Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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"Oh alright. I'll go tell them you're here." Erika sighed as she rolled her eyes at her little-sister's last-second decision to nitpick with her crew, at the very steps of the house, despite this placing them at risk of being late. To her, it had felt like they'd been walking for hours, and probably wouldn't have minded any small-talk with the crew, particularly any amusing stories of her sister.

The trio pretty much received a fully-articulate and verbalized reminder to not make a fool of her or themselves, and maybe -just maybe- they'd get trusted with a mission that didn't grate on everybody's nerves. Afterwards, Mutan had swung the door open to reveal a foyer that fully appeared to be impossibly-bigger than the building itself, filled with close friends, relatives, and idle-servants lining the sides; wishing them all well.

Adria finally managed to find another servant willing to take her duffel-bag full of guns & clothing, which amusingly enough the heft did not appear to sway her in the slightest. Damn sturdy servants she's got. the engineer thought to herself as she watched it effortlessly being carried up the staircase over her shoulder.

Isaac was watching too, but for entirely different reasons until Morty elbowed his side.

They were then greeted by the re-appearance of Erika from the left alcove, and told to quickly follow her back to the dinner-table for a quick bite to eat and to discuss their needs with the parents, who were casually having brunch amidst stacks of papers with a large manila folder being most prominent in front of them.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Adria was the first to take-up Tenna's hospitality after Mutan, "Coffee with thick cream, three sugars. Two lightly fried-eggs, over-easy; bacon on the side with three flapjacks. If you've got any maple syrup to go with some butter that'd be nice." She managed to drum out her artery-clogging full English breakfast as though it were something on her bucket-list.

"Uh, I wouldn't want to trouble you too much under my account--" Isaac was interrupted when an anonymous-boot kicked him in the shin, "two hard biscuits with sausage and gravy, bowl of buttered grits with maple syrup, and a glass of orange juice." Isaac for once was a bit at a loss for words, not really sure of what limits the kitchen had, he fell-back onto something simple in his haste to stop talking.

Mortimer nodded when he was sure the other two were done, "The usual of course, Tenna. Hot tea with a side of milk, and a ham and cheese omelet." Mortimer didn't exactly approve of Mutan's habbits, even though for now her treatments generally kept them from doing any lasting damage; his expression was that typical of a doctor watching a patient rebel against their precautions right in front of them.

Mutan's parents weren't quite so uptight about a little lung-carcinogens, being recreational-smokers themselves; as evidenced by a small pile of stubs already smoldering like incense in an ashtray. Her father pulled up the manila-folder and decided to give them the preliminary-briefing:

"Colonel Brixton here has informed me that several convoys have gone missing from Starbase twenty-eight dash one; along with their ships and crew. I believe Doctor Knell is still aware of its proximity to a pirate-base. It would be a good idea to see if this was an inside-job, what was hoped to be accomplished, and if at all possible to salvage what you can from the errant convoy. Also, if you could find the pirate-base anddisrupt their operations, that would be appreciated as well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Mutan's father was shocked to hear his youngest child speak to him with such a tone, but nevertheless maintained his authoritative composure as he continued with a frustrated sigh.

"Yes, we're all well aware of how skilled your new pilot is at inserting a small craft through a tiny window for re-entry, as well as some of his... better-documented claims to being able to safely make a jump within atmosphere without completely destroying the ship he's in. As for Adria... She has a checkered past, but Brixton seemed most pleased to hear she was on-board your crew when he came to us."

Adria, who was at first busy eating, slowed to a dead-stop when she inferred that it was only through Brixton's hand that they were entrusting their daughter under her care for this mission. Isaac took what he heard as a compliment to the entire crew, and continued eating.

"The idea is that we can modify your ship's boat to act as a privateer, and provide your ship with a few mercenaries and agents who will be inserted into the ground-station at Stardust. Hopefully with what information they can find, your crew would be able to gain the trust of these raiders; figure out what they're doing, and help us lay a trap for them."

Erika glanced over to him, eyes pleading; "Daddy..."

"Oh, and your sister is going to be one of those informants. Tenna will be accompanying her on the surface. The reason being is that these convoys... they're shipments of our anagathics... Mortimer has already noted in the past how hard it is to come-by, and her monthly dosage is becoming-due. So we thought it best to send her to the source for her treatments until a safe supply-route can be re-established."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Although Adria was barely half-done with her mouth-watering meal, she could tell at a glance that Tenna's assistants would not be pleased if she protested Mutan's wishes; she relinquished her plate without a scuffle. Isaac simply smiled at Tenna as she leaned over for his plate.

"Our current agents are so far too busy trying to procure a new route for trade to pass through than to go chasing-after whatever is causing this great disturbance. From what we can tell, it is more of a blockade than an effort to capture our facilities outright."

In the place of the plates, a pitcher of iced-tea and some glasses were placed at the table as one of the assistants began pouring and passing them out to Mutan first, then her crew.

"To assist in getting to Stardust safe and intact, I've hired one of them to leave a path open for you and claim he simply wasn't watching his sector closely enough. Getting off of Stardust will be a matter of gaining their trust and respect. To help in that matter, we've loaded Erika's 50-ton cutter with provisions to accompany your ship as it travels to Stardust, you may take whatever measures you feel are necessary to secure safe passage." Mutan's father spoke with greater emphasis that Mutan was being given permission to do anything to complete this task and return safely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Isaac, who'd been sitting closest to Mutan, leaned away when she got a crazy look in her face. Almost expecting a fork to get jabbed into his arm just to test her father's wishes. Her father saw the gears in her head turning, as she started taunting him. He leaned forward so he wouldn't have to talk so loud as to let everyone hear.

"Just because you are being given permission does not mean your actions will be without consequences, young lady." her father warned, before leaning back in his chair to repeat that there were reasons and conditions for his permission, "Which is why Erika will be in-charge until you have reached Stardust. At which point you will be for the most part outside of our jurisdiction, if you stir-up trouble out there, there will be no help coming, everyone else will be too busy looking out for themselves. You will only have your crew to truly rely on; I thought it best they not be hampered by their normal legal restrictions."

((Subtle hint that she's going to be soooo grounded for that when she returns, or at least a hold on her TAS membership))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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The crew mostly nodded in unison, and most of them did not really want to stick-around, Mortimer had things to unpack, and Adria did not feel like answering questions; even though Isaac wanted to know Erika slightly better, he knew that attempting to socialize with her with parents looming over her shoulder would not make for pleasant conversation.

So with varying degrees of enthusiasm, they all pushed their chairs away from the table and rose. The meal, and the meeting, was informally adjourned.

Thankfully for Isaac, Erika had pegged him as the ship's gossip and followed him down the halls. This may or may not have led to an incident where they had gotten 'lost' long enough for Erika to discover he either didn't have or wouldn't tell any embarrassing stories of his captain; her baby-sister.

Mortimer was in a bit too much of a rush for Jarret to follow in a calm and civilized manner. His room was tidy, mostly from refusing to unpack what would not be needed, since they would have to pack it later anyways. Most of his time was spent writing a letter to his wife still on station 28-1, Liza Knell.

But Adria wandered the halls briefly like a fish out of water, until Jarret offered to guide her through the various rooms of importance to a guest, an offer she gratefully accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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As she passes Jarret and Tenna - she gives Jarret a knowing nod, followed by a quiet "Look after them for me." - and pulls Tenna with her down the hallway, out of earshot of the guests and such. Instructing her to grab an outfit and have it ready for her when she's through with her shower.

Tenna gasped as Mutan woman-handled her down the hallway, ordering her to get a flattering outfit ready in the time it would take to shower.

She could only nod, her mind racing to compile something from what passed for her wardrobe that would work with her sleek and trim lines, and long flowing white hair... piercing ruby-red eyes... and that rare endearingly genuine smile she sometimes had.

Tenna shook herself out of the daydream and set out finding the perfect outfit for Mutan's night.

Mutan walked a ways down the hall - it's walls spacious and pristine - and found herself at her bathroom, looking at it always had.

She felt a tinge of nostalgia, and for just a brief moment considered giving up her adventuring career. To be able to stay in the safety and comfort of home. No, that's not the life for her. She's better than that. Too much to see, too much to do.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and entered, securing the door behind her.

The large bathroom could very well be mistaken for a locker room, were someone unaware and not paying attention to the number and placement of the fixtures in the white ceramic tile lining the walls, floor and ceiling. On one side, was a shower - three walls lined vertically with nozzles and one directly above. On the other, a broad toilet and an artsy safety glass sink - and a wide mirror that covered the wall above both. And in the last corner, the one opposite the door, was a large circular aboveground bathtub.

She quickly derobed and began showering - the hot water creating clouds of steam and reddening flesh, pooling under the grate beneath her feet, and down the drain.

As Mutan was preparing to shower, Tenna was filing through the walk-in the bedroom-closet. Going through everything from military-uniforms to riding-outfits, to sundresses and even the occasional silk kimono until she found the right base-layer. She laid it out on the bed and then went to the dresser-drawers for accessories that she hoped would better highlight her current mood, she was always fond of the color black. She even made sure to provide tall leather boots large enough to accommodate her hexmaster without being too much of a hinderance, the stockings and gloves covering a bit more skin for modesty's sake; also because of the rain outside.

She then remembered the rain, and made a note that the outfit would have to go well with an overcoat, and a hat, possibly even an umbrella and a maid to hold it.

As steam began rising out of the bathroom, she gathered the outfit onto a series of hangars and arranged them on a bracket in the bathroom to let the steam naturally eliminate any wrinkles.

When everything was ready, she stepped back with her hand held together, relaxed. She took a deep breath: "Your outfit is ready, Miss Mutan Godie." She announced, calmly, despite the constant apprehension that she would disapprove of her selection.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Erika had correctly pegged Isaac as the ship's gossip and followed him down the halls. This may or may not have led to an incident where they had gotten 'lost' long enough for Erika to discover he either didn't have or wouldn't tell any embarrassing stories of his captain; her baby-sister.

Still, Erika was convinced to continue-following Isaac to give him a more thorough tour. His face seemed to light-up when she mentioned there were stables outside.

Mortimer was in a bit too much of a rush for Jarret to follow in a calm and civilized manner. His room was tidy, mostly from refusing to unpack what would not be needed, since they would have to pack it later anyways. Most of his time was spent writing a letter to his wife still on station 28-1, Liza Knell.
As Mortimer sent his letter, an incoming message from his wife had arrived. She claimed to be near the point of making synthetic anagathics that could temporarily reverse aging, but had made no progress in anagathics that worked like the traditional methods. The correct dosage and how to produce it in any significant quantity were yet to be solved, leaving the effectiveness and safety in question.

Still, this meant her department would get grant-money to spend on new equipment; the message, however, seemed to convey that there were strong concerns about security and safety of the staff. She had already started sleeping with a stun-gun by the nightstand.

But Adria wandered the halls briefly like a fish out of water, until Jarret offered to guide her through the various rooms of importance to a guest, an offer she gratefully accepted.

Upon being shown her room, Adria sloughed out of her combat-armors and flopped onto the bed, then went to work re-checking the computer-mesh on her cloth-armor, running it through a handy computer-terminal, and updating its libraries for their new mission as she saw fit.

About halfway into the download she realized Jarret was still there, politely waiting to be excused. She excused him, albeit not in the most polite of tones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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When everything was ready, she stepped back with her hands held together, relaxed. She took a deep breath: "Your outfit is ready, Miss Mutan Godie." She announced, calmly, despite the constant apprehension that she would disapprove of her selection.

"This is... Less than practical.", Mutan states plainly, as she eyes the garments, "I haven't worn these in years, besides."

"But it would look so good on you." Tenna started, as she took the hangar off the hook and waved the dress in front of Mutan in hopes it would look more appealing, "Besides, when else are you going to even have the chance to dress nicely? Or are you saying you would rather wear a poncho and a pair of combat-boots during your entire stay in your father's house?"

When that didn't work, Tenna tried the more direct approach,

"We both know you're trying to score some points with your parents, just remind them that no matter what, you're still their favorite youngest daughter, and that you aren't doing this to hurt them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by murasaki

murasaki .:X:.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Tenna watched as Mutan fussed over the dress she hadn't worn in years, testing to see how well it fit despite how it would imply she had to have gained weight for any of that to change, making sure all the pleats were just right. She was then treated to an excellent view of Mutan leaving for the shooting-range.

She'd be performing laundry first, of course; providing Mutan a bit of a head-start to shoot some targets in peace before the others would even be informed of the informal meeting.

But as time marched on, Jarred eventually did return to inform Adria of an invitation to blow stuff up; this eventually led to a slight commotion in the halls that notified both Isaac and Erika that something interesting would be happening involving Mutan, Adria, Tenna, and firearms. Mortimer did not seem to show much interest.

When the dysfunctional ensemble of shipmates arrived, they were floored to discover that apparently 'high casual' meant 'wear an evening-gown', leaving only herself, Tenna, and Erika properly dressed for the occasion; as neither Isaac nor Adria had packed any evening-gowns.
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