Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DanialTP


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I have a question, what caused the world to be like this? Like was it a Nuclear War or something?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchy username
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This still going?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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I hinted at a zombie infection but because it's years after most of the infected have died off.

@Catchy username
Yes! Just lost Wifi connection over the weekend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Colony Sheet:

Woods, wooden fort constructed by the people of Lion's Den

Lion's Den

Lion's Den is ruled by a single dictator who controls everyone by having his soldiers oppressing everybody. Although the welfare of the people is very much considered in many decisions and the oppression is only to keep the peace.


Scavenging, Trading, and hunting

Thirty-Five people are in the military of the populous

A majority of the weapons are bows and arrows along with five hunting rifles. Their melee weapons consist of machetes and knives. The people with hunting rifles are typically put into sniper towers.

They do not have any electricity but they have tents for housing, they have plenty of medical equipment for wounded soldiers, and they also have several survival books so they can keep on going and solve most of the problems nature presents to them.

Transportation wise they have two off road buggies and a lot of it is with horses and donkeys.

Other supplies:
They have plenty of wood from cutting down trees and such. They have a small stock pile of gas which they had scavenged from a nearby town. They have five hunting rifles with two mags each, each mag has six bullets loaded into them. They also have various medical supplies after raiding a hospital. The Lion's Den also has an ample supply of furs and hides.

The people live as they would be if the apacolypse happens except they are not allowed to leave the compound for safety reasons. They are force to do a minimum work for four hours a day with breaks unless they are injured or sick. Those in the military work for seven hours a day and they must be able to be called upon when needed. If a riot happens then martial law is put into place for at least a week to a month.

History of you colony:
The colony of Lion's Den started two years after the outbreak started and at first it started with fifteen people. Their home used to be in a supermarket until they were forced out by a band of Raiders. That was when they moved north into the woods and set up a base camp. After that they began construction of the fort that they now live in. Things were peaceful and the rise of a man named Elijah Camacho came, he became the dictator and began leading since he joined with a group of thirty over seven months ago. They brought an end the band of Raiders shorly after and destroyed their encampment in a hospital, taking all the supplies they could.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchy username
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Catchy username

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Awesome! I'll start on a nation sheet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

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Approved! I like how in terms of weapons your colony doesn't have as much, but it has a lot more soldiers and its location is a lot more well hidden then the other colony's. That will make interactions interesting!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Yeah, I like having large yet 'weak' armies and having a rather hidden base. I plan is I am going to try to play as peacefully as possible so my soldiers can remain hunters so I can continue to gather food. I also plan on having civilians set up some sort of farm near any river they find. Also, thanks for accepting me :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klomster
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Klomster The man, the myth, the legend.

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After consideration i've decided not to join this RP.

Simply couldn't come up with a "nation" i wanted to play.

So thank you for your time, and i hope you guys have a good time :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Alright, thanks for considering though.

TO everyone else, activity is going to be a bit of a pain in the ass. Having issues at school, taking up a lot of time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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@Remipa Awesome

Don't worry about it man :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Comrade Doge
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Where is the map?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchy username
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Catchy username

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

School, St Louis

Quarantine Station Alpha (Formerly Thomas Jefferson Elementary, St Louis

Elected leader, followed by 3 elected representatives from both the police and civilians. Any decisions need to be supported by a majority vote. Leader can be replaced if all 6 representatives pass a vote of no confidence.

34 (19 police, 15 civilians (6 children)

Scavenging and a little trading.

19 police officers

Standard police equipment. Handguns (Glock 34 Gen4, Beretta M9), shotguns (Remington 870), riot armour, plus a few scavenged assault rifles (M4, AR-15). Civilians only equipped with handguns (Various makes and models).

Diesel generators supply important areas such as cafeteria, medical room etc. Solar panels provide power for living quarters, hot water, power to the main gate.

Police cruisers and a S.W.A.T armoured truck. Various assortment of civilian vehicles. All stored in the gym (Converted into motor pool/maintenance bay.

Other supplies:
Plenty of ammunition from scavenging raids on police station and abandoned military checkpoints nearby. Mainly 9mm and 5.56mm. Gas supplies used only for essential travel and to power generators. Gas siphoned from nearby vehicles and surrounding gas stations, plus what's left of the military supplies.

The police take up the aggressive roles of the camp. They patrol the perimeters, deal with hostiles and conduct scavenging missions. Occasionally they'll be accompanied by a specialist who needs a specific piece of equipment (Doctor, mechanic etc). Civilians maintain the camp, trade with any passers by, repair and maintain any damaged vehicles, educate and train the children and any newcomers. Everyone in the camp does whatever job they feel they are most suited to. Anyone who doesn't pull their weight and earn their keep is given a warning. Failure to change behaviour after said warning leads to exile from the group.

History of you colony:
Back when shit first hit the fan, the military and local law enforcement were ordered to set up a quarantine station in the school to process evacuated civilians. As the situation in the USA got worse, the military assisting the police left to protect what the government deemed to be essential targets. Eventually the people left in charge of the school, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of refugees that, decided that they could no longer cope. At this time, around 70 police officers were responsible for around between 300-1000 refugees being processed daily. They tried to radio for further assistance but it never arrived. Eventually they were forced to turn people away, sometimes using force on those that tried to climb the fences. Those that couldn't get inside set up camp outside the school perimeter. The dead, as relentless as ever, arrived at the school and slaughtered the camping refugees. Suicide rates in the school sky rocketed as they desperately tried to hold off the growing numbers of the dead. Many civilians, who previously arrived here for safety and security, now found themselves trying to escape their compound, only to join the ranks of the dead outside. Those that remained faced a power struggle amongst those inside. There were those that supported the decision to close the gates against those that were against it, and a bloody civil war raged inside. The numbers inside the camp plummeted and a truce was decided amongst the fighting parties. Thankfully, the gates held and most of the dead moved on deeper into the city, a welcome relief for those in the school. Those that remained are what's left of the camp today with a total of 90% of the schools population wiped out in the first few weeks of the outbreak. Eventually the group started to organise scavenging raids into the city for survivors and supplies, but all they could find was the supplies. The group aren't afraid to make tough decisions, and always put themselves before outsiders. Their experiences, what they have seen and done, have somewhat dehumanised them. This makes them unpredictable, therefore dangerous. The values that those in uniform used to stand for no longer apply to the officers in the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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@Comrade Doge

The map wasn't made yet because of not knowing what was needed in the map yet. Their is enough Colonies now that I can male a decent map with room for more later on if need be. I will be able to start working one up soon.

@Catchy username
Approved, was a little skeptical on the police officer population but thinking about a few things it seemed possible. Enter the sheet into the Character/Nation tab and I will make sure to add it to the map.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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I am hyped for the RP :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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I am so sorry for my lack of activity recently (Days, I know.). I am going to try and be more active now that school is... well I'm getting use to it, stressful as hell but use to it. I REFUSE TO LET THIS DIE!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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That's awesome mate, but I am unable to come onto the site much, school and work (Or attempts at work) Have been kicking my ass over the last few weeks. Don't have much to say other then that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Do you need help running the thread?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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It's not really just running this one, I haven't been able to do much on the site in weeks. This is my first time on in days. Just checking on messages really. If I am able to get back to you I will definitely need GMs, I have never hosted a Nation RP before (Or actually participated on one within the site).

Though coming back isn't going to be something easy, had to drop all my RPs. Though when I do come back, I plan on jump starting this once I get back into the swing of things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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Best wishes!
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