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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 22 days ago

Character you have created: Unknown

Alias: Killjoy (and his sister Annabelle)

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): N/A

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Killjoy and Annabelle strive to cause chaos. Killjoy is cold and cruel, yet possesses a dynamic personality which tends to draw people toward him. He is a master manipulator who has an uncanny ability to get into your head and push your buttons. Annabelle on the other hand is a certifiable lunatic, who’s madness may be attributed to her brothers manipulations and abuse.


Though neither have a specific costume, Killjoy is often seen wearing a black leather trench coat and on occasion a top hat, while Annabelle prefers skirts with (often) torn nylons, leather corsets. Though, she will sometimes wear black leather pants with black leather corset, and a coat.

Origin Info/Details:

Little is known about Annabelle and Killjoy’s early life. As children, they were found alone in an abandoned meat packing plant in Madison Wisconsin. They were turned over to the state, and after months of meeting with social workers and mental health professionals. Though they were not able to ascertain just what it was, it was clear to the professionals that both children had witnessed something traumatic which had severely damaged their psyches. It was deemed that they were too “damaged” to be placed with a foster home. Instead, they were sent to the Lakeside Treatment Center in Kenosha Wisconsin, one of, if not the most infamous mental health facility in all of Wisconsin. This is where they would spend their formative years.

During their time at Lakeside, Both Killjoy and Annabelle, who had been given the names of Joseph and Lucy Smith by the administrators of the facility had been subject to numerous abuses, both mental and physical. It was in this time that “Joe” mastered the ability to read people and figure out their motivations, and manipulate the people around him to get what he wanted. Also during this time, he became increasingly violent and was responsible for several deaths in the facility, which earned him a spot in the maximum security ward of the facility, where he found himself in total isolation 24 hours a day.

While in solitary, “Joe” was discovered laying face down in his cell and was sent to the medical wing of the facility to await transport to a local hospital. Naturally, this was simply a rouse to get himself out of the maximum security wing. And even under armed guard, “Joe” was able to escape from the medical wing. He then made his way through the facility and was able to make his way to his sister’s room. From there, Killjoy and Annabelle were able to evade the Lakeside staff and escape from the facility. Although there were statewide efforts to find them, the siblings were able to avoid capture and remain at large.

Hero Type (Select one): Normal Human/Acrobat (Annabelle)

Power Level (Select one below): Street

Powers (Be Specific): Is Bat$h!& crazy a power?
While Killjoy has no powers to speak of, Annabelle is able to tap into primordial magic and use it as a weapon (think Harry Potter without the wands). She also is able to hypnotize someone with her gaze, it is unclear if this ability is related to her ability to tap into the mystical arts.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal human

Intelligence: (Killjoy)Above average, borderline genius (Annabelle) Average intelligence

Fighting Skill: untrained

Resources: Who needs resources? They just take what they need

Weaknesses: Both Annabelle and Killjoy are normal humans, so they have all the weaknesses that come along with that.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?): Aside from henchmen and other underlings and others that will be described when introduced, they don’t really have anybody but each other

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Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.): N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Culluket
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Culluket Tertium Non Data

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Character you have created: Caroline Lewis
Alias: Babel
Speech Color: DeepPink
Character Alignment: Villain
Identity: Known
Character Personality:
Babel is entropy in action: a disaffected, destructive adrenaline junkie who now finds herself with the ability to fulfill every whim, appetite and revenge fantasy she ever had. There's no plan, no grand ambition, no long-term goal other than burning through life like a roman candle and tearing down the comfortable little illusions of a broken society. She's a one-woman circus, and everyone's getting a free ticket.


Caroline herself is thin, her face long and a little too pale, crowned with a punkish, neglected mess of bright pink hair and glittering with a number of cheap piercings. Most of her life til now has been spent comatose in thrift store throwouts, threadbare stockings and hoodies and bad heavy metal t-shirts.

In contrast, her 'working' costume is a well-tailored carnivalesque outfit that was intended for an upmarket casino hostess: A glossy lycra catsuit the same deep, lurid pink as her hair, belted at the waist and stitched with six black diamonds in a playing card style, the ensemble completed with shoulder-length gloves and heeled over-the-knee boots in matching black patent leather. You know, like a comic book. Not practical? Maybe. But when all you have left is making an impression, why stop at the ankle?

She keeps two Glock-18 automatic pistols tucked into the belt, the slides repainted in pink and engraved in silver glitter -- one reading 'Eat Me', the other 'Drink Me'.

Origin Info/Details:
Babel was an experiment that both succeeded and failed. First a happy accident; then an unhappy one. Remember Darrow Engineering? They may be a lot of things, but they're not quitters. The loss of Dr. Gaster and xenohybrid experiment BPE-45A (Yeah. Her.) was a setback to their psionic tinkering, but while they lost the subject, they'd learned a lot. They still had a wealth of research, a clear agenda, considerable resources and powerful backers greedy or frightened enough to want that power in their hands.

With stakes that high, "ethics" is just a word.

And that's how we got the Babel project: a grand attempt to create organisms that could access and influence what they called the noosphere -- informational space. A tall order, and one that required raw material. A lot of raw material. Living material. Recidivists, junkies, the homeless; people nobody would care about or miss, supplied in secret to covert facilities by shadowy third parties or corrupt law enforcement. Deniable. Disposable. And Caroline Lewis was all of these things. A deeply troubled young woman who had lost the battle against her inner demons a long time ago and finally fallen so far down her own spiral of substance abuse and self-hatred that even the thugs she'd found shelter with had left her to overdose or die in a drunken fistfight with a moving train.

Despite her penchant for self-destruction, tests showed Lewis as one of the most promising specimens by far: in fact, she was a latent natural psychic in potentia, who only needed a touch of biological coaxing to blossom into rich, useful material for the project -- material that would then be harvested, cultured, and put to better use.

But history has a way of repeating itself. Impossibly and for no understandable reason, the subject activated before the altered brain could be removed. The half-baked specimen was unleashed, and the facility was burned out to the last living thing.

Guess they didn't learn as much as they thought.

The final punchline to this bitter joke is that the source of the girl's psychic potential is a small, anomalous brain tumor, inoperable and steadily growing, which allowed the unnatural treatment to take root, almost seeming to welcome it. By degrees, it is both twisting her brain into increasing states of mental power and ever so slowly killing her. She has a limited, stolen supply of an experimental medication, Noussphairaretroamphetamine 44 (abbreviated to Nupharamine, or just "Noose" on the black market) that stabilizes her condition and allows her to exert greater control over herself, but in one last, cruel twist of irony, the tablets are damagingly addictive when taken over an extended time, taking a toll on her even as they ease her burden.

Hero Type (Select one): Psychic
Power Level (Select one below): Street/City
Powers (Be Specific):

Babel radiates madness like an isotope. Where she goes, a whirlpool of psychic chaos goes with her, and unlike most metahumans, she doesn't so much employ her powers as try with all the willpower she can muster to keep it under control. Restrained, her influence manifests as overexposed vision and chromatic aberration, images splitting apart into flickering red, green and blue planes like a malfunctioning LCD monitor. Unleashed, her presence dramatically warps the perceptions and sanity of those around her, its intensity ranging from confusion and disorientation to mass hysteria. People collapse, scream, hallucinate, attack one another, and gradually lose control of language, regressing into an odd form of glossolalia. The closer to her epicenter one draws, the worse it becomes.

As if this weren't enough, she is vulnerable to rare, psychoactive seizures which tremendously swell the power of her abilities while completely incapacitating her control over them. Paradoxically, it is at her most vulnerable that she becomes the most dangerous.

When in control of herself, Babel can influence the nature of the illusions she spawns, and through that, the people experiencing them. In accepting the evidence of their senses, people find themselves playing by her rules.

1.5 Second Sight:
Babel's affliction dilates her perception of time, allowing her to instinctively 'see' 0.5 to 2 seconds into the future. While so short as to be useless for planning, this expanded awareness has a critical effect on her aim, physical instincts and reaction time, giving her the appearance of having superhuman reflexes when in fact her physique is normal, and she's simply started moving a second before a shot is fired.

White Noise:
It's not that Babel is immune to mind reading; It's just that attempting to mentally probe or restrain her is like flying a light aircraft into a hurricane. To a psychic or sensitive, her mind reads as raw, lurid chaos, a raging pink vortex that doesn't repel them, but rather tries to drag them in and eat them alive.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: Normal human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal human speed/Uncanny reflexes (precognition)
Endurance: Normal human
Agility: Normal human/5x depending on illness and drug use.
Intelligence: Average.
Fighting Skill: Somewhat trained

Resources: Minimal -- if she wasn't able to take what she wanted, she wouldn't know where her next meal was coming from.
Pyrrhic Victory: Babel's greatest strength is also her most dangerous flaw: Her own power is slowly killing her. Restraining her psychohazard ability taxes her greatly, even painfully, and though rare, her random seizures can leave her hemorrhaging, crawling on her hands and knees.

Addict: A dependance on experimental, psychoactive medication to stay in control is its own set of problems.

How Can You Challenge a Perfect, Immortal Machine: Since Babel's abilities are almost exclusively mind-affecting, robotic adversaries, drones or those otherwise completely immune to psychic influence naturally counter her main advantage, leaving her to rely on her precognition window and her capable but limited combat skill.

Supporting Characters:
Cheshire Cat: Only Babel can see or hear this taunting, elusive monster. It has to be a figment of her fevered imagination, yet it sometimes knows things it shouldn't possibly know...

Rabbit Hole gang:
The Rabbit Hole is a seedy "villain bar" frequented by C-list bad guys unlikely to ever make the big time.

Tommy Trollface: A former mob triggerman, Tommy's life was changed after an accident during a shootout in a chemical plant with a vigilante hero left his face permanently twisted into an uncanny replica of the Trollface meme. Though initially embittered, Tommy has since embraced his new persona and is even considered something of a folk hero amongst the bulk of internet culture. If he had a voice actor, it would be Gilbert Gottfried.

Professor Amstrad: After being diagnosed with terminal cancer during the height of the cold war, this brilliant scientist replaced most of his body with mechanical parts, attempting to future-proof himself using the finest cutting-edge computer technology 1981 had to offer. The result is now something both impressively ahead of its time and laughably obsolete. Though something of a laughing stock amongst the meta community, it's never wise to underestimate the old professor. He may be a stubborn traditionalist, but he is still a genius, and his assault robots are no less lethal for being made of ribbon cables and cheap plastic.

Killa Deth: A hereditary metahuman and rap artist who inherited abnormal size and comparative super-strength from his father, an unnamed superhero who didn't stick around to pay child support. Despite his name, Killa Deth is actually a chilled-out vegetarian and not given to violence. Unless you badmouth his mixtape, in which case he'll pulp your skull with his bare hands.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Angelo D'Montes

Lebanese (Adopted by a French family after birth.)

265 (Appears 20)

Fluent in French, Arabic and English.


Speech Color:

Character Alignment:


Character Personality:
Some would describe Angelo as arrogant, others would claim he is confidant and a few would simply aknowledge that he lacks natural mortality. Being a mutant, these individuals would be correct, however while Angelo lacks many of the moral values considered a norm in human society, he finds humans quite interesting and watches them much like one would watch a flower bloom. The mutant is an incredibly carefree individual driven by passion and experience. Undoubtedly experienced in many a thing throughout his life, Angelo has claimed that human society brings with it entertainment in abundance which keeps him interested in political struggles and social structures.

Of course, a supernaturally passionate being isn't all that Angelo is. Indeed, he is quite social, almost to a fault. Getting to know new individuals is something he highly values and gaining closer friends is nothing that would be considered entirely impossible for him. While on the subject, Angelo doesn't appear to have much of a personal space. He's cuddly, enjoys hugs and appears to be rather close in his approach.

Playful is another keyword used to describe Angelo. He doesn't seem to be serious all that often and sees mostly everything as a game. While in tune with his ranged capabilities on a master's level, it has been noted that Angelo sometimes prefers to use his witty tongue as a means of attack rather than a bullet. Chasing petty murderers isn't far too uncommon but he finds it far more entertaining to participate in verbal battles, a clash of wills. The main reason for this is his unending curiosity in what drives humanity to commit the actions they strive for. Curious, yes much like a cat, Angelo's curiosity appears to know no bounds.

Angelo is incredibly blunt and dances around the subject only if it entertains him. Otherwise the mutant does not waste his time with what is morally acceptable to say and what isn't. One could say that he is liberal on an extreme level and they'd be right.

Character Appearance:
Slender, exotic, beautiful, these are three words used to describe the mutant known by the name of Angelo. Like from a scene in an Arabic tale describing a beautiful prince, Angelo bears himself with pride and possesses a smile upon a pair of red lips. Large brown eyes would peer at whomever gazed back at the middle easterner, a charming addition indeed. Standing at 5'7" feet, Angelo would be considered the norm for a young middle eastern male and possesses a lean, slender frame. The lack of muscle upon his body would not be considered a lack of attraction, however. Rather than muscles, the young man walks with a graceful body preferring grace rather than brawn.

Perhaps considered effeminate as masculine features are rather toned down, Angelo enjoys wearing accessories and doesn't shy away from showing off the natural beauty bestowed upon him. Adopting the casual wear of Converse shoes, Angelo is quite drawn to strong colors and often wears pink or purple colored shoes. Of course, more mellow colors like dark blue and black are not considered unfamiliar to him.

Considering it a shame to hide that flawless skin beneath his clothes, Angelo feels most at home in black tank tops which lick his frame tightly and highlight the thin, slender torso below. From cargo pants to jeans, Angelo wears what he feels fits the situation but is rarely ever seen without a vast array of leather bracelets across his forearms. The fingerless leather gloves more often than not donning his hands range in color from black to a bright pink with additions such as small diamonds upon their surface being a common sight.

With thick black hair atop his head, Angelo is not beyond dyeing the strands to add some color to an otherwise completely dark haircut. Streaks of pink can be clearly seen starting from the roots of his hair and travels down to the tip of his bangs on the left side of his head.

An expression of confidence remains upon his visage as if a casual look, sometimes mistaken with arrogance but he'd assure you otherwise. Fitting his frame, Angelo has a rather exotic voice painted quite mystical given his aura.

Angelo wears a high tech, tactical ops gear designed by his dear friend Leyla. The suit allows for silent, fluid movements and offers basic protection. The mask renders the user immune to gas based weapons and allows for night and thermal vision. Angelo also has direct contact with Leyla through a communications device located within the mask.

Angelo deploys a variety of different long ranged weapons, depending on the mission at hand. He does however always carry a pistol for self defense. During missions, Angelo arms himself with a sidearm and one main weapon. Anything else would weigh him down.

Each of Angelo's guns are heavily modified with an emphasis on tactical operations. As such, his weaponry cannot hold normal bullets and they have been greatly silenced to avoid a gun's typical, loud entry.


Angelo detests killing when other options are available. As such, Leyla has developed non-lethal projectiles Angelo loads into his guns. Some situations require a different approach, however.

Non-lethal Bullets:
Electro Bullets
Angelo's most common form of ammunition. Electro Bullets do not physically harm the target, but rather stuns them with high voltage which causes fainting.

Paralysis Bullets
Sometimes high voltage isn't what's needed. Paralysis Bullets temporarily shut off a body part hit by the projectile. These bullets are used to incapacitate a target while keeping them awake for questioning.

Lethal Bullets:
Silver Bullets
There are things out there far beyond human understanding and belief. Luckily, many of them are vulnerable to silver.

Incendiary Bullets
Projectiles that get set on fire once they penetrate the target. Used against vampires and the like, when Silver Bullets just don't pack enough of a punch.

Cryo Bullets
Much like Incendiary Bullets, these projectiles are classed as elemental. However, instead of fire, they emit extreme cold upon reaching their target, freezing the area of impact.

Origin Info/Details:
(I'd prefer to reveal the details of this in character.)

Notable events Angelo has participated in:
World War 1
"Not the most glamorous time of my life."

World War 2
"At it again? Well, at least they've got better weaponry."

Hero Type:

Power Level:
City Level


Short Explanation:
The ability to replicate any inanimate object within a frame of limitations. The ability also allows for a passive adjustment to the user's frame which is described below. Each replica created by Angelo is in all intents and purposes the real thing, meaning it's an exact copy. After an item comes in contact with his skin, a replica will build itself into existence as if building blocks appearing on top of each other until the item is fully created. The process begins from where the item was touched and is nearly instantaneous. It is also worth noting that the replica will appear in the same hand Angelo used to touch the item in question.

Active Ability (Limitations):
Angelo's skin needs to come in physical contact with the item he intends to replicate, preferably with his fingers.

The item cannot weigh more than two pounds.

Angelo can replicate up to three items. A fourth would replace the first. As long as the item in question doesn't weigh over two pounds, Angelo can replicate everything contained within a single unit.

Supernatural Items
While supernatural effects can be replicated along with the item, these effects cannot be magical in any way. Angelo cannot replicate magic.

The only way for Angelo to replicate something which isn't solid is if it's contained within something solid.

Biological Material
Angelo cannot replicate anything which isn't inanimate. Biological material is beyond his ability.

Each replica is permanent until Angelo allows it to disappear or until another replaces it. Due to this, it is impossible to trace Angelo's bullets.

Passive Ability:
Angelo's cells do not split, but rather they replicate. A cell deteriorates every time it splits which in turn causes ageing. At twenty years old, Angelo's powers matured and as such, his cells stopped splitting and started replicating which in turn halted his ageing entirely.

Strength Level:
Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level:

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
Normal Human

10x Human Level


Fighting Skill:

- Prefers pistols, submachine guns and long ranged rifles.

- Prefers to avoid melee combat at all costs.


Physical Defense
Being a mutant doesn't change the fact that Angelo is humanoid. Anything which would kill a normal human would kill Angelo.

Martial Prowess
Relying on his ranged combat has neglected muscle training and as such leaves Angelo unsuited for melee endeavors.

Power Limitations
While being a mutant, Angelo's powers are anything but explosive or even harmful on their own. Rather, Angelo's powers require some kind of weaponry to be efficient in combat.

Angelo, being quite the artist, absolutely loves fashionable and daring clothes. While he dresses quite plainly for someone who adores flamboyancy, he appreciates fashion where he sees it and finds it to be a great shame to damage such beautiful clothes if an opponent happens to wear them.

Admiring art as much as he does, Angelo gets easily distracted by things he consider beautiful and attractive.

Cute and fluffy things.
Angelo absolutely loves animals and other adorable things like plushies and cute themes on various items. It leads to an unhealthy spending habit, something to pile on his other unhealthy spending habits.

Supporting Characters:
Leyla Fasser
A longtime friend and associate of Angelo's. She is a scientist and weapon's expert, designing and constructing all of Angelo's gear. Together with Angelo, the two work in union with law enforcement.

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Theme Songs:
"Been spotted. Initiating combat. Also, I'll be late for dinner."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aura
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character you have created: Mary Kelly
Alias: Melaina / Morrigan
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): I think it's slate blue
Character Alignment: Walking the line
Identity: Secret

Character Personality: A very strong woman. She's been through a hell lot and gone out the other side even stronger. She's very much a loner though and finds it hard to trust anyone as she never really been that nice to her.


Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type (Select one): Psychic
Power Level (Select one below): Street Level

Powers (Be Specific): She can create illusions of a persons worst nightmare. She creates it so that it looks as real as anything and it is right near them. At the moment her powers only effect people within a few meters around her but she is just starting to learn how to control them. On that note she sometimes manages to create an illusion of her own nightmare by accident.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: normal human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2hrs
Agility: normal human
Intelligence: average
Fighting Skill: untrained

Resources: minimal
Weaknesses: Other then her illusion powers she's pretty much human meaning anything that could hurt a human could hurt her. She also has trouble controlling her powers.
Supporting Characters : No one
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: *points above*

Sample Post :
Leaning against the wall was a small figure that huddled in a blanket. The figure shivered with the cold as two figures bumped their way down the alleyway. With a hacking cough, Mary looked up at the two drunk men walking their way down. One stopped, fiddling with his pants as he went off to the corner to what looked like to take a whizz. That was when the other man noticed Mary sitting there in what looked like a hospital robe and covered in a itchy looking blanket.
"Terry, you need to check out this crazy chick"
Terry now done with his business walked over with hardly his pants zipped up in a stupor. Mary now finding two larger men staring at her with lop sided grins could just feel her hairs rising on her arms. She had enough with the cold, the sick and now the threat of drunk men. Her eyes flashing she looked right into their eyes and said, "Would you like to see something fun?"
Terry started to nod but the other man even while drunk of his face seemed to know something was wrong.
The next moment one man had run out of the alleyway as fast as his legs could carry him and another had dropped to his knees crying and mumbling "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Mozart aka “Art”

Alias: None

Speech Color: Default font/color

Character Alignment: Hero (lawful good)

Identity: Existence is secret to all but a few

Character Personality: Mozart, as the oldest of his siblings, is the most patient and thoughtful of the group. He has a strong sense of honor, believing that without one’s honor they are nothing. He is a strong leader, though at times loses his sense of confidence, worrying that he is not fit to be the leader of the team. He loves human pop-culture. He loves his family more than anything in the world, and his devotion to them is paramount.

Pre mutation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_tree_frog

Post mutation: deviantart.com/art/Grippli-204868655

Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type: Acrobat

Power Level: Street level

Powers: Art is a mutated, anthropomorphic Grey tree frog. The mutation that gave him his human-like form and intelligence also enhanced his animal abilities. Art and his siblings can climb nearly any surface, jump incredible distances, have increased proportional strength, speed, agility, dexterity, and a slight healing factor. Their frog tongues can be used to both traverse the city and as a weapon unto itself. Mozart also had his natural ability to camouflage amplified, allowing him to blend in with his environment.

During their youth and time at IDRG, the siblings were hard-wired and taught multiple forms of combat with the intent of making them living weapons. Mozart is a practitioner of the bo staff, his non-lethal weapon of choice after their bid for freedom.


Height: 5’6”
Weight: 160lbs
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 30
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Mastered

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 135lbs
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 30
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Trained

Height: 6’2”
Weight: 250lbs
Strength Level: 30
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 10
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 20
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Mastered

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 130lbs
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 30
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Trained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: The frogs, outside of Ludwig, have no real armor. Knives, bullets, and beatings hurt them as much as they hurt us.

Supporting Characters/Places of Interest:

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Sample Post

The white, sterile lights above him turned on at the same time that they did every night before final inspection. Normally, the blinding brightness would force him to cover his eyes, but tonight he was ready. There was a plan to carry out, and he was its most important piece. If he failed, his brothers and his sister would never get out of here. That was something he could not allow. Even if he died tonight, he would make sure they escaped. They deserved the happy life he promised them.

Reverberations from the footfalls of the guards reached the sensitive pads on his hands and feet. He steeled himself, ready for what was about to happen. He had the training in his mind, but he had never really used it before. A momentary flash of self doubt entered his mind, but was erased by need. He couldn’t afford to be nervous.

The guards stopped in front of the door to his cell. They looked in, seeing him where he normally was. They then turned back to the keypad to swipe in. When they did that, the frog concentrated and activated his camouflage reflex. His green-grey skin turned to the color of the white, antiseptic floor below.

“I can’t believe I had to work this weekend,” the one guard moans as the door begins to open. “But at least it got me away from my kid’s recita-”

“Where the hell is he!?” the other guard yells as the frog’s camouflage does its job.

He swipes out with his leg, catching the first guard with a sweeping kick. The man slams down hard on the composite floor. The second guard tries to retreat from the room to lock it down, but the frog lets loose with his tongue. The long, sticky appendage caught the second guard’s ankle, and with a whip-like motion from the frog’s head, the man came flying back into the cell. The frog delivered a hard clothesline to him in midair, and his helmeted head cracked against the floor, knocking him out.

The frog took the guards’ keycards and made his way towards his larger brother’s cell. Before doing so, he locked the first two guards in the cell he had spent his entire life.

Once he reached his destination, the frog swiped the card through the slot. The door slid open, revealing the hulking, green mass that was his bullfrog brother. The first nodded to the second, and they went to work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character you have created: Lisa Hernandez

Alias: Subject GE-04

Speech Color: Blue

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Lisa doesn’t remember anything before her Meta transformation. She is wary of everyone, and will lash out if she feels threatened or startled, with often disastrous results. She doesn’t have much of a moral compass, and makes little distinction between right and wrong, having forgotten important lessons about justice and equality from her old life. She has no concept of personal space once she recognizes someone as nonthreatening, though hates being touched if she hasn’t initiated the contact first. She is very gullible once she thinks she can trust someone, though only remains loyal for as long as her new ally can keep her interested. In calmer moments, she likes to stare at the sky and nature. Nighttime, dark colors, and silence relaxes her the most.

Origin Info

Born and raised in Chicago, Lisa Hernandez had a perfectly normal childhood: her parents were loving, and had money to spend considering she was their only child. Lisa fostered a deep love for painting from an early age, and, after receiving a Hispanic scholarship from Lost Haven University, was well on her way to fulfilling her dream of becoming a professional illustrator. She worked hard in college, enough to catch the eye of one of the younger biology professors. Dr. Gregory Toothman was the talk of the science department, and soon swept Lisa off her feet. She graduated, and not long after, married Dr. Toothman. His connections opened up opportunities Lisa couldn’t have dreamed of, and while she was working happily in her dream career, he was making a name for himself in the scientific community of Lost Haven.

With the help of a new, better-paying job working for a private company, Dr. Toothman bought his new wife a large home in the suburbs outside Lost Haven. Lisa was pregnant, and after giving birth to their son Thomas, was happy to work from home and take care of the baby. Soon her baby became an energetic little boy, who was always happy to greet his father after his long absences on the job. Lisa had stopped trying to glean any information from her husband about what he did at his job, and was content to live her life without ever knowing. She became pregnant again, and this time she had a daughter named Maria. Dr. Toothman had been gone for days leading up to Lisa’s labor, and she was alone in the hospital while she recovered.

She returned to an empty house. Upset by her husband’s absence, she entered his office, determined to know at least something about the career that forced him to miss his daughter’s birth. She found more than she bargained for--files on several people dubbed simply “Subject”, charts attached to some of the files that mapped their status over time. The worst of it was the samples: tiny vials filled with blood, but some of the samples were near-black, and moved slower in their vials. It was disturbing, like something out of a science fiction movie. She left his office quickly, and said nothing to her husband when he returned. But those files and samples gnawed at her with a question she’d been asking herself for years, and finally she needed an answer. She planted a simple tracker into Dr. Toothman’s car, and traced it to the countryside beyond Lost Haven’s city limits. The tracker went dead just minutes before she could meet its location, and before she could turn back and go home, her car was ambushed, and she was captured.

She awoke to a sterile table, doctors, scientists, and needles.

The years wore her down. She accepted her fate after a while, and hoped one of the many tests she was put through daily would eventually kill her. She forgot the faces of her children, her parents, and her husband. After a while, she forgot her own face. Then her name. She was only another subject, GE-04, a designation tattooed on her body like a brand.

The scientists seemed pleased by her reactions to the serum they pumped into her every few months. She could feel her body change over that time, her baby fat disappearing, replaced by muscles she never knew she had. After years of hell, her last day seemed like any other. She was wheeled into a familiar operating room, her arms and legs bound by huge cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She didn’t flinch when they injected her with more serum, needle after needle in different places. A tingling began in her chest before it spread, out and out, burning, melting her down to nothing, until she was blinded by the scorching rays. In the distance she felt her husband’s presence and heard her children’s voices, somewhere beyond the pyre, beyond the room.

When she awoke, she was running. Desperate, nameless, lost. The world was a blur of darkness and pain. She had no idea from where or to where she was running, only ran, faster and faster, until the loud noises stopped and she could rest.

Hero Type: Brick/Psychic

Power Level: City Level


Empath: Subject GE-04 can tap into the minds of others and read their thoughts. Currently, she cannot control or direct her power, and indiscriminately picks up on the surface emotions of others in a disorienting mess. The harsher the emotions, the more agitated she becomes. Yellow-white light sparks from her eyes, shining brighter as she pushes her power further.

Endurance: Few things can actually harm GE-04. Bullets crumple against her skin like spitballs, poison is metabolized as smoothly as candy, and disease doesn't seem to affect her in any way.

Super-Speed: GE-04’s maximum running speed currently clocks in at around 300 MPH.

Attributes (Currently)

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180 lbs

Strength Level: 20 Tons

Speed Level: 300 MPH

Reaction Time: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 1 hour

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: In her current state, she can barely control her psychic powers, and the feeling of unwillingly probing strangers’ minds causes her great distress. She has difficulty reading the minds of other Metas. She also doesn’t know her own strength or speed, and can bash into buildings or break things if she isn’t extremely careful. She's weaker to attacks utilizing superheated flame, plasma, extreme cold and the like, while supremely high-voltage electricity and strong magic are potent methods of incapacitation. She can’t break her wrist cuffs on her own, which deliver an agonizing shock if tampered with.

Supporting Characters

Dr. Gregory Toothman
Lisa’s ex-husband. A scientist working for Gene Co’s Black Project branch. Has cut all ties with his former life.

Thomas Hernandez-Toothman
Lisa’s son. Ten years old. Adopted into a family with his little sister. Doesn’t realize his parents are alive.

Maria Hernandez-Toothman
Lisa’s daughter. Seven years old.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Character you have created: Malcolm Laurence
Alias: Dominus Mortis. Normally Just Mortis.

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): #FFA07A

Character Alignment: Villian
Identity: Unknown
Character Personality: Malcolm has lived a long time and has experienced a variety of emotions during his long life and more in his unlife as a result he has all but left human emotions aside replacing them with cold logic. Malcolm has always been cynical and pessimistic never finding joy in anything he does this is mainly due to his little grasp on his humanity and ergo his disregard for all life.

Malcolm has a short temper that quickly shows itself when he is dealing with creatures he deems as lower life forms these being mostly human being who have not achieved what he views as enlightenment.

Uniform/costume:Malcolm wears a dusty molding robe that cling loosely to his skeletal body. It was a rich purple colour which has now become a duller kind of purple. The hem of his robe has a gold pattern sewn into it.The stitching on his robes comes undone in places showing off his rotting flesh and skeletal figure. His robes seem to have almost endless storage capacity this is simply a simple enchantment that makes the pockets of his robe deeper than they actually are.

Origin Info/Details:
Malcolm had always been interested in death. Born to a family that dealt in death. His father a coroner and his mother a Funeral Director Malcolm was to say the least, surrounded by death from birth. It was when he began to bloom as a man did his fixation with the occult and the undead truly started to go too far. He was shipped off to med school after finishing his study and was soon finished and pronounced doctor Malcolm Laurence.

After his studies he became fixated on cults and black magic to do with death. He used his family's wealth to purchase hundreds of occult paraphernalia which he used to further his knowledge and slow fall into darkness. When he turned 28 he joined a cult that worshiped one of many of the gods of death he had read about in his occult books.

His cult meetings and his dealings with them started to become a lot darker as he was egged on by cult members to start killing prostitutes on the streets of London. It wouldn’t be his first kill and the idea of fulfilling the wishes and pleasing the twisted god of Death he worshiped he would happily do whatever they asked of him.

Malcolm killed eleven people before the police really started to actively hunt for him. His killing spree had left a mark on the city of London and his strange obsession with the body parts he took from his victims worried the cult he belonged too and many of the members voiced their concerns as to the attention that Malcolm was bringing to the cult. Malcolm would have none of it ignoring them, he was planning something big and it was on the night after they voiced their concerns he set his plans into motion.Ambushing the cult members during a meeting they were having to expel him from their group, he worked magic through their minds forcing them to kill themselves. As his ritual reached its climax he looked at what he had achieved.

The leather bound book that lay in the middle of the ritual circle ebbed with dark magics and evil intent. It was his phylactery and he would hide it from anyone who would wish to destroy it. For it contained his soul and with it he would be closer to death and his god than any other person he knew of. He smiled as he felt his heart stop beating his body going cold as his bodily functions shut down. The culmination of his years of research and work had lead up to this point and he would relish every moment of it.

Raising his hands he gathered the souls of the dead cult members along with the souls of the people he had killed and gestured to the book which sprang open the pages turning madly until it stopped on no particular page. The souls were sucked into the book which snapped shut the moment the last soul entered it. Smiling with satisfaction he left the church but was upset to find that the police had found him. Somehow they overpowered him imprisoning him for his crimes. It was not long before the people of london heard about his crimes. They were outraged and forced their way into the jails taking Malcolm from his cell and burning him at the stake. Something that hadn’t been done in a long time.

They then dumped his charred body in the river. His journal was sold at a police auction to an avid occult collector and has since then been called the murder journal and passed from hand to hand before finally falling into the hands of a collector in New Haven. His body reforming in the city he now looks for his phylactery under the guise of Dominus Mortis, Master of Death.

Hero Type (Select one): Mystic/Supernatural
Power Level (Select one below): City Level (Possibility for World Level)

Powers (Be Specific): Mortis is a Lich and has command over black magic called Necromancy. He can communicate and speak to the dead and see ghosts or the spirits of those departed. He can detect mass death from a mile away small amounts of the dead half a mile.The more saturated an area is with death the stronger his magic is.He can use this magic to cause a variety of effects listed below:

He can bring life to dead bodies creating thralls that he can control either as mindless zombies or as full fledged undead retaining all of their knowledge of their previous life and abilities as long as raising them from the dead was something they willingly agreed too. As well as create: Ghouls, Banshees, Revenants, animated skeletons, Wights and Wraiths.

Given enough time he can perform a mass resurrection covering a city wide area this spell brings all dead back to life as mindless zombies with a hunger for flesh.

Can manifest his dark intent or the deathly energy around him, into bolts of dark energy, sharp waves or as black flames.The waves of energy extremely sharp and will leave deep grooves in even thick steel. The bolts move as fast as bullets and have the same penetrating power as a 50. Caliber bullet.The fire is almost unquenchable and can reach extreme heats.

Has a passive aura of dread and the temperature around him to drop to -10 degrees celsius. Can focus this aura through his eyes affecting one person instead of diluting the effect over an area this also causes intense moments of fear or pain in the individual he targets.

Able to project his body on the an astral plane to communicate with people over long distances, he can uses bodies as a medium to communicate through. He can also move the body his Phylactery is connected to, as long as that body is dead or dying.

Able to create shields of bone on his body or summon pillars of bones or dead bodies from the ground to block damage or block off places. These pillars of bones or shields of bones can fire off splinters of bones that can cut through flesh like butter.

Can summon a swarm of insects that feast on flesh to attack his enemies or use them as a way to scout out an area.

Can summon an ethereal scythe that does no physical damage to what it hits but instead cuts at the foe's soul doing damage to a person's soul causes them intense pain and if enough damage is sustained their soul is destroyed and the person's body becomes a shell for a new soul.

Being a Lich Mortis cannot be killed as he is already dead the only way to truly destroy him is to destroy his phylactery, his body on it’s own is fairly durable able to receive a large amount of damage before he is unable to keep his consciousness bound to the body. His body does have basic regeneration and will repair itself after half a day's worth of meditation.

When his body is destroyed a new one will form in a 10 mile area around it coalescing out of glowing smoke. His phylactery is not easily destroyed and requires an immense amount of magic to destroy or know the secret to destroying it from Mortis himself.

Simply possessing the phylactery (a Journal) can cause a person to become paranoid and obsessed with the journal, wanting to keep it safe and write down all of their secrets that happens to them. The journal will write back to the person promising them whatever they want as long as they keep the journal safe and tell no one of it. They will recognise Mortis as a god when they see him, hailing him as a messiah. This has caused a couple of cults to spawn in his honor. Mortis suffers none of the penalties a living body and is immune to disease, poison, fatigue, pain and other effects that plague only the living.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Never Ending
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Low
Weaknesses: Holy Magic, Phylactery, Positive Vibes
Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?): None
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
Avatar of The Survivor

The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character you have created: Han Xiao Fredrickson
Alias: Wuxia
Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): Brown
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Identity: Wuxia- Hidden
Character Personality:

Before the serum, Han was a lovable, empathetic, sensitive, emotional teenager. He liked to play video games and eat unhealthy foods, read books and work on his computer. He was very accepting of all mindsets and despised conflict and violence.

But after, well, many of those traits carried over such as the acceptance and unhealthy foods and video games. But the operations he underwent to adjust his body to the serum and the injection and modification itself. It was beyond painful, total and complete agony. It changed him. It made him quick to anger, condescending, arrogant. It also made him vengeful and merciless. He's kind to those he likes and rude to those he doesn't and pitiless to those he hates. Han is determined, fearless, stubborn. All these traits were due to the serum and the unbelievable pain he went through and although there is a vestige of his old self, it is overshadowed by his new one.


First off, let's start with his appearance out of costume, before and after the flawless serum.

Han was a chubby, even fat boy, his lazy and unhealthy lifestyle catching up to him in his teenage years. His haircut in this photo is the same as it is after the serum, just with a more Bruce lee vibe to it.

As you can see, the flawless serum burned off all the fat leaving extremely little, it also stretched out his bones, adding another 2 inches. His hair, as stated before, is still as long as in his before picture. On his back, are four holes with a black covering, where he was hooked up in the accelerated recovery chamber.

Now onto his outfit, not having much to put an outfit together, Han made his own outfit using his own intellect and the materials he had available to him.

Using an old set of paintball body armor he found, he reinforced it with various materials. Along with that he wears finger less black gloves and black cargo trousers, tucked into black combat boots. All topped off with the bottom half of a paintball helmet, that covers the nose, mouth, and chin. His head and eyes are exposed.

Origin Info/Details:

Han Xiao Fredrickson was born in Lost haven, Maine. His mother died in childbirth and his father never entered the picture. He was adopted by a gay married couple when he was 3 years old, The Fredricksons. Growing up, he loved sweets and food and everything that makes you soft (As he would put it now.) He had an interest in video games and computer science from an early age and excelled in math and science. While not the most in shape kid, Han was plenty popular, the lovable friend to many people. Never lovable like a boyfriend, but lovable like a puppy, which always annoyed Han. Still, he couldn't complain about his childhood.

Then, the summer of his 16th year, he was walking down the street in the evening with his crush, Lily Wallowitz. She was Latina, with dark skin, black hair, and green eyes, which absolutely enthralled Han. It was the evening that would change his life forever. Two men in masks dragged them both into an alley, kicking and punching and sedated Han, jamming a needle into his neck. The last thing he saw was Lily being slapped unconscious by the other man. When Han awoke, he was in a sterile room, in white clothes. Just a bed, no windows and a single locked door. He waited for about 30 minutes, trying several ways to get out, before a young man with combed blonde hair and ice blue eyes walked in. He introduced himself as the son of the CEO of Lawson Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, Jeremiah Lawson, and Han had been chosen for a special honor. He was going to be the first successful subject of a formula called 'The Flawless Serum.' Or so Jeremiah hypothesized, as this was it's first complete form and many lives had been sacrificed to complete it.

He explained Han was the perfect subject due to his flabby and lackluster body and superb intellect. The serum would turn him into the peak of Human physical and mental form. Terrified at what this would bring, he fought the guards all the way to the testing chamber, which held a round white pod elevated at an angle with all types of wires and other various devices coming out of it. Han was forced into it, being restrained and strapped down. He shouted and screamed, but no one came to save him. He watched helplessly as rows of needles rose from either side of him and slammed into his body, injecting a blue liquid. He screamed in agony, dozens of needles piercing his body, but this was tickling compared to what was about to happen. The needles withdrew and the pod closed.

What happened next, Han doesn't even recall, just bright light and horrific, blinding, stinging pain. It seemed like days, every once in a while stopping to be stabbed and ripped at with needles and sharp objects. Han would go in and out of consciousness. Sometimes from exhaustion, sometimes from the shear shock of the pain. He felt like he was in hell, like this was his punishment for all eternity. Then it stopped and it was dark for a while. Then he woke up, in a giant tube. The water around him was green-ish and he seemed to be breathing through a mask. His mind and his vision were fuzzy and he heard someone talking to him. Jeremiah Lawson. Lawson went on and on about now he was the perfect human that his tests had been successful and the things that they could do together.

Then someone broke in. The lab had been breached and an unknown person was causing havoc to bust something out. Someone out. Finally Han's mind cleared a bit more. And he and the newcomer coordinated to bust out of the lab and out of the building Han was being kept, which was in Augusta, apparently. Han discovered that the serum had totally changed him and that he was indeed, the perfect human. He also discovered that he had been missing for four months. The hero and Han returned to Lost Haven, to report he was safe and changed. He told his story to police, that a mysterious organization starved him for science and didn't tell him anything at all. It wasn't hard to fool everyone that he was the victim of a psycho and now he was okay. Though he did have trouble explaining how he gained two inches and lost 40 pounds of fat and gained 30 of muscle. But he was able to direct conversation to avoid that subject.

Meanwhile, he pleaded to the hero that saved him to teach him how to fight so he could take down Lawson Pharmaceuticals and prevent more people from being abducted. The Hero agreed and after gathering some supplies and makeshift armor, Han took on the role of Wuxia, pledging to destroy Lawson and take down his company.

[b]Hero Type (Select one):
Other: Perfect Human: the Flawless Serum unlocked the hidden physical and mental reserves of the human body. Han is stronger, faster, smarter, better than any human before and all natural as well.
[b]Power Level (Select one below): City Level
Powers (Be Specific): Enhanced Strength, Speed, Endurance, Brain Capacity, Reaction time.
Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: Can lift up to 1,000 pounds.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Can run a mile in 75 seconds and is faster in reaction than the most elite of 'normal' human warriors.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Can hold up to 1,000 pounds for 3 hours, can run as fast as he can for 3 hours without absolutely needing to stop, pushing to the max.
Agility: 10x more agile than the peak human, able to jump 12 feet in the air of he gets a running start.
Intelligence: Incredibly intelligent, the serum unlocking mental capacity even further to get near genius level.
Fighting Skill: Untrained.

Resources: Minimal

Han is Hot-headed and often let his emotions control him, which can land him in some hot water. And although he is the perfect human, a well placed bullet or knife strike will kill him the same as anyone else.
Supporting Characters:

Henry Fredrickson, Father: He does not yet know about Han's new power, only that Han came home after been missing for four months shredded and the past few weeks he's been scarce. But he'll soon find out.

Leon Fredrickson, Father: He also does not yet know about Han's power and is worried that Han's experience being kidnapped might have scarred him forever.

Lily Wallowitz: Still the girl Han is in love with, but it seems she doesn't even recognize him any more. Seems like no one does...
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes.

Sample Post:

Han felt weightless, light, and cool. His head was swimming, his back ached. In fact, just about his whole body ached. Ached a lot. Vision came to him slow and a green hue seemed to coat everything. He heard someone talking in the background and finally his vision cleared. He was looking at a lab, he vaguely noticed the fact that he himself was in a tube with what appeared to be green water. He was sluggish and slow, like he had barely any control over his body. He saw a scientist look up from a monitor and at him and turned to a man in the corner. "Sir, he's awake." A blonde handsome man in a business suit walked out of the shadows and approached the tube. Han's eyes narrowed and an anger began to burn in his chest. "Ah, Han, you are a marvelous being! You survived! The world's first perfect human being. I know it hurts and I know you're probably sore to your very bones right now but look at yourself, you're a new man, my friend!"

Han did indeed look down at himself slowly and was shocked at what he saw. He was ripped, bulging chest, abs, muscular arms, everything. Even his legs, which were covered in skin tight boxers, were defined with thigh and calf muscles. Han looked slowly back up, examining his arms and hands, as a flurry of bubbles blocked his vision. It was just now that he realized that he was wearing a mask to breath. "Impressive, no? Months of treatment and therapy, plus a close call that required electromagnetic tubes to be installed into your back, but you are indeed flawless now." His words began to fade away as Han's eyesight darkened and one of Lawson's scientists said "Sir, we're losing him, he's going to fall unconscious." Lawson walked away and waved the scientist off, saying "No matter, we have more tests to run any-"

There was an explosion that rocked Han's tube and sent the scientists sprawling. A commotion. But Han was falling deeper and deeper as the fighting got closer. Then it was in the lab and all of a sudden, Han was alert and light, his head clear. He saw someone standing at a monitor, adjusting things and looking up, nodding to Han. They were drugging me, Han thought. He got angry. Really angry. He felt strong. Stronger than he ever had in his life. The teenager looked at his hands and looked at the glass. He reeled back and sent his fist slicing through the water, smashing into the glass.


A spider web of glass cracks appeared. Han knew he could go stronger, he threw another punch.


The web got bigger and he saw as the water began to leak out. Han looked at his knuckles, they weren't even bruised. Han threw his final punch, stronger than ever before. He spilled out into the lab and cried in pain as he remembered that he had electromagnetic tubes within him. He shrieked as he pulled himself off of them, electricity crackling through him as he finally broke free and flew forward, tumbling to the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw them standing over him, hand outstretched. "Welcome back, Han. You've been missing for four months."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
Avatar of Oraculum

Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character you have created: Johannes Schmidt

Alias: Türk Filmleri Adam

Speech Color: Saddle Brown(8B4513). (Note: italicised text from Türk Filmleri Adam and his companions is spoken in German in-universe).

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: It would perhaps not be entirely accurate to describe Johannes as a modern hedonist, were it only for the fact that he lacks most of the glaring traits and habits commonly associated with that archetype; however, upon deeper reflection, it becomes apparent that there is simply no better definition to be given of him. There is little he truly cares for beyond his own, unconditional enjoyment. That said, he is neither so egoistic as not to include those few who have attained the privilege of his friendship and esteem into this aspiration, nor so weak-willed as to let himself be entirely mastered by his lusts, or to allow himself any sorts of the latter beyond the tamest ones. He sets pleasure as foremost among his goals in life; yet he does not mindlessly crawl toward it as many other do, nor lash himself into a frenzy which he then strives to assuage at any cost, but is capable of constructing logical and sufficiently elaborate plans to reach that end.
His demeanour is, in spite of the latter trait, not quite affected. Honest to the point of bluntness, abhorring as he does misunderstandings and quid pro quos, Johannes shall never hesitate to face whatever situation he might find himself stumbling into, exhibiting a bravado bordering with foolhardiness and an often uncalled-for flair for the dramatic in any conceivable circumstances. Such perilous traits are compounded by an almost unnaturally unshakable indifference to stimuli which would normally cause fear or anguish, seemingly acquired by Johannes along with his powers.


Johannes has adopted as his makeshift costume a horrendous patchwork of scraps, cardboard and adhesive tape, completed by what seems to be a repurposed curtain and a clumsily glued-on false beard, to reflect his favoured pastime. He usually wields a short wooden javelin wrapped in colourful paper and a golden cardboard sword:

When not donning his heroic paraphernalia, he appears as the very epitome of the average youthful Mitteleuropean type, with nondescriptly light-brown hair and vaguely greyish eyes; more often than not, he wears cheap, anonymous sport-style clothing.

Origin Info/Details:
Johannes Schmidt was born in Berlin as the neighbouring Deutsche Demokratische Republik was breathing its last, and the entire country whereof he was a citizen was clamouring for the long-awaited unification which was finally at hand. It might have been that these events occurred too early in his life to leave any lasting impression, or that he soon felt he had had quite enough of them; however it might be, never in his life would he display any measure of national pride, or any other feeling, for that matter, nor would he regard politics with anything but slightly amused bafflement at the importance attributed to such fundamentally abstract matters.

As the Schmidts were a moderately well-to-do family, their latest offspring lacked nothing in the way of basic necessities, and had the possibility to trudge his way through the education system up to graduating in History at the Freie Universität. Though he never displayed a particular aptitude for academic learning, he compensated for his lack of exceptional skills with a diligent, disciplined approach to study, fuelled by the belief that it would all pay off someday. Though such an opinion was not altogether unjustified, the reward for these years of application was not as swift in arriving as Johannes expected, and throughout his first autonomous years he found himself drifting from one clerk-level occupation to another, ever seeking a suitable opportunity to rise through the ranks and ever being met with an indefinitely long, blind routine which left him quite discontented with the world at large and the employment sector in particular. It was at that time that he met Nejat Gucli and Turan Ahmad, his peers in age and position, whose Turkish descent had grown largely diluted by generations of more or less steady integration, reaching, they averred, back to the times of Friedrich the Great himself. Sympathy, first comradely, then personal soon sprang up between Johannes and the pair, and it was not long ere they introduced him to the ruling passion which had first united them, and soon captured him as well - namely, the somewhat perverse enjoyment of turksploitation films. Sitting till late at night before a smudged screen in Nejat and Turan’s apartment, Johannes nearly laughed himself ill at the inconceivable gymnastics of clumsily costumed actors whose expressive repertoire consisted entirely of fearsome grimaces, and swore repeatedly that there never could be enough pictures of that sort in the world. This marked the beginning of an enduring friendship between the trio, who rapidly grew inseparable - a condition which, among other things, offered distinct economic advantages, as the rent was paid collectively.

Then, one night, the unexpected occurred. Upon returning from the last workplace he had established himself at, Johannes happened to be strolling through a park, which, fortunately enough, lay directly across his path. Catching sight of a small, glimmering object on the ground before him, he bent to retrieve what seemed to be a coin, and was surprised when the minute item proved unexpectedly heavy and unaccountably cold to the touch. Upon closer scrutiny, he saw what he had lifted was indeed a metallic disk of some sort, but certainly not a monetary unit of any sort he was familiar with. The shining surface was a of a cerulean-veiled white in colour, and bands of iridescent light ran across it without any regularity or, indeed, motive. At that moment, he became aware of a chilling numbness spreading through his arm, and had barely enough time to be afraid before a sudden electric shock enveloped his mind and senses with impenetrable darkness.

Of what followed Johannes has but a dim recollection. He recalls awakening and passing out again at brief intervals, almost intermittently, in an environment whose appearance he has described as vaguely resembling a grimy, long-abandoned airport in a severe state of disrepair. Large greyish-green shapes often flitted at the corners of his vision which he is almost certain were living creatures, and he could have sworn that he occasionally heard, among the humming, rasping and clattering of machinery, grunting sounds of distinctly organic origin. He frequently found himself strapped to flat surfaces (it was unclear whether they were horizontal or vertical) surrounded by spinning lamps of indescribable colours, or at the core of vast, thundering mechanical constructs of unclear functions. Finally, he awoke facing a screen whereupon there appeared, in a slow, laborious sequence, a series of sentences written in what appeared to be a curious form of semi-phonetic English. UMIN YUR OGGANIZMS MENTOTIC POTANSHUL AZ BIN ALTRT flared the letters before him, mingling monstrous spelling with outright nonexistent words, YU WL UZIT AN MEK UZ SI | YU KEN. Thereupon a shock identical to the one which had heralded his arrival into that nightmare shot through him again, and, when next he regained consciousness, he was in the park where he first had stumbled upon the fateful coin-like lure.

His return home was met with astonishment, and he was informed by Nejat and Turan that he had been missing for a full week. Having initially devised a feeble alibi involving a deceased uncle, he was soon constrained to disclose to his friends what had truly transpired upon beginning to manifest certain startling abilities. Although he did not perceive anything unusual even while doing so, he frequently found himself telekinetically manipulating distant items with a mere effort of will, often unconsciously and without being in the least surprised by it himself. Additionally, at times he uncontrollably blasted images he was mentally envisioning into the senses of others, with his companions being the first collateral victims of this nascent power. It was not long before Johannes, who had recovered from the shock of his experience in startlingly little time, discovered that, by exerting his will, he was able to harness these abilities and direct them coherently, as well as to modify their effects as he pleased. In particular, seeing as he had grown able to select what images he projected into the minds of his targets, he adopted the psychic display of his beloved Turkish abject-series films as the signature of the image he had been building for himself - Türk Filmleri Adam (roughly “Turkish Film Man”), Berlin’s first resident superhero.

As the city had heretofore never known the salutary influence of superhuman protection, this figure, zealously assisted by Nejat and Turan, who met the opportunity of becoming Türk Filmleri Adam’s sidekicks with nothing short of glee, was in no shortage of occupations. However, his intents were not so pure as to warrant his diving headfirst into action. Rather, his priority was to negotiate a deal with the authorities, by which he would track malfeasants and consign them to justice - for a reasonable price. Nor was this partnership exclusive: Johannes thought little of selling his services to the highest bidder, even when the latter was a company seeking to instil dread into trade unions or accomplish some similarly morally dubious goal. The treatment which had granted Johannes his abilities appeared to have made him strangely callous, insofar as even the deaths of his parents due to illness did not seem to affect him. His friends, already not being especially idealistic individuals themselves, took his new demeanour in stride, as it was not reflected upon their relations.

After a couple of years, however, business began to grow scarce, and the days dull. Those of the most significant criminals who had not been neutralised, such as the local cell of one Shroud Syndicate, had gone into hiding beyond Türk Filmleri Adam’s rather clumsy reach, and the discipline reigning in the private sector was exemplary. Johannes and his companions had grown accustomed to adventure, and, being deprived of it, they began to cast their gazes toward more promising lands. On the other side of the ocean they had often heard that superhumans abounded, and, when Turan discovered that the city of New Sardis was (roughly) quite close to the areas of highest interest and offered some of the cheapest real estate they had ever seen, all doubts concerning their plans for the immediate future were dissolved.

Hero Type: Psychic

Power Level: City Level


Mental Projection
The favoured offensive ability of Türk Filmleri Adam, this application of his skills enables him to subject his targets to specially conjured mental images by psychically affecting their sensory reception neural nodes. Those in the grip of this power find themselves experiencing entirely life-like visions, perceived as though they were themselves an integrating part thereof. Projections do not render their subjects unconscious, but usually leave them unable to act due to severe mental and physical disorientation and a painful strain upon the neural network (not to mention shock at the horrid nonsense they are forced to witness); prolonged exposure may result in permanent neural and psychological damage. The visions' end is as abrupt as their beginning, provoking nausea and a reeling sensation. Türk Filmleri Adam may extend his projections upon any number of individuals within his field of vision; however, he must maintain concentration in order for the effect to last, and tampering with the senses larger quantities of targets demands a proportionally greater effort.

Rudimentary Telekinesis
With a mere exertion of his will, Türk Filmleri Adam is able to affect physical bodies at a distance, thrusting them away from himself, pulling them in his direction or lifting them from whatever surface they might be resting upon. While the raw potential of this capability is impressive, it is unsuited for any sort of fine manipulation or actions requiring a grip lasting longer than two or three seconds.

Kinetic Armament
Türk Filmleri Adam's costume and weapons, being composed of harmless household materials, are scarcely a combat asset in their own right. However, by surrounding them with a malleable telekinetic field of compressed force and air, their wielder can grant them lacerating edges and sufficient toughness to withstand impacts equivalent to medium-calibre gunfire, though without entirely suppressing the ensuing vibrations. These enhancements require a moderate effort to activate, and last for as long as their generator remains actively conscious of them (thus, rendering him unconscious or entirely distracting his attention would cause them to fade).

Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam
In critical circumstances where his powers should result insufficient to fend off danger, Türk Filmleri Adam may, with a potent application of willpower, temporarily refine his telekinetic capabilities, becoming able to alter matter at a sub-molecular level. While thus empowered, he can atomically translocate his body, effectively teleporting across brief distances, disrupt the structure of inorganic matter, causing items to violently explode, and even concentrate light into blinding flashes. Upholding such a state is tremendously exacting, and it is impossible for a human of average resilience to prolong its effects for more than ten minutes.


Height: 5’7’’

Weight: 172 lb.

Strength Level: Normal Human / Up to about 5 tons with telekinesis

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average


Human, All Too Human
For all his modified “mentotic potential”, Johannes remains a human being, and not an extraordinarily strong or clever one at that. He is no more invulnerable to wounds, diseases and various mishaps than any other person off the street.

The Limits of Faith
A curious aspect of the powers Johannes has been endowed with is the fact that they are fuelled by his own belief in what they can accomplish. Thus, any application thereof of whose success he is not entirely assured will prove ineffectual, even though it might have been theoretically plausible.

Power Tends to Tire
As mentioned, activating Johannes's psychic abilities requires an effort of will. Although the fatigue toll may initially seem negligible, it gradually waxes increasingly draining, and lengthy usage will often leave him exhausted.

Supporting Characters:

Nejat Gucli and Turan Ahmad: Johannes's long-time friends and, more recently, assistants in super-heroic endeavour, Nejat and Turan's characters seem to be pre-ordinately congenial to him and each other alike, sharing the same enjoyment-driven inclinations and cinematographical preferences. The main difference between the two's personalities lies in their attitudes: while Turan is usually more proactive (though this is a comparative term), Nejat bears a pronounced antipathy toward the very concept of effort, though, when hard-pressed, he has demonstrated a certain aptitude for lateral thinking.

The Experimenters: The mysterious beings responsible for abducting Johannes and endowing him with superhuman powers as a result of a not better described process (or “fiddling”, if one is less than lenient). Johannes himself knows nothing regarding them, though he suspects they might be of extra-terrestrial origin, if for no other reason than the outlandish appearance of their machinery.


New Sardis

Located across from Newport, Rhode Island, across Narragansett Bay, New Sardis was once one of the most relevant portual cities in the region. However, failure to modernise and a gradual decline in its position’s commercial importance have led to its progressive decay, moderated only lately by a number of service-providing companies taking an interest in its few, yet noteworthy investment opportunities. Nowadays, New Sardis is infamous for its dramatically under-staffed and ineffectual administration and police force; nonetheless, its legal infraction rate is astonishingly low for mysterious reasons, and organised criminality is limited to a negligible handful of street gangs within its boundaries (though the occasional disappearance tends to arouse suspicions on this matter).
Architecturally, the city reflects its recent erratic and almost haphazard development. Towers of glass and steel are often flanked by anachronistic pre-Edwardian houses, and the few piers still in use lie alongside numerous promontories of decaying wood.

Notable Features:

Saint Albertus Magnus Cathedral: A Catholic anomaly among New England’s sober Puritan temples, this imposing Gothic structure stands in the very centre of the city. Though both the Cathedral and the vast adjoining graveyard ought to be periodically restored by the urban authorities, the latter’s prolonged inactivity has enabled them to fall into such a state of sinister decrepitude that they tend to be fearfully shunned. Upon the Cathedral’s façade one can still barely discern the curious inscription “SOMNVS RATIONIS MONSTRA GENERAT”.

The Docklands: Once the city’s greatest hub of activity, the Docklands have long since degenerated into a veritable open-air slum, where New Sardis’s homeless population gathers in abandoned warehouses and it is deemed unsafe to pass with any valuables upon one’s person, lest these valuables unaccountably disappear. The few intact quays seem to be used solely for Aegis industrial shipments.

Istvan's Dragon: Since the end of World War II, the only enduring criminal element in New Sardis was that of outlaw biker clubs, ranging from free-spirited rebels to brutal thugs. Though local and small in size, they were numerous and, with the gradual decay of the city's police force, their influence became anything but invisible. Somewhere around the late 60's, the notorious drive bar known as Istvan's Dragon came to be, founded by an Eastern European immigrant. Located near in the Docklands, at the back of a small unimportant harbor, said establishment commonly served as a place for negotiations between different clubs, as well as a melting pot of all sorts of characters from the fringes of society over the years, until the eventual bloodbath that occurred in the early 90's. The Istvan Massacre was sparked by the rising tension between two rival clubs, leading to thirty casualties, seventeen of them being otherwise innocent patrons. The bar never recovered, and was left abandoned ever since. Along with the surrounding dock, it is now a sort of no man's land, as unwritten rules render it a sanctuary, prohibiting any sort of violence within it. Even law enforcement is wise enough to respect this condition. Despite its seemingly useful nature, the area remains abandoned, sparking urban legends of hauntings.
(Contribution by @Turbowraith)

“Atlantis” State Aquarium: New Sardis’s only possible tourist attraction, the Aquarium, built on local State funds with the backing of certain private bodies, is fitted with some of the most advanced equipment in its field. This has allowed for some daring experiments, such as the rare success of keeping giant cephalopods in captivity. The investment has proved fruitful, yielding large sums in the guise of admission fees and the sale of assorted merchandise.

Aegis Incorporated Complex: At some distance beyond the suburbs, surrounded by a stretch of forbidding wasteland, lies the ominous black citadel which serves simultaneously as headquarters, production plant and research establishment for the shadowy Aegis Inc. This comparatively young company, specialising in bellic and defensive technology, is said to have rapidly acquired a redoubtable power base, and, despite taking no interest in New Sardis itself, is almost universally dreaded by its inhabitants.

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For days, the leaden sky which menacingly loomed over them, notwithstanding their steady motion - truth be told, at a velocity which would be deemed unacceptably low whence they had come, owing to the unfamiliar driving practices with which most visiting continentals were constrained to come to grips with - across the rather bleak landscape, had failed to deliver upon its threat of precipitation, which might have prompted them to jot down a note concerning the matter of “dispelling popular misconceptions about...”, had they been ever so rash in making assumptions (which they were) and actually interested in such an endeavour (which they were not). Notwithstanding the lack of sociological aspirations, they had unanimously concluded that the much-reviled Albionic climate might be better, or at least could not be quite so much worse than the only one they had hitherto known.

“Weren’t you thinking the same?” Johannes inquired, without, however, turning to face his companion.
“What?” the latter listlessly replied, in a tone dulled by a lengthy period of sitting and gazing before himself. One could, of course, argue that he had not been effectively doing anything beyond that, but that would probably elicited little more than genuine incomprehension.
“I say, that it has rained the entire time we were in Germany since we left, and some days before that, but not for a single hour while we have been here.”
“And Belgium.”
“It’s also rained in Belgium.”
“Not in France, though.”
“A bit after the border, it did. What were you saying there, again?”
“No, I was saying, it seems to rain less here than in Germany, doesn’t it?”
“Could be. I think it also depends on the season. Don’t you remember we had a completely dry summer in Thüringen?”
“But that’s Thüringen.”

Having thus apparently exhausted their stimulating conversational subject, the pair finally exchanged a weary glance, then simultaneously turned backwards for a brief moment and eyed the sleeping Nejat with a hint of envy. The third member of their diminutive party lay all but sprawled on the back seat of the slightly battered automobile, amid rucksacks and satchels of varying sizes and colours, leaning toward the less tasteful end of the spectrum, with his feet a mere few inches away from resting upon an already abundantly scratched suitcase. His fellow-travellers found this all the more outrageous as he had not in the least contributed to their progress through virtually half of the (semi)continent, nor to the journey from Dover to Southampton, and yet was able to blissfully slumber for a length of time which would have put a sloth to shame, whereas neither Johannes, who steered the unreasonably crammed vehicle, nor Turan, who attempted to navigate their way by cycling through a series of maps, with the predictable result of frequently driving them to meander in such parts as they would never have dreamt of visiting, were able to enjoy a night’s rest without spinning about and repeatedly rising to raise or lower the blinds for some two hours beforehand. The final pause before the ferry boarding could have finally allowed them some respite before nearly a week of struggling against sea-sickness, yet even now they seemed to be unable to do anything but trade inconsequential remarks concerning the weather. How else could it be? The topic of their preliminary plans was already spent, and it was as yet too early to begin actually pondering their execution.

All of a sudden, a rap against the glass by his head startled Johannes from the slumber he had been, in spite of all, drifting into. Not a little irritated, he lowered it and turned to face the whiskered countenance of the customs officer peering from beyond it.
“What is it, my good man?” he asked, not immediately realising that his impromptu usage of a rather colloquial expression had yielded a potentially offensive result. Not that it would have concerned him, but it was somewhat embarrassing for being unintended.
“Excuse me, sir,” the man began quite civilly, probably not being altogether inexperienced in interacting with foreigners, “Your vehicle looks like it might be exceeding the weight limit.” Was its crammed state quite so visible? Most likely. Meanwhile, the boarding queue was beginning to move forth - and they were being detained by this overly zealous, or thus it seemed to him, fellow.
“I assure you that we have passed all necessary controls. Here, we have these tickets they give there. Turan, do you...”
But Turan had drifted away into a tranquil slumber. Curse him, could he think of no better moment? Johannes began hastily rooting through the sheaf of various printed pages - mostly maps - in his lap. Where could he have buried them? Before them, the path onto the vessel was now empty. Ah, that was quite enough. No more of this nonsense.

“Sir, do you have the...”
Johannes abruptly turned toward the mustachioed intruder and, gazing fixedly into his eyes, which made him stagger back in surprise, theatrically raised his right hand, with the palm stretched outwards. This gesture was functionally unnecessary, but what was life without a little flavour? He focused his mental energies upon the figure before him and, almost envisioning the outline of its psychic nucleus, hurled at it a brief sequence of visions - nothing especially astounding, but enough to serve their purpose.

The man staggered, flailing his arms as though he had suddenly lost his sight and were attempting to clutch it before it flew away. Failing to grasp any solid object, he nearly collapsed, but was able to moderate his fall by crouching with what seemed to be a supreme effort. After about a minute, the expression of his eyes grew slightly less wild, and he saw that the potentially overloaded automobile had already vanished beyond the ascension ramp. Rising totteringly to his full height, he waved reassuringly at the other drivers, who were looking at him with some concern, and moved toward his position with quivering steps.

Aboard the ship, Johannes smiled to himself with a hint of triumph. Petty, admittedly, but was life not likewise composed of simple pleasures? His mouth still set in its twisted shape, he let his thoughts hasten forwards. Soon, he would have crossed the ocean, and then the true merriment would begin. A world of adventure lay ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Character you have created: Evergreen

Alias: Jaden Maxwell

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): Aqua

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Jaden is for all intents and purposes a rather easygoing and calm individual. He enjoys life for what it is and tries not to worry too much about the future. Growing up with his Aunt and Uncle bestowed on him the values of hard work and independence, as such when he commits himself to something he tends to see it through, regardless of the consequences. Being a fanboy of anything related to anime or video games, when he runs into someone who shares what he is into, he can get surprisingly passionate and ecstatic, to the point that he briefly stops acting his age.

Inspired by the comics he read growing up, he has a strong sense of justice and morals and tries to see the good in people along with being willing to stand up for those who can't do so for themselves. He does not want to see anyone else suffer the tragedy of lost loved ones, but that does not mean he is blind to the real world either. He is aware that unfortunate things happen regardless of what one does in life but does not see that as a reason to do nothing either.

He does have a fun-loving side to him too, sometimes using his power to pull off jokes or pranks on his friends all in good fun.

Uniform/costume: Back when he was human, his appearance was that of a young fair-skinned man with jet black hair in a crop cut with brown eyes and weighing around 200 pounds. He stood about 5 foot 10 inches and typically wore clothing that fit the climate, such as tank tops and shorts during warmer months and baggy pants and sweatshirts during the fall and winter.

Thanks to being transformed into a living plant, Evergreen is capable of morphing himself into a wide range of plant-based appearances. Here are a few examples:

Origin Info/Details: Jaden had, for the most part, a normal upbringing growing up. He was born to a loving Mom and Dad who took good care of him for the first few years of his life and he had an Aunt and Uncle who thought the world of him that he frequently visited on the weekends or during the holidays. However, when he was about 7 years old...tragedy struck.

One night, he was at his Aunt's place watching cartoons when the phone rang. His Aunt went to answer it only to drop the dish she'd been drying in horror at what the man on the other end had told her. Mr and Mrs Maxwell had been on their way home when a drunk driver slammed into them, killing both parents at once. Needless to say, it was like Jaden's entire world had come crumbling down in the course of just one night.

After the funeral, Jaden was taken in by his Aunt and Uncle and it quickly became evident that despite the fact that they treated him well, that life was not going to be easy since both relatives were in their elderly years and they did not have too much money. As such, Jaden had to learn at a young age to pitch in and be self-sufficient, helping his folks around the house and gradually learned skills such as cooking, cleaning dishes and even pulling weeds out of the garden. It didn't help that they ended up having to move twice even before he got into high school.

Life was difficult but it wasn't bad by any means as the young lad excelled in his classes and enjoyed helping others with their work. He took on a part-time job at one point to help his folks too. Of course, he sometimes let himself get lost in video games and anime as he got older. Eventually, he graduated from high school to the delight of his Aunt and Uncle and seemed to have a bright future ahead of him.

However, that's when his life took a most unexpected turn. During one summer, he took part in a field trip set up by a club he use to be part of that were planting trees in an area that had recently been decimated by a wildfire. During the program, Jaden caught sight of a bear cub that had slipped into the water and was now heading down the stream towards a waterfall. Without thinking, he risked his life to save the cub and return it to its family. Despite not thinking much of it, someone else took notice of his act...

That night, he was visited by a voice in his dreams. The voice introduced itself as Gaia, Spirit Of The Earth. It had watched the man's act and, despite its usual indifference towards humans, had been intrigued by his selfless act despite the fact he had risked his life and got no reward out of it. He explained that he didn't do it for a reward but because it was the right thing to do and that he didn't want anyone else to endure the pain of lost loved ones.

Growing ever more intrigued with him, the spirit handed him what she called the "Seed Of Gaia" and that she would give him the chance to prove to her that humans and the Earth could co-exist together. With that, the dream ended...Jaden thought no more of it.

One night though, he was in his room, doing some reading when he heard a commotion downstairs. Going to check, he saw several men in black suits ransacking the place while holding his Aunt and Uncle at knife point.

For a brief moment, he felt like a small boy all over again, like history was about to repeat itself...but not if he had anything to say about it. When the men saw him, they shot the young man on the spot...only for his wound to heal up within seconds, causing all those present to freeze in shock. Anger fueling his actions, Jaden's power activated and vines broke through the windows and floorboards, disarming the men and slamming their bodies against the walls over and over again with enough force to shatter the plaster.

However, just when it looked like he was ready to do the unthinkable and take their lives...his Aunt and Uncle's voices brought him back to reality. He collapsed to his knees, sobbing and wondering what he had become. His folks consoled him as the would-be murderers were taken into custody, likely traumatized for life by the ordeal. The police asked questions but nobody was in the mood to give the actual story.

After having some time to calm down, and being reminded that his Aunt and Uncle still loved him, it was decided that he needed
to learn control since the world was likely not ready for an individual like Jaden. As such, the next week or so saw him practicing
with his new abilities and growing quite adept at them. His body underwent more changes until he instinctively created a new
identity for himself to go with his new form.

For a time, things went well. Jaden kept his identity a secret. He used his powers to secretly bring life and prosperity to neighboring farms and communities, sometimes travelling further to places that needed him. Of course, he always felt like there was more he needed to do...

And as more and more "Metahumans" appear in the world, he now faces the dilemma of whether to step forth and reveal himself...and what changes await both him and the world if he does so...the changes that he would bring as Gaia's Chosen Champion, Evergreen...

Hero Type (Select one): Elemental

Power Level (Select one below): World Level

Powers (Be Specific):

Plant Manipulation: The power to control any and all plants and forms of flora within an area. The uses for this power are vast and varied, giving it immense versatility and almost unrivaled destructive power if misused. Jaden's control allows him to conjure giant vines and roots to wrap around, constrict or even crush a target completely. He can bring trees to life and have them serve as guardians along with being able to call upon the aid of a massive venus flytrap that is capable of tearing through solid steel like cardboard.

Since plants are technically an extension of himself now, he can use them in order to listen in on conversations from vast distances and gather intel. He has a type of "Plant Sonar" that allows him to mentally detect the locations of plants and flora within an area.

He can make constructs to do his bidding such as golems made out of plant moss and wood or even clones of himself. He can accelerate the growth of flora so that it quickly engulfs the area, or decelerate it back to a seed or sapling for easy transportation, along with controlling the properties of fruit and vegetables, being able to form weapons and barriers out of them or increase their size and density to simply drop on his enemies, along with any other number of tactics. Since he has a deep connection to nature, he can revitalize decaying plant matter with his own energy, potentially turning once dying fields and gardens into lush, green areas full of life.

It is possible for him to also extend this power to being able to influence things that were made
from plants though he is still working on this.

Healing Factor: Jaden's entire genetic makeup has been radically altered and as such, he is closer to a plant now than a flesh and blood human. As a result, and as a reference to his main power, he can regenerate from wounds that would normally be fatal for a human in a surprisingly short time period. Gashes and cuts heal in a matter of seconds and even shooting or stabbing does little to slow him down.

Also, as long as he can remain in contact with water or direct sunlight, his regenerative powers can go even further, to the point of being able to repair a destroyed head or regrow entire sections of his body in no time. Also, as long as he takes proper care of himself, he is likely not to age either as a result of his constant healing.

Enhanced Strength: Can shift the density of certain parts of his body to unleash a devastating punch that has enough force to wreck a semi truck with little trouble. Even without this, he is still strong enough to carry two fully grown adults around with minimal trouble and throw punches with enough force to break concrete or create a small blast of air.

Enhanced Mobility: Having had almost all of his bones replaced with organic plant matter has given Jaden a massive increase to his level of agility and overall mobility. He is light enough to either stand on or even run across water and can jump remarkably high and vast distances, being able to clear entire city blocks with just a few leaps. He can also balance himself on cables and tall vantage points with little trouble and is surprisingly acrobatic too.

Enhanced Endurance:: Another benefit to having no real bone structure is vastly heightened levels of stamina and endurance, being able to work for hours at a time and survive falls from the tops of buildings with hardly a scratch.

Healing: Although nothing amazing, Jaden is capable of a modest form of healing thanks to being able to manipulate the genetic structures of fruits and vegetables that, once consumed, significantly accelerates the human body's natural healing capabilities, to the point that wounds that normally take months to heal can be patched up in a matter of days.

Transformation: Yet another extension of his already versatile plant manipulating powers. Being a living plant means that even
without all his already extremely potent long-range capabilities, Evergreen is still a force to be reckoned with due to being able
to morph his body in all sorts of manners. His arms being able to stretch up to multiple feet, forming blades and drills that can cut or dig through solid steel with enough effort, alter his size to an extent, form shields strong enough to resist even gunfire from assault rifles or grenades, and even alter his form to anything that's plant-related and so on. This also gives him the added benefit of limited camouflage, being able to hide in plain sight to ambush a target.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: 10 Tons (When using constructs, can go up to 100 tons)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 80 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 Hours.
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: Despite the enormous power and potential at his disposal, Jaden has a number of weaknesses, mainly related to his new physiology. For one thing, Fire is his worst enemy as it can destroy his constructs with little effort and even inhibit his regenerative capabilities as long as he remains close to it. Also, being mostly a plant now means he draws a great deal of power from the Sun and to a lesser extent the water so he can be at a disadvantage when fighting in dark locations or that is far from a body of water, weakening the durability of his weapons and constructs to below even decaying wood eventually.

Supporting Characters: Adrian Maxwell: Jaden's Uncle. Runs a store tailored to the maintaining of anything garden-related. A
rather tall, well-built man who at first seems rather imposing but actually has a big heart and values his loved ones and his work.

Laura Maxwell: Jaden's Aunt. A kind, sweet woman but at the same time not somebody you want to cross and more than willing to put her foot down if she feels something is going too far. She was even the one who taught Jaden to fight for what he believes in. Despite the changes happening, she and her husband trust Jaden to do what is right and make a difference.

Gaia: The spirit of the Earth itself and the one responsible for giving Jaden his powers and mission. She watches over and protects all life but in recent decades her power has started to wane due to pollution and humanity's wasteful ways and as a result she has begun to lose her faith in them and distance herself from them and their affairs. Despite this, she is willing to give Jaden a chance to prove her wrong.

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