Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chanda
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Chanda Just Barely Enough Effort

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Li'Kemnon

Race: Bangaa

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Li is a muscular Bangaa of average height with pale purple and white scales and sharp, reptilian features. His ears are of flat and medium length with two piercings. Despite his less civilized sea rat roots, Li carries himself with a proud and upright posture that makes him seem a bit taller than he really is. Despite his sharp teeth and a long tongue, Li's default expression is a toothy grin that looks almost a bit doofy and conveys a strange amount of warmth. His accent is particularly thick, and he's very heavy on the S's (even for a Bangaa).

Job: Soldier

Clothing/Armor: Li tends to keep his armor on the lighter side considering he's a sailor first and a soldier second, but he wears enough to keep himself safe while on the job. Aside from a spiked neck plate held in place by a leather harness, Li wears a pair of heavy cloth trousers with metal shin plates supported by an armored belt. Li's hands and forearms are protected by metal gauntlets with articulated fingers and sharp claws, although he prefers not to wear these when he's not in battle.

Weapons: Li's not a particularly experienced warrior and up to this point he's not yet felt the need to acquire a well crafted weapon or even take care of the one he has. Li's trusty blade is nothing more than a beat up old machete that hasn't had a proper sharpening for a good long while. Nevertheless, it gets the job done and it has yet to let Li down. It is sheathed at his waist, attached to his belt in a rudimentary scabbard that's no more than a few loops of old leather. Li's only other weapon is a small knife he keeps tucked in the fold of his armored belt, nestled in the small of his back. While it is only a simple fisherman's knife meant to gut fish and cut lines, it is still sharp and can be used in a pinch if Li is disarmed.

Inventory: Li is a simple country Bangaa and has few possessions to his name, most of which are kept in a small cloth satchel he slings across his back when he's not in battle.
  • Water Canteen (satchel)
  • Flask of cheap rum (satchel)
  • Map of Ivalice's western coast (satchel)
  • Wallet (kept in the fold of his belt, tucked in his waistband)
  • Bandages (satchel)
  • A length of fishing line (satchel)
  • A broach made of coral, received as a gift from his mother (satchel)

  • HP: A-
  • MP: E
  • Attack: C+**
  • Defense: B+
  • Magic: D-
  • Resist: C*
  • Speed: C**

~Rush~ (Tier 2, Physical)
In a sudden, visceral movement, the user dashes forward and delivers a lunging two handed overhead blow with all their might. The sudden unexpected burst of speed and strength will catch most opponents off guard if implemented at the right time. Even if the blocked, the blow is of such strength that it will often throw the opponent off balance and break their stance, and if it connects outright, it has a tendency to knock the opponent of their feet completely. However, the maneuver is tiring and becomes easier to dodge if it is predicted, meaning repeated use of the Rush is ill advised. Considering it is an unsubtle and inelegant maneuver, experienced swordsmen will find this technique telegraphed and unrefined, especially if the user's speed stat is relatively low.

~Vicious Bite~ (Passive, Tier 1)
Your character's strong jaw and sharp teeth allow them to inflict painful bite wounds on opponents in battle, and also lets them bite through wood, leather, thick rope, and some other solid objects with ease.

Personality: Li grew up an easy-going if unmotivated Bangaa with simple tastes and humble aspirations, but upon reaching young adulthood he developed a taste for adventure and exploration that made him into a much more outgoing person, but to a certain degree he's still something of a hapless country bumpkin to this day. Li grew up among entirely Bangaa in his small fishing town, and as such he is perhaps overly wary of the cultural variety of Ivalice and its many intricacies. He is in particular very suspicious of magicians, as he was brought up thinking magic was the work of monsters and dark spirits, a common belief among rural Bangaa (who are mostly warriors with little magical proficiency). He is fascinated by people with interesting stories despite his sheltered upbringing, and he currently endeavors to see if this clan business will help him create some legendary tales of his own. Li can be abrasive and blunt at times, as he has a rather plain way of articulating his thoughts, but he makes a genuine effort to treat others well if he thinks they deserve his kindness. He respects seasoned adventurers and strong warriors above all else.

Backstory: Li'Kemnon was born to a fisherman and his wife in the small fishing town of Gallowmere, located about a day's ride from the mouth of the Ulei River on the Western Coast of Ivalice. An unremarkable hamlet in its own right, one of the few reasons why anyone would pass through Gallowmere was to ride the ferry across the river, although the construction of a bridge half a day's ride further inland made the ferry nearly obsolete. Li grew up enjoying his simple life as a fisherman's son, and although his family was poor and he had very little, he was content with the idea of becoming a fisherman himself and living out a quiet life like his father before him. Sailing up and down the river and spending relaxing evenings fishing and drinking rum with his friends seemed to be enough for the young Bangaa. While he enjoyed stories of Bangaa heroes slaying monsters and going on adventures, he knew in his heart that he wasn't meant for that kind of life.

On one lazy afternoon on the river, Li ran into an old wayfarer who asked him for passage across the river. A wise and mysterious Nu Mou, the man immediately recognized Li's surname, claiming that he had once heard of Li's father, Bal'Kemnon, back during the golden age of clans in Ivalice. Apparently Li's father was more than just an old fisherman from a no-name river town; he was once the leader of a notorious pirate clan who sailed the seas looking for treasure and adventure, although back then he went by the name of Captain Bikke. Shocked that his father would keep such a secret from him, Li returned home that night with more questions than ever.

Reluctantly, Li's father shared his tale for the first time since he'd given up piracy. He was indeed the famous Captain Bikke, although he found his deeds to be far less glamorous than the old sailor tales made them out to be. He explained that he gave up his life sailing the seas because of a fateful voyage that cost many of his faithful crew members their lives. Bal had insisted that the crew set out to slay the mythical sea serpent, Leviathan, in order to bring great honor to the crew and have their names go down in history forever. Despite the reservations of his crew, they set out after Leviathan and attempted to defeat the beast. The attempt failed miserably, however, and nearly half of the crew died in the ensuing battle. After such a tragedy, brought on by his own hubris, Captain Bikke dissolved the crew and went into hiding, taking up residence in Gallowmere to live out the rest of his days in peace.

Rather than being disgusted or ashamed of his father, Li was strangely invigorated by his father's lamentations. He now knew that he had the blood of a true adventurer flowing through his veins, and he endeavored to create his own stories of adventure and renown to live up to his father's legacy. Against his father's wishes, Li left Gallowmere and sailed for the city of Cyril, leaving his home behind in search of glory and excitement. It was at this point that he realized he knew very little of Ivalice, as he had rarely dared to venture far from his home until now. At the advisement of another traveler he met on the road to Cyril, Li decided to form an adventuring clan to help him get off the ground. Whether these errant adventurers would be the motley crew that would help him put his name in the history books or simply be a handful of grunts he'd dump once they stopped being useful had yet to be seen.

Wallet: After the long journey to Cyril, Li's already paltry savings have dwindled down to 20 gil, all in silver coins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rogue Colm
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Rogue Colm The Silver Shadow

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Cici Verdin

Race: Viera

Age: Mid 30's in human years

Gender: Female

Appearance: Cici is an average height Viera well into her life with her hair more gray than white. Her eyes are like ocean water, a blueish green that sometimes seems to shimmer when she's excited. Her ears are a little shorter than most others', but that usually helps her fencing (with less top-weight).

Job: Fencer

Clothing/Armor: This is Cici's usual attire and armor. She uses regular clothing and cloth armor, only adding some leather pads over her chest and vital joints to assure maximum mobility.

Weapons: She uses the family sword that used to be mounted above the fireplace (in a sheathe). Her parents gave it to her before she left the house. It was prized by her father and plans to keep it well sharpened. Her father gave her the proper belt to hold the sword and its sheathe, which she has it properly attached. She also took a kitchen knife and tucked it in her boot, just in case. She figured she'd use it more often to cut up food, but it never hurts to have a backup.

Inventory: Cici has a bag clipped around her right leg with a few extra items:
  • Waterskin (filled)
  • "Gauze" and wrapping
  • Coin purse

  • HP:B
  • MP:D
  • Attack:B+
  • Defense:C+**
  • Magic:C
  • Resist:C-
  • Speed:A***


~Swallowtail~ (Tier 2, Physical)
The user attacks foes on all sides with a flurry of powerful slashes, making use of their excellent fencing footwork to rotate quickly without losing balance or getting dizzy. The flurry can be maintained for roughly five seconds or until the user dispatches all foes, whichever comes first. Useful for dealing with multiple opponents, but the exertion of attacking and moving so quickly and furiously will tire out the user and leave them vulnerable to counterattacks. The fatigue from this maneuver prevents it from being used repeatedly.

~Quickdraw~ (Tier 1, Passive)
Your character exceeds at quickly drawing and readying their weapon in battle, making it difficult to catch them off guard as long as they can see you. If a fight breaks out unexpectedly your character will almost always be the first one attacking or counterattacking due to their keen instincts and reflexes.

Personality: Cici is a quiet individual, lost in her own thoughts more often then not. She's a tactical thinker and prefers to eliminate small talk whenever possible, but might be just hiding her feelings under the surface of her overworking herself mentally. Nobody knows yet, because nobody has gotten to know her past her tacticious ways.

Backstory: Cici was born into an ex-Clan family. They had trouble finding work, since at the time, the military monopolized all fighting. Her father tried any legal activities he could fit himself into, but eventually succumbed to an assassin organization, only because it put food on the table. He changed his legal name so that he could disassociate his name from what he did at "work". Cici's family lived well, but not happy. Her father had to "work" during the night more often than not, and her mother worked tirelessly to find him a day job that he could do that paid anywhere near what he made on "the night shift", but to no avail.

A few years down the road, Cici's father fell ill, and the assassin group was a "work til you die" group, and demanded either her father or someone in his bloodline filled his space. Cici's mother wouldn't let Cici take her father's place, but sent for his brother instead. It wasn't the noblest of acts, but all her father cared for was Cici's safety. When clans started coming back up, her father urged her to join them and maybe someday remove the assassin organization, which probably turned itself into a guild, from this land. Cici promised to do anything she could and sends money home whenever she can.

Wallet: After just sending some money home, Cici has all of 10 gil.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Galen Urik Gallatine

Race: Hume

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: Due to the excessive amounts of magical energy Galen has dealt with throughout his lifetime and the sometimes decidedly risky nature of the sorcerous spells he trades for currency he has developed a mild case of mana poisoning which expresses itself as a discoloration at the tips of his hair, changing the usually obsidian locks to a silver or white. During the nighttime, depending on how much energy he has channeled during the day, this can also manifest as a soft red glow inside his skin making stealthy operations nearly impossible. This coloration is caused by excess mana being 'bled off'.

Job: Black Mage

Noble's Clothes - A complete set of finely crafted robes and clothing in an array of blues and grays of varying colors. This one fine garment has fallen into a state of disrepair, torn and tattered at the edges, another sign of this once proud noble's fall in social status.

Novus Grimoire - A standard spellbook carried by almost all magicians, it automatically fills itself with knowledge as the magical prowess of its owner increases. It exists to catalogue intricate rituals and spells for easy retrieval after they have been learned.

Roc Feather Wand - A small, lightweight spellcasting implement which is cheap and easy to come by. Usually wielded by first years at magical academies, due to Galen's poor financial condition he has resorted to using this most basic of catalysts.

Rusted Shamshir - A melee implement commonly used against unarmored foes. Small and lightweight, Galen has no knowledge of this once proud weapon's usage and therefore now employs it merely as a crude cutting tool.

Blood-Rite Ring - A band of cast silver capped by a brilliant stone. One of the few items Galen has managed to retain control of, it is typically given to magical professors as a symbol of status. The ring itself is non-magical and typically users enchant it to their specifications. Galen's ring currently has no enchantments.

Chest of the Djinn - An almost comically small chest which hangs around Galen's neck, another bare remainder of the sorcerer's now firmly depleted stash. It used to serve as a home for one of Galen's traveling companions: a mighty djinn. Now, having fallen on poor finances, this companion was bartered off at dear cost leaving the mystic container empty.

HP: D-
MP: A Attack: D+*
Defense: D+ Magic: A-
Resist: A+** Speed: C-**


Personality: Witty and highly manipulative, Galen's past posh indulgence has only strengthened his conviction to return to that vaunted status in society. At most times passive and of good humor, it is his secret plots and ruthless drive that one need truly be wary of.

Backstory: Raised in a summer home in Ambervale Galen grew up with the title 'Second Count of Urik'. This was the title he was to inherit upon the death of his father, the first count, though it was truly a title only. The land of 'Urik' was no more than a desolate portion of the Eluut stands granted to his father purely for the sake of ennobling him. Still, while his father had King Mewt's favor the family remained in prominence with the majority of the income derived directly from the royal treasury.

When Galen turned of age he was shipped off to a magically academy where it was thought that his admittedly lackluster potential for magic might be exploited for the purpose of finding a suitably useless but still lucrative job in the royal bureaucracy. To most of his family's delight he seemed to excel, albeit mostly through natural talent and not study, at the magical arts and upon his graduation was offered a position as an instructor at the academy as a holdover until a governmental position could be found.

This position remained unfound for some time, however, and as a result Galen continued to lounge at the academy, teaching classes and generally wasting away his days writing thesis' until the foreigner queen took up residence. As part of her reforms Matoya pushed his family out of favor and left them penniless; the shock of the incident put his father of his death bed and within a year Galen duly inherited his mocking title which the good queen had seen as literally too insignificant to care about revoking.

His family having been declared persona non-grata Galen was forced to leave the academy and wander the world, selling his services wherever possible while simultaneously searching for some method of employment which might return him to his previous social status.

Wallet: 5 silver, 25 copper
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chanda
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Chanda Just Barely Enough Effort

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Izaka Sazaka looks good so far. Nice touches of lore here and there on the wand and the chest locket necklace thing. Looking forward to the backstory. Not a huge fan of center align but don't let that stop you from making the formatting choices that you know are right for you deep down in your heart. LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU HAVE TO, MAN. You do you.

@Rogue Colm good job on the sheet, everything looks TIGHT AS FUCK, YO. Did you see my PM? You're actually able to have one more tier one ability from the list. Happy birthday!

Work on the OOC is coming along nicely. Hopefully it'll be up by the end of the week and we can get started on that JUICY IC action, you guys. Shit's gonna be SO CASH. Super pumped, you guys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Izaka Sazaka looks good so far. Nice touches of lore here and there on the wand and the chest locket necklace thing. Looking forward to the backstory. Not a huge fan of center align but don't let that stop you from making the formatting choices that you know are right for you deep down in your heart. LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU HAVE TO, MAN. You do you.


Edit: Just gonna make note of some physical traits under the appearance section, don't expect a super large amount of fluff there though. CS will be complete as soon as appearance section is up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chanda
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Chanda Just Barely Enough Effort

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I noticed a few typos in your backstory. Otherwise it all looks good to me.

Can't really take credit for coming up with Mystic Battery on my own; it's definitely co-opted from the Elder Scrolls series.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

We need more peeps to join~

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm a peep. A busy creeping peep but still a peep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm a peep. A busy creeping peep but still a peep.

Creeping is acceptable, but only for peeps like you.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chanda
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Chanda Just Barely Enough Effort

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

We have a nice amount of interest, I think. Still haven't heard back from @IceHeart or @Herald yet, but I know @Galgarion and @Card Captor are working on sheets right now. So far all the applications posted here look like they're people who are going to join Li's clan, but if you'd like your character to be a knight or a soldier in the army or a member of a different clan or a lone wolf mercenary type or just like a townsperson in Cyril, that's all well and good, and I'm capable of accommodating your choices outside of the central clan. That being said there's nothing wrong with being in the clan, and if everyone ends up wanting to be in the clan then we'll probably split up for missions so I don't have like potentially seven or eight people in the posting order for a particular questline or event, y'know? We would mix up the two teams depending on the mission and between missions or quests you'd all obviously be able to interact with each other, but it's something to consider.

Progress on the OOC is nearing completion, but I've been spending most of my time lately writing up ability lists for you guys so it's going a little slow. I have another question for you all, though. Let me know your input, but this isn't a time sensitive thing since we won't be starting the IC for a bit longer anyway so if you don't really care either way or your character is not starting in the clan then you don't gotta say shit if you don't want to.

For those of you who are going to be members of Li's clan, would you prefer to have a first meet-up sort of thing in a tavern where all the characters introduce themselves and Li goes over his plans for the clan and the clan rules and all that before assigning the first missions, or would you prefer to just skip over the introductions, assume that all the clan members have been briefly acquainted with each other and know the clan rules, and open the roleplay as they set out on the first mission (or first missions, if the clan is big enough to split the teams)?

I can see the merit in either option, personally, but because I'm all about making the people happy and we have the downtime right now, I might as well ask you guys what you'd prefer. So let me know! Okay cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rogue Colm
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Rogue Colm The Silver Shadow

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Chanda I like the idea of introducing ourselves, maybe even starting our post by accepting an invite to a "clan interest" thing, and we are the only ones who go? I dunno. Lots of ways to start this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm fine with either idea, my only objection against the introductions is that I'd prefer not to get bogged down early in the morass of introducing each character's particular proclivities (something that usually happens with introductions and takes a long time). Rather, I think starting straight off with the assumed knowledge that each character is a part of the clan and has a basic understanding of its rules means that we can get to the group building dynamic all that much quicker without focusing too much on each character individually.

Not sure if that made complete sense but tl;dr start with a mission and team building, character introductions can occur naturally as we play.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rogue Colm
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Rogue Colm The Silver Shadow

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Izaka Sazaka Fair point. We probably shouldn't get bogged down in "My name is _____ and I'm here cause ______." We can just assume we at least joined the clan (except for anyone who chooses to have not done so) and we can get to know each other in good ol' fashioned context. I'm kinda easily swayed by reasoning, if you can't tell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Izaka Sazaka Fair point. We probably shouldn't get bogged down in "My name is _____ and I'm here cause ______." We can just assume we at least joined the clan (except for anyone who chooses to have not done so) and we can get to know each other in good ol' fashioned context. I'm kinda easily swayed by reasoning, if you can't tell.

All part of the plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alright, here's my CS

Name: Chapel

Race: Hume

Age: 29

Gender: Male


Job: White Monk

As a White Monk, Chapel wears the bare minimum of armor. Wearing only padded clothing to protect himself

None. As a White Monk, he has forsaken tools of war. Instead choosing to use his own body

Inventory: Only his wallet and the clothes on his back

  • HP: C
  • MP: E
  • Attack: B*
  • Defense: C
  • Magic: C**
  • Resist: C+**
  • Speed: C


~Air Render~ (Tier 1, Physical)
The user punches forward with such force and speed that they generate a small wave of compressed air in front of them. The wave travels quickly, but has limited range and carries only the force of a strong punch. Hitting with the initial punch makes this a brutal combination attack, as the target feels the force of both the strong punch and is then carried back and damaged further by the ensuing air-wave.

~Chakra~ (Tier Two, Magical)
The user enters a meditative state, channeling the regenerative forces of the ether around them into their body. The user completes their meditation feeling rejuvenated, healing themselves of minor wounds and clearing themselves of status ailments. This technique is not advised for use in battle unless the user is actively being protected by an ally or has found a great hiding spot, as it requires total focus and leaves the meditator completely defenseless while they attempt to channel the energy.

~Voidspeaker~ (Passive, Tier 1)
Your character is in tune with their spiritual energies and is capable of communicating with ghosts, the undead, and other beings outside of the material plane. Most spirits will only linger momentarily after their bodies are slain, but if a spirit has reason to remain in the material plane, your character will detect their presence and be able to hear their words. Spirits that have left the material plane will need to be summoned by a spirit medium or a summoner.

Personality: Chapel is a good guy, and that's not just his broad moral affiliation, it's his entire character. He's compassionate, loves to help others, hate's to see people in pain, ect. Despite having a body trained to straight murder folks yo, he's a martial pacifist. So while he doesn't like to fight and prefers to solve problems with words, once he feels he has no choice but to fight, he will fight

Backstory: baby Chapel was found by a group of Monks, along with his dying mother. Before passing on, she entrusted her only child to them. The Monks took the baby back to their monastery, to raise him as one of them. Chapel spent his entire childhood and teenage years within the monastery, learning the Monk's ways. While fighting had always scared him, the other Monks assured him that it was a good thing; Because if he really disliked fighting that much, then it meant that he would never use his powers to abuse the weak.

Despite having a happy life at the monastery, Chapel always wondered what the outside world was like. He kept his dreams of exploring the lands beyond the monastery quiet though, to avoid offending the people who took him in and raised him, however they could easily tell what was on his mind. Now that he was an adult, the Monks thought it time for him to make his own place in the world, and sent him off. However, they made sure that he knew that he would always have a home there.

Wallet: 1 Silver, 1 Copper
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ares
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Ares The Warbound

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Is there any room, cause I'd love to join! I've been a big fan of Tactics for a very long time, I remember when I was a little kid I never understood how to play War of The Lions cause I kept dying. Speaking of which, are the classes from WoTL allowed, because I'm a total Chemist tree fan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chanda
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Chanda Just Barely Enough Effort

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As long as you're willing to actually start as a chemist with some pretty lackluster abilities, then sure. We voted to include only the base level jobs at character creation for balance reasons. If you want to be an Oracle or a Geomancer or whatever later that's doable, but you can promote to one of those classes later on in the story. But yeah we'd love to have you!

Been pretty busy this weekend but I should be able to get the OOC up within the next few days.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chanda
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Chanda Just Barely Enough Effort

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Still working on it. Nearly done. Don't you kids go anywhere!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Still working on it. Nearly done. Don't you kids go anywhere!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ares
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Ares The Warbound

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As long as you're willing to actually start as a chemist with some pretty lackluster abilities, then sure. We voted to include only the base level jobs at character creation for balance reasons. If you want to be an Oracle or a Geomancer or whatever later that's doable, but you can promote to one of those classes later on in the story. But yeah we'd love to have you!

Been pretty busy this weekend but I should be able to get the OOC up within the next few days.

I'll post my character sheet over in the ooc, after I send you my item specializations as a Chemist.
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