Alright, so I'm interested in this RP, if mildly apprehensive about joining. Before anything else, I'd say don't allow Saiyan characters, just in case somebody decides they want to start with SSj777 unlocked for a power increase that lets them annihilate planets just by being in their proximity... that's an extreme example, of course, but I assume you want to keep the actual power of the characters in this RP relatively low, and considering that a character with 0.0035% of a brand-new Super Saiyan's power (Frieza's 530,000 PL, compared to Goku's estimated 150,000,000) can casually destroy planets with presumably many times more mass than Earth in a single attack, it's safe to assume Saiyans are probably not needed or desirable.
Speaking of Frieza, I had an idea for a player race: Arcosians, a.k.a. that one race that fanon has pegged as Frieza's race. Obviously, Frieza and his close relatives would be mutants of absurd power compared to the average Arcosian; if you, the players and GM, would like me to go over my ideas for the Arcosian race in this RP, if indeed they would be allowed at all, just say so, and I'll write up what I had in mind tomorrow. Because it is really, really late for me at the time of writing this, and I don't want to mess it up by being sleep-deprived.
Like I said, just use Video game logic where Super Sayans aren't that big of a deal, or just inflate everyone else to be on par with a super sayan to keep it balanced or don't even bother with power levels in general, and instead deal with who is the most active in the topic instead. Even then, its a PvE RP instead of a PvP RP, so yeah...
I mean, power levels are complete BS anyway, and even the show points this out. I mean, what, 4 months of training and Frieza can be on nearly equal footing with Beerus? yeah I don't think so.
Just out of curiosity, how do you guys feel about the Saiyan Race being extinct? Yay? It gives the other races more screen time and prevents Zenkai abuse. Or, Nay? We want Saiyans and we promise not to abuse their racial traits?
Thoughts appreciated. Personally I think the roleplay is fine as is but I'm happy to hear input.
Eh... Even if we're moving beyond Canon at this point, I still think this is a bad idea. In DBZ, the non-Saiyan fighters became something of a joke due to the raw amounts of power Saiyans were able to bring about, and once Super Saiyans became a thing, right around the Cell arc, it was pretty much 'Saiyan or GTFO', no one w/o Saiyan blood or an equivalent transformation could fight the enemies that were showing up.
Now, I'm something of a fan of the Dragonball Online thing - where the Saiyans as a race are extinct, but the bloodline still exists within humanity, the only caveat being that it's extremely thinned out to the point where all humans can, with training, use ki efficiently, but only those with a high enough concentration of Saiyan blood could go Super Saiyan (though the term may very well be Super Human at that point.)
So, on the whole, no, no saiyans.
But I do remember reading this fanfic that took the ideas of Androids using Ki and went to a logical extreme. I don't remember it off the top of my head, but it had something to do with the fact that, because androids could use ki, it wasn't entirely based around *life* energy, and as such there was a way to create it with machines, and artificially increase fighters' power levels. How'd they do this?
But, it ended up allowing a pretty freakin' awesome fight between SS Goku and Krillin.
So, if we went down this route, I'd be more willing to let Saiyans in on the action, but I wouldn't want all of this right out of the gate. More like a series of escalating threats, before the Saiyan arrives and the heroes have to do something drastic to keep up. There'd have to be a risk though, but I'm rambling, so I'll stop here.
Well lets not forget that custom races are also allowed, and they could easily keep up with Sayans. Plus Majin/androids could also probably keep up pretty well. And the reason Sayans are so strong is because Toryiama is a horrible writer past Dragon Ball. Pretty sure we can all agree on that bit, otherwise it wouldn't just be Goku/Vageta, one of these characters only going for the kill steal and having 0 character development all over Z.
Or just get a vial of Beerus's blood and do stuff with that. He sleeps like a log so he wont notice a small needle covered in painkillers. You just need to bribe Whis, or get his blood, but meh.
And ofc Goku gets beat by a tiny laser beam when hes SSGSS, so... yeah.
Or just use nanobots/poison. Majin/Namekians/demons/custom race could prob survive that, but not sayans.
Or Magic. Babidi was easily the strongest char in the buu saga if he had any brains.
So what I can see here is a fairly even split on the issue, which is about what I expected. No doubt I could bring Saiyans and make it more balanced but the temptation to go all SS at inappropriate times would still be there. With this roleplay I felt it was time to pass on the torch to the other races and humans which is why the Saiyan extinction is in effect.
Now, I'm something of a fan of the Dragonball Online thing - where the Saiyans as a race are extinct, but the bloodline still exists within humanity, the only caveat being that it's extremely thinned out to the point where all humans can, with training, use ki efficiently, but only those with a high enough concentration of Saiyan blood could go Super Saiyan (though the term may very well be Super Human at that point.)
Yes, this is pretty much exactly what I had in mind. I played a little of Dragonball Online but never got very far cause of language barriers. Dragonball Xenoverse is essentially the child of that game but of course they had to include Saiyans as a playable custom race to make sure people played the game. XD
In any case I'm still thinking I'll stick to my original design of all the Saiyan blood only still being active in a small amount of the human population, which is as Saiyan as we're gonna get.
Alright, so I'm interested in this RP, if mildly apprehensive about joining. Before anything else, I'd say don't allow Saiyan characters, just in case somebody decides they want to start with SSj777 unlocked for a power increase that lets them annihilate planets just by being in their proximity... that's an extreme example, of course, but I assume you want to keep the actual power of the characters in this RP relatively low, and considering that a character with 0.0035% of a brand-new Super Saiyan's power (Frieza's 530,000 PL, compared to Goku's estimated 150,000,000) can casually destroy planets with presumably many times more mass than Earth in a single attack, it's safe to assume Saiyans are probably not needed or desirable.
Speaking of Frieza, I had an idea for a player race: Arcosians, a.k.a. that one race that fanon has pegged as Frieza's race. Obviously, Frieza and his close relatives would be mutants of absurd power compared to the average Arcosian; if you, the players and GM, would like me to go over my ideas for the Arcosian race in this RP, if indeed they would be allowed at all, just say so, and I'll write up what I had in mind tomorrow. Because it is really, really late for me at the time of writing this, and I don't want to mess it up by being sleep-deprived.
Arcosians, well can't hurt to say your peace. I used an Arcosian myself in a role play with quite a bit of success so I can see it being used, but we'll see.
Arcosians are not native fighters like the Saiyans were in canon, though those that do fight tend to be stronger on average on account of discipline and training. In fact, you're more likely to see an Arcosian running a market stand than in the middle of a battle - even despite the poor reputation that the galaxy-wide tyranny of Cold's family line has given the race as a whole, they have a tendency to be charming and charismatic by the standards of other races, with a reasonably high average intelligence to back this up and a very, very long natural lifespan allowing them to become very good at utilising both these traits to their advantage, and therefore make good sellers to the rest of the universe, this even reflecting in the Planet Trade Organisation's nature as, first and foremost, a company rather than a genocide machine. This further extends to their culture and society, which, whilst rather ascetic in nature due to the harsh conditions of their original homeworld, has a near-zero unemployment rate, and very low amounts of poverty, though as with any currency-based system, relatively few individuals tend to have more than the majority of the population at any given moment.
Interestingly enough, their original homeworld is one they have long since abandoned - their race was born orbiting a dying star that had been expanding for far too long for any one mortal to comprehend, leading to a need to adapt to an environment with little breathable atmosphere, extreme weather conditions, and comparatively greater rates of what we would call "tumors": the semi-keratinous and oddly-coloured biogems that many Arcosians possess are not naturally-occurring growths, despite their tendency to persist through generations in non-lethal forms, though the race as a whole has learned to accommodate for what were at first seen as horrific disfigurements in many of their members. In any case, if they had not acquired the technology to leave their home planet of Arcose when they did, a couple thousand years prior to the events of the Dragonball series, the race would almost certainly be extinct by now. As it is, they have for the most part survived, and integrated into the general galactic community, even finding a new, less hostile home planet for themselves and dubbing it New Arcose, though only a small proportion of the race actually resides upon the planet at any given time as of present. Incidentally, their evolution upon what would be considered a death world by most other races has led to them possessing quite frankly absurd levels of resilience - they suffer from long-term health conditions very rarely as an apparent response to cancer prevention, and whilst they may not be fully or even partially conscious in these cases, they can survive for fairly long periods of time after suffering injuries that would spell instant death for any other race up to and including severe brain damage, especially if they are trained in ki use, and can even "breath" in space for a certain period of time by absorbing the few particles that strike them into their bodies through their skin.
The true form of an Arcosian is something akin to that of Frieza or Cooler's fourth form - vaguely lizard-like, yet generally thin and unassuming even as their size increases with age, with box-shaped aural openings and bony white plates growing around their wrists, ankles, and occasionally their upper body and skull, whilst their visible skin is typically of a single solid colour akin to those present in human cultures, save where growing biogems have discoloured it, including an unfortunate tendency to grow directly beneath their eyes to the outward sides of apparently vestigial skin indentations that may have acted as tear ducts for their ancestors. However, at some point in their pre-history, their race evolved to possess the power of what is typically called Nightmare Transformation - the ability to grow and reshape a vaguely insectile biological "suit" around themselves, at first just for the sake of decoration and as a form of natural armour against both an enemy's attacks and their star's tumor-inflicting light, though later on with the capacity to surpress the sometimes overwhelming power their ancestors possessed to give them greater self-control, and in doing so to rapidly advance their civilisation's progress, though this capacity is rarely needed within most modern Arcosians beyond the deception of an opponent to hide their power, especially given the training their soldiers undergo; the form typically adopted as their "Diplomatic state" is officially in reference to that of the royal family in most cases, though any additional surpressive forms are based on the user's own preference. Interestingly enough, due to the biosuit's massive alterations to physical appearance, it is the case that an Arcosian within a biosuit is genetically speaking a completely different individual to their true form or even to other forms of the biosuit - whilst Arcosians can breed whilst wearing a biosuit (and, on an unrelated note, are in fact true hermaphrodites capable of producing children with themselves if so desired), the child may have completely different traits depending on the biosuit its parents were wearing, which has been useful in the past to increase the overall gene pool size. It has also been theorised that, with either near-perfect control over their true form's ki output or simply an overwhelmingly high power level, a well-trained Arcosian could adapt the power of Nightmare Transformation to, instead of growing a biosuit around themselves, modify their bodies directly to better channel ki, and thus to increase rather than surpress their power, though if there are any successful examples of this in the modern age, they have not been forthcoming in revealing themselves to Arcosian scientists.
With regard to Arcosian classification, members were originally divided by skin tone in the same manner as humans often are, with different naming schemes for different colours, though they typically possess extremely pale colourations evolved to reflect sunlight efficiently, with a very dark skin tone such as that of Cooler being the equivalent of an albino in human terms: prone to absorbing large amounts of radiation on Old Arcose, and therefore susceptible to a far higher risk of cancer or other health problems, though beyond the confines of their original planet this presents rather less of an issue. Beyond this general inclination toward heavy paleness, the tones that originally developed were somewhat based on the red, blue, and green colours of visible trichromatic light, plus a fourth colour registering as purplish to human eyes to account for a wavelength in the ultraviolet spectrum that Arcosians have evolved to perceive; "mixed race" Arcosians might have skin tones such as yellow, cyan, magenta, or even pure white in the case of extremely mixed ancestry such as that of Frieza's "clan", a.k.a. his family, though whilst wearing a biosuit it can be difficult to establish the Arcosian's true heritage, and doing so is irrelevant for breeding purposes anyway, as the skin tone of any given biosuit can be completely different to that of the Arcosian's true form even on a genetic level. The original royal family, a pair of blue-skinned Arcosians with names themed around ice, was genetically predisposed toward relatively high power compared to their fellows in the first place, and the entire family line has been very inclined toward further increasing this power regardless of other factors, resulting in sometimes-profligate inbreeding both with other family members and their own persons to try and achieve additional mutations toward greater power, and would-be heirs regularly being scorned in favour of their more powerful younger siblings, sometimes leading to backlash from those who lost out, the most infamous example of this being the space pirate Lord Chilled.
With the sudden loss of both King Cold and his two heirs within just a couple of years, many of Cold's retainers and even some of the stronger soldiers in the Arcosian army fought to claim control of the throne within the timeframe of Dragonball Z; it was ultimately acquired by a green-skinned lord named Pyre, who had the royal palace shipped to a planet orbiting a star turned unnaturally green by the experiments of a native race of another planet in the system, and dubbed himself the Green Sun King, retaining this title and position even whilst reports circulated about the supposed resurrection of Frieza himself. This state of affairs has lasted for quite a long period of time, to the point that Pyre has long since raised a child with another green-skinned Arcosian, naming the child Infer and dubbing him as his heir, the Green Sun Prince, but the rise of a group claiming planets previously purchased from the PTO is interfering with Pyre's rule over his people, in that said group is killing his people, intentionally or otherwise. Either way, he wants them stopped, and as it so happens, his son has yet to prove his true worth as a powerful ruler...
So, yes, I'd be playing as Infer in this game. If you have any further questions about the Arcosian race, my character, or whether certain modifications will be required for either of them, by all means ask.
Name: Baal Appearance: He is about six feet and four inches tall Age: 66 Race: demon Gender: male Personality: Baal is very vicious in combat and is not the kind of demon to politely ask for mercy, begging is their best option. Thanks to his infernal origin Baal has habit for doing violent things and loves the bloodshed of battle. He won't kill needlessly, but put him in a fight and he'll fight to kill and he will do it with incredible brutality. Baal has a very crude and black sense of humor, making light of things that many would not find funny. Despite his savage nature, he is loyal and will follow orders when given.
Baal is extremely tenacious and will not back down from a fight even if his opponent is stronger than him and he'll never give up until either goes down or his opponent. He also has a big temper and is easy to anger, which can cause him to make very rash and unwise decisions, but if he can keep his head cool then he is very skilled in reading opponents moves and has huge perceptive skills.
Bio: Born in the realm of demons, from the moment he could walk Baal life has been an almost unending conflict and a struggle to become the greatest demon warrior that ever lived. When he was five years old, Baal was made to fight with other young demons to see who the most potential in becoming the warrior elite. As he got older the tests and training became more tough and while he was nearing his teenage years Baal and his fellow warrior trainees were forced to survive out in wilderness of the realm where shadow beasts roamed that sought to devour demons.
Baal had to fight to survive and it was during this great trial that he learned to fight for survival and push himself to insane limits. It was mainly through sheer will that he survived the trials with only a handful of other trainees, which surprised some since he wasn't of noble birth. After the trials were finished Baal was made to the rank of warrior and his fame among the warriors started to grow. He also started honing in on his fighting style, developing one that fit him the most.
Eventually he was among the few demons that crossed into the earthly realm and despite the cultural fears that the humans had for them, Baal saw that this realm faced worthy threats that could give new challenges and chances to prove himself the strongest fighter that ever lived. With word of a new galactic crisis possibly arising, Baal is now prepared to take the battle to those he finds a proper challenge for his might.
Equipment: Baal has a battleaxe made up of demonic metal that is stronger than titanium and is able to efficiently channel his ki into for increasing its strnegth and power.
Aura Color: crimson red Preferred Fighting Style: He tries to be balanced in terms of fighting STYLE though his techniques tend to be more ki based. Baal has a very formidable defense with an excellent offense. Despite his size he is very fast on his feet and has an incredible reaction time. His methods of attack and defense are what helps at making a deadly fighter. For offense his strdeguy is to try and constantly barrage enemies with powerful attacks and giving them little time to defend. Basically he will try to pressure an opponent until they make a mistake and then exploit it and take them down. For defense Baal follows the strategy of blocking and then instantly counterattacking a foe. His physical attacks mainly involve punches, elbow strikes and slamming his opponents with his knees. He has also trained himself to try and find openings in his opponent's moves and counterattack. Signature Combat Techniques:
Hellbeam: Baal creates a beam if blood red energy that he fires out of his palms and has the destructive power to level mountains depending on how much ki he puts into the blast.
Demonic Force: He uses telekinesis to assault his enemies with extreme amounts of force and depending on how much power he puts behind it can be capable of leveling entire areas.
Demon Breath: He shoots out a torrent of flames out of his mouth. It capable of burning through metal depending on the amount power put into it.
Demon Double: Baal creates a shadowy clone of himself that can use ki techniques and is equal his strength. Creating the clone requires little energy, but the clone's power is tied to his ki reserves so when the clone takes a hit or uses energy then it is taken from Baal's own supply of ki. This means that while the clone adds more unpredictability and variety in offense, it can use up his ki more quickly, which is he only uses it when the need arises.
Devil Fists: He assaults his opponents with a barrage of powerful punches and his hands glow red with energy.
Bloodthirsty Axe: This technique has Baal bring down his energy charged axe down on his opponents and upon impact it creates a powerful explosion.
@BCTheEntity Fairy interesting idea and history of the Acrosian race. Essentially what it boils down to is their race has in effect lost their greatest warriors the Cold Family, meaning the remaining Acrosians are on a whole a lot less strong. After reading about the biosuits and everything we now know why Freiza was in fact, a 'princess' :P [Good Old Abridged]
I'll have to see the character for myself but as far as it goes the idea is sound and well thought out. Of course this character would not be part of the Earth group for obvious reasons at the start which does limit you quite a bit. Well we'll see.
@Weird Tales A minotaur that basically belches killer blood, if I was a human I wouldn't touch this guy with a ten foot-pole! Well the character is interesting I suppose but it seems like it doesn't fit the setting at all. From the skills alone it seems like this guy is quite powerful as well and while eventually that would not mean much for the start of a roleplay is a bit too much.
@IceHeart Well, to some extent, yes. The royal family of Arcose were, for all intents and purposes, the strongest beings in the universe at the time until Super Saiyans started showing up, given that Buu was in hibernation for more than a decade afterward and Beerus and Whis are only active for maybe a day or two every several years or even decades; however, that doesn't necessarily affect the Arcosian race in and of itself, since it seemed like the PTO did its own thing relative to most other Arcosians, whilst said Arcosians are mostly spread out across various planets in the rest of the galaxy with a fairly strong army stationed on their homeworld, and as stated in their description, the royals weren't typically praised by their people on account of their tyrannical actions toward everyone else giving the race as a whole a bad name. Also, they're hermaphroditic as stated, which means they're both "male" and "female" at once; or rather, they're neither male nor female, since their culture doesn't have any good reason to distinguish between the two states, and probably doesn't have a word for one's physical sex in their own language - a single possible physical sex means no sexual dimorphism, which means no reason to come up with a distinguishing word. In practice, they'd probably refer to one another in gender-oriented languages by male pronouns, i.e. he/him/his, as well as male-oriented titles like Lord, Prince, and King, the only vaguely gender-defined terms in their language being the very rough equivalents to "father" and "mother", with any given Arcosian's father and mother being their sire and bearer respectively (and the terminology being more akin to "siring parent" and "bearing parent" respectively to account for the single gender). Yes, an Arcosian can be a father and a mother at the same time to different children; yes, an Arcosian can be any given child's father and mother at the same time, though as discussed, this rarely happened outside of Frieza's clan to avoid inbreeding; and since I didn't discuss it before, the DNA contributed by the mother is that of their current form at the time of conception. I've got a possible system of conception and child growth in mind, but since discussing something like that may well be non-PG-13 and is also irrelevant to the topic of the game, I won't talk about it outside of PM requests.
Anyway, regarding the character in question, I was actually under the impression that all the PCs would start off either on or approaching the first planet of significance to the plot? I mean, if nothing else, maybe Infer could start off heading towards Earth to see if he can gather information from a relatively large source, if Earth actually has any possible relevant information for him that he couldn't get from a closer system than ours. I dunno, maybe it's somewhat common knowledge that Earth houses vaguely friendly demons, and he thinks one of them will have information about the situation from breaching into the physical universe at another location.
Anyway, regarding the character in question, I was actually under the impression that all the PCs would start off either on or approaching the first planet of significance to the plot? I mean, if nothing else, maybe Infer could start off heading towards Earth to see if he can gather information from a relatively large source, if Earth actually has any possible relevant information for him that he couldn't get from a closer system than ours. I dunno, maybe it's somewhat common knowledge that Earth houses vaguely friendly demons, and he thinks one of them will have information about the situation from breaching into the physical universe at another location.
You are right by that impression, which is indeed what will be happening. I was just pointing out that obviously your character would not be part of the Earth Group sent to investigate meaning there might be little player interaction with your character at first. Which is by no means a bad thing, just I know some people can't stand it if they are not constantly able to interact with another player so it was more like a warning if anything else. No need to take a joy ride towards Earth first.
BTW, its FREEZA, not FREIZA/FRIEZA, DBZ abridged points this translation error out. xD
As for the demon char, seems something out of diablo to me, and while Light doesn't care pretty much at all, I dunno if it would mesh well or not. I'll let you and Ice debate about it though.
Well I wanted to make a demon character and I thought that since there are two characters with some impressive abilities my character's techniques weren't that bad. Big bang attack is a very powerful attack and so is super kamehameha wave. My character wouldn't be too powerful sense his ki reserves are not that big.
Well I wanted to make a demon character and I thought that since there are two characters with some impressive abilities my character's techniques weren't that bad. Big bang attack is a very powerful attack and so is super kamehameha wave. My character wouldn't be too powerful sense his ki reserves are not that big.
I honestly think its more the personallity, it doesn't seem like it would mesh well in a team setting. Light has super regen and all that, but she can come off as an (Intelligent) airhead due to her lack of grasping consequences. Your character comes off as a "I'll stab ya in the back or chop ya up just because" sort of thing.
I honestly think its more the personallity, it doesn't seem like it would mesh well in a team setting. Light has super regen and all that, but she can come off as an (Intelligent) airhead due to her lack of grasping consequences. Your character comes off as a "I'll stab ya in the back or chop ya up just because" sort of thing.
I stated very clearly in his personality that he follows orders and he only goes all out against enemies that are trying to kill him. He's like Vegeta in personality.
The whole blood/gore attack was one of the major things that put me off about the character. The character concept seems more fit for something out of hell that really is not dragon ball's version of hell. Also the demon characters are not from the afterlife world but from the dimension only rarely explored in the original dragon ball with the gate, and mentioned with Dabura and Towa. Its not necessarily the powers (though I don't have a fondness for a 'gore' attack and think that should be changed regardless) or the personality, but the fact the character just seems so out of place. Maybe that's just my own view but it just doesn't click in my eye as a character belonging in the Dragon Ball Universe.
Might seem nitpicky but I can't let just anything get through. Feels like something from a different Universe being put into Dragon Ball or something.
The whole blood/gore attack was one of the major things that put me off about the character. The character concept seems more fit for something out of hell that really is not dragon ball's version of hell. Also the demon characters are not from the afterlife world but from the dimension only rarely explored in the original dragon ball with the gate, and mentioned with Dabura and Towa. Its not necessarily the powers (though I don't have a fondness for a 'gore' attack and think that should be changed regardless) or the personality, but the fact the character just seems so out of place. Maybe that's just my own view but it just doesn't click in my eye as a character belonging in the Dragon Ball Universe.
Might seem nitpicky but I can't let just anything get through. Feels like something from a different Universe being put into Dragon Ball or something.
Dabura looks very similiar to satan in his design. Also since demons aren't featured too much in dbz I needed to find a pic for my character and I wanted to bring a little more uniqueness when I was creating him.
If the blood technique doesn't work then I'll change it in the morning. I just like this character and for his backstory I planned to have him go through a tough adolescence with having to fight to prove himself
@IceHeart Alright, that's fine. He'll probably come across them on his own at some point, anyway. Maybe he insists to the people funding it that he goes on the expedition with them, or whatever.
Regarding Baal, I suppose the players need some reference for a demonic appearance, and most aren't as vaguely friendly as the very few we see in Dragonball. Then again, we see Frieza- oh wait, hold on...
BTW, its FREEZA, not FREIZA/FRIEZA, DBZ abridged points this translation error out. xD
Anyways, we see Frieza bleeding everywhere after what should have been two separate instances of a fatal wound in the uncut versions of DBZ, amongst various other presumably gruesome deaths. So maybe, like... pretend it's all drawn in the style of the anime? Blood is hardly the most impossibly gruesome thing in an art style like DBZ's, even when vomited from a bull demon's facehole.
I stated very clearly in his personality that he follows orders and he only goes all out against enemies that are trying to kill him. He's like Vegeta in personality.
Ok fair enough. But you can't deny that my description also follows Vegeta as well mate. xD.
If Ice has so much problem with the blood, just turn it into life essence or whatever, which isn't necessarily blood. Though heavy Blood isn't a staple of DBZ tbh, FMA def, DBZ, not so much.