking, though there were still plumes of visible vapor rising from their mouths in the cold, and standing above them what looked to be some sort of woman.

She was badly burned and much of her was hidden in the darkness but he could see she wasn't normal. The long white things attached to her head and arms were a give away, as was the faintly luminous orange eyes that illuminated a bit of her face. At the sight the man, in the wake of what he had seen opened his mouth as if to scream, only to find that something was blocking him, muffling his attempts to speak, something that also had wrapped around him, making it impossible to move aside from his head.

And the woman began to walk towards him, speaking as she did so. “…… … ...” <Do not struggle and you will live> It was clear that she expected some form of response but the man had no idea what and shook his head. She seemed puzzled by this and paused, speaking again, in words that still were not recognizable but sounded markedly different from the first. “------ ----- ----” <Do you speak -----?> And again the man shook his head.

In the end it made no difference as with a frown the woman reached out with a pale bluish silver hand and as their skin touched there was the feeling of heat and then oblivion.


Amid the scorch marks that the energy left behind a figure stood. Now coated almost entirely in a gleaming white layer of what looked almost like porcelain, though with her head still exposed, and with a layer of what was presumably clothing that bore an odd mix of qualities, seemingly armored and dress like at once.

The growths that had been noticeable to the men before were not visible now, rather a series of spines seemed to float in the air around her, forming an odd corona of sorts that stretched loosely from one shoulder, up over her head and down to the other. There was an expression that looked an awful lot like confusion on her face as the white layer finished spreading and covered her face, forming into a perfect copy over the silver skin that lay below.

But whatever it was that had led to the look of confusion clearly was not about to slow her down as she stepped upwards, seemingly into thin air and then rose, accelerating through the air away from the sight of her appearance.


And when the police arrived they would find the men in the checkpoint, moved as close to the heater as possible and with a piece of paper on which was written fine and precise text, that sadly they could not read, though an oddly familiar set of numbers.

– --- –- – –- – - –- –- <I have left instructions for their medical care.>
I – - –-
II–- – – -- - –--
III –----- –-
IV - - –- - –-- - -

- – –-- - – - – - – –- - - <If they die, their sacrifices will be honored in the Empire>

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Name
Marie Elizabeth Heartford

White Witch

Speech Color
As Marie
As White Witch

Character Alignment
Walking the Line


Character Personality
Marie is a typical, unassuming millennial who, like most her age, follows an ever shifting moral compass. A long-time fan of the occult and current practitioner of Traditional Witchcraft (Trad Craft for short), Marie’s outlook on life is that it should be experienced in whatever manner one so chooses. Of course, being a millennial, Marie tends to side with more liberal ideologies, believing heavily in all manner of civil rights and liberties (including those that affect the supernatural/superpowered communities). She does, however, possess a few quirks and caveats that make her slightly more complex than the average civilian. Despite her outlook on life, Marie is quite the introvert, often finding more pleasure in reading and remaining in solitude than going out for a night on the town. Her looks betray her awkwardness, for while her beauty and sense of style are apparent, she lacks conversational skills and tends to stumble over her words. Whatever social difficulties she may have, Marie is quite the skilled problem solver, able to calmly approach any nonsocial situation. Being a practitioner of Trad Craft, Marie has no problem in exacting vengeance when she believes it to be necessary and always has a curse in her back pocket. However, so too does she believe in using power to protect those in need and is more benevolent than she lets on.

White Witch fully embraces the Elizabethan stereotype of the witch, adorning a large, wide-brimmed conical hat made of black leather, as well as a flowing, low-cut, white dress and black corset. She is draped in a large, black, feathered cloak that completely covers her body when brought forward, and wears black leather boots with a pointed toe and raised heel. To cover her face, she wears a porcelain mask that resembles a raven’s head. She also carries a large, hand-crafted broomstick that, with the aid of a magical ointment created from various herbs, reagents, and blessed by moonlight, allows her temporary flight for days/weeks, depending on usage.

When not in costume, Marie dawns quite trendy, often over-sized, clothing ranging from pastels and greyscale. She has long, dark hair and soft, pale, rounded features.

Origin Info/Details
As a little girl, Marie had a powerful fascination with all things magical. She adored bedtime stories, fantasy worlds filled with wizards and witches, outrageous fairytales and the like, so much so that she would wander the wooded areas near her family home in New England and sing enchantments of her own design or talk to the trees and the flowers, hoping and praying that one day they might respond. It was during one of these outings that she encountered something that frightened her, something straight from a fairytale, or perhaps a nightmare. Within the sparse foliage stood a tall figure, chest tanned and exposed, legs covered in dark garments with hooves erupting from their bottoms, and a head like goat’s with a candle balanced above its brow. Marie ran, fearing the strange creature, but her curiosity saw her return to the same clearing each day, and each day she was greeted by the same image.

Eventually, she grew brave and began wandering closer to the goat-headed man, each new journey into the forest taking her a few steps nearer, until finally they were close enough to touch. Though the man looked outlandish, it was clear that he meant Marie no harm. She grew more comfortable with his presence and after some time began to see him as a friend. Marie would bring him the occasional gift, a wreath of flowers, a drawing, pastries and sweets, and though he did not speak, he seemed to emanate something that felt like joy or gratitude. This friendship grew, and Marie began to divulge her deepest desires and fears, relating tales of her mundane adventures to him as if he were a diary.

After some time, Marie gathered up the courage to ask the man’s name, and finally, he spoke, or rather, she heard a voice, a deep, echoing voice within her mind that seemed to answer her questions. The being told Marie that his name was Bucca, but he was known by many other names across the world. He told her that he appreciated her company and gifts, and that it was time for him to bestow her with a gift. Bucca raised his arm, extended his finger, and touched Marie’s forehead. For a moment, she felt a slight pain, like a burn, but it was over in an instant. He then removed a large, leather-bound tome from his waist and handed it to her. It was covered in many strange symbols and words that she couldn’t recognize. He told her that with this, she could make all of her dreams come true, she could have whatever she wanted, but she must keep this book a secret from others, lest they think differently of her. Overjoyed, she hugged Bucca and ran back home to read through the strange book.

Within were several charms, enchantments and recipes that could bring wealth, luck, misfortune, bring rain, calm a storm, bind a wind, etc. Marie immediately began performing all the little spells that she could, making her life as magical as possible with what few resources she had. She returned to the forest to speak with Bucca, but for the first time, he wasn’t there. Subsequent trips to the woods would prove uneventful, and Marie never again saw Bucca in person, though sometimes, she believed she heard his voice in dreams.

Now a young adult with a plethora of experiences with magic, Marie realizes that she had encountered a being known to witches worldwide, the “witches god” so to speak, known to religious folk as the Devil. For whatever reason, he had chosen to bestow her with the witch fire, a special connection to the Otherside only gifted to certain practitioners that greatly enhances their magical talents. White Witch formed from necessity. After Marie saw the state of the world, the damages that other powerful individuals had caused, she decided to follow in the footsteps of those that came before her, to become a modern Cunning Woman more powerful than her predecessors. She crafted her costume, moved to Lost Haven, where the strange activity seemed to be the heaviest, and began her career as White Witch whilst managing an occult shop within the city as Marie.

Hero Type

Power Level
City Level (Her powers make her more effective at Street Level, but she certainly has City Level potential.)

Marie’s powers follow a modern occult concept known as the Thirteen Artes of the Witch:
  • Hexing: The ability to influence one’s luck through magical means (varying degrees can be achieved through complex rituals, simple spells, incantations, and occasionally by glances or the “evil-eye”).
  • Divination: Using random events in one’s surroundings, reflective surfaces, and other divinatory means such as tarot, runes, etc., to discern hidden/useful information.
  • Conjuration: 1) The ability to conjure certain powers, emotions, or attributes such as love, luck, wealth, etc., via magical means. 2) The power to move items/objects magically if there original position is known (ex: conjuring a cup of tea from the next room over because I forgot it on the counter).
  • Evocation: Summoning and working with supernatural forces such as spirits; occasionally employing these forces to do one’s bidding.
  • Invocation: The ability of the witch to awaken/channel certain gifts (most often meaning conjuring of flames, certain telekinetic abilities, and minor versions of the other Artes that are more “battle” oriented).
  • Abjuration: Impeding the movement/protecting against supernatural and magical forces by way of magical and spiritual wards.
  • Glamoury: The ability to alter something’s image, as well as perceptions about said image (ex: charming an item to appear like something else and influencing an onlookers’ perception of said item such that when they touch it or are near it, feel, hear, smell, etc. the illusory item instead).
  • Compulsion: The ability to influence/interfere with thoughts, memories, and emotions. (Spells that fall under compulsion aren’t all that effective against strong willed individuals)
  • Enchantment: The ability to transfer power into an object in order to give it some magical task or potential (Blessing or cursing an object).
  • True Sight: The ability to see and interact with the spiritual/invisible world; the ability to sense magical or supernatural forces, beings, etc.
  • Healing: The ability to manipulate a biological system’s natural processes in order to more effectively heal injuries, stave off infection and disease, etc.
  • Weatherworking: The ability to influence the weather, create/calm rain and storms, bring forth winds, etc.
  • Faring Forth: The ability to unfetter one’s spirit from their physical form and travel into spiritual planes/as a spirit for limited durations.

(Note: These are not 13 innate abilities, just categories under which a certain spell or power will fall.)

Strength: Normal Human (May very under the effects of magic)
Speed/Reaction Time: Normal Human (Speed increased to around 20-40 MPH during flight)
Endurance: Normal Human, 2 Hours
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average/Above Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained
Resources: Average-Large (Managing occult shop = discount)

Marie’s magic is slightly stunted in that, while it is more powerful than most mundane practitioners’, most of it (aside from certain conjurations and invocations) requires some physical aspect such as a talisman, charm, crystal, herb, potion, etc., or a spoken incantation which can sometimes be an inconvenience. She is also physically weak given that she is human and untrained in combat.

Supporting Characters
Bucca: The being responsible for Marie’s powers and the patron of all Traditional Witches. Though he is known to bestow powers/favors, he rarely interferes with the lives of his followers or gives them additional aid without being asked. Marie sometimes sees him in dreams/visions and journals any instance in which she hears his voice.

Madalena Hawthorne: A beautiful New Age spiritual, Madlena is Marie’s friend and employer. Owner of the “Shadow of the Moon” occult and curiosities shop in Lost Haven, she has suspicions about the White Witch’s true identity.

Joseph Mathers: A fellow witch gifted by Bucca whom Marie has met on occasion. He has a tempting personality and an air of mystery about him.

Sample Post

The crisp, wintry air that blew through the open doors of the shop carried with it the smell of the city, a familiar dankness mixed with car exhaust and the leftovers from the Chinese restaurant down the street. Inside the small corner store, bottles, books, and hanging trinkets of many strange denominations lay out in the open among other metaphysical clutter, threatening to move from their rightful places, but never budging an inch. Behind the rough, wooden counter that stood at the far right end of the shop were two women, one dressed in wild colors, dawning a transparent shawl patterned with stars and crescent moons, whose hair was a mess of silver knots tied back wildly and fair of skin. The other had jet-black hair that fell lazily over her face, a smooth, rounded, shapely visage, and wore a dark dress, draped with a bright silver scarf and short leather jacket.

“Marie?” the light haired woman called to the other while carrying a pile of books from the storeroom into the shop, placing them haphazardly and picking whatever had fallen from the shelves as a result of her negligence.

“Yeah?” the other responded while cutting open a box of taper candles and placing them in a small display container on the countertop.

“I’m thinking about going to that club a few blocks over . . . The Hub I think. Anyway, wanna finally break out of that prison cell you call an apartment and go with me?”

Marie looked up with a sigh. “First of all, that was the only thing I could find in my price range, and you’re not one to talk Miss Madalena “I live my conservative cousins in a two bedroom townhouse” Hawthorne. That’s more of a prison sentence than a studio apartment.”

Madalena gave her a look of playful disdain and replied sarcastically, “Wow, restocking gets you pretty heated doesn’t it?” She smiled as Marie rolled her eyes.

“Second,” Marie continued, “you know how I feel about crowds. I’m just not good at the whole have fun, be social thing.”

“You don’t seem to have a problem with crowds when you’re out saving Lost Haven as the White Wi-”

“Will you stop with that?” Marie interrupted, “I’m not the White Witch. Believe me, if I had an ounce of her power I wouldn’t be working in a place like this.”

Madalena raised both hands in defense, “Alright, I give up,” she smiled playfully. “Will you bring those pricing tags over here?”

Marie nodded and went into the office in the back of the store to search for the box of pricing tags. Soon after she left, a tall man in a dark cap and trenchcoat entered the store, his hands concealed within his pockets.

Madalena turned and politely said, “Oh I’m sorry, we were just closing for the night. If you want to look around you can come back tomorrow at noon.”

The man ignored her and proceeded to walk around the shop, moving closer to the counter. Again, Madalena protested, “I’m sorry sir but we’re closed. I’m gonna have to ask you to le-,” Madalena was interrupted by a quick blow to the stomach. She doubled over and began gasping for air while the strange man, having quickly brought his hand back into his coat, continued his path to the counter. Hearing the commotion, Marie came quickly from the office to greet the stranger, now wielding a gun in his left hand and taking money from the register with his right. He gave her a threatening look as if meaning to shoot. With a violent wave of her right arm, the thief was sent soaring into the wall near the counter, his gun falling to his feet as he flew.

No sooner than the first fallen, a second assailant entered the shop with his weapon already drawn. He shot once at the office window behind the counter, smashing it. Before he could fire a second shot, Marie outstretched her arms and with a nervous flourish of her hands, charmed the assailant's weapon. His second shot backfired, leaving him momentarily blinded from the flash. Marie again whipped her arm violently, the second thief sent flying into the store window, cracking it in the process. With both men down and seemingly unconscious, Marie ran to Madalena’s side, helping her up with one arm while phoning the police with her other.

“I’m alright,” Madalena protested, removing Marie’s arm from around her and using a table to support herself. After a moment, she turned to Marie and, with a devilish smile said, “I fucking knew it!”

(Moved to this tab @Dedonus's request.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fair Lady
Avatar of The Fair Lady

The Fair Lady

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character you have created: Mercy
Alias: Mercy

Speech Color: Pinkish Purple

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality:

Mercy is shaped by trauma. Her parents tried to kill her as a little girl when her powers manifested for the first time and her uncle was a victim of the cruelty of society. She has no faith in society or the laws that guide it. Mercy is very driven and will not hesitate to make any sacrifice necessary to heal the world and exorcise the cancer that is eating it alive. She will also defend against anything that she sees as a cancer or other infection that approaches the world. Mercy is also an incredibly compassionate being. Her truest goal is healing and she weeps for every live that she destroys even those of the parasites and the cancers.


The form of Mercy that everyone sees is an idealized angelic piece of wish fulfillment as she makes for herself a new body. In her idealized form she has long red hair, red and gold robes that billow out from her body and a set of six red feathered wings that grow outwards from her back. Her wings are not made to fly and are part of the image of Mercy. The form was inspired by angels and the red color symbolizes the blood that she knows will be shed in curing the world’s sickness. Her eyes are also red as Mercy and her body and face are idealized. She looks like an idealized version of herself with the changes mentioned.

Origin Info/Details: I don’t remember everything and my memory is not perfect no matter how much I wish it was. But I remember happiness and my family, kind faces that beamed down at me as I played with toys like any other normal child. But I wasn’t normal. My parents were devout and when my powers first manifested everything changed. The cries of hate from those I loved, “Demon, Monster, Abomination” still echo in my head and the darker moments that followed the cries still dance behind my eyes. The raised steak knife held in a hand that had once comforted me and the charred corpses that followed still haunt me.

The police eventually found me when a neighbor complained about the smell coming from our house. My parent’s deaths were ruled freak accidents and I was sent to live with my uncle. Uncle Richard, bless his soul was loving but oblivious and forgetful. I only learned later that he was suffering from Alzheimer’s. I spent 14 years with Uncle Richard in his house that always smelled of lemons and I discovered my love of healing. There was so much that was broken there, the dishes with cracks that I fixed with a thought, the old heating system, the rusty pipes, the rats with their legs caught in the traps he kept putting out. The world always needed healing, even the pieces that no one thinks about.

When Uncle Richard was taken away I was 17 and finally realizing there was something wrong with him, something I couldn’t fix. He had gone for a walk naked and in a delirium while I was at school and been picked up by the police. That was the first time I realized how sick the world really was, when my uncle who was struggling to keep his mind together was put on trial for what only a sick world would see as criminal. I didn’t know what the world was like though and I tried to work inside the system. I paid for my Uncle’s bail with money I made and then paid for the home where he went. Everyone believed it was his old savings that had paid for it but I knew the truth.

I was supposed to enroll in college and my grades were good enough but I was already sickened by the world around me. I wanted to help people and my gift could heal so I knew where to start but there was no opening that didn’t require me to touch the sickness in society. Faith healing was the first thing I tried but I had no faith in any God above or below and people don’t trust a faith healer without a faith. Besides I had started to realize that healing a person at a time would never heal the world. The world wasn’t just sick, it was putrid, rancid, and decaying as cancers ate at it. I have to act, I can bring healing to the world, and if it is too far gone, then I can bring it a final mercy.

Hero Type (Select one):
Other: Matter Manipulation/Creation

Power Level:
D. Cosmic


Matter Manipulation/Creation: Mercy creates and controls matter. She can create things from nothing at all, and reshape matter with her will. Mercy does have trouble directly changing sentient beings who oppose being changed due to their own control over their bodies, but it is possible with effort and focus to change all but the most durable over time.

Radiance of Creation: Mercy is the Radiance of Creation, one of 7 primal cosmic forces of the multiverse and as such cannot truly be destroyed or slain. If her body is destroyed she can form a new one or appear as a billowing cloud of red light of varying size, though she is not yet aware of this, or of her actual identity as the Radiance of Creation.


As her normal Mercy form. She can make her form stronger or weaker should she so choose.

Strength Level: 50+ tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30+ mph

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Physically Infinite, Mentally 3 hours(Will increase once she taps into her full potential as Radiance of Creation)

Agility: 10X+

Intelligence: Genius(if a little warped)

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: N/A

As the Radiance of Creation Mercy has few obvious weaknesses. She does however need to focus to create or alter matter in a complicated fashion, certain things are just instinctive and do not require focus. She cannot manipulate magic or dark matter directly and can only act on it using regular matter constructs. While her energy and potential seems limitless it is possible to wear her down if she is given no time to rest while expending massive amounts of energy.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards: Yes I do.

Sample Post:

The World is sick and slowly dying. Sometimes I used to wonder if I was the only one who could see how the strands of corruption twine through the fabric of the World, the dark and decaying patches in the structures that support it. Now I know that I am alone and that only I can see and touch the pieces.

Images flicker across the television screen as I stare at it with interest. The streak of silver and blue shoots into the sky to catch a falling space station in his hands and I find myself wondering if he too with his power can see how sick the world really is. Then I see him save a parasite, a node of the infection that saps life from the world and my hope for a kindred soul wilts inside of me.

I flick my wrist and the television goes blank. I stretch out and then stand up from the uncomfortable hotel chair with a faint popping sound as my back cracks. I know it is time for me to act but I still wonder if there is another way. I want to heal, not to kill and death will come to many because of me even if the World can still be purged of the cancer that eats at it. For a moment my conviction wavers even as my hands reach out to turn the handle and open the door and I leave the motel room.

But I remember pain and betrayal, the steak knife raised in my mother’s hand as love turned to hate, the way poor Uncle Richard was taken away as his mind failed him. The World is so far gone that it attacks itself, pieces of the World conspire to leave others to sicken and die. I will change this, I will heal this World.

The motel doors open for me and the bright light of the sun silhouettes me in the doorway as I walk out onto the streets of Lost Haven. Little Ulster, the part of Lost Haven that the cancer has corrupted and cut off. The parasites do not care because as long as the cancer festers away from their feeding grounds they are untouched and the weakened people become easy prey for them.

I know not if this is the right course, I must act. Why else would I have this power?

I call to the World and I hear it answer as billions of tiny threads and pieces become clear to me. A deep breath fills my lungs as I take a final moment to ready myself. Then I change myself. It takes practice to change, to know which threads to pull and which pieces to alter so that a change is stable and I have practiced this change many times. My body ripples as I change the structures and finally the aesthetics change too. Wings grow from my back, my hair grows and changes, I feel my bones and flesh shift and rearrange as my new clothing forms around me too, a raiment fit for she who will heal the World.

I hear gasps as people see the changes and I say goodbye to my old appearance and body, knowing that I can never return to it. People look at me in shock, a crimson angel emerging from an ordinary girl; I even see one bow out of the corner of my eyes.

The air solidifies beneath my feet as I step into it and with a thought I am lifted up into the sky. I spread flightless wings and pose for a moment above the city as I gaze down at it. A network of streets for people to travel upon, and a network of causeways through which the parasites feed and the cancer spreads.

The causeways are always the last part to fail, the cancer needs them to spread through the nodes of the city and the parasites use them to transport their ill-gotten gains. I do not know if fixing the decay in the buildings and infrastructure will cure the infection. Does the cancer follow the parasites or do the parasites follow the cancer? I can only learn by action. Even though the World made me so that I could heal it, it did not tell me how.

My hands rise and my wings curl around me while my vision distorts as I see the threads of the World and all the tiny building blocks that make the city below me. I imagine perfection below me as I hover over Little Ulster and with perfection in my mind I thrust my arms out and unfurl my wings. A wave of change sweeps out from me as I struggle to shape the change as I had imagined it.

Damaged buildings change as the air shivers and changes to patch holes seamlessly, potholes smooth over, graffiti is erased, and damage is undone. I am careful; the changes do not touch the people below, bending around them. But some buildings are not fixed and as the city shakes as if there is an earthquake many of the worst places in Little Ulster, the nodes of cancer and the lairs of petty parasites are dragged down into the earth. In their places I raise new structures, a park stands where once a gang infested tenement sprawled, fresh new apartments replace the slums, and derelict buildings are replaced with clean new ones.

I feel a pang of sorrow because no matter how careful I was to only unmake the world places there would still be innocents lost. The changes stop and I feel my head pound as I continue to stare down at the newly remade part of the city.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
Avatar of Eddie Brock

Eddie Brock

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Sean Abbott
Alias: Mantis

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Sean is an ordinary 18/19 year-old kid thrown into an extraordinary situation. As Sean, he's kind and loyal. He's not an exceptional student, but he takes his education seriously. He has little trouble making friends, although he prefers to maintain close relationships with a small handful of people rather than being the life of the party. Sean, like most people his age, is unsure of himself at times, unsure of what he wants in life, and unsure of the future. He always strives to do what's right. As Mantis, Sean is witty and boisterous. The anonymity of his secret identity coupled with the sense of power gives Sean a cocky confidence that he never had. He wants to do right by other people by using his powers for the benefit of as many people in need as he can.


Origin Info/Details: Sean's life was, by all accounts, normal and uneventful. He had just started his first year of college. He was dealing with unresolved feelings after breaking up with his high school sweetheart. He was starting a new romance with a friend of a friend, all the while trying to juggle college coursework and a part-time job at Tons of Buns. Then, one fateful day, Sean crossed paths with a desperate scientist in the middle of Central Station on his way back to Lost Haven University.

The scientist worked for a shady corporation called Gene.Co, where he had been part of a team developing a strain of DNA Recombinant serums designed to create new metahumans. The scientist realized how Gene.Co intended to use the completed serums, and thus he stole it. Seeing an opportunity, the scientist dumped the serum vial into Sean's half-opened backpack to keep it out of Gene.Co's hands. When Sean got back to his room, he cut his hand on a shard of broken glass, and some of the serum got into his blood.

The serum altered Sean's DNA, giving him an array of bug-like superpowers. Scared and confused, Sean sought out a metahuman specialist named Dr. Milton Reed. Dr. Reed explained to Sean that the changes were permanent, although he believed that he might be able to generate an antiserum. Dr. Reed urged Sean to think on his decision, explaining that Sean's newfound powers need not be seen as a curse. Sean didn't want to hear it until a classmate and friend was mugged and hospitalized. Sean realized that his powers gave him an obligation to protect innocent people. Later that week, when a dormitory fire broke out on campus, Sean leaped into action (literally) to save the firefighter and students who were trapped inside.

From that point on, Sean realized what he must do with his powers. He would use them for the benefit of others, and he would become a superhero...

Hero Type: Acrobat

Power Level: City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers: Sean's strength and speed are dramatically increased from the normal baseline. He also possesses accelerated healing and greater resistance to injury. Sean can leap incredible heights and distances, and he can adhere to almost any surface thanks to millions of microscopic hairs on the palms of his hands and soles of his feet. Sean possesses a retractable exoskeleton which he can form in various shapes around his body. The exoskeleton also possesses a color-changing pigment which grants Sean moderate camouflage. Sean can also generate blasts of bio-electricity from his hands, giving him a "sting" that he can use at range.


Strength Level:
20 tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 40 MPH

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours

Agility: 15X Human level

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: While Sean does possess limited resistance to injury, he is by no means invulnerable. He must rely on his quickness and agility to avoid taking big hits. His exoskeletal armor protects him from most damage, but it also weighs him down significantly. On a personal level, Sean is fiercely protective of his friends and family and would be emotionally distraught if they ever fell into harm's way. On a less personal level, Sean feels obligated to protect innocents, a fact that villains can use to get at him or simply distract him for an easy getaway.

Supporting Characters

Chris Alovili: Sean's roommate. Chris seems to know everybody, and he's extremely well-liked across Lost Haven University. Chris is a very active person, often working out or playing sports, and he pushes Sean to be active both physically and socially.

Mary Robinson: Sean's new girlfriend. Mary is the first girl Sean has dated since breaking up with his high school sweetheart, Brooke [see below].

Brooke McFadden: Sean's high school sweetheart and ex-girlfriend. Brooke goes to Bristol College on the other side of Lost Haven. She and Sean broke up after high school so that they wouldn't be a distraction to one another in their first year at college. There are unresolved feelings between the two, but they remain close friends.

Dr. Milton Reed: A biologist and metahuman expert. Dr. Reed knows Sean's secret and helps him come to terms with his new life as a metahuman.

Vince Daniels: Sean's close friend from high school. Vince was actively involved in various extracurricular activities in high school, and he rarely had downtime for his friends. Vince's father is a politician and has high expectations for his son. Now that he's in college, Vince has time to hang out again. Vince is dating Abby [see below].

Abby Smith: One of Sean's oldest friends. Abby moved away when she and Sean were preteens, and she moved back for the last year of high school. Sean's friends and family often joke that Abby was Sean's first girlfriend due to their closeness. The two both deny ever having those feelings. Abby is dating Vince and attending community college in Carver.

Victoria Abbott: Sean's older sister. Victoria attends Bristol College as a senior. She and Sean are very close.

Sergeant Nicholas Hampton: Mantis' inside man in the Lost Haven Police Department. Sergeant Hampton is a good cop.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes.

Sample Post

After spending the majority of the afternoon in an empty construction site north of LHU, I'm beginning to learn the extent of these strange new "abilities" of mine. First of all, I'm way faster and stronger than I've ever been. My new-found agility is almost instinctual, allowing me to perform acrobatic maneuvers without any real training. I can leap incredibly high, by my count about a five story vertical jump. Somehow, I'm able to adhere to surfaces, allowing me to literally climb straight up a wall. Those weird segmented plates can cover my entire body or select parts, and I spent most of the afternoon learning how to control that. Also, I seem to able to generate some kind of yellowish energy blast from the palm of my hand. I accidentally clipped myself with one of them. It feels like licking a battery and getting a static shock put together, magnified ten or so times.

As you can imagine, I spent a lot of time asking myself how the Hell this could happen. Invariably, there was only one obvious answer. The mysterious man in the lab coat and his broken vial of green goop. Ever since I cut myself on the glass and got some of that stuff in the wound, I haven't been myself. At first, I thought I was just infected and running a fever. I would've gone to the hospital, except that my fever broke and my wound healed. Certainly strange, but I could have shrugged it off. If not for this. Whatever was in that vial, it's something big. I should've known from the second I saw the look on that scientist's face. He understood the gravity of it as well. If I want answers, I need to figure out what entered my body.

And for that, I turn to Google.

I enter the search terms "metahuman expert," and I'm greeted by page after page dedicated to one man: Doctor Milton Reed. He's a biologist who became fascinated with the rise of metahumans. I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone realized they could make a career out of studying these kinds of people. My kind of people, I guess. I click on a YouTube link of Dr. Reed giving a speech at Columbia University.

He's an older man, mid-to-late fifties, with graying hair, a full beard, and glasses. In short, he looks like a scientist. He pulls a series of index cards from his breast pocket as he adjusts the microphone. After clearing his throat, he begins, "Sic Parvis Magna. These are the words inscribed on Sir Francis Drake's coat of arms. Sic Parvis Magna. It means, 'Greatness from small beginnings.' In a way, I feel that phrase adequately captures the reality of most metahumans." He pauses for a moment, making eye contact with the crowd. "You'll note I call them metahumans. I shy away from using phrases like, 'superhuman,' as I feel that - in certain contexts - it invokes a sense of superiority. It is my opinion that the existence of these individuals enriches humankind, rather than diminishes it. In all respects but one, these individuals are just like you and me. They could be your neighbor, or your best friend, or the store owner down the street. They have jobs and hobbies and favorite restaurants. You could look at them and never know the truth."

At this point, I stop the video. As fascinating as I'm sure it is, I don't have thirty minutes to spend listening to the rest of it. It looks like this is my guy, and a little more Googling brings good news. He's living in Lost Haven, just south of Sherman Square. I think it's high time I paid the good doctor a visit. Grabbing my backpack, I dig out the broken vial from under my bed. All the pieces are still here, albeit broken as they are. Maybe Dr. Reed can identify what this stuff was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Create-A-Hero RPG Live Action Actor/Actress Casting

Superhero Alias (Real Name): Actor/Actress (films/tv shows that actor/actress were in)
comments: Self-explanatory

Icon (Scott Hunter): Henry Cavill (Man of Steel, The Tudors)
comments: He would be a good...wait a minute, he's already Superman! But, Henry, you will not have to worry about competing with the Batman here! (Thanks Ded, I had cast Cavill as Scott after the first time I saw him in The Tudors back in '07 or '08...damn you Snyder!

Jenny Hunter (Scott's kid sister): Emma Roberts

Amber Tobin

Eric Dean

Keira Parker

Clara Mynought


Director Alexander Anderson

Marcus Ryder

Richard Midas

Lyger (Kyle Porter):

Ronnie Chang

Haruki “Harry” Takahashi

Samantha "Sam" Meyers

Jack Porter (Kyle's Dad)

Kerri Walters

Dmitri Nikolov

Hannah Emery

Maxwell Renfield

Radiance (Alexa Winstone): Ashley Greene (Twilight)
comments: According to Google Images, Ashley Green is the woman in the portrait provided in Calistar's character sheet.

Racheli Lorna Desdemona: Nora Zehetner (Heroes)
comments: With her relatively short performance in Heroes, I would say that Nora could play Rach.

Justine Shepherd: Shailene Woodley
comments: While her eye color does not match the picture that Tearstone provided in his character sheet, but I think her face does patch that image (minus the eye color).

War-Pulse: Sebastian Stan (Captain America movies)
comments: Compare the below image with War-Pulse's appearance in his character sheet and tell me how would this not be the perfect fit?

Raptor (Zac Wilson): [unsure]
comments: It is kind of sad that I know whom I want for his two supporting characters, but I don't have an actor in mind for the main character! Any suggestions would be nice.

Robert Wilson (Zac's Father): Sam Elliot, 10-20 years ago (Prancer, Hulk)
comments: Weird that I cannot pick an actor for Zac, but I can for his dad...

Wasp (Kelly Brown): Milana Vayntrub (AT&T Commercials)
comments: I don't know if she could act in an action movie, but in my mind, she looks the part of Kelly. Also, they would have to omit the part about Kelly growing over six feet tall, but that can be easily over looked. :D Finally, if Emma Stone can play a high schooler, I'm sure Milana can pass for a college sophomore.

Bast (Sammy Kadowsky): Hayley McFarland (Criminal Minds)
comments: This is what happens when you look at the Criminal Minds wikipedia page for each of their seasons. She kind of looks young in this picture, but I assure you that she is 24 (born in 1991). Funny how the story arc that gave Sammy her "powers" was inspired by Criminal Minds, too. :D

Arachne (Aubrey Adkins): AJ Michalka / Karen Gillan
comments: Last, but not least (obviously, because I have four actresses here ). Arachne would be, well, interesting to put on the silver screen since she is not entirely a humanoid, unlike most of the characters in this roleplay. Therefore (unless this "movie" is taking place in the IC) Arachne would probably have to be done via CGI, much like the Hulk in the Avengers. They would probably CGI the action scenes but use green-screen magic to get some close-ups.

Thunderbolt - Shia Labeouf

Not because he's that great of an actor, but because he's hilarious and has a surprising range when he's performing. That, he has a ton of experience dealing with CGI, which would be vital for any CAH film.

Boom - Kate Beckinsale

She's a great actor who knows how to do action very well. Her role in the Underworld movies would serve her well when it comes to playing a speedster.

Polemos - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

He was born for the role. I had Polemos pegged for someone else, but after discovering Adewale? I'd never go back.

Mantis (Sean Abbot)

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