Turns out the french word for "Red" Is Rogue. Poor Remy just keeps on his heart torn.

<Snipped quote by Hillan>
I'll let Howard take a backseat for a few posts. I've got work I need to get to and I've been putting it off to write long enough as it is.
You're lucky Jean can't read minds and realize he thinks her accent is New York.
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
Bitch, cut me some slack. I've got my own damn country to keep track off.
I am in fact still around, sorry 'bout the past couple days, been pounding out an essay
<Snipped quote by Kablamicus>
...you play in this game?...huh.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>
Ah, yes, how's Bitchassland doing these days? =)
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
Sassy, sassy.
Though, country's going straight to hell. Wankers ain't figured out they need to put me in charge yet.
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
Sassy, sassy.
Though, country's going straight to hell. Wankers ain't figured out they need to put me in charge yet.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>
I'm going to guess you're in Blighty too. #Piggate #Snoutrage #Hameron
<Snipped quote by Hillan>
<-- has no idea what country you're from.
Only pig my genitals ever touched is your mum.
Nice bit of banter, naturally.