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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Comrade Doge
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jake Lawton - Roanpur

AHHHH!, Jake scream as he thought he fall into the cave.

"I must be dreaming!", Jake said to himself, he thought the Battle for the Mines between the Vigilantes and the Desperados was a dream but it is not, the scenario was existed which the Desperados lost the battle and their controlled mines. Seconds later, he began to realize that this is not the Wild West but an unfamiliar surroundings (alleyway); more like a futuristic-like era. He never seen this kind of surroundings before. He began to stand up and put his sniper rifle on his back.

Where the hell am I?, Jake was confused. It is impossible if he got kidnap by the Vigilantes, Rangers, or Banditos since this is a strange world he got to. He began to leave the alleyway.

As he left the alleyway, he looks at the futuristic city that fulls of villains like criminals, bandits, Pirates, outlaws, and other villainous entities. He was amazed by the view. Jake is considered a lawful evil in the outside and good in the inside. He began to realize that he is on another world and then a bandit bumped into him by purpose. Jake looks at him but he doesn't care because it is an attention seeker. What the hell is this place anyway?, Jake was thinking about this place. He was walking until he saw a bar, it was named 'Yellow Flag'."A bar, finally.", Jake was excited to enter this bar.

As he entered the bar; the bar was full of goddamn pirates, bandits, outlaws, etc. Why I didn't see a single innocent person?, Jake was thinking about his own statement but anyways he goes straight to the bartender, some of them looks at Jake because of his suit, his equipment, and his robotic left eye, they began to get scared at him but Jake ignored them. Jake sit down on a chair. He look at the bartender and Jake said, "Excuse me, mate, but do you have a whiskey here?" the bartender just nodded and give him a whiskey. "Thank you.", Jake said and then he heard the conversation between the Russian girl and this..shadow creature, Jake never seen that kind of creature before, he then overheard all of their conversation and he pretended like it never happen.

After that Jake heard about this two people having conversation with each other. Jake looked at an apparent ballerina which 'looks' younger. "Excuse me, miss, I know we're in the bar but what is this 'city' called, could you please tell me?" Jake asked the apparent ballerina, questioning her, he is waiting for her response. @Flamelord
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Garie - Yellow Flag

"Hm?" An eye flickered over as Garie noticed the person addressing her, and a very interesting one at that. The robotic eye and the various other aspects made it almost impossible to ignore, though they paled in comparison to her own creation and design, as well as that of her master. But the fact that the memories she had pulled didn't contain him didn't conclusively point to being a newcomer, so she would act accordingly.

So she kept her attention on him as she shifted into a different pose, balancing on one foot with her arm outstretched, the sound of clicking gears audible at the same time. "It's called 'The City," she replied matter of factly, bearing a tiny smirk at the same time. "But as for this particular part, I believe it's called Roanpur." If her memories were right anyway.

She wouldn't give much pause though as she turned to a question of her own, still addressing the stranger as she watched and assessed the situation. "Let me guess, you're new here too?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GameGuruGG
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Juri, Yellow Flag

"...What?" Juri seemed rather confused by Fawful's odd speech patterns so when he spoke, it took her a bit to understand him. Then the Russian woman explained the situation and she moved out of her fighting stance, though she still had a smirk on her face. Her head shifted downwards, hiding her eyes in shadow, but anyone would notice that her left eye was shining purple while under shadow. It was the Feng Shui Engine. Like a few of the others, Juri also was a cyborg, but a much more subtle and ki-based one. In fact, she was looking in the direction of a cyborg who looked like some cowboy from a very weird Western.

"Whatever... I'm willing to help you out if you want someone who can fight, so long as I get some cash and a place to stay," Juri offered to the woman. She figured if the offer was good enough for the green bean, it was good enough for her... At least, until she could figure out how to proceed further in her plans to get back home and have her revenge against M.Bison. However, there was a question she had in the back of her mind that she wanted answered.

"What happened to the last lot?"

Chun-Li, Mahora

Chun-Li also decided to leave the psycho there to head with the others to the carts, hoping that he behaves better. Trying defiantly to ignore the sentient humanoid garbage truck as that was a bit too weird even given the ape and the pony, Chun-Li found the group greeted by a Chinese girl that had to be a teenager. Well, that explained the Chinese food at least. However, this was someone with knowledge about where they were... And despite her and the Japanese boy in Chinese garb currently scarfing down a family-size bowl of rice, she's going to guess they weren't in China. Chun-Li grabbed a chair herself and sat down beside Ranma.

"I would like to get straight to the point... but I'll be glad to have some of your chicken lo mein as well," Chun-Li eventually decided to say to the consummate businesswoman. After all, she was going to take this opportunity to have some food from her native land, and it was only polite to accept the offer of food. In addition, she wanted to see just how good a cook Chao Lingshen was. It seemed like the Japanese boy in Chinese garb loves her fried rice given how... eager he is to eat it, so that was a good sign.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Faust like everyone else was walking (Crawling in his case) over to the train carts, He was deep in thought as his mind raced all over the place thinking of all the new arrivals, well it was until he heard a scream from above so he looked up and saw a man in golden armor come crashing down towards the ground. Faust's eye widened at the sight he needed to get to him fast as he could to check if that man sustained any serious injury also he didn't have to much faith in that armor.

Because as fancy and royal it looked he knew it wouldn't protect him all that well, Gold may be a heavy metal but it is also really frail so he stood up to his full-height (his six foot scalpel barley reaching his waist) and opened his inter-dimensional door. when Faust Opened the door again he was inside of the crater that Pridemoor had caused with his impact crouched down and began looking him over, the armor had taken quite beating but it seemed to have held up quite well but Faust had make sure that the knight inside hadn't taken any damage so tried shaking the knight lightly "Sir? Sir? are you awake?" he got no response other then some incoherent babbling with no other choice Faust had no choice then to begin removing the knight's armor, so he reached for the helmat
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


An impact like that should have dented a cement mixer like Dizzy beyond belief.

So when she wheeled out, dazed but unscathed, she perked up with initial confusion, then sighed with relief, sagging a bit on her axles. Now that's what I call heavy-duty construction equipment.

Dizzy rattled her head and spun her tumbler to get the figurative aches out, then took a look at her surroundings. A bit of a ways away was a large, fancy classroom building, seemingly abandoned. (Must be the weekend, Dizzy thought to herself.) It had a western-European flair to its structure, perhaps Czech, or something along the lines. Maybe Bob would know.

Speaking of Bob, where was he? Dizzy twirled around on her rear wheels, her head turning in confusion. She struggled to remember what happened. Had she fallen off a construction project? No, that couldn't be; Bob wasn't working on a tower or anything, and even if he was, Dizzy would have stayed firmly on the ground. Bob would have used a wheelbarrow to carry the concrete around.

Dizzy pounded her left wheel into her right. The machines had retired for the night; Dizzy was whisked away after a day of work.

"That leaves the question," the orange cement mixer declared, her mouth spinning upside down to show her confusion. "'Where am I?'"

Dizzy whirled around and tilted her head to the left, noting the two conjoined train cars. Her wheels squeaked as she circled here way around the train cars and into the congregation of people and... other entities. Dizzy looked up and saw a gorilla standing atop a large, orange machine that looked like it was built from a garbage truck.

Circling around, she saw a few women, a few men... one of the men had a paper bag upon his head, and he was huge. Speaking of which, he seemed to be tending to a regal knight clad in gilded armor.

Perhaps the obvious question would be, "Who are you, and where am I?"

Dizzy instead blurted, "Hi! I'm Dizzy!" She chippily gyrated about the center of the cluster of folks around her. Donkey Kong turned his head towards Dizzy and stared in confusion at the energetic cement mixer. "What kind of music do you guys like?" she asked.

Donkey Kong grinned. Now here was an interesting question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Krieg - Mahora

Krieg felt the pressure of the stranger release, allowing the Psycho to stand up in a sudden manner. He grinned at Ranma before saying to him, "I'm so happy I could KILL you!" Ranma would most likely regret letting him roam free once again. As he looked around, there seemed to be new people coming from the sky, this was similar to the moon shots that Hyperion sends down to deploy their droids, but this time living things were being dropped! However, the giant metal robot seemed to be similar to the loader-bots, but it wasn't decked with flesh ripping weapons, so it was safe... For now. Krieg was pacified for now, the pain had calmed him down, but causing him pain could also make him go livid in rage... Hey, he is still a psycho at heart.

"Ok... I don't think anyone really wants to talk to us, that is good. Further they are, less of a change you can slice off arms."

"I like my treasure like I like my baby steaks, raaaaare..."

"This is why no one wishes to talk to us." Krieg started to chuckle madly, however, the smell of food soon brought him over to the new stranger. She started to speak some nonsense that Krieg didn't understand, but he soon found that she was cooking food, and food was always something good for ones health. The Psycho walked over to the cooking lady, with a furious scream of laughter, he would order his food. "I WANT A SKIN PIZZA WITH EXTRA ROADKILL ON TOP!"

"Ugh, no. We had constipation for months after we ate that, and I'm not even sure if it was the pizza that completely gave us the constipation. You eat a lot of weird shit. So, irder something normal, or you'll lose the privilege to piss on corpses."

"UrrghhhhH! I WANT A HUMAN RIB- EXTRA-RARE STEAK TO GO!" Krieg soon saw another moon shot hit the ground, and it seemed this creature was very different from the others. It looked like some sort of small, deformed, outrider. He walked over to the Dizzy and screamed out his answer to the question. "I LIKE THE DYING SCREAMS OF MY ENEMIES AS I TEAR INTO THEIR BLOOD CANALS FROM THEIR WARM MEAT CHUCKS!"

The Overlord - Roanapur

The Overlord was getting impatient, there was nothing to gain from here but more confusing riddles and more annoying people inside of this bar. He was used to being the solo villain inside of his adventures, ruling over the loyal minions was the only company he trusted and needed on the battlefield. He tried contacting Gnarl once again, but it resulted in static leaving the Overlord extremely pissed. He hasn't noticed any of the snipers lining up their shots, and he would have already destroyed, killed, and stolen all the loot and life force from the building as he would have pleased, but that would only be with the minions. He was strong, yes, but he relied more on his minions to take the brunt and do most of the damage for him. The Overlord slightly grumbled, he could most likely take over half of the people inside his room, but it would result in his death. He grumbled even more, he shall personally torture every single person in this bar by the end of this adventure.

Pissed off, and not being able to kill anyone without being killed himself, he walked towards the exit to leave the accursed place. Pushing the door open, he found himself back in the unfamiliar landscape that was known as the City. He looked around, his glowing eyes scanning the area before spotting something shifting the darkness. It was human, the figure seemed that it belonged to a human, but he knew all to well about judge things by appearance before brutally murdering them. The Overlord's hand soon started to spark in fire, a bright flame spawning from his hand to see the figure outside of the tavern, lurking about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Eventually the ringing in Lordgenome's ears subsided, as did the shiver that ran through his bones. It took far longer for him to feel like getting up than he expected, and he still wasn't feeling completely up to par, but the sound of more explosions and indistinct shouting nearby broke him from these thoughts. Tapping one of the Lazengann's controls, he allowed the canopy to become transparent on his side, allowing him to see out of it, though no one around him could see in. He was staring up at a clear, blue sky, only slightly marred by the smoke still rising from his crater. Deciding to right himself, he took hold of the controls and willed the Lazengann to stand back up on its stubby legs. He tottered a bit, still dizzy, but soon had his balance.

The small, squat robot clumsily climbed up and out of the crater it had made in the ground, and wandered a short distance. Lordgenome tried to get his bearings; he was in a campus of some kind, as far as he could tell. But that wasn't the strange part. He felt like he was late to some sort of costume party, judging by the company that he was in. The gorilla and the flying, purple horse stood out most to him, but the raving lunatic and talking construction equipment were also notable personages. Lordgenome blinked slowly, and then shook his head vigorously, sending his shaggy hair whipping every which way. Maybe he was just concussed and hallucinating. Looking back, he figured that either he was very severely psychotic at the present moment, or something very strange was happening. He wasn't about to rule out either one.

Without trying to disturb the present company too much, he kept his canopy opaque and slowly walked through the present gathering, trying to keep to the edge of the crowd and avoid attracting too much attention. He didn't know who these people were, or how they would react to seeing the Lazengann, and so he kept a tight grip on the control handles, prepared for the possibility of conflict suddenly breaking out.


Information-gathering had been largely unsuccessful, Marchesa admitted to herself. No one that was around her seemed to know any more than she did, which was disappointing. Even so, she stuck close to the tavern where many persons seemed to be gathering. She stuck herself near an open window, listening in on whatever discussion went on. A gruff, female voice spoke out, bringing up such matters of a person known as the Viewer. Interesting, now Marchesa was finally learning something, even if it didn't make much sense to her.

In any case, that woman seemed to command some degree of authority. Marchesa made a mental note to become more acquainted with her sometime in the near future. The difficult matter was that she currently possessed no influence. It was not power, but influence that dictated who was in control, and as it was she had absolutely nothing to work with. No money, no contacts, no political clout. This would have to be the first issue that she remedied, even before getting a tour of who was who in this "bird cage."

As she was pondering these things, a large man in a suit of armor stepped out, and conjured a flame in his hand. He seemed to be looking in Marchesa's direction, and she did not take well to having attracted the attention of such a strange figure. She attempted to skulk back into the shadows, rounding the corner of the tavern to disappear from sight. She dashed at the pace that her heeled shoes and long skirts would allow her, ducking into an alley once she found one. With a quick illusion, she threw up the image of a brick wall at the mouth of the alley, disguising the path she took, and then ran back around behind the buildings that she now found herself behind.

However, in her haste, Marchesa had not realized that she had no idea where she was going. She stopped suddenly, skidding to a halt in front of two large men. Both were burly, lowborn types that Marchesa was unfortunately familiar with; quick to fight but slow of wit. Each man reeked of alcohol, and beyond their towering frames both carried a short blade on his belt, as well as a strange, metal item that Marchesa assumed to be a weapon. Taking notice of Marchesa, the two uttered various vulgarities in a tongue unknown to the Black Rose, and closed in on her with foul intent in their eyes. Marchesa scowled; these situations were far below her, and it aggravated her to no end to be in one.

Either way, she had the upper hand in this matter, as though she was on in her years, Marchesa was still quick on her feet, and was not inebriated as these men were. She ducked forward, and gave the closer man a sharp kick in his groin. As he howled in pain and collapsed to his knees, Marchesa snatched the knife from his belt, and thrust the blade into his throat. Blood spurted from the wound, splattering Marchesa, as the man gurgled his last words. She removed the knife and kicked the dying man aside, and turned her attention to the other. Unfortunately for her, the man was perilously close, and had the advantage in reach. There was little room for maneuvering, and so Marchesa was reduced to slashing wildly at the man as he attempted to grab her. She wasn't a warrior; she really had no skill with this sort of thing, and it was quickly tiring her. She needed to either get away, or otherwise even the odds in her favor. Reaching the point of desperation in this struggle, the Black Rose tried out a tactic well-known to women in similar situations: she screamed, as loud and long as her voice would allow her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Comrade Doge
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Comrade Doge Member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jake Lawton - Yellow Flag

Jake takes a sip from his whiskey. As the girl replied, Jake replied, "Roanpur..never heard that before.", as for that, Jake takes another sip from his whiskey as the girl replied to him once again. Jake said, "I'm new to this so-called city, miss, and I don't know how the hell did I get here. I'm surprised that I didn't see a single innocent person here on this city." he paused for a second, "By the way, miss, what's your name? Your the only person i talk to this city for the first time and how about we could work together? I mean, escape this city and let's go back where we belong." Jake said, waiting for the girl's response.@Flamelord
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Garie - Yellow Flag

Once more Garie listened as the newcomer confirmed what she had expected, before asking for her assistance in getting out of this place. Well, less assistance and more asking if they could team up to do so. There was something to that, she would admit, but she was willing to be more cuatious at the moment. As it stood she had a leg up in information, so it couldn't hurt to be a bit more aloof when it came to her interaction with other people.

"You can call me Autoscorer," she replied enigmatically, refusing to reveal her true name. This guy didn't seem worthy of knowing it, and until he proved that he could sing, or she deemed him worthy of knowing her name like Carol did, then that was just what he would get. It wasn't her problem after all.

Her head tilted then as she grinned, revealing sharp teeth as she watched the cowboy. "And why should I do that? What's in it for me?" She wasn't about to join up with someone for no good reason, especially when it might determine whether she saw Carol again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Comrade Doge
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Comrade Doge Member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jake Lawton - Yellow Flag

"Nice to meet you, Autoscorer, you can call me the Marksman.", Jake replied but he doesn't want to tell his true name and his true personality as Jake doesn't know this apparent ballerina very well. Jake's robotic left eye was glowing very red and targeted Autoscorer's eye to toe which contains Autoscorer's biography although Autoscorer's real name didn't appeared in his 'information'. How the hell her real name didn't appear to her biography, what the hell?', Jake was confuse at that moment but he had this 'Never mind' attitude.

His eyes glow as Autoscorer revealed her teeth, at least, he was not that shock since he saw many people wearing sharp teeth like a scene where Jake and a vampirous-like Bandito fights each other. "Nice 'teeth', miss Autoscorer, are you using it as your self-defense?" Jake fake his cough for a sec, "It's because of your sharp teeth even though I don't know your skills yet, it's fine if you don't work with me because I'm independent myself." Jake replied to the Autoscorer, waiting for Autoscorer's response. @Flamelord
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Garie - Yellow Flag

Well then, it seemed that she wasn't the only aloof one here. Something of a pity, but she would deal with it in turn. It wasn't as if it was a major problem after all. So instead she watched idly as the robotic eye looked her over, comparing it to her own knowledge. It seemed to be nothing amazing, but she would treat it with caution anyway.

At the mention of her teeth, she shifted into a new position, standing perfectly straight and with her arm raised to extend her length as she closed an eye."Of course not. I have much better weapons that something as boring as biting people," she countered. Honestly, how was that an assumption that he could even make right now? Still, she did give him an answer. "ANd why should i? I seem to be doing fine on my own." Time to see what he had to offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azakma

Azakma And Zombies Are Kicking My Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clementine - Roanapur?

Being well rested can save your life. Sleeping deeply can mean your death. When Clementine woke, she felt as though she'd been dreaming, and dreaming of falling. She remembered going to sleep in a car she had found, both for shelter from the walkers and from the weather. In the split second before she opened her eyes, she felt hot. She'd been going north for weeks. Kenny's plan wasn't bad, even if he was gone now. She opened her eyes and felt fear. She wasn't in the car, she was under the open sky, and in the middle of a city. Part of that fear faded as she stood up and drew her gun. The air smelled awful, but it smelled of sea breeze and garbage, not the smell of rotting flesh she was so familiar with.

Part of her fear was replaced with new fear. She had no idea where she was or how she'd gotten there. In the distance she could hear gunfire and at least one scream. No one seemed to be around, living or dead, but the place certainly didn't seem safe. Something else felt wrong, too. She was now standing in a small crater, and there were several others nearby, empty. The greatest sources of light came from a nearby building. A bright yellow neon sign read "YELLOWFLAG" and in front of the building was a gaudy statue of some sort of knight that seemed to have some sort of gas lamp built into its outstretched hand. Before she had the chance to judge whoever made the decision to put a statue there, in front of the door and facing down the street, it finally hit her what felt off about this city.

Electricity? and now that she listened, voices were coming from YELLOWFLAG? However concerned she was about how she got here, wherever here was, it all faded away. People were living here, there was power, no one was hiding. She couldn't hear any generators. Had this place recovered? Had it never been touched in the first place? Because she seemed alone, Clem tucked the gun back into her waistband, clicking the safety back on as she did. Because the air was so hot, she took off her jacket. It was stained with blood. All of her clothes were, and almost none of it was hers.

Walking slowly and as quietly as she could towards YELLOWFLAG, Clementine kept her free hand close to her hip. If the people inside the building were dangerous, her single gun wasn't likely to save her, but something told her it was better to go inside than stay in the street. She felt uneasy as she passed the statue. It seemed out of place, and the closer she got the less sure she was that it really was a statue. It was facing away from her up the street, but she couldn't see anything to actually cause that fire. Maybe she was still dreaming, but thinking about it didn't wake her up, and it didn't feel like she was asleep. She opened the door, just wide enough to fit through, and sidled inside. YELLOWFLAG was apparently a bar. She'd been in more than a few, scavenging for anything that might be useful, but she'd never been in one this full. The people inside looked nervous but normal. Most of the patrons were paying very close attention to some people further inside. Clementine could see a few flashes of brighter colors, some red, some purple, some green, some blue, but she couldn't clearly see any of the people wearing them.

Few of the people in the bar seemed to notice her. The patrons that did looked immediately more nervous. Clem didn't understand that. An older, scarred woman seemed to see her immediately, even as small as she was and as quietly as she'd tried to be. Living people or not, this place really didn't seem safe. Too late to turn back now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Overlord - Roanapur

The Overlord peered closer into the shadows, the flame flickering inside of his hand as ember floated down onto the ground. He knew there was something lurking around, but his eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness as he had gotten used to the eternal flames of the Netherworld to brighten up the place. He hasn't moved just yet, it took patience to find the opportune moment to strike, any wrong move could kill him or dozens of his minions if used stupidly. Just as he was about to take another step forward, yet another meteor struck the earth, the Overlord glanced to the side to see what other new enemy would come out of the crater. The Metal Man was lightly surprised to see that the figure was just some small human, the only memories he had of children were merely just lots of teasing and bullying, those adults were now his slaves. The Overlord continued to stare at the little girl, but his interest was soon depleted, nothing that small could ever harm a mighty man like himself. He looked back towards the shrouded figure, however, his adjusted eyes caught just a glimpse of the figure turning a corner.

The apparent 'statue' did not even take another glance at Clementine as she moved around him, he was deciding if following the figure would lead to some kind of trap. Woman in his universe never really tried to do anything too harmful to the Overlord, though they did tend to deplete his treasury with all of their decorations of the Nethertower. However, this world was different, stranger than any other place that he had ever seen before, and the commoners seemed to know a lot more than he did, so he needed to stay cautious. As Clementine entered Yellow Flag, a piercing scream resounded through the area, maybe it was the mysterious figure. Well the scream belonged to a lady, he knew the screaming of humans too well, but it could also be some kind of mighty beast preying on the denizens of the strange land. The Overlord continued to think for another second, it was his choice to check out the noise or stay with the people that he despised... Well, the Overlord was no cat, so he would be fine.

Briskly walking towards the sounds of the screams, he turned the corner that the figure did as well to only find some sort of wall blocking his path. Did the figure somehow scale over this wall? They might be useful if they are that agile, however, the Overlord didn't need to be agile, he had power. Continuing to speed walk, he drew out his two-handed mace, the Overlord raised it above his head as the walking soon turned into a running start and he swung as hard as he could towards the wall to shatter it into pieces. However, he hadn't expected the wall to be an illusion as the mace he swung was absorbed into the wall and soon the Overlord followed suit.

He stumbled forward, managing to keep his balance from the mighty swing that would make most people fall flat upon their face. Magic? Magicians were rare in his land, were they common in this land? Well, the Overlord became more curious to what he was supposed to find as he continued to follow the screaming. Turning around yet another corner, the Overlord finally saw where the screaming was coming from. He was right, it was some lady, but she was being confronted by some large brute that the minions would love to play hopscotch in. He glanced down to find his friend dying on the ground, blood gushing from his body as the other continued to advance upon the helpless woman. Hrm, the Overlord didn't really care about the screaming lady, but the Overlord did have the need to release some stress. This shall be a test, if the woman can dodge his fire blast quick enough in this narrow alley causing her assailant to take the blast, then she might prove useful, if she dies then he gets to roast two people. The Overlord's hand sparked once again, although this time, his entire fist was engulfed in flames as it burned through the air. Without another thought, the Overlord raised his hand towards the two and fired a flaming ball of fire that would most likely burn anyone alive if not protected by some type of spell of armor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Dizzy's grin flipped for a bit as Krieg's screaming had startled her. She jumped back a ways, arching her chassis like a cat, before returning to her usual bell-shaped grin and flexing back out. "Oh!" Dizzy exclaimed, upon comprehending (albeit in a somewhat skewed manner) Krieg's answer. "Is that some sort of heavy-death-metal album?" she asked sweetly, her moony eyes wide with curiosity.

Donkey Kong stared at Krieg in horror, his jaw dropping open and his eyes bugging out.

Dizzy turned her head towards Donkey Kong, noting his expression of mortification. "I guess he just doesn't like metal," she presumed, her mouth flipping upside-down again and her left eyelid lowering. The cement mixer then seated herself upon the ground, placing the rear of her chassis upon the grass and looking up to watch Twilight Sparkle flutter about, occasionally glancing expectantly back at the others for their answers.

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong decided to ignore the psycho for a bit and return to the topic that everybody seemed to have at hand: the consumption of food. And apes are always good on good eats.

On the subject of the cement mixer's question, Donkey Kong would just have to give a bongo demonstration. Now if only he had a good set of bongos, then he could jam.

A banana would only sate Donkey Kong for so long; the gorilla patted his stomach and heard it rumble. Those spices did smell quite tasty.

Donkey Kong saluted Wreck-Gar and gave him an awkward grin before sliding down the Autobot's chassis and slamming on the ground.

He then lumbered into the train-car hut and thumped his hand on the counter. "Banana," he grunted, meaning "Something tasty that involved banana."

Donkey Kong turned his head over and gaped at Wario, who had quite rudely barged in and demanded all the food in the restaurant. DK sighed. Some people never change. The gorilla tapped on Wario's shoulder and grunted in annoyance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Filia – Chinese Eatery

Filia watched, distracted for a moment, as a golden comet streaked down from the heavens to smash into the nearby school. It fazed her precious little; though the fantastical assortment of different people, animals, and machines around her still set her on edge and piqued her curiosity, the novelty of how they arrived ceased to move her. After observing the gargantuan physician Faust scuttle the meteor's way, Filia turned her attention to a fat man approaching at great speed. For a moment she found herself entranced by the incredible shape of his mustache, but beyond that the yellow-clad biker did not impress. At least Samson will have a friend in that guy, she mused over Wario's garlic obsession. Big eaters always become pals. With that out of the way, Filia finally refocused back on Kino, only to find that Kino's attention had wandered too. Oops. She hadn't listened to Kino's reply. Now how would she know the secret of dealing with all this strangeness?

A moment later, another young woman appeared, and this one not from the sky but from the tram cars. Hungry as she was, Filia nearly forgot about the idea of food when Chao hinted at something far more satisfying: answers. Though Chun-Li expressed an interest in this, it was Filia that became the first to actually pursue the subject. “Hello, miss. I'm Filia. If you have any kind of information that can help me, I'd be very happy to know. I could even do something for you in return, if you like.” The offer came out of nowhere, or precisely, from Filia's instinct. How strange...in her past life, the one locked away in a vault of amnesia, did she have experience with deals?

Of course, the next moment a new slew of distractions threatened to rob her of her moment of truth. Two mechanical beings, one small and orange and the other huge and intimidating, approached the gathering of heroes. Filia's hat moved visibly now, clear evidence of Samson's unease. When Dizzy acted first, giving unto those present a greeting and an odd question, Filia flitted between the diminutive cement mixer and the qipao-clad girl who could potentially shed some light on the situation. “Uh...” That route ended quickly, however, when Krieg replied to Dizzy's innocent inquiry with a storm of sadistic shouts.

Samson chimed in, ”Want me to turn him into putty?” In response, Filia could only shake her head, hoping that nobody heard him. Things kept getting weirder and weirder.

DIO – Roanpur

Blood flowed across the ground, sliding over concrete and into tiny cracks. The crimson flow saturated the roots of a lone dandelion, a tiny and defiant piece of nature sprouting from a stone-hard wasteland. Would its yellow petals turn red like the vital juices that now watered it, as tribute to the brutish man choking on his own essence? Or would his death go unmarked like the insect he was, and that dandelion drown to death in a substance meant to sustain life? This question, more so than the fate of the humans below, occupied DIO. He stood above, just as he was meant to, observing the alleyway conflict below. At the very least, he could admit that these beasts of men could have been more useful than many of the spawn already in his service.

The sound of metal pounding into stone caused DIO to glance off to the side. Before his eyes, a metallic behemoth burst through the illusory wall, nearly humiliating himself in the process. When the Overlord released a shower of flame to course through the alley and fry anyone within, DIO smiled. Before him stood two potential Stand users—or if not Stand users, two potential allies at least. The fire seared brick, concrete, and flesh alike, and as the inferno briefly raged DIO raised his hands and clapped loudly.

Now, whoever that still lived below would begin to feel his presence. Perhaps they, bearing wills more powerful than the everyday human, were not immediately enticed by the vampire, but all the same it would prove difficult to ignore him. DIO clapped twice more, smiling, and stepped over the edge of the rooftop upon which he stood. Before he'd fallen a foot, he jammed a foot into the bricks with such force as to embed his foot there. By repeating the feet, he walked right down the side of the sheer wall, tranquil as could be. ”A most splendid feat of magic. I could not feel the heat on my face, but still, quite the show!” He cast a glance toward Marchesa. ”And to survive it...remarkable indeed! Could it be that I've discovered individuals of great talent in my city?” And so the trap was set.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Ever smiling in a knowing way, the proprietress of the eatery seemed to blur for a bit after she heard everyone's suggestions before coming back and setting down platters of suddenly cooked food down with a flourish. No one knew exactly what happened and how she got the food out, save for the fact that before she moved a pocket watch she had on her person briefly flashed. What was set down were indeed genuine Chinese cooking, though with a bit of a twist for the more picky eaters. Chun-Li got her lo mein with plenty of fresh spring vegetables and springy noodles that were fried with a fragrant aroma along with chunks of firm, juicy chicken mingled among the dish. Donkey Kong got all sorts of banana based foodstuffs ranging from banana-nut pancakes to banana fritters and even sweet banana soup. Wario... well, he got a whole bunch of extra strength shrimp in garlic sauce and garlic chicken over garlic rice. Krieg simply got what looked like a large doggy bag filled with random kitchen scraps like bones with bits of gristle and meat still stuck on it and vegetable peels thrown inside. "Thank you for coming over to our Chao Bao Zi. The first time will always be free.~" That ever enigmatic smile continued to show on her face, the girl waited a bit before everyone was comfortable before giving out much needed exposition. Somehow, people would get the feeling that she enjoyed doing so.

"In any case, you are all here in the City due to a very enigmatic being called the Viewer. From information I've gathered from my own tenure here, this place seems to be a small self contained country drifting in between fully established universes and dimensions. It is called the City simply because no one could decide on what to call it otherwise, and thus this compromise. Generally, people and things are brought in at random whenever the City grows, which is daily. Sometimes though, special key players happen to be dragged into the mess and given a bit more privileges than the rest. That would be you all. Simply put, you're "main characters" who are to provide the Viewer with entertainment." At this, Chao's smile finally faded away, revealing a bit of a grimace that was much at odds with her earlier cheerful attitude. "You're to do certain tasks while you're here and should you succeed in such, you are rewarded by the Viewer himself. You can also choose to disregard the missions, but I would advise you take it so you can receive things such as supplies and special equipment rather than having to scrounge about the place for them yourselves. Generally, you're only here for a month before you get sent home though surviving is easier said than done, due to the fact that the very place itself will try to challenge you. At the end of all this, the Viewer himself will come out and send back those who finished his challenge."

Having finished his family sized platter, Ranma quietly took it all in for a moment before his face scrunched up and a glower came onto his youthful countenance. "So we're here for some big yahoo to watch like we're a tv program." His words was scathing and a certain amount of heat could be felt, as well as overall disgust. The pigtailed teen was used to being manipulated, for sure, but this? This was something that truly angered him. Not least the fact that the idiot in charge seemed to drag in children and people that couldn't even defend themselves! "...I'll play along for now, if only so at the end of all this I can wallop that jerkass in the face for all this. And to help out the rest... Not everyone is used to crap like this like I am." Rubbing his pigtail and mumbling that last word, the boy averted his eyes the gathered beings. Though he still kept a thorough eye on Krieg, waiting to see if the man would start something while idly hefting the large and substantial disc in his hand as if he was contemplating throwing it.


"This is Roanapur. Violence and dirty deeds are all in high demand here." Smirking as she enjoyed the ballsiness of the newcomers, Balalaika then let out what she knew about the place. Much like Chao said, though with a lot more mocking and jadedness thrown in. "Basically, we're all trapped birds dancing about in the Viewer's palms and only certain people can escape like you all. At the very end of the month, He himself will come out of that ridiculous tower to greet the survivors. And that is when we have the best chance to kill him, since he'll have exhausted the majority of his powers for self gratification and frivolousness." An absolutely feral smile came onto the normally languid woman's face, the thought of offing a god appealing mightily to her. "In the meantime, Roanapur beckons. You all seem capable, so simply get whatever you need from the common riffraff with any method you like so long as you don't cause too much problems. This is Hell, where the strong eat the weak and morals are naught but chains of hypocrisy. And come tomorrow morning, things will get hectic and the games shall commence. Won't that be interesting?" Dark chuckles emerged once more, this time with a hint of bloodlust.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GameGuruGG
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chun-Li, Mahora

As she ate her lo mein (impressively good chicken lo mein, in fact), Chun-Li tried her darnest to ignore the talking cement truck and the second mech that showed up as well. When Chao explained the situation that there was a Viewer who was going to challenge them throughout the month and that they would get supplies and special equipment by going through these missions. Chun-Li sighed feeling annoyed that she was stuck here for the month. She couldn't outright deny what Chao had said. After all, she had seen talking, living machines, apes, and unicorns now. Denial was just not happening, so she had to accept what Chao was saying.

"I agree with the pigtail boy here," Chun-Li said, referring to Ranma and punching her palm when she said 'wallop.' "Unfortunately, all we can do for now is wait, but once we can meet him, we can... err, 'wallop' him and force him to reconsider kidnapping people for his amusement."

Unlike Ranma, Chun-Li kept her eyes directly at Krieg, ready to beat him up should he turn violent again. This guy was just crazy and needed sense beat into him badly.

Juri, Roanapur

"Ah, metaphorical... That appeals to me," Juri smirked as Balalaika explained the situation. Killing a god is not something she had ever tried before, but it should be fun. Unfortunately, she had to wait a month before she could do so which annoyed her to no end. Juri pulled out what remained of her cash on hand and threw it to the counter. "Get me something hard."

Juri could always kick someone's ass to get more money. She scanned the room looking over its occupants. Other than the green bean and the wild west cyborg, there were two children there, one who looked to be conversing with the wild west cyborg, and the other, looking like she stepped into the wrong place despite the bloody outfit she wore. She had survived a fight with someone, that was for sure. Juri could not help but be reminded of what happened to her when her parents were murder and her original left eye was damaged.

"And a Coke for the kid," Juri added to her order and beckoned Clementine over. "Kid, sit with me."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azakma

Azakma And Zombies Are Kicking My Ass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clementine - The Yellow Flag

Clem took the offer. Despite the wave of startled looks as the customers noticed her, the atmosphere mostly didn't feel too dangerous. There were some stools at the counter, and she pulled one of them closer to the woman, draped her jacket over the seat, and sat on it. "Thanks" she said, both to Juri and the barkeep as a glass bottle of coke was handed to her. It reminded her of home, and of her parents. She was only allowed to drink Coke on special occasions. She hadn't seen many bottles since the outbreak, either.

She looked at the woman and thought about what she'd like to ask. How did she get here, and where 'here' was. She'd never heard of Roanapur. She wondered if maybe Christa had made it here too. Most of what the scarred woman had said made no sense to Clem, but she thought she'd heard enough. It's not safe. Survive for a month. She thought about what she wanted to ask, and then she thought about how long it had been since any adult had had any worth-while answers. No one she'd been with since Lee had died seemed to know what to do unless they were taking advantage of people, like Carver.

"I'm Clementine" was all she said, after a few seconds silence. She took a sip of her Coke. She reached into her pocket, took out her granola bar, took a single bite of it and put it back. She thought about the woman's hair and her loose looking pants, and how dangerous both of those things were, and she waited for the woman to say something.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Comrade Doge
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Comrade Doge Member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jake Lawton - Yellow Flag

Jake nodded as she talks about her teeth. Jake sigh as he realize that Autoscorer is also an independent person like himself in his world, as Jake is now having a decision if he is going to be an independent or cooperative in this strange world he stand. "I understand if you do not work with me because we do not know each other yet." Jake notice that there is a blood spill at Autoscorer's shirt, "By the way, why there is a blood over your shirt? Now, I know that you are not an innocent girl because you have done something brutal." Jake asked, waiting for Autoscorer's response. @Flamelord

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Twilight Sparkle - Mahoru


Poor Twilight was really starting to feel the urge to just freak out by now. Here she was in a world not her own, with a bunch of other people, the first one she talks to out of concern just screamed at her and even tried to attack, the second seemed to have decided to just up an ignore her suddenly.

She was feeling fairly desperate for something to focus on that would prevent the seemingly inevitable panic attack that was coming on like a freight train, and it was not being helped 'at all' by the continued arrivals of additional people, and-"wait, what?" This was just absurd! There was now a big metal bipedal thing here that nobody seemed to spazz about... She honestly had bigger concerns on her mind, like the other 'arrival' that nearly struck the girl she'd spoken to who had ceased to react to others.

Seems it was time to get 'nope'ing again.

'could I actually be dreaming all of this? like some kind of weird scrying mistake that's letting me watch but they can't see me? no, that's silly, and the first one noticed me... he definitely did... ugh, why do all the strangest things happen to me?! I really need to calm down butforCelestia'ssakeIfeellikei'mabouttosnapalready!'

By this point she'd started breathing fairly heavy... and that was when the scents that were drawing the others away hit her too, at just the perfect time too as it made her stomach growl and all at once her body demanded focus on food... 'food?' yeah, like that.

A moment she was off like a shot, and it wasn't hard to follow the trail of individuals to the strange train cars that smelled of food. It might be a bit harder to get 'in' though, considering that she found herself decidedly skeptical of the idea of putting herself in the vicinity surrounded by these strange creatures...

Then it struck her like a flying brick!

'what am I 'thinking'?! I'm the princess of freaking friendship, and magic, and i'm ready to give up and break down after my first two failed attempts? granted, one involved hate and screaming and explosions, but so have half of the biggest events in my life! I can't quit that easily! I... mmph... I might be without my friends, but that doesn't mean I should stop trying to make new ones... I hate feeling alone... Even though she knew quiet well, scientifically and philosophically, that pony's were naturally social creatures that benefited from having friends in general, even the smartest could be clouded by moments of intense emotion.

She was moments from gliding in to take her chances when she hear 'the mad man' again, this time screaming about skin pizza and human ribs. Instantly she felt her stomach turn and had to plug her muzzle with a hoof, just the thought of that kind of thing... she really had to wonder where in the world that man had to have come from?! what horror's might have caused him to become like that?

Still, she perhaps had a bit less reason to fear his proximity. Afterall, he seemed to have been fairly easily disarmed the last time, perhaps they could keep him in check if he started screaming and shooting again.

Finally, she stopped flapping and glided down to the group who had gathered around the train cars, just in-time to catch the unsavory explanation that was being share... Her stomach still growled at her and demanded that she address her lack of breakfast, so first she had to impose herself with the crowd and ask "Pardon me Miss, but do you have anything vegetarian? or, at least fish based? whatever comes to mind will be fine. I'm sure I 'could' digest meat if I had no choice, but i can't assume it would stay down with someone shouting about skin pizzas and the like." she did her best to sound friendly and diplomatic, but found it difficult not to be just a bit condescending when she mentioned 'the pizza remark'... Still, even if she couldn't find purchaseable food to eat, she could at least eat the grass!

She was not forgetting the explanation she had over-heard on her way into the gathering of strangers and quickly found herself mumbling "Ugh... I should have known a few years of peace and quiet would just be a prequel to some bigger than average... crap, like this." She followed with a snort and much more open verbosity "If this 'viewer' wanted Entertainment, he should have stolen 'Discord' instead, he 'LOVES' putting on all kinds of ridiculous shows for entertainment... usually his own. then again, maybe he'd be 'afraid' to have Discord around, a self contained micro-verse might well shatter from 'him' getting pulled into it unwillingly. what entertainment would 'I' be? I got a castle and the first thing I did was turn half of it into a giant library. I'm not nearly entertaining enough to warrant this... I hope he's not expecting me to have another breakdown where I turn everyone into potted plants again."

Crap, she'd started yammering right into a tangent that could make her seem like a risky 'friend' to have. no, bad twilight, don't do that, you need friends to trust you not to accidentally warp them into all kinds inanimate objects! "Still, I suppose this would at least be a prime opportunity to study inter-universal... things, of all kinds... Still, at least it sounds like I'm not the only one who's used to some big supposedly immortal mastermind trying to mess with their life." That's it twilight! common ground! Foundation established... hopefully.


Big boss - Mahoru


Big boss... was honestly not surprise. After having body-slammed several thousand people hard enough to result in unconciousness, it was hardly a shock that the kid seemed to have been stunned by it, though he hadn't planned to hurt anyone so suddenly, and he certainly wasn't going to just leave him laying there in the dirt... Afterall, this wasn't a war zone, yet, there was no reason to be cruel.

So he crouched down and hefted Delsin up over one of his shoulders in a classic fireman's carry, then turned to check the state of things with that group once more... only to find the majority seemingly catatonic in some way, and the rest flocking to some train cars that had a bunch of tables scattered about.

'well, that makes my next move easy...'

So he started on his way after them. The majority of them didn't seem to be armed, this was not a combat scenario, and he was confident in his ability to handle, or at least 'DOOOOOOODDDDGGGGEEEE', anything that might come his way suddenly, so there was no reason not to openly approach.

It was only a couple of steps out of cover that he got the sense of someone watching him and paused, then glanced over to see 'motorcycle girl/boy/kid' staring in his direction... To which he raised and eye-brow and answered a surely inevitable question while pointing at the kid over his shoulder "He surprised me and triggered my reflexes." Then as if it was the most normal thing in the world, he continued on his way to join the rest of the group.

Upon arrival at the out-skirts of the group, he picked a random seat an deposited the kid there, before leaving him to sit and moving himself closer so that he could eavesdrop while doing his best to 'politely' resist the urges to ensure nobody here knew where he was by vanishing around a corner and abusing stealth Camo to spy on them... otherwise he stood nice and quiet with his arms crossed, he didn't have much to say yet.

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