Name: Cyclonus
Robot Form:
Alt Mode:
*Universe: Transformers (Specifically the IDW G1 Comics)
*Personality: Cyclonus is an ancient being, old and wise but also very conservative and traditional. The Cybertron he knew is long gone, and he harbours a deep resentment for the younger generation of Transformers who ruined it. A member of Nova Prime's original Ark crew that departed millions of years ago, he spent most of the intervening years as a ghoulish undead horror, which goes a long way to explain his dour, grim disposition. His old-timey take on the world makes him unknowable to a certain extent to his fellow Transformers and other people alike. He sees the world in a very different way, which allows him to come off as borderline villainous at times without actually necessarily being wrong, just very, very different.
*Powers/Skills: Like all Transformers, Cyclonus can transform, with he transforming into an ancient cybertronian fighter jet. It comes equipped with 4 missiles launchers and 2 laser cannons.
*Brief Bio: Cyclonus was forged in Upper Tetrahex, home to the religious order of Clavis Aurea, and grew up as a very religious bot, memorizing the catechism of the Guiding Hand and worshiping in the shadow of the Metrotitans, before they departed with the Knights of Cybertron aboard. As lengthy wars broke out, Cyclonus came to be the favorite bodyguard of the warrior Galvatron, No Exit a position that earned him a spot in Nova Prime's inner circle when the wars ended. He joined Prime and others on a quest to Crystal City to find Titans, where they discovered Omega Supreme, who Cyclonus vocally hoped to learn more Cybertronian legend from.
Six million years ago, Cyclonus became a senior officer on the original Ark. When the crew discovered a mysterious spatial anomaly in the Benzuli Expanse, he scanned its energy readings and was reminded of an old legend of a "Dead Universe", an alternate reality of darkness and decay. Seeking to conquer this other reality, Nova Prime plunged the ship through the portal, trapping the crew in the Dead Universe. Turned into an undead creature who could only survive in the normal universe for a limited time, Cyclonus continued to serve Nova Prime, now calling himself Nemesis Prime. He had a fierce love of Cybertron and wanted to see it bring about an ordered universe, bringing structure to a chaotic universe. Ironically, he was absolutely mental, prone to unpredictable, violent actions; he tried to submerge this behind a fiction of being an ordered intellectual, and hoped ordering the universe might order him.
To learn more about Cyclonus, please visit the wiki.In a nutshell, he served Nemesis Prime until he died and then was 'brainwashed' by Galvatron to do his bidding. After some time, Cyclonus managed to finally attack him, angrily claiming that Galvatron had brainwashed him into serving him and that he had forced him to harm Cybertron, something that made Cyclonus furious. However, Galvatron was too powerful for Cyclonus to damage and he tossed him aside with ease. Genesis After Optimus Prime plunged the Matrix into Vector Sigma to defeat D-Void, Cyclonus was given a "new lease on life", losing his undead status, and was dragged to safety by Rodimus. Thereafter, he was imprisoned alongside the Decepticons despite his claims that he was not one of them, until their makeshift prison in Kimia's gun barrel was emptied and they were ordered to beat down a NAIL riot.
The day of the Lost Light's launch, Cyclonus took a farewell flight around the reborn Cybertron, reminiscing as he surveyed the untamed landscape. He was on his way to see Rodimus about something he was promised when he detected a life sign he took to be that of Scourge. It turned out instead to be the remains of Sweeps that Whirl had strung up inside an abandoned structure. Before Cyclonus could get an explanation as to what Whirl had been doing with them, the Autobot attacked him and blew the place up. The two engaged in an aerial chase, passing over the launching site of the Lost Light and accidentally clipping Rung's arm off in the process. Cyclonus finally landed and tried to reason with Whirl, stating that he made a mistake and he didn't care what the Autobot was engaged in. When Whirl called him a Decepticon, Cyclonus exasperatedly tried to point out that he had never been such, only to be tackled off a cliff. Whirl landed on top, with Cyclonus being knocked unconscious after absorbing the fall's impact, one of his helmet horns being broken off in the process. After the situation with Whirl had been unexpectedly defused, Cyclonus was left behind on Cybertron while the others were brought aboard the Lost Light for repairs.
Cyclonus awoke in time to see the Lost Light taking off. Not wanting to be left behind, he transformed, flew up and attached himself to the ship's hull just before it quantum jumped. Unfortunately, something went wrong, and Cyclonus was flung off the ship as it arrived in a different part of the galaxy.
This is when Cyclonus happened to land into this universe. He doesn't know how he got here, but he knows that he's in a completely different world. Knowing that the chance of getting back to his home universe was slim, he tries to make a living in this current universe alone, hoping to gain some companions and find a way back to HIS cybertron.
*Equipment: In robot form, Cyclonus carries a cybertronian katana in which he slices his enemies up with. He can also wield cybertronian blasters to blast things into oblivion.