Not to be nagging, but we're wondering what sort of feature(s) you're working on currently for the guild, @Mahz...
There's not much to do down in our thread with the collection of suggestions other than to add new ideas from people to it. It'd be wonderful to remove ideas from the list due to them being coded in too. It feels sad to only add more and more good ideas without seeing anything come of them.
I haven't been making much visible progress. I've been trying to tackle more "soft" issues like the fact that I have 10-15 half-finished features sitting on my local computer.
For example, a couple months ago in this thread I announced the imminent release of the "local-save" post feature when I was 90% finished... but I ran out of time on Sunday night before I could finish the final 10%. Instead of blowing my load in this thread I should've just spent that time on actually completing it.
In general, I've been trying to clean things up on my local computer and remember just where the heck I left off on all these features.

It's like trying to finish an essay you started a year ago even though you just have to finish that final paragraph — to even write that final paragraph a year later, you have to re-read the whole thing multiple times to reverse-engineer your game plan and credentialize in your unfinished work which you aren't even that happy with since it's so unpolished/unrefined. And you spend half the time wondering if it would be faster just to start over from scratch.

My first task today is to improve the ContestMod kit so that
@mdk and
@Terminal can finally edit the "Current Contest" in the sidebar, so that's what I'll be working on. It physically pains me when I carve out a chunk of Guild-time only to realize (like right now) that I'm 7 days late on updating the sidebar, and it undoubtedly prevents contest participation from being what it could be. So I'm super amped to get this done finally, and I think it will be a boon for the contest system.
My second task is to try to fix
@Shienvien's cookie issue.
A while back,
@Hank pointed out how unusable the chat is on mobile and it's been sitting in my priority list. I took a look at what I'd need to do to resolve this and I need to just rewrite it to address these issues from scratch which escalates the task into it's-gonna-take-a-full-Saturday territory, so I have no ETA on that. Felt like Hank and anyone else struggling with chat on mobile or a slow computer deserved an update on that.
As usual, I'll keep this thread updated with any other development that I happen to tackle. Ideally my third task will be to finish off one of the unfinished features I've been organizing on my computer.
@Mahz: Just in case you changed anything with the login cookies as you mentioned you might - browser restarts still log me out.
It's weird because I checked the code and I haven't touched it since I last "fixed" it months ago.

As I mention above in this post, I'll implement my hotfix idea today and then query you later on to see if it resolves your issue.
Could you please fix that URL parser of yours?
Its making it impossible to use `code` tags to help people fix stuff like their sigs... It overrules disabled BBcode and eats ending tags like `img`.
Hmm, okay. I'll see if there's a simple solution. What makes it hard is that the BBCode pipeline looks like:
thePost -> processBBCode -> autolinkUrls -> html
The `autolinkUrls` step just doesn't have access to the `processBBCode` metadata to make decisions like "okay, ignore stuff between these tags" which is why I haven't though of a trivial fix. But I'll take a look at it after the work I've provisioned for myself earlier in this post.
Thanks for the feedback guys.