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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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The Kingdom of Anvegad
January 1836

Anvegad Military Academy
Classroom C

"What is the backbone of a army? Fighting spirit? Courage? Honor? Infantry? Artillery? Cavalry?" Questioned Professor Captain Palver Lynx to his audience in the spacious classroom. Rows upon rows of young officer cadets in front, veteran officers of the army in the upper seats alongside visitors from foreign lands and armies. How many generations of young officers sat in this hall, sat in these chairs?

"No. The basis of all warfare is logistics. Whether at war or at peace, in garrison or in the field of battle, logistics is the most essential factor in warfare that must be kept in mind from the lowest soldier to the highest general. I quote the words of Brigader Roland Tayber 'There is nothing more common than to find considerations of supply affecting the strategic lines of a campaign and a war', for he realized firsthand the difficulties of maintaining an army across distant lands and battlefields, and all too frequently won or lost battles solely on the basis of whether he had enough supplies to not only wage battle but follow up on his victories. A realization on the need to match war with the industry and support needed to run it.

This has become all the more important as gunpowder weapons are now the centerpiece of battle. Gunpowder is rarely available to be stolen, muskets and artillery cannot be made on the move, and the number of troops within a given area precludes any attempt to live off the land by foraging or pillage, thus placing high emphasis on having a stable and safe means of transport and supply of all necessities needed for soldiers on the march as well as replacement soldiers who too cannot be acquired off the land or on the march.

Let us refresh our memories on just how much goes into just a single battalion of fighting men with an attached artillery battery. Using Captain Talver's equation on approximating a standard thirty-day supply for a on-paper battalion, with the caveats-"

Glancing across his audience as his lecture ran from his mouth with practiced ease, Palver didn't have to read uniforms to know who was really taking these lessons to heart. The soldiers of Anvegad regardless of branch understood the weight of his words, for the necessities of supply, transport, and logistics had been hammered into the artillery-centric army since its conception as a formal military force. Soldiers and officers from foreign lands were of a more mixed opinion, and many did not disguise their disinterest or disbelief. Likely new transfers or invitees from cavalry troops that cared little about anything that couldn't be shot, ridden, or stabbed; or were so highborn they considered such "bean-counting" to be beneath them.

Yet this was how Anvegad fought war. Not just with great cannon and disciplined soldiers in grand bombardments, but with an ingrained and institutional understanding of what it took to maintain war centered around artillery and firearms. Math and figures alongside discipline and firepower. Industrial as well as military strength.

Some would learn today. More would have to learn in harder ways. Many would have to discover their own way of learning the importance of military logistics. "Finish the equation where you are, and complete it for homework due tomorrow. As you can see, even basic approximation calculations for thirty-day supply of a single battalion are a significant task, to the point where we have standing army units dedicated to nothing but matters of provisioning and supply. Therefore we strive to turn operational conditions into logistical advantages to reduce the weight of the shackle of logistics, such as ensuring artillery from a particular forge remain close together to ensure shared supply, and concentration of arms into Grand Batteries to reduce total amount of wagons and transit time of supply. Thus force concentration of heavy ordinance is not only martially ideal, it is far more preferable and sustainable logistically than parceling out troops along a broad front..."

* * * * * * *

A petition to the Military Board of Provisioning

Subject: New Model Canning


Honorable gentlemen of the Board of Provisioning, I would like to submit my product as a potential solution to the challenge proposed in the year 1832 on the matter of enhancing the nation's capabilities for preserving military rations for extended periods of time whilst remaining portable and edible.

Through various personal experiments, I have devised a improved means of preserving food within tin cans in place of standard jars and bottles which are more fragile and lengthy to manufacture and cook in. With the concepts and plans for industrial machinery I have devised, it would be possible to mass-produce canned food (primarily beef and bread with my current facilities and resources) for transit and safe consumption at later dates rather than the labor-intensive methods currently in existence to seal bottles, jars, and wax-sealed cans.

A factory built to specifications of my design and implementation would hold immense benefit towards feeding our troops or stockpiling reserves for future harsh winters. To prove my word, I am willing to submit several samples of canned food for testing and review to both military and research board at a time and date of your specification.

Attached to this letter is a more detailed summation of my methods and process I apply to patent and with the board's approval implement on as large a scale as possible for the satisfaction of soldiers and citizens alike.

Your most humble servant,
- Toran Halver

Anvegad War Tactics: ARTILLERY ASSAULT
Anvegad is considering methods of modernization, such as advanced canning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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The Empire of Zellon

January 1836

As the King finished reading his letter from Kingdom of Braiyusal he nodded and set it on the table. He then walked out onto the balcony overlooking the city from his mansion where he had been staying while waiting for the foreign dignitaries. His RedCoats as they were called by the continents ambassadors were marching in formation preparing to be sent away at a moment's notice. Then one of his Generals walked in and told him of how the Kingdom of Nehelenia colonial forces had been attacked and that they lost a first rate ship the king couldn't help but laugh. "This is why our command structure is the best in the world. Without the capability of our officers and their ability to take command of an situation they find themselves in." King Conrad said to General Julius Herful. "You are quite right your majesty. Now there is the matter of the Jarelian Independence Movement." The King nodded "Ah yes, but from what I heard the fighting was in favor of the King. Should that change they continued supply shipments should suffice. Now I must prepare for my guests. Though General begin assembling an expeditionary force should the need arise. Dismissed" The General Saluted then walked out. The King then returned to his gaze of the fleet and army.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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The Queendom of Amazonia

January 1836

Amazonian raid on the RNN Valhal

During the night raid on the RNN Valhal, the Amazons carved two words into the ship. While it is unclear whether or not the Nehelenian forces would be able to understand the meaning of this short message, to the Amazonians, the message clearly revealed their stance on the return of the RNN Victoria (or the Νίκη (Nike), as the Amazonians called it).

μολὼν λαβέ

Negotiations with Braiyusal

These 'New Worlders' seemed to be coming out from the woodwork recently. This time, it was 5 men that hailed from a strange land called Braiyusal. While these men seemed to downplay the true reason for their arrival on the Amazonian shores, it was nevertheless obvious. These Braiyusalians were the enemies of the Nehelenians, whom had recently come to the shores of Amazonia and demanded that the Νίκη be restored to them. Some form of proxy-warfare was definitely an ulterior motive for these Braiyusalians. Why fight the Nehelenians when you can have others do it for you?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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(JANUARY 1836-Ongoing)

The Jarelian Independence Movement had garnered some steam and received much needed supplies through the half frozen port of Kurdas two weeks after it's call for aid went out. Though clandestine, the supplies were much needed muskets and ammunition for the independence movement, though only enough to equip a full regiment. The supplies, as far as the Murelians could tell, were nondescript. Their makeup however was definitely high quality. King Hans Ludwick suspected the Dalatrians or Zukovians, but went no further than pacing in his own deluded thoughts.

The King himself received aid from abroad, Boletarian rifles, Nehalanians crates of bandages, ammunition and musket shot. The Zellonians sent foodstuffs from their southern coasts. Better equipped, the Blackcoats mobilized and went on a thorough rampage of the Murelian countryside, looting no less than a dozen villages and burning half the port city of Kurdas to the ground. Nehalanian and Skeptonian sailors watched the skies blacken with smoke from afar as they ensured that chaos didn't spill out into the bay. Even at miles out, the shot of musket and scream of women and children went from sun up to sundown on the 22nd of January.

Sensing that aid may not be coming, word reached the rest of the world that on the 24th of January, Heinrich von Luck was announced an Honorary General of the Jarelian Army of Independence by the Jarelian Nationalist Committee. Two days later he marched 4,500 Jarelians, about 300 of whom marched without a rifle at all, toward the city of Karantas, the provincial governorship of the Jarelian region. There, newly returned from the Anvegad Military Academy was Captain Hauthan Ronnstein of the 13th Blackcoats Regiment. The Battle Of Karantas (1836) was less a battle and more of a rout. The Jarelians marched under withering fire by a Blackcoats Regiment that had split in two to create a deadly crossfire. Within thirty minutes 1,200 Jarelians lay dead in the street, the rest fleeing on foot. Captain Ronnstein however had anticipated such a maneuver and ordered a company of cavalry quartered in the city to hunt them down. Less than 30 escaped alive.

Jarelian nationalist Heinrich von Luck was captured alive, and in newspapers across the Old World it was reported he would be hung for treason on the first day of Summer, in front of anyone who would attend in the capital city. Under supplied, the Jarelians never had a chance. The traditionalist monarchies of the world had spoken out and maintained the status quo. In a compelling address to the people however, Heinrich von Luck's wife Cynthia pleaded for the nations of the world to have sympathy for the Jarelian cause. She cited the destruction of Kurdas, not only a home of Jarelians but a home to many more millions that was ruthlessly destroyed by an oppressive government.

[The Jarelian Independence Movement has suffered a defeat by the Monarchists of the Second Kingdom of Murelia]
[The Crisis continues]

-- Do nothing (0 Action Points: The Jarelians claim to independence against the traditional powers is well deserved, but we simply cannot afford to send aid at this time)
-- We must aid the oppressed! (Choose 1-3 Action Points): We must send food, supplies and especially guns to ensure the Jarelian independence movement is successful. The Murelian King must not be allowed to oppress others.
-- We support the King (Choose 1-3 Action Points): The rightful king of the Second Kingdom of Murelia has Divine Right to rule and protect his people against those that would cause harm. The reactionaries must be put down and the revolution must be halted.

[GREAT POWERS SUBMIT MONTHLY ACTIONS and CRISIS OPTIONS to my PRIVATE MESSAGES. The 3 points you receive per month are the same for this crisis. So aiding the Crisis will also mean less actions to focus on yourself.

Whichever faction receives the most support after 3 Months will win the crisis.

(OOC NOTE: While this crisis is for the Great Powers, Regional Powers may chime in with their perspective as well, though their support would not be considered large enough to make a difference.)


The Grand Kingdom of Schulstein had indeed lost a civil war, ultimately resulting in the autonomous creation of the Duchy of Fulric. It was however a "war fought by broken men who made broken claims," said by the Grand King Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV. Refuting the forfeiture of those claims, he reinstated territorial claims on Fulric in 1804, attempting to reclaim them in 1807 and 1809, failing both times. With the institution of those claims, tensions between Fulric and Schulstein grew quickly. 1836 was no exception.

When the Skeptonian diplomat met in the Schulstein capital of Vernburg with a Fulric diplomat to boot, Grand King Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV was impressed. He had initially assumed that Skeptoni had seen the righteousness of Schulstein's claims and came to assert them. It wasn't to be so. On January 29th, the Skeptonian Treaty of Amalgamation was presented to the Grand King, who rejected it within minutes of reading it. He retorted with fiery rhetoric, spouting off that Skeptonian hegemony might extend to the seas but never to the land. The diplomats, as was customary, were allowed to stay but were not admitted to see the Grand King again.

Five days later on February 3rd, a Schulstein party reached Wrenclaw, the Boletarian capital. Among them was Grand King Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV himself, in regal and warmly attire. He requested an audience with the Boletarian monarch, King Alorik II immediately, citing both the fact he was summoned by the king earlier in the month and on his own behalf. He made no apology to his tardiness but got on right to the point, a diplomat producing the Skeptonian draft of the Treaty of Amalgamation and citing Skeptonian hegemony. "Where Fulric and Skeptoni have united because they are weak, Schulstein and Boletarian should ally because they are strong," Grand King Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV announced. Already with a strong friendship, Boletarian-Schulstein relations needed to solidify is Skeptonian influence was to be kept out of the central lands of the continent.

[Grand King Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV of the Grand Kingdom of Schulstein requests an Alliance with the Boletarian Commonwealth, citing Skeptonian hegemony in the region]


Harko, Capital of Kunenia, Kingdom of Kunenia

Queen Emily IV of the Kingdom of Kunenia received the message from King Zach Conrad of the Empire of Zellon, and although finding it odd, eventually requested that if he were interested in having dinner, that he come instead to the Kunenian island. Emily figured it a matter of politics, and intended not to be dismissive of the matter, but simply could not find the time to simply leave the island whenever another monarch wished to share a cup of tea.


Northern Nehalania

The Via Thennia had taken three years to build. It was the first completed railroad in the world. Comprising over six hundred and fifty miles of tracks, the railroad ran from the Nehalanian capital, to three separate cities and to the Thennian border, where an end track had been established. It was promised to the Thennian government when it's own modernization program began that it could be linked up to provide fast moving travel between the nations. Interestingly enough the Nehalanian Royal Military announced after a brief three week investigation that in times of war the railroad could be used for ferrying troops around the nation. Though moving mostly in a North-South route along the coast, more railway could be laid in the future to expedite the process.


Northern Serranthia

The Aegir Expedition took approximately a week and a half to arrive. 750 scientists, naturalists, botanists and meteorologists landed along what was to be called the Fenrir River, and with their guard of 100 Royal Skeptonian soldiers, moved quietly inland. They made much progress, though the terrain got incredibly tough and two of the expedition became incredibly ill and had to be escorted back to the ship. As much could be told, the thriving forest would provide an excellent source of lumber, and the natives seemed non-existent, though the commander of the Royal Skeptonian company that escorted them was skeptical, citing several times his advanced scouts had reported seeing movement in the foliage.

Besides lumber, several geologists with the group report that there is likely copper and tin within the mountain range off to the east, judging by it and the earth's makeup at the base of the mountains.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

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The Oslad Federation

Oslograde, Feburary 3rd, 1836

Upon word arriving in the capital of the massacre of the Jarelians in Murelia the Osladian Federation had to take a side. After many hours of furious debate from both the nobles supporting the status quo and the more liberal oriented calling for denunciation of the Murelians the King took a side...

"Gentlemen, in the early days of our Federation we too saw the ailments that now affect Murelia's southern landscape. We too fought revolts against Holsidanian nationalists that others in foreign lands would call genocide. Yet, our Federation was made stronger in those days of fire and sword. However, we did not burn cities or hunt down ethnic Holsidanians. Therefore, I must say that the actions committed in southern Murelia were barbaric and equal to the crimes the nationalists have committed in their road to this revolution.

Holy Saint Glavidius preached of the right to rule and of keeping the lands in their most natural state, but he also preached of mercy and aiding the oppressed and less privileged. Therefore, as my right as ruler of our fair Federation, I call for fellow Glavidians to cease their aid to the Murelian monarchy and call for a peaceful settlement to this crisis. There has been enough bloodshed and death on both sides within only a single month, if this continues any longer a civil war would tear Murelia apart and cause suffering to both native Murelians and the Jarelian people."

Many said that King Ulgrin had taken a cowardly route, not directly calling for support to either side but calling instead for a peaceful ending. However at the end of the debating the King's words gave relief to both the Jarelian and Murelian supporters within the Federation and kept both ends of the political arena from further anger. There was concern that the King's religious pleading, without support or counsel from any of the Patriarchs in Sarahek, would cause a rift within the Glavidian faith. This was especially true with the issue of many Glavidians following Saint Glavidius's words about divine right and the power of Kings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

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The Empire of Zellon

February 1836

As the King sat in his officer with his sons Zach And James. He read the note sent from the Queen. "Well this is interesting, the Queen doesn't want to come visit her old friend though I understand her reasoning. Leaving your own island can be difficult however I can't just leave either." James looked up and smiled "Father, I could go I'm old enough and if you give me a the ZRN Conrad and two second rate ships along with whatever you wanted to speak to her about I can do a swell job." Zach sat the paper down and nodded "That is what I was thinking as well. Prepare you thing and get some men loyal to you and before you set sail we shall talk." James nodded and walked off with his brother Zach following behind. A short time after his sons had left General Julius entered. He tossed down the press papers and sighed. "Am I too assume this is why I got two regiments of 2,000 men ready?" The King nodded softly "It's a shame what they did. But it provides us a unique opportunity. We can now send men in too enforce peace or at least keep the King's Men from slaughtering the innocent and barbarism." The King grabbed a note and handed it to the General. "You will take this personally to King Hans Ludick IV. Now have the men leave tomorrow and take 1st ZRN "Zellon's Pride", 1st ZRN "Imperial Glory" and 1st ZRN "Bloodhand" along with 4 2nd rate's and 6 third rates. The ships will help keep trade following and bring the regiments and supplies over. Listen we must figure out who supplied the revolutionary's their weapons so give the king my note and speak with Heinrich von Luck and get him to speak." The General nodded and head out. The king returned to his office and sat down writing down more messages for his administrative governors.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

January 30th – Off the Amazonian coast

Word of the raid on the RNN Valhal reached Admiral Gorthan at first light. To make the news worse, the official reaction by the Amazonian queen wasn't very positive. Quickly the captains of the fleet where summoned for an emergency meeting on board of the RNN Nehalenia. Also joining the meeting was Brigadier General Wilfried Armstrong of the Royal Nehalenian Marines and in command of the 5000 marines that traveled with the fleet.

When all men had taken their seats in the Admiral's quarter Gorthan started to speak. “Gentlemen, we've came here to conduct diplomacy but the Amazonians proved to be to underdeveloped to talk like civilized men. Not only they try to use our diplomats as bargain they have also attacked the RNN Valhal in the night. These actions demand from us a proper response. In retaliation we'll bombard and raid coastal towns and villages. We will also capture around 100 Amozonian young women to be sold of as slaves to the Sultans in the east of the old world. However we are all aware that our food stocks are running low. We'll have to sail back to Port Valhal in two days. Operations commence in two hours.

Two hours later the Nehalenian guns roared for the first time since arrival as RNN King George and RNN Yoton bombarded a coastal town explosive shells. The crew cheered as they saw the explosions in the distance. They cheered even louder when buildings crumbled and caught on fire. In conjunction with the coastal bombardment by the King George and Yoton 800 marines landed north of the river and advanced towards another coastal town. The town proved only lightly defended and was quickly overrun.

Colonel Anton Van den Berg of the Royal Marines was a cruel man and a true old world supremacist. He strongly believed that these new worlders where merely savages not even worth of being called humans. He quickly began to shout his orders. “Kill the men and line up all the women. We need to see if there is anything worth selling in this sorry lot.” Musket shot was heard as the Royal marines executed 93 villagers. One of the NCO's came running towards the colonel dragging a woman with him. “Sir, this bitch claims she's the village leader. Do we need to give her some special treatment?”

The colonel just smiled. “We'll let her live. Once we've finished our business here we release her and let her run back to the Queen bitch. Make her explain what happens when you resist against the Nehalenian crown.” The NCO tied up the woman and ordered some of the privates to stand guard. The marines continued to round up the villagers and eventually lined up around 80 women. A quick inspection determined that only 34 of them was quality stock for trade. The rest was either to old, to young or not healthy enough. “Alright men, load the trade goods into the boats and lock the rest up in one of the buildings and burn the village to the ground!” Ordered the colonel.

In a matter of hours the marines accomplished their mission and where back at sea. By the end of the day, the Nehalenian task force had raided 3 villages and bombarded several others. Furthermore they captured 76 Amazonian women to be sold off into slavery. With the food stocks getting lower the fleet started to sail back towards Port Valhal. In the end, the Nehalenian task force was unable to locate and retrieve the lost ship. The fleet would return to Port Valhal by mid February.

February – Ostara, Nehalenian captial

Black smoke filled the sky as the Steam Engine was fired up. Today on February the 1st the Nehalenians celebrated to completion of the Via Thennia railway. 650 miles of railway had been constructed in order to make the transportation of goods and people more efficient. There was a second reason for the Nehalenians to celebrate because today was the official launch day of two new second rate Ships of the line. The RNN Serrantia and RNN Conqueror had been completed by the end of January.

King George Therus III had been participating in the celebrations until one of his servants reminded him that he had an important cabinet meeting later today. He quickly got into his carriage and was driven towards the Royal palace. As he entered the meeting hall all of his ministers stood up. The king raised his hand as a sign that the ministers could sit down again. “ My apologies for the delay gentlemen. I lost track of time while witnessing the marvels of Nehalenian engineering. Today we are here to discuss the matter of the Jerralian Crisis.”

Herald Omen, minister of Foreign Affairs took the word. “Your excellency, the civil war still rages on . We do believe however that the Royalist faction is currently has the upper hand. Our agents reported that the Blackcoats have received a lot of foreign aid. I believe that with some more support the monarchy can achieve victory by the end of the month.”

Next to speak was Clive Rogers, minister of the interior. “I believe it is essential for our own internal stability that the Jerralian rebelion is crushed. A state run by the people so close to our own borders might have a negative influence on how our own population views the power of the monarchy. A victory by the rebels might inspire people within our own borders to demand more politicial influence or worse.”

The king once more spoke. “I thank you for you advice. I agree that we should continue to support the Monarchy in Murellia. We'll continue to supply arms, ammunition and other war supplies to the Black Coats.”

Donald Torrin, minister of economic affairs took the word. “There is currently no nation on the planet that can out produce the Nehalenian factories. Nowhere in the world you will find such great industries. Our metal foundries are the largest and most efficient. There is no nation that produces more iron and steel then us. No nation can produce cannons faster then us.. We will have no problems supplying the Blackcoats”

Conflict between Nehalenia and Amazonia is escalating
Nehalenia contiues to support the king of Murrelia
Nehalenian military focusses on outproducing its competition (Artillery Assault)
Nehalenia has launched two new second rate ships of the line
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shade
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Shade Unnecessary things are our only necessity

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Mikassian Tribes

The Great Hawks steely talons tore through its prey as an axe rips through cloth, piercing the soft hair covered skin, tender flesh and lean muscle. Narrow eyed it cawed, scooping up the limp hare in its unwavering grip, dipping into the wind it soared high.

The morning clouds were a deep blue and crimson red, the fiery sun had barely broken across the land. War Chief Chatan stood proudly upon the huge and ancient rock outcrop and looked over the vast sea of his war painted warriors, all gathered upon the legendary Three Spears field.

Hide painting of the Three Spears field and rock outcrop.

100,000 zealous men armed with spear and axe stood silently before him, lethal and loyal warriors of the Navajo tribe, their ebony skin nearly consumed by the shifting shadows of dawn. Until the Great Hawk sat upon his heavily tattooed outstretched arm, then the silence was broken. Spears were thrust skyward, war cries of deafening proportion screamed to the point of breaking and axes crashed upon hardened shield.

This mighty roar was ongoing for a few moments until Chatan rose his scarred hands, seeking silence, and it was given instantaneously. Not a single voice remained, no agitated shuffling or excited conversations would interrupt him as he addressed these Mikassian braves.

"The year of Hakan is almost upon us!" Pausing, he allowed his voice to carry to the furthest from him.

"Soon we will ride the dancing flames!" Chatans enthusiasm saw his arms shot into the air, in reply came an immense cheer.

"The desert settlers think themselves safe. Will we not show them their fault?" Met again with a heart filled wave of cheers and cries, Chatan let a lapse in his speech bring a lull in the noise.

Returning with a doubled ferocity, he exclaimed loudly and with such passion spittle was thrown form his mouth and his ink filled body writhed with energy.

"We shall strike as smoke does, silently and accompanied by burning flame! You will taste foe blood!"

With this the suns light erupted across the ground and its bright white struck the ebony mass before him, each warrior was rallied and inspired, Chatan saw it in their eyes. They struck their shield and slashed the air with their spears, the thirst for war had begun.

Once again Chatan hushed his empowered warriors with a speechless glance and the raising of his hand.

"Who are you!?" He demanded of them.

"MIKASI!" They replied in unison, their voices a force in itself.

As they replied they all began the war beat, cruelly slow and tactically paced. The stamping of tough feet and bashing of large shields shook the very ground beneath them, the deep humming behind every lip joined the melody. Slowly the sound began to rise in volume, occupying every corner of the mind until nothing else could be heard or thought of.

Just as quickly as it had started, the beat ended as the war painted warriors upon the Three Spears field rushed forward in a mock charge towards their War Chief - screaming fearlessly, crying out suddenly and shouting at the boundary of their ability.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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The Glorious Boletarian Commonwealth

February 1836

King Alorik II.
Wrenclaw, Capital of Boletaria. The Imperial Palace.

The Boletarian King had put aside any and all precedings so that he might discuss with Grand King Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV himself. The two now stood within one of the Palace's many parlours, each with a glass of Vitannian wine in their hands as they discussed the intricate workings of diplomacy. Nearby, a fire roared as attendees fueled more coal into the flames, the warm, orange ember-light forming a deep contrast against the cold white snow viewed outside of the nearby windows.
"The Imperium of Skeptoni outsteps it's place. It's gall truly knows no bounds to ask this of you." Alorik spoke as he set the so called Treaty of Amalgamation down onto a nearby table.
"You will have the Commonwealth's support, Marwick. In both, reclaiming the rightful sovereign land of Schulstein from the usurpers Duchy of Fulric and in whatever results afterwards. Let this mark the day an alliance was formed between the Boletarian Commonwealth and the Grand Kingdom of Schulstein... Now let us write up an accord."

[King Alorik II of the Boletarian Commonwealth accepts the Alliance with the Grand Kingdom of Schulstein]


General Kazimir Novacek
Southern border of Boletaria

Ridden hard for the last few days. The regiment of Royal Hussars, donned in their articulated plate which sprouted wooden frames carrying eagle, ostrich, swan or goose feathers from their backs and mounted on their horses, overlooked the rolling plains of the southern border of Boletaria ending at the woods marking the Boletarian-Fulric border. Nearby, a hastily erected camp, rows upon rows of tents, very much alive with activity stood. The Boletarian flag, a red cross with a white trim on a blue background stood over the camp, flapping in the wind.

The regiment, led by General Kazimir Novacek who sat atop his horse at the forefront silently reflected. It was late January when they had been given the order to ride south towards the border, a rather odd request in itself for what many considered the best cavalry regiment within the Commonwealth. However, to question the King was not wise and Kazimir had been assured this was all part of a greater scheme by the majesty himself. His orders were, carrying the royal seal which gave him unquestionable superiority over the common people, to remobalize the army of the southern regions, riding from town to town calling those fit to fight to the forward camp a few miles from the Fulric border. So far, all had gone to plan. The king's plan had to be worth of all of this trouble.

[The Boletarian Commonwealth adopts the Forced Conscription War tactic]

The Treaty of Alliance - Boletaria and Schulstein 1836

The Boletarian Commonwealth and the Grand Kingdom of Schulstein pledge the following:

- The Boletarian Commonwealth and Grand Kingdom of Schulstein agree to a Defensive Alliance. Promising military support and military access for the other during the event of a war caused by the aggression of a foreign nation, to allow in one another's defense against hostile or otherwise aggressive action.

- The Boletarian Commonwealth pledges to support the Grand Kingdom of Schulstein reclaim land lost to the Duchy of Fulric.

- The Boletarian Commonwealth and the Grand Kingdom of Schulstein agree to unrestricted trade between the two nations by land and sea.

- Either nation offers a place within it's capital for a government in exile of the other.

- In the event of annexation of the Duchy of Fulric by the Grand Kingdom of Schulstein, Boletarian soldiers can be stationed on the Skeptonian border.

[x]King Alorik II - The Boletarian Commonwealth
[ ]Grand King Marwick Ludwig Donitz IV - The Grand Kingdom of Schulstein



No statement regarding the Jarelian Independence Crisis and the plead by the Oslad Federation for all Glavidians to cease their aid to the Murelian monarchy has yet to be made by the Boletarian Commonwealth and it's King.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hockeystyle
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Imperium of Skeptoni
February 1836

Keiser Herald Skaneg.
Odinion, Capital of Skeptoni.

Herald had called an emergency meeting to discuss the relationship between Boletaria and Schulstein, it was called to discuss ways to decrease the opinion of the Commonwealth in the eyes of Schulstein. Herald looked at his council and then spoke "Our good friend the Grand King Marwick Ludwig has not only rejected our treaty but has gone to the commonwealth to most likely find support for his false claims, we are acting on the idea that King Alorik II will give Marwick said support. "
Herald cleared his throat and then said. "As you know Marwick is short tempered brat, we will try to use that against him. I have already set in motion for supposedly credible rumors coming from inside the commonwealth that the monarch and his nobles would rather have the Fulrics and Skeptonians have influence over Schulstein lands.This could cause a bit of a diplomatic crisis in our region but more chaos will only cause more confusion and could benefit our efforts." Herald had insisted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hockeystyle
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Imperium of Skeptoni
February 1836

Admiral Ethan Polly
Off The Coast of Murelia, Aboard the RSN Aegir.

Admiral Ethan Polly had gotten order that his Squadron was to return to Odinion for a quick resupply and then sail up the Aegir Channel and station themselves in waters to the west of Fulric. The Admiral relayed word to the the four other RSN ship commanders and they quickly left the Murelian coast and started on their journey up the Aegir Channel.


Abroad in Serranthia a Skeptonian Outpost named "Heraldson Outpost" had been successfully settled. The settlers report that the quality of life in the outpost was calm. Due to the seemingly lack of natives the settlers have been able to dedicate all their time to more important matters like caring for sick, gathering resources, and managing the new outpost. Herald Skaneg named General Andrew Thad as a temporary governor until a proper administrator is chosen.

General Adam Fogle
Skeptonian Training Grounds
General Adam Fogle was one of the best strategic minds Skeptoni had so it is no wonder the Keiser gave him the task of creating the new training program for the Skeptonian Military. Adam had decided that the best strategy given the current state of the Skeptonian Military would be artillery assault tactics. They matched up well against the smaller armies around the nation and still matched up well against the lower quality larger armies. The complete training of the Skeptoni army was set to take up the entire month and by March the Military will have adopted their new tactics.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Empire of Zellon

February 1836

As James got on his ship he waved good bye to his brother and sister and father. He'd take his small escort of loyal soldiers with him and began the journey. What he didn't know was that Zach was also going on a ride to the New world where he'd learn to lead soldier and the people by joining the current Viceroy of the Zellon Colony. After the affair of seeing his sons off and the General who was headed to the Peacekeeping mission. The king headed to his office and sent a note to Kaiser Herlad Skaneg.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hockeystyle
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hockeystyle
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Imperium of Skeptoni
February 1836

Treaty of Amalgamation
Diplomatic talks discussing this treaty have gone no where. The purpose of this treaty was to create less tension but it seems more has been created as of result. Keiser Herlad has decided to call of the treaty. Letters about the treaty being scrapped have been sent to all concerning parties.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shade
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Shade Unnecessary things are our only necessity

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Mikassian Tribes

Poyesiff chieftain Drugo sparred with his son upon the floating barge, both of them stepping this way and that so as not to fall in to the rushing water below them. They had been up since the first light, and both were weary from hour upon hour of combat practice.

Finally they agreed to take a break and return when the sun had retreated from over head.

Dropping his wooden axe onto the river side, Drugo hopped onto the grass with a slight leap, landing firmly in front of a panting messenger who had just rushed toward him. Catching his breath, the messenger informed Drugo that the sea barge that had been under construction was complete, and that the party was ready to disembark toward the off shore island, reportedly occupied by a foreign group.

Confirming the previously drawn out plans, Drugo allowed the messenger to continue on his way and collect the translator and emissary from the Chieftains hut.

Crossing the waters
While the War Chief Chatan is away skirmishing in the southern deserts, the three tribe leaders have more control over the nations functions. Drugo has had a sea barge constructed, a crude thing, but sufficient for the job. He intends to send an emissary along with 10 thousand arrow warriors, 20 long arms and 15 new blood berserkers to the island to organise a meeting, and perhaps a conversation between the two groups.

The military presence is of course there for protection only.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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The Kingdom of Anvegad
Feburary 1836

Inner Council Chambers

"Ministers, its time to consider the matter of nations." Intoned the Supreme Commander, inwardly grateful that the coal problems had finally been solved with the latest criminal draft in replacement of horribly inefficient child labor the incompetent mine owners had been found using (who were also drafted to work in their own mines now). It made this closed-doors session with the rest of the Inner Council much more tolerable, along with the absence of the King who had been invited to attend the opening of a new opera house. "With the latest reports on this new railroad of Nehalania, our King has made plainly clear we cannot permit Anvegad to fall behind. Especially after the recent report on military feasibility of the railroad. While his reasoning on the matter is best left for later discussion, he was rather spot-on on some of the larger implications of that rail.

"You can't propose we build a railroad of our own so quickly?" Sputtered the Minister of the Interior. The Minister of Coin also glared at the implication the Supreme Commander of the Armies was not-so-subtly pushing.

"We can, we must, and we will. And the assets to do so are closer than you think." The Commander stabbed a finger towards the map at the center of the table, and the ministers all leaned in to see exactly where he pointed. "Sordogne. Their factories and ironworks would be ideal for supporting our industries as they are less affected by winter than we are and have resources. I propose an outreach of renewed trade agreements revised for favorable transit of industrial goods between our two countries in the interest of......co-prosperity."

"Are you sure the King would approve of this measure, Supreme Commander? Afterall this is about increasing our dependence on foreign goods."

"Leave the King to me. This is no dependence, merely taking advantage of existing assets within our reach to shorten the time needed to achieve a goal, and he only cares about the Great Powers intentions. And this will certainly strengthen our position against them. Now for the hard part: getting our own industrialists to sign off on this, but that is your job isn't it Minister of Coin?"

* * * * * *

An Message to the Principality of Sordogne on the Matter of Trade and Co-Prosperity.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hockeystyle
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Imperium of Skeptoni
February 1836

Keiser Herlad Skaneg
Odinion, Capital of Skeptoni.

Herald stood in his room quietly and waited for his youngest daughter Kari to sit down in front of him before he spoke. Kari upon seeing his serious attitude was concerned. "Father is everything alright?" Kari had asked. "Yes my dear everything is fine." Herald paused for a moment and then continued what he had to say. "Kari I have decided it is time for you to marry, the groom I have chosen for you is Emperor Jakob of Tangaria but he doesn't know this yet." Kari was the poster child for being a proper lady and she had always dreamed of being swept off her feet by a powerful monarch and then riding into the sunset with him. Kari broke into a giant smile ran over to her father and hugged him. "I love you dad I promise I will help make the marriage work!" Kari shouted. Herald hugged her back "I know you will dear, I will write to Emperor Jakob now to discuss if this marriage could take place but for now you must wait. Even though we are quite friendly with the Tangarians alliances aren't forged in a day." Herald had told her. Kari was satisfied with what he had to say and left Herald's room and Herald was happy that she was happy about the marriage but Herald wasn't just doing this for her happiness. Herald had decided that he wanted to integrate the Tangarians into his own empire. If Herald could marry his royal Skeptonian daughter to a Emperor of Skeptonian descent then it would be easier to integrate the Tangarians.

Herald sat his ink pen down and was satisfied with what he had wrote. The first part of his plan was in motion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Braiyusal
February 1836

Amazonian Trade Continues

Though cautious at first the Braiyusalian marines eventually left the diplomat in Amazonia with good faith, to deliver the Queen’s message to King Rolfe. By the time news had reached him he was preparing his journey to Zellon. “These Amazonians play a dangerous game making demands.” He then paused for a second. “Fine, as long as he isn’t being used as a slave, I see no harm in leaving him their.” He began writing a letter immediately.

To the Majesty of the Queendom of Amazonia,
I fully accept the terms of your conditions, and would like to assure you that I meant no ill tone towards your people when writing my previous letter. Often trade between the natives of your land ends violently. Our next shipment will contain many weapons, and I hope that by the third we can come up with a suitable payment for dealing with your people.
King Rolfe of House Rolant

When the merchants finally arrived in Amazonia they saw the ashes left behind by cannon fire. The ports of the Amazonian people annihilated, and the dead littered the ground. They eventually headed in further to meet the queen and her people, with a personal recommendation, “Evacuate your coast for several miles, Nehelanian cannons as you can see, are quite deadly. We also came to check up on our ambassador, then we will be off once again.”

Colonial Expansion

The people of Braiyusal are not only merchants, but explorers. With this comes settlements in new lands and places. As of the beginning of the month a group of Braiyusalian explorers have landed in the northern peninsula on the New World’s mainland. Though the temperatures cold, the land was rich in coal and iron. A valuable resource for a such a small nation.

Two new Second Rates set sail

Two second rate ships set sail earlier this week in the beginning of February captained by, Captain Renfry and Robard, both graduated top of their class early last year, quickly rising to the ranks. Captain Renfry aptly named his ship BNV Isolde, after his late mother who died during childbirth. Captain Robard however in a somewhat controversial move named his the BNV Donald after the now retired senator. Though close friends with Sir Donald, some believe this is a move to spite the Braiyusalian Government and king. King Rolfe however refuses to rename the ship as it would ruin ceremonial tradition.

The Braiyusalian Elections

Many noblemen have already began running in the elections, however eight have stood out so far. The first was a man named Earl Symon, a relatively minor count in the southern half of Braiyusal, he has two Castle’s to his name and a few plots of farmland. The man has a strongly conservative background, though has had some liberal leanings from time to time. Next came Bishop Richemanus, the first ever religious man to ever try for senate. Technically he did legally own the land in name, whether the church agreed with this was a different story. Despite this he preaches letting the pope have a say in Braiyusalian affairs, and with many strongly religious Corthide followers he had a large amount of support. Sir Derric, Duke Addy, and Sir Jeremy, each shared similar political views, but had strong support throughout the nation. All three were largely conservative, and supported the king. The only difference was Sir Derric was slightly more isolationist compared the other two, often commenting on how they should remain neutral in all mainland Old World affairs. Count Radulf II was the man with the most liberal support. He wishes to reform the government as a whole, and will do anything to make sure of it. Governor Balin, a man with a small amount of territory in the colonial territory also had a strong run for government. He wished for more representation within the colonies, and more support expanding elsewhere into the world. His political views often leaned between conservative and slightly reactionary. Most notably though is his imperialistic views. Last was Lord Tibost, who owned a village near the coast, and a small amount of farmland. He cried out to return to the glory that once was Braiyusal before the reformation brought upon by King Rolfe. He often argued that at their current rate, the King would meet the same fate as his brother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Sanguine Empire

The envoy of Sinesia's royal court was a learned man on the cusp of his third decade in life. Tall, handsome, well-educated, and possessed of moderate wealth on account of his family's estate outside Amberport, Felin Dovan was an enviable man, with the opportunity to travel that so few, even of his station, could find.

The weather here felt like early autumn to him, and yet the Sinesians at court complained of the bitter cold. If this is cold to them, I could get used to living here, he thought.

But time was one privilege he did not have. His job could vaguely be summarized as 'schmoozing', and yet he never had a more difficult time with such a vague and seemingly easy task. King Quinn was a suspicious man, and Felin could not rely on his charms to sway him. Above all else, he had learned the king to be suspicious, cautious, and coldly logical. Facts and probabilities were his currency, and those coins were always weighed by his cynicism.

Nevertheless, Felin had managed to do well here. An air of tension permeated this court, for fear of foreign powers. Dalatrum, Skeptoni, Zellon, Nehelian, Tangarian, it seemed any one of those powers could become Sinesia's enemy overnight. A reassurance of safety and security was desperately needed in this climate. This made it all the easier to convince them that they needed a friend on the geopolitical stage that could be relied on, a bulwark they could fall back on to aid them should things get dark.

These thoughts whipped through Dovan's mind, aided by the buzz from half a glass of Sinesian Red. Come Spring, or perhaps the end of Spring, he was to propose the treaty. He had some months yet, but he needed to work quickly if he was to remove all doubt. The Imperial Court punished as generously as it rewarded.

"Mr. Dovan," came a woman's voice. She spoke to him in Sinesian, that sultry, sing-songy dialect. She was a girl of minor nobility, staying at the castle with her family. She leaned against their doorway, her breasts pushing against its frame, as if she were too tired to be bothered with standing upright.

"Please, Felin."

"Felin. Will you join us for supper?" she said with a coy smile, undoing a braid in her hair, letting her raven-coloured locks spill back.

"Only if there's desert," he said, reciprocating the gaze.

~ * ~

The Sino-Sanguine Mutual Defence Treaty of 1836

Understanding safety and security to be a nation's top priority, The Imperial Authority of the Sanguine Empire proposes to the sovereign of the Kingdom of Sinesia a pact of mutual defence, to entail these conditions:

* If one nation is attacked, the other shall declare war on its attacker, and do everything in its power to aid the defender.

* During times of conflict, the two nations will allow military access to each other's territories and facilities, until such a time that the conflict is resolved.

* The two nations will not negotiate a peace within the conflict separate from the other. Conditions of victory must be agreed upon by both nations. Conditions of surrender are exempt from this.

[X] Emperor Damian Gregory Amoury

[ ] King Quinn 'The Guard' of Sinesia

~ * ~

"He doesn't command the same respect as if father," said General Iletsky.

Captain Bancaster nodded. The General had a bad habit of involving himself in politics and court gossip.

"Damian," the General continued, as the Captain poured over papers in the office, "well, half of court thinks he's a charming rogue, and the other thinks he's an womanly dandy, a distrustful snake, a foolish cad. But his father, it didn't matter what you thought of his father. You obeyed him, or there would be consequences."

"Are all of these documents in order? You wish to begin these steps?" said Bancaster, holding up several papers.

"Hm? Oh, yes, do get to those. The details are unimportant, but our forces must be able to replenish themselves quickly, and a proper drafting system is needed to accomplish this. There was little quarrel with the nobility over this. A true shocker. Even my family members had little to say, and I'm sure you're aware of my Aunt's little spat with the Harebane's. That old, dingy hag, she's still going at her age, and living without help from anyone. Last I'd heard, she was having a trist with the Palace stable boy over. . ."

The General droned on, while Bancaster feigned interest with nods. The care he put into the workings of the military was the only concern that made sense to him. Its operation, and the safety of those that composed it, mattered more than anything.

He never quite learned the appeal behind stories of centennial doddards eloping with lowborn lads.

( (


* Improving relations with the Kingdom of Sinesia

* Proposing the Sino-Sanguine Mutual Defence Treaty of 1836

* Adopting the Forced Conscription military policy

) )
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Ostara, Nehalenian Capital

King George Therus III of Nehalenia had been staring out of the window of his royal palace as he overthought the current geo-political challenges Nehalenia was facing in this day and age. Nehalenia had been able to rapidly industrialize by the sheer wealth her colonial empire had generated. The wealth of the Nehalenian state had not gone unnoticed as other powers unrevealed their colonial ambition. The Zellons and Dalatrum had started to expand in The Western Sides and even a minor power like Baybrusal had managed to carve a piece of the delicious colonial pie. Word had reached the Nehalenian government that the Skeptonians had landed in Serranthia.

The king finely turned around and overlooked the large table where all his cabinet members had gathered. “We are all here to discuss the current state of world affairs. Not only does the old world become a more hostile place, also the new world sees more competition for influence and colonial holdings. Today we discuss how we can face up to the challenges the current age gives us.”

Justin Valor, minister of the navy was quick to take the word. “ We all know that the Zellon Empire and Skeptoni have build a larger naval force than us. Not only is their total ship numbers higher, their lack of overseas holdings allows them to fight more concentrated. We cannot allow to be just the 3th largest navy. We must heavily invest in our navy and make sure we always have the largest fleet!”

Donald Torrin, minister of economic development shook his head in disagreement. The navy already takes up a large chunck of the states resources. “We currently don't have the manpower nor the funds to build up a navy large enough to face off with everyone. Dreaming of total naval supremacy by one nation is a thing of the past. No nation can simply afford to operate dozens of first rate ships. We should look for cooperation with other nations rather than competition. That way we can avoid an expensive arms race while continue to expand our influence in the new world.”

Herald Owen, minister of foreign affairs nodded in agreement. “I do agree that it will be more fruitful to seek control over the seas in a multi-lateral approach. At times it is better to work together then to continue to be paranoid about your neighbors. In my opinion we should work to forming a coalition of new world exploring powers and divide the world into sphere of influence. Agree on who is allowed to colonize what territory and keep non coalition members out of the new world. Basically share the riches with a select group.

Richard Bonaparte, minister of the army took the word. “As minister of the army, I have to say that it would be impossible to colonize and control the entire new worlds. To divide the land among friends is always a better option then to have an untrustworthy neighbor that will invade your lands at the first sign of weakness.”

The minister of the navy once more took the word. “With who do you suggest we allighn our interest then? Kunenia? Thennia? Allying with such countries might only push our competition in the wrong way.

The king stood up and commanded the silence of his ministers. “I have to agree with mister Owen and Torrin. We no longer dominate the seas and are no longer the only colonial power. To seek cooperation with others will benefit us more than spending massive amount of funds on armaments because our neighbors do the same. We shall invite nations to a conference to see if we can allighn our mutual interests and support each other in their ambitions.”

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