Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Garie - Yellow Flag

Glancing downwards, she noticed the blood for the first time. Presumably it wasn't from the man she had attacked before, so did that mean that it was her blood? A strange thought, and yet there it was nonetheless. Still, she supposed that there was no way to prove it, and so that gave her the chance to be a bit creative with her answer. Certainly the man she was talking to would never know that it had been from a fight before coming here.

She didn't shrug though, merely giving him the same look that she had thus far. It was all she needed to do really. "Some people don't know how to treat a lady," she answered smoothly, as if it answered all the questions in the world. Now she just had to decide how to go on from here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kohaku - Chao Bao Zi, Mahora

"Ufufu~ So that's what's going on, huh?"

Despite the usual temperament she showed, Kohaku wasn't dumb. Deep down, she was sneaky, conniving and cunning as a fox. Maybe it was because of this that she hadn't made herself known immediately, and had stayed hidden in the shadows behind the Chao Bao Zi. She was in a strange place, after all, and it would do well to learn a bit about what was going on before she made herself known.

"So it's all just some game then? Ufufu, I may as well have some fun whilst I'm here, then~" she said to herself, as the maid stepped out from her hiding place. "Ah, it'll be nice to have someone cook for a change~" Heading towards the stall with broom in hand, she was about to place an order for the house special when...

"...Aaaaaaah!" A piercing scream issued from the maid when she saw it. It just seemed... Unnatural to her! And it reminded her far too much of those horrible little cat things, too. Sure, it looked like a small, purple horse, but... Something about it just freaked her out. "Wh-what is this unnatural thing!? You're in league with that Neko-Arc abomination aren't you!?" Holding her broom out in defence, she tried to stare down the pastel unicorn. It just... Things like that just creeped her out!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 16 min ago

The older man who emerged from the piece of cover Kino had heard the disruption from was carrying a boy. For a few moments Kino was silent as he explained that the boy had snuck up on him and initiated some rather aggressive reflexes. Her eyes traveled over his unconscious form. Certainly, it seemed as if that was the case. He was still breathing.

"Do you think he's telling the truth, Kino?" asked Hermes, curiously.

Kino shrugged her shoulders slightly. In truth, there was no real way for her to discern the motivations of another person. But there was also no reason to accuse the older man of lying. "There's no reason to think he isn't. Why would he come out if he was lying?"

"Don't they say feel me once, shame on you?" Hermes asked.

Kino let out a small sigh, and then smiled, placing her hand on Hermes' seat. This was hardly the first time the motorrad had said something like that.

"That's 'fool me once', Hermes," she corrected. Glancing towards the food stand, the scent of a meal was now drawing her attention quite a bit. As was the explanation she'd overheard. So this was... some kind of game by some sort of 'Viewer'? The small girl in boyish clothes didn't really know anything about something like that. Though inside she could feel a small amount of resentment for someone who would so deliberately pull her away from her travels for their own amusement. It was a selfish feeling, and yet she did not feel as if it was unwarranted. Still... there was food to eat. And insofar as Kino could tell, it was free.

Of course, that was when a maid appeared from the shadows seemingly from no-where. Given how utterly strange that this entire situation seemed to be, there was not much to be surprised about this in comparison with some of the other strange beings, like the living robots and the strange animals. What was somewhat surprising was the panic that the maid flew into on sighting the small pastel horse.

Kino supposed something like that might cause some panic given how strange it was... but out of everything else? Especially that masked man. The dark-haired girl was intending on keeping an eye on him. Still, she approached the maid calmly.

"As strange as it is," she began, "The talking pastel horse is harmless, I think. You don't need to worry about her."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Faust let out a sigh of relief as he finished placing the golden knights armor back on him, so he stood up and walked out the building his mind was running all around the place "That man was quite lucky, aside from a few bruises he has clean a bill of health" he thought then heard his stomach growl "Oh dear it seems that thanks my constant worrying of the well-fare of others, that i have neglected myself."

he let out a quick chuckle "I do wonder if they sell Zongzi?" he was then torn away from his musings thanks to a shrill scream, Faust who was startled quickly began looking around and saw a maid seemingly prepared to strike at the purple unicorn.
Faust then disappeared under a table cloth he pulled out from somewhere, and reappeared behind the maid then put a hand of her head, he looked down at her and said to her in his normal jovial voice "While i understand that all this might be frighting to all of us here" his tone then switched to a much more frustrated "But that does not excuse you to threat one of my possible patient, Are we clear?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago


Wario slammed his meaty fist into his plate, flipping his shrimp up into the air. His mouth opened wide as he swallowed the garlic-rich morsels and stood on his chair.


Wario's arms doubled in size as he flexed, muscles bulging through the layers of fat. With a wide grin, he made his proclomation.

"It doesn't matter if it's The Gold Diva, The Viewer, The Black Diamond, or Rudy the Clown! This'll be a perfect chance to rob that Viewer dork and the rest of the multiverse blind!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Twilight Sparkle - Chao Bao Zi - Mahoru


It was just so sudden!

At the sound of the scream Twilight fumbled to the side away from it... yes, fumbled. Her ears folded back, eyes wide, wings flared and flapped on instinct, but her legs tried to go in a different direction, leading to her sudden air-borne state being anything but stable. She nearly rolled over in mid-air before her brain caught up with her body and reigned things in, dropping to two legs on one side and flapping one wing to push herself back into a proper balance, followed momentarily by her legs more properly turning her to see the screaming girl... in a maid outfit? Wait, what was she shouting about?!

She found that she was suddenly less frightened herself, and more ticked off. She scowled at the girl and finally raised her voice "Hey! Who are you calling an 'Unnatural' 'thing'!? Do you have any idea how rude that is!?! I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am a 'she', not an 'it', and I happen to be perfectly 'natural' where I'm fro-KYAAAAH!!!!" Just as suddenly her eyes shot wide, her pupils shrunk, and she back-pedaled a few steps "By the depths of Tartarus! There's one here too!!"

She was, of course, referring to the giant man who had appeared behind the maid girl... No, not to him being a giant, or a strange man in a bag mask, but that he was just suddenly 'there'. Then something clicked, a possibility, a similarity to her home that she could grab onto, or rather, to someone 'from' home. "Pardon me Extra Large man, but do you happen to know 'Pinkie Pie'? Kinda, like me, but all pinks, poofy hair, no wings and horn, and she does the exact same kind of thing you just did... Disappearing and reappearing randomly, defying the laws of physics, reality, and any other natural forces you can imagine. She also pulls objects from random places... seriously, she hides a 'cannon' and an alligator in her mane!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Overlord - Roanpur

The Overlord had put something extra inside of that spell, killing people was something that he was moderately endowed upon from time to time. The flames were extra crispy, filled with anger and frustration from the previous interactions that he had been faced with, he shall watch these people burn as he puts his foot upon his groveling subjects. The Overlord shall be the next most evil thing to ever step upon this pitiful realm! He shall be the master of this universe! The flaming ball hit his target, he did not know if the lady had dodged his attack, and he had little interest any longer as the Overlord felt something... disturbing. The glowing eyes of pure evil, from the blackened and charred alleyway, switched his site upon the mysterious presence. The Overlord almost made a sound as his eyes met with the powerful being.

This feeling, he hasn't felt it in quite some time. He has faced countless beings, titanic spider queens, ginormous flaming salamanders, and even a self-proclaimed god fueled by the magic of thousands of magical beings. He has never even bated his eyes at one, he looks at them just as another obstacle in his way to becoming of the Overlord of the world. However, for once, this creature that he looked upon, he could feel just the tiniest sliver of intimidation by this overwhelming foe. The Overlord didn't show it, but he knew that he had to be careful around this man, it seemed that even the littlest of mistakes could end him.

With one crunching stomp, this figure walked vertically towards the two on the ground, such immense strength that even impressed the Overlord. The man continued to do this, and he seemed to acknowledge the only living beings left on the dirty floor of human degenerates. The Overlord raised his Apocalypoter to rest on his shoulder, the constant heated metal barfing out magical flames onto the ground. He raised his head towards him with narrowed eyes, attacking him wasn't an option in the beginning, interacting with this character was only mandatory, and making allies with this man would be possible, however, alliances between these types of characters never really last too long. The towering hunk of metal continued to look upon DIO, and merely gave a light nod to the fellow, recognizing the being for its impressive stature and power.

Krieg - Mahoru

Krieg wickedly smiled as his screaming had finally elicited a proper response from the crowd of strange people, even if it was the most foreign object inside this place. However, it seemed that this thing hadn't got his proper intention from his raving as the creature seemed to bring upon another bright smile towards the man. "Huh, that was some pure innocence right there, I don't think that it has ever seen something die... Best hope that the first death is a peaceful one." The voice was being sympathetic to Dizzy, it had been sometime since he had seen innocence in the world in Pandora. Even the little kids, they were some of the most deadliest of the bunch, and possibly one of the most craziest as they are born and raised inside the brutal world.

Krieg on the other hand, taking inspiration from Mr. Torgue, decided to humor the tiny sentient car with an awesome air guitar solo. Doing the proper moves, the Psycho ended his little music career with one more swipe of the imaginary chords, and Krieg hysterically laughing at the end. "Dude... That was actually pretty awesome, glad to see that some people are affecting you for the better."


"Heh, could only last for so long," Krieg looked away from Dizzy, his sights now for the food that he had ordered from the confusing cooking lady. The Psycho ran over towards the counter, greedily grabbing the wet paper bag, and raising his mask to only show his mouth, he started to devour the food that was given to him, bones and all. "Well... Guess I can't complain too much, I guess this is actual food."


Finishing the food, and chewing up the soggy bag as well, Krieg attention was quickly swished away as his mind was nothing better than a monkey that knows how to murder everything. It seemed to be someone that was new to this group, wasn't one of the first crater people to hit the ground, and this purple creature seemed to resemble Zer0 slightly, with the whole mask thing. As he continued to look at the creature perched upon the roof, he noticed that they were carrying a lamp post on their side, was it their weapon? There are a lot more crazy weapons that have been used inside of Pandora, but lamppost would be something new. Without another thought, Krieg ran over towards the nearest wall, in his sudden movement, his arms seemed to flail near the patrons of the to-go restaurant, one of them near the cap of a particular girl hiding something under her hat.

Krieg soon took out his buzz-axe once again, and slammed it into the wall of the building. The Psycho's body seemed to work in unison as his other hand gripped onto something, and his other arm swinging his buzz-axe to keep most of his body weight on one side. After a few more swings, and couple more painful grips, Krieg had made to the edge of the roof with someone particular in sight.

"Dang, I didn't think you'd go that far to meet somebody."

"I can't breathe!" screamed out the Psycho, as his two of his hands gripped upon the ledge, hurling himself to finally meet the ground once more, "This pleasure is agony!" And thus, the first interaction to the Grandmaster at Arms, Jax.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong, overjoyed to have a wonderful banana-based meal (bananas are an important part of every Kong's diet), immediately dug into the food with loud slurping noises (even managing to slurp the pancakes), shoveling food into his mouth with the utensils and picking up the bowl of soup and drinking rather loudly--

Wait, another dimension? Entertainment?!

Donkey Kong's eyes bugged out and he suddenly spewed banana soup to his right, where Wario was sitting. Donkey Kong slammed his fist into the table and growled. Nobody makes a fool of Donkey Kong! He was a gorilla, darn it! He was hero of the jungle, and not some circus animal! He was a sophisticated member of Kong society; why, he wore a TIE.

Donkey Kong retracted his fist and resolved to survive this "Viewer" fellow's little game. Then he would give him a wallop that could (figuratively) punch the moon out of the sky.


Dizzy laughed in giddy enjoyment as Krieg displayed his epic air-guitar shredding. She twirled about on her rear wheels. "That was brilliant!" she cheered, before crashing back down on her front wheels and doing backwards donuts. The little orange cement mixer screeched to a halt, spotting a motorcycle.

Dizzy came from a world where talking vehicles were commonplace, and overhearing the voice of the motorcycle (or, rather, motorrad), Dizzy skipped over to Hermes, shaking excitedly like a happy puppy. "I'm Dizzy!" she quipped happily, twirling on her rear wheels as she said her name. "What's your name?" she asked, falling back to the ground and grinning at Hermes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

For the second time in his life Ed was traveling though the place he called the Truth. Since opening that portal inside of Gluttony he hasn't seen Envy or Ling but he figured they were seeing something similar to what he was seeing. As he reached the end he braced for what ever hard surface laid in wait for him to land on.

In Crisis City a giant eye appears in the sky for a few seconds before disappearing into nothingness.

Ed falling from the sky started screaming as he noticed he was above the ground and falling towards it much to quickly to be to his liking. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Luckily for him a pile of trash in an alleyway broke most of his fall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago


The young Spiral Warrior stalked through the eclectic crowd, the Lazengann's mechanical footsteps giving him a thoroughly unsubtle presence. Lordgenome was not particularly threatened by this group, however, as none present seemed to be more dangerous than a few persons carrying small arms, which the Lazengann could readily endure. There seemed to be a gathering surrounding some sort of food stand, which he observed from afar. The stand's operator went on to regale her patrons on the details of this world and its apparent master.

At this point, Lordgenome could keep quiet no longer. "Do you expect me to believe any of that?" As he spoke, the Lazengann projected this voice to those around him. "Even if it is true, I refuse to bow to some unseen master. I am no man's entertainment."


The Black Rose was not exactly relieved, but at least satisfied that the armored man from earlier had found her. He least did not seem ready to attack her, and could potentially be appeased. In any case, he took immediate notice of the her aggressor, and called forth some sort of fiery attack to dispatch him. Marchesa was forced to duck out of the way of the attack to avoid being struck by it, herself, but the flames easily killed the man she had been fending off.

Another man appeared, clearly inhuman from what Marchesa could detect from his aura. He walked directly down a brick wall, apparently applauding them. Marchesa was put on edge. She didn't like this man, mostly for the strange aura he gave off. She gripped the knife in her hand more tightly, and began to back away as he stepped onto level ground. The armored man seemed unaggressive toward the golden man, which put the Black Rose even less at ease. She swallowed her pride and decided on the best course of action, having been confronted by these powerful beings.

Marchesa dropped to one knee before the Overlord, before speaking in her cool, calm voice, "You have my deepest gratitude for saving my life. In exchange I can only offer you my servitude. I am no warrior, though my skills as vizier may be of great use to you, my lord." She deliberately neglected to mention her skill in magic, as even in that moment she called to ambient mana of the area. The close proximity to water provided sufficient Blue mana, which would be helpful to ward away attacks or produce countermagic if this ploy failed. As she had realized long ago, influence was power, and even a subservient role exerted influence if the bond was a close one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Comrade Doge
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Comrade Doge Member

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jake Lawton - Yellow Flag

Hmm.., Jake was thinking what he could do but instead, "Well, since I'm not like that, I could wipe that blood on your shirt." Jake grabs an alcohol and pour it on a towel and then Jake rub the blood out from Autoscorer's shirt using the towel and then he puts the towel on his pocket and he puts the alcohol on his another pocket. "There, you know, my mom use to teach me this kind of things before a lot of events happen to me." Jake smiled a bit but seconds later, his smile was gone, thinking about his mother who got rape and kill by a Mexican bandit when he was a teenager but it happened many years ago, at least he move on on that horrible scene, fucking bandits, eh?@Flamelord
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Garie - Yellow Flag

While it was amusing at first, Garie rapidly tired of the chivalrous attitude, especially as the man seemed to embark on a trip down memory lane. Good for him, but it merely increased her desire to drag him off somewhere and rip all those memories away for herself. She didn't need the power, but it would be very satisfying nonetheless.

"Okay, watch it cowboy," she said at last, gaze narrowing to get her disapproval across. She wasn't some wilting flower after all, even if she wasn't a combat specced Autoscorer like Micha. Certainly she could handle herself here, from what she could determine of the memories she had gotten.

With that said, she turned slightly, letting her arm drop as she moved to a different pose, indicating her disinterest. "Is that all?" Really, for someone who wanted her to help him, he wasn't very good at being convincing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jax - Roanpur

Jax wasn't sure what to think of dynamite-chainsaw wielding warrior. He had seen weirder weapons, he had used a chicken's foot to fight for crying out loud- but he knew that this dynamite chainsaw was a new one on him. The Grandmaster rubbed his chin for a little bit and then he decided to check the warrior's physique.

Let's see, six-pack? Check. Well-toned arms? Check. Hmmm... Fetish Mask? That's a new one. He looks kinda like Urgot if Zaun had done a better job reanimating him. Jax looked up and down, he could see the psycho's eyes: about as crazy as the Loose Cannon herself. Tilting his head to the side, the Ionian kicked his lamppost upwards so that it rested upon his shoulder. A brush of wind blew past the two, swinging the braid's in Jax's long hair a bit to the side and making his vest rustle.

Then Jax's mask eyes lit up, he swung his lamppost around behind him. All of the sudden, the lamp on top of the post lit up. Flames began to pour out of the weirdly shaped staff as Jax spun it around in a brilliant, yet- graceful manner. Finally he finished this display by throwing his post upwards, as it came down Jax extended his index finger forward and without missing a beat- the post landed perfectly on his finger. It was now upright, flames still spilling out of the top creating a beautiful shade of crimson. Jax then extended his leg forward, catching the post once again, he lowered his leg and returned to the shoulder it had once sat on, the flames now disappearing.

Jax cleared his throat and said finally, "And just who are you s'posed to be? Some sort of carnival act? Tch. Alright, I know those crazy eyes. Y'know what I also know? I can guess that a crazy-eight like you is probably spoiling for a fight. But a man of my stature doesn't back down, even if you have possibly a better weapon than me." The Grandmaster then cracked his head, then his knuckles and finally his left leg. He sighed, limbering up felt so good.

Jax then swung his lamppost to his backside and once again stared intently at Krieg, what would his next move would be? Whatever it was Jax was sure that it would be most likely unpredictable. What would he do? Shout a profanity? Run around in circles? Somehow start showing the Grandmaster his buzz saw collection? The Grandmaster tightened his focus, as he and many other champions of the League knew- learning your opponent's pattern could lead to a steady and almost secured victory.

Still, as much as Jax was prepared. He still had some questions about what this psycho was capable of. If anything he could be like the Loose Cannon herself, he could outsmart him. In a moment Jax could face a brief moment of peril, but the Grandmaster never feared- for every fight and every mistake, was a lesson to learn. School was in session, and the Grandmaster of five years was attending. P.HD in asskicking, a bachelor in pain, a master in Grand, a bachelor in science, a doctorite in anatomy and finally: a minor in woman's studies.

Jax put his right hand in front of him, his eyes once again shined and without missing a beat said: "Bring it ON."

@Invisible Man
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Filia – Chinese Eatery

To Chao, Filia listened with rapt attention. At the moment, none of the ridiculous or frightening strangers surrounding her mattered anymore. Before her, veiled within this teasing waitress, lay the answers. Even the wafting aromas of delicious dishes, including the surprisingly-appetizing meal served to Wario, failed to distract her now. Hidden still beneath her hat on the back of her head, Samson listened with equal intensity. As they came, the words pricked at the two like pine nettles, but to avoid missing anything they avoided dwelling on individual statements. A few moments later, Chao finished, and Filia exhaled slowly, having not realized she'd been holding her breath.

She mulled over these new revelations in her head. The changing expressions present on Chao's face hadn't escaped Filia's notice, but even with those extra hints, the schoolgirl couldn't help but feel that something important remained unknown still. If a super-powerful being truly held control over this 'dimension', and the very City itself aligned itself against her, she and Samson would have to be very careful indeed. Luckily, there was no duo more powerful. “I guess we're up for it, then.”

A glance to her left confirmed both the presence of a serious-looking soldier man and some sort of squabble between the flying pony and a random red-haired maid. Having her fill of information for the time being for now, and not committed to satisfying her hunger with so much commotion around, she got to her feet. After saying to Kino, “Gonna go get some air,” and leaving her to speak to the maid, Filia turned her back on the Chinese place and headed back in the direction of the school. On the way, a lock of hair slithered out from her hat and speared straight through a large piece of chicken in Chun-Li's lo mein, and pulled it into an unseen maw.

Once out of sight of the main group, Filia became aware of a smacking sound behind her head. “Samson, did you take someone's food?”

”Sure I did. Did you see the thighs on the chick I swiped it from? She doesn't need any more meat.” Samson erupted suddenly from beneath the hat, hair flying in every direction like a cat stretching its limbs. One tendril of hair grabbed the hat and stuffed it into the parasite's mouth for safekeeping.

Filia crossed her arms indignantly. “Samson, that's so mean! She looked really strong, too.” Her train of thought derailed when a yelling noise greeted her from a nearby dumpster. Instinctively, her hair bunched up into long strands like tentacles, ready for action. “Uh, it's probably just another stranger. We should let him out, right?”

”Whatever, kid. We can't trust anything 'round here. Anyone could be this Viewer's toadie.” Quietly, the pair approached the container of trash. One strand of hair formed itself into a fist and knocked against the metal. “Hello? Anyone in there?”

DIO – Roanpur

An air of finality accompanied DIO as he stepped from the wall onto the ground. Six feet and five inches of power surveyed the Overlord and Marchesa, one after the other. The metal warrior, at least, appeared to acknowledge the vampire's presence, even betraying the ego he obviously held so dear to bestow upon DIO a nod of recognition. Seeing this made him smile. Here stood a creature that could be bent to his will, for if even the tiniest crack existed in a dam, sooner or later the water would begin to break through. Even if the Overlord would not permit himself to become DIO's subordinate, he would still doubtless be of use as a partner. Either way, if the Overlord proved himself worthy of respect, DIO would never betray him. Too often did those unbound by typical morals turn against one another in pursuit of their own goals, never imagining that honor among thieves might prove the most stalwart of all.

Meanwhile, the woman had, of course, survived. Furthermore, she'd prostrated herself and proclaimed her eagerness to serve...but not for DIO. Evidently, his aura had yet to intoxicate her, and she focused more upon the armored behemoth. Well, DIO couldn't fault her for that. At first glance, a blonde man in yellow with green hearts as his emblem did not appear quite so commanding as a hulking knight in steel, to a strong will at least. No matter. DIO could practically taste the tension coming off her. As she knelt, he simply strode, moving slowly but taking long steps, toward the better-preserved of the two corpses. Using his nails, the vampire nicked himself, and allowed some of his precious blood to drip onto the body. A moment passed before the carcass before him started to change. The flesh, already sagging and wan, regained its lost vitality. The wound that had been his undoing closed like a zipper. Before a moment had passed, the huge man opened his eyes and bared fanged teeth to the world. Effortlessly, DIO reached down and helped him to his feet, then turned toward Marchesa and the Overlord. One hand behind his head and the other resting on his collar, he said, ”It is wise, is it not, to take advantage of every life to the fullest? To flippantly waste strength, will, and ambition, is more tragic than a thousand deaths. You both strike me as exceedingly gifted, and no gift is to small to be useful to me. My followers are my treasure, but so too are the friendships I create. Tell me: what precisely do you know of this city? Of its layout, its intention, and those of the oh-so-grand Viewer who rules it? This knowledge would be only the first gift I might give you. Others -freedom from the shadow of death, respite from any wound, physical strength beyond compare, and above all the peace of mind that all mortals so desperately crave- await you. Though I wish for your servitude, I would be no less happy to call you two...my comrades.” he purred. Anyone, from most terribly gullible to most keenly acute, could sense the truth and conviction behind his words. Every promise he made, he meant utterly. Clearly, DIO desired absolute loyalty from those he worked with, and to do so would earn it however necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sir Screwloose
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Sir Screwloose

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fawful - Yellow Flag

Fawful spent some time mulling over the Russian woman's words. An extradimensional being taking people from different universes for their own amusement made perfect sense. He'd heard rumors of such things happening before, and truth be told, it's not far off from what he'd do with that kind of power... which raised an interesting point. Killing the viewer was a worthy goal, yes, but odds were about fifty-fifty that it'd actually send people back home, and there was another possibility that was so much more satisfying. Not for the first time, Fawful wondered how such large people could have such tiny ideas.

He'd be back later to look at her collected tech, and told her so before making his exit. There were other things he had to deal with first. He changed his cape into a grey hooded cloak to draw less attention to himself as he walked down the dangerous streets of Roanpur. It was fury-inducing to have to start from the bottom again when conquest was well within his grasp, but it was soothed by the thought of the potential prize involved, like the milk of power undoing the spiciness of the chili of inconvenience. First though, he needed a base, somewhere secure where he could work without possibility of interruption or discovery - and he had a hunch on where something like that might be found. Next he needed some minions, at the least some dumb muscle to do the heavy lifting. Third...


Fawful giggled to himself as he plotted and schemed, slipping easily into the shadows of Roanpur.

Wreck-Gar - Mahora

"Wait, donkeys are monkeys?" said Wreck-Gar, mildly confused by DK's introduction.

"I am Wreck-Gar the Autobot! I am a mecha from some Sentai team I haven't heard about? ...er, what's a sentai?" He was about to ask Nobuo more when something caught his eye.

Decepticons usually flew. Decepticons had a purple emblem. But - and this was the important part - not everything that flew and was purple is a decepticon. After that one kid's birthday party, he'd learned to ask first.
All Twilight Sparkle would know is that the big orange robot stared at her for a minute before suddenly asking, "Hello, flying purple thing; are you a Decepticon?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I am Wreck-Gar the Autobot! I am a mecha from some Sentai team I haven't heard about? ...er, what's a sentai?" He was about to ask Nobuo more when something caught his eye.

"W-w-what's a Sentaaaaai!?" Nobuo screamed out. He marched forward, ignoring the equine from the image boards. He went on a very lengthy rant about just what Sentai is, namely a team of color coded heroes who fight evil and pilot robots in a fast enough pace that'd rival Mankanshoku Mako. However, at the end of the day, it was just a long-winded rant that can otherwise be background noise in the city of Mahora.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And Thus The Game Begins

As the newcomers slowly acclimated themselves to their exotic settings, the great spiralling Tower that could be seen from any part of the City began to become active. The great bulk somehow began to vibrate, building in both noise and intensity as it spun- slowly at first before picking up speed in its revolution until its great momentum bore into the skyline and space itself to reveal a white void against the darker night sky, like a dimension was fractured to reveal a glimpse into a higher plane. From the contrasting expanse came a large screening of a figure, one that was rather... whimsicial. All that could be seen from his apperance was a humanoid shape, the rest of his body a literal blank space with a question mark floating where a face should be Peering down at the country sized City, the titanic image looked like a god with the entirety of all underneath under His purview.

"Welcome, my Players." A most genteel voice emanated from the skies, soft and yet booming at the same time, each word crystal clear. "As you have no doubt guessed, you all are here to play a Game in this City. And I am He who brought you here, the Viewer. I won't mince any words- you have been brought here only be entertainment. Pieces in a game, as simple as that. You just simply have to survive and reach Me to win, everything else you do in this City will be of your own volition and choices. I expect great things from you all...~" And abruptly as He appeared, the great silhouette blinked away, the sheer whiteness of the space he was previously occupying being swallowed up once more by te blackness of light. For a moment, all was quiet until sheer noise rang out from the City as the other inhabitants reacted to the mercurial appearance, shifting through the gamut of reactions and generally being turbulent and churning.


"..." Ranma gaped at the man shaped thing that appeared in the sky for a moment before his brows swiftly descended southwards to form an angry slant. "That jackass!" The pigtailed boy gritted his teeth as his ki flared for a bit, illuminating his form in blue tendrils of energy before calming down as he invoked the Soul of Ice, purging the rasher emotions forcibly to keep an even temper. "Hahn..." Putting down the saucer with a careful amount of gentleness, the martial artist attempted to refocus himself and be productive rather than become Ryoga and make a mess of things.

Naturally, his eyes came to rest on the nearby Chinese woman in blue with the eye-catching spiked bracelets considering she was sitting at the same table and had mentioned him. Deciding he should at least introduce himself to someone in the group before he gained a dumb nickname again (he had prior experiences with such), the crimson clad took the lead. "Heya, the name's Saotome Ranma." Naturally, Chun-Li gave him a good impression by being 1) a martial artist that knew her stuff judging by appearance, 2) rather levelheaded compared to the martial artist kooks back home, and 3) keeping an eye out on the psychopath that was making trouble earlier. "Guess this is our ragtag group, eh? Kinda fitting for someone like me." Making a joke at his own expense, the teen jerked a thumb to himself and gave a bit of a self-deprecating smile, wondering not for the first time how he kept on getting into situations like this.

Chao for her part looked a tad more serious than she generally did after the appearance of the Viewer's broadcast, her face set in an undefinable expression that bordered on frowning but not quite. "And it has started again..." Muttering this under her breath, she took a glance at the group before reverting back to her cheshire like grin once more. "In any case, if any of you'd like, there's quite a bit of empty rooms here in the campus since Mahora was sucked into the City during summer vacation." Taking out a tray that filled with various keys, the owner of the eatery gestured to the things. "Please feel free to pick up a key and requisition a dorm room since this'll be your home base for the moment. I can't in good conscious let you sleep out in the open." The Chinese girl said, being rather helpful simply because she wanted to be. "Tomorrow will be the first challenge, so I'd rather you all be comfortable and well rested before you tackle the day."


Looking out the window, the normally stoic Balalaika's face turned rather feral- like a wolf that was hungry and wanted to rip out its prey's throat. "You heard the Viewer. Be good gladiators and put on a good show." Waving a hand, the group of Russian mercenaries scattered about te bar grouped together about their leader and made their way out of the establishment with her in the lead. "Lots of blood will likely need spilling in the near future. We'll keep in touch, and I'll be asking for help in the future from you... fine people... " With that sarcastic drawl, the tall Hotel Moscow leader disappeared into a waiting limousine which soon drove off into the distance. Roanapur itself was now in a frenzied state that was half fearful and half greedy. Opportunities would no doubt appear very soon that would be full of either boons or perils like other such times when Players arrived in the City, where common sense and logic flew away due to the whims of a bored god.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ed groaned as his hand griped the top of the dumpster. "I could use a hand if you wouldn't mind."

-Out of the dumpster_

He started removing some of the gunk from his clothes as the Tower start to spin. Ed watching as what looked like The Truth gave a speech about him being apart of some game He turned back to the two strangers with a puzzled look on his face hoping they could help him out. "Who was that and where are we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GameGuruGG
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chun-Li, Mahora

It looked like the psycho had decided to leave in his own special way, so Chun-Li went back to lo mein. As she was eating her lo mein, something black and sharp stabbed through a large piece of chicken in it and took the piece of chicken away. Chun-Li glanced behind her and all she saw was a slightly pudgy schoolgirl leaving.

"Hey!" Chun-Li looked rather annoyed that someone stole some of her food when Chao was giving it for free. However, she went back to her meal, until the Viewer made his appearance. Chun-Li turned to face the Viewer rather peeved off at him especially, though she did not need techniques like Ranma to keep calm. The Viewer would not be dumb enough to leave himself open to attack. Once the message was done, Chun-Li returned to finish her meal when the pigtailed boy introduced himself as Saotome Ranma.

"My name is Chun-Li, Saotome-san" she said back to him attempting some politeness as she looked Ranma over. Judging from appearances, he was a Japanese martial artist who likely trained in China at some point given the outfit. He also doesn't care for social skills or didn't learn them given his ruder dialect. One might think the boy might be a ruffian, but so far, the only one he had beat up was someone who deserved it. Chun-Li's judgement was that Saotome Ranma was a rude martial artist with a good heart. She'd have to find a way to spar with him later and see how good a martial artist he really was.

"I wouldn't know, though I hope we can all get through this month together," Chun-Li replied as she glanced at the others and took one of the keys that Chao offered.

Juri, Roanapur

"Juri," she said to Clementine as she got her alcohol and drank it all. She really needed a drink after what she had just heard from the Russian woman. It was rum. Real pirate rum if the container it came out of was any indication. Juri looked at Clementine again, seeing if she had any obvious injuries. She didn't like seeing a child in such a state as Clementine was. It reminded her too much of what happened to her the night her parents were murdered.

"Kid, you okay?" Juri said as she pointed out the blood splotches on her outfit. "You look like the sole survivor of a street fight."

"You shouldn't be in here," Juri told Clementine, but then glanced at the exit again. "But then it isn't safe for a kid out there."

"Isn't safe with me, either," Juri smirked a bit and chuckled, looking at Clementine before frowning again. "Where are your parents?"

Juri really, really hoped the answer was not "dead" or "not in this City." That would really, really ruin Juri's day. It probably was that, unfortunately. As she pondered this, the Viewer decided to make his appearance. She was going to have her revenge for being brought here and interrupting her revenge against M. Bison. The Russian woman and her cronies left leaving Juri and Clementine alone with the drunks. Juli stood up and began heading out the door when one of the drunks attempted to grab her arm.

"Hey, bab-" With a single kick to the face, the drunk was out like a light. The rest of the people in the Yellow Flag decided then and there that Juri was not one to mess with.

"Kid, you coming?" Juri asked Clementine without turning around. "It's no longer safe here."

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